10300 TORRE AVENUE • CUPERTINO, CA 95014-3255
TELEPHONE: (408;1 777-3i i 0 • FAX: (408} 777-3366
Agenda Item Na. ,~
MEETING DATE: August 4, 2009
Consider the Parks and Recreation Commission recommendations for the use of the Simms and
Stocklmeir properties.
The City Council asked the Parks and Recreation Commission to consider the future use of the
Simms property and the Stocklmeir property and make a recommendation for Council
consideration. The Parks and Recreation Commission established a stakeholder task farce for each
of these properties. The Simms Task Force has completed its work. The Stocklmeir Task Force
continues to meet. The Parks and Recreation Commission adopted its recommendation for both
properties at its Apri12, 2009 meeting.
Simms Property
The stakeholder task force included representatives from the immediate neighborhood, the Santa
Clara Valley Water District, Stevens Creek and Permanente Creek Watershed Council, Friends of
Stevens Creek Trail, and an ecologist. Commissioner Bradford represented the Parks and
Recreation Commission. Barbara Banfield and Mark Linder were the Parks and Recreation staff
members working with the task force.
The Parks and Recreation Commission made tv~~o recommendations related to the Simms property:
• The Commission voted to ask the Planning Commission to rezone the Simms property from
Residential 1-10 to Park/Open Space. The Cupertino Land Use Map designates fhe Simms
property as Park/Open Space. However, the current zoning is Residential 1-10. 17 - 1
• The Commission recommends that the Sinvns addition be integrated into McClellan Ranch,
nature preserve in a manner that will protect and enhance the natural and cultural resources
and create opportunities for education, research, restoration and low impact recreation.
Further, the Commission recommends not continuing to lease the house on the property when the
lease expiaes in January 2010 and to remove the City owned home from the site. The January 8,
2009 (Attachment A) and Apri12, 2009 (Attachment B} Parks and Recreation Commission
minutes are attached.
Currently, the City receives $30,000 a year in revenue from the leasing the house. Cupertino has
spent $8,944.16 in maintenance over the past four years. There will also be a capital cost to remove
the house.
Stockimeir Property
The intial stakeholder task force included representatives from the Cupertino Historical Society,
Fremont Union High School District, and Cupertino service clubs. Julia Lamy is the Parks and
Recreation staff member working with the task force. Since the initial group began working, new
representatives were added from the immediate neighborhood, Friends of Stevens Creek Trail,
Santa Clara County Creek Coalition, Santa Clara Valley Audubon Society, and the Stevens and
Permanente Creeks Watershed Council. De Anza College and the 4 H have been invited to send a
representative, but have not participated to date.
At its April 2, 2009 meeting, the Parks and Recreation Commission voted to support the Stocklmeir
Task Force's concept of a working legacy farm on the property. The Commission also
recommended that the Stevens Creek Corridor Phase II restoration plan should stay intact. The
Apri12, 2009 Parks and Recreation Commission minutes reflecting the Commission's actions are
The Stocklmeir Task Force continues to develop a plan for the legacy farm. The Task Force
discussion is currently focused on:
• Youth education courses on sustainable farming
• Enviroiunental and creek education programming in conjunction with habitat restoration
• Historical markers for interpreting events from Ohlone Indians to the noted community
contributions of Louis Stocklmeir
• Quality trail experience
The FY 2009-2010 Capital Budget includes $200,000 for the design of Stevens Creek Trail Phase II
which runs through the orange orchards on the Stocklmeir property.
Currently, the City does not have funding for the trail or creek restoration. The City did not receive
a grant from the State of California for the Phase II Creek restoration. This grant source was an
important component of the funding for Phase I Creek Restoration.
Simms Property
Staff recommends the following:
l . Approve the recommendations of the P<<rks and Recreation Commission as a long term
2. In the short team, given the fragile economic climate, the City continues to lease the house
on a year to year basis
3. Authorize City staff to determine the cost of removing the house and include that
information during the FY2010-2011 budget discussion
Stocklmeir Property
Staff recommends the following:
1. Approve the recommendation of the Parks and Recreation Commission to have the
Stocklmeir Task Force develop a plan to create a legacy farm at the Stocklmeir property
2. Approve including the work of the Task Force as part of the design study for the Stevens
Creek Corridor Trail Phase II
.~ .~
%"` r` ~' l
ark Lm e
Director, Parks and Recreation
David W. Knapp
City Manager
Attachment A: Parks & Recreation Commission minutes Jan. 8, 2009
Attachment B: Parks & Recreation Commission minutes Apr~1 Z, 2009
Attachment A
Regular Meeting
Thursday, January 8, 2009 at 7:00 p.m.
