70300 TORRE AVENUE • CUPERTINO, CA 95014-3255
C U P E RT 1 IV O TELEPHONE: (408; 777-37 7 O• FAX: (408) 777-3366
Agenda Item No. l 3
MEETING DATE: April 7, 2009
Consider the following actions for creating off-leash areas for dogs in parks including, but not
limited to:
A. Create a citizen group to work with city staff for site identification and usage
plan for an off-leash dog area in a city park. This could be a fenced or
unfenced azea. The citizen group ~~vould gather park users' support, assist with
fundraising, conduct a 6-month trial period, assist with ongoing housekeeping,
and monitor behavior in area.
B. Amend the City's 2009-10 fee schedule increasing the annual dog license fee by
$1 1.00 (from $15 to $26) for Cupertino residents
C. Authorize City staff to produce a con~niunity education about dog laws, fines, and
D. Authorize City staff to discuss with the County of Santa Clara Pazks and Recreation
the possibility of constructing a dog park at Stevens Creek County Pazk
E. Conduct the first reading of Ordinance No. 09-2041: An Ordinance of the City
Council of the City of Cupertino amending Sections 8.01.030 (Animals Runn;ng at
Large), 8.01.130 (Public Nuisance:), and 8.03.010 (Restraint of Dogs) of the Cupertino
Municipal Code by adding the following: Asiy person who violates thzs section shall
be guilty of an infraction a~zd upon conviction thereof sluzll be punished as provided in
Chapter L12
F. Amend the City's Bail Schedule reducing the fine for dogs off- leash and public
nuisance to from $100 to $50
The issue of off-leash opportunities for dogs ha.s been discussed off and on since 1993_ Options
suggested by residents over the years included: a dog park, a dog off-leash area, and designated dog
off-leash times in neighborhood parks. The City Council has not taken action on any of these
options. However, the issue re-surfaced recently with several residents requesting a dog park.
At its April 15, 2008 meeting, the Council directed the Parks and Recreation Commission to
address all options for off-leash opportunities for dogs. The Parks and Recreation Commission
began studying this item on June 5, 2008 when the Commission considered options for a
community process for an off-leash policy for dogs. The Commission took the action to visit other
dog parks in the area. On June 24, 2008, a tour was conducted at Butcher Dog Park in the City of
San Jose. On August 2, 2008, the Coiiuiiission toured two off-leash areas and a dog park in the
City of Foster City.
Site Visits
Butcher Doe Park. Citv of San Jose
• This site was a O.8-acre fenced dog park
• Designated area was an under-utilized park area
• Composition: Artificial turf, decomposed granite, mulch, 8~ concrete walkways, steel
fencing and other amenities (benches, picnic tables, mutt mitt dispenser, drinking fountain,
bulletin board, water jug filler, etc.) .
Highlights of Butcher Park's planning process:
• 2.5 years to identify a site in the 9th council district; city had goal of a dog park in each of
10 districts
• Needed park of significant size and not adjacent to homes
• Held multiple community meetings
• Perceived off-leash risk - "people aren't going to clean up"
• City attorney recommended to construct dog parks vs. off-leash areas
Butcher Park's Community Outreach:
• Five meetings in the last 3 yeazs
• Dog Park Comm;ttee, composed of 8-lO community members, was established by staff
• Committee worked with staff in the development of scope and design of the new dog park
and facilitated efficient communication between staff and community members
Friends of Butcher Park Group:
• 5 official members.
• Monthly volunteer in-service days with 40-60 people.
• Volunteers sweep daily and people are committed to keeping it clean.
• Common agreement that you get your dog out of a fight and pay to fix it.
• Group manages poor conduct by dogs/owners.
• Currently collecting money for benches.
• Offers Yahoo email group.
August 2. 2008 Site Visit to Foster City
• Foster City has similar population to Cupertino and same insurance provider.
• Foster City has five off-leash azeas in city parks from Sam -Sam and one dog park.
What works well for Off-Leash Areas in Foster City:
• People get to know each other.
• People self-patrol the azeas (strangers, aggressive dogs, etc.).
• People feel an obligation to keep iE clean.
• Never a conflict with children or sporting events during these eazly hours.
Challenges of Fenced Dog Park in Foster City_
• Over-crowded -dog-sitters bring multiple dogs and over-use it.
• Astroturf doesn't leach through and is only watered monthly.
• Health concerns - e.g. kennel cough.
• Large dog area too confined for large dogs.
• Needs better lighting and watering.
• Some owners can't control their dogs.
October 2, 2008 Community Study Session
The Commission held a community study session on October 2, 2008 to gather input on three key
questions which residents were asked. The Conunission gathered valuable information from the
community regarding what works, what does not work and suggested guidelines for the current
situation, dogs' off-leash, and dog parks. Attachment A is the Facilitated Discussion Comment
Report that documents the community feedbacl_ from the study session. These criteria guidelines
will be used in developing a specific plan for a specific park's off-leash area, and the. criteria will
also be used to determine the success of a trial period.
Several key points were communicated by the community at the October 2 study session. One key
point was the benefit of having another community study session with more public meeting
notification. By publicizing the next study session by mailing postcards to residents and working
through Neighborhood Block Leaders to get the word out, the Commission would gather a broader
base of community input.
The community made it clear in another key point that if an established neighborhood was
interested in a fenced-in dog area in that neighborhood park, they would have to prove support.
The Commission could develop a process for a neighborhood to embazk upon, for requesting a
fenced-in dog area in that neighborhood park, including a requirement of neighborhood resident
February 5, 2009 Community Study Sessiorv.
The Parks and Recreation Commission in conjunction with the Commission's Dog Park
Subcommittee decided that a facilitated community discussion on guidelines for off-leash areas in
parks for dogs, fenced and unfenced would generate productive feedback. Postcards were mailed to
all resident households announcing this conununity study session. The community discussion on
dog parks was conducted in eleven small groups consisting of 4 to 8 people per group. Attachment
B consists of February 5, 2009 results from the Discussion Group Feedback and results of the eight-
three (83) Individual Feedback Survey collected from the community from February 5 to February
23, 2009.
One of the results of the February S, 2009 community study session was that some supporters of
off-leash areas were interested in assisting the City with site selection for an off-leash area, and
thought it was the City's duty for funding, maintaining, and enforcing rules.
Another result from the community feedback is the consideration of working with the
County of Santa Clara Parks and Recreation Department to construct a fenced dog park at
Stevens Creek County Park.
`The Commission has also heard from many residents who fully support no change to the
current leash laws in parks. The primary concern for supporters of no changes in the current
laws is for safety issues and personal well-being while using parks.
Over 300 people participated in these community discussions.
City-wide Survey
Godbe Research Associates conducts a citywide survey for Cupertino every other year.
The 2008 survey included two questions on off-leash dog facilities. Regarding afenced-in
dog park, 48% supported and 39% did not. For off-leash at fixed times, 62% supported and
33% did not. Graphs displaying the results can be found on Attachment C.
Research on Off-Leash Areas for Dogs
Staff has researched off-leash facilities and guidelines from numerous cities including San Jose,
Foster City, Mountain View, Morgan Hill and Portland, Oregon. Information was also obtained
from a report on guidelines for establishing successful off-leash dog areas produced by the School
of Veterinary Medicine at U.C. Davis. Staff has also reviewed the California Parks and Recreation
Society's recommended best practices for off-leash dog areas, fenced or unfenced. The following
documents are attached=
School of Veterinary Medicine, U.C. Davis Attachment D
California Parks and Recreation Society Attachment E
Portland Parks and Recreation Attachment F
City of San Jose Attachment G
City of Foster City Attachment H
City of Morgan Hill Attachment I
City of Mountain View Attachment J
People have strong opinions as to whether Cupertino should provide off-leash opportunities for
dogs. Those in favor believe it is healthy for dogs to run and play off a leash. Those who oppose
these opportunities cite health, safety, and noise issues.
Citizens Group
Staff conducted an analysis of best practices of off-leash areas in local cities. Even though each of
the four local cities that were researched had a different type of off-leash area, there was one
consistent theme of success among the cities. That theme was a formalized, resident organization
stepping forward as an accountable group that will work in collaboration with the City in planning,
fundraising, monitoring, and on-going housekeeping of an off-leash area. The City of Cupertino
has had success working with other resident organizations like California Youth Soccer Association
(CYSA), Cupertino Veterans Memorial, and California Cricket Academy in their request of park
usages and amenities. Such a resident organization is also recommended by Portland, Oregon and
the School of Veterinary Medicine at U.C. Davis. The citizen group would not be solely
responsible for off-leash area maintenance, but would work with City parks maintenance staff.
After the March meeting of the Parks and Recreation Commission, a group of eight people stepped
forward and offered to be the citizens group that would work with City staff on planning and
implementing an off-leash area for dogs.
Liability Issues
A dog owner is legally responsible for any damage, injury, or illness their dog(s) may cause to
itself, other dogs, or other people. The City is part of a liability insurance pool managed by ABAG.
Staff discussed off leash liability issues with ABAG staff and ABAG advises that off-leash options,
fenced or unfenced, will not increase the City's liability insurance costs.
Enforcement, Infrac#ions, 1Vlisdemeanors, and Fines
The current off leash laws are enforced by the Sheriff's deputies as part of its contract with the
City. There were 23 calls for service related to dogs off leash February 2008 through January 2009.
The 23 calls for service resulted in two citations. Both citations were for dogs off leash in a City
park which is an infraction. The information on the calls for service is found on attachment M.
Captain Calderone of the Sheriff's Office preps-red a report to City Manager Kaapp regarding fines
for dogs off leash. (Attachment L) A dog off leash in a City park is an infraction. The base fine is
$100. With penalty, night court, security and c~~unty court costs added on, the total cost is $436.
By comparison dogs off leash at large is a misdemeanor with a fine of $250 and after including
penalty, night court, security, and court fund the total cost is $1,006. Captain Calderone's report
compares these costs with other infractions and misdemeanors. For example running a red light is
an infraction with total costs of $446_ Going 1-15 miles per hour over the speed limit has total
costs of $199. These later two examples are found in the State Vehicle Code.
As for misdemeanors, Captain Calderone's report indicates that possession of less than one ounce
of marijuana has a total cost of $1,016. Drunk driving has a total cost of $5,766. A number of
speakers at the Parks and Recreation Commission felt the total cost for a dog off leash at large was
too much compared to the crime and suggested that the City's code should be changed from
misdemeanor to an infraction. Others felt the fines were too expensive.
Animals Running at Large is found in Municipal Code section 8.01.030. Restraint of Dogs is
found in Municipal Code section 8.03.Oi0. Public Nuisance related to dogs is in Code Section
8.01.170. The Council can amend these code sections as follows- Any person who violates this
sectio~z shall be guilty of an itzfractiotz mid upo~t co~zviction thereof shall be punished as provided in
Chapter L12. Vicious dog violations remairi a misdemeanor.
The Council can also reduce the fines for these offenses. For example, if the fine for a dog off leash
was reduced from $100 to $50 the total cost would be reduced from $446 to $256.
Community Established Off-Leash Area Guiideline Criteria
An outcome of October 2, 2008 community study session was that the coiiinzunity determined the
criteria to be used for the Cupertino's dog off-leash areas. These criteria will be used in developing
a specific plan for a specific park's off-leash area, and the criteria will also be used to determine the
success of a trial period. The suggestions from the School of Veterinary Medicine at U.C. Davis
study on "Guidelines for Establishment and Maintenance of Successful Off-Leash Dog Exercise
Areas" will be incorporated into the established community criteria.
1. Safety of park users and dogs
a) The park users must have their dog under voice control
b) Children should always be closely supervised by a responsible adult
c) Owners should carry their leash on them at all times
d) One activity for a citizens group is to help monitor interactions between dogs and other
dogs and between dogs and people
e) Overtly aggressive, overly assertive, overly unruly, and under socialized dogs should be
discouraged from visiting the parks
f) Pazk users should be discouraged from bringing young puppies or fearful dogs to parks,
as they may be made more fearful by highly assertive dogs, highly interactive dogs, or
rough play
g) Limit the number of dogs per adult allowed in the pazk. U.C. Davis study suggest no
more than 3 per adult user
2. Sanitation of park facilities
a) Plan and budget for an appropriate maintenance and cleaning schedule, done by the
City, with assistance from the citizens group
b) Place signs stating the rules at the entrance(s) to the park, as well as within the park,
profiling the rule that owners must pick up the feces of their dogs. Be sure that the signs
are well maintained. Signs should be in English and Mandarin.
c) Provide adequate disposable bags, or other means of removing feces, and refuse cans for
feces cleanup
d) The a citizens group should help monitor the sanitation of the park
3. Appropriately increased and positive usage rates in parks
a) The size of the off-leash azea should be as large as feasible, but not too large to
adequately maintain.
b) Utilize alternate or nontraditional locations, if needed, to help decrease the chance for
conflict with other community users
c) The requirements of the Americans with Disabilities Act (ADA) must be taken into
4. Respect to neighbors
a) Locate the off-leash area so that it is not directly adjacent to residential property lines, to
help decrease the chance of actual and perceived problems between park users and the
b) The off-leash area should be close enough to a residential area that dog owners will take
their dogs to that area and not allow them off-leash elsewhere
c) Enforce leash laws in areas surrounding the off-leash area to decrease the number of
dogs illegally off-leash going to and from the park
5. Limited traffic impact
a) Provide adequate parking for the dog park users, as most users (95%) drive to them
b) Locate the off-leash area as close to the parking lot as possible to discourage owners
letting their dogs' off-leash between the area and pazking
6. Protection of natural resources
a) Mitigate concerns about possible disturbance of wildlife or native plants
7. Affordability of development and maintenance
a) An active citizens group should participate in the planning of a dog park
b) Encourage the citizens group to sponsor a fundraiser with park users
c) A citizens group should advise the City as to the needed resources to maintain the park,
and to help monitor its condition
8. Greater community education about dogs
a) Suggest that the dog park citizens group sponsor an on-line and/or paper newsletter, and
potentially an email group
b) Park users should be educated in the signs that dogs display when performing aggressive
March 5, 2009 Parks and Recreation Commiission Action
The Parks and Recreation Commission considered four options for establishing guidelines for
creating an off-leash area in a park:
A. No changes to current leash laws in city parks. Community education about dog
laws, fines, and safety would be produced by the City.
B. Create a citizen group to work with city staff for site identification and usage
plan for an off-Ieash dog area in a city park. This could be a fenced or unfenced
area. The citizen group would gather park users' support, assist with fundraising,
conduct a 6-month trial period, assist with ongoing housekeeping, and monitor
behavior in area.
C. City staff works with dog owners group and key stakeholders for designated park
to address desired outcomes and recommendations for anoff--leash area, fenced
or unfenced, in a park. After the successful completion of a 6-month trial period,
the City would provide a base service level required for maintenance, public
education, and enforcement associated with anoff-leash area. The citizens
group would not assume any ongoing responsibility for the operation and
maintenance of the off leash area.
D. City staff would work with the Cou~~ty of Santa Clara Parks and Recreation
Department to construct a fenced dog park at Stevens Creek County Park.
After receiving the staff presentation that reviewved the work of the Commission on this item for the
last year that led to the formation of these options, and hearing conmients from the public, the
Commission took the action to accept Option E., and include the following:
• To recommend an increase the dog license fee by $1 1 AO for Cupertino residents
• To reconnnend to include, from Oprion A, that cornrnunity education about dog laws,
fines, and safety would be produced- by the City
• That the activity with the citizen group specifically include the creation of a plan,
feedback and evaluation of success
• To recommend that active exploration of Option D, where the City staff would work
with the County of Santa Clara Parks and Recreation to construct a dog park at Stevens
Creek County Pazk
The Senioi Volunteer Advisory Council voted 16-1 on Mazch 16, 2009, to support the
recommendation adopted by Parks and Recreation Commission with a preference towards having a
fenced area.
The Teen Commission reviewed this recommendation on March 25, 20009. The Teen Commission
supported the Parks and Recreation Commission reconunendation with a preference towards having
a fenced area.
The City of Morgan Hill, in a combination of public and private funding, spent $40,000 for fencing
improvements, pathways, benches, and irrigation system modification. Butcher Dog Park in the
City of San Jose had construction costs that amounted to $566,333. The funding sources for this
dog park were the Park Trust, Council District 9 Funds, and Proposition 40 grant funds.
In order to fund an off-leash area in Cupertino, the dog license fee could be increased by $11 a year
to provide funds to the City for City staff to perform the base service level required for
maintenance, public education, and enforcement associated with an off-leash area. The $11 fee was
selected to remain consistent with fees charged to youth sports group using city facilities for each
resident participant.
Current Dog
Fee Proposed
$1 1 a Year
Altered 1 r $15 $26
Altered 3 r $39 $50
Unaltered $50 $61
Seniors $O $0
The City has estimated that 22% of households in Cupertino have dogs. Therefore, the City
estimates that there are 3,000 dogs living in Cupertino. With an $11 in to the dog licensing fee with
3,000 dogs, the revenue generated could be $33,000. Currently, there are close to 1,000 licensed
dogs in Cupertino. An $1 1 increase would result in approximately $1 1,000 to the City.
Staff is recommending for City Council to adopt reconuriendations approved by the Parks and
Recreation Commission for Off-Leash Dog Areas:
A. PLAN: Identify a citizen group to work with city staff for site identification and
development of a usage plan for an off-leash dog area in a city park. This could be a
fenced or unfenced area. The citizen group could be comprised of dog owners and
non-dog owners.
B. FEEDBACK: The citizen group would gather pazk users' and neighborhood
support on usage plan. The usage plan would outline how the following coniniunity
criteria would be achieved: safety of park users and dogs, sanitation of park
facilities, appropriate increases and positive usage in parks, respect to neighbors,
limited traffic impact, and protection of natural resources, affordability of
development and maintenance, and grez~ter community education about dogs. This
usage plan would need approval by the :Parks and Recreation Comm;ssion and City
Council prior to a trial period.
C. EVALUATION: The citizens group would conduct a 6-month trial, and monitor
behavior in azea. The citizens groups would have to demonstrate that the following
criteria were achieved during the 6-month trial period: safety of park users and dogs,
sanitation of park facilities, appropriate increases and positive usage in parks,
respect to neighbors, limited traffic imp:~ct, and protection of natural resources,
affordability of development and maintenance, and greater community education
about dogs.
D. After successful completion of trial period, this item would return to the Pazks and
Recreation Cormiiission and City Council for a permanent change to the ordinance.
E. The citizens group would also assist with ongoing housekeeping at site such as
replace dog waste pick-up bags, litter removal, and report park conditions to City
F. Community education about dog laws, fines, and safety would be produced by the
G. The dog license fee would be increased by $i 1 a year to provide funds to the City
for City staff to perform the base service, level required for maintenance, public
education, and enforcement associated with an off-leash area.
II. The citizens group would also assist with fundraising for the operations of an off-
leash area.
I. City staff would actively explore discussions with the County of Santa CIaza Parks
and Recreation Department regarding the possibility of constivcting a fenced dog
pazk at Stevens Creek County Park.
A chart showing how the proposed off-leash approval process would flow is found on
Attachment K.
Further, staff recommends amending Cupertino Municipal Code Sections 8A1.030 (Animals
Running at Laz-ge), 8.01.130 (Public Nuisance) and 8.03.010 (Restraint of Dogs) by adding the
following: Any person wlao violates this section shall be guilty of an infraction anal upon conviction
tlZereof shall be pu~zished as provided in Chapter LZ2. The proposed ordinance making these
amendments is found on Attachment N. The original Restraint of Dogs Chapter and Public
Nuisance Chapter are included as Attachment C-_
Finally, staff is recommending amending the City's Bail Schedule to reduce the fines related to
dogs off leash and public nuisance from $100 to $50. This would reduce the total cost of these
offenses from $446 to $256.
Julia Lamy, Senior Recrea " n Supervisor ~1GIar~inder, Director of Parks and Recreation
David W. Knapp, City Manager
10 13 - 10
Facilitated Discussion Comments
Parks & Recreation Commission Meeting ,
October 2, 2008
Attachment A
CURRENT • On-leash dogs get along, min injuries, • Enforcement of leash law ' . • Better and stronger
• Zero dog bites • Dog attacks by unleashed dogs enforcement
• Early mornings -dogs off-leash • Safety of children • More information to
• Owners take care ofdogs -min mess • People are uninformed about how to residents -another way
• Nice local parks for everyone behave around dogs besides the Scene
• People walk with theix dogs • Dogs can't move independently • Better education for the .
• Clear guidelines that can be enforced • No place to exercise dogs community
• Residents calling City Hall • ,Dog owners should be
• No place provided for off leash dogs more respectful and clean
' • Limitations to Cupertino residents up after dogs
only • People should be more
• Need more notification - open-minded
communication lacking with • License all dogs
' residents Training and education for
• City needs to step up to do something dogs and owners is a must
that works
• Residents have to go,outside City
• Untrained dog owners - dogs are too
confined and have no place to run
• Unlicensed and untrained dogs
' • Somelfew ma 've bad label owners
DOGS • Off leash okay - not in Hoover Park. • Not near residential areas • Keep far from residential
OFF-LEASH • Early hours 5,00 - 7.30 am (hours are • Dog fights and barking • Fenced-in area
under used) • Dog feces not getting cleaned up - • Laws need to be changed
• .Times should be decided by users (when makes an unhealthy situation • Posted rules
parks are empty) • Liability issues • True, strong enforcement!
• Find a location not close to houses or Not enough laws -requirements Restricted to residents
residential areas • More dogs in area because of park • Cupertino license
• Owners take responsibility • Open off-leash -want fence • Day fee for non-residents
• Use temporary fencing to keep separate • Safety, noise sanitation • Assessment of
• In restricted part of the park • Cupertino being a city wlo a dog park lawslprocess
• During weekdays until school isout -not . Dog behavior in a group can be a ~ • Pilot time
in summer problem • In parks -specific hours
• Specific times for running dogs but not ~ . Increase ~ traffic • Not on youth sports fields
. just onetime during the day • Safety for dogsthatare on-leash • Separation of offleashed
• Located where it's easy to walk to • Safety for children dogs and children
• Use large empty buildings or parking lots • Correct conditions for the dogs Specify the miles away
• Dogs need to be out before feeding • Un-enforced leash hours from neighborhood
• People are afraid Specific times posted
• Dog attacks by vicious dogs • Clear understanding of
• Accommodating neighbors guidelines
• Close to play structure • Keeping dogs away from
• In neighborhood parks play structures, fields
• Not obeying hours • NOT have off-leash area in
• Ruins park grass one park
• Keeps others away • Giving it a chance to work
• Volunteers
C NT D • Enforce carrying plastic
bags and flashlights
• Use surface areas that can't
' be damaged-parking lots .
or industrial sites
• Axea that works are in a
every park -City-wide, not
just in one given park
DOG Big enough area ~ Need a large area of land for dog • Prove they have the
PARKS • Great for interaction -social time for parks support of community
both dogs and people • Not in small park • Adhere to best practices
• Good upkeep necessary • Location not too close to homes from around the area
• Enclosures, landscape, hazard free, waste • There are not enougharound -this • 3/a to 1 acre is needed
disposal leads to overused dog parks that • Dog owners show support
• Posted hours -self enforced currently exist for guidelines -they need
• Self monitoring • Noise level ~ to work
• Electronic access • Park location.chosen by
• CPRS Standards, best practices City of Cupertino
• Many visitors • Citizen committee closer
• Respecting area have closer ties to situation
• Location that is good - no conflicts, not • Specified distance away
close to homes from houses
• County parks
• Industrial area creates less tension with
nei bons
Attachme;u~ B
Feedback from February 5
Strongly Oppose Oppose Neutral Support Strongly Support
Meeting (3$)
Position on limited off leash hours
in City parks? S 2 4 3 23
Position on fenced dog parks? 1 2 5 9 19
Do you own a dog? Yes - 29 No - 6
Current leash law be changed from
misdemeanor to fine? Yes - 24 No - 8
More Inclined LPSS Inchnad Nn Chanee
If off-leash hours not available, more
or less inclined to support having
' fenced do arks? 22 4 6
Attachment C
Attachment D
Produced by:
Program in Veterinary Behavioral Medicine
Center for Animals in Society
School of Veterinary Medicine
1 Shields Avenue
Davis, California 95616
vetb ehavior@ucdavis. edu
Benjanun L. Hart, DVM, Ph.D., DACVB
Melissa J. Baui, DVM, DACVB
Lynette A. Hart, Ph.D.
Rathmann Family Foundation
RFFoundation~a~aol. com
13 - 20
General Comments
There are many perspectives and types of information that need to be taken into consideration
when developing and managing off-leash dog parks that are successful in terms of harmony with the
surrounding community as well as with the park users. Community support and involvement is integral
to this process, especially in promoting a harmonious relationship with the neighbors of the park.
Maintenance, along with the proper selection of a location, is essential in the continued success of a
park. Indeed, our research, based on a study of 17 off-leash dog parks, profiles maintenance of the park
as probably the single most important determinant of success. Although our research did not show a
statistically significant correlation of dog park club involvement and perceived success, the correlation
was positive. Managers of parks repeatedly stressed the importance of an active dog park club, and we
strongly recommend that these clubs be involved in th.e planning process, as well as helping to
maintain an ongoing relationship with the management of the park. The lines of connnunication must
remain open between the municipality or organization managing the park and the community to
promptly address actual or perceived problems, and to profile the benefits that a dog park can bring to
the community. Under various headings below, we de:>cribe suggested guidelines that should be
considered in establishing and managing an off-leash dog park. The specific recommendations are a
reflection of conclusions from data analysis of our study of off-leash dog parks, as well as a reflection
of repeated comments front interviewed managers and park users.
The topics discussed first involve the primary concerns expressed by community officials,
namely safety to humans and other dogs, noise generated from a concentration of barking dogs, and
sanitation problems from the build-up of feces. As it turns out, these concerns do not represent the
issues deserving of the most attention, because problems in these areas appear to be relatively
infrequent, at least in the dog parks that we visited.
Some community decision-makers and park managers mentioned a concern about possible
disturbance of wildlife or native plants. Our study focused mainly on urban parks and disturbance of
wildlife in these pazks did not appear to be an issue. T'lus topic could be addressed in a study that
includes more parks established within natural reserves or nature areas.
Finally, in the way of general continents, we strongly encourage communities seriously
considering establishing or modifying a dog park to retain a professional consultant knowledgeable in
helping to prevent and resolve problems or concerns about off-leash parks_
Park managers and community officials ranked the safety of people and dogs as a primary concern in
dealing with dog parks. However, our shady, as well as those conducted elsewhere, reveal that injuries
to people and dogs fi-om dog bites at legal oil leash areas are rare_ One possible reason for the low risk
of a dog bite may be that park users almost always do not bring dogs that are likely to bite other dogs
or people. However, overly assertive, overly unruly, and undersocialized dogs can negatively impact
the behavior and welfare of other dogs visiting the park. To help ensure that this does not become an
issue, the following suggestions should be implemented:
1. Overtly aggressive, overly assertive, overly unruly, and undersocialized dogs should be
discouraged from visiting the parks. Park users should be educated in the signs that dogs
display when performing these behaviors. While not aggressive to the point of fighting with
other dogs, a dog that displays these types of behaviors can cause other dogs to become
excessively fearful
2_ Park users should be discouraged from bunging young puppies or fearful dogs to parks, as they
may be made more fearful by highly assertive dogs, highly interactive dogs, or rough play. A
fearful dog may snap or bite as a way of defending itself, and perhaps develop problems that
can be seen outside of the confines of a dog park.
3. The park users must have their dog under voice control.
4_ Children should always be closely supervised by a responsible adult_
5. Owners should carry their leash on them at all times.
6. One activity for a dog park club is to help monitor interactions between dogs and other dogs
and between dogs and people_ The best option for an organization is to obtain indemnification
from potential liability from their local government. If a local government has this sort of
expectation from a dog park user group, then the governmental entity should be required to
indemnify the group and absorb any legal liability (and legal costs) that might ensue.
This is another frequently mentioned concern of community officials. The noise level at parks
invariably increased over baseline in the area of the highest concentration of activity during peak use.
The degree that the surrounding community will notice this depends upon the degree to which the
noise level potentially reflects an increase in ambient noise from such things as noise from increased
automobile traffic. It should be kept in mind that sound Level declines exponentially with distance from
the source of the sound. Our research revealed no correlation approaching signif cance between the
increase in noise level at dog parks during times of heavy use and ranking of park success. In park
locations where noise from dogs may be an issue, we suggest the following:
1. Do not establish a dog park immediately adjacent to residential property lines.
2. If the dog park must be located immediately adjacent to residential property lines, create sound
buffers with plants, fencing or earthen berms if needed.
3. If an established park shares a border with residential property lines, move the area of heaviest
usage away from that boundary.
This is the third most highly profiled concern of community officials and park managers. However,
our study found no significant correlation between fecal counts and success_ The absence of a
correlation may indicate a rather low occurrence of residual fecal droppings in parks. The median was
1 fecal dropping per 100 square meters (120 square yards). Clearly almost all users of dog parks are
conscientious about picking up after their dogs. We did find a correlation between the number of signs
reminding users to pick up after their dogs and a lower fecal coon#. The posting of signs highlighting
the rule of picking up feces appeared to be more important than the number of refuse cans available -
as long as the cans were accessible and not overflowing. To help assure compliance with community
expectations of a clean park, we suggest the following:
1. Plan and budget for an appropriate maintenance and cleaning schedule, done by the
municipality or organization managing the doh; park.
2. Place signs stating the rules at the entrance(s) i.o the park, as well as within the park, profiling
the rule that owners must pick up the feces of -their dogs. Be sure that the signs are well
3. Provide adequate disposable bags, or other means of removing feces, and refuse cans for feces
4. Suggest that an active dog park club help monitor the sanitation of the park_
Our research indirectly points out the important role that the location of a park can have in its
perceived success. In some instances, good use may be made of areas that are not in high demand for
human-only use_ As an extreme, one park was located underneath a freeway_ In other instances, a
location previously used by transients was upgraded as a commmunity resource by the presence of off-
leash dog use. The establishment of awell-maintained and responsibly-used dog park may actually
improve the value of some neighborhoods. Another benefit for awell-located park, according to park
managers, is that the availability of an off leash park reduced the tendency for people to allow their
dogs off-leash in areas where it is not legal.
Park size is important. We found a correlation between the size of the park and ranking ofpark success,
with larger parks being ranked as more successful. Even for parks less than 3 acres, the larger the
better. If everything else is equal, choose the larger of 2 possible locations. As observed by our study
investigators, and verified by the manager interviews, it was not uncommon for users to allow their
dogs off-leash when coming to or leaving a dog park, even though there were rules against allowing
dogs off leash away from the park. Locating a park close to convenient parking spaces for cars may
reduce or eliminate this problem. The following are specific suggestions regarding location_
1. The size of the park should be as Large as feasiible. However, the municipality or organization
managing the park needs to be able to adequately maintain the space.
2. Urilize alternate or nontraditional locations, if needed, to help decrease the chance for conflict
with other commLUZity users.
1. Locate the park so that it is not directly adjacent to residential property lines, to help decrease
the chance of actual and perceived problems between park users and the neighbors. However,
the park should be close enough to a residential area that dog owners witl take their dogs to the
park and not allow them off-leash elsewhere.
2. Provide adequate parking for the dog park users, as most users (95%) drive to them. In addition,
locate the off leash area close to the parking lot as possible to discourage owners letting their
dogs off-leash between the dog park and parking.
3. If applicable requirements of the Americans with Disabilities Act (ADA) must be taken into
If asked about the three things that influence how well an off-leash dog park works, one could answer
maintenance, maintenance, and maintenance_ This is a factor that proved to significantly correlate with
ranking of park success, regardless of park size or whether dog-exclusive or multiple-use. The bottom
line is that before establishing on an off-leash park, the con-imunity must plan ahead and commit
resources for maintenance. The monetary costs and time for maintenance should be budgeted and taken
into consideration prior to approval of the park. The factors that are part of maintenance include, but
are not limited to, are: frequency of emptying refuse cans; re-supplying disposable plastic pick up bags;
replacing or fixing broken, bent, or weathered signs displaying rules; filling holes dug by dogs;
irrigation and maintenance of vegetation and turf; repairing fencing. Maintenance also includes
cleaning restrooms and other park user amenities, such as benches. One perspective is that, as in
reducing the occurrence of graffiti in urban areas by promptly removing graffiti, promptly removing
fecal droppings encourages people to follow the rules about cleanliness. The following are our
1. Plan and budget for appropriate maintenance and a cleaning schedule, which includes adequate
sanitation procedures, filling of holes that are dug by dogs, proper maintenance of the substrate,
and proper maintenance of fencing and amenities.
2. It is suggested that an active dog park club help advise the municipality as to the needed
resources to maintain the park, and to help monitor their condition_ However, do not rely on the
club to handle the required maintenance.
While the substrate within a park is undoubtedly important and correlates with pazk success, this is
often the most difficult topic for which to make specific recommendations. All substrate types, whether
turf, ground tree bark, decomposed granite, or heavily compacted base rock, may be appropriate for
some parks or some areas in parks. It is important to choose an appropriate substrate for the location
and resources available for adequate maintenance. Some thought must also be given for what is best for
the dogs. The following are some guidelines:
1. Ttrrf. This is a favorable substrate if the location is appropriate and the municipality is-able to
undertake fairly intensive maintenance. If turf is planted, it must be adequately maintained to
help prevent degeneration into dirt or mud, which includes irrigation, mowing, and weeding_
Some parks are closed periodically for reseeding/resodding the grass. Feces may be hard to
detect in turf, especially if it is long.
1. Bark or wood chips. This substrate is easily maintained. It needs to be replenished
periodicaIly, but does afford adequate drainage.. Care should be taken when selecting a wood
product so that dogs do not get splinters. Wood chips that are used for playgrounds are a good
choice. Feces niay be difficult to detect on the wood chips, but are easily renioved_ To some
people wood chips are not very aesthetically plsasing.
2. Decomposed granite. As with wood chips this is relatively easily maintained. It needs to be
replenished periodically. If deep enough and graded well, it allows adequate drainage. Feces are
easily detected and removed from this substraec:_ Maintenance of holes dug by dogs needs to be
addressed, because if there is not an adequate depth dogs may dig down to dirt, resulting in
muddy holes.
3. Sand. This is the natural substrate in parks at tl~e waterfront or on the beach. There is no worry
about refilling holes dug by dogs, unless they are extremely large. It affords adequate drainage,
and feces are easily detected and removed front this substrate. However, it is dii~"icult for
municipalities to maintain and keep clean, often requiring specialized equipment. Sand may
become too hot for dogs' feet during warm weather.
4. Heavily compacted base rock. This may be tl~~e only option available, depending on the
location. If used there are precautions to observe. First, pavement may get very hot if in direct
sunlight. Secondly, users should be made awar~~ that a dog might develop abrasions on the pads.
of their feet if they are not accustomed to spending a fair amount of time on this substrate. It is
very low maintenance, and feces are easily detected and removed from this substrate. To help
decrease odors, an enzyme-based disinfectant/<ieodorant can be sprayed on this substrate.
5. Multiple different substrates used together. 'Turf, bark, and concrete/asphalt trails maybe
used in different locations within a park. This offers dogs the opportunity to encounter and
choose different types of footing. Trails encourage park users to walk with their dogs, therefore
decreasing the density of dogs in one particular area. This also allows the human users the
option to exercise themselves more easily.
We foLmd that invariably all parks had rules. However, there was a wide disparity in how visible the
rules were. The rules must be highly visible, so that everyone is well informed as to what is expected.
We found a significant correlation between the number of signs posting fecal cleanup rules and the
fecal count per 100 square meters (120 square yards). Short versions of the rules emphasizing clean-up
should be posted in locations throughout the park, as well as at the' entrance(s). This is an area where an
active dog club may be very helpful by helping self-patrol the area. Park managers mentioned that
"self-policing" and peer-pressure by park users helps the other users be more aware of the stated rules.
A charged issue about rules is placing a limit on the number of dogs allowed per user. The main
concern is with regard to dogwalkers who may bring i n as many as 15 dogs at a tme. Our observations,
reinforced by comments from users of the park, suggest that dogwalkers, and others with more than 3
dogs, are less conscientious about picking up fecal droppings or monitoring interactions with other
dogs or people. In light of these observations it seems that limiting the number of off-leash dogs to 3
per adult user is not unreasonable. Here ate our sugge:sons regarding rules:
1. Post rules in several visible locations; keep the signs well-maintained.
2. Rules should profile user responsibility, especially regarding clean-up.
3. Limit the number of dogs per adult allowed in the park. We suggest no more than 3 per adult
4. The park users must have their dog under voice control.
5. Do not allow dogs that are aggressive to other dogs or people into the park.
6. Unsupervised children under the age of 14 should not be allowed into the park for safety
7. Enforce leash laws in areas surrounding the dog park to decrease the number of dogs illegally
off-leash going to and from the park.
Dog Park Clubs
The parks visited in our research had a range of dog park club involvement characterized asc none,
currently inactive; moderately active with little financial or club newsletter involvement; quite active
with a newsletter, and/or dues and meetings; and very active, involved with park management, self-
policing by users and with dues, a newsletter and meetings. Clearly, an active dog park club is
important to the success of a park and the more active the better. We suggest the following on this
1. Suggest that an active dog park club participate in the planning of a dog park.
2. Suggest meetings of dog park club officials and the park management to review success and
address any problems, or when serious problems arise.
3. Suggest that the dog park club sponsor an on-line and/or paper newsletter, and potenfially an e-
mail listserve, and charge reasonable dues.
4. Encourage the dog park club sponsor fundraiser with park users and periodically contribute
proceeds to non-dog related functions, such as science and biology teaching in schools, to help
increase harmony with the surrounding community.
Attachment E
From "Dog Park Resources For Park Professio~~als= California Parks and Recreation Society "
Considerations in Creating Dog Parks -Outline
I. Amenities
A. Size
1. Minimum of one acre, recommended capacity of 25 dogs per acre
2. Lazger =less harm to resources (e. g. turf), supply more likely to meet
demand, more use of money spent on amenities (similar for all sizes of parks)
3. Accommodate dog/dog play as well as dog/human activities (fetch, jogging,
B. Fencing
1. 4 - 6+ feet recommended, extend to ground
2. Chain-link with vinyl coating (green may be more aesthetically pleasing):
crimp bottom to avoid injuries, or wrought-iron: adjust pointy pickets
3. Divider to close off areas for events, lawn repair, etc., removable yet sturdy
and fully-enclosed separation between various enclosures for special events,
4_ Decrease in visibility
a_ Between enclosures (e.g. large and small dog) may be reduced (e.g.
via wood slots in fence) to prevent fence aggression or desire to
b. Near entrances may reduce noisy greetings
C. Gate,/ entryway
1. Lockable
2. Self-closing, double-gated prevents escapes and facilitates wheelchair access
3. Should be separate entrances to small and large dog enclosures
4. To reduce wear on ground cover, maximize distance between gates and center
of activity and provide multiple entrances
5. Locate near parking lot to help elderly and handicapped, and to prevent noise
by anxious greeters
6. Keep out of corners to prevent dogs and owners $om being cornered
D. Electronic access
1. Se:curaKey (htto://wwwsecuralcev.com) most frequently used In dog park system-
ability to deprogram keys if not returned upon expiration of membership
2. Preferable to allow access for city- or county-wide pazks
3. Annual dues raise money for park maintenance, establish funds for future
parks, park system
4. Provides security and statistics by recording a log ofpark users
5. Prevents loitering, discourage, irresponsible owners (due to requirements of
proof of licensing and vaccinations/titers), protects park equipment
6. Fees: $20-75/year, charge per household or reduced fee for additional dogs;
fees for additional keys; one-day, monthly, seasonal passes; increased fee (up
to double) for non-city or county residents
7. Example program outline- ~r1/www.fidocarolina_ora/images/ooochoass.htm, Sample
ApplicatiOri: htto://www_fidocarolina org/dogoark/annualpoochoassinstructionsform odf
E. Multiple enclosures
1. Separate enclosures for small and large dogs (small dog side usually has 30 1b
limit and is ~--1/4 size of large dog side)
2. Additional enclosures for agility/events/training, wet areas, etc.- used as main
park if repair/ maintenance is needed in usual enclosure
F. Location
1 _ Buffer zone from neighbors
2. Location and boundaries should be clearly marked
3. Not isolated, but protected from arterial traffic and environmentally friendly
Safe, no hazards- e.g. steep cliffs, foxtail grass, glass, syringes, poison oak or other dangerous
plants (examples listed at htto://www.ansci.cornelLedu/ofantsfdogs/plant cat.html,
htt~://www.uexolore.com/health/poisonplants.htm, htto://www.hsus.org/ace/11777)
G. Surface
1. Grass
a_ Soft (on running, skidding dog pads, falling humans), aesthetically
b. Strong drought- and wear-resistant varieties preferred
c. May attract insects (maintain as needed)
2. Decomposed granite (DG)
a_ Sterile, fine consistency, often used to create paths or in azeas of
heavy activity (e.g. entryways)
b. Hose down weekly to prevent dust
H. Lawn maintenance
1. Park usually closed one day per week (or additional hours as needed) and on
any day calling for inclement weather
2. Sprinkler system
3. Weed control- avoid using weed whackers (which damage fencing) or
spraying toxins at fence borders, instead create a pathway along fence by
lining 3-4 feet wide with decomposed granite
4. Gopher control (e. g. non-lethal prevention such as windmills) to prevent
I. Drainage
1 _ Prevent mud puddles, accumulation of urine, etc_, throughout park, which
stress ground cover
2. Important near water fountains and rinse stations
7. Water fountains
1. Sizes for adults, children, handicapped, and dogs (human/ canine combo
designs available)
2. Example resources: htto://www.mostdeaendable.com_
htto://www. of um bi ngsupptv.com/netfou nta ins.htm!
K. Rinse azea
1. Needs appropriate drainage and ground cover (e. g. cement)
2. Helpful for heat, first aid, mud/ dust
L. Shade
1. Important, most owners (and eventually dogs) gather under what is available,
which can harm resources in that area, so the more the better
2. Trees (especially old, well-established trees) absorb surface moisture by their
root systems and add aesthetic appeal (placement recormnendations are
3. Gazebos and other manmade structures should be stable but portable to reduce
wear on surrounding resource:;
M. Benches
1. Helpful for elderly, also popular with all owners
2. Place a maximum amount in shade, and further away from entrances to avoid
concentrating activity there
3. Wood preferable to metal (less damaging to running dogs), design surface
should not allow for appendages to get stuck (e. g. in narrow slots typical of
park benches)
4. Portable chairs (lockable at closure and kept near entrance) may help increase
use of less popular park areas
N. Picnic tables- if desired, although food should not be brought into dog parks
O. Parking
1. Should be located near park for elderly/ handicapped park users
2. Should not interfere with or disturb neighbors
P. Accessibility
1. Comply with American Disabilities Act requirements
2. User-fiiendly
Q. Waste receptacles, with hand sanitizers
1. Placed at various locations throughout park and near entrance
2. Place near Lockable gates for easy sanitation maintenance
R. Dog-Mitt dispensers
1. Placed at various locations (neaz waste receptacles) throughout park and near
2. Example resources: htto://www_~~icku~mitts.com,
htto://www.ieisuremore.com/f]og ParkSOlutions/doa parks him.
htto://www.doatoi letcom/baas.htm,
htto://www.oarktrades.comlbuversauide/default.aso#garksdoa htto:1/www.doaioot.com,
htto://www.ooosiooooed_net, htto://vuww.doggv-bag.com,
http://www.crownoroductsonlina_com/oroducts0'1 A_html
S. Waste scoopers
1. Locked up at closure
2. Placed at various locations (near waste receptacles) throughout park and near
T. Signage- located neaz entrance
1. Clear, concise, aesthetically pleasing
2. Specify park hours and rules of entry
U. Bulletin board- located near entrance
1. Area for pazk users to post notices, as well as locked portion for city/ park
group notices
2. Used for pamphlets (e.g. dog park behavior tips, rule explanations), event
listings, park group information, etc.
V. Safety area- located near entrance
1. Human and canine first aid kits
2. To diffuse dog fights: high pressure water hoses/guns, water bottles, animal
repellant, parting sticks
3. Example reSOUrCeS: htto'//www olusouoov com/protection htm,
htto•//www.gentle{eader_com/oages.cfrn?id=1.3, htto://www.nbrc_net/breaksticks_html
W. Lighting
1. Automatic or timed (e. g. tennis courts)
2. Increases safety (e.g. winter), decreases criminal activity
X. Restrooms- ADA compliant and within reasonable distance from pazk (for the
elderly, handicapped)
Y. Public phones
1. Accessible- increases safety for elderly, children, women, individuals
2. Post listings for Animal Control, Police Department, animal human hospitals,
as well as proper procedure for reporting incidents
Z_ Storage shed
1. Lockable during closure
2. Holds equipment to repair holes (shovels, fill), fences, and to maintain lawns
(hoses, mowers, etc_)
AA_ Digging area- to prevent dogs from digging holes in rest of park
BB. Community chest
1. Lockable during closure
2_ Holds balls, toys, water buckets, etc.
CC. Swimming- most freguent{v requested activity for dogs and amenity for dog parks!
1. Natural resources- ocean, bay, inlet, delta, stream, river, pond, lake
2. Manmade strictures- water "pits,"children's portable swinuning pools
DD. Exercise accessories
1. Agility equipment
a. Permanent or locked up when closed
b. Separate enclosure helpful (safer for unfamiliar dogs/ owners)
c. Example resources: htto://www_affordableagility.com/home.htm,
http://www.contractcon.com/fido/comp main'I.html
2. Bales of straw- stacked for dogs to run through, jump on, etc.
EE. Time-out cage
1. Used to confine rough dogs or those left alone (e. g. during restroom (rips)
2. Usually not used/ necessary, as owners prefer to Ieave the pazk
Attachment F
1-~~~-C~hy P.'tt'la~~. IHe~n1~h'ky~' C'',~~"~t~an~cl __~«_ ._~_.~..
Off-Leash Program
Evaluation L4L Recommendations
Report to Council
December 2004
O#f-Leash Advisory Committee
Rev_ T. Allen Bethel, Chairman
Terri Adams
Bill Benowicz
Lee Buhier
Michael C. Dix, DVM
AIlen Field
Scott Jensen
Michael Kinney
Marychris Mass
Tracy Martz
Kazen Munday,
Nancy Norby
Brian Vilc
Gary Turner
Mary Walker
Karl Wetzel
Project Team
Robin Grimwade, Manager
Planning 8c Development
Sarah Bott
Darlene Carlson-
Bob Downing -
Tom Dufala
Keely Edmonson
Cheryl Fairfax
Gay Greger
Karen Loper
Billy Taylor
Marls Warrington
Portland Parks Fc Recreation
1120 SW Fifth Avenue
Suite 1302
Portland, Oregon 97204
(503) 823-PLAY
Jim Francesconi, Commissioner
Zari Santner, Director
Table of Contents
Introduction ..................................................................
