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Ordinance 0933
AN . pRD1;NF1I''e~E fS~~' -THE CJ m,• ; aF CCY~r;FtT~.N,~J ;~ RL~P"W`sl.•IiVG_. :: 'i ~HA£~TE7s ~:0.~3 r.JF :TI7'I;~; c3 y ~UF~Fri4'X'~NO' MTJNS''I~AS, Cf)J.Jl~:~ ANC E~1AGT~NC ~ - NSW CY~p~PTER .;r" t' 8 ~:HEF~TO, ~"~2EGtJ~F~TxNG .~ Ai~1MA.t~~ l~.;tQI7 l~2?:S C;Gh'I5`,?~?s~. j : Z'HE t:1''I'Y CO'.JI~1r%7~ OF '1'HI.~"..C~'~'f' OF.~" f'f7PEf<TIN() JJE° r:~`.D?~~'id A~u FOT,~~tl~7S e i C:haPt;~r 8. d8 . of t-he l~~.pertin~ MUn3 c~_~dl Cody ~3 na,r~tnfcx~e ! amead~cl, is he~ek>y: rcp~c~aled. - { i A~. new , c:Kapt ~r. 8:0.8 ~s h.~red~y ~~4dder~ to ~"ead a~ fal l~v~s Chapter 8b8 ~ , E 1~iixMAY~,_ e+~Nl •_RA73'L;ES CQNTROL SE'Ci;lOhS i $:08.:010 Purpcase. .. 8.0 8 -02:0 ~~dopt;oz~ of t:he cc~u*aty . ordinance . 8.0 8 : ~ 30 kc3mi:rai ~r~tion e 8:.08d~~ Definitions. 8`:08^.05:0. Chapi.er not- ~:o -regul.a.te use a~ l~anc~: 8:08.06:0 ;Animals runningttt large, ~' $_.d~.070 OOndlt:lOnB ~ela~t:ed On1V t'.q~ SP.j.'LUx'E'fi c,f C1C;gS -'rursnirg at `large. 8.08:080 A.rima?:`:~tes; "-.Quarantine,; vola~~i.r.•n -and- examinataons. , ~ 8.0$: 09.U -piseased : or--viczovs a~aimals . 8:08:-: ].00 Dead animals : B:08;.114 Ania~lalW in city b~a32diiias. t3,.0f3-.12G ~luthrrity. o~ Aetminist.r~;,tar: aatci ~n~.mal coritroa. o~t~:c~r. 8..=;:08:1;0 Inspection by ~azimal`carit~x~ol :c~f£ic.~:r. ,` 8`:08•.140 'F~bu3irig dogs, eaLS r,r oth,;z a~om~st.c an..imal.s. 8,;.08.154 Pub7,ic. nuisance: - 8:..08,,16.0 Fees fs~x imp~~~ani~ing and-k.eepi.i~iq. 8;-08.170 :Redempt;ian of mpoundec', .~~nim.al~: 8, i) 8`:18.0 Dispos.,a:~:iun of i;n~~u~dec~. ainimal.s 8:('r81~0 Care of im~::~~~.nd~d ~z~imulr;. B:C~~:200 -Summary ~eazure` a:ricc p,;s.t•~-s~~:lzurre hE~~ring. 8.Ot3.21.Q Hea~irg print:' `.rci ariim,~l cie~~r?.vat:z.on. B.Oa:220 -:Impoundment-h ;:ring. 8:.08.,230. `Failures to appeal: impaundarrant. 8;; 0~3~ ?.40 Res•`raint of lags. 8::08..25(? Maximum numlaer: of dctg:;, C~~.t:s car 1zt r_esr5. 8~.08.2ti0 . License required.- 8.08.270: =I,icen.~e fees. ~~ ~: ~ Gr~~tinusd) ~• s Issvanoe, o` 8 ~~g.2.~0 ~,e~~-7 Yak • yid+~r~~@ p l~~ensey~ - . 300 ~ pf a ota xeo..uest• 8 • Q $' rtes©~:. ~f. I.cens , $°0.8°_310:, trot. an~ak:,~.lities• y 8,220 I~re~enta rasp $ :~ v'ecezi~axian E3 ,_08.,330._ ,l~.~xactiion •:=_ U,48.3:A0 tion Gert3fcaf:e~- . r' Regig~ta. , 8;A8.3.s0 1 tags. req~t~• Meta 8.pg,j~C 8 ;08.3'7q Cert~~?-xa4 gc,cm a aired, e~~ t• ; - .380. lication for. P , i-cs -an,ima~ f.a4ilides. g . 4 8 .... APP . , e rm?~t . $~U~• 390 ablating °' of 4a0 Gandz. ions renew~~]. , . 8:.08. ~Xpirat~.on and a .'0$.410 - ection• ~ ' oi: Ps~it• ermi~. 4,20. In~P nation vocaai~o~ of "P. 8.0 8 a Denial or. revo ~ , c. ~ x~, . ° or revocation. 8:08.430: .. frdr°. de.n~-al. animal. 440 ApQeal it after denial. 5.08; n~w.Pe~ gp~ dangaxous $;•pg-..450 -:~1o aired 8.08. A60 -~ Pe~~ finial Pex?n, erioa ang _fee', 8.08 X80 ` Peri111'c p do9s• $.48- 8al:e of .cats cr 8.08.490. ~,za~ion Iiiuriun - do or :"c~it . 8.08.500 ~~: - 8 fl8•510.. Iteturn ofof..Qele. ions• • 5.20. Location.- , pf P'=`wis . 8.08. il~-ty ~ to p~svent ~'~ gev~r~. ter is: -enacted 8.08.534 This, cha~P the pbasyb~l~,tY °~ pus' ose• ar~d "to .avos.d establish:. 8 , 0 8 , 01.0 _.,.~---- animal.a his, diRe.ase t` to mod. direct ~,_..~...----r~° arceon~ w a.tfi. uthoriZ~ his of rabLes :: inteot~a _ aiid, sprQa~ ...: a becoming- urP~QSC:~nforae the pxovis.ons o h~~„ b~=:ing achieve. this .. P to ulat~ons o. a~e~ci.es re9; . `x~~ri, aL° Fubli e C,itY , ..ovnci:l elf of The` Ca.tY ., the apQ or beh~- ont~o1 the ordinanc's • chapter e < ount ..~abies .c Ado ti:on o~ r .an mCo~ty ynan:^.e Code 8.0~_~t~1~-tions f ~ Clara Ord radoPt ag a Spnta., ended• does drtons of ~ ~`ntru7- as ~ = animal and ~:abies cl authoa:2e5 and. f~llowin~ P: The.-City to. Cou~- ~inistarea by re1~ating tg,. be m A~ninistz:a of this" chap Health and Count g • p 80 30 ublc any otiher the. prov~$~.ons Af p --'~..~,.r.at Di~ector_ atom or directs . C1a~a County A encY .A~i.nistx elf .the .Banta . a ement:. ~ .~ei~: bed , Klan ~ °i' in .this en~al to .act _ r uses Envixonm .authorizes ~ term.: Z~ergpn duly ~Cl~e woxds ari~less tl•~,F context DefinitiO-~-~ mcan~'ng 8 ~ 0~1: av~ a g~ sew ing chap. o~ creaturP° agmestic clew LY in.di~ates e~ ]eve vertEbxate ~, A,ni~na7.,~ :means,. any. P-• o t f ysh or `^'il~?' eXC~~ - - ~ - ~ - H." "Axtimal :control officer" means ai~y_ person- authorized to ttc~ on= behalf of the;: Coti~ty environmental P;~~n.~gement Agenicy ~iuininistrato.r in the en~'arcement. of this a~dirtarice ahd on beha~.f of the•: County health Off~~er=;-in the erifo~ccei~ten~ of sa)a~.Els aori~ral . laws. C. ".Anim~-3. ti!enac~erie"~.eans any;plaCe iatiE~ze dangerous axz*.mals are kept ors ma~.ntained Eor. any. ~~urpos~, • inolixdi.ng .placa~ :where. dangerous; animals are boarded; exhx.k~3:ted, ;tr~iiried br kept -for hire . D. "•Hnima]. sttclte`r°' means a_ facility operated b~• a public ~tirisc3i:'cton ~r by ari accreditec~,~tax exempt'hu!~tane org~:rtization fcir ~_kie gurFO~e . of impoursdYnq; harboring, -: se~l~.na, placn~t, oz d~strQyir~' eizea, stray;- distressed, homeless`; abandoned ~~r .' wvnwanted animals . E -:"Comm~rcia? --kennel" means any person pnga:ged i-n :th® - commercia].bgee~ing of ~.doga: or wats,. or_. both; for sale--individually or in-.ai~t~r lots; or - iit ahe boarding, 'training,: Sale or hixe of dogs _ and/or.