Ordinance 002(p)ORDINANCE ro. 402(p)
SECTION. 1: Amendment
Section l:l: Ordinance No. 002 as amended by Section A:2
entitled "Area Limitations" of Ordinance N~. 002(h) is hereby
amended by the deletion of Sub-section ~+:2:(d) and in place
thereof is substituted the following:
(d) Minimum Yard dimension building to lot line:
Front Yard - 30 feet (except that a wider and shall
be provided where required by paragraph (e~ of this
Section of Secti~~n ~:7)
Side Yard - ~.'S feet ( ex+:ept gnat a wider yard shall
be provided ~rhere required by paragraph (e) of this
section of Section ~:7)
Rear Yard - 2~5 feet (e.~:cept that a wider yard shall
be provided where required by paragraph (e) of this
section of Section ~:7)
Section 1:2: Ordinance No. 002 as amended by Section ~+:2
entitled "Area Limitations" of Ox~dirance No. 002(h) is hereby
amended by the deletion of Sub-sE~ction ~:2:(e) and in place
thereof is substituted the follourin~;:
(e) Maximum tiei~;::.t : No stz~uctur. e r~thex~ than a fence or wall
less thar:. c~ feet ~~i~,Yt s:~:.~.ll be located closer to a
property ll~Ze than a distance equal to the height of
the structure measur~:ca fx•oin natural grade. No struc-
ture: in exces:~ of 35 le°t, i:1 height shall be located
closer to an "R" Dist;rice than a distance equal to
four Limos its heigYit;. No structure more than 3 feet
high shall be loeatecl in a requir^ed yard ad~:,ining a
Section 1:3: Ordinance No. 002 as amended by Section 4:7
entitled ''Transitions" of Ordinance No. 002(h) is hereby amended
by the deletion of Section ~:7 and in place thereof is substituted
tree following
Section ~:7: T ~an3it;ions: The minimum distance
between a building iri an M1- PH District and an R
District shall be l0U feet. Where an M1-PH District
adjoins an R District;, a solid masonry wall or fence
not less than six feE~t high shall be located on the
property line except in a required front yard and the
20 feet ad,~oining the~~property line shall be landscaped
as approved by the fi Control Committee.
~. ~.
SECTION 2: Definitions
Section 2:1: Definition of Parking S ace: One (1) parking space
is defined as an area ten by twenty (1Ox20~ feet.
Section 2:2: Definition of Gara e: One (1) garage is defined as
an enclosed area ten by twenty (10x20} feet.
SECTION 3: Parking Regulations
Section 3:1: Single Family (R-1): Two {2) garages per living
Section 3: 2: Multiple Family (R-2-H): At least one (1) garage
shali~v~ded for each dwelling unit, plus 1/'2 parking space per
dwelling unit,.
Sect~.on 3: 3: Multiple Family (R-3-H and R-2~-H): At least one
garage-shall be provided for each dwelling unit plus one parking space
for each dwe111ng unit. Parking space shall not be provided in the
required front yard.
Section 3:3:a: That the location of parking areas in R-3-H and
R-24-H zones shall be determined by the Architectural and Site Control
Committee pursuant to Ordinance No. 002(f) of the City.
Section 3:!~: Motels, Hotels: One (1) space per rentable unit
plus one 1 space for each employee living at another location plus
additional parking based upon su'osidiary uses in conformance with the
requirements for said uses.
Section 3:5: Community Center, Civic Clubs, Churches, Mortuaries,
Funeral Parlor, Private clubs, Lodges and Theatres: One (1) parking
space for every four (~} seats, plus one (1) space for every employee
and special purpose vehicle. Mortuaries and funeral parlors shall also
provide space for five (5) cars for' the preparation of funeral proces-
Section 3:6: Sanitariums and Rest Homes: One (1) space for each
doctor, plus one (1) space for eacY~ three (3) other employees, plus one'
(1) space for every six beds in s~•r~;itariums or rest homes.
Section 3:7: School Class Ro~~,ms and School Offices: One (1)
parking space for each employee, p].~~s one (1) space for each fifty-
six (56) square feet of gross floor area in multiple purpose rooms,
plus eight (8) spaces for visitors for each school, plus one {1) space
for each three (3) students in sen~_or year of high school or in an in-
stitute of higher learning.
SECTION 4: Parking Requirements B~~~ed Upon Floor Area
Section 4:1: Gymnasiums, Aud~:toriums, Skating Rinks, Without
Fixed Seats: One (1) parking spacE: for each fifty-six (56) square
feet of open floor area usable for seating purposes, plus one (1) space
for each employee.
Section 4:2: Restaurants, an<~ Nightclubs: One (1} parking space
for every four 4) seats, or one (:L) space for every thirty-six (36)
square feet of dance floor area, whichever is greater, plus one (1)
space for each employee.