Background ...................•--••---°--•-•-••------•-•---..°---••---
The Current Program ._....----••-•---------------•-•---...-.......
Off-Leash Advisory Committee ........................___...
Overall Goal and Basic Assumptions .......................
Evaluation Process Overview ..................................
Recommendations .............•--...................................
i. Siting--------------------------------••---•---•--------•---•--...---•--..
II. Site Design .........................................................
III. Impacts ----•----•--••-•---....-•---•--•--------• .....................
IV. Programming 8z General Rules ................________.
Rules and Seasons ...................................__________
System Overview ................................•-----_-------
Hours Summary ................................................
V. Information/Education/Outreach ... .. . .. .. ..... . .. . . .. .
VI. Enforcement .................................•--.................
VII. Sustainability and Funding .............................
VIII. Other Recommendations ...............................
Appendix A: Site-Specific Recommendation::.........
Appendix B: Outreach and
Public Information S»*nmary ...................................
Appendix C: Reference Materials .. ..........................
Appendix D: Siting Criteria ......................................
----.. 1
....1 O
. _... i 7
.. A-1
__ A-37
.. A-43
__ A-45
Portland Parks 8c Recreation is responsible for the
management of a large and diverse open space system, which
supports a myriad of recreational activities. Within the
system, parks are managed for a variety of purposes. For
many parks, the primary objective is to meet the diverse
recreational needs of the community; for others, it is the
conservation of native plants and animals. As all parks are
shared community spaces and as the City's population
continues to grow and diversify, our park system will face
increasing and often conflicting demands, including the
need to provide sufficient space for active as well as passive
recreational pursuits.
Over the past 20 years, park systems around the world have
witnessed a growing demand and increased community
support for allowing dogs off-leash. Portland is no exception.
With public support for off-leash use of parks split virtually
down the middle, the recommendations included in this
report are focused on finding a balance that is fair for all
park users and consistent with the primary management
objectives for each park_ The recommendations are based on
the fundamental assumption that recreating with a dog is a
legitimate park use.
Support for C3fF-LeashAreas
A random telephone
survey was administered
in August 2004 to 1,200
people in Portland. The
survey was conducted by
an independent research
company. In response to
questions about dogs,
41 % of the respondents
supported off-leash areas
in parks, 46% did not
support off-leash areas,
and 13% were uncertain.
Portland Parks 8. Recreab~n~ 7
For over a decade, Portland Parks Bc Recreation has grappled with
the issue of off leash dogs in parks.
In May 1995, a Portland Parks &c Recreation (PPBiR) report on
issues and potential solLitions regarding the behavior of dogs within
parks recommended that the City adopt a system wide policy that
included education, enforcement and the creation of a citizen task
force to recommend sites.
By July 1995 the City Council authorized the PP8sR Director to
permit dogs off leash within designated areas. Subsequently, a
citizen task force recommended establishment of test off-leash sites
at Gabriel (SV~, Mt Ta1TOr (SE), and Chimney (N) Parks. The
Mt. Tabor site was later relocated and eventually removed when
the Master Planning process for that park found no appropriate
location for this use.
In January 1999, PPBcR staff prepared a public discussion report on
the issue of dog o$=leash areas. It included an informal assessment
of the test sites and recommended introducing ofF-leash hours and
the addition of fenced sites.
In February 2000, a 17-member task force further refined
recommendations for Portland's ofE=leash program. Their process
involved a comprehensive study of the issue and considerable
public comment. Their recommendations emphasized the need
for controls, education and enforcement. They stressed the
importance of enhancing PPBcR's capacity for enforcement
before opening up additional dog off-leash areas. They also
recommended initiating- off-leash hours sites and adding two
additional fenced sites. The task force further recommended
that dogs should be excluded altogether from designated `wildlife
preserves" such as Oak:> Bottom, Powell Butte, and Marquam
Nature Park.
2 Off-Leash Program Evaluation & Recommendations Report to Council 13 - 35
By mid-2000, Chimney and Gabriel Park ofd Ieash areas had been
operating for several years and West Delta Park (N) and East Delta
Park (NE) were added to the system.
In October 2001, Portland Parks 8c Recreation sought
proposals from interested neighborhood coalitions to develop
site recommendations for off leash areas and/or off-leash
hours. Four coalitions agreed to work on the project, and their
recommendations were received between January and May 2003.
During this period, PPBcR worked with Multnomah County
Animal Control to develop a partnership approach for off-leash
In June 2003, PP8sR presented to Council a joint City-County
program for off-leash enforcement. Council approved the
enforcement program, and at the same time directed PPBcR
to identify additional geographically distributed off-leash
opportunities and open them to the public by September.
In August 2003, a proposal consisting of seven fenced all-hours
sites and 27 unfenced limited-hours sites was presented to Council.
Council accepted the proposal and allocated the necessary funds
for establishing and maintaining the new off-leash areas
Portland Parks & Recreation as 3
Gabriel OfF-Leash area was
one of the first in the system.
The Current Program
The current trial program comprises 27 "SHARED"
southwest Portland (Seasonal Hours at Reserved Sites), and six "YES" (Year-round
council Crest Exercise Sites) sites. '1}nuo additional YES sites at Normandale
Gabriel park and Brentwood Park were added. A third, at East
Willamette Holladay Park, is will be completed in Spring `O5. All but West
Delta are fenced and allow off-leash use during all park hours.
Southeast Portland
Ed Benedict
Lynchwood --.
Mt. Tabora--- ~ - -
Sellwood Riverfront
Sewa[loresY -- - - -_
Woodstock ~ -
Northeast Portland
Alberta -.
East Holladay _
North Portland
Arbor Lodge
Deka Park East
Delta Park West
Northwest Portland
At the 27 "SHARED" sites oil=leash use is allowed within
the designated area during specified hours. Generally this is
5-9AM and 4PM-closing from November 1 -April 30, and 5-
9AM and 8PM-closing from May 1 -October 31.
4 Off-Leash Program Evaluation & Recommendations Report to Council 13 - 37
The Current Program
Portland Parks 8. RecreatfID~ss 5
Distribution of current off--leash sites
Off-Leash Advisory Committee
An Off-Leash Advisory Committee (OLAC) was appointed to
assist in evaluating the pilot program and make recommendations
for modifications, if needed. The 16-member committee consists
of across-section of citizens representing a diversity of expertise
and viewpoints. Included are representatives from each of the
seven neighborhood coalitions, a dog trainer, veterinarian, natural
resources advocate, and a member of the sports field working
group, as well as off-leash advocates and people who do not own
The committee was charged with:
- establishing criteria foc determining the program's success;
- evaluating the success of the program, utilizing a range of data
sources; and
- recommending policy, management, or siting changes.
Since OLAC began meeting in November '03, members have
attended 15 conunittee meetings, participated in multiple site
tours, and assisted with three public meetings. Throughout the
process, the committee has heard extensive public comment.
6 Off-Leash Program Evaluation & Recommendations Report to Council 13 - 39
Overall Goal and Basic Assumptions
The Off-leash Advisory Committee's work is based on the
following overall goal and basic assumptions.
Provide a range of on-leash and off-leash opportunities to
accommodate the varying needs of dogs and their owners,
while not unduly compromising the basic needs of other pazk
• Recreating with a dog is a legitimate park use.
• Conflict is inevitable.
• It is the responsibility of park managers to design and
manage parks in a way that minimizes conflict.
Park users also have a responsibility to help minimize user
conflicts by demonstrating mutual respect and abiding by
park rules.
The August 2004 telephone
survey fiound that 35% of
Portland households include
dogs_ 12% have two dogs or
Portland Parks & Recreallig~n4o 7
Evaluation Process Overview
Data Needs
Data Collection 8L Monitoring
Information from other cities Web :survey Telephone Survey
Citizen Comments Register Observational Logs 8. Transect Enforcement Data
Maintenance Impacts Mid-point evaluations from
Feedback Surtacirn3 Survey neighborhood associations,
schools and sports user groups
Findings 8L Draft Recommendations
Public Revie~av 8c Comment
Final Recornmendaitons
Council Action
8 Off-Leash Program Evaluation & Recommendations Reportta Council ~s-ai
Evaluation Process Overview
To organize their evaluation, the Off-leash Advisory
Committee developed desired outcomes related to six
program components:
• Siting
- Site Design
- Impacts
• Programming 8i Rules
• Information/Education/Community Outreach
- Enforcement
A series of specific questions or indicators were identified
for each component, along with associated data and other
resource needs_ Recommendations were developed based
on findings related to each program component. Additional
recommendations were developed related to Sustainability 8r
Funding and further evaluation of the off leash program.
Information was gathered through a variety of sources,
including a telephone survey, web survey, enforcement data,
observational surveys, site analysis, maintenance data, citizen
comments register, user group input, and feedback from
immediate neighbors, schools, and neighborhood associations
In addition, a great deal of information was gathered from
other cities and counties with successful off-leash programs.
(A complete list of the reference materials provided the
committee is included in Appendix C.)
Key stakeholder groups, including neighborhood associations
with off-leash areas within their boundaries, adjacent schools,
sports field users, and park friends groups were asked
for their comments mid-way through the process. Draft
recommendations were sent to these same stakeholders a
month in advance of the public meetings - to solicit their
comments and identify any issues or concerns that should be
Other outreach and general public information efforts
throughout the trial period are detailed in Appendix B.
max, ~ `
During the trial, the OLAC
visited every off-leash site.
Portland Parks & Recreation a2 9
r. siting
Desired Outcome
Off leash sites are equaaly distributed through the city with
consideration given to varying park attributes and adjacent uses.
- While siting criteria is seen as adequate and appropriate, it was
not possible to meet all criteria in some cases. (Siting criteria is
detailed in Appendix D.)
- Sites are geographically distributed_
- The distribution of ofF-leash opportunities is relatively
commensurate with the percentage of households with dogs.
The primary exception is in NW Portland, which is seriously
deficient in developed parkland to meet the range of community
needs, including, but not limited to off leash opportunities. There
is also a disparity in East Portland. While a PPBzR telephone
survey showed that East: Portland has the highest percentage of
dogs household, use patterns indicate that it also has the lowest
demand for oil leash sites.
• The provision of additi-onal dog off-leash sites in parks should be
considered along with other recreational needs during the master
planning process for individual parks and within the context and
provisions of the park system plan
PPBcR should explore ~~pportunities for obtaining additional off-
leash sites in priority areas through partnerships, lease agreements,
or easements.
• The priority for acquiring new sites should be focused on NW
• Additional efforts should be made to expand off-leash
opportunities in the Mt_ Tabor area.
~ O Off-Leash Program Evaluation & Recommendations Report to Council 13 - 43
II. Site Design
Desired Outcome
SHARED areas are well defined and appropriate to meet the
needs of dog owners. YES sites provide the basic amenities that are
priorities for users
- While there are some exceptions, generally, sites are appropriate
for the park in terms of scale and the park's use patterns and
physical features.
- Some SHARED sites could support all-day off--leash use if it were
restricted to designated boundaries.
- Amenities are inadequate.
- The majority of citizen concerns received over the past year were
related to unfenced sites.
- There is interest among dog owners for off-leash trail
- While appropriate in terms of scale within the park, the .57
acre Brentwood site is inadequate as a fenced area. Eventually, an
alternative or additsonal site should be found to better serve this
part of town.
- There should be three kinds of off-leash opportunities: fenced
all-hours sites, unfenced all-hours sites, and seasonal hours sites.
• All sites should be equipped with minimum amenities which
include site signs with place for posting notices, fence or boundary
markers, garbage cans and receptacles for scoop bags
- PP8cR should explore opportunities to accommodate small dog
areas within the system.
Portland Parks & Recreatis'c~aa 11
III. Impacts
Desired Outcome
Impacts are within an ar_ceptable range.
- In general, impacts on maintenance, immediate neighbors, and
overall program costs have been within the anticipated range.
However, there is a que;;tion as to whether this service level is
sustainable -especially as it relates to enforcement.
- There are specific situ:ctions where additional efforts are needed
to reduce impacts on immediate neighbors, including residents,
schools and sports field users.
Related Recommendations are park specific. Please refer to
individual sites.
12 Off-Leash Program Evaluation & Recommendations Report to Council is -as
IV. Programming 8c General Rules
Desired Outcomes
- Programming of hours provides a balance between the needs of
dog owners and other park users.
- General rules contribute to a safer atmosphere for all park users.
Hours Findings
- Hours on shared sites are inadequate to meet community needs.
- Significant expansion of off-leash hours is desirable, but it is
possible only if o1~ leash use is confined to the designated off leash
Hours Recommendations
• Off-leash hours and seasons should be defined by individual park
use patterns and hours of daylight.
- Off-leash use should be confined to designated off-leash areas
and hours expanded wherever compatible with adjacent park uses.
System considerations, general seasons definitions, and a summary
ofpark-specific hours recommendations are further described on
pages IS-17.
All off-leash sites are
subject to regular closures
for routine maintenance
as well as longer term
closures for restoration as
needed_ Off-leash users
are expected to adhere to
the leash law when the off-
leash area is not availabie_
Portland Parks & Recreati~n.as 13
IV Programming 8s General Rules, cont.
General Rules Findings
- General Rules are appropriate and very similar to those
governing oil leash programs in other cities.
- Rules are posted on signs at park entrances and key rules are also
listed in the program brochure and on the web.
- While many people are making an effort to follow the rules, there
are others who do not know of or understand the rules or simply
choose to ignore some or all of them.
General Rules Recommendations
- Rules should be posted at the off-leash sites.
• Rules should be written in a way that is easy to understand.
• Additional efforts mu::t be made to help all park visitors
understand why the rulers are important and to encourage them to
be considerate of others and to act responsibly_
- Apart from the formal rules, a "Code of Conduct" should be
developed and incorporated into the education program to foster
mutual consideration and a safer atmosphere in the off-leash parks.
See page 15 for rules recommendation_
14 Off-Leash Program Evaluation & Recommendations Report to Council 13 - 47
Rules and Seasons
Off-Leash- Rules
lease follow these simple rule s when using the Off-Leash Areas
Dogs lY[uste HandlBrs-Must:. - _
-Ahvays stay on-leash outside -Pick up-and dispose ~of your dog's waste.
the designated off-leash
- --Carry a leash for each dog injrour care. .
boundaries. -
~ -When off-leash, stay within
~ - - ~ ~ ~.
-Closely supervise young ahlidren.
the designated off-leash 'Accept responsibility for any damage or injury
boundaries_ caused byyour c3og_
-Display tags showing proof -. 'Remain in the off-leash area to supervise-your -
of current license and rabies." dog, keeping him within view-and underyerbal
vaccination. control at all times::
-Demonstrate appropriate ' Bring no more than three-dogs to_ he off~eash;
social interaction; dogs - - ~ area at any tima_
displaying aggressive behavior - To prevent injury,- removepinch or choke
toward people or other dogs:; collars when playing off-leash.
must be leashed and removed -For health and safety reasons, do not bring a`
from the area immediatety_ _
dog in heat to A Pdrtland'park.
• For health and safety reasons, do not bring a
puppy withisut a complete cycle of Vaccinations
~~. - - - to a Portland park:.: - _
• Comply wish all other park n.iles_
Off-Leash Seasons Definitions
- ~_- -
Summer June 15-September 1 School is out; activity levels increase significantly in all
(2 '/1 months) arks.
Fall September 2 -October 31 chool is back in session right after Labor Day. Daylight
(2 months) Savings Time ends the last Sunday in October. Sports
fields are intensive) used for falls orts -often until dark.
Winter November 1 -March 31 ome sports field use continues until mid-November.
5 months aseball and LaCross be in in ea March.
Spring April 1 - Juna 14 aylight Savings Time begins the rust Sunday in April.
2 '/ months S orts fields era used intensive! fors rin s orts_
Adjacent school schedules require adjustments to these definitions at some sites_ My adjustrents are described in the site-specific
Portland Parks 8. Recreatl9r~as 15
System Overview
The recommendations regarding site: design, seasons and hours are intended
to create a hierarchy of off-leash opportunities, ranging from all day use to
seasonal hours only. The system is designed to provide options for off-leash
users within a reasonable distance from home, any time they want to exercise
their dog o~ leash.
In some situations, it is recommended that off-leash use can be allowed in
unfenced areas during ALL park hours if users respect the off-leash boundaries_
General Seasonal Park Sites
These sites are generally available for weekday all-day use in the fall, winter
and spring and have morning and evening hours on the weekends and in the
Sites Next to Schools
In the case of sites next to schools, adjacent uses are scheduled and seasonally
predictable. The recommendation fo:r expanded off-leash hours at these
locations is built around these uses.
- During the school year, weekday o:ff--leash use is recommended to end earlier
in the morning so leashes are required during the period when children are
walking to school. These times are adjusted to reflect specific school start
- At some school sites, where school use makes it possible, it is recommended
that additional mid-morning hours b~~ added to compensate for the shorter
early morning hours. These hours, as we13 as morning hours, must be approved
by the school Principal.
- Unique schedules or use patterns a1: some sites next to schools required an
equally unique off-leash schedule.
Sites Next to Schools and Sports Fields
These sites are especially challenging because in addition to the weekday
morning and afternoon needs of the :>chools, the sports fields are programmed
heavily after school until dark from mid-March until mid-late November.
Unlike sites next to schools only, these sites are also programmed heavily
on the weekends in the spring, summer, and fall. At these sites, specific
recommendations were developed with the schools, sports field users and off-
leash volunteer site steward representatives.
16 Off-Leash Program Evaluation 8 Recommendations Report to Council is _ as
Hours Summary
Creiex"a1 Hours '.` ~` ~ ~a~k 'i ~ Specifics for use.of the off- '
l~econmendatioi`-;' , '' ` Ieash area in this arh
All-park hours -fenced Brentwood (SE) Generally SAM -midnight
Chimney (N) (Normandale: 6AM-lOPM)
East Delta (NE)
Gabriel (SW)
East Holladay (under
construction) (OE)
Normandale (NE)
All-park hours -unfenced Alberta (NE) Recommendation is for all park hours
Cathedral (N) (SAM-midnight). Hours may be
Fernhill (NE) adjusted based on proximity to
Lents (SE) residences.
Mt. Tabor (SE)
West Delta (1~
Willamette (SW)
Wilshire (NE)
General Seasonal Park Sites Argay (OE) Falt, Winter Spring: All-day vse of
Laurelhurst (SE) off-leash area on weekdays. Weekend
Sacajawea (NE) morning and evening hours.
Bellwood Riverfront (SE) Suiatner: off-leash restricted to
mornin and evenin hours_
Sites next to Schools Arbor Lodge (N) FaII, Winter, Spring: Weekday
(no sports fields adjacent) Cherry (OE) - morning and evening hours with
Couch (NV~ some sites also open mid-day_
Creston (SE) Morning hours adjusted to reflect
Frazer (NE) school start time. All day use of oFf-
Lynchwood (OE) leash area on the weekends_
Woodstock (SE) Summer: off-leash restricted to
mornin and evenin hours.
Sites next to Schools Sz Grant (NE) Specific hours and seasons have been
Sports fields Sewallcrest (SE) negotiated with key user groups at
Wallace these three sites_
Other Parks -sites requiring .o ~n ii r (SW): Spring, summer, fall: SAM-1 IAm St 6PM-closing;
more unique hours or able to Winter SAM - 1 lAM and 4PM -closing.
accommodate more expanded Hillsdale (SW): All days: 5-8AM and 4:30PM-closing
hours. ILLvlilg (NE): Summer all days: 5-LOAM and 6PM-closing, Fall, Winter,
Spring all days: S-LOAM and 4PM-closing.
Overlook (N): Summer all days: 5-IOAM and 7PM-closing; Fall, Winter,
Spring all days: All park hottrs_
Other recommendations Ed Benedict Eliminate these sites from the
Glenfair program due to potential serious use
conflicts and low use for off-leash_
PorHand Parks 8. Recreaq~n5o 77
.~ E
V. Information/ Education/Outreach
Desired Outcome::
- Community understands the program and generally
perceives it as fair for all park users.
- Dog owners demonstrate an awareness of their
responsibilities when exercising their dogs in parks.
- Park users demonstrate mutual respect for each other within
- There is a sustained level of public involvement in the
maintenance and ongoing operation of dog off-leash areas.
- The program (hours in particular) is not perceived as fair
for dog owners. This has led to noncompliance, which is
perceived as unfair by non-dog owners and those who prefer
to exercise their dogs on-leash.
- Signage is inadeduate. Signs are difficult to read, maps are
unclear and confusing and many of the signs themselves are
inappropriately located.
-Boundaries of the off leash area. are not marked. 'This leads
to confusion on the part of all park users and makes rules
difficult to enforce.
- Some volunteer site steward groups have formed but there
is limited involvement in the maintenance and ongoing
operation of the off leash areas. Concerns regarding the
initial rules for the program have discouraged volunteer
involvement in making the program a success_
-Additional cornm.unity education is needed to achieve the
~ 8 Off-Leash Program Evaluation & Recommendaticns Report to Council 13 - 51
Recommendations support
continued participation in
community events such as the
Doggie Dash_
IV. Information/Education/Outreach, cont.
- Orientation signs with key rules are needed at park ~ ~'~
entrances in most parks. Additional specific off-leash rules i
should be posted at the ofd leash site.
• Orientation maps should be easy to read and appropriately
oriented. Recommendations include
- Boundaries should be clearly defined and marked. si navements in program
9 9
• PPBcR should continue to encourage community
involvement and the establishment of Stewardship Groups at
individual off-leash sites.
- Continued and sustained resources should be directed
toward public information and education related to the off-
leash program.
• PPBcR should enlist help from community organizations
such as the Humane Society, off-leash advocates, local
businesses, etc. to develop and implement creative and
effective educational initiatives.
Portland Parks & Retreat;can 52 79
VI. Enforcement
Desired Outcomes
- Level of conflict between dog users and other park users does not
warrant sustained intervention by park management.
- Level of conflict between dog owners and adjacent residents/
schools, sports field users, etc. does not warrant sustained
management intervention.
-There is compliance with the rules.
- Signage is not clear or easy to understand-and boundaries are not
mazked, making enforcement difficult.
- Without other elements of the program working as intended, it is
difficult to predict what level of enforcement is needed for the long
- The effectiveness of peer pressure as a way to encourage
compliance with the rules has not been adequately tested.
- Enforcement efforts to date have not taken advantage of the
opportunity to educate the public about the WHY of the rules
as well as the WHAT. This has been a significant public relations
- The ability of PPBzR or MCAS to respond to concerns is
limited. We have not yet determined how best to use our limited
enforcement resources.
• Adequate funding sho!ild be provided to enforce all park rules in
all parks -not just of1E leash rules in off-leash parks.
• Rules should be enforced in all parks, but particular focus for
off-leash enforcement should be at parks where significant user
conflicts (including nui::ance dogs), aggressive dogs, or serious
problems with dog waste have been reported or where natural
resource values are in jeopardy.
- Enforcement, including monetary consequences for violations,
must continue to play a role but it should be balanced by increased
public education and in:Formation.
20 Off-Leash Program Evaluation & Recommendations Report to Council t s - ss
VII. Sustainability and Funding
• An increase in the PPBcR budget should be requested
to provide the base service level required for maintenance,
public information/education and enforcement associated
with these recommendations.
- PPBzR should work with 1Vlultnomah County Animal
Services to explore the possibility of increasing the dog
license fee to augment the base budget for maintenance of the
program and enforcement and report back to City Council.
• Explore sponsorship opportunities to provide for signage
and other site amenities. Any recognition of sponsors
onsite must be handled tastefully and within PPBsR signage
- PP&cR should develop guidelines and the appropriate
structure to enable off-leash users to contribute toward
desired improvements at their park.
Portland Parks 8~ Recreati~-t 54 2't
VIII. Other Recommendations
- PPBsR should reconvene the Of£-Leash Advisory Committee
in late spring and late f<<ll 2005 to provide further advice on
implementation of its recommendations. Additional feedback
should be sought from neighborhood associations and other user
- PPBcR should conside3r establishing a park user forum through
which citizens can continue to discuss park use issues such as off=
leash dogs, and help de~~elop strategies for resolving conflicts.
• It should be recognized that continued evaluation is required and
may result in adjustments or site-specific tests of new ideas as the
program moves forward.
- These recommendations should go forward to the Parks Director
and City Council with a specific plan for their implementation,
monitoring and evaluation.
22 Off-Leash Program Evaluation S~ Recommendatie ns Report to Council 13 - 55
Appendix D: Siting Criteria
There were many challenges in siting the off-leash areas. While the
goal was to meet all the criteria listed below, in most parks, ideal spaces
for off-leash use were simply not available. in some parks, there is little
available flat Land at all. In most parks, it is almost always in use for
playgrounds, sports fields, or picnic areas_ Some potential sites were
simply to wet or too close to busy streets. With limited available space,
close proximity to other activity areas could not be avoided in some
1999 Citizen Task Force Criteria Recommendations
- Minimum of 5,000 square feet
- Avoid affecting fish Sc wildlife habitat
- Avoid risk to water quality
- Relatively level
• Minimal impact on adjacent residential areas
• Away from school playgrounds
• Close to parking
• Distributed throughout the city
Specific Sites Recommended by Neighborhood Coalitions:
In 2001 PPBcR requested help from the Neighborhood Coalitions. In
2002-2003, recommendations for Off-Leash sites were received from
four of the Coalitions. Some Coalitions included additional criteria as
well as recommendations for specific sites. The parks recommended
or discussed in the Coalition reports, as well as their criteria, were the
starting point for siting evaluation.
East Portland Neighborhoods:
East Holladay Park (#1 recommendation. Fencing and parking would be
Other possibilities:
- Parkrose High School (School District Property)
- Cherry Park (recommended as fenced site)
- Parklane Park (consider when Master Plan is undertaken)
Portland Parks & RecreatiKan 5A.-45
Attachment G
WHAT is a dog park?
• An attractive place for dog owners to socialize while their
pets play and interact
WHY create a dog park?
• Provide a space where dogs may be legally
• Provide a social gathering space for dog guardians
• Reduce potential for dog waste in our parks
• Reduce cor)flicts within neighborhood parks between
dogs and people
WHERE should a dog park be located?
• On land- that is:
- Not reserved for other programmed activities
- Not located adjacent to non-compatible activities or
residential homes
• Within view of a street for good surveillance and
• Not in a visually prominent area of the park
• In ADA accessible areas (with modest improvements}
• Near a potable water source
• Away from :riparian areas
WHEW should a dog park be built?
• There is coi~nmunity support for the facility
• A suitable site is identified
Funding is :available for:
- Design
- Construction
- Operation ~ Maintenance ~jr~
~.-,r of "3
A Perimeter Fence
B Unleashing
Entry Area
C Furnishings
D Surfacing
iE Maintenance Gate
50' MIN.
SIZE U to '/, Acre
SMALL DOG AREA No se aration; Small do s ermitted
LARGE DOG AREA No se aration- Lar a do s ermitted
FENCING 4' maximum hei ht, hi h ualit ornamental
ENTRY GATES 4' wide self closing and latching
12' wide maintenance ate
ENTRY AREA Double fenced unleashing area
8' x 8' minimum
Concrete paving
Locate awa from fountain and seatin areas
SURFACING Stone fines artificial turt, sand or wood chi s
• Table with bench
Backless bench
• Drinking fountain with draining dog bowl
• Dog waste pickup bag dispenser
Waste race tacle
StGNAGE Park identification sign if stand-alone facility
Do Park Rules as er this document
PLANTING Shade trees onl no shrubs or roundcovers
SHADE Lar a trees or shade structure
PARKING Use on-street arkin -where available within 500' of do ark
COST i3udget +/- $70,000 to $200,000 depending on size and site contraints
MAINTENANCE Quickcoupler for hosing down concrete and furnishings
Surface drains a for area around drinkin fountain
cmr of
1/4 AND 3/4 ACRES
A Perimeter Fence
B Unleashing
Entry Area
C Furnishings
D Surfacing
E Maintenance Gate
SIZE '/. TO s/ Acres
SMALL DOG AREA Minimum 4,000 square feet
LARGE DOG AREA Remainin area.
FENCING 5' maximum hei ht hi h ~ uali ornamental
GATES 4' wide self-closing and latching
12' wide maintenance ate
ENTRY AREA Double fenced unleashincl area
8' x 8' minimum
Concrete paving
Locate awe from fountain and seatin areas
SURFACING Stone fines, artificial turf sand or wood chi s
FURNISHINGS Table with bench (2)
• Backless bench (3)
• Drinking fountain with draining dog bowl (1)
• Dog waste pickup bag dispenser (1)
• Waste race tacle 2
SIGNAGE Park identification sign if :stand-alone facility
Do Park Rules as er this document
PLANTING Shade trees on no shrubs or roundcovers
SHADE Large trees or shade structure
PARKING Use on-street where avaiNable within 500' of dog park
COST Budget +/_ $200,000 to $100,000 depending on size and site constraints
PLUS CEQA and arkin costs
MAINTENANCE Quick coupler for hosing down concrete and furnishings
Surface draina a for areal around drinking fountain ~'/~
cmr of a.
A Perimeter Fence
B Unleashing
Entry Area
C Furnishings
D St;IrFacing
E 1Vlaintenance Gate
SIZE '/. Acre to 2 Acres
DESIGN CAPACITY 20 or more dogs (2,000 square feet per dog)
SMALL DOG AREA Minimum 4,000 square feet
LARGE DOG AREA Remaining area
FENCING 5' maximum hei ht, hi h uali ornamental
GATES 4' wide self-closing and latching
12' wide maintenance ate
ENTRY AREA Double fenced unleashing area
8' x 8' minimum
Concrete paving
Locate awa from fountain and seatin areas
SURFACING Stone fines, artificial turf, sand or wood chips
Use multi le surfacin t es for varie
FURNISHINGS Table with bench (3)
Backless bench (3)
• Drinking fountain with draining dog bowl (2)
• Dog waste pickup bag dispenser (2)
• Waste rece tacle 2
SIGNAGE Park identification sign if stand-atone facility
Do Park Rules as er this document
PLANTING Shade trees ont no shrubs or roundcovers
SHADE Lar a trees or shade structure
PARKING Use available on-street parking within 500' of dog park or provide one on-site
arkin s ace er 2 000 s uare feet of do ark
COST Budget +/- $400,000 per acre for a site w'sth few development constraints
CEQA and arkin costs are not included
MAINTENANCE Quickcoupler for hosing down concrete and furnishings
Surface draina a for area around drinkin fountain
Use high quality ornamental fencing along public streets and in high visibility areas.
2" Picket spacing to prevent small dog injuries.
• Chain link style fencing is only permitted in remote locations or special
• Use minimum 4' high and maximum 5' F~igh fence.
• Use fencing style that complements other site elements.
• Use self-closing and latching gates.
Include 12' wide maintenance gates.
ARTIFICIAL TURF Doqs love it High installation cost
Very kwv maintenance High replacement cyst (10-year life)
Produces odors in hot summer weather
Gets hot in summer
CEDAR MULCH Absorbs odors Hard to scoop
Hard on d 's ws
SAND Fun for large dogs in shady areas Small dogs have a hard time walking
Easy to scoop Gets hot in summer
Cats use as a litter box
Doesn't stay in place
Hi h odor
ow o
Eas to
STONE FINES Low odor Gets muddy in winter if bad drainage
Easy to scoop
Law maintenance
STABILIZED FINES s i vrvc rn~ca c~r,r of c
BENCHES City Standard QuickcrE~te or Outside entrance for viewing
Painted meta4 Shady areas inside dog park
Use backless benches
TABLES WITH BENCH City Standard QuickcrESte or Shady areas
Painted metal Awa from en area
IMMEDIATE SHADE As appropriate As appropriate
Use existi trees where ssib[e
DRINKING FOUNTAINS Pet fountain with draining dish Away from entry
Drain to sanita sewer line Hi h round
MESSAGE CENTER Simple cork board for posting Near entrance
Match fumishin s s te:
WASTE BAG DISPENSERS Mutt-Mitt or a roved a ual Set near en
TRASH RECEPTACLES City Standard Quickcrete or Set near entry, away from seating and
Painted metal drinkin fountains
• LOCATE furnishings away from the entraince
• EXCLUDE toys, jumps, tunnels, and see-saws
• Use materials RESISTANT to dog waste
• MATCH visual quality with fence
of ;
<D O G PARK NAl~/lE~
ter,,. ~F ~ "3
Mount ail signs on unleashing entry area fencing_
Ati-achment H
Dog Owner Courtesy
a Always clean up after your dog.
a Always maintain control of your
s Never approach someone else's
din ;~"±h~iw4 narmicclnn
y r,,.....__._...
~ Keep your dog's license and shots
~ Teach your dog to be obedient.
c Report all dog bites.
e. Be nice to your dog.
For More
Or check the City website:
Foster City
Parks and Recreation Department
(650) 286-3380
Foster City Parks for Dogs
Foster City Dog Park is located in Boat
Park at the comer of Foster City Boulevard
and Bounty Drive. It has fenced-in areas
for big and small dogs, a grassy area and
play apparatus for dogs.
Other Parks for dogs:
Dogs may beoff-leash (but under control)
between the hours of 5 AM to 8 AM in
designated areas of the following parks:
s Edgewater Park (comer of Edgewater
Boulevard and Regulus Street)
s Boothbay Park (corner of Edgewater
Boulevard and Boothbay Avenue)
s Catamaran Park (corner of Shell
Boulevard and Catamaran Street)
e Sea Cloud Park (corner of Pitcairn
Drive and Sea Cloud Park Drive -the
designated area is in the back of the
park), 5:00 am to 9:00 am Sundays
s Farragut Park (corner of Beach Park
Boulevard and Farragut Boulevard)
Dog Park Rules
Please read and abide by the
following rules so that everyone can
enjoy this facility,
s Hours of Operation. 6:00 am to
10:00 pm
a~ Leash dogs while entering and
exiting the dog playground. Dog
owners must always have a leash
in hand.
s Owners or their agents must be in
control of their dogs at all times.
No aggressive dogs
~ You must clean up after your dog.
Fill any hole your dog digs.
a Spaying and neutering are
s Do not leave your dog unattended.
s No puppies less than four months
(immature immune system)
c Dogs must be licensed.
s Dogs must be vaccinated.
s No dogs in heat
s All dog bites must be reported.
(Call 286-3300)
a Supervise small children.
a Food, balls and Frisbees can
cause fights.
i~ Dog owners must provide their
own dog drinking bowls for good
health reasons.
r No more than three dogs per
owner are allowed.
The City of Foster City assumes no
liability for users of the dog
playground. Use this facility at your
own risk. Citations may be issued to
owners who do not comply.
Foster City Dog ~.aws
Leash. Except in designated off-leash
areas, the City requires that dogs be
restrained by a leash and beheld by a M
person reasonably competent to restrain
and control the dog, (6,04.O10A)
License. A license tag must be attached
to a collar which the animal wears at all
times. (6,04.040E)
Dangerous Animals. Owners must
prevent their pets from biting or
physically harassing any person
engaged in a lawful act and from
interfering with the lawful use of public or
private property. (6.04.O60A) Owners
must prevent their pets from causing
substantial injury to another domestic
animal while such domestic animal is
lawfully upon public or private property.
Trespassing. Owners are prohibited
from allowing their pets to trespass upon
private property. (6,04.0706)
Public Nuisance. Owners must exercise
proper care and control of an animal to
prevent it from becoming a public
nuisance. Violations include excessive,
continuous or untimely barking, chasing
vehicles, habitually attacking other
domestic animals, trespassing on school
grounds, or trespassing on private
property and causing damage.
Excreta. Owners are required to
immediately remove their pets' excreta
from any property other than that of the
owner. (6.04,OlOH)
Attachment I
Meeting the demand for off leash dog facilities is a challenge for parks
departments throughout the cwntry. While dog owners enthusiastically
press for off leash parks, parks staff struggle with the unique planning
and maintenance issues that these facilities present Morgan H.ill's
successful experience may offec some useful guidance to other communities
considering an off-leash dog park_
Morgan Hill's dog park has been a resounding success since its opening date
in January 2007. Located next to the Centennial Recreation Center
in Morgan Hill's Community Park, it has become one of [he parks .,..•~''?"`
most popular features. On the coldest mornings and even on ~~^~ '
rainy days, dogs and their devoted owners can be found in the
dog park. The park has become a genuine community asset, as _
popultu- a place for dog owners to socialize as for their pets to - li:':";.„;:'
run and play. From its conception, through the planning _
and design phases and smooth ongoing operation, the - -
dog park is a result of a successful collaboration between
a dedicated group of volunteers and the City.
In 2004, a group of local dog owners formed an
organization called Morgan Hill Dog Owners Group
(MHDOG) for the purpose of campaigning for a
city dog park. The group's leaders approached
the Parks 8c Recreation Commission, City Council ~.
members and Public Works staff. City ofFcials and ~' ~~. -~
staff were sympathetic to the idea but funds were -
Iacl:ing. Undeterred, MHDOG began a program
of fund raising. The group asked local businesses
for donations and held a series of fund raising events.
By August of 2006 MHDOG's fund raising etforts had
broug)t[ in $20,000. On August 23, 2006 the City Councit _
acted, appropriating $20,000 in park development funding '; j,:-.
toward pathways, benches, water service, installation and
irrigation system modifications. The public/private partnership was
new formally created. With the combined public and private funding
construction could begin.
As further development of the dog park continued, MHDOG members
surveyed other dog parks in the region and provided valuable information
for park planning and design -advising city staff about features to include
and also those to avoid. And since the group was involved with funding
the park they focused on dog park essentials and affordability.
A home was needed for the park. The tit}- offered MHDOG a portion of the
Community Park property as a location. It was near a small parking lot
and not adjacent to any homes. Much of the designated area had previously
been converted to low maintenance °fringe area" and was little used.
An important issue for [he City is the cost of on-going maintenance- To
address this concern, MHDOG assumed the cost of Lawn mowing and
water for the Frst year of the facility's operation. Additional maintenance
is required io service the Dog Park: daily trash service, re-filling of"mutt-
mitt" dispensers, more water and lawn mowing. However, the cost is
reasonable considerntg the popularity of the facility.
The MHDOG organization perfornu a- continuing service by
communicating wilfi dog owners and assisting with problem resolution.
The dog park has become a social center for dog owners as well as dogs
so issues that arise are discussed in the park itself, notices are posted
on the donated bulletin board at the entry and information shared at
meetings and via email. For example, shortly after the park opened,
some owners reported that their dogs scented to be getting sick
after visiting the dog park. In response, the MHDOC group began
a communications blitz informing owners about "kennel cough"
and its preventiat and treatment. The issue was quiclay resolved.
Routine requests to city staff about such matters as placement of
trash containers and benches are handled siinoothly as well.
City staff is grateful to the leaders of the Morgan 1{ill Dog Owners
Group fo[ the vision, determination and cooperative spirit [hat made
the park possible. Overall, dog owners have been responsible and
There are occasionally dog aggression issues but problems are
infrequent and generally resolved by the dog owners. The most
serious issue in the park is actually a people issue. Some owners
insist on bringing their small dogs into the large dog side of the park
where the small dogs have been attacked. At this time, the issue is being
addressed as a matter of dog owner education.
Turf maintenance is typically a concern to dog pads due to the heavy wear
the turf gets. As the photos indicate, Morgan Hill's dog park consists
of a rough turf with decomposed granite paths and concrete pads at the
entry, benches and dog drinking fountain area. After a year of daily use
i[ appears that-the 2.5 acre park is withstanding the wear and [eaz. The
naturally rolling topography makes the area a pleasant place for dogs to
play, drains well and is easy to maintain
The Morgan Hill Dog Park is a wonderful place for people and for dogs
and it shows that a popular park facility can be built at relatively low cost
provided the project has tine support of a dedicated group of volunteers.
City Launches Toarls fior Business Success
An On-Line Resource to
Start and Grow Your Business
The City of Morgan Hill recently launched a new resource
for business owners, entrepreneurs and anyone thinking
about starting a business. Tools for Business Success is
a one-stop online place to find information on business
formation, government regulations, business planning,
funding, books and courses on how to start or grow a
business. Ltformation you'll find on the site includes
rates for 850+ job classifications; aBusiness Start-Up
Kit. loan payment calculator, 85 business related
online classes, 750+ business books, new hire email,
employer's kit, contacts for Santa Clara County's lar@est
employers AND morel
Tools for Business Success can be found on the City's website
under What's New -just click on Ute What's New button
and scroll down to Tools for Business Success. Tools for
Business Success is provided in partnership with the California
Association for Local );conomic Development. Business
Assistance and Housing Services Director, Garrett Toy stated
"the City is pleased to add this to our website in order to
provide local businesses with the links, planning information,
tools, books and courses local businesses owners and prospective
business owners need for success"
To tour the site or get started growing your business, visit
wwvv.morganhill.ca.gov, click on What's New then Tools for
Business Success or call the Business Assistance and Housing
Services Department for more information at (408) 776-7373.
City of Mountain View -Dogs in City Parks
City of Mountain View
Dogs in City Parks
Dogs must be kept on a leash in public areas in the City of Mountain View (see Sec. 5.18 of the
Citv Code for more information). Pet owners are required to control and clean up after their animals
while visiting public facilities.
Dog Training
Dog owners may train a dog without a leash in designated areas of specific city parks, if they have
obtained a permit. The permit is valid only for dog training and does not apply to dog exercising or
off-leash play, and may only be used in certain areas of Cuesta, Rengstorff and Whisman Park. It is
not valid in any other City park ar Shoreline at Mountain View.
Please complete the Off-Leash Dog Training Application' (PDF-5K) and submit it, along with the
most current copies of the following (a 25 cent fee will be charged for each copy made by
Community Services staff):
~ Dog License
Proof of vaccinations -hepatitis, distemper, parvo, parvo influenza, rabies, and bordetella
City of Mountain View
Community Services Department-Recreation Division
201 S. Rengstorff Avenue
P.O. Box 7540
Mountain View, CA 94039
FAX: (650) 962-1069
The copies of the license and vaccinations will remain on file and will not be returned to you. Once
you have received your permit, please be sure to carry it with you whenever you are using Cuesta,
Rengstorff cr Whisman Parks to train your dog. If the permit is in the car or anywhere other than on
your person, you may be cited.
Dog licenses are obtained from the Palo Alto Animal Services office which is located at 3281 E.
Bayshore Road in Palo Alto, (650) 496-5971:
If you have any other questions, please feel free to contact the City of Mountain View Community
Services Department, Recreation Division at (650) 903-6331 .
_~ Readrtr-
Click on the button to download the latest version of the Adobe Acrobat ReaderT"'
Frequently Asked Questions
Attachment J
http://www.mountainview.gov/city hall/comm.services/parks and trailsldogs_in_city~a... 6/19/2008
Proposed Off-Leash Approval Process (Attachment
- Attachment L
TO. Dave Knapp, Cupertino City Manager
FROM: Captain Terry Calderone #1361
DATE: 3/24/2009
SiIBJECT: Cupertino Municipal Code Fines
I have been asked to look at some of the fines associated with the City of Cupertino's
Municipal Code sections_ Z have also evaluated the fines of non-code related offenses.
Currently the City of Cupertino has two classifications of violations for their Muni=Codes:
Infractions and Misdemeanors. The Bail/Fine amounts that are determined to be
associated to these violations are set in Chapter 1.12 (General Penalty) chapter of the
Muni-Code. In this chapter, the city has determined that their fine bail structure will
follow the determined fine bail structure that is set by the Judicial Council for the State of
California. The infractions are set at $100 each as a base fine, and Misdemeanor violations
are set at $250. This is in accordance with the State, and is the maximum amount that can
be set for a first time offense. These amounts can change depending on the number of
prior convictions for the same offense, or the court can use its discretion to change the fine
amounts. The only change the court cannot make is to the Penalty Assessment structure.
The Penalty Assessment is determined by the State, Judicial Council, and is assessed based
on the fine/bail amount. The Fine/Bail amounts are often referred to as one in the same.
They are both determined as the BASE FII~iE and this amount is used to determine the
final amount of Penalty assessments. -
The fines/bail amounts in the Cupertino Muni-Codes can be set at a rate that is lower than
that determined by the State, Judicial Council, but they can never be set at a rate that is
higher. The infi actions can be set at lower rates, and each infraction can be set at
determined rates by Council should the city choose to do so. The same is true for the
Misdemeanor violations_ The City Council can set the misdemeanor bail amounts at a
lower rate depending on the desired enforcement for the violations. Again, they cannot be
set at a rate that is higher than what the State has set. Each misdemeanor violation can be
set at a different rate.
Currently, all of the Infractions are set at one rate, and all the misdemeanors are set at
another rate for the Muni-Codes only.
The City of Cupertino can change the fines/bails that are applied to the Muni-Codes in
three ways.
1_ An amendment can be made to the General Penalty section of the cities codes to adjust
the amounts provided to each applicable code section.
2. The city can change the violation of a Munii-Code to be an infraction vs misdemeanor
violation which will reduce the fine amount.
3. The city could change the General Penalty section to add that the fines associated to
each code violation would be described within the section_
The simple way to reduce the fines would be bo change the misdemeanor sections to
infractions. The second part would be to submit a new BAIL SCHEDiJL.E to the court
with the recommended fine/bail amounts that the City of Cupertino would like to set. The
FineBail amounts cannot exceed the maximum amounts set by the .Tudicial Council (State),
but they can be set at a lesser amount_ Curre~ntiy the city has set their fees at the maximum
level based on direction from previous Counciils.
The Bail Schedule is usually provided to the Court once a year, and I believe that it is done
in April. Alex Wykoff has done this for years with the City, and I am sure that he is
familiar with this process. The courts would ;need notification to.make any changes in fees
that the city would desire.
I was asked to compare the above city muni-code sections to several other violations to
determine if the amounts currently assessed bey the city are comparable.
I must first note, that there are many ways that the fines are adjusted by the Courts, in
both code violations, and many other legal violations. This is especially true with Traffic
Violations. The court has the discretion to reduce the base fine/bail which would then
reduce the penalty assessment associated to the fine. Also, the courts use a Penalty
Assessment schedule that varies depending on your history, driving record, etc.
A good example are citations issued for speeding. The fine amount changes according to
priors and the speed you travel. 1-15 mph over the posted speed has a base fine of $35, 1G-
25 mph over the posted speed changes the base fine to $70.00, 26+ mph over the posted
speed changes the base fine to $100.00. The penalty assessments are then established
according to the fine.
The number of priors can also change the fine amounts. The fine amount can go ail the
way up to $500.00 and then the penalty assessments are added.
The court has the discretion to reduce the ba:;e fine amount at any time due to prior
convictions and history.