- cats fen,. compensatioh, ?xcept "that ,~~.nimal hospitals maintained by .a veterinaxiaa ].c~nsed:_by the State of California as pai:t o~ .the practice of 'yeteri.naxy medicine, animal she:~~ers;'' or ~~riv~ate kennels sha3.1 •not 'be ~onsid.Fred coihmc~rci~~l kennels. F: °'Dangerous ariirtal'"_tti~ean3 any-wild,,~exotic or venomous animal,. or ether. animal ;which because of its, size, disposia:on or. other ~c;iarac;tezistic wOUld cOnstAtU,~.Q a danger. ±o persons ors property. G. °A~~ninistrator" means. tre: Administrator of the san~a Clara County Env'i ronmental Management Agency • or e!ny person ~` authorized os° designated -by the Adn~iin~.stxator. to act on his behalf. H -"-grooming parlor" means z~ny;= aamme.rc3fi.l.:place: v~rhere _ animals a=re : trimmed, bathed-::or groomed. I. - "Heath officex," meztns _thc As.rFctar of public Heal h or any person. z!utY~ori-.zed to=:act wn:hi~•'=beh"alf. J.: _: "Horse esaablshment,":.. tne::ns any .person keepin, t2i~.~es i 3) or more horses, donkeys:,:=mules -j.ac:k., hinny,-.jenny: burros, c~r.~ ponies;:- :r- any or all off- the .fohlo~-s,ng purposes : a) fox- h.~~e Lo- be rzddecx~ or driven; b)-: for .giving riding instruction; c~ for boarding:-with compcansaton. K "Owner" means:.any .p~raon .who .acknowledges ov~;nership of an animah`=or whc~ harbors -or 'keeps an anima]: tox fire (5) o: more conserstbe.days. L. "Person" means any individuals establishment, firm, association; organization; partner:!hip, tzus~, corporation or .company. M. "Pet shop" means-_a g~_rson -who obta%ns animals for sale, exchange, barter or"hire to the .general public as a principal or agent ;or on consignment, or who holds. himself out to be so engaged,. .. ~ .. /~ ~~ ~Y Y:y N. "Prvia`kennel" maa:ns a pe-rson ~r maintains within ox ~ ad joining his private. xesi Bence threQ (3) cir more, dogs=; ovex" -. - _ . ".four. (4) months of age, ax:. th~•ee- (~) _`or mote -cats over font .(~) months of age but. _no more tha:a `a combined~~ total of fivR (5} - - dogs' and cats , such- an~:inaZs t~~ be far:- that pc. r~on' s recre-at ~ona7. uss ; or Eor exhibition in con (urination : ~hov~s; field or 4bedi~rice: - - txiax:s -an3 where :t;ze sa1~- of offspring.~is =not the primacy fzi~cton of the kennel. The maintenance of mare than --.two (2) male dogs - nr-- eats usod -for breeding. pux~~oses.".for ~ahali compensation" is received, or tie .part,urtion ,car rearing of more than tw.A (2) , litters :of dogs or fiats. in an~r "rune, ealenaar year £rorn •t'tie fatal #aumb'er of females o~ned cir_tna:i.ntained bY. thatperson.ori- the:-;preinzses - sh~l1 be a rebuttable presumpi_ion that `such`"animals are; owned ' nr _ _.. - - iriaintained for the ~purpos.e of commercial breeding -.and, the gwner -and -i:he premises. shall be subject to the permit requirements: of -a:.._` comrrie i ci al kennel . _ 0. "QuarantinE":-means is;olation, of.: an _a.~imal in a` places: and ma~xn'er approve3 kiy -the health- .officer. - P. ".Vicious animal" -means any animal:, ..except a .dog ass~.stng _ a peace officer engaged in iaw enforcement .duties; which.demons.trates any or .all _of :the following be:hav~.or,- ,is rebuttably pra~,umed vicious . ~ a) behavior that constitutes 'a :z.~ysica]., threat of bod.~:1y harm to human beings, other animals, ax livestock; b) attacks or injuries, t~ithout provocation; any persc>n in. a place where such person' is" conducting himself__peae.ably ar.~d. lawfully..- (A pex'son is a~afttlly ug~~n the private property o f ain.: owner "of :the animal when he . ~,s -`nn s31i:h property in the-:perfonnar;ce_ of-'any 3ity. imposed upon him by thE~ laws oi` th'i~ state- .or any citg or .comity or by -the .Taws` or. -poe~tal regulationa_ of the. Uni±;ed States,` bx- when he is can -such property upon invitation, empress ax implied). Q. "Dog" zRearis a domestic dog (cams `familiaris) . R. "C.at" means a, domestic cat (felis catus) . 8.08.050 ` Ghap-ter- not to regulate use, of land. This chapter is. not intended -to :regtalate the use ;of 1-and. • The. City :zoning ordinance regulates;. the;:number and types of animals ti*hich may be maintained in- various=.zoning districts Nothing in this- chapter -.s`.intended to supersede. the provisions: of-the City zonicxg:-ardinznce. .8.08.06A •Animals runnirg`at large'. ~7o parson owning or having control of ;any animal shall_;pe~init such animal to str~y,or. rx~n at large uron any public street-=mar Daher- t?'~lic place, or upon an~~ private p cgs er property or 'common -area .~f -any p.lanne3 development,, cluster, townhouse or condominium pro3ec•t v~ithout the consent of the- ok~ner oz person- in .control thereof. .~ ~ R, .. - .-: .. ..r 71 A 8 C~~-o, n.~.._.,~la~ea ~rnly to seizures og da g runniria at .la.~, - An animal control: of~acer shall nc,t . sei.2e or impound .a ~ c3a running at ~laxge tasxder the :pLOV~i,saoies o.f -this. criaptex- :when: the~dog~ hat not stra,~ed #rom and is upon tYe "private _awner or =the =person who has- a right to control~the~docp or u ~cag, privata property tc wh'eh tti~= dog: owner<or P n to control the dog- has.. a rigllt~= of person who has a right aontrol. officer seize -or impcaund .apdogewhieh~has~~:ts.ayedtfromnb~tx then retuned to fie` Private propert of_: hi:s own~x~ or _~ the: person who his aright to=control:t:Yte: do y may.. be i::'~ued• 9,_but, in such :a_ ~ase..a-citation prny~decl, hc~we:ver, that if the._;owr~r ot. p.ersoriw?~ia_ -has a -r~.ght to can. t~~ol . ttie- dc. impounded-, but the :officer.sh,alls no at home, the' dag may be . - post a• r:otice of such' mpoundrri®n~ on the , i°ront :door. ;of the ~esi,dence ~of the owner or'=prison who -his a right to eonti`ol the ~ do.g. 7.'he not~.~ce; shaJ.l state the, ~Eu~3.ow~a that: the clog has been impownded `where he dog is be~.ng he],d, the `name-,- addr`ess,_:ancl.;telephone numbex`of the agency _er contacted.-regarding release of -the .~~, person: to:be ;ultimate disposition. of .the ,d~~ q- ~d an -~.ndica-thin of the- within a specified _ ~c~-:if no action- to regain it _ is taken -period= of -ime bx its owner or. by_. tl~e pezssir who l.as a right to control they -:dog:.. 