CC Resolution No. 7176 RESOIIJI'ION NO. 7176 A RESOIIJI'ION OF THE CITY <XXJNCIL OF THE CITY OF OJt'-.L'.i.I'IO ORDERING VACATION OF A roRI'ION OF roBLIC EMERGENCY VEHIc::r..E INGRESS AND ~S EASEMENT WITHIN THE CITY OF ClJt'-.L'.i.I'IO WEST OF CARMEN ROAD AT ITS TERMINUS NORIH OF STEVENS CREEK I300IEVARD RJRSUANT 'ro SECl'ION 50430 OF THE GOVERNMENT CODE OF THE STATE OF CALIFORNIA WHEREAS, hearing on Resolution of Intention No. 7137 was held on May 4, 1987 at a regular meeting of the city Council at 10500 N. DeAnza Boulevard, 0Jpertin0, Califomia; WHEREAS, it appears that notice thereof was duly given as required by law; an:i WHEREAS from the evidence presented, both oral an:i documentary, it appears to be to the best interest of the City to vacate the hereinafter described portion of public emergency vehicle ingress an:i egress easement; that said easement is tmece6saJ:Y for present or prospective public street purposes; NCM, 'lHEREFOl<ß, BE IT RESOLVED: 1. That all or any protests against the vacation of said easement be an:i hereby are overruled an:i denied; 2. That said easement described an:i shown in Exhibits "A" an:i "B" attached hereto an:i made part hereof, be an:i hereby is vacated. BE IT FURI'HER RESOLVED: That the City Clerk be hereby is instructed an:i directed to cause a certified copy of this resolution, attested to an:i sealed with the official seal of the city, to be recorded with the county :Recorder of the county of Santa Clara, Califo:rnia, forthwith. RESOIlJTION NO. 7176 PASSED AND AOOPI'ED at a regular meeting of the City Council of the City of CUpertino this 4th day of May , 1987 by the following vote: Vote Members of the city Council AYES: Gatto, Johnson, P1ungy, Rogers, Sparks NOES: None ABSENT: None ABSTAIN: None ATIEST: APPROVED: /s/ Roberta A. Wolfe Deputy city Clerk /s/ W. Reed Sparks Mayor, City of CUpertino Job No. 87012 March 13, 1987 DESCRIPTION All that certain real property situate in the City of Cupertino, COW1ty of Santa Clara, State of Califon'lia, being a portion of that certain Access EaseIœnt and Ðœrgency Vehicles Easerrent a=oss Parcel 4 as shown on that certain Parcel Map filed in Book 559 of Maps at page 1, Santa Clara COW1ty Records, being des=ibed as follows: Beginning at the intersection of the northerly line of said easerrent with the westerly line of said Parcel 4; thence fran said Point Of Beginning along said northerly line N 74°02'40" E 74.23 feet to the westerly line of Camen Road; thence fran a tangent which bears S 32°39'46" E, along a curve to the left. having a radius of 32.00 feet, through a central angle of 7°56'41" for an arc length of 4.44 feet; thence leaving said westerly line of Camen Road S 70°34 '00" W 76.72 feet to said westerly line of Parcel 4; thence along said line N 10°54'11" W 8.84 feet to the POINI' OF BEGINNING. m KIRKEBY 8 . ti "0' 200096 S,ASSOCIATES INC SCALE ''''20' Cup.nlno,Co, 9;~:~' Cr..k 61'~' ' A (408)257-0600 PPROVED BY OATE /'1I1R, 1987 !:.p''''' 3-JJ'8' PLAT TO ACCOM I'1ARvlN D, J(lRKEBY DRAWN .Y PAN)'" DESCRIPT /OJ'C.£.I4lJO REVISED PI/RCEL 4 P. - CuPERTINO ,.11, 559 M J ! DRAWING N - CALJF: 870/2 U....ER ~ ~ 'CC ,l<J <: ,'<J 4.J ~~ ~~ <, "'C ''0 I ........ a- ~ '" . J '~ /, ,.,,/J.3JQ90'20" / ' " R' J5' I " " ¿ '8,/8 I,~~ ,,{¡ / t} ~r( í--- \ ,." .,;\\ - ~ '" \ \.,;. .. \ ...."' ~ "\ ,', > \ \ ",I of A"'" . - \' ;:.. .. " ..:, po~110N NLD ~3 --.: y:'--: ~ <"",', :; q,', _ASAlo')U ,"" .ß.--......!.:¡...\... "':.... .'. \ _ 0-1' I "02. .1..oJ:-Î ,.¡...... .- /.t. ,.... ~/ ;, ___ fl~"::--"'-' _ / ," ,,>,-- <C ,'->- .......... j ~.--, ¡",<" /iú,1~ ,..'" <Õ~.,>- --- .' ~. . . . ---- '.. .- . . õJ. A"'" .' ,ò--- .". l<~ _.. ..,,,;,,';[''''''/<'' 'i ,;"' 'b-~ " . . ~ ,,, ,. . ,.'>--"...- , .. / ----....... ' .---- '" . _'" .~-,."::!.;.--%i'~ -- ,~ ...-"'- . ./-:.--0:://6 IS ~ \ _ _ .,.,'H~" ..-:;...-- q , \ ___._- ....."'3~.-::.>- ~ ..1"" ~ \.........- ___--r- ;:':/Á< 5Jof~ .. -.: ~/ ~~~~ . -~-r Ø"" \ . .., " "."." · · \ ____- ~__ ~.-'\ "".,,1 ..,.' " .---------- \.-- ~-- . \.",,' ", .", ..---- - ' ....' ", : ~.----' : '- lNG' ; --- --- '!¡j ...-----.......- ' ,. -----...,----- . ~ ___..--c.: ".,;,,1;"··: . ___ '¡ '... "".t . ~ .~~ ",? '[> : ~ . - ' , 8'},01l ------ ----- -------- -f- li 10'00'00 ~~ 0.,02"2,' ~_ /..,88.01 (?' /1''3' I ¡ I I I I I i --1 <:. " cp.£E.¡< ß L. V 0· _________"51£ v£NS