To summarize:
The City of Cupertino can set the fine/bail amounts associated to the code violations. This
can be done by indicating the fine to be assessed in each Muni-Code sect"ton, by providing
an updated Bail Schedule to the court, by amending the sections from Misdemeanor to
Infraction, and updating the General Penalty section to determine the amounts. Not all
infractions and misdemeanors have the same fine bail associated to them_ You can set
various infractions to different fine amounts, as well as the misdemeanors_ The only
limitation on the city is that you cannot set an amount that is greater than the amount set
by the State. I have attached the current Bail Schedule for Cupertino, and a copy of the
General Penalty section. I have also provided an Excel spreadsheet that shows three
different classifications of violations and the fines associated to those violations. This can
help Council examine the current fine bail structure set for the city municipal codes and
determine if the Bail Schedule for the code section should be changed_
Cupertino Muni-Code 1=ine Comparisons 2009
Cupertino Ordinance Calif. Vehicle Code Califi_ Vehicle Code
13.04.130 22350 CVC (1-15 mph over) 22350 CVC (16-25 mph over)
Behavior in Parks Speed Speed
Base Fine $100 $35 $70
Penalty 280% $280 $98 $196
Prior record $O $10 $10
Night Court $1 $1 $1 '
Security $20 $20 $20
Court fund $35 $35 $35
TOTAL $436 $199 $332
Calif. Vehicle Code Calif. Vehicle Code
22350 CVC (26+ mph over) 21453(a) CVC
Speed Red Light
Base Fine $100 $100
Penalty 280% $280 $280
Prior record $10 $10
Night Court $1 $1
Security $20 $20
Court fund $35 $35
TOTAL $446 $446
The Base Fines on all of the above Vehicle Code violations can vary based on a number of different reasons.
The Court can reduce the base fine depending on the number of priors that the person has, and the discretion of the court-
The history and number of priors can change the base fine, and it can be set as high as $500_ Then the assessments are
added to this amount. These amounts change on all cases depending on the court and the individual.
Cupertino has their infractions set at the Fine/Bait amount that the Judicial Council has set for an infraction. This amount
cannot be set higher, unless there are priors (Cup. Chapter 1.1~' General Penalty), but they can be set at a lower rate. Each
infraction can be set at a rate determined by Council and Staff and then provided to the Court in the Bail Schedule.
all of Cupertino's Muni-Codes that are Infractions have the samf~ Fine associated to them.
Cupertino Muni-Code Fine Comparisons 2009
Misdemeanor Violations
Cupertino Ordinance
Animals running at Large
Base Fine $250
Penalty 280% $700
Prior record $O
Night Court $1
Security $20
Court fund $35
TOTAL $1,006
Cupertino Ordinance
8.01.01 O
Restraint of Dogs
Cupertino Ordinance
8.01.01 O
Public Nuisance
$1 ,006
Health and Safety Code Vehicle Code
11357(b) HS 23152 (b) CVC
Possession of Marijuana Less than an ounce DrunK Driving (Alcohol)
Base Fine $250 $1,500
Penalty 280% $700 $4,200
Prior record $10 $10
Night Court $1 $1
Security $20 $20
Court fund $35 $35
TOTAL $1,016 $5,766
The fines/bail amounts on the Health and Safety Code sections can vary depending on the history of the offender, prior
arrests for the same offense, and the discretion of the court.
The Misdemeanor Muni-Code violations foe the City of Cupertino are set at the determined Fine/Bail amount set by the
STATE, Judicial Council. These amounts are set by Chapter 1.12 of the Muni-Code for General Penalties. These amounts
can be changed in two ways; Misdemeanor violations can be reduced to Infractions by Council, the Bail Schedule can
reduce Lhe Fine/Bail amounts for various violations determined by Council. This Bail Schedule would then be filed with the
Court_ Chapter 1.12 can be changed to determine the frne/bail structure that the city would like_to determine.
Cupertino's Muni-Codes that are set as Misdemeanor violations are all set at the rate determined by the Judicial Council
(State) and therefore all have the same bail amount. This does not mean that they are the same as all Law violations
that are classified as Misdemeanors, but it does mean that all Misdemeanor Muni-Code violations have the same bail.
Felony Violations
Health and Safety Code
11350 HS
Possession of Cocaine
Base Fine $10,000
Penalty 280% $28,000
Prior record $1 O
Night Court $1
security $20
Court fund $35
TOTAL $38,066
The fine/bail amount can also vary on this at the discretio:~ of the court, prior convictions.
Page 1 of 2
_ _ ~- _
1.12.010 Violation of code
1.12.020 Bach day a separate offense
1.12.030 Public nuisance abatement
For statutory provisions authorizing cities to impose fines up to $1,000, imprisonment up to six
months, or both, see Gov. Code § 36901
L12_O10 violation of Code.
A. It is unlawful for any person to perform any act that is prohibited, made or declared to be
ui~lawfiil or an offense by the code, or to violate any provision or fail to comply with any of the
requirements of this code. A violation of any provision or failing to comply with any of the mandatory
requirements of the code shall constitute a misdemeanor, except where the violation is specifically
declared to be an infractioi~.
B. Notwithstanding the above, any violation constituting a misdemeanor may, in the discretion of
the City Attorney, be charged and prosecuted as an infraction.
C. When a violation of a provision of this code which otherwise constitutes an infraction continues
to occur and the violator has been charged with a violation of the same provision as an infraction on at
least four separate occasions and within one year has forfeited bail on each such occasion, in that event,
the City Attorney, in his or her discretion, may charge a violation of any such provision as a
D. Unless otherwise specified by this code, an infraction is punishable by_
1. A fine not to exceed $100 for a first violation;
2. A fine not to exceed $200 for a second violation of the same chapter of this code within one
year; and
3. A fine not to exceed $500 for a third violation of the same chapter of this code within one year.
E. Unless otherwise specified by this code, a misdemeanor is punishable by a fine not to exceed
$1,000, imprisonment for a term not exceeding six months, or by both such fine and imprisonment.
(Ord_ 1886, (part), 2001; Ord_ 1697, (part), 1995; Ord. 1497, § 1, 1989; Orcl_ 1179, § 1, passed 1982;
Ord. 854, (part), 1978; Ord. 829, (part), 1977; Ord. 692, § 1, 1975; Ord. 500, § 1, 1971)
1.12.020 Each Day a Separate Offense.
A person committing an act designated in Section 1.12.010 is guilty of a separate offense for each
http _//www. amlegal_com/xixt/gateway. d1LCalifoizii a/cupertino/title 1 generalprovisionsJchapt... 3/4/2009
Page 2 of 2
and every day during any portion of which any violation of any ordinance of the city is committed,
continued or permitted by the person, and is punishable as provided in Section 1.12.01 O.
(Ord_ 1697, (part), 1995; Ord_ 829, (part), 1977; Ord. 500, § 2, 1971)
1.12_030 Public Nuisance Abatement.
Without limitation to any of the provisions specified in Sections 1.12A1 O and 1.12.020, any building
or structure set up, erected, constructed, altered, enlarged, converted, moved or maintained contrary to
the provisions of any zoning or building ordinance of the city, or any rule,-regulation or order issued or
promulgated pursuant thereto, and/or any use of any laud, building or premises conducted, operated or
maintained contrary to the provisions of any zoning; or building ordinance of the city, or any rule,
regulation or order issued or promulgated pursuant thereto, is unlawful and a public nuisance, and the
City Attorney shall, upon order of the City Council, immediately commence an action or proceedings
for the abatement or removal and enjoinment thereof in the manner provided by law, and shall take such
other steps and shall apply to such court or com-ts as may have jurisdiction to grant the relief as will
abate and remove the buildings or structure, aazd restrain and enjoin any person, firm or corporation,
whether as principal, agent, employee or otherwise from setting up, erecting, building, maintaining or
using any such building or structure, or using any property contrary to the provisions of any such zoning
or building ordinance, or any rule, regulation or order issued or promulgated pursuant thereto.
(Ord. 500, § 3, 1971)
Discfa€m er.
This Cods ofi Ordinances andlor any other documents that appear on this site may not reflect the most current legislation adopted by the
Municipality. American Legal Publishing Corporation provides these documents for informational purposes only. These documents should not
be relied upon as the definitive authority for local legislation. Additionally, the formatting and pagination of the posted documents varies from
the formatting and pagination of the official copy. The official printed a~py of a Code of Ordinances should be consulted prior to any action
being taKen.
For further information regarding the official version of any ofthis Code of Ordinances or other documents posted on this site, piease contact
the Municipality directiy or contact American Legai Publishing toii-free at 800-•t45-5588.
O 2OQ8 American Legai Publishing Corporation
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~3u~j1~~~S 100,00 Y N N N N N
CU 5,04,140 I ~
NEW 112009 Cupertino Muni Ordinance
MIN.• P OH 250.00 Y N N N N N
CU 14.48,060 M g
UNNECESSARY NOICE-PROH ~~ ~', f~'O U ~~ ~l ~ ~} ~~ 250.00 Y N N N N N
CU 10.48.061 M EXCESSNENOISEPROMANIl~IALS-PROH, ~~~A~R~Ii~C~~d~~ 250.00 X N N N N N
CU 13.04.130A I BRING/DRll~1IC ALCOHOL IN PARK - PROH 100.00 Y N N N N N
NEW 112009 ~ Cupertino Muni Ordinance
6. Bail on all State Statute infractions, shall be in compliance with the Uniform Bail and Penalty schedule. City, County Ordinance infractions
and Municipal Ordinance violations classed as infractions, and on which Court appearance is not required by this schedule, may be
settled by forfeiture of bail in the amount of $50.00 + PA with no further proceedings and filed in the Traffic Division, Note: The $50.00
base bail applies to new codes recently approved with an effective date of 01.01-06 and forward. Base bail for Statutes with an effecfiv~
date prior to 2006 remains $25.00 + PA.
7, .Misdemeanor violations of the Fish and Game Code shall be in the amount of $204 with a mandatory court appearance filed in the
Criminal Division, All infraction violations of the Fish and Game Code are filed in the Traffic Division,
8, Bail on all Gilroy Municipal & Zoning Ordinances, Cupertino & Town of Los Gatos Municipal Cotle inftactions shall be filed in the Traffic
Division in the amount of:
First offense: $100 + Penalty Assessment
Second offense: $200 + Penalty Assessment
Third offense: $500 + Penalty Assessment
NOTE: It is the responsibility of the citing agency to indicate in the body of the accusatory pleading if the charge is a second or third
9. Bail on all infraction Santa Clara County Zoning Ordinances shall be filed in the Traffic Division in the amount of $100.00 with a
mandatory court appearance. '
Rev. 112009 VIII
Attacl-..~ent M
Calls for dogs off leash at
all Cupertino Parks for 2008 to current.
2112!2008 4:16 PM CU Dog Off Leash JOLLYMAN PARK
212812008 2:16 PM CU Dog Off Leash THREE OAKS PARK
51512008 6:46 PM CU Dog Off Leash JOLLYMAN PARK
512612008 4:04 PM CU Dog Off Leash JOLLYMAN PARK
1011812008 9:18 PM CU Dog Off Leash WILSON PARK
1111512008 3:35 PM CU Dog Off Leash HOOVER PARK
1111512008 3:57 PM CU Dog Off Leash JOLLYMAN PARK
1111512008 4:13 PM CU Dog Off Leash JOLLYMAN PARK
1111712008 4:10 PM CU Dog Off Leash LINDA VISTA PARK
1112012008 7:35 AM CU Dog Off Leash LINDA VISTA PARK
1112012008 4:52 PM CU Dog Off Leash WILSON PARK
1112112008 5:05 PM CU Dog Off Leash HOOVER PARK
11!22!2008 11:06 AM CU Dog Off Leash JOLLYMAN PARK
11122/2008 3:48 PM CU Dog Off Leash THREE OAKS PARK
1112312008 10:56 AM CU Dog Off Leash WILSON PARK
1112312008 2:22 PM CU Dog Off Leash WILSON PARK
1211112008 4:14 PM CU Dog Off Leash LINDA VISTA PARK
1211212008 4:19 PM CU Dog Off Leash JOLLYMAN PARK
1211712008 4:45 PM CU Dog Off Leash JOLLYMAN PARK
1212012008 4:10 PM CU Dog Off Leash JOLLYMAN PARK
111012009 4:28 PM CU Dog Off Leash JOLLYMAN PARK
111012009 4:34 PM CU Dog Off Leash JOLLYMAN PARK
111012009 4:53 PM CU Dog Off Leash JOLLYMAN PARK
Attachment N
ORDINANCE NO. 09- ;~'-d `;' ~
AMENDING SECTIONS 8.01.030, 8.01.130 AND 8.03.010 OF
Sections 8.01.030, 8.01.130 and 8.03.010 of the City's ordinance code are hereby amended to
read as follows:
8.01.030 Animals Running at Large.
No person owning or having control of any animal shall permit such animal to stray or
run at large upon any public street or other public place, or common area of any planned
development, cluster, townhouse or condominium project, or upon any private property without
the consent of the owner or person in control thereof. .4ny person who violates the provisions of
this section shall be guilty of an infraction and upon conviction thereof shall be punished as
provided in Chapter 1.I2.
8.01.130 Public Nuisance_
D. Any private person may maintain an action under Civil Code Section 3493 for
enforcement of this section declaring certain acts as a public nuisance, if such acts are
specifically injurious to that person. .4ny person who violates the provisions of this section shall
be guilty of an infraction and upon conviction thereof shall be punished as provided in Chapter
8.03.010 Restraint of Dogs.
F. Dogs being trained for any of the above described purposes on
private property with the permission of the landowner, so long as these dogs a~ are under the
direct control of the trainer handler. flny person who violates the provisions of this section shall
be guilty of an infraction and upon conviction thereof shall be punished as provided in Chapter
Publication Clause
The City Clerk shall cause this ordinance to be published at least once in a newspaper of
general circulation, published and circulated in the City within 15 days after its adoption, in
accordance with Government Code Section 36933, and shalt certify to the adoption of this
ordinance and shall cause this ordinance and her certification, together with proof of publication,
to be entered in the Book of Ordinances of the Council of this City.
Ordinance No.
Page 2
INTRODUCED at a regular meeting of the Cupertino City Council the 7th day of April
and ENACTED at a regular meeting of the Cupertino,. City Council the day of ,
2009 by the following vote:
Vote: Members of the Citv Council
City Clerk Mayor, City of Cupertino
rcmiivoio,~ 2
Attachment O
Section - -
8.03.010 Restraint of dogs.
8.03.0?A Maximum number of dogs, cats or litters.
8.03.030 Vaccination of dogs and cats.
8.03.035 Keeping of dangerous and potentially
dangerous doge.
8.03.040 Registration of dangerous dogs_
8.03.050 License required.
8.03.060 License fees.
8_03_070 IrcilAil[`P of license_
8.03.080 Metal tags.
8.03.090 License period_
8.03.100 Record of licenses.
8.03. i 10 Presentation of license oa request.
8.03.120 VetrrL?r*?n responsibilities_
8.03.010 Restraint o[ Dogs_
The owner or person with the right to control any dog
shall keep such dog under his or her owe physical restraint
by mr°^a of a leash or shall keep such dog confined behind
a fence not Iess than s_ ix feet high except for any of the
A. Guide dogs for the blind. or deaf while
performing their duties;
B. Dogs participating in field or obedience trials or
conformation exhibitions;
C _ Dogs assisting their owner/handler in legs!
hunting activities or is the herding of livestock;
D. Dogs assisting a security guard or assisting a
peace officer engaged in law enforcement activities;
E. Dogs assisting in search and rescue activities; and
F_ Dogs being trained for any of the abovedescn"bed
purposes on private property with the permission of the
landowner, so long as these dogs and under the direct
control of the trainer/handIer_ (Ord_ 1886, (part), 2001;
Ord. 1644, $ 2 (part), 1994)
8.03.020 Maximum Numbrs of Dogs, Cats or Litters.
A. No person shall keep or maintain more than two
dogs over four montlss of age. No person shall keep or
maintain more than three cats over four months of age_ In
ao event shall there be more than one unspayed cat over
four months old and one unspayed dog over four months of
age on any premises. This restriction shall not apply to
premises maintained by a veterinarian licensed by the State
of California for the practice of veterinary medicine or
premises with a valid permit from the City Manager for a
private kennel, commercial kennel, pet shop, animal
**+~+Agerie, or animal sbelter_ A female dog or cat shall be
rebuttably presumed to be unspayed unless the owner
provides evidence of spaying. Written certificasion from a
licensed veterinarian that as animal c",n -t be spayed for
health reasons or is incapable of breeding shall be deemed
a satisfactory substitution for a certificate showing as animal.
is spayed_ ,
B. No person shall allow the parturition and *rA**Rg
of ire than one litter of dogs or cats in any one calendar
year from ferries owned by him or her or maintained on
his or her premises without a valid permit from the City
Manager for a private keel, co**•~*+a~-ial kennel, or A*++**+At
shelier_ (Ord_ 1644, $ 2 (part), 1994)
8.03.030 Vaccination of Dogs and Cats.
Every owner of a dog or a cat over four months of age
shall cause such dog or cat Lo be varr+*+A*~ with an
antirabies vaccine approved by the State Department of
Public Health_ Revaccination shall be made at such
intervals of time as may be prescn"bed by the Stale
Department of Public Health. Compliance with the
provision of this section shall be a condition to the issuance
or renewal of dog a~ cat licenses. (Ord_ 1886, (part),
2001; Ord. 1644, $ 2 (part), 1994)
8.03.035 Keeping of Dangero>ffi and PotentisIIy
Dangerous Dogs_
A. The owner or person with the right to control a~-
dangerous or potentially dangerous dog shall:
1 _ Keep the dog under his or her own physical
restraint and control by n?CAna of a leash not [o exceed six
feet in Iength_ In addition, a dangerous dog must be
muzzled; and
2. Post a sign advising of the presence of a
dangerous or potentially dangerous dog at the entrance to
every place where any such dog is confined_ The sign shall
be capable of being understood by a child with the normal
reading skills of a second grader.
Cupertino - Animals
C. Notwithstanding the foregoing, if the City
Manager and/or an animal control officer bas reasonable
cause to believe the keeping or maintaining of any animal is
so hazardous as to require as immediate inspection to save
the animal or protect public health or safety, the City
Manager and/or animal control officer shall have the power
to :,nrr,~iiarPly eater and inspect the property with the use
of reasonable force. if the property is occupied in such a
circumstance, the City Manager and/or an animal control
officer will fast attempt to notify the occupant aztd demand
entry. Failure or refusal to permit such an inspection
con~tr,r.~a a miadPmPgnor. (Ord. 1644, § 2 (part), 1994)
SA1.120 Poisoning and Abusing Dogs, Cats or Other
7Domestlc Animals.
In addition to Penal Code Section 596, it shall be
unlawful for any person to willfully administer poison to
any dog, cat, or other domestic animal or to willfully place,
expose or leave poisonous or harmful substances of any kind
kn any place with intent to injure or till any dog, cat, or
other domestic animak. Further, it shall be unlawful for nay
person [o maliciously kill, maim, wound, mutilate, torment,
torture,"or physically abuse any a,,;mat_ (Ord. 1644, § 2
(part>, 1994)
8.01_130 ]Public Nulsana:e_
A. No person owning or having watrol of any
a„i**+at shall permit the animal to do nay of the following:
1_ Defecate or urinate on private Property (other
than that of the owner or the person having control of the
2_ Defecate on public properly without immediately
removing the excrement to a proper receptacle;
3. Permit an animal to obstructor interfere with the
reasonable and comfortable use of property by chasing
vehicles, molesting passersby, bazling, howling, baying, or
mating any other noise;
4. Permit unsanitary conditions to exist on the
premises where that animal is kept that would cause odors,
attract flies or vermin, or otherwise be injurious to public
health and safety, or be indecent, or offensive to the senses,
or be such an obstruction to the free use of property so as to
eaterfero with the comfortable enjoyment of life or property
by other persons.
B. The animal control officer may seize and
impound any animal causing or creating a public nuisance.
C_ A violation of this section is hereby declared to
be a public nuisance.
D. Any private person may maintain as action under
Civil Code Section 3493 for enforcement of this section
declaring certain acts a public nuisance, if such acts are
specifically injurious to that person. (Ch-d_ 1644, § 2 (part),
B.Oi.i40 Animals and Vehicles.
A. Other than as individual then actually is the
process of working a dog or other animal for raceh~ ro
purposes, zw person shall transport or carry an animal is a
nnotor vehicle, unless the animal is safely enclosed within
tifae vehicle by means of a container, cage, or other device
Hhat Will prevent the a.,i.»at from falling from, ]umprng
from, or being thrown from the motor vehicle.
B. No person shall Ieave any dog or other animal in
as unattended motor vehicke without adequate ve-*+t:tAr:.,n or
vd such a manner as to subject the animal to extreme
U~mperatures that may adversely affect the health or
vreII-being of the animal.
8.01.150 Reserved.
8.01.160 Use of Steel lyraps kn Urban Service Areas
No person shall use aIeg-hold steel jawed trap, steel
jawed trap. or steel Ieg-hold trap, as defined is Fish and
Came Code Section 4004, in nay urban service area
boundary, as defined in Gove**+**+P*+t Code Section 56080.
(Ord. 1644, § 2 (part), 1994)
8.01.170 Penalty.
F~tcept where otherwise specified. any person who
violates any of the provisions of this chapter shall be guilty
of a misdemeanor and, upon conviction thereof, shall be
punished as provided is Chapter 1 _ 12. (Ord_ 1886. (part),
March 30, 2009
Mayor Orrin Mahoney
City Hall
10300 Torre Avenue
Cupertino, CA 95014
Dear Mayor Mahoney,
Subject: Dog Ofd leash hours in City Pazks
p ~~C~~~~
MAR 3 0 2009 D
At the April 15, 2008 Cupertino City Council Meeting, Agenda Item No. 16, Therese
Ambrosi Smith, then Director, Parks and Recreation presented a report regarding dog oil
leash hours. In the Background section, the following passage appears:
"Leash laws are borne of the need to manage public facilities for user comfort
and safety The Counczl may chose [sicJ to go the route of allowing dogs off leash for
given periods as a lower cost alternative to building a dog park, but the consequence is
liability for any attack on person or animal. Yee are responsible for managing City
facilities in a safe manner at all times. Advising residents that dogs may be roaming free
in a park during a given time does not Zimit that liability_ Our risk manager with the
ABAG insurance pool has advised that it is most prudent to defzne, and enclose, a dog of,~`'
leash area and to manage the area. Some important considerations for dog parks
include: requiring that all animals be licensed and vaccinated and possibly requiring
animals to be muzzled Some dog parks have areas for small and large dogs_ Most
require that children in the park be accompanied by an adult ("as weld as a do~_ "
It is my position that the foreseeable risks of the City allowing dogs off-leash in or in
close proximity to childrens' play areas (playgrounds, play equipment areas, youth sports
fields, other athletic fields) are not sufficiently offset by the foreseeable benefit of such
use, and consequently the City would be liable for any attack on person or anunal_ The
foreseeable risks include attacks on persons of all ages, attacks on other dogs,
intimidation ,fecal material contact, tripping in holes dug by dogs, excessive noise from
barking dogs and other impairment of neighbors enjoyment of their properties, and
property damage_
Even if the city posted "ENTER AT YOUR OWN RISK" signs to "welcome" park users
to their playgrounds and youth sports areas, it has not been shown that this would limit
the city's liability. Access to most neighborhood parks is mostly open from adjoining
streets and yards and not through gates where signs could be posted. The City would
have difficulty in azguing in court that the signage was adequa#e, even if the presence of
warning signs mitigated City liability.
The recommendation of the Pazks and Recreation Commission being considered by the
Council is devoid of any standards or best practices for operating off-leash areas safely
and compatibly with existing uses. In other words, no risk mitigations have yet been
defined, further weakening the City's legal position. 'The recommendation envisions an
unspecified dog-owners' group working with City sta-ETto select a park, develop an
operating plan and conduct a pilot project. B~:plicit standards for protecting the safety of
park users, minimum credentials and organizational status (e_g_ officers and by-laws) of
the dog-owners group, neighborhood approvf~l requirements and process , hours of use,
restrictions on off--leash use in children's play areas and youth sports fields, assumption
of liability and insurance requirements, dog liicensing and vaccinations, maximum
number of dogs per person, demonstration of dog control, physical and financial
responsibility and standards for sanitation and. maintenance, buffering from neighboring
houses and streets, means and responsibility for enforcement, monitoring and feedback
process, complaint processing, permit renewal, and many other factors are absent from
the recommendation. Furthermore, the recommendation does not provide for
neighborhood park users other than off leash advocates to participate in the planning
process and to ensure necessary safeguards, if'feasible, are in place before allowing.off-
leash use in any scenario. Such lack of due diligence and safeguards is an open invitation
to litigation, should dog off-leash use be allowed in our relatively small neighborhood
Because of these concerns, I urge you to requsst a legal posifion from the City Attorney
regarding the City's liability under different usage scenarios, before a final decision on
the Parks Commission recommendation is made. I believe dogs off-leash in children's
play areas are inherentiy unsafe and unwise acid that a liability analysis will substantiate
this belief. Of course, most of the liability is:;ues and park users objections would be
eliminated or substantially mitigated by the City providing a fenced dog park in a suitable
location, as many of our neighboring cities have done_ The City must ensure that
sufficient safeguards are in place so that all park users aze adequately protected and that
our pazks remain intimidation-free, desirable and safe places to recreate.
-"~'~ \
David L. Klinger
7538 Waterford D e
Cupertino, Ca 95014
Dave.kl inaer(c~sbc global. net
Cc_ David Knapp, City Manager
Mazk Linder, Director, Parks and Recreation.
10300 TORRE AVENUE • CUPERTINO, CA 95014-3255
TELEPHONE: (408) ''77-3110 • FAX: (408) 777-3366
Agenda Item No. 13 ME;EYING DATE: Apri17, 2009
Change recommendation 13B to read as follows:
B. Increase the dog license fee by $11, add dog license fees to the citywide fee schedule, and
amend the animal services contract with the City of San Jose
Staff learned that the agreement with the City of San Jose for animal care services includes the dog
license fee. The City of Cupertino decided to usc: the same fee that San Jose established, and
therefore, there was no need to include the fee in the Cupertino Fee Schedule. If City Council
approves an $11 license fee increase, Cupertino would have a higher fee than San Jose and the fee
would need to be added to our Fee Schedule.
Further, staff would work with San Jose to amend the animal care services agreement to reflect the
new Cupertino dog license fees. San Jose continues to handle dog license registrations and would
continue to return the license fees from Cupertin~~ residents to City of Cupertino.
Staff also has the most recent information on the number of dogs licensed by San Jose for
Cupertino. As of April 7, there are 985 dogs licensed in Cupertino. There are 204 altered dogs
with aone-year license, 569 altered dogs with three-year licenses, and 75 unaltered dogs have
licenses. Finally, there are 137 altered dogs licensed with the senior exemption. Individuals 65
years and older can have one dog licensed at no cost. If the Council approves the fee increase, it
would raise an additional $5,155 per year.
The staff report provides the enforcement information provided by the Sheriff's Office. Cupertino
Code Enforcement and San Jose Animal Care Services also enforce Cupertino's ordinance
requiring dogs on leash. Code Enforcement officers issued 23 citations for dogs off leash during
the 2008 calendar year. San Jose Animal Care Services issued 12 citations during the 2008 calendar
A Council member asked what section of the Co~3e addressed dog feces not being cleaned up by the
dog owner. This issue is addressed in Section 8.01.130 Public Nuisance.
A Council member asked if the City's exposure to risk would increase if the City established an
off- leash area either fenced or unfenced. As indicated in the staff report, our insurance provider
ABAG, advised staff last spring that establishing an off- leash area fenced or unfenced, would not
increase the City's liability insurance costs. Clearly, if there was an increase in claims paid due to
incidents with dogs, the City's premiums could be impacted.
Staff talked with ABAG staff today regarding tht; question of whether having an area for dogs off-
leash, fenced or unfenced, would increase the City's exposure to risk. ABAG staff stated that
although there is not an increase in exposure it is good to use common sense in locating off leash
facilities, i.e. not adjacent to a children's play- ground. He added if the area is unfenced, it is best
to have restricted use. ABAG staff also said that it is very helpful to have an active group of
volunteers who help keep the area clean and monitor the behavior of dogs and people. ABAG has
not experienced any problems with its member cities fenced or unfenced off leash facilities.
Foster City
A Council member, who noted that Foster City had demographics that were similar to Cupertino,
asked how long the fenced and unfenced off leash areas in Foster City have been in place.
According to the 2000 census, close to a third of Foster City's population was Asian. The fenced
area and the unfenced area were opened 9 years ;ego. Staff asked Foster City staff about claims
resulting from the dog facilities. Foster City staff reported they have not experienced any increase
in liability nor have they received any claims involving dogs in either the fenced or unfenced off-
leash facilities.
ark Lin er David W. Knapp
Director, Parks and Recreation City Manager
i..;~ ~ ~ ~
Off-Leash Dog Areas in Parks
Cupertino City Council
April 7, 2009
Research Resouirces on Off-leash
Facilities ani~ Guidelines
• City of San Jose
• City of Foster City
• City of Morgan Hill
• City of Mountain View
• City of Portland, OR
• School of Veterinary Medicine at UC Davis
• California Park and Recreation Society
Citizens Group
• Used as a best practice in local cities for off-leash areas
• Formalized, resident organization steppingforward as an
accountable group
• Cupertino has had success working with other citizens group
• Citizen group would not be solely responsible for off-leash
area maintenance
• A group of eight people has stepped forward and offered to
be the citizens group that would work with City staff
• A dog owner is legally responsible for any
damage, injury, or iIlnE~ss their dog(s) may
cause to itself, other dogs, or other people
• ABAG advises that off-leash options, fenced or
unfenced, will not incrE~ase the City's liability
insurance costs
Current City Doug Ordinances
• Dogs are allowed restrained on-leash in all parks
• Dog owners are responsiblE~ for cleaning up after
their dogs everywhere
• It is unlawful and a nuisancf~ to keep or maintain any
animal, which by sound or c:ry, habitually disturbs the
peace and quiet of any neighborhood
• Dogs are required to be licensed (including current
rabies vaccination)
Enforcement;, Infractions,
Misdemeanors and Fines
Leash laws are enforced by the Sheriff's deputies
• 23 calls for service related to dogs off-leash were
received February 2008 through January 2009
The 23 calls for service, re:~ulted in two citations
• Both citations were for doi;s off-leash in a City park
Cupertino Muni-Code 1=ine Comparison 2009
Infraction ~/iolations
Cupertino Muni-Code Fine Comparison 2009
Total $1006 $1016 $57fifi
Proposed Amendment to
Cupertino Municipal Code
The Council could amend the Municipal Code
ordinances 8.01.030 (Animals Running at Large),
8.01.130 (Public Nuisance), and 8.03.010 (Restraint of
Dogs), to change the violation from a misdemeanor to
an infraction.
Misdemeanor Violations
Proposed Arriendment to
City Bail Schedule
Total $246
Community Established Off-leash Area
Guideline Criteria
1. Safety of park users and dogs
a) The park users must have their jog under voice control
b) Children should always be closely supervised by a responsible adult
c) Owners should carry their leash at all times
d) One activity for a citizens group is to help monitor interactions
between dogs and other dogs and between dogs and people
e) Overtly aggressive, overly assertive, overly unruly, and under
socialized dogs should be discou raged from visiting the parks
f) Park users should be discouraged from bringing young puppies or
fearful dogs to parks, as they m~iy be more fearful by highly assertive
dogs, or rough play
g) Limit the number of dogs per adult allowed in the park, U.C. Davis
study suggests no more than 3 cogs per adult user
The Council can also reduce i:he fines for these offenses.
For example, if the fine for a dagoff-leash was reduced from
$100 to $50 the total cost would be reduced from $436 to $246.
Community Established Off-Leash Area
Guideline Critteria (cont'd)
2. Sanitation of park facilities
a) Plan and budget for an appropriate maintenance and cleaning
schedule, done by the City, with assistance from the citizens group
b) Place signs stating the rules at ~:he entrance(s) to the park, as well as
within the park, profiling the r~Je that owners must pick up the feces
of their dogs. Be sure that the signs are well maintained. Signs
should be in English and Mand<~rin.
c) Provide adequate disposable b;3gs, or other means of removing
feces, and refuse cans for feces cleanup
d) The citizens group should help monitor the sanitation of the park
Community Established Off-Leash Area
Guideline Criteria (cont'd)
3. Appropriately increased and positivE~ usage rates in parks
a) The size of the off-leash area should be as large as feasible, but not
too large to adequately maintain
b) Utilize alternate or nontraditional locations, if needed, to help
decrease the chance for conflict with other community users
c) The requirements of the Americans with Disabilities Act (ADA) must
betaken into consideration
4. Respect to neighbors
a) Locate the off-leash area so that: it is not directly adjacent to
residential property lines, to help decrease the chance of actual and
perceived problems between park users and the neighbors
Community Establislned Off-Leash Area
Guideline Criteria (cont'd)
4. b) The off-leash area should be close enough to a residential area that
dog owners will take their dogs to that area and not allow them off-
leash elsewhere
c) Enforce leash laws in areas surrounding the off-leash area to
decrease the number of dogs it egally off-leash going to and from
the park
5. Limited traffic impact
a) Provide adequate parking for tP~e dog park users, as most users
(95%) drive to them
b) Locate the off-leash area as close to the parking lot as possible to
discourage owners letting their dogs off-leash between the area and
Community Establisf~ed Off-Leash Area
Guideline Criteria (cont'd)
6. Protection of natural resources
a) Mitigate concerns about possible disturbance of wildlife or native
7. Affordability of development and m~3intenance
a) An active citizens group should participate in the planning of a dog
b) Encourage the citizens group to sponsor a fundraiser with park users
c) A citizens group should advise the City as to the needed resources to
maintain the park
Community Established Off-Leash Area
Guideline Criteria (cont'd)
8. Greater community education about dogs
a) Suggest that the dog park citizens group sponsor an on-line and/or
paper newsletter, and potentially, an email group
b) Park users should be educated n the signs that dogs display when
performing aggressive behaviors
Proposed Off-Leash Approval
Citizens group talks with
Citizens group forms and adjacent residents and park Citizens group,
works with City staff to users to develop anoff-leash neighbors, and City staff
Identify possible Sites for proposal based on criteria bring proposal to Parks
fenced Or Unfenced Off- identified by pe.rticipants & Recreation
leash areas during Parks & Recreation CommiSSlOn
community process
If approved fora 6-month If approved, ~i-month City staff, citizens group, and
trial, the citizens group, trial would commence neighbors evaluate results of
neighbors and City staff bring ,
City staff and citizens trial period based on the
proposal to City Council for
approval to conduct 6-month
group would monitor criteria developed by the
community discussion
trial and mainta n area process
If trial is successful, If approved, Council
citizens group, neighbors would amend the off-
and staff return to Parks If approved, I>roposal leash ordinance to
and Recreation for would go to Ci:y Council exempt the proposed
approval to make site site from the off-leash
permanent provisions
Proposed Fiscal Option
Currenl: Dog
Licensing Fee Proposed $11
a Year
Altered 1 yr $1!i $26
Altered 3 yr $3~) $50
Unaltered $50 $61
Seniors $0 $0
Currently, 985 dogs are licensed in Cupertino, which
would result in $5,155 in revenue.
Partnership witl~ County Parks
• City staff could discuss with the County
of Santa Clara Parks ~~nd Recreation
Department possibility of a fenced dog
park at Stevens Creelc County Park
• Estimated constructi~~n cost between
$40,000 to $566,000
• Increase to the dog license fee could be
funding source
A. Create a citizen group to work with city >taff for site identification and usage
plan for an off-leash dog area in a city perk. This could be a fenced or unfenced
area. The citizen group would gather park users' support, assist with
fundraising, conduct a 6-month trial period, assist with ongoing housekeeping,
and monitor behavior in area.
B. Increase the dog license fee by $11, add dog license fees to the citywide fee
schedule, and amend the animal services contract with the City of San Jose
C. Authorize City staff to produce a community education about dog laws, fines,
and safety
D. Authorize City staff to discuss with the County of Santa Clara Parks and
Recreation the possibility of constructing; a dog park at Stevens Creek County
E. Conduct the first reading of Ordinance No. 09-2041: An Ordinance of the City
Council of the City of Cupertino amending Sections 8.01.030 (Animals Running
at Large), 8.01.130 (Public Nuisance), and 8.03.010 (Restraint of Dogs)
F. Amend the City's Bail Schedule reducing the fine for dogs off- leash and public
nuisance from $100 to $50.
Feedback from February 5 Meeting 38
Support Strongly
Oppose Support
Position on limited off-
leash hours in City parks? 5 2 4 3 23
Position on fenced dog
parks? 1 2 5 9 19
Do you own a dog? Yes - 29 No - 6
urrent leash law be
hanged from
misdemeanor to fine? Yes - 24 No - 8
More Lf~ss
Inclined Inclined No Change
If off-leash hours not
vailable more or less inclined
o support having fenced dog
parks? 22 4 6
Feedback from M~~iled Surveys (16)
Strongly Oppose Neutral Support Strongly
Oppose Support
Position on limited off-
leash hours in City parks? 15 0 0 0 1
Position on fenced dog
parks? 7 3 2 2 2
Do you own a dog? Yes - 2 No - 14
urrent leash law be
hanged from
misdemeanor to fine? Yes - 7 No - 8
More Less No
Inclined Inclined Change
If off-leash hours not
vailable more or less
inclined to support having
enced dog parks? 3 2 9
Feedback from Hoover Perk Area Surveys 29
Strongly Strongly
Oppose Neutral Support
Oppose Support
Position on limited
ff-leash hours in
ity parks? 29 0 0 0 0
Position on fenced
og parks? 11 1 9 8 0
Do you own a dog? Yes - 2 No - :?7
urrent leash law
be changed from
misdemeanor to
ine? Yes - 1 No - :'_7
More Inclined Less Inclined No Change
If off-leash hours
not available more
or less inclined to
support having
fenced dog parks?
~ 2 18
City of Cupertino: EFMHome - ' ( ~ ~ _ ~ Page 1 of 2
# f ~
Case Details
Print Close
Case Number: 1$828
customer: Dickman, Eleanor
external customer
21590 Fitzgerald DR
Cupertino CA 95014-
status: Resolved
Request Type: Suggestion
Location of Request: Cupertino CA
Facility: N/A
Preferred Contact Method: Small
submitted ey: Dickman, Eleanor
Primary Owner: Smith, Kimberly
Topic: Code
Control (Code
Custom Fields:
date/Time Created: 04/06/2009
Date/Time Closed: 04/07/2009
Qriginat Request
I cannot be at the Council Meeting tomorrow night as I will be out of town, but I wish
my voice to be heard in STRONG SUPPORT of a ITleasure that will allow dogs to be
leash-free at specified times in specified parks in the City of Cupertino. My dog Jonah
has been a resident of Cupertino for 12.5 years, and is a very good citizen. Please
allow him and other canine companions access to social opportunities, exercise, and
nature. Thank you.
Customer Communications
Date From Text
04/07/2009 Smith, Details » Thank you for taking the time to share your
09:13 Kimberly opinions. I have printed out your email and it will be given to
the City Council members at tonight's meeting. Kimberly
Smith, City Clerk
* Customer Communications are visible on the customer's case status page.
Internal Activity
Internal Notes
No records for internal activities found
Tasks j
https://clients.comcate.com/reps/caseDetail.php 4/7/2009
City of Cupertino: EFMHome
Complete Due Subject Assigned By Assigned To Statu_<
Case Contacts
Role Name
Primary Owner Smith, Kimberly kimberlys@cupertino.org
~ Secondary Owner Lagergren, Linda lindal@cupertino.org
Past Owner Enforcement, Code code@cupertino.org
No attachments found
Activity History
Date Event Who Description
04/07/2009 09:13 Change Status Smith, Kimberly status change during
send email
04/07/2009 06:40 Reassign Primary Enforcement, Code Primary Owner
reassigned from
Enforcement, Code to
Smith, Kimberly
04/07/2009 06:40 Reassign Secondary Enforcement, Code Secondary Owner
reassigned from
Enforcement, Code to
Lagergren, Linda
Page 2 of 2
https://clients.comcate.com/reps/caseDetail.php 4/7/2009
From Julia Kinst (juliak@cupertino.org) ~ ~ BJ; ~~ 3
Julia Kinst /T~
From: Raja Bhadury [rbhadury@yahoo.com]
Sent: Monday, April 06, 2009 9:03 PM
To: City Clerk; Cupertino City Manager's Office; Mark Linder; Orrin Mahoney; Kris Wang; Gilbert
Wong; Mark Santoro; Dolly Sando~ial; David Lee; Debbie Stauffer; David Greenstein; Jeanne
Bradford; Darcy Paul
Cc: Katrine Bhadury
Subject: Off-leash laws
Dear City Council members, City Clerk, City Manager, and Parks & Recreation commissioners and director:
We are long time residents of Cupertino who also happen ~to be responsible dog owners. We were told that
there's a hearing coming up on off-leash laws tomorrow ar~d wanted to send you this note in advance to request
you to:
1) Please allow Cupertino dog owners in Cupertino to spend time with their dogs off-leash at all the Cupertino
public parks - at least for certain hours of the day
2) Please reduce the current fine for off-leash infractions from $981 (misdemeanor) to a warning first and then
Raja and Katrine Bhadury
10355 Farallone Drive, Cupertino
From Julia Kinst (juliak@cuperdno.org)
Julia Kinst
~ ~~3
good with me
cupertino.eric@gmail.com on behalf of eric Wilson [eric@wilsonshome.net]
Monday, April 06, 2009 8:00 PM
Mike Hsu @ ADS
Seema Lindskog; City Clerk; Cupertino City Manager's Office; Mark Linder; Orrin Mahoney;
Kris Wang; Gilbert Wong; Mark Santoro; Dolly Sandoval; David Lee; Debbie Stauffer; David
Greenstein; Jeanne Bradford; Darcy Paul; nayrami@yahoo.com; shmilip@yahoo.com; Anand
Pai; Angela Boynton; Angela Chou; Barbara Baer; Batsheva Raviv; Bertrand Teplitxky; Betsy
Dougherty; Carol Miller; charlie hanson; Claudette Miller; Cory Miyahara; Dan Nie; David
Julian; Deanne Smith; Debi Chesse:n; Denny DeHarne; Don Krenn; Ellyn and Steve Stark; Fan
Jiao; Gail Marzolf; George Wagner; gershon perelman; Gilad Gingold (Haley); Heather
Simmons; Jeff Hu; Jim Connelly; Jim Kapnias; Kavita Surapaneni-Gedde; Marce Pinzon; Mike
Yuen; Nancy Roberts; Neil Chang; Patricia Tse; Rebecca Penrose; Ronit Waissman; Ruth
Stevens; Sherry Fang; Shu Liu; Sima; Sue; Sue Peters; vivak; Xiaoyi Liu; Yosi
Re: Arguments for off-leash rather than a fenced dog park
On Sun, Apr 5, 2009 at 9:04 PM, Mike Hsu @ ADS <mikehsu v,adspc.com> wrote:
I believe some dogs (or the owners) need our own fenced dog bark.
Every parks with off-leash hours and a fenced dog park will be Ilreat -
responsible dog owners can decide what's best for their dogs.
Maybe we should push for off-leash hours first but also support fenced dog park?
-----Original Message-----
From: Seema Lindskog [mailto:seema3366@g_mail.com]
Sent: Sunday, April 05, 2009 6:28 PM
To: cityderk@cupertino.org; manager@cupertino.org; mark) c:upertino.org; omahoney@cupertino.org;
kwang@cupertino.org; gwong@cupertino.org; msantoro@cupei~tino.ora; dsandoval@cupertino.org; dlee@cupertino.org;
dttauffer@cupertino.org; dgreenstein@cupertino.org; ibradford@cupertino.org; maul@cupertino.org
Cc: nayrami@yahoo.com; shmilip@yahoo.com; Anand Pai; Angela Boynton; Angela Chou; Barbara Baer; Batsheva Raviv;
Bertrand Teplitxky; Betsy Dougherty; Carol Miller; charlie hanson; Claudette Miller; Cory Miyahara; Dan Nie; David Julian;
Deanne Smith; Debi Chessen; Denny DeHarne; Don Krenn; Ellyn and Steve Stark; eric@wilsonshome.net; Fan Jiao; Gail
Marzolf; George Wagner; gershon perelman; Gilad Gingold (Haley); Heather Simmons; Jeff Hu; Jim Connelly; Jim
Kapnias; Kavita Surapaneni-Gedde; Marce Pinzon; Mike Hsu; Mike Yuen; Nancy Roberts; Neil Chang; Patricia Tse;
Rebecca Penrose; Ronit Waissman; Ruth Stevens; Sherry Fang; Shu Liu; Sima; Sue; Sue Peters; vivak; Xiaoyi Liu; Yosi
Subject: Arguments for off-leash rather than a fenced dog park
Dear City Council members, City Clerk, City Manager, and Parks & Recreation commissioners and director,
We, the Cupertino Dog Owners group, strongly suport off •leash hours for all Cupertino dogs. While a fenced
dog park has been suggested as one of the solutions, we don't believe it is a valid option.
Fenced dog park analysis:
Information below will demonstrate why a fenced dog park in the fringe does not make sense. We already have
many options if we choose to drive.
driving distance (Google Map) from Cupertino City Hall t~~ nearby fenced dog parks
Proposed Site: Stevens Creek County Park (3.3 miles; 9 min.)
Existing fenced dog parks below:
From Julia Kinst (juliak@cuperdno.org)
Saratoga Creek Dog Park behind OSH: (3.5 miles; 9 min.'s
Las Palmas in Sunnyvale (3.6 miles; 10 miri.)
Los Gatos County Creek Dog Park (7.4 miles; 12 min.)
Mt. View Dog Park
Butcher Park in San Jose
(8.2 miles; 13 min.)
(10.3 miles; 14 min.)
Offering multiple off-leash areas is a greener and less expensive option for the city in addition to offering
multiple other benefits:
It help promote a walkable Cupertino
- It conserves our precious green space by allowing "shared" usage
- A fenced dog park can cost anywhere from 300K - SOOK; and it is not multi-purpose.
- It evenly spreads out dog use across multiple city parks rather than create increased density in any one
neighborhood or park
- ensures minimal impact on any one park since there is not increased traffic of dog owners from outside the
immediate neighborhood
- ensures minimal impact on residents near any one park since there is not increased traffic of dog owners from
outside the immediate neighborhood
- It makes it much more likely that Cupertino dog owners will let their dogs off-leash in a legal and safe manner
- It has much less impact on City resources and budget
- It is quicker to implement
- It benefits a maximum number of Cupertino residents
- It is a much more efficient use of Cupertino city budget try maximizing return on investment
Cupertino Dog Owners Group is a large grassroots group of Cupertino residents who wish to recreate in their
own neighborhoods in their own parks with their dogs. We are looking for equitable multi-use policies to
reflect the diverse needs of all Cupertino residents. We re~~uest the City Council approve off-leash hours in
Cupertino Parks.