8 U 8.080 Animal bites : _ Quarantine, elation. and examiisat one, ?any -person' having knowlectge, that' an - - , or is suspected of` haying bit#:en _ ?,h y.animal is known- t4"have;, y person :s:7a11. ~mmediate.Iy- ~e~ort that fact to the animal ;control division or health "4fgiGer_ wi.tfi full information ~.n - regard ~ to the incident.. •. .Upon -receipt o£ such a ;report, an animal. ccintrol officer sha1,7. se.LZe: and quarantine, such animal- `for a period; o-f fourteen- (14) days or-such other : period as -m~~ be prescribed' b -Department of Public Health. ~rhd health- c-fficexyrnay~ordarethe oomer to quarantine the animal un his :premises, - ~Y Person .:=.who fails, rep°uses, or- neglects ~to:.quax;antine an animal as .orazx'ed by? the healtY- .officer, ,or whop reftises.:to allow-`y th$ health- officer to a.nspect_ ~~Y pri•~ate premises where the- animal is kept, is-:guilty of a misdeme:anar.. . or.released -,during:- the' .quarantine -period wthoutswritten permission of the- health officer. , :..Any animals q`uararitine~ b health officer in a kennel, shelter, car veterinary .hospital hall be at"the owndr.'s .expense. ...The head of any animal which died cir is des.txoyed while. under quarantine: shall be submtited, o the laboratory of the County Health Department fo.r rabies P:~,~ana.nation. 5 A parson owning. or Navin confine xt :t:ithin~ a bud ldin 9 charge. of a =vicicius . may be- Pe'x~.tte:d off.. tY. ..; 9. ar secure. encl:ostrre ~ir~at .sha1.1 . • leashed, arid... under:: '~"-Premi:3es only when sacure~xcept that i~ the..aontrb.I ~of a;person ~~, ~. Y: miizzledP ari:zmal , °ldcr` and wha. i.s , Phys:ceilly -capable ofgresQn ` ~I8?`: yeaus of, tx°aaning s~z~,~ No oe rson bwniaiq or hav.n J~nows to t.e, infected ws.tli, g~ 'ohar~c~ of.an herma.t such ana.mal tq be or ~- any disease tran~mittabl8~tohman s)ia~.l at an s#~proved veterina remai~i wi*.riin .tFie count approves an ~ltexnataverY hosPita? :.unless ; the h~a]:th offs ~r:~~~ ': moans - o£ aonfin%ment. - The animal- control oiEfioer shall ses.ze an ' bel._ieves to be i~afected w~ Y °animal he: reasonsbj He sha1J: -kee th~ di.~e.ase aransmittable tb-man p su,_ch animal in s' ~a~~ placr~ ror a - or v.c;iou~. observe;:. examine, and determine whettaer: it is dseas ' so 'as 2•.o be a "menace :~Eo Period s.uffiaient. t~ public liea~.th or safe{:y, ~~ ar `vici.~aus Di eased or_ vicious .animals. which are . a dari health or sa_faty shall be ~impQUnded:aria may be deg - ' ger to put~lic 8.08.100 _ t.royed,~, . Dead :.animals. ~Po~t the: death of ,•any. anima]. the .owner .or. ex thereof. shall brovide for -the buzial, ncineratio ': di~posa.tion of . P son in charge tbs. body u.~_ such` animal. I f: n, or other in : charge' of- any dead. animal is the oc' other disposition unable. to pr~v~;~e ~ner or person ~~i.spose:' of they bcd .he m_ ay, request the ~o-r buriaz or y. of such animal, animal coii~txol officer to Upon : learning ,tihat the body c~~ a dead- anima disposed of in a cafe and rani: offxaer sha.11 dispose :of :such bad - , 1 'has not been: r1 manner- the animal control. ; ghat the :animal ~ctintrol"-officer sh,allmnotabelre dispose of bodies ~~;f ~ Y' P~av.ided propert dead animals on si~ate h; however, qu~:red to remove;-and 1'' ghways a r on state Tne Ad .finis trator hall collect.a fet sufficient to defray- tt:e cosfis incident to" removal a.nd disposal; ~of" d whicz~ .shall .be :paid by the o~ner o:e person in=:ahaa e known , anizna3s g th~z'eof+ if 8.U8.I10 Animals .in .sit: bul.di~ J~^, 1Vo person having the; control er care of an shall suffer or Permit such. azzima]: to enter or ~ anmaL ar ~ • .,., -- owned or managed build~n ~. ` an~,l,,~•15 purpose of care 9 other th.ar. a buildinremain in city builclin • detention.. control or treatment o£yd tor- ~'~e 4 used for tirairta,ng classes anims~.a or a persons whoa are, blind c,r :deaf ~ shows o,r .exhabti6ns persons aiatt~or•ized b and T~}~o -use dogs for.:- except y t_he administrator. guidanc4; or .~, F :tom ;. - rtrk-:t'r,; •r,.,. -,_(`' ~"a,G - `~`~ ~ r,'~ ~ - ""~~" _ r - ~ 8.08,~1~0_-'. Au,tl~ari~~ ot-_Adtnin:i.stacator and- anmal cc~ntrt~~. a~f~.oer_. y~~ ~_._____._ .The: ~-zz~zstraLor,~.ancl:ana:ma3 coaatr®1, cffcer stall. ha~~e tkie fallowing powax ana authority: -. A. To ertfe~~ce_the pr9v~.sion;3 0~ this -di,visipn..and s'~ate laws= - relating to the czre, t:reatinen~k :impouzzdinc~ and destx~ictian of an~,mals . ~ _ B. To arrest any~,p~rsc~:i whip violates , ariy. parovision of thi's div3.siQn in the manner: nzvv.~:ded b~~ section 836,5 of. the Penal Code.. C. - To ~ssu$ citata.r~ns pursuant to-secti~in, ~07c~ ~f the. Civ1.CQde. D. =_ To act as a ptahl:c 'offica~'r puraualt to Fhod and' Agri.cultuz~a7: Code-section :7. `:E. ; _ The P,dmnistratar .may -fo.rmulate xvlss and reg~la~~.ot~s .n conf<zrnii.ty ~cv*h arid fox the -puxpo:3e of_ carrying cii±t~` the i:n~~.ent -®f tY~is `:chapte.r: . F.:. _ The Administrator, : `purau,~nt ao. C~vi~.; Code 55.078, = mar depu~ti~e as an animal control . off:± car any off%ce~ of the Ht..mane -: Society of Santa C? ara-'Va~lley. 8.08:130 Inspection bp= an~m.~1 cAntiroi~ officer: An"an~.mal control`: officer sh~~~ll have tne:pvWer to-enter.upon..- _, and. inspect any premiseq where 'an~~i ana.mal i:s I~e~az us' harbored when such entry iF =:necessary tg en£o.:rc~s the ~~rovisions .off thin:. Chapter.