Community Hall Council Chamber
Chair Greenstein called the meeting to order at 7:01 p.m. in the Community Hall
Council Chamber, 10350 Torre Avenue, Cupertino, CA.
Note: Chairperson Greenstein wanted to honor the memory and service to the
Commission, of past Commissioner Roger Peng who recently passed away.
Action: Commissioner Bradford made a motion to adjourn the meeting in
memory of Roger Peng. Commissioner Greenstein seconded the motion.
The motion carried unanimously.
Commissioners present: David Greenstein, Jeanne Bradford, David Lee,
Darcy Paul, and Debbie Stephens Stauffer
Staff present: Mark Linder, Donna Henriques, Julia Lamy, Molly
James, Tom Walters and Teresa Mo
Others present: Fernando Cazares and Nicole Fodran from City of
San Jose Parks, Recreation and Neighborhood
A. Action: Commissioner Bradford nominated Commissioner Lee
for Chairperson. Commissioner Stauffer seconded the motion.
The motion carried 4 -1 with Commissioner Lee abstaining.
B. Action: Commissioner Paul nominated Commissioner Stauffer
for Vice Chairperson. Commissioner Bradford seconded the
motion. The motion carried unanimously.
A. Regular meeting of Decen:~ber 4, 2008
Action: Commissioner Greenstein made a motion to approve the
minutes and Commissioner Bradford seconded the motion. The
motion carried unanimously.
B. Amended minutes of Nov~~mber 6, 2008 regular meeting.
Action: Commissioner Stauffer moved to accept the minutes and
Commissioner Bradford seconded the motion. The motion carried
Betsy Dougherty asked if the City can post notices in all City parks
regarding the Parks and Recre~~tion Commission meeting on February 5,
2009. She also suggested posting a meeting notice in the Cupertino
Courier, The Scene and possibly the San Jose Mercury News. Staff will
look into these suggestions.
Charles Hanson, Cupertino resident, made the following comments:
• he opposes the "no dogs to be allowed in the new Stevens Creek
Corridor Park
• he wants the City to hire a professional consultant to plan, create
and install the new sigr,~age in the park
• he feels that recycle bias should be placed next to every trash
receptacles and use up all the blue "toters" that are stored in the
• no jump houses should be allowed in the new park
A. Teresa Mo, Recreation Coordinator, showed a video of the
programs and services art the Senior Center. This video was
produced by The Better Part, anaward-winning senior-based
production team.
Nicole Fodran and Fernando Cazares, from the City of San Jose's Parks,
Recreation and Neighborhood .Services, gave a presentation on the city-
wide volunteer programs that recruit and train residents to assist in the
general care and maintenance t-f neighborhood parks, trails and other
parkland on City property.
They also educate the public about creating and preserving clean and safe
parks and trails and would be willing to help us with training when we are
ready to launch our project.
A. Stevens Creek Corridor Trail and Blackberry Farm Park.
1. Consider proposed operating policies and procedures.
Director Linder introduced Molly James, who presented a brief
overview of upgrades to Blackberry Farm Park and trail area.
Molly also said that the City will be contracting a year round
company to provide Park Service Officers to enforce the new rules
and policies. They will be onsite from sunrise to one half an hour
after sunset. Also, the residents and people using the park will be
encouraged to call the County Sheriff's office to have them come
out to enforce infractions.
After Molly reviewed the revised rules and policies, the
Commissioners asked the following questions:
+ How will the new plantings be protected?
Molly answered that the plantings will be enclosed by
fencing and will also have adequate signage posted
• What are the hours that the contracted Park Service
Officers will be on duty on the trail and at Blackberry
Molly and Tom answered that the officers will be on duty
at the park during the hours of operation for 100 days per
year. The officers will be on duty at the trail year round,
from i/z hour before sunrise until 1/2 hour after sunset.
Will there be an area for Frisbee golf?
Why can't inflatable bounce houses be allowed in the park?