"You must be the change you want to see in the world." - r/Iahatma Gandhi
Eric Wilson
~ ~. ~-/ - 7.O `I'
Linda Lagergren
From: roger338@aol.com
Sent: Tuesday, April 07, 2009 3:27 AM
To: roger338@aol.com
Subject: Off-Leash dogs at Hoover Park P'_EASE DO NOT ALLOW.
Hi Council Members,
Please don't allow dogs at all at Hoover Park in Cupertino. I live two blocks away from the park and
bring my two grandchildren to the park. I will not bring them in the future if dogs are allowed. I don't
want the worry about my grandchildren stepping or falling on dog waste. It has happend to me in the
past. I don't want to worry about dogs scaring or worse biting my grandchildren. Ninety percent of
dog owners pick up their dogs waste but unfortunately the other ten percent don't ... I know because
the ten percent don't clean up their waste from my front lawn when they walk their dogs. I've lived in
Cupertino for over 30 years now and would appreci~~te your support in this matter. I love dogs but not
in a small park where children play.
Thank You
Roger Raynal
~ i _;
Linda Lagergren
From: angels chou [angela_chou@yahoo.com]
Sent: Monday, April 06, 2009 10:46 PM
To: Orrin Mahoney; Kris Wang; Gilbert Wong; Mark Santoro; Dolly Sandoval
Subject: Cupertino Dog Off Leash Hour
Dear Mayor Mahoney and city council members:
You must be overwhelmed with all the emails regarding the dog off-leash hours.
lust like to share with you the following in case you did not get the chance to visit the
website which Cupertino citizen put together. It's very good information as your reference.
Thank you and see you tomorrow.
1) Why the impetus to change the current leash law?
Within the last 12 months Cupertino Sheriffs have received more calls on dogs off-leash; and
there are more citations issued than ever. The fines for dogs off-leash is $1,006.
Additionally the 2008 Cupertino Community Survey showed 61% of the Cupertino residents
supported having designated areas in existing City parks for off-leash dogs during certain
hours and days each week (32% "strong Support" and 299 "Somewhat Support".)
2)Why all the fuss over dogs?
The real issue here is about the fair and equitable allocation of our public resources (ie.,
public parks.) We all support our parks with tax dollars. Although some residents are
possessive of their neighborhood parks and want to prohibit off-leash dogs, but they must
remember they do not own the parks. Dog owners pay taxes too!
3)Why off leash areas vs. fenced dog park?
Urban green spaces are precious and should be shared by all. Unfenced play areas are "shared"
green spaces. Whereas fenced dog park is for dogs only. Fenced dog parks is also expensive
and can cost anywhere from $300K to $500K.
4)Why designated time and area within parks?
Not everyone is comfortable around dogs. Postini; designated times and areas will notify
people when and where the dogs are off leash.
5)What about safety?
There will be special rules for off leash play areas. Off leash privileges are for
responsible dog owners and their obedient dogs. :Cn Portland two of their off-leash areas
(Frazer Park and Sacajawea Park) are located nex1_ to Head Start Schools for pre-
kindergarteners. Grant Park is located next to a high school soccer field. The hours are
customized for each site based on usage patterns to ensure the safety of all park users.
6)What about sanitation?
According to Cupertino Public Works groundskeepE~rs we interviewed there are animal feces
currently found at parks and schools. The anim~~ls are geese, seagulls, coyotes, deer, and
dogs. Legalizing off-leash hours may bring posii:ive change to the amount of dog feces left
behind in parks and schools. The groundskeepers will still have to deal with the other
7)What about noise levels?
The noise ordinance (Sec. 10.48.040 Daytime anti Nighttime Maximum Noise Levels) shall stay
the same.
8)Why all the parks?
To further promote a walkable Cupertino it is bE~st to have the dogs exercise where they are
today in their own neighborhoods. Most residents would prefer the dog traffic stay where
they are today and not be concentrated in any orie particular park.
9)What about school sites?
Even with the current leash laws residents are rasing the schools as off-leash play areas
because school grounds are fenced. Since the c:_ty is paying for school yard maintenance
there is always the possibility to include schools as off-leash play areas during designated
times and areas.
10)Why is Portland a good example to follow?
The population density per square mile is very similar between Cupertino and Portland
(4,620/sq. mile vs 4,166/sq. mile.) The percent~~ge breakdown for population under 18 and
population over 65 is also very similar. Additionally Portland completed their off-leash
study in 2004 and have lots of current and deta:_led information for us to peruse. Even in a
city with a 50/50 split amongst the pro-off-leash and no-off-leash groups, Portland was able
to come up with solutions that satisfied both groups.
Linda Lagergren
From: dtschow50@aol.com
Sent: Monday, April 06, 2009 8:37 PM
To: Orrin Mahoney; Kris Wang; Dolly Sandoval; Gilbert Wong; Mark Santoro
Subject: City Council Actions
Major Mahoney and City Council members Wang, Sandoval, Wong, and Santoro,
I would like to comment on a past action and a pending action of the City Council.
The past action was the decision made during the Council meeting on February 17, 2009. I watched the
broadcast of the Council meeting on the community channel the presentation, discussion, and final decision to
grant $4,000 to subsidize the corrective action of installing the power line to a new residential house. I found
the proposal from Ms. Sandoval was reasonable and prudent that all five parties, the architect, general
contractor, electrical contractor, the City and the owner, sire responsible to various degrees for the mistake. Her
proposed motion, second by Ms. Wang, to share 1/5 the cost of the corrective action up to $4,000 is prudent.
Although Major Mahoney acknowledged the owner did riot have any solid legal ground to sue the City, he still
gave away $4,000 of our City fund to a private citizen. All architects and contractors know they have to meet
the local co de requirements and they all carry liability insurance. The action of Mayor Mahoney, Council
members Wong and Santoro giving the $4,000 to the owner is not a sign of good stewardship of our tax monies
and our precious City fund. I wonder whether they will v~~te for spending this $4,000 if they have to pay for it
The pending City Council action is the consideration of allowing off-leashed dogs in our City parks. My wife
was beaten by an off-leash dog when she was a child. This traumatic experience impacted her adult life leading
to fear of off-leased dogs. If you talk about liability and lawsuit, this will be a real opportunity for lawyers
making monies from the City and our City Council spending precious City fund on unneeded and unwarranted
litigation. I am asking the City Council members to vote "No" on allowing off-leash dogs in Cupertino parks.
Thank you for your attention.
Daniel Chow
21064 Marcy Court
Cupertino, CA 95014
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~~_ ~- -7-C~`l
Linda Lagergren
From: jkamvar@comcast.net
Sent: Saturday, April 04, 2009 9:58 AM
To: Kris Wang
Subject: Concerns about off-leash dogs
CouncilMember Wang:
I cannot attend the council meeting that has the issue about dogs in our parks, so I would like to
send you my concerns and opinions.
I love dogs and am not afraid of them individually. However, I do fear packs of dogs. When dogs
run in packs like they do in off-leash areas, they do got always mind their owners and start exhibiting
gang behavior.
A friend of mine who is a Santa Clara city planning commisioner, said that they used to walk their
dogs at Wilson school and let them off-leash. At first this was fine. There were only a few people
who lived in the area who let their dogs off-leash. However, soon there were people from out of the
area who brought in their dogs. These people did n~ct control their dogs well and the dogs were soon
running wild and interferring with kids' play. This is what I fear for our neighborhood parks if dogs are
allowed off-leash.
When my children were very young, most every weekend I would take them to Hoover park to run
around and play on the grass and the playground equipment. Even in those days dog owners were
not very responsible for cleaning up after their dogs. It would spoil my boys' afternoon if they stepped
in the dog waste. When they were older, they woul~~ practise and play soccer in that park. As a
team mom or assistent coach, I would have to pick up the dog waste. This was when off-leash dogs
was prohibited. Can you imagine what it would be like if off-leash dogs are prohibited?
I'm sure the dog owners who will speak before you next week will say that they will police the area
and make sure that alt dog waste if picked up and no dogs will run wild. But as the example at Wilson
school, there is no real guarantee that this will occur when people from outside the neighborhood
start bringing their dogs.
I have many Asian friends. Quite a few of them are afraid of dogs. As you know, we have a large
population of Asian people including their elderly parents. I have heard the dog owners tell people
that they should train their children to not run when ~i dog runs towards them. This is not something a
person who fears these wolf-like creatures would instintively do.
Jane H. Kamvar
1339 Poppy Way
Cupertino, CA 95014
~ i3
Linda Lagergren
From: S Hui [swhuiplay@yahoo.com]
Sent: Monday, April 06, 2009 10:22 PM
To: Orrin Mahoney; Kris Wang; Dolly Sandoval; Gilbert Wong; Mark Santoro
Subject: Dog Park in Cupertino
Dear Cupertino City Council Members:
We like Cupertino as a small town. A simple but glorious town. Installing unleashed and unfenced dog park
will attract people from neighboring cities making our neighborhood uncertain and complicated. We will not
able to keep an eye for our neighbors. According to research no such dog parks are available within easy
driving distance.
We do not mind if dogs are confined to a fenced park away from residential areas
economic, it is better for Cupertino to conserve. Spend money on people first, e.g
should not be burdened with the cost. We are a small cit}~.
We against unleashed and unfenced dog parks in our neighborhood parks.
Thanks for your considerations,
Petcy Tam
Veronica Hui
Sing-wing Hui
Because of current
our schools. Besides we
Residents since 1993.
~~/~- 7-a9 #l3
Linda Lagergren
From: Prabir Mohanty [prabir_mohanty~>,yahoo.com]
Sent: Monday, April 06, 2009 3:34 PM
To: Orrin Mahoney
Subject: Please ban 'Unleashed and Unfenced Dogs' from Cupertino Parks
Dear Mayor Orrin,
Please do not allow 'Unleashed and Unfenced Dogs' in Cupertino parks. No other neighboring city allows this.
Besides, the people of Cupertino and their kids are far mere important than dogs. If you allow this, there will be
vicious dog maulings happening all over Cupertino. Have you heard of San Francisco dog mauling case and all
the other such cases? The court awards alone will bankr~zpt the City of Cupertino. You do not want our
property taxes to be used to pay for judgements stemming from dog maulings and dog bites.
Please fire the 3 members of Parks and Recreation comrr~isssion who have recommended allowing 'Unleashed
and Unfenced Dogs' in Cupertino parks.
You can call me at 408-483-1794 to talk about this. Thi:> is my mobile number.
Best Regards,
c~/~{-7-09 ~ 13
Linda Lagergren
From: J~ ~(}~~ [sue7872@yahoo.com.tw]
Sent: Monday, April 06, 2009 3:32 PM
To: Orrin Mahoney
Subject: the off-leash hours
Dear Mayor Mahoney and City council member;:
I live very close to Cupertino and visit Cupertino parks very often. I am sure park area should
be shared by human and human's best friend,Dog. Dogs need exercise, just like children. Dogs
need play time too.When I visited the United Kingdom 5 year ago, I also saw the dogs there
have unlimited off-leash hours in the park.Therefore, I strongly support the off-leash hours and
hope you can approve the recommendation by thf; Park and Recreation Commission to start the
dog off-leash hour trial period on 4/7 council mef;ting.
Thank you very much.
'(~"'~'~=~~~f~~ ? Yahoo!~~~~'(A~2.0}2,;~p~(~;, TAT~~7~c~T:~,f~i~ ! - ,,, ~ !
c ~ /y~7-a~
Linda Lagergren
From: Shailesh Thakker [sn_thakker@hotmail.com]
Sent: Monday, April 06, 2009 2:50 PM
To: Orrin Mahoney; Kris Wang; Dolly Sandoval; Gilbert Wong
Attachments: CityCouncil.doc
Dear Cupertino City Council members,
Please oppose city's leash law to allow dogs to run off-leash in city parks.
Hereby we have attached the document that explains why we urge you to oppose this law.
Thanks & regards,
- Shailesh Thakker
- Rakhi Thakker
(Resides at 19930 Olivewood St, #A, Cupertino, CA 9!i014)
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Dear Cupertino City Council Members:
We have just learned that the city council is going to vote on the recommendation
made by the Park and Recreation Commission to amend the city's leash law to allow
dogs to run off-leash in city parks. We are ~~trongly against such a recommendation
and urge you to oppose it. Our reasons are as follows:
1. Off-leash dogs in city parks will impose a big safety risk to the park users,
especially to children and the elderly. The risk is real. It is obvious and non-
disputable. Some dog owners may claim that their dogs are good and friendly, and
will not attack people. The reality is that nobody can guarantee the safety of the
park users, children and the elderly in particular, when many dogs run off-leash
2. Off-leash dogs will damage the parks. 1)nce dogs run off-leash in a park, it will
be inevitable that dog manure will be foun~) all over the place. Some dog owners
may claim that they will take care of their clog's waste. Even if they make efforts to
do so, it will be very difficult to clean up when a lot of dogs run freely in a park. In
reality, the most likely scenario will be that the dog owners will engage social
activities while their dogs run off-leash; their dog's manure will disappear in the
grass quietly and will only be encountered later by the park users.
3. The values of the properties around such a park will decline due to the
deterioration of the environment in and around the park. This effect is especially
unwelcome in the time of our current economic crisis.
4. The people who live in the vicinity of such a park will be greatly impacted by
the elevated noise, the safety hazard, and other unexpected inconveniences caused
by unleashed running dogs.
5. The recommendation was opposed by many people in our city and by two of the
five Park & Recreation Commissioners. It i:~ clear that it is controversial and a
divisive option. We believe that other options (like afenced-in dog park) are far
better, and we are very disappointed that t:he commissioners chose this one.
6. Should the off-leash law bring unwanted consequences, it would bear a huge
cost to remedy it.
7. Another point to consider is that the leash laws are very common. All of the
cities in the south bay and most of the cities in California State have similar laws.
These laws were established for good reasons, the number one of which is public
safety. We think it is a very bad idea for Cupertino to depart from the norm and
choose to have an exception to our leash la.w by allowing dogs off leash on public
The implications of the recommendation may not be very obvious at first.
Here are a few for your reference:
1. Some dog owners may claim that they will do their best to control their dogs
and clean after them. We can believe their :>incerity. But they cannot make promises
for other dog owners, and they cannot guarantee irresponsible dog owners with
aggressive dogs will not come.
2. Some may argue that there are not ma~1y dogs around anyway, so the impact
will not be serious. The reality is that a park allowing off-leash dogs will attract dogs
from all over the city and from other nearby cities.
3. Some may think that maybe it is OK if it is limited to a certain time window.
However, once it starts, it is very hard to enforce the time limit. It will be much
easier for the dog owners to lobby the city t:o extend the time limit.
Once again, we urge you to vote down this recommendation.
- Shailesh Thakker,
- Rakhi Thakker
(resides at 19930 Olivewood St, Unit A, Cupertino, CA 95014)
Concerned Cupertino Citizens
cc ~-"7-09
~ ~3
Linda Lagergren
From: Anjali Srivastava [anjalisrivastava2003@yahoo.com]
Sent: Monday, April 06, 2009 2:42 PM
To: Kris Wang; Dolly Sandoval; Gilbert Wong; Mark Santoro
Subject: Opposition to UNLEASHED DOGS IN PARK
Dear Cupertino City Council Members:
We have just learned that the city council is going to rote on the recommendation made by the Park and
Recreation Commission to amend the city's leash law to allow dogs to run off-leash in city parks. We are
strongly AGAINST such a recommendation and urge you to oppose it. Our reasons are as follows:
1. Off-leash dogs in city parks will impose a big safet}~ risk to the park users, especially to children and the
elderly. The risk is real. I had two very close friends encountered these and had trauma for few years. It is
obvious and non-disputable. Some dog owners may claim that their dogs are good and friendly, and will not
attack people. The reality is that nobody can guarantee t)'~e safety of the park users, children and the elderly in
particular, when many dogs run off-leash together.
2. Off-leash dogs will damage the parks. Once dogs run off-leash in a park, it will be inevitable that dog
manure will be found all over the place. Some dog owners may claim that they will take care of their dog's
waste. Even if they make efforts to do so, it will be very difficult to clean up when a lot of dogs run freely in a
park. In reality, the most likely scenario will be that the 3og owners will engage social activities while their
dogs run off-leash; their dog's manure will disappear in the grass quietly and will only be encountered later by
the park users.
3. The values of the properties around such a park will decline due to the deterioration of the environment in
and around the park. This effect is especially unwelcome in the time of our current economic crisis.
4. The people who live in the vicinity of such a park v, ill be greatly impacted by the elevated noise, the safety
hazard, and other unexpected inconveniences caused by ~znleashed running dogs.
5. The recommendation was opposed by many people in our city and by two of the five Park & Recreation
Commissioners. It is clear that it is controversial and a divisive option. We believe that other options (like a
fenced-in dog park) are far better, and we are very disappointed that the commissioners chose this one.
6. Should the off-leash law bring unwanted consequences, it would bear a huge cost to remedy it.
7. Another point to consider is that the leash laws are very common. All of the cities in the south bay and
most of the cities in California State have similar laws. These laws were established for good reasons, the
number one of which is public safety. We think it is a very bad idea for Cupertino to depart from the norm and
choose to have an exception to our leash law by allowing dogs off leash on public property.
Once again, we urge you to vote down this recommendation.
Anjali Srivastava
c.~~~(- ~-09
#/ 3
Linda Lagergren
From: ddeharne@yahoo.com
Sent: Monday, April 06, 2009 11:52 AM
To: Orrin Mahoney; Kris Wang; Gilbert Wong; Mark Santoro; Dolly Sandoval
Subject: I support off-leash hours for CupE~rtino dogs
Dear Council Members Mahoney, Wang, Wong, Santoro, and Sandoval,
My family and I have been Cupertino residents .for 20 years. Our healthy, fiiendly, fifteen year old dog has
been part of our life for all of his life. We have been responsible dog owners who mostly walk him on-leash on
city streets as well as foothill trails where allowed.
We are sensitive to the body language of approaching pedestrians and hikers and always make sure to hold his
leash short or cross the street if we sense that they are nervous. We've enjoyed hundreds of interactions with
non-dog-owning families whose children were eager to pet and be close to our dog.
We are looking forward to trial off-leash hours at some Cupertino sites. Our old dog does enjoy brier, safe off-
leash opportunities and the chance to be with other dogs.
1) Please allow Cupertino dog owners in Cupertino to recreate with their dogs off-leash at some park in all the
Cupertino neighborhoods.
2) Please reduce the current fine for off-leash infractions from $981 (misdemeanor) to a warning tirst and then
I am hoping to be able to attend tomon•ow night's council meeting to show my support. I wanted to be sure to
express my opinion to you by email in case I am not able. I Hope that you will find a way to accomodate all earl:
users. Thank you for your consideration.
Denise de Harne
20832 Dunbar Drive
Cupertino. CA 9014
c~ /y- 7-09
Linda Lagergren
From: Inyocabin@aol.com
Sent: Monday, April 06, 2009 11:43 ANI
To: City Council
Subject: Off Leash Dogs
We have been residents of Cupertino for over 37 yE~ars, raising our four children and now enjoying
retirement and our grandchildren here.
During all this time we have utilized most of Cupertino's park for many recreational and family
We are in support of OFF LEASH TIMES for DOG~~ and recommend you consider a trail period of off
leash dogs for all of our city parks.
We walk our dog every day in the parks however w~~ must drive to other cities in order to perform
rigorous off leash running exercises for our dog.
We suggest a dawn to 9:00 AM and 7:00 PM to du::k period for off leash times with all other times in
accordance with the current leash laws.
Please consider a six month trail period for off IeasF~ hours for all our city parks.
We are confident that at the end of this trail period you will conclude that off leash hours are safe, fair
to the cities dog owners as well as accommodating those citizens who do not like dogs.
Don & Arlene Rosenbaum
7633 Prospect Road
Cupertino, CA 95014
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Linda Lagergren
From: Marile Shelly [mlhshelly@sbcglok~al.netJ
Sent: Monday, April 06, 2009 11:10 ANI
To: Orrin Mahoney; Kris Wang; Dolly Sandoval; gwon@cupertino.org
Subject: Dog off-leash park concerns and resident name illegally put on dog park petition
To the Cupertino City Council:
I had hoped to be able to attend the City Council meeting tomorrow night and speak to
you in person, but prior commitments prevent me from attending. Attached you will
find an email and the response from Jeanne Bradford, Parks and Rec commissioner,
dated 11/1/07/ and 11/2/07 respectively. ~~s a resident of Cupertino for 31 years in the
Creekside community, as elementary school teacher who must clean dog excrement
from children's shoes and clothing when they return from recess or lunch spent out on
the grassy field, and as as a longtime dog ov~rner, I am very concerned with the
proposed dog parks.
* Dog excrement is a health hazard, particul~~rly to children, who don't pay attention to
where they are walking and sitting. I have children in my classroom keep a change of
clothes at school for those times when they inadvertently sit on the grass to play a
game, and sit in a pile of dog excrement!
*I know that not all dog owners are responsible about cleaning up after their dogs even
when walking the dogs on a leash, so I don't have much faith that they will when the
dogs are off-leash! Even though signs are posted at Creekside and baggies are provided
(a really thoughtful dog owner always keeps one or two tied to the leash), people are
* I do not want the anxiety and stress of taking my grandchildren to the park or to play
soccer, only to have them frightened by a dog whose owner is indignant stating that
their dog is a "friendly" dog. We don't know the dog, or if it is friendly, well-trained,
predictable, etc!
* I do not want the anxiety and stress of walking my well-trained and well-behaved dog
on leash, to be assualted by off-leash dogs, friendly or aggressive! I want to be able to
take a quiet, peaceful walk with my dog, whE~re we both can get some physical exercise
without constantly anticipating the tempermE~nts of off-leash dogs!
Finally, and most importantly, for the City Council to take these signatures on the
various petitions in support is a travesty! As you will note in my forwarded email, I did
not sign a petition as my signature is being presented! How many other "signatures"
are not authentic?
I think it's great to have a limited, enclosed ;pace for those dog owners who want their
dogs to have socialization experiences, but n~~t at school or city soccer fields, near picnic
areas, or places where they are not under some kind of enclosed control for dogs only!
Families sitting on blankets, snacking watching the Cupertino fireworks on the Fourth of
July where dogs have been allowed to run off-leash, relieving themselves of their
waste.....hmmmmm. Would you encourage dour children and grandchildren to roll in the
grass, as young children love to do?
---- Forwarded Message ----
From: Jeanne Bradford <jeanneabradford@gmail.com>
To: Marile Shelly <mlhshelly@sbcglobal.net>
Cc: Mark Linder <MarkL@cupertino.org>; David Greenstein ~:DGreenstein@cupertino.org>
Sent: Sunday, November 2, 2008 7:50:43 AM
Subject: Re: Dog Leash petition
Dear Ms. Shelly,
Thanks for taking the time to write -this does sound very concerning. I wasn't sure what petition you were
referring to, so I did a google search and found this web:>ite:
http://www.thepetitionsite. com/ 1 /cupertino-dog-park
The petition's first "signature" was on October 17, 2007 - over a year ago! This has been a recurring issue with
the city, so it sounds like the community members that are in favor of either off leash or dog parks were starting
to organize. I did do a quick scan of the "signatures" on the petition, and you are #141, dated November 23,
2007. I'm not sure who initiated this petition, but with << little investigation you can probably determine that
(maybe the person that is the first signature).
Just to be clear, the Commission is not associated with this petition. No doubt the supporters of this petition
will try to use it to influence our recommendation to the city council, but the Commission did not initiate it. I've
copied Mark Linder on this email. Mark is Cupertino's Director of Parks & Recreation. He might have more
insight into who is managing the petition. With that information you can take what ever you believe are the
next appropriate steps.
Finally, thank you for your service to our school district; and our children. My daughter is graduating this year,
and I'm so grateful for the quality education that she received at Portal, Kennedy, and now Monta Vista. Year
after year she has had terrific teachers, and I really appreciate all that you do to support our children.
Best regards,
On Sat, Nov 1, 2008 at 10:52 PM, Marile Shelly <mlhshelly(c~sbc~lobal.net> wrote:
I am writing to you to voice a very serious c~~ncern. I was told tonight by a friend that
she and her husband noticed that z had signed an on-line petition in support of an off-
leash dog park. z was not even aware that there was a discussion about such a park or of
on-line petition! ,4s a resident of cupertino for 30 years and a teacher with Fremont
Union High School District and Cupertino Union School district for the past 39 years, z
have never encountered such an illegal "identity" theft by a local organization to
promote their own agenda. I would like an ac~~ounting of how a citizen's name is added to
such a petition without their consent!
I would appreciate a response to my concerns.
Marile H. Shelly
6277 Cottonwood Ct.
CG/ ~-7-6y'
Linda Lagergren
From: Liqing wang [ligingwang@yahoo.~:om]
Sent: Monday, April 06, 2009 10:46 AM
To: Orrin Mahoney
Subject: Off-leash Dog Plicy Update
Dear Mayor,
I agree that dogs should not be allowed to run free in oui• parks. Please vote against it. Thanks in advance!
c~ ~t- 7-~
Linda Lagergren
From: Larson, Elizabeth [Elizabeth.Larson@sanjoseca.gov]
Sent: Monday, April 06, 2009 10:26 AM
To: Orrin Mahoney; Kris Wang; Dolly Sandoval; Gilbert Wong; Gilbert Wong; Mark Santoro
Subject: Council Mtg 4/7/09 -Irresponsible Dog Owner
just need to write this before tomorrow's meeting.
One of the leader for unleash dogs used to be a neighbor. Srie was the most irresponsible dog owner I have ever seen.
She would walk her dog in the early morning hours to poop ors my lawn and the other neighbors' lawn and then she would
claim it's not her dog. I caught her one morning doing this. She carried a plastic bag, which I never saw her use. Guess
what when she moved about a mile away - no dog poop.
Do you know how disgusting it is to clean shoes with dog droF>pings? I should have gone to the soccer players and
passed out fliers to their parents.
I just cleaned my 5 year old grand-daughter's shoes. I was cussing the whole time I was cleaning. Those dog people
want to make the beautiful Cupertino parks a dog latrine. I hope you understand.
By the way, I also own a dog. I do not allow my dog to go outside to poop on our beautiful Cupertino parks or people's
Thank you for the time to read this a-mail
ECsza6eth Larson
Department of Transportation
City of San Jose
cam/ ~- 7-D 9
Linda Lagergren ~ 1 ~
From: Jlemons@aol.com
Sent: Monday, April 06, 2009 10:17 AM
To: Orrin Mahoney
Subject: Allowing Dogs Off Leash in Park::
April 5, 2009
To: Orrin Mahoney, Dolly Sandoval, Mark Santoro, Kris Wan~,3, and Gilbert Wong
My husband, John and I are 39-year residents of Cupertino. ~Ne have been in our current Cupertino home for 35 years.
We have a neighbor who has two undisiplined dogs. A few weeks ago one of their dogs killed a neighbor's cat when it
"got out" of their home. This neighborhood not only has young resident children playing on the street, but now several of
us have VERY young grandchildren playing often in the neighborhood. I live with a slice of fear of any of these children
being outside when one or both of their dogs could "get out" again and race over to them.
One day I was getting groceries out of my car IN MY GARAGI= and looked up to see that neighbor's dog racing feverishly
toward me. I dropped my bags and ran into the house. This Name dog was "allowed" to sit on a ledge in the front room
most days and bark wildly...baring teeth and scratching and rriauling the window. I prayed that the window would remain
secure and feared for what that dog could do if it ever broke t!~rough. What if this dog had been allowed to run free at a
city park? Who knows what would happen.
Please do NOT consider changing the current dog leash law in the city parks and/or in the city of
Cupertino. Locate a piece of land that can be fenced where people can choose to take their dogs to freely run. Dogs let
loose in city parks can be very frightening to many people let ~~lone innocent children or other animals. Any or all of these
people can be a victim of a dog attack.
Even if dogs are not present in a park, who wants to have a picnic or play or just be at a park where you have to 'dodge'
piles of excrement or wet urinated upon grassy areas? Parks as they are currently run are just perfect. Why mess with
Also, all the city would need to have happen is a lawsuit filed !~y someone attacked by an off-leash dog. I want to protect
the taxes I pay into the city to be spent for the good of all residents and not to pay for lawyers in a suit of this kind.
We have been dog owners ourselves and love dogs. That is riot our point. Irresponsible dog owners and safety is our
Mary Ann Lemons
21467 Krzich Place
Cupertino, CA
A Good Credit Score is 700 or Above. See yours in iust 2 E~asy steps!
c~ ~f- 709
~t ~ 3
Linda Lagergren
From: Ken Ong [kennycong@hotmail.c~~m]
Sent: Monday, April 06, 2009 7:33 AM
To: Orrin Mahoney; Kris Wang; Dolly Sandoval; Gilbert Wong; Mark Santoro
Subject: ordinance to allow off-leash dogs in Cupertino parks
I am a Cupertino resident and I am writing to express my opposition to allowing off-leash dogs in
Cupertino parks. I am a father of a 3 year old and 4 year old. We live near Varian Park and Stevens
Creek Elementary School.
My children are currently afraid of dogs. When there is a dog running around without a leash, I am
concerned for my children's safety because I don't know the dog and the dog does not know us. It is
really of small comfort when the owner yells, "He's h~~rmless. He's just being friendly." Think of what it is
like to be a small child and an animal at least your si~:e is bounding up to you. All it takes is one bad
encounter, and the child will no longer play freely eve~rytime he/she sees a dog. This has happened to my
3 year old, and now whenever she sees a dog, she steps running around or stops riding her bicycle and I
have to pick her up. By the way, as you may have inferred, there are a minority of dog owners that do let
their dogs run off-leash, both at the park and at the school. Even though minority, we see it about 25%
of the time we are out there.
I am also concerned that with dogs running freely, there is apt to be more unpicked up dog waste. It's
harder for dog owners to track their dogs and run across the park to pick up dog waste then if the dogs
were near them when they had a bowel movement. ]:t's quite unsanitary to have your child step or sit on
waste or sometimes even touch it.
Even if specific times and days were designated, I feel that it would be placing the needs of dogs over the
needs of the children. I support having a dog park. l: appreciate that dogs in general have a positive
place in our society. I would be willing to allocate sorne of my taxpayor dollars for a dedicated dog park.
Thank you for your consideration.
Kenneth Ong
Rediscover Hotmail~: Get e-mail storage that grows ~~vith you. Check it out.
Cc ~-(-7-p q
Linda Lagergren ~ ~3
From: Steve Paterson [s.paterson@sbcglobal.net]
Sent: Sunday, April 05, 2009 9:53 PM
To: Orrin Mahoney
Subject: Off leash dogs
Dear Mayor,
I am writing to communicate my vehement opposition to any relaxation/removal of the current animal
control/leash laws in Cupertino. Let's keep in mind that this is a city for PEOPLE and not ANIMALS. My
rights and my family's rights to enjoy our parks and stre~:ts without being intimidated by animals, being
harassed by animals, being bitten, having to deal with dogs from other cities (coming to Cupertino to evade
their hometown leash laws), dealing with dogs fighting ~~nd barking at all hours, and stepping in and smelling
dog urine and feces, should certainly take precedent over the rights of some collie or beagle or some dog-
whisperer who wants to impose their dog experience on the rest of the community. Let them unsnap their
leashes and frolic in their own backyards. Please, legisl:~te to keep Cupertino parks and streets safe and
comfortable for PEOPLE. The dogs do not vote or pay :axes like I do. If dog owners can not fulfill their dog
experience within the current fair and reasonable laws, they should move to a rural area and buy some acreage.
Please do not let the small special-interest group of dog owners dictate the quality of life for the rest of
Cupertino's citizens. I appreciate your service to the community, and I thank you for considering what I have to
Steve Paterson
cam. ~{-7--09
Linda Lagergren
From: LeeJoseph [jslfirst@hotmail.com]
Sent: Sunday, April 05, 2009 7:43 PM
To: Orrin Mahoney; Kris Wang; Dolly Sandoval; Gilbert Wong; Mark Santoro
Subject: Unfenced/Unleashed Dog park i:~sue
Dear Mayor Mahoney and council members,
I am sending this email to express my concern of "Unleashed & Unfenced Dogs" issue.
I am the resident at 7512 Barnhart Place which is about 400 yards ~iway from the Hoover Park.
I won't be able to make the meeting but I'd like to have the opportunity to express my opinion.
Having a dog park without a fence with unleashed dogs will cause a very unpleasant environment for non-dog owners as well as
I would like to suggest performing avote/survey of the neighbors around the parks first.
I often go for a walk around my neighbor in the night. I seldom hear jog barking sounds. This could mean there are not many
households having big dogs around my neighbor. My point is that o~ r neighbors don't want people coming from far to our area to create
unexpected discomfort.
I guess making some dog owners happy is one thing however, it should not be accomplished by sacrificing non-dog owners or people's
right against Unleashed/Unfenced Dog park.?
Even if the number of people against this program is less than the number of people for the program, the opinion of the minority should
be protected.?
Thank you for your re-consideration in advance.
Joe Lee
il~~~_I o~FWil~1 ~I~HLF~I oil silo, live.com ofl'~","'~~ Dior 710 00 ~xFoE ! Fat- ~ x~~E- 0 0 o q ~--~H,
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Linda Lagergren
From: Noel Eberhardt [neberhardt@sbcglobal.net]
Sent: Sunday, April 05, 2009 6:42 PM
To: Orrin Mahoney
Subject: Against Off-Leash dogs in City perks
Dear Mayor Mahoney,
I am against allowing off-leash dogs in Cupertino Parks. Please do not approve off-leash dogs in City Parks.
• Why turn our parks into off-leash magnets for surrounding communities?
• The intent of a charging strange dog is unknown, especially children, timid adults and the elderly. Society
doesn't tolerate people behaving like undisciplined, uncontrolled, curious off-leash dogs.
• Exposure to dog excrement and related health risks are significantly expanded. At least with a leash
excrement droppings are no further away than the length of the leash.
• Park turf maintenance is costly and tailored for people use, not over-sized dog runs.
• I've experienced picnicking on an off-leash dog park in San Francisco only to realize it was my problem to
have food that attracted animals whose owners were distant and unconcerned. After all, it was the dog's
• Why expose the City to the likelihood of additional liability?
I am in favor of having a City consideration of fenced areas for off-leash dogs.
Noel Eberhardt (a Block Leader)
21407 Krzich Place
Cupertino, CA 95014
(408) 446-4487 res
(650) 279-1216 cell
(408) 446-1603 fax
c~ y-7-6~
~ ~3
Linda Lagergren
From: Bob and Leona [bobandleona@sl~cglobal.netj
Sent: Sunday, April 05, 2009 6:22 PM
To: Mark Santoro; Gilbert Wong; Dollar Sandoval; Kris Wang; Orrin Mahoney
Subject: Fw: Unleashed dogs
Dear Honorable Mayor Mahoney and Council Members:
I would like to be heard regarding the pending vote on changes in the leash law. I reside at 10223 So. Portal Ave., an
original owner for over 40 years. My concern is regarding Wilson Park, which I reside 2 houses from. I think that making
Wilson Park an off-leash park would be a major mistake for many reasons. I watched the park being built shortly after
moving into my home, and have seen several renovations sin~:e the original construction. I believe that this park land was
provided by the developer of Williston Park, Sterling Homes, vrith the agreement of the City of Cupertino that it would be a
small park, mainly dedicated to the neighborhood. Over the years, this park has been enjoyed by the neighborhood with
people of all ages, for various activities. Many young mothers push their babies in strollers through the park, sometimes
enjoying the children's play area. My wife did that with our children over 35 years ago. Older adults walk in the park
regularly, some with age related walking problems, or handicaps. At times, people will use the park for doing exercises, or
playing games in the grassy area. The picnic tables draw people to enjoy gatherings for bar-b-quing or picnicing -often
small groups having a birthday gathering or other celebration. Little League ball diamonds adjoin the park, and draw a
good number of participants coming in and out during the sea:~on. There are many dog walkers using the park -most of
the time kept on a leash. By keeping dogs on a leash, most everyone using the park is undisturbed and able to enjoy the
park for their own activity. If the park were opened to off-IeasPi dogs, the entire character of the park would change.
Dogs, doing what off-leash dogs do, would intimidate the your~g mothers, small children, and the elderly, to say the least.
There would likely be some injuries including dog bites on occassion. I do not dislike dogs - although I am not presently a
dog owner, I did have a dog at this location for 17 yrs. It was no inconvenience for me to walk my dog thru the park, on a
leash. I used my own backyard for letting my dog run off leash. Some parks may lend themselves to being available to
dogs off-leash, particularly if they are fenced in such a way th~rt the dogs do not infringe on the rights of others. Wilson
Park does not fit this characteristic - it is defininetly unsuitable for off-leash dogs. There are many other negatives in
allowing off-leash dogs in Wilson Park, too many to enumeratE; here. In talking to dog owners going past my
home to Wilson Park, I find that all I have talked to, are in agreement with the current leash law. If the law were to be
changed to allow dogs off-leash in Wilson Park, I am sure that within a short time, the use of the park would completely
change. Most likely, the young mothers and elderly in particular, would no longer enjoy the park, and would be staying
away. Some owners of leashed small dogs would avoid the p;~rk, knowing an unrestrained large dog would create
problems. In addition to the residents of Cupertino who do want off-leash rules, we would have an influx of dog owners
from adjoining cities taking advantage of the changed rules.
If the leash rules were changed, and it was later recognized that the change was a mistake, trying to reverse the change
would be filled with major problems. I firmly believe the leash I~ews for Wilson Park should be retained.
Thank you, Bob & Leona Pickle bobandleona(a~sbcglobal.net
Linda Lagergren
From: Jlemons@aol.com
Sent: Sunday, April 05, 2009 4:23 PM
To: omahoney@cupertihno.org; Kris Wang; Dolly Sandoval; Gilbert Wong; Mark Santoro
Subject: Corrected copy-Date added
April 5, 2009
To: Orrin Mahoney, Dolly Sandoval, Mark Santoro, Kris Wang, and Gilbert Wong
My husband, John and I are 39-year residents of Cupertino. 'V11e have been in our current Cupertino home for 35 years.
We have a neighbor who has two undisiplined dogs. A few weeks ago one of their dogs killed a neighbor's cat when it
"got out" of their home. This neighborhood not only has young resident children playing on the street, but now several of
us have VERY young grandchildren playing often in the neighborhood. I live with a slice of fear of any of these children
being outside when one or both of their dogs could "get out" again and race over to them.
One day I was getting groceries out of my car IN MY GARAGE and looked up to see that neighbor's dog racing feverishly
toward me. I dropped my bags and ran into the house. This same dog was "allowed" to sit on a ledge in the front room
most days and bark wildly...baring teeth and scratching and mauling the window. I prayed that the window would remain
secure and feared for what that dog could do if it ever broke through. What if this dog had been allowed to run free at a
city park? Who knows what would happen.
Please do NOT consider changing the current dog leash law in the city parks and/or in the city of
Cupertino. Locate a piece of land that can be fenced where F>eople can choose to take their dogs to freely run. Dogs let
loose in city parks can be very frightening to many people let alone innocent children or other animals. Any or all of these
people can be a victim of a dog attack.
Even if dogs are not present in a park, who wants to have a ~ icnic or play or just be at a park where you have to 'dodge'
piles of excrement or wet urinated upon grassy areas? Park:; as they are currently run are just perfect. Why mess with
Also, all the city would need to have happen is a lawsuit filed by someone attacked by an off-leash dog. I want to protect
the taxes I pay into the city to be spent for the good of all residents and not to pay for lawyers in a suit of this kind.
We have been dog owners ourselves and love dogs. That is not our point. Irresponsible dog owners and safety is our
Mary Ann Lemons
21467 Krzich Place
Cupertino, CA
A Good Credit Score is 700 or Above. See yours in iust 2 easy steps!
Linda Lagergren
From: Jlemons@aol.com
Sent: Sunday, April 05, 2009 4:18 PM
To: omahoney@cupertihno.org; Kris Wang; Dolly Sandoval; Gilbert Wong; Mark Santoro
Subject: Allowing Dogs in City Parks
To: Orrin Mahoney, Dolly Sandoval, Mark Santoro, Kris Wang, and Gilbert Wong
My husband, John and I are 39-year residents of Cupertino. We have been in our current Cupertino home for 35 years.
We have a neighbor who has two undisiplined dogs. A few weeks ago one of their dogs killed a neighbor's cat when it
"got out" of their home. This neighborhood not only has young resident children playing on the street, but now several of
us have VERY young grandchildren playing often in the neighborhood. I live with a slice of fear of any of these children
being outside when one or both of their dogs could "get out" ~~gain and race over to them.
One day I was getting groceries out of my car IN MY GARAGE and looked up to see that neighbor's dog racing feverishly
toward me. I dropped my bags and ran into the house. This same dog was "allowed" to sit on a ledge in the front room
most days and bark wildly...baring teeth and scratching and mauling the window. I prayed that the window would remain
secure and feared for what that dog could do if it ever broke through. What if this dog had been allowed to run free at a
city park? Who knows what would happen.
Please do NOT consider changing the current dog leash law in the city parks and/or in the city of
Cupertino. Locate a piece of land that can be fenced where i>eople can choose to take their dogs to freely run. Dogs let
loose in city parks can be very frightening to many people let alone innocent children or other animals. Any or all of these
people can be a victim of a dog attack.
Even if dogs are not present in a park, who wants to have a picnic or play orjust be at a park where you have to 'dodge'
piles of excrement or wet urinated upon grassy areas? Park:; as they are currently run are just perfect. Why mess with
Also, all the city would need to have happen is a lawsuit filed by someone attacked by an off-leash dog. I want to protect
the taxes I pay into the city to be spent for the good of all resiJents and not to pay for lawyers in a suit of this kind.
We have been dog owners ourselves and love dogs. That is not our point. Irresponsible dog owners and safety is our
Mary Ann Lemons
21467 Krzich Place
Cupertino, CA
A Good Credit Score is 700 or Above. See yours in lust 2 easy steps!
Linda Lagergren
From: JILL LIN (jlin95014@hotmail.com]
Sent: Sunday, April 05, 2009 1:44 PM
To: Orrin Mahoney; Kris Wang; Gilbert Wong; Mark Santoro; Dolly Sandoval
Dear Mayor Mahoney and City council members:
I used to have a dog; even though that she passed away, but I still remember the happy time we had
together at the park. I do believe dogs need exercise and deserve the time for playing with their own 4
legged friends in Cupertino Park. I support the off-leash hours and alternative ways which you can
implements for men/wemen's best friends.
Thank you very much.
Jill Lin
7527 Donegal Dr., Cupertino, CA 95014
Rediscover Hotmail~: Now available on your iPhone or BlackBerry Check it out.
~- 7-09
Linda Lagergren
From: Wenying Du [wenyingdu@yahoo.com]
Sent: Sunday, April 05, 2009 11:19 ANI
To: Orrin Mahoney
Subject: In regards to off-leash dog areas in Cupertino's neighborhood parks
Dear Mayor Mahoney,
My family is strongly against creating any off-leash dog, areas, fenced or unfenced in Cupertino's neighborhood
Compliance with the simplest laws such as dog licensin;;
(currently required by law in Cupertino) must be demonstrated before
considering granting further privileges. The City has only 30% compliance by the official count, only 10%
by their estimates. Licensing is required to prove that vaccinations
are up to date and to pay for enforcement. Even if the law were
changed, do we believe that these dog owners will comf~ly and restrict
themselves only to the times and places legalized by the change in the
law? Does the recommendation address this? Does the City Council feel
comfortable that creating legalized times will get unleashed dogs out
of the parks at the other times? We don't! !
The so-called "peaceful coexistence" with regards to dogs in
Cupertino-can't be reached when the process is driven b~~ "dog nuts"
who feel that their personal interests outweigh those of the 80% of
Cupertino residences that do not have dogs. In the Marcli hearing, we
heard multiple dog owners say "if people are afraid of my dog, they
should stay out of the park". Is that the face of peaceful
coexistence? Why should dogs from 20% of the people drive out kids from 80% of the families?
I hope you will take our concerns into consideration whem you discuss the issue on April 7th.
Wenying Du
c~ y- 7-~9
Linda Lagergren
From: Judy [judyandwes@comcast.net:~
Sent: Saturday, April 04, 2009 6:42 PNI
To: Mark Santoro; Gilbert Wong; Dolly Sandoval; Kris Wang; Orrin Mahoney
Subject: Dog Issue
Attachments: Ltr. to Council Members-Dog Issue-#2.doc
Dear Council Members:
Regarding Items 13e and 13f on your 4/7/09 agenda, I'm urging you to vote AGAINST making any change in
the current leash law. (Please see the attached letter.)
Thanks & Blessings,
Judy Harrison
Dear Council Members:
Regarding Items 13e and 13f on your 4/7/09 agenda, I'm urging that you vote AGAINST making any
change in our current leash law. To decrease the penalty for violating the leash law would only
INCREASE the problem. These dog owners need to have enough "incentive" to obey the leash law by
keeping their dogs leashed while on public property. Too many dog owners are violating the leash law
now, as it is, thus endangering the safety of the general public.
Thank you.
Judy Harrison (35 yr. resident)
7564 Barnhart Place
Cupertino, CA 95014
Ph: 446-2084
cL ~{- 7_aq
~ /3
Linda Lagergren
From: Judy [judyandwes@comcast.net:~
Sent: Saturday, April 04, 2009 4:58 PNI
To: Mark Santoro; Gilbert Wong; Dolly Sandoval; Kris Wang; Orrin Mahoney
Subject: Dog Issue
Attachments: Ltr. to Council Members--Dog Is:>ue.doc
Dear Council Members:
Please read the attached letter regarding the dog issue. `JVe urge you to vote AGAINST an unleashed/unfenced
dog area idea (Item #13a on the agenda) at the 4/7/09 City Council Mtg.
Thanks & Blessings,
Judy & Wes Harrison
Dear Council Members:
This is regarding the Dog Issue, which is tentatively ;scheduled for discussion/voting at the 4/7/09 City
Council Mtg. First, we're big dog lovers and know/enjoy several wonderful dogs in our neighborhood.
We hope that Cupertino can someday find a way to leave afenced-in dog park on the fringes of our city,
far away from houses, children's play structures andl little league playing fields. Stevens Creek Co. Park
would be an excellent choice for afenced-in dog park, in our opinion.
As for an unfenced/unleashed dog area, we're 100% opposed to this idea, simply because it would create
an unsafe and dangerous area for the general public who use our city parks. This has been explained in
many ways at five different P&R Mtgs. (10/2/08, 11/(i/08, 1/8/09, 2/5/09, and 3/5/09). Yet, as you know,
the P&R Commissioners voted 3-2 on 3/5/09 for recommending Option B (off-leash dog areas in either
fenced or unfenced areas), along with some other items added. We're all for off-leash dog areas, as long
as it's in a FENCED area.