- - A -seareh~ warrant shall- be ob.tane~3 wYienever required by law. Such entry and" :inspect-ion:-,eh~~Il ~:be -made on1~~ aster the occupant of the premises has beon given written car oral- notice cf the- inspection by the anima I: control officer _-- If the -lanii ~is unoccupied; the .animal' c;ontxol of fi,cei~ :shall ritake a re'asonalile . effort to locate :. the ow~ier or ath~~r person having ccantral = of ~1ie property before making;;entxy. Notwiahstandin.g the ,foregoin~x, .it the. animal control officer has reasonable cause io believe- tJ:~~e keeping or *_naintai~iin.g of any animal is . so rlazardotas- as to- require ~ ;an .immediate inspection tc~ save'.the animal or protect pub,lzc he,~lth ar safQty, he:' or she shall. have the power to mtnediate~.y enter and' in~pact :the pro~~e;rLy: with©ut the-use of unreasonavle Bice. Ti .the property is a~~cupied, -. the .animal cohtrol off-i~s:er shs,l-~. _ first attempt to notify. the occupant. and- demand ent~.-y Pai.3.ure or refusal to permit such- an inspecti©n. constitutes a ti~isdetne.anor. ~ a .- _ _ _. ~~ -. _. _ _ 8.Q,fl.:1g0 Atiusin~oc)s, cats :o-~c• ~oihez~ dome~c an~• It sha].1 lie -unlawful °fox 'any 'person. ta_ malic3.ou~ly ki11, - mam.,: wound,- :mutilate, .torment;,' to.rl:,t~re, Qq~.son_ ©r. physically ab~asa :any. ,animal. ~`.08.1~0 `Public :r~usari~~. No pe rsori Qwn~nc~ or , hdvis~ cont:ro l• of ._any ~i~3.ma~], shall pe rx~i ~ spa#h animal; to do any' of ,.the follows ng.; a)°~deff~~.te or t~ra.nat~~ _ on.. private. prop+~rties in the neighbcsnc~~od or community (ather:'t)-Man ghat of `tha _ owner ar :the: pPr~oi3 hav~.ng control- "~~,f t;he ranm~a7 , ,b) ; _ defecate or_ uxinaae on puk~lzC ,property without ,3,mm®diat~ly aiEtaPii.ng ~~: remo,ying the _ e~tcs~ment to; a propE;r recept~~lfa, c) ;: ~erm?.t ark wx~imal- tro: obstrixct:.the "rsasonable::.:ar~d ~comfortab-Z:e use cif pr~~per.~~y i.n ariy _ ~izeghborhood or community ~. kiy habi.tuall.y q~f~aa~ ing vAhi.cles or. mo;lestin.g passex~sby.~_ ci) pe:zmi~ unsanit:axy condit:c~ns tb ~ exist: on the -premise~~t where said animal. i<~ _ kept- which cause .odors:,;. . attract'. flies or verm~.n,'.or othexwi:;e are njrirtau~s ao =~ix~'plic, -.. health and- safety ~." oic ..indecent, or offensive: to ~~~i~` set~~.~=s ~ er an ov~struction ` to. the free use of property, so as ;tc~ _snterf~ere with the comfc~rtab le: enjoyment- •of life o:r property `by • th'e nei ghboxhaod e ccimmunity, or persons. TY'ie--~dzima ~pntrrol of"fiver may sei z~ .and impound -any 3n:i.ma1 causing . ~ ::public.. nuisance, upon cQm~?1an~e 4~ith, •th~a pr.o^edurn_s contained. in sF.ct°~on 8.g.8210.of this'chapter. is volat.on; t~f Chas: section: is hereby de:cla~°ed a public' ntiai.sanae. _ ;.Any private.; L~erson; may maintain- an actiotn. ur~dex?. Civil •Code `: secion" 349 3 " fcsr ~ezifaxGement _ of tha:s. section. dec] ar.a.lg certain .acts ; - a ~~Lab~:ic nt~~` ranee,: of such acts are spac~.al.iy _ ia~~urious to such 'person: ii~. 0 g ,.160 _ Fees foz~ impounding -and keeping e Pn ~;npoundment fee .shall; be: charg+ad to the owner ofd each animal: xmpouaded in_ -the.- amount o f -ten • dollars for tYie firs t impoundr~~ent, i-wenty'-five- dollars for the second impoun~3ment, _ and forty- dollars ~ for -'e'ac1;i sursequent- impoundmQnt. '- in `;addition,: a fee _ sufficient t:o _defray the"Costs 'of seeping .-said animal shall be ; - charged to _its owner, ;as: determined. by the "~dministr_ator or Director of_ Public Health. 8.0 8 :170 Redemption - of _ im .oun:ded an~.ma].s -The Administrator or animal control.-officer-may permit an owner or other.:person entitled to- custody of an- impounded znimal -to redeem such animal: ~Fo animal-may be redEemed without :~.yment of the- .fee,: frr impounding -:and .keeping.:--the animal, -arid with~:`ut complia:~ce Frith- the licensing provision of *_.his chapter. . ~_ - .. ter." - ~~ ~~; ~ ~ ~ r~: ~ =' - . 8..0 & ~ 180. D; a~ition `of ~ mpounded an,~ria~.s . ,..~._.. lvn amnal may- be ~~lisppst~d of unt~.l 72 hours have elapsed-. fxozn the time of :impot2ndmenfi:, exclu:~i ve :c~.f the day: of impoundment and the days that _th~e inipoua~dng f~;czlty is ~oloaed to the publ.i_c. No twithstancling: anything h~erexn to the' contxary an , animal which has been 3€i:~tnii.ri~d by.: ~ veternaraan-_`liconseti by tine :S.tai:e of:_ California ~or b~ other- authorized persarinel to be' diseased or injured to_ the extent ghat- ~m~r~.e; ~..,:.:_-.. _._ - - . ~ .~ "vct.ct~tt~3Ly Cdre W]..~;], nQ~ alleviate intenee suffering ~shal]..-_be destroyed iri accordance `wi:t;n all stalre :and countg humane laws as:' soon as:pogsihae-: - 08~-190. Care_ of impounded a~ nib ls. The A3~ninistrator sharp- pxov~.de that all impouzi~ed animals recea.v~: suifiable: and .adeq~;at~ t`ood",; ti~ater and shel.teg. 8.08 200 s:ummarv s _;. w~zze and- past-seizuxe heari.xta. Except .'as ,provided ~;; Secta~ori` 8::8.070; ~ an ani~al control' officer may seize and imgaund a.n anima'-`1 far:vi®latiaz~ of ecny, . ptov.?_siot~ Qf this chapter or state:. i;aw, prior" -to a hearing, _ in any of the following s-ituations-where,:=t~'ie ownez::is not :present and H-here :the- officer: `reasonably beai~ewes it is:`riecessai'Yr A. To protest :pt~lc health; , safety .and property B. To- protect: an animal which is iujued, sick, or starving and must. be .care for; or C. To grote2.t an animas f~ om ; injuri• which ha3 "strayed ~or~to piblic.prp~erty ox public =rzglit of way. -_ - I f -the owner or; _rerson who has:.- the: right to contzol the-.:animal w].shes to challenge.ahe' impoundment-, he sha3.1 personally deliver o~ ma.7. a w-ritten request for.. a-he<irng, such-that it :is: received-by the'Administrat:ar.within seventy-two -(72) .hors of -.the seizure` and' imp~~undmerit Thp Administrator slsa].l prompt-ly set the t_~me and place for the h~arin~. before him and shal] ca~sP notice of sued'. hearing: tic bey` deposited in: the. mail. to the paY-ty :requesting a heating at leas3t five (5) days before the crate of` the hearing. Thy -hearing si'all be conduc ted as set Forth in`: Section g : 0 8.220 , 8.08.:210. Hearing Bror to animal deprivation. ~=~ Except.