Molly James and Tom Walters answered by saying that
they are trying to maintain the natural setting of the park
and that since the picnic area will be much smaller than
before, the bounce houses would infringe on the others who
are in the picnic area.
The following individuals asked to speak on the trail policies:
Janet Van Zoeren asked that the McClellan Ranch Preserve be included in
the rules and policies governing the trail. She also stated that there should
be no butterflies or small animals released in the park during weddings or
special events. In addition, she stated that the City's naturalist should be
granted special permission to take any children into the creek for any
nature-related activities.
Deborah Jamison said that the policy for bicycles and in-line skaters must
remain on the paved trail and ~~re not allowed on the creek trail and that
there should be specific signag;e and or fencing, where the paved trail
stops and the creek trail begin; to prevent the bikes from continuing.
Anne Ng suggested that bike racks be placed at both ends of the trail so
that they can have a place to store their bikes. She felt that 7 mph for
bikes on the paved trail is too slow and should be 1Q mph.
Alex Tsai spoke on how the trail and park operation staff can enforce the
policies to reduce the impact on the surrounding neighbors and that they
should help to preserve and protect nature. Also, he is concerned at how
the Park Service Officers will minimize the noise before the park opens
and after it closes.
Commissioner Bradford said that the overall the rules and policies were
covered well and that the McClellan Ranch Preserve axles and policies
should be restated and included with the Proposed Stevens Creek Trail
Rules and Policies document. In addition, she would like to include that
butterflies or small animals should not be released in the park during
weddings or special events and'. that the Park Service Officers shauld have
a presence near the Audubon Society offices so that they can be accessible
in case there is an infraction of the rules. She also felt that the new
proposed rules should be reviewed six months after the parks opens in July
and be revised as needed.
Commissioner Stauffer mentioned the consideration of a clear and
publicly identifiable delineation between Blackberry Farm Park and the
McClellan Ranch Nature Preserve. Additionally, she raised concerns
about allowing dogs in the Mc~~lellan Ranch Nature Preserve due to the
biological and behavioral impact of dogs in the natural wildlife habitat and
restoration area; conflict with the proximity to the 4H animals including a
proposed fence division that w~~uld not limit odor and would prevent
enjoyment of trail users to see that farm area; and confusion by dog
owners that some trails will allow dogs and others will not in the same
natural preserve area. It was mentioned that over half of the open space
preserves in the Midpeninsula Regional Open Space District do not allow
Action: Commissioner Bradi.'ord made a motion to accept the
Proposed Stevens Creek Trail Rules and Policies with amendments to
include: to restate the McClellan Ranch Nature Preserve rules, (which
are stated in Ordinance number 13.04.201), also include (Ordinance
number 13.04.130E} that no Cloves, butterflies or live animals be
allowed to be released at weddings or special events held in the park
and that all dogs, bicycles or roller-bladers must stay on the paved
Commissioner Greenstein seconded the motion. And he asked to
include additional amendments to change the trail policy to state "No
alcohol allowed on the trail." He also asked to include under
"Soliciting", that a permit is required to hold any sort of political rally
in Blackberry Farm, and that the Green Policies for all City parks be
updated by the end of June. Commissioner Bradford amended her
motion to include Commissioner Greenstein's suggestions. The
motion carried 4 - 1. with Commissioner Stauffer voting no because
she is specifically against allowing dogs in McClellan Ranch Nature
2. Consider Green policies
Director Linder has received comments from the City's
new Environmental Affairs Coordinator and he would like
to review these comments with the Commissioners and
incorporate all the new Green Policies to cover all City
parks by the end of June 2009.
3. Consider name change of the park to Elisha Stephens
Community Park
The following individuals asked to speak on this issue:
Charles Hanson didn't know who Elisha Stephens was and
feels the park should remain Blackberry Farm Park.
Deborah Jamison feels that the City should survey the
surrounding residents to see how they feel about changing
the name. Could change the name to Captain Elisha
Stephens Farm or name an area within the park after him.
Janet Van Zoeren suggested the name Blackberry Farm
Community Park and feels if the name was changed to
Captain Elisha Stephens Park, she felt it would be too
confusing for people trying to find the park.