Allowing unleashed dogs to roam freely on public property certainly presents a FORESEEABLE
DANGER to the general public in our city. We urge you to vote AGAINST unfenced/unleashed dog
areas (Item #13a on the agenda).
Judy & Wes Harrison (35 yr. residents)
7564 Barnhart Place
Cupertino, CA 95014
Ph: 446-2084
Linda Lagergren
From: Judy Colloton [jkcolloton@gmaiLcom]
Sent: Saturday, April 04, 2009 2:19 PN
To: City Council
Subject: dog hours in the parks
To all council members:
First off, I would like to thank you for considering dog Fours at our city parks.
Not only am I a dog owner, but I am a believer that dog:; are social creatures and need to run and play with their
own kind. It is well known and documented that a well socialized dog and excersized dog is a better dog, not
only for it's owners, but for other people and dogs it comes into contact with.
I also know from experience that people who take their dogs to the parks are extra careful with them, because
we do not want our dogs to cause harm. We are very careful about cleaning up after them, as that is our job
whether they are on a leash or not.
But the best part of having our dogs off leash at the parks and one of the benefits to the city is that we become
better neighbors. The dog owners stand in the park and get to know each other. People we would not have
otherwise met. We share information. We help train each others dogs. We learn about the dogs in our
neighborhood. All this leads to us becoming better neighbors, dog owners, and friends. Isn't that what we want
in our neighborhoods and isn't that what is lacking in so many of our neighborhoods. It makes Cupertino have
better neighborhoods with more caring neighbors, thus making Cupertino a better place to live.
I must say that my house does back up to Jolly Park. It leas the perfect location for a quiet corner for the dogs to
play. Down at the end by the baseball diamond is a section of little used area. In this area the dogs can play
and people and children would still be able to use the mtijority of the park without coming into contact with the
dogs, unless they choose. It leaves both play areas free ;ind the entire sidewalk people use to walk around the
park. There is still a large grassy area in the middle of the sidewalk circle for people to play. They would have
to leave the sidewalk and come quite a ways into the grass to get in this area.
The hours themselves are a little concerning to me. Since the park backs up to my house, I would not
appreciate a group of people standing by my fence with their dogs at Gam in the morning. Just like the lawn
mowers that cut Jollyman Park, I don't think they should. be able to start until lam. Then, no problem. We all
knowingly bought houses that back up to a park and knew there would be park sounds. We actually enjoy the
sounds, at lam and later.
I would like to propose that off leash hours are from 7-9~m in the morning and one hour before sunset in the
Please, please, please make Cupertino a dog friendly cite.
Judy Colloton
7589 Heatherwood Dr
~ i3
Linda Lagergren
From: Peter Christensen [christensenconsultants@gmail.com]
Sent: Saturday, April 04, 2009 10:24 AIVI
To: Orrin Mahoney; Kris Wang; Dolly Sandoval; Gilbert Wong; Mark Santoro
Subject: Dog Leash Law
To: Cupertino City Council
From: Peter Christensen
1158 Scotland Dr.
Cupertino, CA. 95014
Please vote NO to allow unleashed dogs in Cupertino city parks. This is bad idea and I know this from personal
experience. Our dog has been attacked twice by unleashed dogs in Cupertino. In the last instance, our dog
required surgery and I received a dog bite that resulted iri a visit to the emergency room. Our dog was on a
leash. We were lucky our dog survived.
There is a sound reason most municipalities require leashes for dogs. In fact, I cannot believe this is even being
considered. Dogs make wonderful companions but they are not human beings. Dog trainers understand this
and know the importance of the leash both for the safety of the pet and the public.
This is a very bad idea. Please vote against it.
Peter Christensen
c~ ~-r7-~q
Linda Lagergren
From: Bob Colloton [bcolloton@micrusc:orp.com]
Sent: Saturday, April 04, 2009 10:00 AIJI
To: City Council
Orrin, Dolly, Kris, Gilbert and Mark
First I wanted to say, "Thank You!", for supporting a logical ar~d thoughtful process to develop a plan to appease both
sides of the dogs-off-leash issue. As a responsible dog owner, I have at times taken my dogs off leash but in areas that
are absent of virtually anyone (I was filmed the night of the d~~g park debate by Channel 2 with my dogs off leash and it
ran at 10PM!). However, I am rationale enough to understand the issues of those who wants dogs on leash at all times.
Over the past three years, most notably in the warmer month:;, Jollyman Park has hosted an impromptu "puppy party"
(dogs are off leash temporarily) during the early evenings whi~~h has literally turned into a community event: some
weekend nights people bring dog treats, we have had pot IucE:s and even parties at homes. It has brought people of
virtually every ethnic and socioeconomic background together to share both dog and life lessons. We have CEO's of high
tech firms, senior designers of medical technologies, moms, ~inesthesiologists, high schoolers looking at college, out of
work people networking, independent -living special needs people who value their dogs more than anyone... and I can go
on forever. Our Party does not encroach other activities; in fact, when soccer, baseball, volleyball or other event is
happening we either close ranks or walk around Jollyman on leash.
The Puppy Party represents responsible dog owners who are growing our community, and for that I say, "Thank you
Harley, Andy, Kona, Mini, Cozette, Peanut, Abby, Amber, Ca~.pian, Bella..." and all the dogs who facilitate this event.
I would like to suggest that each of you support dog hours in rnultiple parks, with Jollyman being one. We have many
volunteers who are willing to be "Block Parents" who organize and keep the leash area clean and organized. We have
even discussed raising money for a temporary fence to close :3n area in for the off leash hours specifically at Jollyman.
I want you to know that we stand ready to assist The Council in making this proposal become a positive aspect of living in
Please feel free to contact me if you have any questions or if vue can help the Council in any way.
Bob Colloton
408-892-4411 (mobile)
408-433-1432 (office)
cc y-7-a 9
~ /3
Linda Lagergren
From: Judy [judyandwes@comcast.net~
Sent: Friday, April 03, 2009 8:29 PM
To: Mark Santoro; Gilbert Wong; Dolly Sandoval; Kris Wang; Orrin Mahoney
Subject: Dog Issue
Attachments: Judy H.--10-2-08 Speech to P&F: Mtg..doc; Judy H.--11-6-08 Speech to P&R Mtg..doc; Judy
H.--1-8-09 Speech to P&R Mtg..cioc; Judy H.--2-5-09 Speech to P&R Mtg..doc; Judy
H.--3-5-09 Speech to P&R Mtg..cioc
Dear Council Members:
Attached are the speeches I gave at the five previous P&:R Mtgs. (The 2/5/09 speech was sent to Mark Linder
after the mtg., since I didn't know that individual speeches were going to be allowed during that mtg.)
We hope that you'll vote against unfenced/unleashed dog areas in our city parks at the 4/7/09 mtg. (or whenever
this issue comes up for a vote).
Thanks & Blessings,
Judy & Wes Harrison
The 4 main reasons we're 100% AGAINST an "Off Leash Dog Area" at Hoover Park are as follows:
Public Safety, increased noise, unacceptable sanitary conditions and deterioration of the park's grassy
areas. Why? If Hoover Park becomes an "Off Leasli Dog Area," it'll attract LOTS of dog owners from
other areas of the city; AND dog owners from other ~;.ities will flock to Hoover Park each morning to let
their dogs run around the park. Rather than 6 or 8 dogs in the park each morning, it'll be closer to 30 or
40 dogs. Individually, dogs can be very nice/gentle/obedient, etc. However, when they're in a group of 2
or more dogs, their behavior may change. All of a suidden, they sometimes chase, growl or jump at each
other ("wildly") while barking loudly. Sometimes, tl•~eir "squabbles" escalate into louder/more vicious
"fights." I've personally observed a situation where a very calm, well-behaved dog was very well
mannered when by himself or other people. When another dog came along, sometimes his behavior
changed dramatically to a much more aggressive dog;, which involved growling, chasing, & barking.
When this happened, I feared for my safety. The dog conflicts sometimes have escalated and turned into
utter chaos.
The following is a more complete explanation of our 4 objections to this proposal:
1) PUBLIC SAFETY: Several older people DO take walks around the park early in the mornings or
practice Tai Chi. To have 30 or 40 dogs running around without a leash and "fighting" each other
could easily cause vicious attacks, dog bites, etc. ][f the current dog owners are saying that "No one is
around the park between 6 & 8 a.m.," it's absolutely NOT TRUE! There are definitely older people
who are doing Tai Chi or who walk around the park each morning! I know one of them personally
and have seen many others walking to/from the park. Also, young children at the play structures
during the day have been terrified from loose barking dogs. Children who are getting into their cars
in the morning to be taken to school have been approached or frightened by these early-morning loose
dogs. Let me repeat: These early-morning dogs sire already crossing Leeds & Donegal streets,
endangering children!!
2) INCREASED NOISE: Obviously, with 30 or 40 clogs chasing each other, growling & barking, there's
going to be a huge increase in the noise level at our park. For those homeowners who live close to the
park's edges, this will become VERY irritating!
3) UNACCEPTABLE SANITARY CONDITIONS: Most dog owners are very careful and conscientious
about picking up their dog's poop. However, in reality, there are some dog owners who don't. They
could "care less." Once in a while, the good dog owners don't see where their dog has pooped (like
during the early morning hours in the wintertime, when it's impossible to see the poop unless the
owners are watching and carrying flashlights). Sc-, as a result of increased dog population at Hoover
Park, that means more dog manure everywhere..,,.on the soccer fields, near the playground
structures, picnic tables, grassy areas where peoplle take a walk...EVERYWHERE! Young children
who accidentally step in the poop now have manure on their shoes or they might accidentally fall
down into it. As you know, manure attracts flies and other insects, which carry diseases. THIS IS
4) DETERIORATION OF GRASSY AREAS: Lots of dogs running around on the grassy areas will tear
up or destroy the grass. The grass at Hoover Parlc was installed and paid for originally by the
homeowners who live around the park. They wanted nice/grassy areas for children & families to play
on or use. Our soccer leagues use the grassy area'. for their practices and games. Why should we let
the dogs destroy this nice grass??
If anything, most of us feel that the City should be MORE vigilant in enforcing the current leash law
(that all dogs must be on a leash while on public property). Many homeowners have told me of their
"bad" experiences encountering loose dogs at Hoover Park. Because of this, we feel that the current
leash law should be enforced more rigidly. One resident reported that some people drive to Hoover Park
and let out 3 or 4 dogs to run around loose and then they drive away, coming back in an hour or so to
pick up the dogs! Animal Control needs to take corrective action!
What do we suggest in place of an "Off Leash Doi; Area?" We suggest setting up a fenced-in "Dog
Park" at an area that's not close to houses or playing; fields. Preferably, there could be 3 separate
sections...one for small dogs, one for med. size dogs, and one for large dogs.
In conclusion, thanks to the Parks & Rec. Commission for taking the time to listen to as many
residents as possible about this huge concern. The proposal for an Off Leash-Dog Area at Hoover Park is
really a VERY dangerous, disruptive and destructive idea, which could leave the City of Cupertino open
to lawsuits. It'd be tragic for anyone to be attacked there by dogs running loose.
Judy & Wes Harrison
7564 Barnhart Place
Cupertino - 95014
Ph: 446-2084
E-mail: judyandwes@comcast.net
In the October community discussion here, it was stated that Cupertino had no reported
dog bite incidents, in support of the idea that dogs pose no safety issue here.
Captain Terry Calderone of the Sheriff s Department reports that an off-leash Pit Bull dog
bit a 13 year old on the grounds of Lincoln Elementary School. This occurred on Dec. 23rd,
only a couple weeks ago. The owner was cited and the dog was impounded. I submit to you
the letter from the Sheriff s Department documenting this incident.
David Fung spoke earlier of the national statistics about dog bites. At your November
meeting here, I asked whether any of the people present had been bitten by dogs and two
people raised their hands. Dog bites ARE a problem, both nationally and locally, and will
only get worse if we create off-leash hours in our parks.
Thank you.
First, we empathize with each of you commissioners who must soon vote which way to go on this dog
issue, especially those of you who own dogs. I'm all for having a fenced in dog park on the fringes of the city,
far away from houses, playing fields and children's play structures. However, having off leash dog hours
would jeopardize the safety of people who use our park~~. At last month's Mtg. here, a dog owner said that
people would only need to check their clocks before entf~ring parks-to see if unleashed dogs would be there.
Unfortunately, considering how many times we've seen irresponsible dog owners disobey the existing leash law,
show no concern to others when walking their dogs, and. that we've had at least 2 dog bites in the last 3 mos.,
we don't have any hope or faith that many dog owners would follow the "clock" guidelines. Who will be there
to enforce the time limits?
One neighbor at our Sept. 28 Block Mtg. stated, "Unleashed dogs in a group are like teenage boys when
hanging out together. Individually, they're fine. In a group, then `The Mob Rules!' In other words, the boys'
behavior changes drastically." As I've often witnessed this happen myself many times, a nearby
obedient/loving dog (who we dearly love) can quickly get "caught up" in the excitement of other unleashed
dogs....chasing each other in circles and barking louder & louder, until the level of noise & activity becomes
frightening & dangerous to others.
Those of us who are opposed to off-leash dog hours aren't only afraid of dog bites. We're also fearful of
being attacked by these large aggressive dogs. How can people defend or protect themselves against unleashed
aggressive dogs? This includes people from 2 yr. old toddlers on the playground structures to Sr. Citizens
walking through the park.
As a reminder, the horrific dog mauling case in S.F. where Diane Whipple. was attacked & killed by
Marjorie Knoller's dogs Jan. 2001 occurred when Diane was about to enter her apt. This happened in their
apt. hallway (which is common grounds) when Diane was about to enter her apt. These dogs were unprovoked.
During the court proceedings, the District Attorney called these dogs "loaded assault weapons!" I'm just
wondering: Does Cupertino need to have its own dog mauling case or killing of innocent people in order for
everyone to understand or believe the fact that our currant leash law is what's best for the general safety of all
Thank You.
As stated before, I'm 100% against the idea of Off-Leash Dog Areas anywhere in Cupertino. The biggest
reason is that it'd endanger public safety. To summarize what's been stated here before:
1) At the 9/28/08 Block Mtg. at Hoover Park (attendled by Mark Linder), the following stmts. were given
by various neighbors regarding incidents at Hoover Park:
a) Unleashed barking dogs were frightening older people as they walked around the park.
b) Unleashed barking dogs were frightening older people while they practice Tai Chi in the park.
c) Unleashed barking dogs were frightening/approaching children when they were on the play
d) Unleashed barking dogs were crossing Leeds .Avenue & frightening young children who were
about ready to enter their car to be taken to s~~hool in the mornings.
2) At the 10/2/08 P&R Mtg., the last lady who spoke from the audience said that she was walking her
dog (on a leash) many years ago, when an unleashed dog (with his owner nearby) came along and
attacked her dog. (Dog owner walked away.) Thc~ dog had to have an expensive operation and lost
one ear as a result of that attack.
3) At the 11/6/08 P&R Mtg., I asked how many peoF~le in the room had ever been bitten by unleashed
dogs in Cupertino, while on public property. Two people raised their hands from that small group.
4) On 12/23/08 an unleashed PIT BULL bit a 13 yr. old at Lincoln Elementary School, at the playground
area. A citation was given to the dog owner, and the dog was taken to animal control.
5) On 1/8/09 two unleashed dogs were at Hoover Park (a German Shepherd and a ROTWEILER!!) The
dog owner was given a citation.
6) On 1/29/09 a dog bit someone on Ralya Court. Tlie dog was taken to animal control, and the dog
owner was given a citation.
I'm sure there are MANY more instances of aggressive dogs or irresponsible dog owners who don't keep
their dogs on a leash while on public property, but these are the main ones that I know about.
Regarding this request to have Off-Leash Dog Areas in our city parks, I often wonder if everyone realizes
what this would result in. I'd guess that most dog owners here tonite are responsible and that they have
trained, licensed and vaccinated dogs. But, providing; off-leash dog areas would allow ALL dog owners
(responsible & irresponsible) and ALL dogs (obedient & aggressive) to be in the same area where the
general public is. How can this be considered "Safe" for the general public?
One neighbor at our 9/28 Block Mtg. stated, "Unleashed dogs in a group are like teenage boys when
hanging out together. Individually, they're fine. In a group, then "The Mob Rules!" (i.e. The boys'
behavior changes drastically.) As I've often witnesse~I this happen myself many times, a nearby
obedient/loving dog (who we dearly love) can quickly get "caught up" in the excitement of other
unleashed dogs....chasing each other in circles and barking louder & louder, until the level of
noise/activity becomes frightening & dangerous to others.
This type of "socializing behavior" may be fine and necessary within a fenced dog park where the dog
owners may be more knowledgeable or capable of ha~idling dog problems. Outside of a fenced dog park,
the rest of us are terrified of what has happened to us in the past and what will continue to happen in off-
leash dog areas.
Thank you.
c~ ~- 7~ a9
Linda Lagergren
From: James Wilson Black [jameswilsonblack@mac.com]
Sent: Friday, April 03, 2009 6:14 PM
To: Orrin Mahoney
Subject: Cupertino Dog Parks
Hi Orrin, I called your Office and now am e-mailing you about the Cupertino Dog Parks concept
& the staff report on the April 7 agenda.
I would ask you to support and vote for the staff recommendation. The staff report is very
through and well done. The issue has been studied and throughly reviewed in meetings with
staff and dog owners for sometime now. The dog owners have formed the Cupertino Dog Club to
addresses issues concerning unfenced off-leash areas for our dogs. The meetings and surveys,
among ether issues, are included in the report.
The Cupertino Dog Club website is Cupertinodogs.com and is informative & well done. I would
encourage you to take a look before the meeting.
The staff report makes several recommendations, some of which can be achieved with our Club
support, others such as fine reductions, require Council action. We have researched other
Cities that have been through the process, which is being proposed and find similarities in
many such as New York, which I recently visited. Central Park alone has 23 unfenced off-leash
areas(OLA's) with time restrictions 6AM to 9 AM & 9PM to 1AM. They also have a lesser number
of fenced Dog Runs, where dogs are off-leash as well. New York has had OLA's for some 20
years in all 5 Boughs, which number 103 OLA's plus 57 dog runs, 27 of which are located in
Manhattan. In addition, Austin has 12 OLA's, Portland has 27, closer to home, San Francisco,
Foster City, San Jose, Morgan Hill & Santa Cruz have OLA's. Santa Cruz has 4 OLA's that are
open sunrise to sunset with shared use, as well as 2 dog runs.
Saratoga, Sunnyvale, Mt View & Los Gatos have fenced dog runs & some OFA's, using New York's
dog runs definitions for fenced areas.
In discussions and hearings with staff, we envisioned the recommendation as a pilot program
with schedules and evaluations as we proceed, much as New York, Portland, Denver, Morgan Hill
& others have done successfully. The Club is fully prepared to provide volunteers to make the
program successful as we have done in the past with other projects in the City and as noted
in the staff report.
As you may be aware, historically there has been wide spread use of Parks, ball fields, and
other areas in Cupertino for many years as OLA's without significant problems & with few
infractions & fines. In fact local park dog groups form social relations from contacts shared
during their dog's contacts and playing together. The primary number of fines has been for
dogs off-leash and is being reported by concerned citizens. It is creating a problem, which
we feel can be addressed through the policy change recommended in the staff report including
education and the expected successful experience of the proposed pilot program.
As you may be aware, a great deal of effort and emotion has gone into this matter from both
sides of the issue and yet there are many, many successful programs throughout the entire
Country, from which we can benefit. With the proper policy, education & experience, we all
can share the parks and areas with our dogs and other park uses.
Thank you,
Tim Black
cc ~- ~-09
~t / 3
Linda Lagergren
From: F Lam [sokaliem@yahoo.comj
Sent: Thursday, April 02, 2009 8:09 PR1
To: Orrin Mahoney; Kris Wang; Dolly Sandoval; Gilbert Wong; Mark Santoro
Subject: Against Dog ParK in Cupertino
Dear Cupertino Council persons:
I have been living in Cupertino since 1993. I love small town lives here. I against having unleashed dog park
in our city. I do not like strengers coming to my neighborhood. Thanks.
Fung-Che Lam
Register voter
c ~ y- 7-09
~ i3
Linda Lagergren
From: Kate Brauner [katebrauner@sbcc~lobal.net]
Sent: Friday, April 03, 2009 7:59 AM
To: Orrin Mahoney; Kris Wang; Dolly Sandoval; Gilbert Wong; Mark Santoro
Subject: April 7 Council Meeting
Good Morning Council Members,
A flyer was placed under my front door regarding "off leash" dogs that I would like to add some information to. I live in
Cupertino on Vista Knoll Blvd. There is an Elementary School (Steven's Creek) and a Park in our neighborhood which are
fabulous. The city of Cupertino should be commended on the great care they take of these properties. I do have a dog
and I do walk her to the park and on School Property when it: is not in progress. I have noticed dogs off leash. So for the
record, I have not seen any abuse or intimidation to people Enjoying the park by the dogs or their owners in the 14 years
I have lived here. I often get asked if my dog can be petted kiy the children. I do not see any dog droppings. I do feel
there is a very responsible group of dog owners in our area. I have let my dog off leash upon occasion, however only
when there is no one around. I do feel if there will be a charge in any policy there are always ways to compromise.
Possibly requiring an obedience certificate etc. I certainly coin not speak to other areas in Cupertino. This is just a
reference point for our little area. Thank you for your consiceration.
Kate Brauner
10478 Vista Knoll Blvd.
Cupertino, CA 95014
cG ~f-7-a9
~ l3
Linda Lagergren
From: Karen Seale [karenseale@gmail.com]
Sent: Friday, April 03, 2009 9:10 AM
To: Orrin Mahoney; Kris Wang; Dolly Sandoval; Gilbert Wong; Mark Santoro; Cupertino City
Manager's Office; Mark Linder
Subject: MOST Cupertino residents WANT dogs ON leashes
Dear Mayor Orrin Mahoney, Vice-Chairman i<:ris Wang, Ms. Dolly Sandoval, Mr. Gilbert
Wong, Mr. Mark Santoro, and Mr. Dave Kna~~p:
The City's approach to the unleashed dog project is reprehensible and wasteful. It is
most unfortunate that the process does not take into account the real cost of having
dogs run loose in our city. Aside from safety, sanitation, and financial costs, there are
best practices issues that are being ignored. In addition, the pro-loose dog proponents
have misused and mis-quoted other studies end situations in attempt to promote their
cause. The majority of Cupertino residents nave not even been considered in the
It would be serve the City well to actually re~auire all Cupertino dog owners to license
their dogs (and to fine them if they do not). We are all required to license our cars, and
receive heavy fines for not doing so. Why are dog owners allowed to break the law now
- not only with regards to licensing, but also with off-lease actiivity? We see loose
dogs in the parks and on the sidewalks almost every day. Why would their owners
follow any time restrictions and park specific rules if they disregard the existing
laws now? Across the nation (and in much of the world), there is a simple solution for
dogs running without a leash. It is fenced dog parks! Let's not ignore what the rest of
the world already has figured out.
Best regards,
Karen Seale
~ ~3
Linda Lagergren
From: Anne Wert [anne-Overt@sbcglob~;l.net)
Sent: Friday, April 03, 2009 12:10 PM
To: Orrin Mahoney
Cc: Kris Wang; Dolly Sandoval; GilbE~rt Wong
Attachments: stat5603.jpg
I have been residing on Barnhart Place in Cupertino since 1972.
I strongly object to allowing off-leash dogs in our city. I congratulate all of you for your efforts in
this regard, and feel confident that your efforts will be rewarded in the proper manner.
~ ~(- 7-09
# ~3
Linda Lagergren
From: dmd4940@aol.com
Sent: Thursday, April 02, 2009 5:37 PA/I
To: Orrin Mahoney; Kris Wang; Dolly Sandoval; Gilbert Wong; Mark Santoro
Subject: off-leash dogs
I am sending this note on behalf of my husband and myself to state our opposition to off-leash dogs in
the park. If you wish to allow this, at least state cei~ain hours for this, and stress the importance of
cleaning up after the dogs. We live within walking ~~istance of Varian Park and have spent a
considerable amount of time there with grandchildren. We don't want to worry about a dog biting or
jumping at one of our grandchildren. If we know there is a certain time for dogs,we will visit at
another time. Personally,we thought the parks were for the PEOPLE. When we had a dog, the dog
was walked on a leash.
Thank you for your consideration.
Ed and Donna Daly
22274 Carta Blanca St.
New Low Prices on Dell Laptops -Starting at $399
c~ ~ - 7 -oy°
~ i3
Linda Lagergren
From: Lili Zhou [Iiliback09@yahoo.com]
Sent: Thursday, April 02, 2009 1:46 PN1
To: Orrin Mahoney; Kris Wang; Dolly Sandoval; Gilbert Wong; Mark Santoro
Subject: Please, do not allow off-leash dcgs in our parks
Dear Council members:
Please, do not allow off-leash dogs in our parks. My 5 year old daughter is now afraid of dogs because she was
unexpected approached by a big dog from behind in Varian Park playground. Though the owner said the dog
was friendly, but it didn't look like so.
As a Cupertino resident for a decade, I have witnessed a~untless irresponsible dog owners leaving their dogs
free play while chatting, jogging or even napping in park:. Some big dogs aggressively approach children in
playground or on park green area, upsetting the kids and their parents.
To legalize off-leash dog in parks will further encourage these irresponsible dog owners and increase
unpleasant/dangerous incidents.
We love animals. To ensure that our children are safe and dogs are happy, we may fence off an area in a big
park, like the "Dog park" in Las Palmas, Sunnyvale. But to allow off-leash dogs running into children's
playground would jeopardize public safety and damage the harmony in our lovely community.
So, please help.
A concerned Cupertino resident
cc- ~-7-d9
From: Don Krenn [deckre1@sbcglobal.r~et]
Sent: Thursday, April 02, 2009 11:41 AIVI
To: Orrin Mahoney; Kris Wang; Gilbert Wong; Mark Santoro; Dolly Sandoval
Subject: "Scare Tactic" off-leash handout
Attachments: off leash dogs.pdf
Dear Council Members Mahoney, Wang, Wong, Santoro, and Sandoval,
I wanted to pass on this handout which is circulating around my neighborhood.
This is a list of unsubstantiated claims which a very small group of anti-dog/anti-neighbor
persons is using to attempt to stir up local citizens with unsubstantiated claims.
As a member of the community, I resend this "win at any cost" approach.
I challenge the person who sent this out to substantiate these claims.
These claims, without full disclosure, generates an artificially activated scare response to
the detriment of the neighborhood. I am sure you are getting calls from neighbors about this
flyer. I'd like to suggest many or all of the callers don't have the time or desire to
separate the facts from fiction and are calling out of fear rather than enlightenment.
I conducted a personnal investigation to substantiate these claims. This included calling the
Parks and Rec to ask about incidences in city parks. It also included visiting local schools
where dogs run off-leash after school hours. I also observed dog owners over the past 20
years in Hoover Park which is next to my home.
None of the claims stated on this handout could be substantiated. In reality if you took the
opposite of what is on the handout, the result could provide a better picture.
Finally, don't we have enough laws covering irresponsible owners and the action of their
I urge you to vote for an "off leash" policy in local parks and a reduction or elimination of
off-leash fines.
Thank you,
Don Krenn
1488 Aster Ct
cc ~{-7-a 9
~ ~3
Linda Lagergren
From: Susan Peters [sepeters@rocketmail.com]
Sent: Thursday, April 02, 2009 8:32 AN1
To: Orrin Mahoney
Subject: off leash hours
Dear Mr. Hatch, I wanted to take a moment to thank yo a for all the work you do on the city council. Next
week you will have the opportunity to vote for off leash hours for our dogs in our city parks. This issue has
been dear to my heart for 28 years (as long as I have be~:n a Cupertino resident). I hope that you will vote for
some reasonable hours for us dog owners to socialize and exercise our dear family pets. It seems reasonable
and fair that we all share the parks that we all pay for. I have a feeling that you share the same opinion. Thanks
for taking the time to consider this issue. There are many heated opinions about it. But I'm confident that
reason will prevail. Have a great day and thanks again. Susan Peters
c~ ~- 7-D9
~ ~3
Linda Lagergren
From: Tiffany Hsu [tiffany.w.hsu@gmail.com]
Sent: Wednesday, April 01, 2009 11:01 PM
To: Orrin Mahoney; Dolly Sandoval; IVlark Santoro; Kris Wang; Gilbert Wong
Subject: I support off-leash hours for CupE~rtino dogs and change the penal code for off-leash
Dear Council Members Mahoney, Sandoval, Santoro, Wang, and Wong,
Please let us responsible dog owners have a chance to prove ourselves as good citizens.
1) Please allow dog owners in Cupertino to spend time vrith their dogs off-leash at all the Cupertino public
2) Please change the current penal code for off-leash dogs from a misdemeanor to an infraction.
Thank you very much and have a great day.
Tiffany Hsu
Barnhart Place, Cupertino
cc_ ~_7_aq
~ /3
Linda Lagergren
From: Julie [julie.1107@gmail.com]
Sent: Wednesday, April 01, 2009 10:50 PM
To: Orrin Mahoney; Dolly Sandoval; IVlark Santoro; Kris Wang; Gilbert Wong
Subject: I support off-leash hours for Cupertino dogs and change the penal code for off-leash
Dear Council Members Mahoney, Sandoval, Santoro, Wang, and Wong,
Please let responsible dog owners have a chance to proof; ourselves as good citizens.
1) Please allow dog owners in Cupertino to recreate with. their dogs off-leash at all the Cupertino public parks
2) Please change the current penal code for off-leash dog; from misdemeanor to infraction.
Thank you and have a great day.
Julie Hsu
Barnhart Place, Cupertino
cc ~-7-09'
# /3
Linda Lagergren
From: angela_chou@yahoo.com
Sent: Wednesday, April 01, 2009 10:34 PM
To: Orrin Mahoney; Kris Wang; Gilbert Wong; Mark Santoro; Dolly Sandoval
Subject: Cupertino Dog Off Leash Hour
Attachments: GrantPark Info.doc
Dear Mayor Mahoney and Council Members Ms. Wang, Ms. Sandoval, Mr. Wang, Mr. Wong:
It has been almost a year since this council directed the Park and Recreation Commission to
recommend options for dog park/off-leash recreation.
During this time a group of us discovered that in 2004 the Portland City Council adopted 5
fenced dog parks and 32 off-leash play areas. Here are some things we have learned from
- Portland's population density per square mile is similar to ours
(4,199 vs. 4,620 in Cupertino.)
- Portland's survey showed a 50-50 split between those who wanted
off-leash and those who did not. Cupertino's 2008 survey showed a simple
majority of 61% in favor of off-leash recreation.
- Portland's off-leash areas are distributed evenly throughout the city.
- The off-leash rules are the same for all the parks.
- Some of the off-leash areas are located next to homes and schools.
- The smallest park with off-leash area is Couch Park at 2.39 acres.
- The off-leash hours are customized for each individual park based on
park usage patterns as well as seasons. For example: Grant Park is next
to a high school soccer field. The hours are ~~ifferent during soccer
season and for spring, summer, fall, and winter. It is also different
for weekdays and weekends.
- Two of the off-leash parks (Sacajawea and Frazer Park are next to Head
Start Programs whose students are 3-4 year ol~~s.)
- During Portland's trial period there were man~,r radio and TV ads to help
educate the public. Portland's web page is also very informative.
- Increased enforcement at the start is also a Icey to the program's
Attached is picture of the Grant Park and off leash hour information for your reference. We
believe Portland's model has already addressed -she safety, sanitation, and noise issues. All
we need to do is just to try it. Sincerely hope that on April 7 you'll vote to start a trial
period as soon as possible.
Angela Chou
A Cupertino resident since 1986
Linda Laaeraren
From: Kelly Liaw [kelly_liaw@hotmail.com]
Sent: Wednesday, April 01, 2009 10:22 PM
To: Orrin Mahoney; Kris Wang; Dolly Sandoval; Gilbert Wong; Mark Santoro; Cupertino City
Manager's Office
Subject: Please keep Cupertino parks safs
I am a Cupertino resident that lives very close to Hoover Park. I watched the Parks and Recreation
Commission meeting on March 5th and was disappointed in the outcome regarding the unleashed,
unfenced dog park issue. I understand that a group of dog owners are very vocal about wanting
unleashed and unfenced dog parks in Cupertino. Hov~rever, the combination of unleashed and unfenced
dogs is unsafe for residents around Cupertino parks as well as anyone who visits these parks. It makes
sense to establish a couple parks for dogs to run freely but these parts of the park need to be fenced for
public safety.
Please do not let public safety be sacrificed for the convenience of a group of vocal dog owners.
Please do not allow Cupertino to allow its parks to have the combination of unleashed & unfenced dogs.
Thanks for your time!
Kind Regards,
Windows Liver'": Keep your life in sync. Check it out.
~ l3
Linda Lagergren
From: Sharon Hsu [sharonhsu95014@gmail.com]
Sent: Wednesday, April 01, 2009 9:50 I'M
To: Orrin Mahoney; Dolly Sandoval; Mark Santoro; Kris Wang; Gilbert Wong
Subject: I support off-leash hours for CupE~rtino dogs and change the penal code for off-leash
Subject: I support off-leash hours for Cupertino dogs anti change the
penal code for off-leash
Dear Council Members Mahoney, Sandoval, Santoro, Wang, and Wong,
1) Please allow dog owners in Cupertino to recreate with. their dogs off-leash at all the Cupertino public parks at
certain hours.
2) Please change the current penal code for off-leash doh; from misdemeanor to infraction.
Your support will be greatly appreciated .
Sharon Hsu
7569 Barnhart Place
Cupertino, CA 95014
cc y- 7- a 9
# ~3
Linda Lagergren
From: CAD [mixsignal@gmail.com]
Sent: Wednesday, April 01, 2009 9:17 ISM
To: Orrin Mahoney; Kris Wang; Gilbert Wong; Mark Santoro; Dolly Sandoval
Subject: Dog off-leash Discussions Timeli~~e FYI
Dear Council Members:
I support designated off-leash play areas in all the parks with designated times. Attached is a time line for your reference.
I hope this council will take the lead and expedite the process without sending this issue back and forth.
Dog Off-leash Discussions Timeline:
03/25/09 Teen Commission Meeting on Dog off-leash/dog p;~rk.
03/05/09 Park and Rec. Commission voted to recommend Option B and D to City Council.
02/05/09 Park and Rec. Commission Meeting/Survey: City wide notice was mailed. Round table group discussions
followed by reporting out. Counted 53 participants; and majority preferred some form for off-leash and/or dog park
01/14/09 Advisory Committee (Includes 2 P&R commissioners, staff, three community members) to discuss how to
conduct the Feb. 5, 2009 meeting.
01/08/09 Park and Rec. Commission Meeting: dog/off-leash update.
12/23/08 Advisory Committee (included 2 P&R commissioners, staff, and 7 community members) to discuss how to
conduct the Feb. 5 2009 meeting. Most of us thought it was going to be a meeting about how to create a plan for off-leash
trials in public parks. But it was only to talk about how to conduct the next meeting.
11/06/08 Park and Rec. Commission :update process for studying options for off-leash policy for dogs in city parks
10/02/08 Park and Rec. Commission: study session on off-leash policy. Numerous no-dog people came because of
misinformation. Many thought Hoover park was going to be thE: off-leash park for dogs.
06/05/08 Park & Rec. Commission: consider options for a community process for an off-leash policy for dogs.
04/01/08 City Council :directed staff to put an item on the ne:Kt agenda to consider asking the Park & Rec. Commission
to look into options for off-leash dog areas.
Jhyfang Hu
Cupertino Citizen since 1995
cti ~-~-off
From Julia Kinst (juliak@cupertino.org)
Julia Kinst
From: David Knapp
Sent: Monday, April 06, 2009 1:56 PM
To: Liqing wang
Cc: City Council; City Attorney; Mark Linder; City Clerk
Subject: RE: Off-leash Dog Policy Udate
Dear Liqing,
Thank you for your email. I'm passing it on the City Council, tf'~e body that makes the final decision.
__. _
From: Liqing wang [mailto:ligingwang@yahoo.com]
Sent: April 06, 2009 11:00 AM
To: Cupertino City Manager's Office
Subject: Off-leash Dog Policy Udate
Dear City Manager,
I agree that dogs should not be allowed to run free in our parks. Please vote against it. Thanks in advance!
Liability Issues
A dog owner is legally responsible for any damage, i~i~~eir dog(s) may cause to
itself, other dogs, or other people. The City is part of a liability insurance pool managed by ABAG.
Staff discussed off leash liability issues with ~~BAG staff and ABAG advises that off-leash options,
fenced or unfenced, will not increase the City" s liability insurance costs.
Enforcement, Infractions, Misdemeanors, amd Fines
The current off leash laws are enforced by the Sheriff's deputies as part of its contract with the
City. There were 23 calls for service related to dogs off leash February 2008 through January 2009.
The 23 calls for service resulted in two citations. Both citations were for dogs off leash in a City
park which is an infraction. The information on the calls for service is found on attachment M.
Captain Calderone of the Sheriff's Office prepared a report to City Manager Knapp regarding fines
for dogs off leash. (Attachment L) A dog off leash in a City park is an infraction. The base fine is
$100. With penalty, night court, security and county court costs added on, the total cost is $436.
By comparison dogs off leash at large is a misdemeanor with a fine of $250 and after including
penalty, night court, security, and court fund the total cost is $1,006. Captain Calderone's report
compares these costs with other infractions and misdemeanors. For example running a red light is
an infraction with total costs of $446. Going 1-15 miles per hour over the speed limit has total
costs of $199. These later two examples are fi~und in the State Vehicle Code.
As for misdemeanors, Captain Calderone's report indicates that possession of less than one ounce
of marijuana has a total cost of $1,016. Di-unl: driving has a total cost of $5,766. A number of
speakers at the Parks and Recreation Commis;~ion felt the total cost for a dog off leash at large was
too much compared to the crime and suggested that the City's code should be changed from
nsdemeanor to an infraction. Others felt the nines were too expensive.
Animals Running at Large is found in Municipal Code section 8.01.030. Restraint of Dogs is
found in Municipal Code section 8.03.010. Pl~blic Nuisance related to dogs is in Code Section
8.01.170. The Council can amend these code sections as follows: Any person who violates this
section shall be guilty of a~z infi-actioi2 and upon co~ivictiorz thereof shall be pu~iished as provided in
Chapter 1.12. Vicious dog violations remain a misdemeanor.
The Council can also reduce the fines for then: offenses. For example, if the fine for a dog off leash
was reduced from $100 to $50 the total cost would be reduced from $446 to $246.
Community Established Off-Leash Area G~iideline Criteria
An outcome of October 2, 2008 community study session was that the community determined the
criteria to be used for the Cupertino's dog off-leash areas. These criteria will be used in developing
a specific plan for a specific park's off-leash area, and the criteria will also be used to determine the
success of a trial period. The suggestions from the School of Veterinary Medicine at U.C. Davis
study on "Guidelines for Establishment and M aintenance of Successful Off-Leash Dog Exercise
Areas" will be incorporated into the established community criteria.
1. Safety of park users and dogs
a) The park users must have their dog under voice control
b) Children should always be closely supervised by a responsible adult
~-~--o ~
From Julia Kinst (juliak@cupertino.org)
Julia Kinst
i,~- ~ ~ 3
From: David Knapp
Sent: Sunday, April 05, 2009 2:05 PM
To: City Clerk; City Attorney
Subject: FW: MOST Cupertino residents V'JANT dogs ON leashes
From: Karen Seale [mailto:karenseale@gmail.com]
Sent: April 03, 2009 9:10 AM
To: Orrin Mahoney; Kris Wang; Dolly Sandoval; Gilbert Wong; Mark Santoro; Cupertino City Manager's Office; Mark
Subject: MOST Cupertino residents WANT dogs ON leashes
Dear Mayor Orrin Mahoney, Vice-Chairman Kris Wang, Ms. Dolly Sandoval, Mr. Gilbert
Wong, Mr. Mark Santoro, and Mr. Dave Knape:
The City's approach to the unleashed dog project is reprehensible and wasteful. It is
most unfortunate that the process does not t~~ke into account the real cost of having
dogs run loose in our city. Aside from safety,. sanitation, and financial costs, there are
best practices issues that are being ignored. In addition, the pro-loose dog proponents
have misused and mis-quoted other studies 2ind situations in attempt to promote their
cause. The majority of Cupertino residents have not even been considered in the
It would be serve the City well to actually require all Cupertino dog owners to license
their dogs (and to fine them if they do not). We are all required to license our cars, and
receive heavy fines for not doing so. Why arE~ dog owners allowed to break the law now
- not only with regards to licensing, but also ~Nith off-lease actiivity? We see loose
dogs in the parks and on the sidewalks almost every day. Why would their owners
follow any time restrictions and park specific rules if they disregard the existing
laws now? Across the nation (and in much of the world), there is a simple solution for
dogs running without a leash. It is fenced dog, parks! Let's not ignore what the rest of
the world already has figured out.
Best regards,
Karen Seale
karenseale(a~,gmail. com
From Julia Kinst (juliak@cupertino.org)
~~ ~-~~a~
~ r 3
Julia Kinst
From: David Knapp
Sent: Sunday, April 05, 2009 2:00 PM
To: City Clerk; City Attorney
Subject: FW: support for Cupertino off-lea:~h areas
From: Kim Rennak [mailto:krennak@yahoo.com]
Sent: April 03, 2009 3:22 PM
To: Cupertino City Manager's Office; Mark Linder; Orrin Mahoney; Kris Wang; Gilbert Wong; Mark Santoro; Dolly
Subject: support for Cupertino off-leash areas
I am a 15+ year Cupertino resident with a friendly, obedient dog who would love to be able to run off-
leash in our parks. I am asking for you to support the proposal that has been forwarded to you by
the Parks and Rec commission.
My thoughts:
Most other cities in our county have recognized the need for off-leash areas and have set up
space(s) for it. Why not Cupertino?
I do not agree with putting a fenced in area ~nray out in Stevens Canyon Park. That is quite far
away from many city residents.
Given the current economics, it makes more sense to have off-leash hours at local
parks. This spreads out the usage and encourages more communication between local
residents. I believe there is plenty of space in our city to share the parks for this purpose for a
few hours a day. People who do not want to interact with dogs can avoid the off-leash area or
not go to the park during these hours. I knovv you have been given lots of information on how
this has been done successfully in other communities.
am ok with the proposed increase in the IicE:nse fee to support this program but it should not
go into effect until the trial period is over.
Along those lines I have a-few suggestions. IVlany dogs in our city are not licensed - I don't
think people even know this should be done. It should be publicized more (especially if the off-
leash areas go through) and there should be a moratorium period where dog-owners can apply
for a license without paying the $15 delinquent fee.
I would also like to see off-leash fines reduced significantly to more reflect the severity of the
Thank you,
Kim Rennak (and Corky the Schnoodle)
From Julia Kinst (juliak@cupertino.org)
Julia Kinst
From: David Knapp
Sent: Sunday, April 05, 2009 1:58 PM
To: jkamvar@comcast.net
Cc: City Council; City Clerk
Subject: RE: Concerns about off-leash docs
Dear Jane,
Thank you for your comments. I'll make sure Council gets thE~m.
From: jkamvar@comcast.net [mailto:jkamvar@comcast.net]
Sent: April 04, 2009 10:02 AM
To: Cupertino City Manager's Office
Subject: Concerns about off-leash dogs
Mr. Knapp:
I cannot attend the council meeting that has the issue about dogs in our parks, so I would like to
send you my concerns and opinions.
I love dogs and am not afraid of them individually. However, I do fear packs of dogs. When dogs
run in packs like they do in off-leash areas, they do not always mind their owners and start exhibiting
gang behavior.
A friend of mine who is a Santa Clara city planning commisioner, said that they used to walk their
dogs at Wilson school and let them off-leash. At fir:;t this was fine. There were only a few people
who lived in the area who let their dogs off-leash. However, soon there were people from out of the
area who brought in their dogs. These people did not control their dogs well and the dogs were soon
running wild and interferring with kids' play. This is what I fear for our neighborhood parks if dogs are
allowed off-leash.
When my children were very young, most every weekend I would take them to Hoover park to run
around and play on the grass and the playground ec~uipment. Even in those days dog owners were
not very responsible for cleaning up after their dogs. It would spoil my boys' afternoon if they stepped
in the dog waste. When they were older, they would practise and play soccer in that park. As a
team mom or assistent coach, I would have to pick yap the dog waste. This was when off-leash dogs
was prohibited. Can you imagine what it would be Ike if off-leash dogs are prohibited?
I'm sure the dog owners who will speak before y~~u next week will say that they will police the area
and make sure that all dog waste if picked up and no dogs will run wild. But as the example at Wilson
school, there is no real guarantee that this will occur when people from outside the neighborhood
start bringing their dogs.
From Julia Kinst (juliak@cupertino.org)
I have many Asian friends. Quite a few of them ~-re afraid of dogs. As you know, we have a large
population of Asian people including their elderly parents. I have heard the dog owners tell people
that they should train their children to not run when a dog runs towards them. This is not something a
person who fears these wolf-like creatures would in;~tintively do.
Jane H. Kamvar
1339 Poppy Way
Cupertino, CA 95014
mac, ~ -~--v~
From Julia Kinst (juliak@cupertino.org) ~-(~y~_ ~ ~ 3
Julia Kinst
From: Seema Lindskog [seema3366@grnail.com]
Sent: Sunday, April 05, 2009 6:28 PM
To: City Clerk; Cupertino City Manager's Office; Mark Linder; Orrin Mahoney; Kris Wang; Gilbert
Wong; Mark Santoro; Dolly Sandoval; David Lee; Debbie Stauffer; David Greenstein; Jeanne
Bradford; Darcy Paul
Cc: nayrami@yahoo.com; shmilip@yahoo.com; Anand Pai; Angela Boynton; Angela Chou;
Barbara Baer; Batsheva Raviv; Bertrand Teplitxky; Betsy Dougherty; Carol Miller; Charlie
hanson; Claudette Miller; Cory Miyahara; Dan Nie; David Julian; Deanne Smith; Debi
Chessen; Denny DeHarne; Don Krenn; Ellyn and Steve Stark; eric@wilsonshome.net; Fan
Jiao; Gail Marzolf; George Wagner; gershon perelman; Gilad Gingold (Haley); Heather
Simmons; Jeff Hu; Jim Connelly; Jim Kapnias; Kavita Surapaneni-Gedde; Marce Pinzon; Mike
Hsu; Mike Yuen; Nancy Roberts; ~leil Chang; Patricia Tse; Rebecca Penrose; Ronit
Waissman; Ruth Stevens; Sherry 1=ang; Shu Liu; Sima; Sue; Sue Peters; vivak; Xiaoyi Liu;
Subject: Arguments for off-leash rather than a fenced dog park
Dear City Council members, City Clerk, City Manager, acid Parks & Recreation commissioners and director,
We, the Cupertino Dog Owners group, strongly suport ofl =leash hours for all Cupertino dogs. While a fenced
dog park has been suggested as one of the solutions, we don't believe it is a valid option.