`as provided in9ections_8.08.070: and 8.68..200., animal control officer may .not seize or impound any animal, without the consent of the owner -or person entitled to `custody of the animal, unless a .-hearing `is held as set Forth in Seetion .8;:08,?_20. - - 9 - ,. ~y, _ _ ~,: _ _ fh9~l4~ii®:~i.~nSIfffI9rY1~fFW'l~YM'IkMYe[iilYfistl~f~'ietryi~r:Jrm~isreu~Ginaw~~". ~ ~~.:n.a~ .._..._..___- __.- _ ?.f ttie owne~° or: ~a~ra9n =v,ho hay; a -right to con~rbl ,are animal refuses _ t~ consent teb : an ~impoun~3Ynent..of: -hi:~ animal, "=t:he animal..:. control.-"-off:cer may issue a.,rat Lce . c,Amrnarida;ng the person to appear V before the Administra~~t~"r- at a set : tuna:, Far~.urz of: a' p~.~rsari to .. • appeax _at.:-the hear~.ng ~ i~_ a `misde4m~anar and u~•ion corivicti.on thereaf _" ~hall,be ptt~i~hable i.r;""aeeordan~~e -with. Chapter -1.12 of this Code,...:. 'i and: in add3.kion", the final. ~con~trol~-officer may immeclx-ately Se3ize :; and in~po~.irid the -anirn~X a . $;0$:22 IICi oundmeit. hear~Ln„~a At~.`the herring,: petitiioner aztd.tlie 'Animal` ~ontrgl:'Gticer m<3y bc; ;reF ;asented by =counsel, a~ay presenti oral -and t~ritten - wide#~ce, 'axed .may aro~~~@xarnine w3trlesses. Strict ~.u1~s of evidence .small not apply: Any ~ elevant`"evidence may=Y.,e; actnitted i.f it i.s: the -sort of-:atridence on ;whicli~ rsaprnsible .person$ are' j aacusto~ied to .rely it the conduct . ~t s~:rious affairs:: ".- The: purpose of the: heaxng. shall . he to dete~znine wz~ether the. ri,ghts-_ of ownerShi.p :and control-"of _ the animal. must be taken from i ~ owner in order to preserve-. the.:public safety :and health. ". The '~deciszon o f the Admi.nis trator sh~~I:l be sispported, . by ithe Freight of t2ie evidence acid shall be.` final, The. peti:ti:onez' sY~all"~be-.given urri'cten nati.ce-'of the deci.siora~wi._ttian fi.fteer~~'(l5) days of tt~-e~<hearinc;. II 8.:08.x30 Failure to appea]_ impoundment. 1 Any person who .fails:_to request a heazing.folloW~.ng.any seizure or impoundment by : ciie arii~r~al ce~trol officer tiriuer this ~ di.visivn- wa:thi.n seventy two ('.2) hours:" From impoundment "as specified in. Sectzan ,'8.08:1,80 w3.ll fortei:t all rights. of _ownershi.p an+l control `of -the animal: A11, rights: -of ::~Wnershap and control shell be transferred to the Cour-ty::Env~:ronmental Management Agency:_. - Final dis~sitinn of the:; animal shall b.e determined by, that agency. iri accordan~;e with the pi"cavi:;i_ar~s of this division and .state, lava.` 8:08.'240 RRstrai.mt'. of dogs. 1'he owraer or person with tP~e r:~ght to control of any -dog (s) - -shall keepsuch dog(s) confined to hi.s/their- own premises cr ~hal~.;: keep such.: dog (s) under.physiaal resti`aint h~- means of-._a:-leash .no•t t•o e~sceed` six (6) feet in ~ Teng~~ excepts. a) guide cogs -fc~ the blind or .deaf wkii.le"performYng their, duties; b`r dogs parti.cipa~.~~g in field. or`obFdience ;tr>.a1s yr exhik~itors; c) daga a~aiating .their 'owner/handler in legal. hun~ta.ng or=` in the i~erding ~i£ livestock d) dogs as.s~.sti.n,g a security guard or aissi:sting a peace Afficer engaged i.~i Taw en ~orc~:ment ~'ac ti ~~i ties , ` Q) dogs being .;trained -for any of the above purposes `=on private land with perr~ii;ssz:on of the ?.ar,;?owner,' so long as such dogs are under .direct control of such individuals to assure that they do not violate-any Wither provision of ,law. 1.0 r Y _ ~..~' 3p 8_:_..0_8 250. A~iaximutn ndunber :ot? dlo s, cats-car ?..e:ti;t~ez"y. No peraon shall :ke® : "`°-"` .`-.-........a,~.,. - four (4): months of a ,~ P a~ mai.ntain myse -than twa moist 5 dr mare t,.h.~.:i two . 2 (2) -dogs ovPr- hs o.f a e - ~ _ ( ) ,cats: over four (9j,, 5 , including no rnn;,e than ane or None (~, } uhsuayer~ fema2 ~ ` cat ; : on an (1.) `n''apaYed female diag: maintained b~~ a ~+~te.~.i:i~~aan l~c~~naed bpremi~e .except:=-a" pi:@rni.s fob the practice .Qt, v$terinar ~,r ~"•- ~ .the State of: -:California .:from; the.:;Adriu.n~.~,trator~,^for a.yr.~~ ~ tcizie, witiaout-a .valid;permity pet~~~hp~s, ~m~1 rllana P aatd k€~;~ne.Z-, ~ romii-eroial kennel, fierier. or :all.~mal she~,t~r A female do mat shall; be cebuti..~b]:l ~gras~~~ to:be uses ~ ed. i:~c~i prov,c?es- evidence of spa .in ~ y .9 or, licensed veterinarian that- an anamalecannotzb@cs ~~o~e~x~om ~ °wn€r re~sans or is~:ineapable of=bzeealn substitution for ' a cer•cz f irate sh~;_nha12 P Y d fob health - be :deemed a'satxsi:actor~ ~~ 9 an animal is spa~eda Na parson shall allow the :p_artuxitlon and rearm of than Gne (~) h~.tte4 of _c~ous or: cats z:. an from .Females owned _b 9. -more.:: - y -one (1J `: calendar-.. year a valid .persnic from helAdministxator~£orn his c:oanmerc~.al ken~a~el, or-animal shelter: prem1ses; without - a p~'gvate. kennel, 8 OE~Z60 _ License re aired, No parson shall re~aintain or' board any. dog four 4 of age or older which .has not. been licensed pursuant`to months privisions of .this cha~at~:r except: the . A• A county ~.icense shall not be required foie an. :cwned_ or under the. eontiol of a. no~i-resident. animal which` is t•;o be keFt iri the count- c,~ the cauxit~' y Eor; less than thin -~, en,d _ .. Y~ (30.): days B. A .