Ordinance 309~~~~ , ,-. ~,,rr~ ~lti',~~i G;:, l'd U AN ORDIl`tl~~3CE Off' THF: CYTY OF CUPEi~TINO APZENDTNG SP'(%TIUN 1 UP' UNDINA?vCE N0. 2 BY RECLASSIFYING A CERTAIN PORTIOrJ OF THE CITY OF CUPERTII~tO FROni AN R-3-H DISTRICT TO A C-1-H_DISTRICT _ THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF CUl?ERTINO DOES ORDAIN AS FOLLOWS: WHEREAS, on March 5, 1965, an application was filed by Vaughn 0. Worth far the rezo:z3 ng of proper ty from an R-3-H District to a C-1-H District; and WHEREAS, upon due notice the P1ann:Cng Commission held the neces- sary public hearing, :: ~.ccmrrendzng 3.n fa~ror of sa.in rezoning; and WHEREAS, the property to be rezoned is presently in an R-3-H District; and Wf~~PEAS, a map of the subject property is attached rereto as Exhibit "A" as a proposed a;nendment to the Master Zoning I~ta.p of the City of Cupertino; NOW, THERFF`GRE, BE IT ORDAINED AS :E'OLLOWS Section 1. That the following des~~ribed property be, and hereb~r is rezoned to C-1-H, su'c ject to the conditions set forth iii Exhj.bit ~'B" , items 1-12, and thaw Exhibit "A" at~~.ach~d hereto is made part of the Master Zoning Map of tta City of Cupertino. A11 that certain real property situate in the City of Ctip~rtiro, County of Santa Clara, State of Califcrnia, described as follows: Beginning at a point in the center line of the Saratoga and Sunnyvale Road, formerly Saratoga and Mountain View P.oad, as the same formerly existed 40 feet wide, distant thereon Soufih 501.05 feat froi:~ ;he intersection of said center line with the line dividing Sections }.2 and 13, Township 7 South, Range 2 ~Jes t, M.D.B.& M. ; thence South 39° 58' West 180.00 feet parallel with the Northerly line of that certain 29.88 acre tract of land conveyed by Sarah Ann Durkee to Dwight Durkee, by Deed dated April 21, 1925 and recorded July 13, 1931 3.n Book 5?2 of Officia~ Records, at page 545; thence South 90.00 feet; thence North 89 58~ East 180.00 .feet to tre center lj.ne of the Saratoga and Sunnyvale Road, formerly Saratoga ar~d Mountain View Road; thence North 90.00 feet to the point of heg~.inniiig. Containing approximately 0.372 acres (gross) and being a portion of the Northwest 1/4 of Section 13, To~nship 7 South, Rangy 2 Jest, M.D.B.& M. Section 2. Tnis Ordinance shall take effect and be in force thirty'~3 days after its passage, and. before the expiration of fifteen (15) days from and after its passage, this Grdinan~e sha_!.1 be published once with the names of theā€¢ members voting for or against the same in the Cupertino Courier, a newspaper published in said County of Santa Clara. - 1 - ~c7~ Tntroduaed a~t a regular meeting of the City Council oi' the City of Cupertino on the day of 1965; passed and adopted at a regular meeting of the City Council of the City of Cupertino on the ~ day of , 1965, by the following, vote: AYES: Councilmen: NAYS: Councilmen: ABSENT: Councilmen: APPROVED: Mayor, ity 4f upertino ATTEST: ity Jerk 2 h+? i