Fenced dog park analysis:
Information below will demonstrate why a fenced dog park in the fringe does not make sense. We already have
many options if we choose to drive.
driving distance (Google Map) from Cupertino City Hall to nearby fenced dog parks
Proposed Site: Stevens Creek County Park (3.3 miles; 9 min.)
Existing fenced dog parks below:
Saratoga Creek Dog Park behind OSH: (3.5 miles; 9 min.~-
Las Palmas in Sunnyvale (3.6 miles; 10 miri.)
Los Gatos County Creek Dog Park (7.4 miles; 12 min.)
Mt. View Dog Park (8.2 miles; 13 min.)
Butcher Park in San Jose (10.3 miles; 14 m:in.)
Offering multiple off-.leash areas is a greener and less expensive option for the city in addition to offering
multiple other benefits:
- It help promote a walkable Cupertino
- It conserves our precious green space by allowing "shared" usage
- A fenced dog park can cost anywhere from 300K - SOOK_; and it is not multi-purpose.
- It evenly spreads out dog use across multiple city parks rather than create increased density in any one
neighborhood or park
- ensures minimal impact on any one park since there is not increased traffic of dog owners from outside the
immediate neighborhood
- ensures minimal impact on residents near any one park since there is not increased traffic of dog owners from
outside the immediate neighborhood
- It makes it much more 1rkely that Cupertino dog owners will let their dogs off-leash in a legal and safe manner
- It has much less impact on City resources and budget
- It is quicker to implement
- It benefits a maximum number of Cupertino residents
- It is a much more efficient use of Cupertino city budget ley maximizing return on investment
From Julia Kinst (juliak@cupertino.org)
Cupertino Dog Owners Group is a large grassroots grou~~ of Cupertino residents who wish to recreate in their
own neighborhoods in their own parks with their dogs. eve are looking for equitable multi-use policies to
reflect the diverse needs of all Cupertino residents. We request the City Council approve off-leash hours in
Cupertino Parks.
"You must be the change you want to see in the world." -Mahatma Gandhi
From Julia Kinst (juliak@cupertino.org) ~~~ ~/~
Julia Kinst
From: Mike Hsu @ ADS [mikehsu@ads~~c.com]
Sent: Sunday, April 05, 2009 9:04 PM
To: Seema Lindskog; City Clerk; Cupertino City Manager's Office; Mark Linder; Orrin Mahoney;
Kris Wang; Gilbert Wong; Mark S~intoro; Dolly Sandoval; David Lee; Debbie Stauffer; David
Greenstein; Jeanne Bradford; Darcy Paul
Cc: nayrami@yahoo.com; shmilip@yahoo.com; Anand Pai; Angela Boynton; Angela Chou;
Barbara Baer; Batsheva Raviv; Bertrand Teplitxky; Betsy Dougherty; Carol Miller; charlie
hanson; Claudette Miller; Cory Miyahara; Dan Nie; David Julian; Deanne Smith; Debi
Chessen; Denny DeHarne; Don Krenn; Ellyn and Steve Stark; eric@wilsonshome.net; Fan
Jiao; Gail Marzolf; George Wagner; gershon perelman; Gilad Gingold (Haley); Heather
Simmons; Jeff Hu; Jim Connelly; Jim Kapnias; Kavita Surapaneni-Gedde; Marce Pinzon; Mike
Yuen; Nancy Roberts; Neil Chang; Patricia Tse; Rebecca Penrose; Ronit Waissman; Ruth
Stevens; Sherry Fang; Shu Liu; Sirna; Sue; Sue Peters; vivak; Xiaoyi Liu; Yosi
Subject: RE: Arguments for off-leash rather than a fenced dog park
I believe some dogs (or the owners) need our own fenced dog park.
Every parks with off-leash hours and a fenced dog park will be great -
responsible dog owners can decide what's best for their dogs.
Maybe we should push for off-leash hours first but also support: fenced dog park?
-----Original Message-----
From: Seema Lindskog [mailto:seema3366@gmail.com]
Sent: Sunday, April 05, 2009 6:28 PM
To: cityclerk@cupertino.org; manager@cupertino.org; mark)@~~upertino.org; omahoney@cupertino.org;
kwang@cupertino.org; gwong@cupertino.org; msantoro@cupertino.org; dsandoval@cupertino.org; dlee@cupertino.org;
dstauffer@cupertino.org; dgreenstein@cupertino.org; jbradforci@cupertino.org; dpaul@cupertino.org
Cc: nayrami@yahoo.com; shmilip@yahoo.com; Anand Pai; Angela Boynton; Angela Chou; Barbara Baer; Batsheva Raviv;
Bertrand Teplitxky; Betsy Dougherty; Carol Miller; charlie hanson; Claudette Miller; Cory Miyahara; Dan Nie; David Julian;
Deanne Smith; Debi Chessen; Denny DeHarne; Don Krenn; Ellyn and Steve Stark; eric@wilsonshome.net; Fan Jiao; Gail
Marzolf; George Wagner; gershon perelman; Gilad Gingold (Haley); Heather Simmons; Jeff Hu; Jim Connelly; Jim
Kapnias; Kavita Surapaneni-Gedde; Marce Pinzon; Mike Hsu; Mike Yuen; Nancy Roberts; Neil Chang; Patricia Tse;
Rebecca Penrose; Ronit Waissman; Ruth Stevens; Sherry Fang; Shu Liu; Sima; Sue; Sue Peters; vivak; Xiaoyi Liu; Yosi
Subject: Arguments for off-leash rather than a fenced dog park
Dear City Council members, City Clerk, City Manager, ar~d Parks & Recreation commissioners and director,
We, the Cupertino Dog Owners group, strongly suport off-leash hours for all Cupertino dogs. While a fenced
dog park has been suggested as one of the solutions, we don't believe it is a valid option.
Fenced dog park analysis:
Information below will demonstrate why a fenced dog park in the fringe does not make sense. We already have
many options if we choose to drive.
driving distance (Google Map) from Cupertino City Hall to nearby fenced dog parks
Proposed Site: Stevens Creek County Park (3.3 miles; 9 min.)
Existing fenced dog parks below:
Saratoga Creek Dog Park behind OSH: (3.5 miles; 9 min.)
Las Palmas in Sunnyvale (3.6 miles; 10 min..)
Los Gatos County Creek Dog Park (7.4 miles; 12 miri.)
From Julia Kinst (juliak@cupertino.org)
Mt. View Dog Park (8.2 miles; 13 min.)
Butcher Park in San Jose (10.3 miles; 14 rnin.)
Offering multiple off-leash areas is a greener and less expensive option for the city in addition to offering
multiple other benefits:
- It help promote a walkable Cupertino
- It conserves our precious green space by allowing "shared" usage
- A fenced dog park can cost anywhere from 300K - SOOI:; and it is not multi-purpose.
- It evenly spreads out dog use across multiple city parks rather than create increased density in any one
neighborhood or park
- ensures minimal impact on any one park since there is not increased traffic of dog owners from outside the
immediate neighborhood
- ensures minimal impact on residents near any one park ;since there is not increased traffic of dog owners from
outside the immediate neighborhood
- It makes it much more likely that Cupertino dog owners will let their dogs off-leash in a legal and safe manner
- It has much less impact on City resources and budget
- It is quicker to implement
- It benefits a maximum number of Cupertino residents
- It is a much more efficient use of Cupertino city budget by maximizing return on investment
Cupertino Dog Owners Group is a large grassroots group of Cupertino residents who wish to recreate in their
own neighborhoods in their own parks with their dogs. V~Te are looking for equitable multi-use policies to
reflect the diverse needs of all Cupertino residents. We request the City Council approve off-leash hours in
Cupertino Parks.
"You must be the change you want to see in the world." -Mahatma Gandhi
G~ ~-~-~q
From Julia Kinst (juliak@cupertino.org) ~ ( 3
Julia Kinst
From: Seema Lindskog [seema3366@grnail.com]
Sent: Sunday, April 05, 2009 10:40 PM
To: City Clerk; Cupertino City Manager's Office; Mark Linder; Orrin Mahoney; Kris Wang; Gilbert
Wong; Mark Santoro; Dolly Sandoval; David Lee; Debbie Stauffer; David Greenstein; Jeanne
Bradford; Darcy Paul
Cc: nayrami@yahoo.com; shmilip@yahoo.com; Anand Pai; Angela Boynton; Angela Chou;
Barbara Baer; Barbara Black; Bat:sheva Raviv; Bertrand Teplitxky; Betsy Dougherty; Carol
Miller; Charlie hanson; Charu Agrawal; Claudette Miller; Cory Miyahara; Dan Nie; David Julian;
Deanne Smith; Debi Chessen; Denny DeHarne; Don Krenn; Ellyn and Steve Stark;
eric@wilsonshome.net; Fan Jiao; ~3ail Marzolf; George Wagner; gershon perelman; Gilad
Gingold (Haley); Heather Simmon;~; Jeff Hu; Jim Black; Jim Connelly; Jim Kapnias; Karen
McKinlay; Kavita Surapaneni-Gedrie; Kim Rennak; Kuminish; Marce Pinzon; melissa drysdale;
Mike Hsu; Mike Yuen; Nancy RobE:rts; Neil Chang; Patricia Tse; Raj Bhadury; Rebecca
Penrose; Ronit Waissman; Ruth Stevens; Sherry Fang; Shu Liu; Sima; Sue; Sue Peters;
Suzette K. Pangrle; Tom Grant; vivak; Xiaoyi Liu; Yosi
Subject: A blueprint for off-leash hours from Cupertino Dog Owners Group
Dear City Council members, City Clerk, City Manager, and Parks & Recreation commissioners and director,
We, the Cupertino Dog Owners group, strongly suport ofF leash hours for all Cupertino dogs. There has been
suggestion of creating a "friends of group for every park that offers off-leash hours. We believe
this is impractical and places undue burden on dog owners. Instead we suggest we should be thinking in terms
of neighborhoods.
For example, in my immediate neighborhood, there is Library Field, Wilson Park, and Eaton school. I know
some people who use each of those parks. I also know people who don't use any of these parks and just walk
their dogs on the streets in the neighborhood. In the impl~:mentation stage of the off-leash proposal, I think a113
parks should be evaluated and the best one chosen for this; immediate neighborhood. Does that mean we should
require dog owners to form a group for each of these 3 parks before we consider it? Abetter option would be to
take a neighborhood approach rather than a park approach and enlist dog owners who live in that neighborhood,
close to all these parks.
Repeat that process all over Cupertino and what you end iip with as the best solution is a group of dog owners
from neighborhoods all over Cupertino as the best possible group to oversee choosing the right parks. Each can
consult with the dog owners in their neighborhood and bring that knowledge back to the overseeing group.
We also believe there should not be a requirement that a neighborhood be represented by a minimum number of
dog owners before it is considered for off-leash hours in a local park. Assuming there is roughly equal density
of dog owners across Cupertino, there should be no reason for any one neighborhood to have priority over
The ideal end goal is that all Cupertino dog owners should have access, within 10 min walking distance, to an
off-leash park.
We propose the following 3-step approach:
1. Assemble a neighborhood representative group of dog owners to work with the city across all the
neighborhoods to develop specific park plans by neighborhood, off-leash hours, location, etc. Group should
represent as many neighborhoods as possible to ensure go~~d geographical coverage
From Julia Kinst (juliak@cupertino.org)
2. Do a trial period in 4-5 city parks simultaneously. Ch~~ose parks that are geographically dispersed to ensure
we meet the needs of as many Cupertino dog owners as possible. This has several advantages:
- dog owners will be distributed across several parks red~.~cing the load and wear and tear on any one park
- minimizes the impact on residents near the off-leash parks since only local residents will use the park
- better meets the needs of Cupertino dog owners
- allows for a more realistic trial of what actual plan implementation would look like and what the actual impact
on city resources would be, based on real dog owner density in any given neighborhood
- allows for a truer read of the success of the program as ~i whole if, for example, one park has a bad experience
but 4 others have a good experience
- is more eco-friendly both in terms of minimizing impact on park and minimizing number of people getting in
their cars to exercise their dogs
- makes it much more likely that dog owners will let their dogs off-leash in a legal and safe manner
3. Once trial period has ended, approve the program to b~: rolled out to a majority of city parks
Cupertino Dog Owners Group is a large grassroots group of Cupertino residents who wish to recreate in their
own neighborhoods in their own parks with their dogs. Vile are looking for equitable multi-use policies to
reflect the diverse needs of all Cupertino residents. We rf;quest the City Council approve off-leash hours in
Cupertino Parks. You can find out more about the group at our website cupertinodo sg com.
Best regards,
"You must be the change you want to see in the world." -Mahatma Gandhi
GG ~ /~
From Julia Kinst (juliak@cupertino.org)
Julia Kinst
~-~-- ~ ~ 3
From: David Knapp
Sent: Monday, April 06, 2009 8:14 AM
To: City Clerk
Subject: FW: Comments on Dog off-leash fines and citations
-----Original Message-----
From: David Fung [mailto:dfung@symian.com]
Sent: April 05, 2009 8:33 PM
To: Orrin Mahoney; Kris Wang; Dolly Sandoval; Gilbert Wong; Mark Santoro
Cc: Cupertino City Manager's Office; 'Captain Terry Calderone'; 'David Fung'
Subject: Comments on Dog off-leash fines and citations
Mayor Mahoney and City Councilmembers,
At your April 7 meeting, you will discuss a number of items related to dog laws in Cupertino,
some of which I've written to you on before. I'd like to comment on the proposal to change
the violation of off-leash laws from misdemeanor to infraction.
First, I would highly recommend that you have your staff survey the current fine structure
for violations in our neighboring towns. This matter is not unexplored territory, and would
have been subject to review and update elsewhere. I would support the citation type and fine
amounts consistent with common practice in our area.
Second, I would like to point out that the current muni code lays out very few requirements
for legal ownership of most dogs in Cupertino. I would guess that they are probably *all*
misdemeanors in the current code.
a) Dog must be restrained by 6' fence on private property or 6'
leash when in all public spaces
b) Dog must be licensed (which includes proof of vaccination)
c) Owner must clean up after dog
If there is to be a review of fines and ticketing practice, then I ask that you issue a
special direction to the sheriff's department to make sure that ALL these elements are being
enforced during a call, in particular the requirement that all dogs must be licensed and
wearing up-to-date tags.
This is very important! As of March 26, 2009, the Program Manager of San Jose Animal Care
and Services, who handles licensing for Cupertino, reports only 977 licensed dogs in
Cupertino. The city staff has settled on an estimate of 3000 dogs in Cupertino, based on the
2008 City Survey; off-leash proponents have made unsubstantiated claims of over 10,000 dogs
in Cupertino.
Clearly compliance with this important law is poor at best - less than 30% comply by the
official numbers, perhaps as low as 10% if you use the off-leash advocate stats.
Licensing is the sole mechanism through which owners demonstrate that their dogs have the
proper vaccinations and medical records It is also the ONLY mechanism through which dog
owners pay for city enforcement and education costs associated with the dog population.
Further, this is the mechanism though which dangerous and unsprayed dogs are identified and
From Julia Kinst (juliak@cupertino.org)
As part of your agenda, you will review a proposed increase in licensing fees of $11/year
intended to pay for a citywide education prograrr~ and additional enforcement manpower. The
poor compliance of Cupertino dog owners with the licensing law will cripple this program, one
of the few specific risk mitigation features included as part of the off-leash dog policy
Nobody can argue in opposition to adherence to a proper licensing program.
We see today the poor result of voluntary compliance; increased enforcement
- specifically, instructing the sheriff's department to check for current licensing when
called for dog violations - is clearly appropriate.
Third, the off-leash advocates have asked that the first violation be treated as a warning
rather than a citation. This item is not called out in your agenda, but I would point out
that the practice of issuing warnings is typically a detail of execution set by the sheriff's
department, not a policy written into the muni code. Muni codes specify infraction,
misdemeanor, or felony; there is no classification for a warning system in the code itself.
Finding "peaceful coexistence" seems to be the goal of this dog policy review. Demonstrating
a better record of compliance with city ordinances would be a big step forward in the
relationship of dog owners to city residents. A strong show of support for enforcing dog
laws would demonstrate that the City Council is truly looking out for the 80% of Cupertino
households who do not own dogs.
David Fung
7539 Barnhart Place
Cupertino, CA 95014
~~ ~ ~~--off
From Julia Kinst (juliak@cupertino.org)
Julia Kinst
From: David Knapp
Sent: Monday, April 06, 2009 8:15 AM
To: City Clerk
Subject: FW: Say no to the off-leash dog recommendation
From: Runping Qi [mailto:runping.gi@gmail.com]
Sent: April 05, 2009 6:10 PM
To: David Knapp
Cc: Orrin Mahoney; Kris Wang; Dolly Sandoval; Gilbert Wong; Mark Santoro
Subject: Re: Say no to the off-leash dog recommendation
Dear David and City Council Members,
As a follow up to my previous e-mails to you about this off-leash issue, I'd like to bring to your attention the
poor quality of the recommendation of allowing off-leash dogs in city parks, made by the P & R commission.
The P & R commission failed to provide any background information about the off-leash laws, why were they
established at the first place, and adopted by absolute maj~~rity of the communities, why are they no longer
necessary today, and what might be the potential consequences of changing them.
People in the community rightfully identified many concerns on allowing dogs off-leash in city parks and
brought them out in various hearing meetings. The utmost. of the concerns is the public safety. Other concerns
include environmental impacts, sanitation, regulation enforcement. However, the P & R commission did
absolutely nothing to address these concerns. Instead, it b~~sically followed the following simple flawed
arguments provided by some dog owners:
For the safety issue:
--- My dog is friendly and will not attack people, so don't worry. (Question: what about other bad dogs?)
--- If Portland can, why not Cupertino. (Question: the P & R commission did not identify why Portland can, let
alone even try to answer the flip of the question: if most a~mmunities, in our neighbours and throughout the
State, do not allow off-leash dogs in public parks, why Cupertino should be different?)
--- The off-leash hours can be at such a time period when nobody would use the parks, thus there is no public
safety issue. (Question: how to enforce the time limit?)
--- We can educate people not to be afraid of dogs; if you -have to be afraid of dogs, you should not use parks
when my dogs are there (This does not sound like a good ~,vay to lead to peaceful co-existence)
For the sanitation issue:
--- I will clean after my dogs. (I doubt the owner can do so even she/he tries to, when dogs are running off-leash
in parks. Plus, how about other dogs? what to do if the dol; waste is not picked up by its owner? how to identify
who is the owner?)
For environment issues such as high noise, dog barking, et.c:
--- I don't mind and I don't care if you mind
And neither are there any specifics about the 6-month try-~~ut:
From Julia Kinst (juliak@cupertino.org)
--- What are the criteria park selection?
--- Does it need to get support from the neighbours around the park? If so, what is the minimum support it has
to get?
--- What are the measures are to be adopted during the tr~~-out to ensure public safety?
--- What are the criteria to evaluate the results of the try-out? by whom?
It is very clear to me that we should not change the current off-leash dog law based on such a poor
recommendation. Itrust you are with me.
Thank you very much for your attention.
Runping Qi
Grace Schmidt
Cc `l~~~c~9
~1`- l 3
From: David Knapp
Sent: Tuesday, April 07, 2009 3:39 PM
To: City Clerk
Importance: High
Sensitivity: Personal
From: sasha [mailto:sashafochtman@comcast.net]
Sent: April 07, 2009 2:23 PM
To: Cupertino Council Members ;David Greenstein; Dolly Sandoval; Darcy Paul; Cupertino City Manager's Office;
David Lee; Gilbert Wong; Jeanne Bradford; Kris Wang; Mark Santoro; Mark Linder; Orrin Mahoney
Importance: High
Sensitivity: Personal
Dear City Council Members,
Our family supports the off-leash recreation during designated times and areas in
our public parks.
We support statements made by www.cupertinodogs.com We also support
healthy and happy dogs, which they are v~~hen exercised. Why should people have
to take their dogs to surrounding cities foi• exercise? This is unfair to our community.
Why are people being sited or fined, where the City of Cupertino does not have dog
parks or designated parks for off -leash hours? This is also unfair to our community.
Our community has waited far too long for this action to take place. Let's work
together and come up with a solution to make this one of the best communities and
dog friendly places in Santa Clara Valley.
Our preference for off-leash hours are all of the following parks -Blackberry Farms,
Monta Vista Park, Linda Vista Park, Jollyman Park, Memorial Park and other city
owned properties. There should not be only one designated place; there should be
several parks and areas available to our community. Having only one designated
area might allow for over crowding and disturbance. We want this to be successful
therefore; there should be several parks available.
Our preference of off- leash hours are from 6:30AM to 9:30AM and again from
5:30PM to 7:30PM -these are hours when parks are particularly unoccupied.
Morning hours are best to exercise dogs since that is when they have the most
energy. However, most people work and ;sometimes are not able to exercise in the
AM these people should have evening hours available.
Posting public signs at parks of off-lease hours and rules for dog owners will set the
tone for awell-balanced community.
The Fochtman Family -
Paul, Sasha, Elizabeth, Matthew, and Spencer
Resident for over 37 years
22630 San Juan Road Cupertino, CA
A tired dog is a happy and well-behaved dog.
God puts each fresh morning, each new change in life, into our hands as a gift to see what we will do with it...
c~ ~l fi/vi
Linda La4ergren
From: Adwait Sathye [adwait@yahoo.com]
Sent: Tuesday, April 07, 2009 10:31 Ati1
To: Orrin Mahoney; Dolly Sandoval; Kris Wang
Subject: Off-leash dogs in the city
Mayor Orrin Mahoney, Vice Mayor Kris Wang, and Council Member Dolly Sandoval,
Some city dwellers and I have been surprised at the haste at which the city is taking up the off-leash dog issue,
and concerned about the details of the plan on the city's web-site. Unfortunately, given the time of the meeting
this evening, 5 pm, we cannot take time off to attend the meeting, but I wanted to make sure that our views have
been registered.
Primarily, I do not consider that the city should spend an.~ amount of money on providing off-leash services. If
the report is indeed correct, the city is only getting 33% of dog owners to pay license fees. With such a dismal
collection, I am not sure how the city can justify spending; any amount of money on providing services, when
dog owners have not shown any inclination to pay basic fees.
There is also concern about aggressive behavior by on-le~~sh dogs, the refusal of some owners to clean up after
their dogs, and general nuisance such as dogs drinking from water fountains.
The statistics about off-leash support don't seem very accurate. As with any survey the size of the sample, and
the demographics is extremely critical. It will be great if further details are provided about this survey. My
highly unscientific, and completely biased, survey indicated 0% support, including among dog owners.
I also disagree with reducing the penalty and severity of t:he off-leash law. Owners who let their dogs roam
potentially endangering humans, especially children, are iio less dangerous than drivers who decide to skip stop
signs. This will set a bad precedent, and will put our children at risk.
I have personally nothing against dogs, and if my kids get their wish, we hope to be proud dog owners some
day. However, I will consider it my responsibility to ensure that I provide my dogs appropriate play areas within
my own yard. I wish I could attend the meeting to present my views, but barring that, I hope the city considers
my email message. Please let me know if you have any questions. Thank you,
Adwait Sathye
Linda Lagergren
From: connie@ajaxo.com
Sent: Tuesday, April 07, 2009 10:32 Ati1
To: Orrin Mahoney; Kris Wang; Dolly Sandoval; Gilbert Wong; Mark Santoro
Cc: connie@ajaxo.com
Subject: vote NO to off-leash dogs in Cupertino park
Dear City Counsel Members,
I am a resident of Cupertino, and also a dog owner. I oppose off-leash dog.
Making it a law to allow dogs to run off-leash in the park has consequences and increase the
risk of liability of dog bites.
1. children can be running in the park and the clog can mistakenly charging and chasing after
children and cause harm to children.
2. people who are fearful of dogs can no longer enjoy taking walks in the park.
3. encourage dog owners not to pick up after their dogs
4. destruction of turf which in turn increase the expenditure of turf replacement.
Connie Chun
Ajaxo Inc.
Office: 408-573-7335 ext 12
Mobile: 408-813-2948
This message may contain confidential and privilE~ged information. It is solely for use of the
intended recipient. If the reader of this messagE~ is not the intended recipient, any use of
confidential or privileged information is prohib:Lted. If you have received this communication
in error, please notify me immediately.
~~~--~ i 3
Linda Lagergren
From: sasha [sashafochtman@comcast.net]
Sent: Tuesday, April 07, 2009 2:23 PM
To: Cupertino Council Members ;David Greenstein; Dolly Sandoval; Darcy Paul; Cupertino City
Manager's Office; David Lee; Gilhert Wong; Jeanne Bradford; Kris Wang; Mark Santoro; Mark
Linder; Orrin Mahoney
Importance: High
Sensitivity: Personal
Dear City Council Members,
Our family supports the off-leash recreation during designated times and areas in
our public parks.
We support statements made by www.cupertinodo s.com We also support
healthy and happy dogs, which they are when exercised. Why should people have
to take their dogs to surrounding cities for exercise? This is unfair to our community.
Why are people being sited or fined, when the City of Cupertino does not have dog
parks or designated parks for off -leash hours? This is also unfair to our community.
Our community has waited far too long for this action to take place. Let's work
together and come up with a solution to make this one of the best communities and
dog friendly places in Santa Clara Valley.
Our preference for off-leash hours are all o:F the following parks -Blackberry Farms,
Monta Vista Park, Linda Vista Park, Jolly~man Park, Memorial Park and other city
owned properties. There should not be only one designated place; there should be
several parks and areas available to our community. Having only one designated
area might allow for over crowding and disturbance. We want this to be successful
therefore; there should be several parks av~~ilable.
Our preference of off- leash hours are from 6:30AM to 9:30AM and again from
5:30PM to 7:30PM -these are hours when parks are particularly unoccupied.
Morning hours are best to exercise dogs sin~;.e that is when they have the most
energy. However, most people work and sometimes are not able to exercise in the
AM these people should have evening hours available.
Posting public signs at parks of off-lease ho~~rs and rules for dog owners will set the
tone for awell-balanced community.
The Fochtman Family -
Paul, Sasha, Elizabeth, Matthew, and Spe~lcer
Resident for over 37 years
22630 San Juan Road Cupertino, CA
A tired dog is a happy and well-behaved dog.
God puts each fresh morning, each new change in life, into our h,~nds as a gift to see what we will do with it...
cc~ L~ l ~- / 0 9
Linda Lagergren
From: Jing Liu [jingliu@sbcglobal.net]
Sent: Tuesday, April 07, 2009 9:40 AM
To: Orrin Mahoney; Kris Wang; Dolly Sandoval; Gilbert Wong; Mark Santoro
Subject: Against off-leash dogs in Cupertino Parks
Dear Mayor and Citi Councils,
We live right next to the Three Oaks Park, I often allow my da~aghter to play in the park after dinner when a lot of dog
owners walk their dogs during the time.
This new recommendation to allow dogs without leash in the F~ark really makes me nervous and even feel outrageous. It
will significantly impact our quarlity of life. I don't see any good reasons to have this recommendation. Isn't the salty of our
community the highest priority? I'm strongly against this recorr~mendation/motion/law. Itjust doesn't make sense to me.
Jing Liu
1214 Ruppell PI,
Cupertino, CA 95014
Linda Lagerpren
From: drsdolezal@aol.com
Sent: Tuesday, April 07, 2009 9:43 AM
To: Orrin Mahoney
Subject: housing
Unacceptable and decitful. Shame on you!
The latest recommendation in this iteration is proposing to allow creation of the Grand Canyon effect along
Stevens Creek Boulevard by allowing buildings 45 feet t;~ll to be built within 20 feet of the curb.
The proposal would also allow for massive high density residential development along this corridor.
This proposal by our city was defeated by the CITIZENS of Cupertino in 2003 and yet is back again for
adoption by the City Council.
Asa 30-year resident I object to your irresponsible actions.
__ _
The Average US Credit Score is 692. See Yours in Just 2 Easv Steps!
mac, ~f l ~ (v~
(~~ ~~3
Linda Lagergren
From: James Miller [j.grant.miller@stanrordalumni.org]
Sent: Tuesday, April 07, 2009 9:06 AM
To: Orrin Mahoney; Kris Wang; Dolly Sandoval; Gilbert Wong; Mark Santoro
Subject: Off-leash dogs in Cupertino Park:>
It is my understanding that tonight the Cupertino City Council will consider approving off-
leash dogs in Cupertino parks. I and I believe that most Cupertino residents see this
approval as a "step-back" in time. It has taken Cupertino and many communities years to
require pet owners to take responsibility for tl~eir animals and the leashing of dogs is just
one step to that end.
To allow "off-leash dogs" sends the wrong messal;e to most owners that Cupertino will permit
owners to be irresponsible as we have seen occur in the past. I know I make a
generalization; that many pet owners are quite responsible and will clean up after and
control their animals even if they are off-leash. Unfortunately, it is my opinion that the
number of irresponsible
owners outnumber the responsible ones.
As an individual who grew up liking dogs, but af=raid of them, as unleashed dogs made threats
toward me as I walked or biked by them, I think that it is more prudent to require owners to
keep their dogs in their control and on leashs. Unfortunately, even well-intentioned people
can be confronted with dogs that act in ways that the owners never expected or never saw
occur before. If that behanvior results in injury, the owner will be upset, but the injury
will have occurred nonetheless.
I also believe that if Cupertino approves off-leash parks that residents of other cities will
be attracted to Cupertino parks so that they can have their dogs off-leash. And the impact
on our parks would be quite detrimental.
Finally, if the City Council still feels that this decision is the right and proper one for
Cupertino, I would recommend, only approving off-leash for one park as a test case for 6
months to 1 year to assess the impact.
I will be unable to attend the meeting, but will seek information on this result. Thank you
for your consideration.
Tim Miller
c ~ U l~-/v
~ ~~ ~
Linda Lagergren
From: Inyocabin [inyocabin@aol.com]
Sent: Tuesday, April 07, 2009 12:12 P~~
To: City Council
Subject: April 7 Meeting, Written Input
April 7, 2009
New Business
Agenda Item #13
Creating Off-leach Areas for Dogs
Written Input to Council Members
We are providing this written comment (in lieu of verbal comments from floor) regarding agenda item #13 for your
After review of the Staff Report, we fully support their recommendations with the following exception;
Change first sentence to read:
Paragraph a) "Creating a citizens group to work with the city staff to determine sites and usage plans for off-leash dog
areas in all city parks. ----- "
We believe all of the city parks should be considered for off-les~sh usage rather than just a single park. This would provide
all residents close access and use of their local park (most within easy walking distance of homes). This would alleviate
traffic and parking problems if all residents would use just one ~~ark.
Also, we recommend that the citizens group be comprised of residents from all sections of the city with close proximity to
a city park.
Thank you for considering the above,
Don & Arlene Rosenbaum
7633 Prospect Road
Cupertino, CA 95014
~, ~ /~/~ ~
~~- -~i3
Linda Lagergren
From: vk sreepathy [v_sree@yahoo.com]
Sent: Tuesday, April 07, 2009 11:22 Ah1
To: City Council
Subject: Opposing Off leash area for Dog:; in Cupertino
Dear Sir/Madam,
I am resident of Cupertino and enjoy spending time in park with my kids. Recently I came to know that City is
proposing to have a Off leash area for Dogs.
I am completely opposed to the off-leash programs. We leave enough incidents of aggressive behavior by on-
leash dogs.
I am worried about the safety of the kids, older people anal others we enjoy Cupertino parks every day.
I feel that 62% support for on-leash dogs does not seem to be representative, and the city should produce more
details about the survey and conduct through research. I met several families in park and they all oppose the
idea of off leash program. Most of them are not aware of the city's planning.
Probably all of use missed the city's communication in that regrads.
I request City council to re-consider the idea and not to allow off leash area for dogs in Cupertino parks.
V. K. Sreepathy
~~ ~ r ~ I oq
From Julia Kinst (juliak@cupertino.org)
Julia Kinst
From: Keithddl527 C«~ aol.com
Sent: Tuesday, April 07, 2009 1:32 Ph1
To: City Council
Cc: City Clerk
Subject: Heart of The City Specific Plan fx Cross Roads Specific Plan
Dear City Council members,
Agenda Item 1, Application: SPA 2008-01, Agenda Date: M~~rch 4, 2009
Application SPA-2008-01 was originally requested by the City Council and city staff to update the Heart of the City
Specific Plan, to review original language, and to remove an~,r conflicts that this HOC Specific Plan might have
with our General Plan and its greater mandates.
Conflicts of language might require modification of the HOC Specific Plan, and that is being reviewed by our
Planning Commission and city staffers, with our resident's h~ilf hearted participation and input, due to
a disconnect caused by the long process and excessive drafts. This process was started on December 18, 2007
as described in the application summary; agenda item #36 dated December 18, 2007, several hundred draft
pages have been written, with no sight in end, with little ability of our residents to follow those changes, let alone
understand the ramifications which they legislatively propose.
On October 21, 2008 the City Council directed the Planning !Staff to eliminate all language in the Specific Plan
that is already in the General Plan - a simple and modest goal, one might have hoped at the time.
As a result, the currently Proposed draft of the Heart of the City Conceptual Plan dated February 3, 2009, has
relegated the HOC Specific Plan to a lack luster landscape plan with little administrative authority, leaving to much
to the imaginations of developers and land owners to devise what they desire, with little direction in the way of
master planning, as was perhaps the original intent of the HC)C Specific Plan, as was perhaps the will and
guidance of our residents.
What has happened to the administrative guidance which thE~ HOC Specific plan once offered to developers and
land owners, and then to our community at large, who supported the original HOC Specific Plan, as per our prior
participation at public hearings and meetings?
Please reconsider the HOC Specific Plan's guiding statement: "The Heart of the City Conceptual Plan provides
specific guidance for one of the most important commercial corridors in the City of Cupertino."
The currently proposed conceptual plan which you will revie~ni tonight lacks many of the original specific
plan's goals and then it's strategies on how to successfully achieve them - a master plan perhaps, much like the
Vallco Master plan which was recently passed, and it was achieved with renewed public participation, as public
outreach was fostered by our insightful city council - we need more public participation in our community's
development, not less.
The Heart of the City Specific Plan was changed by city stafl during the 2005 General Plan with little public
awareness. The unfortunate history of the HOC Specific Plan changes has been tiredly discussed at prior public
hearings, as required for the current review process, and cornments have been sent by email by our residents to
you, our City Council members, so I will not repeat those marry issues in great detail again, but I do wish to
remind the City Council and our City Staff that the poor performance of the HOC Specific Plan was mostly due to
administrative neglect and lack of enforcement, as apposed t~~ city staffer's staunch claims of poor wording or
perceived intellectual conflicts which the Specific Plan might Dave had in conflict with the General Plan -lack of
enforcement is surely to blame, and this is due to the lack of ;any cohesive development vision for our community,
nothing else.
From Julia Kinst (juliak@cupertino.org)
To review just one instance of administrative neglect, my father, age 89, is still looking for street furniture, a
bench, as the majority of street furniture currently found on `~tevens Creek Blvd is owned by VTA. Many newly
approved residential developments will be coming online soon, and with past residential projects already built,
which were approved with overlooked mitigation -missed o~~portunities - by our city staff planning
Commissioners, and then our City council, these projects ha~re not added to auser-friendly, walk able street
design, but rather to the absence of design, which has left the current landmark of hodge podge mitigation which
is Stevens Creek Blvd.
I wonder what all new seniors who will buy and live in these newly approved senior residential developments will
actually find in the way of auser-friendly walkable friendly streetscape on Stevens Creek Blvd, and perhaps in the
HOC plan area as a whole?
I would urge the City Council to reject any portions of the currently drafted HOC plan, which contain explicit, or
implicit, intentions to build more tall structures and/or buildings close to the street.
I am greatly concerned by the renewed interest in the Cross Roads Specific Plan, which was overwhelmingly
rejected by the residents in our community, why having this vampire of a plan sneak back in and suck the
remaining life and vigor out of the HOC Specific Plan, this is ust another slap in the face to your anemic
constituents, who are tired of what happens late at night at city Hall, or in the early afternoon at 5:00 pm when
most residents work and don't expect they are being bite once again in their sore necks.
Our community, your constituents, have elegantly communicated their development concerns in recent years,
please recall the past city ballot measures, ABC, and then two successful referendums, D & E, which clearly
relayed the development concerns of the majority of our residents who are apposed to conversion of commercial
space to residential at the expense of our city's character anti our community's right to self determination; your
fellow residents wish to foster development which is truly guided, verses, being let loose upon them by poor
mitigation due to a lack of a community development vision and inattentive administration by their appointed
The majority of your constituents are apposed to building heil~hts of 45 ft.+, buildings pushed up to sidewalks,
residential housing built over and behind commercial in Specific/Conceptual plan areas, please consider and
reflect on recent comments made by Cupertino planning commissioners, Cupertino city staff, realtors, developers,
land owners, business owners, and residents -- all who have expressed great apprehension for continued mixed
use developments of the style which was approved in Cupertino in past years, as they are a failed concept and in
need of a total rethink.
The Crossroads Area is one of Cupertino's leading commercial centers, perhaps it is the flag ship of these city
Yes, the HOC Specific Plan should be updated to acknowledge the new residential development along the entire
length and breadth of Stevens Creek Blvd., as the HOC Specific Plan should strike a much desired balance
between commercial space and residential development, which is supported by your fellow residents, yet the City
Council should avoid turning control over to developers and I~~nd owners for them to decide our city's
development fate; our city's future is not theirs alone to decide -- your constituents are surely known to you as
well, in both voice and deed, why concerns about land owners and developer's reluctance to implement the
Heart of the City mitigation should not be the lone test and thf~n implied failure of the HOC Specific Plan, but
rather the proof it requires your renewed full support and it must contain SPECIFIC and meaningful mitigation
legislation, not just a wishy-washy pile of bureaucratic landsc~~ping speak ease, giving yet another bypass to our
local developers and land owners, by bureaucratically disconnecting community oversight of the HOC Specific
Plan, which approval of a HOC Conceptual Plan will surely allow.
Thank you,
Keith Murphy
CARe and CCC member and supporter
A Good Credit Score is 700 or Above. See yours in iust 2 easy steps!
Petition Page 1 of 1
~^,_ ~~ y-~-o9 ~ t
~_~._;~~~ get5~ 170V9~ r
Petition Please sign our petition and bring it to the April 7th City Council Meeting.
Petition for Off-leash Play Areas/Times For Dogs
The intent of this pettion is to allow responsible dog owners in Cupertino to
recreate with their dogs off-leash at all the Cupertino public parks.
Itotnc Proposed Off-Leash hours: one hour before sunset to thn~ hours after sunrise.
Off-Leash in designated areas only.
T7te Issues
The second intent of this petition is to reduce the current fine for off-leash
infractions from $981 (misdemeanor) to a warning first and then $150 (infraction.)
Get Inroh ed The fine for not picking up dog litter should stay the same at $981 (misdemeanor.)
I:~ ents
Best Practice
Petition Form
Contact us: cupertinodogs~gmail.com
Powered by Register corn
Proposed rotes for otf--leash play areas:
-Off-leash use is confined to the off-leash area only.
- Dogs must respond positively to voice commands.
- Dogs must display r:urrent license tags.
- Aggressive dogs must be leashed and removed at once.
- No more than three dogs per guardian; must have a leash for each dog.
-Carry at least 3 wa:;te bags at all times and pick up after your dogs.
-Remain in the Off Leash Area with your dogs at all times.
- No sick dogs nor female dogs in heat.
- Remove choke or pinch collars while off leash.
We request that chile men in the area be supervised and not scream or run
Name (Please Print)
Address; of t7 L. 1 N N j ,ter ~ (t w y
Please include me in your email distribution for updates and call to
Email: -~ t in.~ K 0. ~u1~ S ~ ~ S ~ . c o wt
http:!/www.cupertinodogs.com/id9.htm1 2/24/2009
1<rz~z~- . c u p e x• do n d cx gs . e o xn
Petition Please get 10 people to sign our petition and/or bring
10 peoKrle to the April 7th City Council Meeting.
Petition for Off-leash Play Areas/Times For Dogs
The intent of this I~etition is to allow responsible dog owners in Cupertino to
recreate with their dogs off-leash in designated-areas at all the Cupertino public
IIOme parks. _Prroposed Off-Leash hours will differ fr_o_m park to_-park based on park usaae_
patterns an_d sports seasons.
'I7te issues The second intent of this petition is to reduce the current fine for off-leash
infractions from $981 (misdemeanor) to a warning first and then $150 (infraction.)
Get Invah•ed proposed rules for off-leash play areas:
-Off-leash use is confined to the off-leash area only.
`I'inleline -Dogs must respond positively to voice commands.
- Dogs must display current license tags.
Pox•t:Iv d -Aggressive dogs must be leashed and removed at once.
- No more than three dogs per guardian; must have a leash for each dog.
- Carry at least 3 waste bags at all times and pick up after your dogs.
FA(~ -Remain in the Of Leash Area with your dogs at all times.
- No sick dogs nor female dogs in heat.
Petition I~orni - Remove choke or pinch collars while off leash.
We request that c,ildren in the area be supervised and not scream or run.
Page 1 of 1
henced Parks r -- ` ~l
- , ,~ •-,
.Dog t:)w'xxership Name (Please Pri,t) J
Cupertino c--- --- _. '
Signature: L~l l "~
Mxmici ><tl ~ 1
Ci3de /'
(Cupertino Residents Only
Contact us: info~cupertinodogs.com
Powered Register.com
Web page contributors: Betsy Dougherty, Mike
Hsu, Jeff Hu, Seema Lindskog, Carol and Bryan
Miller, Claudette Miller, Eric Wilson
http://www.cupertinodogs.com/id9.html 4/7/2009
~z~~~-. cult crtitt o d ogs. co nt
Petition Please get 10 people to sign our petition and/or bring
10 people to the April 7th City Council Meeting.
Petition for Off-leash Play Areas/Times For Dogs
The intent of this petition is to allow responsible dog owners in Cupertino to
recreate with their dogs off-leash in designated. areas at all the Cupertino public
H<ame parks. Pr~osed Gff-Leash hours will differ f_r_om park to park based on park usage
patterns and sport> seasons.
"Clze Issues
Get Ittvoh~ect
Petition .Form
Fenced Parks
1)og Ownership
The second intent of this petition is to reduce the current fine for off-leash
infractions from $981 (misdemeanor) to a warning first and then $150 (infraction.)
Proposed rules for off-leash play areas:
-Off-leash use is confined to the off-leash area only.
- Dogs must respond positively to voice commands.
- Dogs must display current license tags.
-Aggressive dogs must be leashed and removed at once.
- No more than thr:e dogs per guardian; must have a leash for each dog.
- Carry at least 3 Haste bags at all times and pick up after your dogs.
-Remain in the Of` Leash Area with your dogs at all times.
- No sick dogs nor female dogs in heat.
- Remove choke o-pinch collars while off leash.
We request that children in the area be supervised and not scream or run.
__~ ~~
Name (Pleas Prirt)
Signature:~~~~ ~~
Address;) C~~~) ,~;l,Z/%/`~ ~~/'Q
(Cupertino Residents Only)
Contact us: info~cupertinodogs.com
Powered by Register.com
Web page contributors: Betsy Dougherty, Mike
Hsu, Jeff Hu, Seema Lindskog, Carol and Bryan
Miller, Claudette Miller, Eric Wilson
Page 1 of 1
http://www.cupertinodogs.com/id9.htm1 4/7/2009
i~~~~v. cope t-tin odogs. com
Petition Please get 10 people to sign our petition and/or bring
10 people to the April 7th City Council Meeting.
Petition for Off-leash Play Areas/Times For Dogs
The intent of this petition is to allow responsible dog owners in Cupertino to
recreate with their dogs off-leash in designate_d_a_reas at all the Cupertino public
home parks. Proposed Off-Leash hours will differ from park to park based o_n_ park usage
pattems_and sport sea_s_ons. '
'T7~e Issues
C~et Involved
Petition l~or~u
rented Parks
Dog Ownership
The second intent of this petition is to reduce the current fine for off-leash
infractions from $981 (misdemeanor) to a warning first and then $150 (infraction.)
Proposed rules for off-leash play areas:
- Off-leash use is confined to the off-leash area only.
- Dogs must respond positively to voice commands.
- Dogs must display current license tags.
-Aggressive dogs must be leashed and removed at once.
- No more than three dogs per guardian; must have a leash for each dog.
- Carry at least 3 waste bags at all times and pick up after your dogs.
- Remain in the Of` Leash Area with your dogs at all times.
- No sick dogs nor female dogs in heat.
- Remove choke or pinch collars while off leash.
We request that ct ildren in the area be supervised and not scream or run
l i /-~u i- L-' - In~/~ ~~
Name (Please Prirt)
Address; ~ C~ ` ~ ~ ~/(•k ~ i 7 V ~
(Cupertino Residents Only)
Contact us: info~cupertinodogs.com
Powered by Register.com
Web page contributors: Betsy Dougherty, Mike
Hsu, Jeff Hu, Seema Lindskog, Carol and Bryan
Miller, Claudette Miller, Eric Wilson
Page 1 of 1
http://www.cupertinodogs.com/id9.htm1 4/7/2009
ti~~~~ti .ciipertinodogs.com
Petition Please get 10 people to sign our petition and/or bring
10 people to the April 7th City Council Meeting.
Petition for Off-leash Play Areas/Times For Dogs
The intent of this petition is to allow responsible dog owners in Cupertino to
recreate with their dogs off-leash in designated areas at all the Cupertino public
IIC>me parks. Pr~osed O_ff-Leash hours will differ from~ark to_ _park based_on park usage
patterns and sporty seasons.
"I'he ISSUCS The second intent of this petition is to reduce the current fine for off-leash
infractions from $981 (misdemeanor) to a warning first and then $150 (infraction.)
(:ct Invtalved Proposed rules for off-leash play areas:
- Off-leash use is confined to the off-leash area only.
`I'inleline -Dogs must respond positively to voice commands.
- Dogs must display current license tags.
I ot~tand -Aggressive dogs must be leashed and removed at once.
- No more than three dogs per guardian; must have a leash for each dog.
- Carry at least 3 waste bags at all times and pick up after your dogs.
F11Q -Remain in the Ofl` Leash Area with your dogs at all times.
- No sick dogs nor female dogs in heat.
Petition. Fcyrm - Remove choke or pinch collars while off leash.
We request that children in the area be supervised and not scream or run.