~O~nty. `license+. sha1Z .riot be~ regu~.red fox :do. s .t- brought into the+ count rp z.nto_ an ~egentr, show ox exhibition scheduled no:t: more ~t:han ten (10) days therea g .emporarly - ftear • 8: 0 8.2.70 :..License ` feF+s : Doglicense ~ fees she'll be faxed by resolution of Clara County Soard: of Supervisors. the ,Santa be refund'ab~1E in whole : or in Dog. license fees sh~11.'ncit - part . ~ - A doc..license -fee of .twelve do~.lars be paid for, each dog w'itl'~ in the fit ~ ($L2•00) per ~ annum shall a spayed female or:neutered finale shz~1L be~si~c~dolleY~ fed: fr~r The director' of:public healtl:~ or his de^;i ($6:;:00:)-. may~reguire the submission of a certfrca= P grated re resentat,i:ve veterinarian statin a of a=:Ilcensed g -that. a doy has bean -spayed or rieutered:prinr' to:issuance of a license at the lesser:fee. Am additions- six dollars ,:($6.p0) she? l.. be 1 -fee at sixty ,(Cp) daps after notice tol ~e~,> >ner~tonn.btaij~chased 'more sixty (6p) days after expiration of :,~ tieerise. than; fore do s used a lic.c~nse nr g principally for. the Licenses -and tack s defective .eyesight and for dogs- used~~inslu~:£~~f©ac~erit d g persons wit:~~ -shall be issued upon request w:it;haut charge...; ", Do attained :the -age:~ of 65 fiencie~ s years and own o.jay rise f lg. do er_s who have .required: to pay annual ~.•ene~~a1 license 'fees: fore the onel~all .not be provided the dog. is s~asyed ar netiterEd (I.) dog,- . that the c3oy cannot bn. spayed ox riauteao'~~ ~oxv'~~eai.narian`-,certific~ ,. r ~~ ~~~ 8.0828Q: issuance- of 'liceias~ Upon:"palment of the lcense Eee- ari.d _tlie proaan•t~dton caf a ~rali,d carti~ficat~ of vaccin~tian :~v -a ciu~y li.den~~d. clo~tox of ~-etexinazy- medicine, 'th:e+~A~inginis.tratc~* shall issue. a ~li~cense grating the nar~,e and residence ~~f fihe person ~o wh m tt~e.• license is issued; .i-.he amount pa.~d,- tie"- d~.te ar issuance -and, expiration thereof, ;-the d~.~tB o.f e~Fi~ation of the ~taccination; and a - • descrs.p~on ::~f the dog: `far w~hah ,auch~ license . is iseue~t together with' the . number of the 'metallic tag ~~cconipanying .the same. " 8.082J0. Metal tags. With < each --dog lic~nae; :.the A~3ma.nistrator shall issue .:a metal tag bearing , an .iderztifyng :ncur~tier and t~.e, wards, and s~tt3rs ".Santa Clara:C~a.: Doq i;c,!'~~ Each dag shat wear -th® metal ,tag issued for : it ~t ~a31 times .except;.wh;en ~`yaarig shown at a, clog""shrew; exhibition or event,:` .: In :the` event it:; zs'•. nec,essary "to issue a dupla~ate tt~g, a fee of :fiwo .Doll,-are ($2"0.00) shalt be charged to the ovrier. It `shall. bE~. utalawfu2" fc,r any ,person to attach a me.ttY1 tag issued pursuant to this •seCtion to any doq. other than the dog for which' .it 4;as issued. 8 0830C• 'License;`pFr3od. The term of any drag lzcens~ issued _,lereunder shah ,commence .. on t'~a ,date =af` -the issue<ulce -of the l:tcense: and shall terminate ti~elve `(32)" months from fide.` date cf •-issue:. Dog -licenses shall be renewed -upon ~. expiration Wt1en a license `is :renei~%ad aft~.r the. expiration" :date, .tt:Q new. license period ~~shal,~ begin on the expiration date ~ of the previous period. 8,08.:32G Record of licenses. Thee.Adininistratorshall .k.eep a.:reca"rd of all -licenses issued by ~ ham,- together; with :a. description. of the dog .for which such license_.is issued. - r.0~8.-3217- presexztati'o~ri'of l.:i:cens on reguesti. Upon' request of any autYiorized animal control.. employee or any peace offscex, the owner or:-person having control of a dog shall present thy-'dog's license: to that person.. 8.08.330 Veterinarian responsibili-ties, ~v~-ry -vererina.rian who.- vaccinates ox pauses or directs` to be vaccinated in the city any dog- with anti-rabies vacc3.ne"shall use a form provided by •th~: -Co~.uity lcensancl authority to certify that -such animal 'has been ~racci.nate~. ~. 7.2 ~- - _. .~~, '' ,u. , ., ~.. ~,.- i z ,~ v ~ 8:08.=344 -~nfxac^tian,: ' - = Notwithstanding anything to ttie contrary, zany- peYSOn found guilty- of '~riolating; any provision of SeGt~.uns: 3 06--.070 _and.:8.08260 shell he deemed guilty of ani ' infrarti`en, ;axed earTAa''c~~y ~f 9uch . va,olata.on ~sha~.l constitute a :aep~;~e~t:e: infraction, pt~i~shab-lf, in accardancQ axt.~i _ ~h~apter `1.1~ Qi ~Yia.s .:Code. ~•Og•~5Q .,~Rs~ist~ra~ion certifz:ca~tes~, ., ;: The Administrator sha~lli<<~;te xegietrat~ on certificates avaxlab_le to the owxieza;-~o~ cz~ts: A regia_~ra~tion c~~rt.i~iea :~ha .~1: be i.ssued-;st~atinq tho :namte: and :address A3' th-s person"to _; whom the ~ert~i:"icate ~s -issued, " the date ~~c~f issusn;e®,.. ~ des~~iption cif- ,t:he ~cat__far which the- aerts fi~eatc :is isisued,. and the number of the met•.al t.ag ~ccvntpanying the certxficate~. :.Tike ~~r~ta:=Cla~~ .:Coto-dty 3oard of Se~periri.sars by resolut,i~n shall fix t:he cat re~~ristxat:on fwd. 8.08.30 -=Metal tads. Witheach :r~gstration certLfiCate the Adfi3nistrator shall.;,. issue a metal tag hearing: an iden_ti fy~ng; nw~ber and the::. woxde and letters, "Santa.;Clara Co. ~ Cati ,:Reg,." In`' the event it is ~ a~eces$ary to` issue a ~duplcat~ ta.g, . a- -f~~e of 'L'wo Dollars' (S2":00) shall be `~ clarge.d to : the..owner. 8:06.370 ,Cert _icate r~ emery, The Adn~nigt:rator sha.~.1~ maint:a n~ a ~egist~y o~ a1Z czxtr. rsgistrat~.on certificates, -togetl~r w';th a de3cxipt;ioh Hof the cat for` which each -cexti:ficate is i.sr~ued. 8.:08.`380 :,:.Permit- re~ uxXed. N_~ person shall conduct; oper_at e ~ or keep zany pet shop,; _ commercial kenne3., private kennel, Fiet grooming-parlor, animal menagex3e, .animal shelter o~:--horse ~ s;tabl~shment without fx.~s*_ obtaining ari appropriate- persitt~ cram:-th© Admiz3strat:,r_ ...The an~zua~.~;~permt fee for ttie ,above animal' fa~.ciT_z ies ~ shall be -fi~:ec~ by,:resolution o~ the Santa C1ara~;Co. Hoaxd of Supervisors.. 8.,:08.;390 Appl3.aaton for permit. An~ apglicat3.on for a~ pex:nit ~to .opard_tP and keel a :pet: -ghop`, - commercial.kennel,private kennel, pet grooming parlor;. animal rneriagerie P :animal shel t~a,r, horse es ta.Y~lishment, or -dangerous - animal 'shail-:T he. ,in writi,n~ ~xl a fcirm approved bg .t:he Adm3nistxator. _ Thee ap~lican~c sh~11 furi~4-~ri .a list of the `types of:"«n~sl;~ L•o be ma3~~tained car used .fcr a,ny purpose,. togetYer ti~ith'::.the approximate number of an3.r~~.s of each type , The Administrator many: establ~.sh regulations ~~tid s,t:aradarcis r~ atixi tq r at t'.he maximum= :num~~er and species of': anima? s :to be kept oz':ma.;tt~?in,.ed oh the. premisFS; :b) tY1n construetio_r., sanitation and- maintenance<.of f~icxlties; azici c) any ..:her regulat~ns and stanur~?