Action: Commissioner Bradford made a motion to
recommend to City Council not change the name of
Blackberry Farm Park at this time. Commissioner Greenstein
seconded the motion. The motion carried unanimously.
B. Consider request to the Planning Commission to rezone the Simms
property to park and open space.
Director Mark Linder said that: there was an inconsistency with the Simms
property zoning and that all this Land Use Policy has it listed as part of
McClellan Ranch but it is zonf;d as residential property.
The following individuals spol{e in favor of rezoning the Simms property
to become a part of the land in the McClellan Ranch nature preserve.
Joanne McFarlin, Programs Director for the Stevens and Permanente
Watershed Council, Shari Kleinhaus, who is an ecologist and scientific
advisor to the Stevens and Pennanente Watershed Council, Janet Van
Zoerer suggested that this area be included on future maps of the park and
trail, and Deborah Jamison thanked Director Linder and the Commission
for finally rezone this property.
Action: Commissioner Greenstein made a motion to accept the
recommendation to rezone the Simms property from Residential 1.-10
to Park/Open space and that the Commission direct staff to create a
Simms property future use tusk force comprised of a commissioner
and interested stakeholders. Commissioner Stauffer seconded the
motion with an amendment to recognize the property as part of
McClellan Ranch rural and nature preserve. The motion carried
Director Linder agreed to establish a committee for property rehabilitation
and Simms House transition in the McClellan Ranch Nature and Rural
Preserve. The expectation way, for the committee to commence in
February 20Q9.
A. Staff oral reports
Director Linder said that the February 5 Commission meeting will be
noticing the public of the meeting by mailing a postcard to each resident.
Also, there will be notices in the Cupertino Scene and the Courier.
He mentioned that asub-comtruttee has been formed to discuss the
process for the dog park and off leash issues at the meeting. The process
will not be like the previous community meeting in October. It will be
centered around how to organi;~e those who want to have an off-leash area.
The City will not recommend to impose anoff-leash area but will
recommend a process where neighbors and those concerned about dogs
will work together and bring something forward to the Commission.
The only other agenda item on the February 5 meeting will be a
presentation by Public Works on the progress on the Stevens Creek
Corridor Park project.
David Fung and Judy Harrison asked to speak against having off-leash
hours for dogs in City parks. They handed out articles on dog attacks and
non-fatal dog bite related injuries in the United States and a memo from
Captain Terry Calderone from the Santa Clara County Sheriff's
Department regarding a dog bite from an off-leash dog in Jollyman Park in
Cupertino. Judy said that there are devices that use high-pitched sounds to
help keep dogs out of the Blackberry Farm and creek area.
B. Commissioner contacts -none at this time
10. ADJQURNMENT -Chair Lee adjourned the meeting in memory of
former Commissioner Roger Peng.
Respectfully submitted, `
Donna Henriques, Administrative Assi ant
Minutes approved at tl2e February 5, 2009 regular meeting
17 - 10
Attachment B
Regular Meeting
Thursday, Apri12, 2009 at 7:00 p.m.
Community Hall Council Chamber
Chairperson Lee called the meeting to order at 7:00 p.m. in the Community Hall
Council Chamber, 10350 Torre Avenue, Cupertino, CA.
Commissioners present: David Lee, Debbie Stephens Stauffer, David
Greenstein, Darcy Paul
Jeanne Bradford arrived at 7:04 p.m.
Staff present: Mark Linder, Julia Lamy, Donna Henriques, Karen
Levy and Barbara Banfield
A. Regular meeting of March 5, 2009
Action: Commissioner G~~eenstein made a motion to approve the
nunutes. Commissioner Stauffer made an amendment to correct
the minutes to add wording to the motion for Item 5A, #l, to
include: "to increase the dog license fee by $11.00 for Cupertino
residents to provide funds for construction of a fenced dog area,
on-going maintenance, acid enforcement". Commissioner
Greenstein made a motion to approve the minutes with the
addition. Commissioner Paul seconded the motion. The motion
carried 4-0-1 with Commissioner Bradford abstaining.
Anne Ng proposed that the Friends of Stevens Creek Trail come to a
future Commission meeting to present their on-going support for the new
trail. Director Linder said that the Commission would discuss this when
they set their work plan for ne~:t year.
17 - 11
A. Parks and Recreation Program update by Karen Levy, Recreation Coordinator
from the Sports and Fitness Division.