Section 4: 3: Medial and Denta)_ Clinics: One (1) parking space
for each doctor, plus three f3) spaces for pe,llents of each doctor and
one space for each technician or emp'l.~yee,
Section ~•:~: BGWI:~.I. Alleys: Seven (7) pai-king spaces for each
bowling lane, plus one (1~ space fo.r each employee, plus additional
parking based upon subsidiary uses in co:zfo.rmatice with the require-
ments for said uses.
Section ~!-:5: General Offices (P-O-H): One (1) parking space for
every one hundred and fifty (1j0) square feet of gross floor area, or
one space for every 1.3 employees, whichever is greater.
Section 4 : 6: General Commerc ai : (C•-1-II) : Ratio of one (1)
parking space for every ~f:wo hundred (200) square feet of gross floor
Section 4:7: Ligh~c Ind.ustx~ial (M--1-PII): One parking (1) space
for every two hundred and iif'ty (250) squarE feet of net floor area,
or 1.3 employees, wy~ichever 3_s g3~ea ~E::r.
Section 4:8: Ligl~ lndust~~i.al (l~i••1-II): One (1) parking space
for every four hundred. ~~<<i f,.?'ty (45~~) square feet of gross floor area,
or 1.3 employees, whicY~~wer is greater°.
Section 4:~: Armzse:aent Resort (A-R) : One (1) parking space for
every four seats plus cre spats per employee,
Section !I:10: More Z'r~a,n One Use In A Building: When more than
one (], use takes place iar a g:- ve~1 bu3.l.dang or ai,ea, the Chief Build-
ing Inspector shall u.se the cor,.~i~?.*~at:~~~a~ ef' parl;.ing requirements which
will provide the gre~,cest tota,:t harkiz~~g requ:Lro~ment.
SECTION 5: Load:tn~ R.eguirements
Section 5:1: L~~~ry comr~erc:_s.l, trrstytutional, wholesale, ware-
house or Industrial building or ,ase hPrea.r%er erected or established
shall provide and p~:t°tr~2.n~:Zt1~ rr:a..azf~a~ .z fc~x~= loading purposes only, a
minimum of on.e (1} off•-scr~eet 1.c~LE1:i.nl; s~~ace.
The loading :.l~s.ce sr~~.ll be do s:;.i;~~ated that its use fot~ loading
and unloading noes not :'.mpe~'e t1~2, n~~~•:na1 ci~~culation of vehicular traf-
fic withlr. tkze parl~_;.r~~ area.
SECTION E; P~~,rkiizl;~i,ot Design '~~i,andarcis
Section 6:1: All parking spaces shall have direct access to a
public ar private roadway at ~~,11 times c.rcept that single family and
duplex units may use tandem panting for each living unit.
SECTION_l: Public ParlLing A.~ea
Section 7: 1: No parc~:~ of lard or portion thereof, shall be used
as a public parlting area if' any member of the public desiring to park
a motor vehicle thereon is required f,o pay a fee or charge for the priv-
ilege of parking, unless a permit is first obtained from the City
Council. -3-
SECTION 8: Amending; ClaLise
Section 8:1: All ordinance-~ h~~rotofore enacted in co~nfl3ct with
this ordinance are hereby repealed ~o the extent that they would vary
the provision of this ordinance;.
SECTION g: Severability Clause
Section 9:1: If any section, subsection, sentence, clause or
phrase of this ordinance is for any reason held to be unconstitutional,
such decision shall not effect the validity of the remaining portions
of this Ordinance. The legislative bogy hereby declares that it would
have passed this ordinance and each section, subsection, sentence,
clause or phrase thereof, irrespective of the fact that any or more
sections, sub-sections, sentences, clauses or phrases be declared un-
SECTIO~d 10: Penalties
Section 10:1: Any person, firm or corporation violating any pro-
viuions of this ordinance, shall be deemed guilty of a misdemeanor,
and upon conviction thereof, shall be punished by a Fine not exceeding
Five Hundred ( X500) Dollars ox° by impr? sorzmeizt in the C~~ ty Jail not to
exceed six (6} months for viclatior.., or by both such fj.1e and imprison-
SECTION 11: I=ublishin~; Clause
Section 11:1: That the City Clerk be and he herE~by is authorized
and directed to cause copies of thj.s Ordinance to be published at
least once within fifteen (15) days: after its adoption in the Cupertino
Courier, the official newspaper of the City of Cupertino.
INTRODUCED at a regular meetiri; of the City Council on the 6th
day of January, 196'+; ENr'~CTED at a re. ~ular meeting of the City Council
of the City of Cupertino, this 20tri d~=.y of January, ~.g6~}.
AYES: Councilmen: Benetti, Dempster, li'inch, Saieh, Jewett
NOES: Councilmen: None
ABSENT: Councilmen: None
~~a Verne Ii. Jewett
P~iayor, C:~.ty of Cupertino
~s/ Lawrence K. A~artin _
City Clerk
I her•~by certify that th~.s is an
exact copy of original ordinance on file
in the office of the City Clerk of the
City of Cupertino.
Ci y Cleric