-cts .i.n conformity. frith':arid .for :.the ~iurpese b~ eArxya,ng out ... ~ 3 .,, _. , ~i ~ _ .~., ,a ~ rt ~i,ance' with r"such rules and ~ +~his Chai~t~X. Comp the intent oL -: ~e u~site tc~ ,tli~e i:~suance and cont~.rtu~d ~~egulations .•srail rmi~r~`,rovtd~d purbuzint to thus Ckiapter. validity of anY Pe. halms: maintain' a record of and to wham thedarCi~ncial~ peuma,ttee . ~ _ of: perspns froirC`whom animQ.ls are :~eceiye : .a . d .txaded or. 'y~,veri. ~ :This ~;hal.l h~e ~.~ vailalile ~ `to th~'- aze so~• - . e rec~nest. Adtninis traitor up ~ : :Ei08 ; aeo ~ _ cond~t~.o~s r,~atinct to :animal facel~.~ie$~,. .Every.-;Per-son whc~ :awns. co~nduci.s.P manages •O~ °~oon~.nq ,p11 - xivate k~niael, ~~~ sh©p, ~ •. ~ .-comme~C3:al kennel, P shel!~~-r or hn se' .establisbmen~.: ~h~~~- animal ,ttenage~:i~, .animal: corjditions: aomP].y- wig each of the : foll~ing A.' Housing rote ~~ owsncT =faca.liti.,~s ;nor ;anim~ilsin~aQOd xepair~to~px~Y :~ tl) H sound ai~a. shall be..irdintaned u aridfranim~ls so~cAn~,;.ained ~tierei:n. - animals from , ink xY. animals or the esc~lae -U . ( ) ,. 2 Every ruldi:ng ox e~zclflsure- W~~~tila~ad ~~osPrev~nt • ~ r].y mainta~.x~ed : sha 11 be P~oP to tihe .drafts and tc xe~u~~v~' ndors.t headn~x and cos.~l~-z~g - rova.d~~ a~ r~qu~.-gee, ,W^rr~rdlnq ,. ~ i cart s~a-11 be . P PhY>sica~: need:. of, the ~sr~i.mals,..with, su~fc=~3~~.- - to :allow obsexvs:~ic.n of animals... kannels, rti:ns, sta51-~ and ~ 3) ` All anizn~l raoms,~ c ~t~~es, rovide c~ori.a.l:s sha11 be ; c1 ~uEf•icieriL= sYZ~ . to `pro~ecitior.. ~~-degi:ate'.andprc~pe~~ accommocAa~:iona; and p rim •~e weather- ''ter: the animals kept therein 1'~faa~ l~a.e~. shall bQ:._const:ruct°licax ea:Lf~ra~ea (~) All ans.ma rotect~ p in ~ r~ianner:.that>~rea~~?~~ thePau,~m,als. aitc~ safe~:y and safety . ~ . 5,3nitatia~n - . - 1) Al,t animal faciaii ies ~ha~lc e_~iaarid~~~a~~~'' op~ratec3. apt: X11: tc,~mes condition, era. in a . manner that avo~ ds : gau~~.ng ctii3n of ' f]:ies` aild vei~tc-in-, at~c~. pdc~XS o.r cLt . •. . ,~~~,a>~sve noisy. C, Care o£_ animals uazYtity ~f r,ll 2ti~imal~ sha7.1.- be supp~.ied with a q ~~) .yCleS ax:d dc~[:. whol.~~s;came food ~uit~b•.~p for the ski e~CtivE: ariimal~, as of-ten as. the fG~dxng Ug t:ie i.esp . sufficient : ~: habi:t.s of .such: ariimac~`~i•e vl.~cfrnutra.t~ion. ~Ll ma:int~;i~n G~: re~asonabl: an~.ma.ls sha.l ]- ha E'ooci`~and~batelxQSt alb. be~:~exvecly 9,n pUtable w~~t...r. 5epair~tte, c13an xeGe~~tacl~~s . 7, ~~, q~5p~g r ~~~ ~ . fir„ - - ~ r,,.. J, : ~~~ .. - ~y`,%;. ' _ «_,. r` ~ :. 1, (z) No ani.ina ]. r `exahpt those anma3: (s) in a pis tune ' Provided ~ii~ ad~quait~ feed'ancl u~ate~, .shall k? without att~nti+on ~c>r..-more.' than tweri~y-gnuz t2~4) consecutive= hours. Tli~ nom, -address, and telePht~ne ;number-of a p~rsaxi responsible 'for thN -animal . still be .~ivs t e~.: in a conspicuous :glace;. visible from outside =the facility or;:at the main gate of a_ pasture whe,~e animals"`are: kept;- unless . the;:.: owner or att©~d~:rit :of :the animal(s) i.s iimmectiatezy availabJ.P` an the premises . (3) All sick, diaeased, o~ ~.njured. animals shall ~e _ isolated from .healtkix animals at a1~.~- tim~3s and sha3:1 be glwen .proper .med~.ca1 treatment. '-The Admizi~trator - -may: oxcler:-the .operai.o;r of the facilaty to immed a~el.y - seek` ~;i:cez~sed veter:Lnari€ui` treatment: of -any ar~.niah. (:4) All .animals shall bE~ -treated in; , a hwanane :manner . D. 4omplianco (1) Animal; control ciffirer-s shall Piave -the authority ao enter tYie .animal facility, except; by means of .~orGe when h-e has. r~as~n i4o behave that- the provisions o-f. -. _ - thL per:riit or this ordinance, applicable.' .state. law; or zhe rules .and- ie~lulations o:f the=Admini.strator ~.re -teing;-violated . The failure o f. ±*:a , ope ra:tor t-:Q. cr~nse;~~ _`to the .en~kry shall he: deemP::~ :j.ust :cause:- for the revocation ~~f: the=;.permit. :... . ;. - _ (2) Failure o.f-;an apPli.~^ant or. a permit; holder to .comply with any of -the =:grovsa:ons: caf 'the permit, this ordinance, . or applicable std+:.e l.aw,-:or the ruses :-:-,- -and regu].afiions -cf the Admrii.etrator` sha~:l be°. deemeC. ,just ~ause.`for :the 3enial .cif any permit, ;:either : arigirial or renewal, .or fort revocation Qf a Permit... 8..0.6: 410 Expiration sand renewal of~ermit :. - Any, permit i.sausd by -the County :of 3.anta -Clara shall expa.re :. twelve E ].2) months fiom the -date o f iss.udnce. The procec~urP for the renawal of a: permit shall- be the -same as for a~ ori:g:.nal permit. IIpon f:ailu~e to make ;application for the' *:en2wal of a pexznit - within ~irty;(3u)..days of the`e~cpratien of.:a pe~niiL,.or pr:i..~r. thereto,` the applicant shall -pay im addi,~tion to the permit fee a Ten Dollar 010.00) Penalty far late rei~ewal.~ 8.0 8._420 Inspecti:c;i . As a condition to the issuance-.or renewal of a permit under _ this chapter, an animal control officer shall have, she' authoY:~ty +_o inspect` at any- reasonable-timc~ the animal-_ faci5.ity. a.5 ~. o A. WlaeneVez ,he dete.rzrttines by :inspection.: that as~y animal: facility ~~i1.s: to meet a#iy of the c onditioi~s of the=:_perzriit, tnxs . ordinance; `cr appl:xcab7e'' s fate .