Ordinance 002(h)ORD?NANCE N0. 002 (h) AN ORDINANCE OF THE CITY OF CUPERTINO AMENDING ORDINANCE N0. 002 WHICH ORDINANCE INCORPOF~A~I'ES ORDINANCE NS1200 OF THE COUNTY OF SANTA CLARA, ADDING THE CLASSIFICATION "PROr''E.~SIONAL ADMINISTRATIVE PARK ZONING" (PA-PH) AND FURTHER ADDING THE CLASSIFICATION "LIGHT INDUS- TRIAL PARK ZONING" (M1-PH) THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF CUPERTINO DOES ORDAIN AS FOLLOWS: SECTION 1: Purpose Section 1: 1: This ordinance is designed to provide regulations for parcels or combinations of parcels of land of 25 acres or more on~which development of professional administrative and light industrial parks is deemed appropriate. SECTION 2: Regulations for Professional Administrative Park Zoning (PA-PF' Section 2: 1' Uses permitted. (a) Professional Offices (b) Executive and Administrative Offices (c) Medical and Allied Laboratories (d) Research and Development (no product for final consumption) Section 2:2: Area Limitations: (a) Minimum Lot Size: 1 Acre (b) Minimum Lot Dimension: 150 feet (c} Maximum Building Coverage: 40 percent This maximum coverage is permitted on the basis that landscaping satisfactory to the "H" Control Committee is provided and the parking requirements for the type of office or laboratory are fully • ,,. complied with. (d) Minimum Yard Front Yard Rear Yard Side Yard Side Yard street or lot) Dimension - Pu 50 30 20 (facing corner 50 ildin, to Lot Line: feet feet feet feet (e) ^uilding Height Limit: Three stories but not to exceed 35 feet to top of parapet wall. The height of a radio or T.V. aerial, elevator penthouse, utility structures and necessary mechanical a?-purtenances constructed on a roof shall not 'oe counted in determining building height. The -approval of the "H" Control Committee must be secured for any of the foregoing items extending a'QOVe tie roof line of the bu~.lding. - 1 - (f) Minimum c3ist~.nce between two builds ngs on the same lot: 3U feet (~~~xcept fox' building complexes of similar archi~;ectu~~~ on lots of ten acres or more) Section 2:3: Off-street I':3..'lr1n~;: The developer must provide sufficient off-street parlting ai:~ry accoss lanes to accommodate the permanent working force vaithin `. _~e buii_ding to be constructed as well as any and all visitors to the 'p~:~lding. Asa minimum, one car space shall 'oe brovided for each 150 squ.~.re feet of gross area in the buiidir or each 1.3 emp7.oyees working thex~~ln, whichever is greater, A car space shall be defined as sufficient room to park the car and also sufficient pavement for ingress arici egress. Off-street parking will not be allowed :in any required sicE, yard facing the street on a corner lot. Section 2:~+: Loading: At lea,:~.t one space, 10 feet wide, 30 feet long and 15 feet high shall be provi~'°d for such use permitted under Section 2:1 of ~chis ordinance. Section 2:^~: Fences, hedges and <ralls shall not exceed 6 feet in height; fences; hedges and walls along aroperty lines must be of material>. approved by thy. "H" Control Committee; ~,rrd no fence, hedge or wall shall be higher Char, 2 1/2 feet within the frcr,.t yard setbaclt. All rear property line _, shall havo continuous plar~`ing together with a standard link chain fe~:ce or masonry wall. Section `?: 6: Signs: Sub jest to tree p:~~~~visions of Crdinance A1o , 89 and Nr~ . 121 o f the City . Sectior. 