CC Resolution No. 6642 ~ RESOLUTION N0. 6642 A RESOLUTION OF THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF CUPERTINO ESTABLISHING SALARY FOR POSITION NOT WITHIN A SCHEDULE OF PAY GRADES WHEREAS, the City Council has considered salaries, wages or rates of pay for those officers and employees whose classes or positions are not sub3ect to being assigned to a pay grade within a schedule of pay grades; and WHEREAS, compensation changes for 1985-86 have been presented to and approved by City Council; NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED that attachment "A" is hereby made part of this resolution. PASSED AND ADOPTED at a regular meeting of the City Council of the City of Cupertino this 15th day of July, 1985 by the following vote: Vote Members of the City Couneil AYES: Gatto~ Plungy, Rogers, Sparks, Johnson NOES: None ABSENT: None ABSTAIN: None ATTEST: APPROVED: /s/Dorothy Cornelius /s/Phil N. Johnson CITY CLERK MAYOR C:[ly oF Ct.q~erti.l~e~ IWAhJAGEMEIVT CC1MPEh15ATIQhI F'I:OGRAM F'ql i~:y No, lu F'ERSONAI_TZFU COhIF'EIV5AT201V f;ecogriiziriy thP ir,div:tdi_ial preferenc~s and ~_~niqueness of each ~mNloyea~ cov~red 6y thA IHanayement Ci~mpen~~atiian F'rogram, it is t.he pollcy nf th~ I;it.y of C~..ipertino to ~rovide a certain sum pPr moni:h that may be applled to the credit of r~li.gible empl.oyraes in ti~e form ~nd m~:~nner prefer-red by each employe~. Thia program of ~:~earsonalizcd and fle::ib7e r_omp~nsatibn results irom the need to maintain parity ~aith the r_ompetitive labor market and to assure th~~i_ irrter-na1 pay relationshi.ps are not distortad between m~nayement emplr~yoes and employees har~ain:ing over conditions oi' empl~~~~ment, while recognizing the advantag~s of tailoriny compensati~n to the variety of individual circumstance, Far_h employc+~ clesiynated .~s classified mrnag~mPnt by the Arpointing Authority ~;ha11 rE+c~+ive payment ~r Aquivalent direct r_omnensati.on for services performad in the ~ami~i.int ~~f one hundr~d twenty-eight dallars (~12E~.ri~~) per month. llepartment Hcad<~ shall recF=lvN One Hundred 5evF=nty-F:(ve d~~ll.t~rs (~175.ii~i) pPr mi~ni-h ~nd i:he Ci ty Manayer ,Iial l• recel ve i5~ven':Aundred' Forty Do~lars. (~740.00) per• month. Th~= compensation sh~a11 ba provi.dnrl lh 'Llllri't -For'm ~nd manner- sel.ected by Nach employe~ which is con>istent with the ley~~l. r~=~traints plaxced i.~pon t_he f:ity, thc+ admini~trative limi.tatiuns uf the per-sonnrl proyram and the adrriini.strat:ive rules ~ncl quid~lines s~t fortl-~ by the City M~~nager to ~dminist~r thi~~ pollcy. The compens<ati.cin provided throuyh this ~olicy is not int~nded to substitute for- lh~ base monthly sal.ary provid~d by t.he pay planl "but as ~a ~;upplement~-~1 b~n~fit ccimprisi.ng a portlon of the total cnmpensatlon. It maiy b~ utillzed t~ ~upplemNnt cit:y cuntributi~ns toward grouh in~urance prem{um~~ or c~ther City `P~~~=~red bEnefit pl.ans, t~~ provide additlnn~~1 training or devel.opmerrk of principal benefit to the lndividu•al, or in such • ather c~mhinatiun~ of the foregoiny or nthei- v~-~rieti.~s of ~ r_ompen~ation, inr.luding dir~ct paymen~ af{:er withholdinys, as hest ser~es each rnan~gemc~nt employee's cirCUmstanr_e. All e~;~aeni~itures and t.ransa.ctions mar.le ~~i_ir~i_iant to thi~a pu:l.ir..y are si.~~_{ect tc~ the ~~rior approval of the L'ity hlanager or h:i , d~signated re~~res~~ntal_iv~. , ArlopL'ed by Ac1:i.un of tl-iN City roi_incil Se~~~tember~ 1.6~ 1974 ('ic~vi!~od Ju1y 1~ 19'77 F:c~vi sed Aug~.ist 1, 197C3 R~vi. ,c~d June, 19iEtp Ficrvisec7 Ji.i1y~ 1qF31 I;evised ~lu1y. 190'' 1=tevised Ji_~ly, 1;'84 ~ Revised July, 1985 -16-