Karen Levy gave a presentation on the different classes and programs that she
handles through the Sports and Fitness Division. Her responsibilities include:
Contractual Classes, Adult Softball Leagues and the Summer Aquatics
A. Approve recommendation on the future use of the Simms property.
Director Linder gave a brief overview and said that a task force has been
formed and they have met twice to discuss the future use of the Simms
property and they are now ready to give their recommendation to the
Commission. The task force included the following participants:
Mark Linder, Parks and Recreation Director
Jeanne Bradford, Parks and Recreation Commissioner
Barbara Banfield, City of Cupertino Naturalist
Joanne McFarlin, Stevens and Permanente Creek Watershed Council
Anne Ng, Friends of Stevens Creek Trail
Pat Showalter, Santa Clara Valley Water District
Chris Elias, Santa Claza Valley Water District
Shani Kleinhaus, Ecologist
Debi Jamison, resident
Gail Bower, resident
Janet Van Zoren, resident
Max Bokelman, resident
Director Linder said that the Parks and Recreation Commission had
previously recommended to the Planning Commission to change the zoning of
the Simms Property so that it is consistent with the land use policy and that
the property will be protected rather than zoned for housing. He said he will
follow up with the Planning Commission to make sure that this has been
accomplished. He also said that the City Council has requested a joint
meeting with the Parks and Recreation Commission to discuss the Simms and
Stocklmeir properties.
Barbara Banfield, City Naturalist, gave a brief history of the Simms house and
property and the task force recommendations.
Chair Lee asked for public comm~;nts:
Janet Van Zoren and Deborah Januson said that they support the staff
recommendation and removal of the Simms house from the property and
incorporate the property into the McClellan Ranch Rural and Nature Preserve
Joanne McFarlin asked that the Commission consider environmental issues
first when making their decision.
After discussion by the Commissioners, it was decided to move this
recommendation forward without including any financial planning or funding.
Action: Commissioner Greenstein made a motion to accept the Staff
recommendation with the addition that the City does not extend the lease
on the house past the current le~~se, which expires in January 241.0.
Commissioner Stauffer seconde~3 the motion. Commissioner Bradford
asked to also add an amendment to extend the work of the task force
team to plan the detailed irnplennentation and to collaborate with the
Stocklmeir initiative. Commissioner Greenstein agreed with
Commissioner Bradford's addition of the friendly amendment. The
motion carried unanimously.
B. Approve recommendation on the Stocklmeir property.
Director Linder introduced Senior Recreation Supervisor Julia Lamy, who
gave a brief presentation and histcry of the Stocklmeir property.
Chair Lee asked for public comments and the following people asked to
Deborah Jamison said that the Cit. Council excluded the creek restoration
from their work plan and she feels that it is important that it be included.
Janet Van Zoren said that the creea~ restoration plan needs to be the top
priority because having a healthy <:reek and watershed environment in order to
have sustainable agriculture, is very important. She also said that there should
be representation by members of Moth the Simms and Stocklmeir task forces,
on each committee so that they can work together.
Shani Kleinhaus said that there are: basically three different parts to the
resource.conservation management plan: the orchard, the trail and the creek.
The creek seems to be missing from this plan, but it is really the backbone and
connection of the whole project anal it is very important that the natural
resources of the creek be preseive~i, enhanced and maintained.
17 - 13
Donna Austin, who is on the board of the Cupertino Historical Society gave a
brief history of the Stocklmeir family and property. She said that the CHS
would like to go "green" and leave the creek where it is and restore the
orchard with vegetable gardens and native plants and flowers. The CHS
doesn't feel that the house should be restored but should be used to display
historical furniture in the rooms that could be viewed through the windows.
They would also like to have historical markers along the creek. She supports
the staff recommendation.
Action: Commissioner Bradford made a motion to accept the staff
recommendation with the amendment that the Stevens Creek Corridor
Phase II restoration plan should stay intact. Commissioner Greenstein
seconded the motion. The motion carried unanimously.
C. Update on the Blue Pheasant and Blackberry Farm Retreat Center office
Director Linder gave a brief update on the Blue Pheasant restaurant and said
that the Sheriff's office has been monitoring the closing time and they have
made five visits at 11:00 p.m. and midnight and the rules are being followed.