-law. - . • B Whenw~er he: has :rMason to,:k~eleve that the -;applicant or _ permit holder has,_wil.lful.ly witlihe] d or falssfied any info_rmatiosz - r_ec~ai*-ec~ for ~~ r~arinit. : -- - - C.: If -_'+.he-app icant: or-perm~.t hol~e~. has been eonvi.c~ed by a court more :than twice :wa.thin a`-twelve (12:} ~inonth_ period, ;of vialatcn::of::this :ordinance or -of` sta~'e Laws re].atiz~;cj tc~ an~mal.s or public; n~tisanee :caused; by anmai,s.: _ ~,: If ahe applicant'nr .permit holder has been cozYVicte-d, ~c cruelty tee animals: in this : or ariy , c flier s tats within the previous five. (5) years. Fox the purposes cf this ~e~tion, a bail:fcrfei~ure shall`- be deemed: to be a cozwicton of:. the .oiF_fense .~karged. -8.08 440 Appeal from denah ox revocat~:o*z of~ermit. - .: -: . Prior:-to .denial or xevocatiQn-.of a= permit,..-.the Administrator :. shall notify the applicarft in: wrt n~~,_~qf `the. izitent.:zo derTy .or revoi~,G she ::permit,.: the reasons.,for such denial or revoc~.:: i Gn, and that tYe_ a~pl?,cant may make. a written request for a he~rirtg before the `Adminzstrator._~.*i thin `five (S) days:.,aftPr, receipt' of such : notice"`if tip; wanes ; •Lo> cha~lsA ge-:the :as~iial or-revoca~on. :.The Administrator shall set :the tni~ .and .place :for hearing aiid cause 'notice of such hearing to. ~kie mai:'led to `.the pesscn requesting such". hearing -at :least five (5) -days be_fore `th-e date °o.f' z~:e ;hearing-. The:: hearing. si;ala. be cond~ictsa >according to 5ectiv:~ 8.08,-220. NQ zax pez.~nit- a.fte~, dPnxal or revocation. If a permit has been~denied..or revclced, the Admnistratox shall 'not -acc~cpt a":new permit application.--from ~~A same Berson for the same activity at the same-location less than:.six :(~6) months after:. such; denial. `.or revocation unless the :appli.cant shows, and the Administrator finds, by nspeaLion and/or inwes~tigation, : " that `the grounds upon which the first ;application- was den:e~ yr the permit ~revo:ked no lgzi_ger exist. 808:4E0 Perm:•it req_u-red for ,d an~e'rous: animal. Na pPrsor.:.shall keep, ..have, mai~atan, sell`; trade., or let for l~iire,a dangex:~~as animal w3:thoizt`fir;st obtaining a p.e,rmit fxom. the Administrator'. fiche apPlcati~n :for a :permit,:.: permit conditions, inspection, -,lEnial , revocation, .-and appeal shall be. +..he same. -as set forth ri:. 5ectiors f3 0 R. 39.0-, 8.0 8.`4:00 , and 8.0 S. 42-0 through £i.08..~150, iriclus~.ve, of ~_th. s ordi:nance:. ~~~ ':TG -. ~.vex.~itY, co1le~Je, any znc~ . urAd of _ xid~ ~ -~.entific be.. -deg ` .or :bthe:r bona en~aginc] xn : is NQ pc~l t 3ha11 E-ncy ~ ` of '~ , ~~:. A~z~s,~.st~.atc:x~ur~?ose's _ e~h~.bits YSavernmental. research ag Foil. th~,:P c]etexm?.r~~d ~ Y a].in9 institut~;on, asublic hea]tn:. sesear~h• or~anizati.on. wrhah equ or P. he c~on~ider~d a~Y s ec~.fa.ed ho~a~nimalsr sc~.a~~~ific shall ublic at x¢qular , p and whose- : sale, a goo gar i. . .section ~ e ; ~er-~ra~- F ars not for . t© '~ ~ week >for 3b :.we~s a or nct, ana.mal5. hours urpa~ea at. least ;~~ fined: for e~l~ibi~ .p ~heth~r mai ~ aividual.s - to Pr~°ate pe~it.:der-~• the Adminl~tac,a~or 8 pa°470 confrary> Brous -,r._"~''-~~ ~.h.n~3 to ~'e ~:ain aiiy d$n9 t ar-Y `or main. nQ.. be' kdp L~~tw;i~5taridina Past to "1ee$P auCh animal ~,t~,y `er~ciri (s) or or revoke an of any, P may deny. hia opinion. a) ~ ~~; safetX: ~,~hen, ;in Bring c~nstituteerir-g-. anima]., wy.~cut'ezidangaf the " a:ii~a] waulaect to., suf or inaintaznea :the .keeping ~ e su~'7 discse•~ion or; b) the anj-m~-1 wo aid b h~.a . p~.P~rty~ ``o>r. ~) edP t~therea- .°x nui,sance~: abuae`• -.:The R~~nistra~ag ir- additaan tio, pubti~ or :-: ~:be properly iri o crueltyr at meet 4r `axe der. the ]• Ct+ neg uire ..any.. such:, anima ties tl~ issue. a ~' : may. zeq a gae11~ uide].nes ea in zpO tYP state g : e califoicn1a :.. restraa-n than.- Title L'~ _.:of ~ ' ~haoter `. ~r mop, ,; restrictive _ Nothing Section 671: of ~ta~~c~ard.s szued udder iz t~-is provl~ions.~f erd federal ~~ ulations:., of dangerou8... p,~ini8;trative .~`~aCadE of ~'ed~'ral ReS~e keeping rohi}a~.t- such. the to pe~lt~ law would P of. 'fit~e .9, of be.. conatiued state shall.:.- . vl:ions. o r section where zoning Pro animals ..-.. . keeping • ~ d ~~'e ' anirtial ,`Permit gorioa :an dangerous.., and` 8.08,480 ~ or-Maintain ane term. :month t ro. keBp t~:slve. (12) enty-fve e for a -pe~fi fc~r ?!: , gha7.]. be Tw i The fee 50 <On) 1nima... . be Fifty: dollars ($ eY our.. • . and be renewable as shall. each additi:~?e~ ~~asha'~l expire the -fee- for p0) `, The .P 8,08 4.10 set forth in Section .....------'"" Sale of :cats. or dog°l• - sell exchanger 8,08.490 dsp]•aYht (8) wecks.of zge,. establishment `hall of age on or or ciog• under Big .proof ,, No peas , any .fat .animal shelter. ofgicer:= or give:. away liven, aed any: animal . aontrgl b~~ter- a surrender to a = a cer'~iticat•ioi1 exGePt as may be rsqured ~ liimi.tea t`'r •y¢ _th °r ca~~nclude, but not - to the an;~mal's e•3e;• e dog: a maY proof of aq. weterinaxian attesting Yiy a licensed Ixcrt-UT.izat?.on. a e ~ before. they are 8.08.500 ~. ht (a) weeks of 5 , ~e Ca~ie of dogs' dogs over Big disease ~in enia• TY',~' or a ainst common anleukop All cats ur;ized g ainst P time of must .pe imm in ~~e Dare of catst~a~e buyer a~ ~ ~ date _of. sold er; t ainst distemp sha11 p~:ovselier attesting tO , health. aq of .a c]og or cat from -die '.the animal:. s hiatorY' Seller.. signed statement , s knewl~~e~i~a1, 5 immunization a,-asites sale a. ~e sel]:er or internal P ~rshP- and also includa ~ sickneSS ~ of o~,rn ~. ya,~rinaton shall disease, of trans fex statement. o f knp~ at the t :me Such record any ?nd the, affli:cted:~with: that the animal is adic~~t~!n a.ncl.uda.n5 treatment s'na m~ ~ - P 7 : -- :. -- i. 1 ~7ote : M®mta~~:~ c~ft~ir~ ~i4:y C4~~.1; °ay~s : Jackson; O~Keefe, Rogers, S~p;a~1cA, Meyero. ~'JOZS • Pone - ;A}3.it?T`t' None Abp t'ain a Nune AT'1'Fa'?' ~ . C/ - ~C y C1E`.x'IG - l ,~'~ Mayon ~y ~'..C~ ~ - r~o ~:g ~~i , a ~,~~.-pper~ ~ ~.