2:7: Offensive Uses: No use sr~a'~1 be allowed which will be obnoxious or offensive due to the creation o~ noise, odor, bright lights, v~_nration or smoke. Sect~~sn 2: 8: Architectural Review: Subject ~,.o the pro~~isons of Ordinance No. 002(fj of the City wit.:~~ the additio~~ ~~i the follo~.aing regulation: In the event landscapin;; is not completed a`. the time of occupancy due to wPo.tr.er conditions, a bc,~.d shall be posed with the Ci~;y Li erlc irz t'r:e amount to be deter- mined by at ~_east t~ao (2) lawful ~~~.dc . Section 2:~: Gccupancy Perrr,it: P1o building or st~.u~ture here- ai°ter erected sha~Ll be occu-~:_eu until w~°itte~l no `,ice ha,. :•een received by the Building Official of the City that it is ready for occupancy, inspection has been made that it is in conformity with the ordinances of the City and an occupancy permit; issued therefor by the Building Official of the City. SECTION 3: Amendment Section 3: 1: Ordinance No. 002 is hereby amended by adding the classification entitled "Light Industrial Park Zoning" (M1-PH). SECTION 4: Regulations for Light :[ndustrial Park Zonin~(Ml-PH1 Section 4:1: Uses Permitted: (a) Professional and Administrative Offices: (b) Light manufacturing, processing, assembling and storage of products and matey°ials, including institutes and laboratories, providE~d that such uses are not yr will not be offensive ay reason of the emission of dust, gas, smoke, noise, fixmes, odors, vibrations, nuclear radiation, radio frequency interference, or otherwise, and every use shall lie operated in such manner that the volume of sound_Lnherently and recurrently generated shall not exceed sevE~nty-five (75) decibels at any point on the property line on which the use is located, or sixty (60) decibels at any point on the property line on which the use is located where such property line abuts property that is zoned for residential purposes. Noises and sounds shall be appropriately muffled in such manner so as not to be objectionable pis to intermittent beat, frequency or shrillness, and p~^ovided further, that prior to issuance of a building permit, the Euilding Inspector may require evidence that adequate controls, measures,, or devices have been provided to insure and protect the public interest, health, comfort, convenience, safety and general wE~lfare from such nuisances. Section 4:2; Area Limitations: (a) Lot Area: 1 acre (b) Lot Width: 150 feet (c} Maximum Building Coverage: 40 percent (d) Minimum Yard Dimension 3uilding to Lot Line: Front Yard 20 feet Side Yard 20 feet (except that ~0 feet shall be required for•any building over one story or 25 fee>i in height, when adjacent to. any "R" District.) Rear Yard 20 feet (except that ~0 feet shall be required for any building over one story or 25 feet in height, when adjacent to any "R" Distri;ct.) (e) Building Height Limit: Two (2) stories. but not to exceed 35 feet. (f) Minimum Distance 3etw~sen Two i'uildings on the Same Lot: 30 feet (except building complexes of similar architecture on lot? of ten acres or more). -3- or persons firms corporate`°-;, r- -:~`- ~~_:~~-.' ~ _ , _.: ~.v!~a~-tnershir_? ma,;~ file a su~.t in the Superior Court of the C;cunty of Santa Clara, to reUtrain or enjoin any attempted. or proposc~u sl:~.'odiv-is~or., or acts, :~n violation of this ordinance. SECTIOi~T 7: Publishing; Ci_ause Section 7: l: The C~i ty Cleric is hereQy k : . to cause a certified copy of this ord:ina~~~ce once within fifteen (1) days after its ena~ Courier, the official newspaper of the City ordinance shall take effect and 'pe in force its enactment. authorized and directed to be pualished at least ~tment in the Cupertino of Cupertino. This thirty (30) days after INTRODUCED at a regular meeting of the City Council of the City of Cupertino, on the 15th da.y of Gcto~;ers 1962; and ENACTrD at a regular meetin.; of the City Council o~ the Clty of Cupertino this 5th day of i~lovempery 1962, b~~ the followi~7g vote: AYES: Dempster; B'rolich, Jewett, Saich, ??e:~ett:~ NOES: None A'~SENT: None 's John ~'enetti P•Zayor ATTEST /s/ Lawrence K. P~tartin ~Gity Clerk I hereoy certify that this is an exact copy of original ordinance on file in the office of the City Clerk of the City of Cupertino. /s/ Lawrence K. Martin City Cleric U -