Director Linder will have afollow-up meeting with the neighboring residents
to give them the Sheriff's report and discuss further. He also said that the
Blackberry Farm Retreat Center is currently being used as an office for some
of the Parks and Recreation staff that are working in Blackberry now and over
the summer. Also, the Retreat Center will be used to house the Park Safety
Off cers that will be contracted to help patrol the area when the park is re-
opened. Currently, the Emergency Services Staff is also housed there.
Deborah Jamison asked to speak on the Blue Pheasant restaurant and said that
the name should someday be changed to the "Green Heron" and that when the
trail and park are completed, that the restaurant should be integrated into the
parkland like the restaurants are at Shoreline Park.
A. Staff oral reports
Director Linder said he met with the Sterling/Barnhart area group of eight
people, including some children, and they came together to help plan the
new park designated for that area. The park should be open and operating
in a year and is within budget.
B. Commissioner contacts
Commissioner Stauffer said she attended the March Mayor's meeting and
that it was interesting to hear how the other Commissions conduct their
business. She also mentioned the upcoming KaBoom Design Day on
April 4, from 1:00 - 4:00 p.m. and that the KaBoom Build Day will take
place all day, on June 6, and that volunteers are still needed.
Comnussioner Greenstein said that he had been contacted by the Bike and .
Pedestrian Commission and that they are working with the Teen
Commission and the Public Safety Commission on a Bike and Walk to
School Day. They asked if a bicycle safety course could be added to the
Parks and Recreation Schedule:. Director Linder said that he and
Chairperson Lee have added this item to the May 7 Parks and Recreation
Commission agenda.
9. ADJOURNMENT -Chairperson Lee adjourned the meeting at 9:28 p.m.
Respectfully submitted,
.._ ,
~~,. ~ .
•L~ Z~~..
Donna Henriques, Administrative Assistant
Minutes approved at the _May 7, 2009 regular meeting
17 - 15
Linda Lagergren
From: Bob Hirt [Bob.Hirt@sandisk.com]
Sent: Tuesday, August 04, 2009 12:13 PIVI
To: City Council
Subject: Council meeting August 4th; Agenda item #17
Dear Cupertino City Council:
Asa 23 year Cupertino resident I would like to express my thoughts on your Agenda Item #17 (Simms and Stocklmeir
1) Simms property
This should become of McClellan Ranch Park to be enjoyed in its natural state by all residents (whether human or
otherwise), therefore I encourage you to adopt the recommend~~tions of the Parks and Recreation Commission:
a) Rezone to Park/Open Space
b) Designate officially (again) as a nature preserve and enhance the property as such
c) Do NOT renew the lease of the house which expires in Janu~jry 2010 and remove it so that only beneficial use of the
property is in the future.
This is an acceptance of the Staff recommendations except for point two on the lease renewal. Now is the time for this
council's legacy on preserving for all time this unique jewel...an actual Urban Nature preserve.
2) Stocklmeir property
My family and I support the Parks and Recreation Committees recommendation in Support of the Stocklmeir Task
Force's conceptual plan. I believe that the Stevens Creek Trail Phase II project logically should follow the creek
restoration project and that we should pursue funding sources to accomplish those both of these projects/goals. I did not
see the Staff recommendation on Phase I Creek Restoration, beat I would like the Council to add that project. Preserving
and improving that section of the creek is essential for promoting steelhead migration and creating a rich natural corridor.
Creek re-alignment would also help ensure that the mature We:tern Sycamores, which are now so scarce in our Valley,
are protected. These trees also provide natural nesting cavities; for rare and beautiful birds such as the Wood Duck
(photo appended).
Male and Female Wood Ducks
Bohr i`f iGYt'
Robert W. Hirt
10325 Dempster Avenue
Cupertino, CA 95014
(408) 821-2732 cell
bobhirt .aol.com (Home a-mail)
Linda Lagergren
From: shani [skleinhaus@yahoo.com]
Sent: Tuesday, August 04, 2009 12:27 PIVI
To: Orrin Mahoney; City Council
Subject: Stevens Creek Corridor -Simms, Stocklmeir
Dear Mayor Mahoney and Cupertino City Council Members
Cupertino has a unique resource in Stevens Creek - a living creek with remnant riparian forest meandering
downhill through parks and open space. I applaud the city for the vision and implementation that created this
continuous creek corridor, and wish to encourage the city to continue and enhance its stewardship of the creek
and its corridor by:
1) Adopting the Parks and Recreation Commission recommendations to ensure that the Simms property be
zoned Park as it is in the General Plan land use designation, and be integrated into the McClellan Ranch Nature
and Rural Preserve in a way that will maintain, protect and enhance biological resources and ecological function
in the area.