Page 1 of 1
Fenced P<trks ~,,~ ,r
~T ti ~.- ~~ ~ ~ ~~~ /rl
I)og Ownership Name (Please Prin~y
Cupet•tino a~
Signature: '
Municipal ~ / ~,~-
Address;~ `~ ~ ~~ xA f ~ r ~~~~~
(Cupertino Residents Only)
Contact us: info~cupertinodogs.com
Powered by Register corn
Web page contributors: Betsy Dougherty, Mike
Hsu, Jeff Hu, Seema Lindskog, Carol and Bryan
Miller, Claudette Miller, Eric Wilson
http://www.cupertinodogs.com/id9.htm1 4/7/2009
~~=w.cupex-tin odogs.cc~.nt
Petition Please get 10 people to sign our petition and/or bring
10 people to the April 7th City Council Meeting.
Petition for Off-leash Play Areas/Times For Dogs
The intent of this petition is to allow responsible dog owners in Cupertino to
recreate with their dogs off-leash in designated areas at all the Cupertino public
Florne parks. _Pr~osed C_ff-Leash hours will differ from park to park_based_on_Qark usa~Lc e
pattem_ s and_s~ seasons.
T'Ite Issues
t.et Incol~~etl
Petition Form.
Fenced Parks
Dog Ownership
Contact us: info~cupertinodogs.com
Powered by Registeccom
Web page contributors: Betsy Dougherty, Mike
Hsu, Jeff Hu, Seema Lindskog, Carol and Bryan
Miller, Claudette Miller, Eric Wilson
The second intent of this petition is to reduce the current fine for off-leash
infractions from $981 (misdemeanor) to a warning first and then $150 (infraction.)
Proposed rules for off-leash play areas:
-Off-leash use is confined to the off-leash area only.
- Dogs must respond positively to voice commands.
- Dogs must display current license tags.
-Aggressive dogs must be leashed and removed at once.
- No mare than throe dogs per guardian; must have a leash for each dog.
- Carry at least 3 waste bags at all times and pick up after your dogs.
- Remain in the Off Leash Area with your dogs at all times.
- No sick dogs nor Female dogs in heat.
- Remove choke or pinch collars while off leash.
We request that children in the area be supervised and not scream or run
Name (PIea~Print)
Page 1 of 1
http://www.cupertinodogs.com/id9.htm1 4/7/2009
(Cupertino Residents Only)
1'VZ1'N'. (' Lii) @ )'tl Il A it O gs. Co It)
Petition Please get 10 people to sign our petition and/or bring
10 people to the April 7th City Council Meeting.
Petition for Off-leash Play Areas/Times For Dogs
The intent of this petition is to allow responsible dog owners in Cupertino to
recreate with their jogs off-leash in designated areas at all the Cupertino public
ETotne parks. Proposed Off-Leash hours_will differfro~ark to_park based on~rk_usage
patterns and sports_s_easons.
'flee Lssues
Petition. Form
Fenced Panes
Dog C)11 uership
The second intent ~~f this petition is to reduce the current fine for off-leash
infractions from $931 (misdemeanor) to a warning first and then $150 (infraction.)
Proposed rules for off-leash play areas:
-Off-leash use is confined to the off-leash area only.
- Dogs must respond positively to voice commands.
- Dogs must displa~~ current license tags.
-Aggressive dogs must be leashed and removed at once.
- No more than three dogs per guardian; must have a leash for each dog.
-Carry at least 3 waste bags at all times and pick up after your dogs.
- Remain in the Off Leash Area with your dogs at all times.
- No sick dogs nor `emale dogs in heat.
-Remove choke or pinch collars while off leash.
We request that ch ldren in the area be supervised and not scream or run
~~~~ ~~~
Name (Please Prin:)
Address; ` ~ <~
(Cupertino Residents Only)
Contact us: info~cupeRinodogs.com
Powered by Register corn
Web page contributors: Betsy Dougherty, Mike
Hsu, Jeff Hu, Seema Lindskog, Carol and Bryan
Miller, Claudette Miller, Eric Wilson
Page 1 of 1
http://www.cupertinodogs.com/id9.html 4/7/2009
ZNN'[1'. CUj)CI"illl Od t)~'S. C(i.ttl
I'etitioli Please cet 10 people to sign our petition and/or bring
10 people to the April 7th City Council Meeting.
Page 1 of 1
Petition for Off-leash Play Areas/Times For Dogs
The intent of this petition is to allow responsible dog owners in Cupertino to
recreate with their dogs off-leash in des~nated areas at all the Cupertino public
Holrie parks. Pr_ O~osed Off_-Leash hours wil)_differ fromQark to Park b_ased_on mark usage
~attems and sport:, seasons
'['lle Issues The second intent of this petition is to reduce the current fine for off-leash
infractions from $931 (misdemeanor) to a warning first and then $150 (infraction.)
Get Iiiv(ih'E:CI proposed rules for off-leash play areas:
' -Off-leash use is a~nfined to the off-leash area only.
inteline -Dogs must respond positively to voice commands.
- Dogs must displa7~ current license tags.
Portlaltd - A99ressive dogs must be leashed and removed at once.
- No more than three dogs per guardian; must have a leash for each dog.
-Carry at least 3 waste bags at all times and pick up after your dogs.
FAQ -Remain in the Off Leash Area with your dogs at all times.
- No sick dogs nor female dogs in heat.
I etition. I~arru -Remove choke or pinch collars while off leash.
We request that children in the area be supervised and not scream or run.
Fenced Parks
/ /~ / /
~ ~ i J 'rc ~J 1 ~ li 1 ~ I~+
n~~~ ;
llag t)Zbti nP. t'5}ilr .
Name (Please Print)
~ ,
Signature: ~ ~,~'~~.~~-
Milniripal ,
.-I ~ /' ~y
Address; `- ,~ ~°~~ /"~C ~ ~C ~ ~ ~l I
X J~l
Code ~
(Cupertino i2esidents Only)
Contact us: info~cupertinodogs.com
Powered by Register com
Web page contributors: Betsy Dougherty, Mike
Hsu, Jeff Hu, Seema Lindskog, Carol and Bryan
Miller, Claudette Miller, Eric Wilson
http://www.cupertinodogs.com/id9.htm1 4/7/2009
I'etitictn Please get 10 people to sign our petition and/or bring
10 people to the April 7th City Council Meeting.
Petition for Off-leash Play Areas/Times For Dogs
The intent of this petition is to allow responsible dog owners in Cupertino to
recreate with their dogs off-leash in desi Hated areas at all the Cupertino public
home parks. PrODOSed Ofi-Leash. hours will differ from park to mark based_ on nark usage
patterns andsports. seasons.
The ISS[tes The second intent of this petition is to reduce the current fine for off-leash
infractions from $9E11 (misdemeanor) to a warning first and then $150 (infraction.)
Get Irivoh~eci proposed rules for ~ff-leash play areas:
-Off-leash use is Gmfined to the off-leash area only.
'ISnteline -Dogs must respor~d positively to voice commands.
- Dogs must displa~~ current license tags.
I ortland -Aggressive dogs rnust be leashed and removed at once.
- No more than three dogs per guardian; must have a leash for each dog.
-Carry at least 3 waste bags at all times and pick up after your dogs.
IRAQ -Remain in the Off Leash Area with your dogs at all times.
- No sick dogs nor female dogs in heat.
Petition. I~arni - Remove choke or inch collars while off leash.
We request that children in the area be supervised and not scream or run.
Penned Parks 1
i)og Oztinersltip Name (w ase Print)
Cupertino y ~, ,- ;, ,
Signature: r' '-'' ~, 3 s' j~ ?. '`':y \
Municil7~tl 1
Address; 1 ` a~u// "
(Cupertino Residents Only)
Contact us: info~cupertinodogs.com
Powered by Registeccom
Web page contributors: Betsy Dougherty, Mike
Hsu, Jeff Hu, Seema Lindskog, Carol and Bryan
Miller, Claudette Miller, Eric Wilson
Page 1 of 1
http://www.cupertinodogs.com/id9.htm1 4/7/2009
Petition Page 1 of 1
N~4~V . Cii>ilei'till.0 d O~*s. CO ill
I'eritic~tl Please clet 10 people to sign our petition and/or bring
10 people to the April 7th City Council Meeting.
Petition for Off-leash Play Areas/Times For Dogs
The intent of this F~etition is to allow responsible dog owners in Cupertino to
recreate with their dogs off-leash in de~nated areas at all the Cupertino public
Hoi»E: parks. Pro~osed__C?ff_-Leash hours will differ from~ark t_o park based on~ark_usac~e
patterns andd~orts seasons,
'I`he Issues The second intent of this petition is to reduce the current fine for off-leash
infractions from $f~81 (misdemeanor) to a warning first and then $150 (infraction.)
Get Involved Proposed rules for off-leash play areas:
-Off-leash use is ~:onfined to the off-leash area only.
`I'i»tPline -Dogs must respc nd positively to voice commands.
- Dogs must displery current license tags.
tl -Aggressive dogs must be leashed and removed at once.
a - No more than three dogs per guardian; must have a leash for each dog.
-Carry at least 3 v+aste bags at all times and pick up after your dogs.
FAQ -Remain in the 01f Leash Area with your dogs at all times.
- No sick dogs nor female dogs in heat.
- Remove choke cr pinch collars while off leash.
Petition FOt'nt
We request that children in the area be supervised and not scream or run.
Fenced Parks
S L ~ N2 ~ t, (~ ~S ~ ~7 ~
.Dog th+-ilet'sllip Name (Please Prii t)
C;LtIJCTt1170 ~
Munici rtl ~
I Address, ~ C ~`~~ /!}~ ~-~ L ~ i) ~ E_ ~ ~~ ~ L' ~
(Cupertino Residents Only) ~~
Contact us: info~cupertinodogs.com
Powered by Register.com
Web page contributors: Betsy Dougherty, Mike
Hsu, Jeff Hu, Seema Lindskog, Carol and Bryan
Miller, Claudette Miller, Eric Wilson
http://www.cupertinodogs.com/id9.htm1 4/7/2009
tt,-~~~v. cupex-tin od ogs. coxxl
Petition Please get 10 people to sign our petition and/or bring
10 peoples to the April 7th City Council Meeting.
Petition for Off-leash Play Areas/Times For Dogs
The intent of this petition is to allow responsible dog owners in Cupertino to
recreate with their dogs off-leash n_des~nated areas at all the Cupertino public
llorne parks. Proposed__Of1-Leash hours will differ from park topark based on_park usage
patterns and sports. seasons.
~t~lk' ISStlf:'.+
Cit't lTll%I:x1T'Cd
1'etitioxl .Form
Fenced Pax•ks
1.>og Ownership
Contact us: info~cupertinodogs.com
Powered l~Registercom
Web page contributors: Betsy Dougherty, Mike
Hsu, Jeff Hu, Seema Lindskog, Carol and Bryan
Miller, Claudette Miller, Eric Wilson
The second intent of this petition is to reduce the current fine for off-leash
infractions from $981 (misdemeanor) to a warning first and then $150 (infraction.)
Proposed rules for off-leash play areas:
-Off-leash use is confined to the off-leash area only.
- Dogs must respond positively to voice commands.
- Dogs must display current license tags.
-Aggressive dogs must be leashed and removed at once.
- No more than three dogs per guardian; must have a leash for each dog.
-Carry at least 3 w~~ste bags at all times and pick up after your dogs.
-Remain in the Off _eash Area with your dogs at all times.
- No sick dogs nor female dogs in heat.
- Remove choke or pinch collars while off leash.
We request that children in the area be supervised and not scream or run.
// ~ l
Name (Please PrintY . J
Address; ~v~ ~ / r/ / ` l ~~ `
(Cupertino Residents Only)
Page 1 of 1
http://www.cupertinodogs.com/id9.htm1 4/7/2009
WHAT: Please sign this important petition and join in the support
WHERE: At the Cupertino City Council Meeting, City Hall
WHEN: April 7"', 2009 at 6:45PM
Petition for Off-leash Play ~lreas/Times For Dogs
The intent of this petition is to allow resp~~nsible dog owners in Cupertino to
recreate with their dogs off-leash in designated areas at all the Cupertino public
parks. Proposed Off-Leash hours will difi`er from park to park based on park
usage patterns and sports seasons.
The second intent of this petition is to reciuce the current fine for off-leash
infractions from $981 (misdemeanor} to ~~ warning first and then $150 (infraction.)
Proposed rules for off-leash play areas:
- Off-leash use is confined to the off-leash area only.
- Dogs must respond positively to voice commands.
- Dogs must display curren# license tags.
- Aggressive dogs must be leashed and ,removed at once.
- No more than three dogs per guardian; must have a leash for each dog.
- Carry at least 3 waste bags at all times and pick up after your dogs.
- Remain in the Off Leash Area with your dogs at all times.
- No sick dogs nor female dogs in heat.
- Remove choke or pinch collars while off leash.
We request that children in the area be supervised and not scxeam or run.
Name (Please Print)
Signature: /, , ~ G
~f ~ ~l~~l~~ /~ icy .~ r ~~
Address; ~C)l~~ ~~~~~~, f~~tL (>~'~u~.~ L'C'~~~~~'~i,~ (~/~ `~~SZ~~}~
(Cupertino Residents Only)
Page 1 of 1
ti«ti~~~.cupertinadags. cote
Petition Please get 10 people to sign our petition and/or bring
10 people to the April 7th City Council Meeting.
Petition for Off-leash Play Areas/Times For Dogs
The intent of this petition is to allow responsible dog owners in Cupertino to
recreate with their do~,3s off-leash in desgnated areas at all the Cupertino public
IlcHne parks. Proposed. Off-Leash hours will differ fro__m_park to mark based on park usage
~ttems and sports s,asons__,
The Issues The second intent of :his petition is to reduce the current fine for off-leash
infractions from $981 (misdemeanor) to a warning first and then $150 (infraction.)
Coca Invol~~eci Proposed rules for of`-leash play areas:
-Off-leash use is confined to the off-leash area only.
'1'inteline -Dogs must respond positively to voice commands.
- Dogs must display current license tags.
Portland -Aggressive dogs must be leashed and removed at once.
- No more than three dogs per guardian; must have a leash for each dog.
-Carry at least 3 waste bags at all times and pick up after your dogs.
I;AQ -Remain in the Off Leash Area with your dogs at all times.
- No sick dogs nor female dogs in heat.
- Remove choke or pinch collars while off leash.
Petition .F°rm We request that children in the area be supervised and not scream or run.
Tented Parks `s i ~-/ >
~ l.t ~7C~ +° G `'vii ~'
l~ l
~~ V~
Dag Ownet•shiP .
Name (Please Prin ~
CCtI?e7•L7lia n
~ .~ ~ ~~
~ ~~ •J" '"2
Municipal i ~, / / / (-
Address, (~.~ , ~ 1 ~ ~~!..`~ ~ [' .~ ~ ( ~ T ~ C.l i ~/" ~ . ,.~,~.i
(Cupertino Residents Only)
Contact us: info~cupertinodogs.com
Powered by Register.com
Web page contributors: Betsy Dougherty, Mike
Hsu, Jeff Hu, Seema Lindskog, Carol and Bryan
Miller, Claudette Miller, Eric Wilson
http://www.cupertinodogs.com/id9.htm1 4/7/2009
~ti1~~v.cttl~ertittod ogs.cont
Petition Please get 10 people to sign our petition and/or bring
10 people to the April 7th City Council Meeting.
Page 1 of 1
Petition for Off-leash Play Areas/Times For Dogs
The intent of this petition is to allow responsible dog owners in Cupertino to
recreate with their dogs off-leash in desionated areas at all the Cupertino public
home parks. PropOSed Off_-Leash hours wll_diffe_r_from park to park_b_a_sed on park usage
paHems and sports seasons,.
T7te issues The second intent o' this petition is to reduce the current fine for off-leash
infractions from $981 (misdemeanor) to a warning first and then $150 (infraction.)
Get In~ttlvecl Proposed rules for off-leash play areas:
-Off-leash use is confined to the off-leash area only.
Timeline -Dogs must respon~j positively to voice commands.
-Dogs must display current license tags.
-Aggressive dogs must be leashed and removed at once.
Portland - No more than three dogs per guardian; must have a leash for each dog.
-Carry at least 3 waste bags at all times and pick up after your dogs.
j;~Q -Remain in the Off Leash Area with your dogs at all times.
- No sick dogs nor female dogs in heat.
- Remove choke or ninth collars while off leash.
Petitietn Form' We request that children in the area be supervised and not scream or run.
Feneetl Y<ICI(S
p Name (Please Printl
) +,!
(.UpeI'titt0 I N
Signature: t+-~~""-~---'
1'r1<tnticiprtl .~ "~
(_'cxle ~
(Cupertino Residents Only)
Contact us: info~cupertinodogs.com
Powered bX Registeccom
Web page contributors: Betsy Dougherty, Mike
Hsu, Jeff Hu, Seema Lindskog, Carol and Bryan
Miller, Claudette Miller, Eric Wilson
http://www.cupertinodogs.com/id9.htm1 4/7/2009
~~ s*~~-.cuper~tinodogs.com
The Issues
Caet Involved
I'etidon I~trt•ni
Fenced Parks
I)og C)~vrrership
Contact us: info~cupertinodogs.com
Powered by Register.com
Web page contributors: Betsy Dougherty, Mike
Hsu, Jeff Hu, Seema Lindskog, Carol and Bryan
Miller. Claudette Miller. Eric Wilson
Please gist 10 people to sign our petition and/or bring
10 peoplE~ to the April 7th City Council Meeting.
Page 1 of 1
Petition 1`or Off-leash Play Areas/Times For Dogs
The intent of this petition is to allow responsible dog owners in Cupertino to
recreate with their clogs off-leash in de_s~nated_areas at all the Cupertino public
parks. Proposed_O}f-Leash hours will_differ from. park to_ park based on park usage
patterns and sports seasons.
The second intent of this petition is to reduce the current fine far off-leash
infractions from $9t~t (misdemeanor) to a warning first and then $150 (infraction.)
Proposed rules for ~~ff-leash play areas:
-Off-leash use is amfined to the off-leash area only.
- Dogs must respor d positively to voice commands.
-Dogs must displa~~ current license tags.
-Aggressive dogs rnust be leashed and removed at once.
- No more than three dogs per guardian; must have a leash for each dog.
-Carry at least 3 w:~ste bags at all times and pick up after your dogs.
-Remain in the Off Leash Area with your dogs at all times.
- No sick dogs nor female dogs in heat.
-Remove choke or pinch collars while off leash.
We request that children in the area be supervised and not scream or run
http://www.cupertinodogs.com/id9.htm1 4/7/2009
(Cupertino Residents Only)
14'T V •1'. C ltj) E'1`t111.0 d t) ~fi . CO 111
T'etitic:~ll Please get 10 people to sign our petition and/or bring
10 people l:o the April 7th City Council Meeting.
Petition far Off-leash Play Areas/Times For Dogs
The intent of this petition is to allow responsible dog owners in Cupertino to
recreate with their dogs off-leash in designated areas at all the Cupertino public
1lome parks. Progosed__Off-Leash ho_urs_will differ from nark to park base_d_o_n~ark_usa~c e
patterns an~orts_s.asgns.
'T71e Issues The second intent of ':his petition is to reduce the current fine for off-leash
infractions from $981 (misdemeanor) to a warning first and then $150 (infraction.)
Get InvolL~ecT Proposed rules for of`-leash play areas:
-Off-leash use is confined to the off-leash area only.
`T'imeline -Dogs must respond positively to voice commands.
-Dogs must display current license tags.
-Aggressive dogs must be leashed and removed at once.
Partlaltd - No more than three dogs per guardian; must have a leash for each dog.
-Carry at least 3 waste bags at all times and pick up after your dogs.
FAQ -Remain in the Off Leash Area with your dogs at all times.
- No sick dogs nor female dogs in heat.
- Remove choke or pinch collars while off leash.
Petition Dorm We request that children in the area be supervised and not scream or run.
Page 1 of 1
Feneecl Parks _~~~ r ' ) ~
T)og Ownership Name le se Prmt / I[XI AUI "I /'~ L
Cuper~io ~ ~~'~
Signature: -
I<1,11111CIpili j f ~~ /I //~
Address; //7`(_J V U~V
(Cupertino Residents Only)
Contact us: info~rcupertinodogs.com
Powered by Register.com
Web page contributors: Betsy Dougherty, Mike
Hsu, Jeff Hu, Seema Lindskog, Carol and Bryan
Miller, Claudette Miller, Eric Wilson
http://www.cupertinodogs.com/id9.htm1 4/7/2009
WHAT: Please sign this important petition and pin in the support
WHERE: At the Cupertino City Council Meeting, City Hall
WHEN: Apri! T~', 2009 at 6:45PM
Petition for Off-leash Play Areas/Times For Dogs
The intent of this petition is to allow responsible dog owners in Cupertino to
recreate with their dogs off-leash in desi mated areas at all the Cupertino public
parks. Proposed Off-Leash hours will differ from park to park based on park
usage patterns and sports seasons.
The second intent of this petition is to recluce the current fine for off-leash
infractions from $981 (misdemeanor) to ~i warning first and then $150 (infraction.)
Proposed rules for off-leash play areas:
- Off-leash use is confined to the off-leash area only.
- Dogs must respond positively to voice commands.
- Dogs must display current license tags.
- Aggressive dogs must be leashed and removed at once.
- No more than three dogs per guardian; must have a leash for each dog.
- Carry at least 3 waste bags at all times and pick up after your dogs.
- Remain in the Off Leash Area with your dogs at all times.
- No sick dogs nor female dogs in heat.
- Remove choke or pinch collars while ofi~ leash.
We request that children in the area be supervised and not scream or run.
~~Ue~ ~~ ~~c„~n~) ~~Lt~n~
Name (Please Print)
,~` ; ~'~~
~ ; J~
(Cupertino Residents Only)
WHAT: Please sign this important petition and join in the support
WHERE: At the Cupertino City Coun~ci/ Meeting, City Ha/l
WHEN: April 7"', 2009 at 6:45PM
Petition for Off-leash Play ~-reas/Times For Dogs
The intent of this petition is to allow responsible dog owners in Cupertino to
recreate with their dogs off-leash in designated areas at all the Cupertino public
parks. Proposed Off-Leash hours will difi`er from park to park based on park
usage patterns and sports seasons.
The second intent of this petition is to reduce the current fine for off-leash
infractions from $981 (misdemeanor) to ~~ warning first and then $150 (infraction.}
Proposed rules for off-leash play areas:
- Off-leash use is confined to the off-leash area only.
- Dogs must respond positively to voice commands.
- Dogs must display current license tags.
- Aggressive dogs must be leashed and removed at once.
- No more than three dogs per guardian; must have a leash for each dog.
- Carry at least 3 waste bags at all times and pick up after your dogs.
- Remain in the Off Leash Area with your dogs at all times.
- No sick dogs nor female dogs in heat.
- Remove choke or pinch Dollars white ofF leash.
We request that children in the area be supervised and not scream or run
4 ~. - ~ ~- l
Name (Please Print)
Signature: ~~~Z~~.
Address; 2 (`l ~ ~ S A~t~ ~ ~ (~ cl ~~~CQ ~ C-u~~er~,i /t ~ C ~_
(Cupertino Residents Only)
WHAT: Please sign this important petition and join in the support
WHERE: At the Cupertino City Courn~il Meeting, City Hall
WHEN: April 7"', 2009 at 6:45PM
Petition for Off-leash Play Areas/Times For Dogs
The intent of this petition is to allow responsible dog owners in Cupertino to
recreate with their dogs off~eash in desicanated areas at all the Cupertino public
parks. Proposed Off-Leash hours will diflFer from park to park based on park
usage patterns and sports seasons.
The second intent of this petition is to recjuce the current fine for off-leash
infractions from $981 (misdemeanor) to :3 warning first and then $150 (infraction.)
Proposed rules for off-leash play areas:
- Off-leash use is confined to the off-leash area only.
- Dogs must respond positively to voice commands.
- Dogs must display current license tags.
- Aggressive dogs must be leashed and removed at once.
- No more than three dogs per guardian; must have a leash for each dog.
- Carry at least 3 waste bags at all times and pick up after your dogs.
- Remain in the Off Leash Area with your dogs at all times.
- No sick dogs nor female dogs in heat.
- Remove choke or pinch collars while off leash.
We request that children in the area be supervised and not scream or run.
Name (Please Print)
Signature: , ~ .. _ (~
(J ~,
Address; z S ~ ;~ ~ ~ ; c~., , ~~ ~ ~~ ~ ~_ ~, . :..~ t~ i'~ ', .
(Cupertino Residents Only)
WHAT: Please sign this important E~etition and join in the support
WHERE: At the Cupertino City Council Meeting, City Hall
WHEN: Apri- 7"', 2009 at 6:45PM
Petition for OfF--leash Play Areas/Times For Dogs
The intent of this petition is to allow resp~~nsible dog owners in Cupertino to
recreate with their dogs off-leash in designated areas at all the Cupertino public
parks. Proposed Off-Leash hours will difiFer from park to park based on park
usage patterns and sports seasons.
The second intent of this petition is to ret~uce the current fine for off-leash
infractions from $981 (misdemeanor) to ;~ warning first and then $150 (infraction.)
Proposed rules for off-leash play areas:
- Off-leash use is confined to the off-lea:~h area only.
- Dogs must respond positively to voice ~~mmands.
- Dogs must display current license tags.
- Aggressive dogs must be leashed and removed at once.
- No more than three dogs per guardian; must have a leash for each dog.
- Carry at least 3 waste bags at all times and pick up after your dogs.
- Remain in the Off Leash Area with your dogs at all times.
- No sick dogs nor female dogs in heat.
- Remove choke or pinch collars while off leash.
We request that children in the area be :>upervised and not scream or run.
Name (Please Print)
Address; ~ ~ ~~`1 l ~=~-~'ti~` l~ ~- ~~
(Cupertino Residents Only)
WHAT: Please sign this important petition and,pin in the support
WHERE: At the Cupertino City Council Meeting, City Hall
WHEN: April 7"', 2009 at 6:45PM
Petition for Off-leash Play l~-reas/Times For Dogs
The intent of this petition is to allow responsible dog owners in Cupertino to
recreate with their dogs off-leash in designated areas at all the Cupertino public
parks. Proposed Off-Leash hours will differ from park to park based on park
usage patterns and sports seasons.
The second intent of this petition is to reduce the current fine for off-leash
infractions from $981 (misdemeanor) to ~r roaming first and then $150 (infraction.)
Proposed rules for off-leash play areas:
- Off-leash use is confined to the off-leaslh area only.
- Dogs must respond positively to voice commands.
- Dogs must display current license tags.
- Aggressive dogs must be leashed and removed at once.
- No more than three dogs per guardian; must have a leash for each dog.
- Carry at least 3 waste bags at all times and pick up after your dogs.
- Remain in the Off Leash Area with your dogs a# all times.
- No sick dogs nor female dogs in heat.
- Remove choke or pinch collars while ofl~ leash.
We request that children in the area be s~~pervised and not scream or run.
S~~ ~ ~t ~' ~v~ ~~ ~!
Name (Please Print)
Address: )~'Z~ ~ ~
(Cupertino Residents Only)
WHAT: Please sign this important petition and pin in the support
WHERE: At the Cupertino City Courn:il Meeting, City Hall
WHEN: April 7~', 2009 at 6:45PM
Petition for Off-leash Play l~lreas/Times For Dogs
The intent of this petition is to allow resp~~nsible dog owners in Cupertino to
recreate with their dogs off-leash in designated areas at all the Cupertino public
parks. Proposed Off-Leash hours will difi~er from park to park based on park
usage patterns and sports seasons.
The second intent of this petition is to recjuce the current fine for off-leash
infractions from $981 (misdemeanor) to ~3 warning first and then $150 (infraction.)
Proposed rules for off-leash play areas:
- Off-leash use is confined to the off-leash area only.
- Dogs must respond positively to voice commands.
- Dogs must display current license tags.
- Aggressive dogs must be leashed and removed at once.
- No more than three dogs per guardian; must have a leash for each dog.
- Carry at least 3 waste bags at all times and pick up after your dogs.
- Remain in the Off Leash Area with your dogs at all times.
- No sick dogs nor female dogs in heat.
- Remove choke or pinch collars while off leash.
We request that children in the area be supervised and not scream or run.
~I'ttkRc.~ s ~~ ~'JL- xT~''~
Name (Please Print)
Address; /~ a 86 L-~N ~,Q /r.s; s{ r~R • ~vP~ ~; ~N~ ~ q~~ o~,~
(Cupertino Residents Only)
WHAT: Please sign this important petition and join in the support
WHERE: At the Cupertino City Council Meeting, City Hall
WHEN: April 7"', 2009 at 6:45PM
Petition for Off-leash Play Areas/Times For Dogs
The intent of this petition is to allow respt~nsible dog owners in Cupertino to
recreate with their dogs off-leash in designated areas at all the Cupertino public
parks. Proposed Off-Leash hours will differ from park to park based on park
usage patterns and sports seasons.
The second intent of this petition is to reduce the current fine for off-leash
infractions from $981 (misdemeanor) to ~~ warning first and then $150 (infraction.)
Proposed rules for off-leash play areas:
- Off-leash use is confined to the off-leash area only.
- Dogs must respond positively to voice commands.
- Dogs must display current license tags.
-Aggressive dogs must be leashed and removed at once.
- No more than three dogs per guardian; must have a leash for each dog.
- Carry at least 3 waste bags at all times and pick up after your dogs.
- Remain in the Off Leash Area with your dogs at all times.
- No sick dogs nor female dogs in heat.
- Remove choke or pinch collars while off leash.
We request that children in the area be supervised and not scream or run.
Name (Please Print)
Signature: ~ ~_--~~"
~u yl,L
(Cupertino Residents Only) ~ ~ (~ ~~'(~
WHAT: P/ease sign this important ,petition and pin in the support
WHERE: At the Cupertino City Council Meeting, City Hall
WHEN: April 7"', 2009 at 6:45PM
Petition for Off-leash Play /areas/Times For Dogs
The intent of this petition is to allow responsible dog owners in Cupertino to
recreate with their dogs off-leash in desi~anated areas at all the Cupertino public
parks. Proposed Off-Leash hours will differ from park to park based on park
usage patterns and sports seasons.
The second intent of this petition is to retjuce the current fine for off-leash
infractions from $981 (misdemeanor) to ;~ warning first and then $150 (infraction.)
Proposed rules for off-leash play areas:
- Off-leash use is confined to the off-leastrr area only.
- Dogs must respond positively to voice commands.
- Dogs must display current license tags.
- Aggressive dogs must be leashed and removed at once.
- No more than three dogs per guardian; must have a leash for each dog.
- Carry at least 3 waste bags at all times and pick up after your dogs.
- Remain in the Off Leash Area with your dogs at all times.
- No sick dogs nor female dogs in heat.
- Remove choke or pinch collars while off leash.
We request that children in the area be supervised and not scream or run.
l U t3 3 ~G~n~ ~ ~ ~~ c~ ~i- 1~. ~~~~1~nQ
(Cupertino Residents Only) ~~
WHAT: Please sign this imporfant,petition and~oin in the support
WHERE: At the Cupertino City Council Meeting, City Hall
WHEN: Apri/ 7"', 2009 at 6:45PM
Petition for Off-leash Play /areas/Times For Dogs
The intent of this petition is to allow responsible dog owners in Cupertino to
recreate with their dogs off-leash in desi~~nated areas at all the Cupertino public
parks. Proposed Off-Leash hours will difFer from park to park based on park
usage patterns and sports seasons.
The second intent of this petition is to ret~uce the current fine for off-leash
infractions from $981 (misdemeanor) to ;~ waning first and then $150 (infraction.)
Proposed rules for off-leash play areas:
- Off-leash use is confined to the off-leash area only.
- Dogs must respond positively to voice commands.
- Dogs must display ccxrent license tags.
- Aggressive dogs must be leashed and removed at once.
- No more than three dogs per guardian; must have a leash for each dog.
- Carry at least 3 waste bags at all times and pick up after your dogs.
- Remain in the Off Leash Area with your dogs at all times.
- No sick dogs nor female dogs in heat.
- Remove choke or pinch collars while off leash.
We request that children in the area be supervised and not scxeam or run
Name (Please Print)
Signature: U ~'~'`'y~' 1
Address; `~~ ~ N ~ U ~{ G ~. p,~ ~ C.c~c-~°~ ~ NO ~- ~ 1 t~ .
(Cupertino Residents Only)
WHAT: Please sign this important ,petition and join in the support
WHERE: At the Cupertino City Council Meeting, City Hall
WHEN: April 7"', 2009 at 6:45PM
Petition for Off-leash Play l~reas/Times For Dogs
The intent of this petition is to allow responsible dog owners in Cupertino to
recreate with their dogs off-leash in designated areas at all the Cupertino public
parks. Proposed Off-Leash hours will differ from park to park based on park
usage patterns and sports seasons.
The second intent of this petition is to reduce the current fine for off-leash
infractions from $981 (misdemeanor} to a warning first and then $150 (infraction.)
Proposed rules for off-leash play areas:
- Off-leash use is confined to the off-lea:-h area only.
- Dogs must respond positively to voice ~~mmands.
- Dogs must display curren# license tags.
- Aggressive dogs must be leashed and removed at once.
- No more than three dogs per guardian; must have a leash for each dog.
- Carry at least 3 waste bags at all times and pick up after your dogs.
- Remain in the Off Leash Area with your dogs at all times.
- No sick dogs nor female dogs in heat.
- Remove choke or pinch collars while oif leash.
We request that children in the area be ~cupervised and not scream or run.
~s ~ s~7Y~
Name (Please Print)
~~--6 ~~(,.~
(Cupertino Residents Only)
E{~1-v ~~1 ~ ~ 1~~
c' tt~7~nJ0 ~ C}} ~~ ~ yL
WHAT: Please sigrn this important petition and join in the support
WHERE: At the Cupertino City Council Meeting, City Hall
WHEN: April 7"', 2009 at 6:45PM
Petition for Off-leash Play Areas/Times For Dogs
The intent of this petition is to allow responsible dog owners in Cupertino to
recreate with their dogs off-leash in desiginated areas at all the Cupertino public
parks. Proposed Off-Leash hours will differ from park to park based on park
usage patterns and sports seasons.
The second intent of this petition is to redluce the current fine for off-leash
infractions from $981 (misdemeanor} to ~~ warning first and then $150 (infraction.)
Proposed rules for off-leash play areas:
- Off-leash use is confined to the off-leash area only.
- Dogs must respond positively to voice commands.
- Dogs must display current license tags.
- Aggressive dogs must be leashed and removed at once.
- No more than three dogs per guardian; must have a leash for each dog.
- Carry at least 3 waste bags at all times ;end pick up after your dogs.
- Remain in the Off Leash Area with your dogs at all times.
- No sick dogs nor female dogs in heat.
- Remove choke or pinch collars while of1~ leash.
We request that children in the area be supervised and not scream or run.
Name (Please Fri
Signature: ~~,~~ ~ " C.'/~t~~ ~r~'
/ ~
Address; ~ ~ ~D~~ ~ f~ ~~ ~r~-, ~~ (~ti~.r~~~~~~ C~~ l~ ~C
(Cupertino Residents Only)
WHAT: Please sign this important p~etiGon and loin in the support
WHERE: At the Cupertino City Council Meeting, City Hall
WHEN: Apri17"', 2009 at 6:45PM
Petition for Off-leash Play Areas/Times For Dogs
The intent of this petition is to allow respc,nsible dog owners in Cupertino to
recreate with their dogs off-leash in desi Hated areas at all the Cupertino public
parks. Proposed Off-Leash hours will differ from park to park based on park
usage patterns and sports seasons.
The second intent of this petition is to reduce the current fine for off-leash
infractions from $981 (misdemeanor) to 2i warning first and then $150 (infraction.)
Proposed rules for ofF leash play areas:
- Off-leash use is confined to the off-leash area only.
- Dogs must respond positively to voice commands.
- Dogs must display current license tags.
- Aggressive dogs must be leashed and removed at once.
- No more than three dogs per guardian; must have a leash for each dog.
- Carry at least 3 waste bags at all times ;end pick up after your dogs.
- Remain in the Off Leash Area with your dogs at all times.
- No sick dogs nor female dogs in heat.
- Remove choke or pinch collars while oft' leash.
We request that children in the area be supervised and not scxeam or run.
-~~ ~C-'z ~ ~--~ (,~ r- /-E' ~ ~'
Name (Please Print)
Address; ~~.~ ~% C: ~ ~'%'-c 1y .^ c ~:=
(Cupertino Residents Only)
WHAT: Please sign this important petition and loin in the support
WHERE: At the Cupertino City Council Meeting, City Hall
WHEN: April 7d', 2009 at 6:45PM
Petition for Off-leash Play Areas/Times For Dogs
The intent of this petition is to allow respc-nsible dog owners in Cupertino to
recreate with their dogs off-leash in designated areas at all the Cupertino public
parks. Proposed Off-Leash hours will differ from park to park based on park
usage patterns and sports seasons.
The second intent of this petition is to reduce the current fine for off-leash
infractions from $981 (misdemeanor} to a warning first and then $150 (infraction.)
Proposed rules for off-leash play areas:
- Off-leash use is confined to the off-leash area only.
- Dogs must respond positively to voice commands.
- Dogs must display current license tags.
-Aggressive dogs must be leashed and removed at once.
- No more than three dogs per guardian; imust have a leash for each dog.
- Carry at least 3 waste bags at all times rind pick up after your dogs.
- Remain in the Off Leash Area with your dogs at all times.
- No sick dogs nor female dogs in heat.
- Remove choke or pinch collars while off leash.
We request that children in the area be supervised and not scream or run.
~'~.,,~ 1.1,ti,
Name (Please Print)
Address; -~a.t4- !mot _ C`.~,t P1 C~.~.pc?~~;,, cal ~~Z>(
(Cupertino Residents Only)
WHAT: Please sign this important petition and join in the support
WHERE: At the Cupertino City Council Meeting, City Hall
WHEN: April 7"', 2009 at 6:45PM
Petition for Off-leash Play ~~-reas/Times For Dogs
The intent of this petition is to allow responsible dog owners in Cupertino to
recreate with their dogs off-leash in designated areas at all the Cupertino public
parks. Proposed Off-Leash hours will differ from Dark to park based on park
usage patterns and sports seasons
The second intent of this petition is to re~~uce the current fine for off-leash
infractions from $981 (misdemeanor) to ~a warning first and then $150 (infraction.)
Proposed Hales for off-leash play areas:
- Off-leash use is confined to the off-leash area only.
- Dogs must respond positively to voice ~~mmands.
- Dogs must display current license tags.
- Aggressive dogs must be leashed and removed at once.
- No more than three dogs per guardian; must have a leash for each dog.
- Carry at least 3 waste bags at all times and pick up after your dogs.
- Remain in the Off Leash Area with your dogs at all times.
- No sick dogs nor female dogs in heat.
- Remove choke or pinch collars while off leash.
We request that children in the area be supervised and not scream or run.
~~ ~ r~C~ r
Name (Please Print)
~V ~' y' ~"Y1 d Yl
G '
IE, `P
~1 h G~
/ ~_, ~.
6~1., ~ ~ ~-~ ~,--~--i ~~ ~ t~C>~~
(Cupertino Residents Only)
.J u
C~ 5 C c~ ~~ ~1 ~~ v- 1. ~ ~'1 c1 ~ c:~l S i ~ M
WHAT: Please sign this important petition and,pin in the support
WHERE: At the Cupertino City Council Meeting, City Hall
WHEN: April 7"', 2009 at 6:45PM
Petition for Off-leash Play Areas/Times For Dogs
The intent of this petition is to allow responsible dog owners in Cupertino to
recreate with their dogs off-leash in desi Hated areas at all the Cupertino public
parks. Proposed Off-Leash hours wilt diffE~r from park to park based on park
usage patterns and sports seasons.
The second intent of this petition is to reduce the current fine for off-leash
infractions from $981 (misdemeanor) to a warning first and then $150 (infraction.)
Proposed Hales for off-leash play areas:
- Off-leash use is confined to the off-leash area only.
- Dogs must respond positively to voice oommands.
- Dogs must display current license tags.
- Aggressive dogs must be leashed and removed at once.
- No more than three dogs per guardian; must have a leash for each dog.
- Carry at least 3 waste bags at all times ~~nd pick up after your dogs.
- Remain in the Off Leash Area with your dogs at all times.
- No sick dogs nor female dogs in heat.
- Remove choke or pinch collars while off leash.
We request that children in the area be supervised and not scream or run.
Name (Please Print)
Signature: ^~~-~-~ ~,~ `, . -/l
Address: ~ ~ ~ 4..~ ~ ; ,~ ijy t_ ~~Lu ~_
(Cupertino Residents Only)
WHAT: Please sign this important petition and~oin in the support
WHERE: At the Cupertino City Council Meeting, City Hall
WHEN: April 7"', 2tI~9 at 6:45PM
Petition for Off-leash Play ~~reas/Times For Dogs
The intent of this petition is to allow responsible dog owners in Cupertino to
recreate with their dogs off-leash in desi~anated areas at all the Cupertino public
parks. Proposed Off-Leash hours will difiFer from park topark based on park
usage patterns and sports seasons.
The second intent of this petition is to reduce the current fine for off-leash
infractions from $981 (misdemeanor) to <~ warning first and then $150 (infraction.)
Proposed rules for off-leash play areas:
- Off-leash use is confined to the off-leash area only.
- Dogs must respond positively to voice commands.
- Dogs must display cement license tags.
-Aggressive dogs must be leashed and removed at once.
- No more than three dogs per guardian; must have a leash for each dog.
- Cany at least 3 waste bags at all times and pick up after your dogs.
- Remain in the Off Leash Area with your dogs at all times.
- No sick dogs nor female dogs in heat.
- Remove choke or pinch collars while ofif leash.
We request that children in the area be supervised and not scream or run
Name (Please Print)
Address; / 7~ Z ~,; ~, ~~ ~ ~.i ,.~. (2 ~o ,~E~.r .~ f i' U L~ ~S G~'~/
(Cupertino Residents Only)
WHAT: P/ease sign this important petition and join in the support
WHERE: At the Cupertino City Coun~~i/ Meeting, City Hall
WHEN: Apri/ 7"', 2009 at 6:45PM
Petition for Off-leash Play ~lreas/Times For Dogs
The intent of this petition is to allow responsible dog owners in Cupertino to
recreate with their dogs off-leash in designated areas at all the Cupertino public
parks. Proposed Off-Leash hours will difl`er from park to park based on park
usage patterns and sports seasons.
The second intent of this petition is to reduce the current fine for off-leash
infractions from $981 (misdemeanor) to ~~ warning first and then $150 (infraction.)
Proposed rules for off-leash play areas:
- Off-leash use is confined to the off-leash area only.
- Dogs must respond positively to voice Dommands.
- Dogs must display cimen# license tags.
-Aggressive dogs must be leashed and removed at once.
- No more than three dogs per guardian; must have a leash for each dog.
- Carry at least 3 waste bags at all times and pick up after your dogs.
- Remain in the Off Leash Area with your dogs at all times.
- No sick dogs nor female dogs in heat.
- Remove choke or pinch Dollars while ofF leash.
We request that children in the area be supervised and not scream or run
Name (Please Print)
Address; ~/3 D 2 % ~22i~ - ~~ ~' LG~ ~/?,
(Cupertino Residents Only)
WHAT: Please sign this important Fietrtion and join in the support
WHERE: At the Cupertino City Council Meeting, City Hall
WHEN: April 7"', 2009 at 6:45PM
Petition for Off-leash Play A-reas/Times For Dogs
The intent of this petition is to allow responsible dog owners in Cupertino to
recreate with their dogs off-leash in desicinated areas at all the Cupertino public
parks. Proposed Off-Leash hours will differ from park to park based on park
usage patterns and sports seasons.
The second intent of this petition is to recluse the current fine for off-leash
infractions from $981 (misdemeanor) to ~i warning first and then $150 (infraction.)
Proposed rules for off-leash play areas:
- Off-leash use is confined to the off-leash area only.
- Dogs must respond positively to voice commands.
- Dogs must display current license tags.
-Aggressive dogs must be leashed and removed at once.
- No more than three dogs per guardian; must have a leash for each dog.
- Carry at least 3 waste bags at all times ;and pick up after your dogs.
- Remain in the Off Leash Area with your dogs at all times.
- No sick dogs nor female dogs in heat.
- Remove choke or pinch collars while ofi~ leash.
We request that children in the area be supervised and not scream or run
.i /
Address; / / ~ D ~ - ~ ~ ~ i/v. ~ ~ ~1~~ ~! ) Y-
(Cupertino Residents Only)
WHAT: Please sign this important,petition and pin in the support
WHERE: At the Cupertino City Council Meeting, City Hall
WHEN: April 7"', 2009 at 6:45PM
Petition for Off-leash Play /areas/Times For Dogs
The intent of this petition is to allow responsible dog owners in Cupertino to
recreate with their dogs off-leash in desi~~nated areas at all the Cupertino public
parks. Proposed Off-Leash hours will differ from nark to park based on park
usage patterns and sports seasons.
The second intent of this petition is to re,~uce the current fine for off-leash
infractions from $981 (misdemeanor) to :~ warning first and then $150 (infraction.)
Proposed rules for off-leash play areas:
- Off-leash use is confined to the off-leash area only.
- Dogs must respond positively to voice oommands.
- Dogs must display current license tags.
-Aggressive dogs must be leashed and removed at once.
- No more than three dogs per guardian; must have a leash for each dog.
- Carry at least 3 waste bags at all times and pick up after your dogs.
- Remain in the Off Leash Area with your dogs at all times.
- No sick dogs nor female dogs in heat.
- Remove choke or pinch collars while off leash.
We request that children in the area be supervised and not scream or run.
16'1C~G~. ~jCd ~~ /^lC'~SO~'I
Name (Please Print)
Address; ~l ~%~~ L /~'JC%~C LU ~ )~ ~ ~~~-r ~ ~ Yt U
(Cupertino Residents Only)
WHAT: Please sign this important,petition and join in the support
WHERE: At the Cupertino City Council Meeting, City HaII
WHEN: April 7"', 2009 at 6:45PM
Petition for Off-leash Play l~reas/Times For Dogs
The intent of this petition is to allow responsible dog owners in Cupertino to
recreate with their dogs off-leash in desi~~nated areas at all the Cupertino public
parks. Proposed Off-Leash hours will differ from park to hark based on park
usage patterns and sports seasons.
The second intent of this petition is to re~~uce the current fine for off-leash
infractions from $981 (misdemeanor) to .a warning first and then $150 (infraction.)
Proposed rules for off-leash play areas:
- Off-leash use is confined to the off-lea:~h area only.
- Dogs must respond positively to voice ~~mmands.
- Dogs must display current license tags.
-Aggressive dogs must be leashed and removed at once.
- No more than three dogs per guardian; must have a leash for each dog.
- Carry at least 3 waste bags at all times and pick up after your dogs.
- Remain in the Off Leash Area with your dogs at all times.
- No sick dogs nor female dogs in heat.
- Remove choke or pinch collars while off leash.
We request that children in the area be supervised and not scream or run.