2) Endorsing the plan for the Stocklmeir property as prese~ited in the Stevens Creek Corridor Master Plan and
Restoration Plan, including the creek realignment, and rip~irian and upland native plant restoration.
3) Continuing to look for opportunities to purchase land that would augment park and open space along the
Stevens Creek corridor.
The successful Blackberry Farm creek restoration demonstrates the commitment of the Cupertino City Council
to wildlife habitat improvement along the Stevens Creek corridor. Generations to come will thank you,
Cupertino leaders, for preserving and enhancing the city's :natural resources.
Shani Kleinhaus, Ph.D.
Member of the Santa Clara Audubon Society Environmenl:al Action Committee
Email secured by Check Point
Linda Lagergren
From: SPCWC Programs [programs@spc;wc.org]
Sent: Monday, August 03, 2009 9:43 PM
To: City Council
Cc: Mark Linder
Subject: Stocklmeir TF: Opinion Divided/Inc~~mplete
Re: Stocklmeir Task Force Opinion Divi~Ied and Incomplete
Dear Cupertino City Council Members:
I have felt greatly privileged to represent the Stevens & Pe~rmanente Creeks Watershed Council on the
Stocklmeir Task Force the last several months. Cupertino does a great job of soliciting input from interested
community members. The task force originally only had r~:presentatives from the neighborhood, the historical
society, the Rotary and Fremont High School District. During those early months the feeling of the task force
members was that the creek realignment plans should be abandoned and the multiuse trail installed right on the
west bank of Stevens Creek rather than installing it through the middle of the orchard. This course of action
would preserve the most land for an education-oriented heritage orchard.
The task force has now expanded to include representatives from three environmental organizations and the
Friends of Stevens Creek Trail. Newer members have pressed the point of how important it is to the health of
the creek and associated riparian areas to restore that secti~~n of the creek, including a realignment which would
more closely resemble the historical curves of the creek. Also important is the preservation and restoration of
riparian habitat.
A great deal of scientific literature supports the value of hc;althy riparian lands as areas of unusually high
biodiversity. A buffer of 100 feet is generally recommend~:d to maintain healthy creek functions and a buffer of
300 feet is the average recommended to maintain wildlife health and diversity. When this buffer does not
remain on one side of the creek - in the case of the Stocklmeir Orchard, the other side of the creek has been
greatly degraded due to the golf course - it is especially irriportant to maintain a healthy buffer on the other side
as a wildlife refuge. Many, many of our local species rely on access to a valley creek for all or part of their life
I often hear it said that the proposed multiuse trail will improve the riparian area's function as a wildlife
corridor or at worst be neutral. This flies in the face of a large body of scientific studies which clearly document
the negative effect that quiet, non-consumptive recreation, such as walking and bicycling, have on the
surrounding habitat. It is not so much the physicality of th~~ trail as it is the human disturbance.
During the last meeting, a majority of task force members were in favor of investigating the possibility of
putting the bicycle trail on the east side of the creek by the edge of the golf course. This would allow for a
protected riparian buffer and a decently sized heritage orchard on the west side. There was not consensus on this
issue. In fact we have not had consensus on anything yet and we are in the process of bringing still more
stakeholders to the table.
I feel the task force is making very good progress. We are having some honest and heart-felt discussions about
folks' differing visions for what is not a large piece of land. We have a lot more work to do before we reach
consensus, though. I cannot recommend the Council take Diction based on any work the Stocklmeir Task Force
has done to date. The discussion is just too incomplete. I do recommend looking at the Stevens Creek Corridor,
between McClellan Road and Stevens Creek Blvd, as a single ecological entity when making any further plans.
Stevens Creek and adjoining lands are a continuous, connected living system which transcends any manmade
boundaries. Separate discussions of how to use the remaining bits of open space are very unlikely to protect the
integrity of this living system.
Joanne McFarlin