~.tJ L Lam( ~ ~S ~ - ~ -c:..~~ v ~ ~ ( S ~~, ~
Name (Please Print
t~~ ~~~~~
(Cupertino Residents Only)
Page 1 of 1
Z1'i1'1Y. Cll~)C I'tIIlO d Otf,6. COIN
Petition Please gat 10 people to sign our petition and/or bring
10 peoples to the April 7th City Council Meeting.
Petition 1For Off-leash Play Areas/Times For Dogs
The intent of this partition is to allow responsible dog owners in Cupertino to
recreate with their clogs off-leash in_des~nated areas at all the Cupertino public
home parks. Proposed OIf-Leash. hours will_differ from park_to_park based on gark_usa~c e
patterns and sports seasons.
'I71e Issues The second intent of this petition is to reduce the current fine for off-leash
infractions from $9£s1 (misdemeanor) to a warning first and then $150 (infraction.)
(let Involved Proposed rules for off-leash play areas:
-Off-leash use is umfined to the off-leash area only.
rI•inteline -Dogs must respond positively to voice commands.
- Dogs must displa~~ current license tags.
Portland -Aggressive dogs rnust be leashed and removed at once.
- No more than thra:e dogs per guardian; must have a leash for each dog.
-Carry at least 3 waste bags at all times and pick up after your dogs.
I'A(1 -Remain in the Off Leash Area with your dogs at all times.
- No sick dogs nor female dogs in heat.
Petition Fc)rm - Remove choke or pinch collars while off leash.
We request that children in the area be supervised and not scream or run.
Teiiced Parks -~y ' / ' ,~y}
I)og t:)wncrstiiP ~i v ~~ ~ ys~/'J
Name (Please Print) ~ ~~~( ,y,.r"
Cupei•ti)lo ~2/Y " ll --t9 irV
Mitnicipat ~j j~\~ f/
Address; J S~P2~''/ C ~j fP ~/rt. bj E' '~l"s~jFL ~7'1J ~
(Cupertino Residents Only)
Contact us: fnfo~cupertinodogs.com
Powered by Reaister.com
Web page contributors: Betsy Dougherty, Mike
Hsu, Jeff Hu, Seema Lindskog, Carol and Bryan
Miller, Claudette Miller, Eric Wilson
http://www.cupertinodogs.com/id9.htm1 4/7/2009
~s-~~~-.cttpe2•ti.t~ odogs.coto
Petition Please get 10 people to sign our petition and/or bring
10 people to the April 7th City Council Meeting.
Petition for Off-leash Play Areas/Times For Dogs
The intent of this petition is to allow responsible dog owners in Cupertino to
recreate with their dogs off-leash in desianated_areas at all the Cupertino public
Ilorne parks. Prooosed.Off-Leash_ hours will differ from park to dark based on _park usage
patterns and sport:> seasons.
The Issues
Get Invoh•ed
Petition. Farm
Fenced Parks
17og Ownership
C;upc rtino
The second intent of this petition is to reduce the current fine for off-leash
infractions from $981 (misdemeanor) to a warning first and then $150 (infraction.)
Proposed rules for off-leash play areas:
-Off-leash use is confined to the off-leash area only.
- Dogs must respond positively to voice commands.
- Dogs must display current license tags.
-Aggressive dogs must be leashed and removed at once.
- No more than thn:e dogs per guardian; must have a leash for each dog.
- Carry at least 3 waste bags at all times and pick up after your dogs.
-Remain in the Off Leash Area with your dogs at atl times.
- No sick dogs nor female dogs in heat.
- Remove choke or pinch collars while off leash.
We request that children in the area be supervised and not scream or run
+J >~" ~"~ ~ l j ~ ~ ~;i ~ i.(' ~, s rJ t S=OS
Name (Please Print)
._.,~, .
Signature: tl!f.l.~-t.~~~...-.. ~/,- _ __.,:.., ..... ,„
Address; ~~0 ~ ~Pr1s(1/i I,CiC- {~1CrI ~
(Cupertino Residents Only)
Contact us: info~cupertinodogs.com
Powered b~Register.com
Web page contributors: Betsy Dougherty, Mike
Hsu, Jeff Hu, Seema Lindskog, Carol and Bryan
Miller, Claudette Miller, Eric Wilson
Page 1 of 1
http://www.cupertinodogs.com/id9.htm1 4/7/2009
K~~~n•.etrpcrtin c~dc~gs. cr~rn
1'ettioi~ Please get 10 people to sign our petition andlor bring
10 peoplE~ to the April 7th City Council Meeting.
Petition 1For Off-leash Play Areas/Times For Dogs
Home The intent of this petition is to allow responsible dog owners in Cupertino to
recreate with their dogs off-leash in designated areas at all the Cupertino public
The Issues parks. Proposed Off-Leash hours will differ from Dark to nark based on park usage
patterns and sports seasons.
Get Involved The second intent o1` this petition is to reduce the current fine for off-leash
infractions from $981 (misdemeanor) to a warning first and then $150 (infraction.)
Proposed rules for off-leash play areas:
Portland -Off-leash use is confined to the off-leash area only.
- Dogs must resporxj positively to voice commands.
FAQ - Dogs must display current license tags.
-Aggressive dogs must be leashed and removed at once.
- No more than three: dogs per guardian; must have a leash for each dog.
Petition Form -Carry at least 3 w:-ste bags at all times and pick up after your dogs.
- Remain in the Off 1_eash Area with your dogs at all times.
Fenced Parks - No sick dogs nor fE;male dogs in heat.
- Remove choke or Finch collars while off leash.
Dog Ownership We request that chi6jren in the area be supervised and not scream or run.
Cupertino Municipal R k ~~-- ~ ~ ~°~
Code Name lease Print) ~/ ~
_.._ ._ __
Signature` - ~ - ~ ~~~""
o,~,-~e~~. fi~ '4 ~ . ,,~~1 ~1-F I ~ ~~Pr . ,.- til IA ~ i - ~o~~hn
Contact us: infoaGDcupertinodogs.com
Powered by Register.com
Web page contributors: Betsy Dougherty, Mike
Hsu, Jeff Hu, Seems Lindskog, Carol and Bryan
Miller, Claudette Miller, Eric Wilson
(Cupertino Residents Only)
~,~ ~~~
N'~i'W. CupC t't7nOClt)~3. CO rix
Petitionx Please gist 10 people to sign our petition and/or bring
10 peopl:: to the April 7th City Council Meeting.
Petition 1For Off-leash Play Areas/Times For Dogs
The intent of this petition is to allow responsible dog owners in Cupertino to
recreate with their clogs off-leash in designated areas at all the Cupertino public
I3oxxxe parks. Proposed Olf-Leash hours will differ from park to park based on mark usaoe
patterns and spOftS seasons.
`.I'txe Issxxes The second intent of this petition is to reduce the current fine for off-leash
infractions from $gttl (misdemeanor) to a warning first and then $150 (infraction.)
Get Involved
Petition I?ox•rrx
Fexxeeti Parks
Dog ih*.•xxership
Proposed rules for off-leash play areas:
-Off-leash use is Gmfined to the off-leash area only.
- Dogs must respond positively to voice commands.
- Dogs must displa~~ current license tags.
-Aggressive dogs must be leashed and removed at once.
- No more than three dogs per guardian; must have a leash for each dog.
-Carry at least 3 w~xste bags at all times and pick up after your dogs.
-Remain in the Off Leash Area with your dogs at all times.
- No sick dogs nor female dogs in heat.
- Remove choke or pinch collars while off leash.
We request that children in the area be supervised and not scream or run.
__, i
_ ) ~
ijC~l r_Y~+~r'G-'~ ~a ~ ~~
Name (Please Prinl) ~
/~ ~ ,~/~ yJ/1~.j
Signature:~"~L~Cr~~~~C- rl/ ~T"~"~`~~
~/ I
Address ~ ~ D ( ` (-Z- ~~'~ f ,~~ ~~ ,
(Cupertino Residents Only)
Contact us: info~cupertinodogs.com
Powered by Register.com
Web page contributors: Betsy Dougherty, Mike
Hsu, Jeff Hu, Seema Lindskog, Carol and Bryan
Miller, Claudette Miller, Eric Wilson
Page 1 of 1
http://cupertinodogs.com/id9.htm1 4/6/2009
Petition Page 1 of 1
i~~~z~- . c u~~ c.rti n o d o gs . c t> m
Petition Please g?t 10 people to sign our petition and/or bring
10 people: to the April 7th City Council Meeting.
Petition 1For Off-leash Play Areas/Times For Dogs
The intent of this petition is to allow responsible dog owners in Cupertino to
recreate with their clogs off-leash in designated. areas at all the Cupertino public
Horne parks. PfOposed Olf-Leash. hours will differ from mark to_par_k_ based_ on~ark_usag_e
patterns and sports seasons.
~I7re Issues The second intent of this petition is to reduce the current fine for off-leash
infractions from $9£11 (misdemeanor) to a warning first and then-$~5C(infraction.)
Get Involved Proposed rules for off-leash play areas SY~ ~ cL !`l~c%
- Off-leash use is umfined to the off-leash area only.
'I`inleline -Dogs must respord positively to voice commands.
- Dogs must displa~~ current license tags.
rt3atld -Aggressive dogs rnust be leashed and removed at once.
. - No more than three dogs per guardian; must have a leash for each dog.
-Carry at least 3 waste bags at all times and pick up after your dogs.
I~~1,~ -Remain in the Off Leash Area with your dogs at all times.
- No sick dogs nor female dogs in heat.
1?etition. Fcfrtn - Remove choke or pinch collars while off leash.
We request that children in the area be supervised and not scream or run.
Fenced Parks YY~~~
OrJ l'--"~'
I)og Owuet•s}rip
Cupertino Name (Please ri )
Signature: ~.-
Municipal -
~ ~~~ ~ ~~~~ ~
(Cupertino residents Only)
Contact us: info~cupertinodogs.com
Powered Resister com
Web page contdbutors: Betsy Dougherty, Mike
Hsu, Jeff Hu, Seems Lindskog, Carol and Bryan
Miller, Claudette Miller, Eric Wilson
http://www.cupertinodogs.com/id9.html 4/7/2009
~~~~~v. cupex~tinod ogs. cti'xn
"Tlae issues
Get InvaT~°c:d
Petition Dorm
Fextced Parks
Dog Ownership
Contact us: Info~IDcupertinodogs.com
Powered by Register com
Web page contributors: Betsy Dougherty, Mike
Hsu, Jeff Hu, Seema Lindskog, Carol and Bryan
Miller, Claudette Miller, Eric Wilson
Please clet 10 people to sign our petition and/or bring
10 peop a to the April 7th City Council Meeting.
Petition for Off-leash Play Areas/Times For Dogs
The intent of this petition is to allow responsible dog owners in Cupertino to
recreate with their dogs off-leash in designated areas at all the Cupertino public
parks. Promised Cff_-Leash hours will differ from_Par_k topark based on park usage
patterns and Sports seasons.
The second intent of this petition is to reduce the current fine for off-leash
infractions from $981 (misdemeanor) to a warning first and then $150 (infraction.)
Proposed rules for off-leash play areas:
-Off-leash use is confined to the off-leash area only.
- Dogs must respo ~d positively to voice commands.
- Dogs must display current license tags.
-Aggressive dogs must be leashed and removed at once.
- No more than three dogs per guardian; must have a leash for each dog.
- Carry at least 3 waste bags at all times and pick up after your dogs.
- Remain in the OH Leash Area with your dogs at all times.
- No sick dogs nor female dogs in heat.
- Remove choke or pinch collars while off leash.
We request that children in the area be supervised and not scream or run.
Name (Please Print~l ,
Address- t ~ - I C~ ~ ~ ~ ~~ j `~
(Cupertino Residents Only)
Page 1 of 1
http://www.cupertinodogs.com/id9.htm1 4/7/2009
Petition Page 1 of 1
ti~~~~>. ru~~erti.i~ ociogs.cotn
Petition Please get 10 people to sign our petition and/or bring
10 people to the April 7th City Council Meeting.
Petition iFor Off-leash Play Areas/Times For Dogs
The intent of this partition is to allow responsible dog owners in Cupertino to
recreate with their dogs off-leash in.designat_ed _areas at all the Cupertino public
Home parks. Proposed O1fi-Leash hours will differ from park to park based o_n ~ar_k usa~a;
patterns and_ s~_orts seasons.
'I7ie issues The second intent of this petition is to reduce the current fine for off-leash
infractions from $9t)1 (misdemeanor) to a warning first and then $150 (infraction.)
Get Incolve<i Proposed rules for off-leash play areas:
-Off-leash use is Gmfined to the off-leash area only.
Timeline -Dogs must respond positively to voice commands.
- Dogs must displa~r current license tags.
l -Aggressive dogs must be leashed and removed at once.
( - No more than threee dogs per guardian; must have a leash for each dog.
-Carry at least 3 waste bags at all times and pick up after your dogs.
IAQ -Remain in the Off Leash Area with your dogs at all times.
- No sick dogs nor emale dogs in heat.
- Remove choke or pinch collars while off leash.
Petition Form
We request that children in the area be supervised and not scream or run.
Tencecl Pttrks
Dog Ow~rership ~ ~ ~ O ~ ~ ~~~-~ ~- ~ ~ ~ ~"/
Name (Please Print)
Cupertino ~ '//t - A
Signature: ~ (. ~ ~-U'7~ .t pa11
Municily`il I _ /~ //~~ /?
Address; (~7 ~ 2l 1 ~~~J l~~u .
(Cupertino Residents Only)
Contact us: info~cupertinodogs.com
Powered bv_Register.com
Web page contributors: Betsy Dougherty, Mike
Hsu, Jeff Hu, Seema Lindskog, Carol and Bryan
Miller, Claudette Miller, Eric Willson
http://www.cupertinodogs.com/id9.html 4/7/2009
1~~~~v. rupct~tin odogs.com
I'etiticin Please get 10 people to sign our petition and/or bring
10 peopla to the April 7th City Council Meeting.
Petition 'For Off-leash Play Areas/Times For Dogs
The intent of this petition is to allow responsible dog owners in Cupertino to
recreate with their clogs off-leash in designated areas at all the Cupertino public
I Ir)me parks. Proposed 01f-Leash hou_ rs will differ from~ark to aark_ based on_pa_rk_ usage
patterns and Sports. seasons.
'I'lze Issues The second intent of this petition is to reduce the current fine for off-leash
infractions from $9ts1 (misdemeanor) to a warning first and then $150 (infraction.)
Get Invo}ve<} Proposed rules for off-leash play areas:
-Off-leash use is confined to the off-leash area only.
'I'ime}itte -Dogs must respor d positively to voice commands.
- Dogs must displa~~ current license tags.
I ortlvi
tl -Aggressive dogs roust be leashed and removed at once.
. - No more than three dogs per guardian; must have a leash for each dog.
-Carry at least 3 waste bags at all times and pick up after your dogs.
F'A(,1 -Remain in the Off Leash Area with your dogs at all times.
- No sick dogs nor female dogs in heat.
I'etitiott..I~ ortn - Remove choke or pinch collars while off leash.
We request that children in the area be supervised and not scream or run.
rencc:c} Parks
Dog Ow-ttership Name (PIeG Pint) ' ~~
Signature: ~ ~~"
&lunicipal ` ~~l /j
Address; ~J J ~ /(' (75~~/ jJ ~~/
(Cupertino Residents Only)
Contact us: info~cupertinodogs.com
Powered by Register.cam
Web page contributors: Betsy Dougherty, Mike
Hsu, Jeff Hu, Seema Lindskog, Carol and Bryan
Miller, Claudette Miller, Eric Wilson
Page 1 of 1
http://www.cupertinodogs.com/id9.html 4/7/2009
tti~w~a-.cttpertin odo~a. cote
Petition Please get 10 people to sign our petition and/or bring
10 people to the April 7th City Council Meeting.
Petition Tor Off-leash Play Areas/Times For Dogs
The intent of this petition is to allow responsible dog owners in Cupertino to
recreate with their cogs off-leash in designated areas at all the Cupertino public
Home parks. Proposed OfF-Leash hours will differ frompark_to_park_based__on park usage
patterns and sportss_easons,
~I7te ISStIeS The second intent cf this petition is to reduce the current fine for off-leash
infractions from $981 (misdemeanor) to a warning first and then $150 (infraction.)
Get Incotved Proposed rules for off-leash play areas:
-Off-leash use is confined to the off-leash area only.
'Timeline -Dogs must respond positively to voice commands.
- Dogs must display current license tags.
Porttand -Aggressive dogs must be leashed and removed at once.
- No more than three dogs per guardian; must have a leash for each dog.
-Carry at least 3 ws ste bags at all times and pick up after your dogs.
F~\(1 -Remain in the Off Leash Area with your dogs at all times.
- No sick dogs nor f~:male dogs in heat.
!'etition l~ornt - Remove choke or pinch collars while off leash.
We request that children in the area be supervised and not scream or run.
Fenced P;irks
~~~ ~ / ~~
1)Ot~T OY1'Ilet'SltlP ' ""
Name (Please Print;
Cupertino ~~
Signature: //~~
L ~/
Address;~> c~j ~jl/LG~ ~~
(Cupertino F:esidents Only)
Contact us: infot~cupertinodogs.com
Powered by Register.com
Web page contributors: Betsy Dougherty, Mike
Hsu, Jeff Hu, Seema Lindskog, Carol and Bryan
Miller, Claudette Miller, Eric Wilson
Page 1 of 1
http://www.cupertinodogs.com/id9.htm1 4/7/2009
Petition Page 1 of 1
~1~1~1'. Citpet`t1t10(1 O~*S. CL).ttl
Petition Please get 10 people to sign our petition and/or bring
10 people to the April 7th City Council Meeting.
Petition for Off-leash Play Areas/Times For Dogs
The intent of this petition is to allow responsible dog owners in Cupertino to
recreate with their dogs off-leash in designated areas at all the Cupertino public
I3 yme parks. Proposed Off_-Leash hours will differ from~ark to_park_based_on mark usage
a~tte_ms and Sport;; seasons.
~I71e I55UCS The second intent of this petition is to reduce the current fine for off-leash
infractions from $931 (misdemeanor) to a warning first and then $150 (infraction.)
Ge't Involved Proposed rules for off-leash play areas:
- Off-leash use is confined to the off-leash area only.
'I`inteline -Dogs must respond positively to voice commands.
- Dogs must displa,r current license tags.
Portland -Aggressive dogs rust be leashed and removed at once.
- No more than three dogs per guardian; must have a leash for each dog.
-Carry at least 3 waste bags at all times and pick up after your dogs.
I'~Q -Remain in the Off Leash Area with your dogs at all times.
- No sick dogs nor female dogs in heat.
Petition. Form -Remove choke or pinch collars while off leash.
We request that children in the area be supervised and not scream or run.
Fenced Parks
S •+
a- ~
/ '^
( ea
5~ .. "- J-I
Cupertino _.
~ ~ ~'
Munit7lrtl _ 'lam _
Address;, ~ ~ //U ~ ~ I)Cb
(Cupertino Residents Only) ~ ^J ~/ `~' ~~
Contact us: info~cupeRinodogs.com
Powered by Register com
Web page contributors: Betsy Dougherty, Mike
Hsu, Jeff Hu, Seema Lindskog, Carol and Bryan
Miller, Claudette Miller, Eric Wilson
http://www.cupertinodogs.com/id9.htm1 4/7/2009
Petition Page 1 of 1
i~1~~~-.cuperli.n od ogs. cons
I'etitir:~n Please get 10 people to sign our petition and/or bring
10 people to the April 7th City Council Meeting.
Petition for Off-leash Play Areas/Times For Dogs
The intent of this petition is to allow responsible dog owners in Cupertino to
recreate with their dogs off-leash in designated areas at all the Cupertino public
TIC)Ine parks. Proposed Off-Leash hours will differ from. park to.Qark_based on_ park_usaae
pettems and snorts seasons.
'I7te Issues The second intent of this petition is to reduce the current fine for off-leash
infractions from $98' (misdemeanor) to a warning first and then $150 (infraction.)
Ciet Invoh'ec} Proposed rules for o~fi-leash play areas:
- Off-leash use is confined to the off-leash area only.
`Timeline -Dogs must responc positively to voice commands.
- Dogs must display current license tags.
Pol•t}and -Aggressive dogs must be leashed and removed at once.
- No more than three dogs per guardian; must have a leash for each dog.
-Carry at least 3 waste bags at all times and pick up after your dogs.
FAQ -Remain in the Off Leash Area with your dogs at all times.
- No sick dogs nor female dogs in heat.
T'etitiOn .Form - Remove choke or F inch collars while off leash.
We request that children in the area be supervised and not scream or run.
FeY1CLC} P.11'}CS
'~~ 1 F-- 11- ~ h'"~ CCU i ~'~T
1)og Ow'nel•tihip Name (Please Print)
Municipal _ ~-..__ ._ _._.
Address; 7~.~7 ~ (/1
(Cupertino Residents Only)
Contact us: info~cupertinodogs.com
Powered b~Register.com
Web page contributors: Betsy Dougherty, Mike
Hsu, Jeff Hu, Seema Lindskog, Carol and Bryan
Miller, Claudette Miller, Eric Wilson
http://www.cupertinodogs.com/id9.htm1 4/7/2009
Page 1 of 1
ti4~~ti~>.cttlzez~tin od ogs. cozn
Petitir>n Please get 10 people to sign our petition and/or bring
10 people to the April 7th City Council Meeting.
Petition for Off-leash Play Areas/Times For Dogs
The intent of this petition is to allow responsible dog owners in Cupertino to
recreate with their dogs off-leash in designated areas at all the Cupertino public
Home parks. Pr~osed Off_--Leash hours. will differ from park topafk _based on park usa~ce
ap ttems and sorts seasons,
'I7te issues The second intent of this petition is to reduce the current fine for off-leash
infractions from $961 (misdemeanor) to a warning first and then $150 (infraction.)
Get Invoh~eti Proposed rules for off-leash play areas:
-Off-leash use is confined to the off-leash area only.
Timelitle -Dogs must respond positively to voice commands.
- Dogs must display current license tags.
Portlattd -Aggressive dogs must be leashed and removed at once.
- No more than thn;e dogs per guardian; must have a leash for each dog.
-Carry at least 3 waste bags at all times and pick up after your dogs.
FAQ -Remain in the Off Leash Area with your dogs at all times.
- No sick dogs nor female dogs in heat.
Petition I?ttrtn -Remove choke or pinch collars while off leash.
We request that children in the area be supervised and not scream or run.
I'ettced Fatks • ~ ~
I)Ctg {)WYIL'YSltip f ~~ ` ~ ~ ,
Name (Please Print)
Cupertino C '"
Municipal i
Address;~4r ~/
(Cupertino Residents Only)
Contact us: info~cupertinodogs.com
Powered by Registeccom
Web page contributors: Betsy Dougherty, Mike
Hsu, Jeff Hu, Seema Lindskog, Carol and Bryan
Miller. Claudette Miller. Eric Wilson
http://www.cupertinodogs.com/id9.html 4/7/2009
~,,~~zv.cttpertinadogs. corn
I'etitit.~tt Please get 10 people to sign our petition and/or bring
10 people to the April 7th City Council Meeting.
Petition for Off-leash Play Areas/Times For Dogs
The intent of this p~:tition is to allow responsible dog owners in Cupertino to
recreate with their dogs off-leash in designated areas at all the Cupertino public
home parks. PrODOSed Off-Leash hours will__differfrom oark_to~ark based on aark_usage
patterns and wort;, seasons.
'The Issues The second intent of this petition is to reduce the current fine for off-leash
infractions from $931 (misdemeanor) to a warning first and then $150 (infraction.)
Get Incoh~ed Proposed rules for off-leash play areas:
-Off-leash use is confined to the off-leash area only.
'Timeline -Dogs must respond positively to voice commands.
- Dogs must displa~~ current license tags.
Portiand -Aggressive dogs must be leashed and removed at once.
- No more than three dogs per guardian; must have a leash for each dog.
- Carry at least 3 waste bags at all times and pick up after your dogs.
FAQ -Remain in the Off Leash Area with your dogs at all times.
- No sick dogs nor `emale dogs in heat.
I'etitiott Dorm -Remove choke or pinch collars while off leash.
We request that children in the area be supervised and not scream or run.
Fenced Parks y~ (~ ~ ~~ ~ ,,
~~' ~ ~
Doi; owncrl; iP
Cupertino ----
Name (Pease Print)
Mwiicipal /~ti~- ~^•- ~ /~77 ~~~
f~~-Q ~S11
(Cupertino Residents Only)
Contact us: info~cupertinodogs.com
Powered by Regisleccom
Web page contributors: Betsy Dougherty, Mike
Hsu, Jeff Hu, Seema Lindskog, Carol and Bryan
Miller, Claudette Miller, Eric Wilson
Page 1 of 1
http://www.cupertinodogs.com/id9.htm1 4/7/2009
tiz~~-.cxx~xextin odogs.coxn
Petition Please get 10 people to sign our petition and/or bring
10 people to the April 7th City Council Meeting.
Petition 'for Off-leash Play Areas/Times For Dogs
The intent of this p~:tition is to allow responsible dog owners in Cupertino to
recreate with their dogs off-leash in designated areas at all the Cupertino public
Brune parks. PrOgOSed_Off_Leash hours will differ fr_om_park to park based onpark usagg
patterns and wort;, seasons.
'.I7ac Issues
(Get Involved
Petition Dorm
I'enCC(1 Yrlrl(.S
1)og (3wnership
The second intent ~~f this petition is to reduce the current fine for off-leash
infractions from $931 (misdemeanor) to a warning first and then $150 (infraction.)
Proposed rules for off-leash play areas:
-Off-leash use is confined to the off-leash area only.
- Dogs must respond positively to voice commands.
- Dogs must displa ~ current license tags.
-Aggressive dogs must be leashed and removed at once.
- No more than thrfre dogs per guardian; must have a leash for each dog.
- Carry at least 3 waste bags at all times and pick up after your dogs.
- Remain in the Off Leash Area with your dogs at all times.
- No sick dogs nor female dogs in heat.
- Remove choke or pinch collars while off leash.
We request that children in the area be supervised and not scream or run.
I' ~.~. C-~ra,
Name Please Print)~~ //J /y~~~
Signature: 'tiL/t f.l~'lil/t~
Address; ) Prat ~ P,~'I,C.C; Cf-.
(Cupertino Residents Only)
Contact us: info~cupertinodogs.com
Powered by Reoister.com
Web page contributors: Betsy Dougherty, Mike
Hsu, Jeff Hu, Seema Lindskog, Carol and Bryan
Miller, Claudette Miller, Eric Wilson
Page 1 of 1
http://www.cupertinodogs.com/id9.htm1 4/7/2009
wN~~-. cui;,ertino dogs. com
Petition Please get 10 people to sign our petition and/or bring
10 peop a to the April 7th City Council Meeting.
Petition for Off-leash Play Areas/Times For Dogs
The intent of this petition is to allow responsible dog owners in Cupertino to
recreate with their dogs off-leash in deli ng ated areas at all the Cupertino public
tiotne parks. Proposed C_ff-Leash hours_will differfrom_park to_p_ark_based_onpark use
~attems and sport seasons.
Tl~e Issues
Get Irtcotved
Petition Dorm
Fenced Parks
t)og C)wnet•sl~ip
The second intent of this petition is to reduce the current fine for off-leash
infractions from $981 (misdemeanor) to a warning first and then $150 (infraction.)
Proposed rules for off-leash play areas:
-Off-leash use is confined to the off-leash area only.
- Dogs must respo ~d positively to voice commands.
- Dogs must display current license tags.
-Aggressive dogs must be leashed and removed at once.
- No more than thn:e dogs per guardian; must have a leash for each dog.
- Carry at least 3 waste bags at all times and pick up after your dogs.
- Remain in the Ofl Leash Area with your dogs at all times.
- No sick dogs nor female dogs in heat.
-Remove choke or pinch collars while off leash.
We request that children in the area be supervised and not scream or run
(Please Print)
~" l~
Signature: ~~~~ (_ ~~~-'~~ ~ ~~' ~-
Address; ~ ~ ~ a v Ca g l.t j~i1 ~l. ~w. A 1~~
(Cupertino Residents Only)
Contact us: info~cupertinodogs.com
Powered ~ Register com
Web page contributors: Betsy Dougherty, Mike
Hsu, Jeff Hu, Seema Lindskog, Carol and Bryan
Miller. Claudette Miller. Eric Wilson
Page 1 of 1
http://www.cupertinodogs.com/id9.html 4/7/2009
z«~tiv.ettpc.rtinodogs. co.ttt
i'etitio>!t Please clef 10 people to sign our petition and/or bring
10 people to the April 7th City Council Meeting.
Petition for Off-leash Play Areas/Times For Dogs
The intent of this F etition is to allow responsible dog owners in Cupertino to
recreate with their dogs off-leash in designated„areas at all the Cupertino public
Home parks. Proposed C!ff_-Leash hours will differ_fro~ark topark_based on~ark usage
patterns and worts seasons.
'I'lte issues The second intent of this petition is to reduce the current fine for off-leash
infractions from $981 (misdemeanor) to a warning first and then $150 (infraction.)
Get Incalvetl Proposed rules for off-leash play areas:
-Off-leash use is confined to the off-leash area only.
'i'inletine -Dogs must respond positively to voice commands.
- Dogs must display current license tags.
i ortlattd -Aggressive dogs must be leashed and removed at once.
- No more than three dogs per guardian; must have a leash for each dog.
- Carry at least 3 Haste bags at all times and pick up after your dogs.
Tr~Q -Remain in the Ofr Leash Area with your dogs at all times.
- No sick dogs nor female dogs in heat.
i'etitiou norm - Remove choke or mch collars while off Leash.
We request that cYildren in the area be supervised and not scream or run.
rertced Parks
Dog ihti~ttcrsltip ~ ~,~
Name (Please Pri t)
--- ~'~
Address; ~ J ~ ~ ~ l 1
(Cupertino Residents Only)
Contact us: info~cupertinodogs.com
Powered by Register com
Web page contributors: Betsy Dougherty, Mike
Hsu, Jeff Hu, Seema Lindskog, Carol and Bryan
Miller, Claudette Miller, Edc Wilson
Page 1 of 1
http://www.cupertinodogs.com/id9.htm1 4/7/2009
Petition Page 1 of 1
~vwtiv. cttpcrt~tn od og5. ctnn
Petition Please get 10 people to sign our petition and/or bring
10 people to the April 7th City Council Meeting.
Petition for Off-leash Play Areas/Times For Dogs
The intent of this K etition is to allow responsible dog owners in Cupertino to
recreate with their dogs off-leash in desistnated areas at all the Cupertino public
Rome parks. PfODOSed Off-Leash hours_will diffe_r_from park to park based on_park usage
pattems_and sports seasons,
'Ctr:e Issttes The second intent of this petition is to reduce the current fine for off-leash
infractions from $981 (misdemeanor) to a warning first and then $150 (infraction.)
C;et Invah~ec} Proposed rules for off-leash play areas:
- Off-leash use is confined to the off-leash area only.
"I"in3eline -Dogs must respond positively to voice commands.
- Dogs must display current license tags.
d -Aggressive dogs must be leashed and removed at once.
. - No more than three dogs per guardian; must have a leash for each dog.
-Carry at least 3 Haste bags at all times and pick up after your dogs.
I~11Q -Remain in the OfF Leash Area with your dogs at all times.
- No sick dogs nor female dogs in heat.
I'etitiott Fot•nt - Remove choke or pinch collars while off leash.
We request that children in the area be supervised and not scream or run.
Fenced Parks ~ p . t
Dag Ownership Name (Plea Pn
Cupertino ~ C~~~ f f [ (~, ~~'~"~,~.
Signature: Y-
Municipal +- ) f~ /~~y ~ u
~~ ~ i ~! ~~ ~~"`4~f S'~~
('ode ~+ .j
(Cupertino Residents Only) ,- ,,~,.? , G ~
Contact us: info~cupertinodogs.com
Powered by Register com
Web page contributors: Betsy Dougherty, Mike
Hsu, Jeff Hu, Seema Lindskog, Carol and Bryan
Miller, Claudette Miller, Eric Wilson
http://www.cupertinodogs.com/id9.htm1 4/7/2009
~11YLY. Clij)CI'11.11.0 (1 OgS. COILI
T'etiticrii Please get 10 people to sign our petition and/or bring
10 people to the April 7th City Council Meeting.
Petition for Off-leash Play Areas/Times For Dogs
The intent of this petition is to allow responsible dog owners in Cupertino to
recreate with their ]ogs off-leash in desionated_areas at all the Cupertino public
TjOine parks. PrODOSed Off_-Leash hours will differ from Qark to park based_on park-usage
pa$ems and aport:~ seasons.
'I71e Issues The second intent of this petition is to reduce the current fine for off-leash
infractions from $931 (misdemeanor) to a warning first and then $150 (infraction.)
Get Incol~"etl Proposed rules for off-leash play areas:
- Off-leash use is confined to the off-leash area only.
`T'imeline -Dogs must respond positively to voice commands.
- Dogs must displa y current license tags.
Portland -Aggressive dogs rust be leashed and removed at once.
. - No more than thrr~e dogs per guardian; must have a leash for each dog.
-Carry at least 3 waste bags at all times and pick up after your dogs.
I'A(~ -Remain in the Off Leash Area with your dogs at all times.
- No sick dogs nor female dogs in heat.
Petiti.011 I~Orm - Remove choke or pinch collars while off leash.
We request that children in the area be supervised and not scream or run.
Page 1 of 1
rented Parks _ ~ ~ ~
1)c>g Ownership ~ ~-~~ ~ ~"! ~z~~~
Name ( lease Print)
C;rtpeiKino j
Signature: J+
MLLniciTriT ~ /^f~{~
Address; ~
(Cupertino Residents Only)
Contact us: info~cupertinodogs.com
Powered by Register.com
Web page contributors: Betsy Dougherty, Mike
Hsu, Jeff Hu, Seema Lindskog, Carol and Bryan
Miller. Claudette Miller. Eric Wilson
http://www.cupertinodogs.com/id9.html 4/7/2009
~~~~~v.cttpertin odo~s.coxn
Petition Please tiet 10 people to sign our petition and/or bring
10 people to the April 7th City Council Meeting.
Petition for Off-leash Play Areas/Times For Dogs
The intent of this r~etition is to allow responsible dog owners in Cupertino to
recreate with their dogs off-leash in desgnated areas at all the Cupertino public
I3t)Ipe parks. Pr~os_ed C>_ff--Leash hours will differ from~ark to_park based on
patterns and sports_seasons
~I'11e ISStteS The second intent of this petition is to reduce the current fine for off-leash
infractions from $£81 (misdemeanor) to a warning first and then $150 (infraction.)
Get Invoh~ed Proposed rules for off-leash play areas:
-Off-leash use is confined to the off-leash area only.
"Timeline -Dogs must respond positively to voice commands.
- Dogs must display current license tags.
1'ot•tlartd -Aggressive dogs must be leashed and removed at once.
- No more than three dogs per guardian; must have a leash for each dog.
-Carry at least 3 Haste bags at all times and pick up after your dogs.
I?AQ -Remain in the Oft Leash Area with your dogs at all times.
- No sick dogs nor female dogs in heat.
I'etitiar>; :Norm - Remove choke o' pinch collars while off leash.
We request that cf~ildren in the area be supervised and not scream or run.
Tenced Parks ~ f r~ ~~ t l
1)og Ownership Name (Please Prir v1
(:upet•tino ( ~
Signature:L~// _
Mtuiiciprtl ~ /~ ~G r~ / Yy !„lC`~
Address; G (/~~ ll ~Arl
(Cupertino Residents Only)
Contact us: Info~IDcupertinodogs.com
Powered by Register.com
Web page contributors: Betsy Dougherty, Mike
Hsu, Jeff Hu, Seema Lindskog, Carol and Bryan
Miller, Claudette Miller, Eric Wilson
Page 1 of 1
http://www.cupertinodogs.com/id9.htm1 4/7/2009
Page 1 of 1
wH~w. c u p e rti n o d o g s. c o m
PetltlOri Please sign our petition and bdng it to the April 7th City Coundl Meeting.
Petition f'or Off-leash Play Areas/Times For Dogs
The intent of this petifion is to allow responsible dog owners in Cupertino to
recreate with their dogs ofl-leash at all the Cupertino public parks.
Home Proposed Off-Leash hours: one hour before sunset to three hours after sunrise.
01t-Leash in designated areas only.
The Issues
C~c t Ins oh~ed
Best Practice
About Dogs
Petition Form
Contact us: cupertinodogs~gmail.com
Powered by Register.com
The second intent of this petition is to reduce the current fine for ofF-leash
infractions from $981 (misdemeanor) to a warning first and then $150 (infraction.)
Proposed rules for off-leash play areas:
-Off-leash use is confined to the ofF-leash area only,
- Dogs must resporni positively to voice commands.
- Dogs must display current license tags.
-Aggressive dogs must be leashed and removed at once.
- No more than three dogs per guardian; must have a leash for each dog.
-Carry at least 3 waste bags at all times and pick up after your dogs.
- Remain in the Off Leash Area wRh your dogs at all times.
- No sick dogs nor female dogs in heat.
- Remove choke or I>inch collars while off leash.
We request that children in the area be supervised and not scream or run
Please inciude me in your email distribution for updates and call to
Email: l ll V V .S V1 ~ ~j V 1..~ v~~~~ I
http://www.cupertinodogs.com/id9.htm1 3/21 /2009
Page 1 of 1
Petition Please sign our petition and bring ft to the April 7th City Council Meeting.
Petition for Off-leash Play Areas/Times For Dogs
The intent of this petition is to allow responsible dog owners in Cupertino to
recreate with their d~~gs oif-leash at all the Cupertino public parks.
home Proposed OH-Leash hours: one hour before sunset to three hours after sunrise.
Off-Leash in designated areas only.
The Issues
(:et In~•oh~ed
Kest Practice
OI .As
About Dogs
Petition Form
Contact us: cupertinodogs~gmail.com
Powered by Register.com
The second intent rn` this pettion is to reduce the current fine for off-leash
infractions from $981 (misdemeanor) to a warning first and then $150 (infraction.)
Proposed rules for cff--leash play areas:
-Off-leash use is confined to the oif-leash area only.
- Dogs must respond positively to voice commands.
- Dogs must display current license tags.
- Aggressive dogs rrwst be leashed and removed at once.
- No more than three: dogs per guardian; must have a leash for each dog.
-Carry at least 3 waste bags at all times and pick up after your dogs.
- Remain in the Off Leash Area with your dogs at all times.
- No sick dogs nor female dogs in heat.
-Remove choke or Finch collars while off leash.
We request that chi6iren in the area be supervised and not scream or run
NameName (P~ ase Print) ~ ~ ~
Signature: `
Address; V~ ~ ~ r ~ ~,
Please in~~ude me in your email distribution for updates and call to
Email: ~ L'l C t 6 ~ ~~% ~ W '(~~~ r ~ ~~
http://www.cupertinodogs.com/id9.htm1 3/21 /2009
Page 1 of 1
Petltlon Please sign our petition and bring it to the April 7th City Coundl Meeting.
Petition for Off-leash Play Areas/Times For Dogs
The intent of this petition is to allow responsible dog owners in Cupertino to
recreate with their dogs oil-leash at all the Cupertino public parks.
Home Proposed Oft-Leash hours: one hour before sunset to three hours after sunrise.
Off-Leash in designated areas only.
'I9te Issues
The second intent of this petition is to reduce the current fine for off-leash
infredions from $981 (misdemeanor) to a warning first and then $150 (infraction.)
Get In~~oh-ed
Proposed rules for off-leash play areas:
r;~ tints -Off-leash use is confined to the off-leash area only.
- Dogs must respond positively to voice commands.
r - Oogs must display current license tags.
a -Aggressive dogs must be leashed and removed at once.
- No more than three dogs per guardian; must have a leash for each dog.
Best Practice -Carry at least 3 waste bags at all times and pick up after your dogs.
- Remain in the Off Leash Area with your dogs at all times.
- No sick dogs nor fi:mate dogs in heat.
OLAs -Remove choke or pinch collars while off leash.
We request that children in the area be supervised and not scream or run.
About Dogs
Petition Forst JJ~-~ l IeL,C= U +J C-~~ 1 / ,(~f
Name (Please Printi
-. ,(~
Si nature: i~ _- r" - " ~.
c / _ -j
Address;~7 3 ~ : >,; i ~~ G JC ~ ~ l~ ~~
Contact us: cupertinodogs~gmail.com Cupertino ~;,5 (~ / ~'
Powered trv Register.com
Please indude me in your email distribution for updates and call to
Email: ~ L- r"f /7Li U ~,~ ~-~~ L 1 Yl/ ~"~~C`-~,
-~ _
http://www.cupertinodogs.com/id9.htm1 3/21 /2009
..u„~, uregon - Google Maps
~' `_ ~ ~`
~,5ro5 Couch Park
Off_Leash Area
NWgoyt a[ 20th
Summer: June 15 _ September 1
The area is snPm -midnight
duri °~u~~for ofj~egS.h use
Please refer ~speclal eventx
Posted event schedule
'all: September 2 - pef~31
Sam k Sam Sam -midnight
:30am -11:30am
SPm -midnight
'nter: November ~ .March 31
Sad 5am~ht
gam -11:30am
ro -midnight
tng, gprli ~ -June 74
Same as Fall
' ~L9 Es deJrned by boundary markers
tse refer to the mop on the site sign,
wtivw•portla ndpa rks.org
C' ~ ''t°„~~ L
h ttp:/lmaps, g~gle. com/maps?q=Portland%20grants%2ppark&..
To see all the tletails that are visible on the screen, u
to the map. ~' the "Print" link next
~.3=a ~a 5 n-.I~es
~ ~~,k w~
~''~s°`S~ aNCo~
~~ ~-7-0~
Ci21`~ f ~- ~~t~, f
2/2/09 9:57 PM
pdrtland grant park - Google Maps
-. 7.-,.
~gr(I ~ t.~
http://maps. google.com/maps?q=portland%20grants%20park&...
Address To see all the details that are visible on the screen, use the "Print" link next
to the map.
ti ~. rra ~~t~lA
'~" ~ *~ ~.
F'-~ ~ _ ~ s~~fn
'fir i ~ ; `• 1 I ~?
~, t~~r~~~r x
i~ I+a R.~
'~ ! ~~
rF. ~ R .a ~ . h ~ ..
Portland ®R Hotels - : " :'~: Sponsored Link
~G-Y k ~'~ ~rOSS- ~Qy- ~{ ~ ~ Ss.~
6/15105 Grant Park
Off-Leash Area t ~ 1
Northeast corner ,near Ho[lyrood School r '~ ~ ~'~ soccer ~ e~ `V
Summer: June 15 -August 15
Wee days Weekends
Sam -gam Sam -10am O ~ ~~~ t a 0~~
Tpm -midnight Tpm -midnight w
~ r
Fall: August 16 -November 15 a
Heavy soccer field use Use aUernate area
jar Fall season. (See site map for Location.) ~ d ~~`
Weekdavs Weekends ~ ~ S '~~3
Gam -Sam Saturday: Gam-10am
5pm -10pm 5pm-10pm
Sunday: Gam-10pm ,~ O ~~~~ ~~ ~~ ~ .
Winter: November 16 -March 15
Weekdavs Weekends
Sam - Sam Sam - midnight
4pm -midnight
Spring: March 16 -June 14
Weekdavs l~eekends
Sam • Sam Sam -midnight
Tpm -midnight
The OI.A is defined by boundary markers
Please refer to the map on the site sign.
503-823-DOGS ? vrww.portlandparlcs.org
1 of 1 2/2/09 9:10 PM
Fraser Pa'r`t:, r~ortland, Multnomah, Oregon 97213 - Google Maps
r Address
., fr C
.` } ..-~~
'~ .~ , =
Frazer Park
Off-Leash Area
On the west side ojthe park, ojjNE 52nd
June 15 -September 1
5a~gm Sam 5a~m~1
7pm-midnight 7pm-midnight
Fail, W+nter, and Spring
September 2 -June 14
5a~pL meek8am 5am~ t
The OLA is defined by boundary markerx
Please refer to the map on the site sign.
http: //maps. googl e. com/maps?q=port) and%20frazer%20park&...
To see all the details that are visible on the screen, use the'Print" link next
to the map.
i c`~ •
'' F_
~_ ~.
+~ § .
v Qa„K .S Y-ex~ t~ Stlnao~
Heed Sta-~ t''rnSYaw~ is ~a
3_~ ~,,, ~Ils.
~ h ex~ -E~ ko rn~~s
1 of 1 sneta5 2/2/09 8:58 PM
ne 75 and roselawn street, portland, Oregon - Google Maps
~, ~ ~. ~ ~'
Gant St
.. ,._.. _.. ~~s.,,
r"~ . `
;~ r'~,
r,~ ~ ~° '', .,
~, 1
P~ cu~~
_ ~
t ~ ., ~:
~.' r"
~_ ~
„~ J ~'
~r R
~ ~'S rex'~' „~ SG1noo~
'~ ~
Sacajawea Park
Off-Leash Area
NE 76th south ojNEA[bertu ~~~ ~ O ~ e
June 15 -September 1
Weekdavs Weekends
Sam-10am Sam-10am
6pm-midnight 7pm-midnight
f=all, Winter, and Spring
.September 2 -June 14
Weekdavs Weekends
Sam-midnight Sam-10am
This is a shared site
Please be respectful ojother pork users.
e ;`
r ~ ~
http://maps. google.com/maps?q=portland%20gran is%20park&...
1 of 1 2/2/09 9:35 PM
w ww. Po rtlan d Pa rks. o rg
containing additions from 2/3/04
Physical Programmatic Enforcement Education/Infor Impact Attitudes
Surfacing materials The hours should work for How effective is How effective is the Park condition, whether All park users have a more
diversity of people. enforcement program? education program. having off-leash area reduces positive attitude toward the
impact on other parts of park. program after giving it a
chance to work.
Are the areas big Are the rules enforceable? is enforcement program Are the rules Poop quotient Decrease in number of
enough. protecting natural areas. understood? Do they complaints.
make sense?
Adequate number of Volunteer groups in place to Decrease in Animal Increase in Is the program working for Feeling of safety for all park
areas in all parts of help manage sites (similar to Control infractions. compliance. other users of the park. What users, including children and
town; geographic Seattle) is the program's impact on families. Perception of
accessibili _ them? securit in non-off-leash areas.
Are the amenities Increase in the numbers of Decrease in amount of How effective are the Sites have good relationship Sense of fairness for all park
provided adequate? people using the off-leash poop. signs? with neighbors. users.
(including water, shade, areas.
seating, bulletin board,
Fenced areas -safe for There are rules re. age of IJo dog is off-leash Are there signs in Park maintenance staff feel City Council perceives the
dogs. Should other areas kids/parental supervision in outside the off-leash area. parks that do not have impacts to the park are within program to be working.
be fenced? off-leash areas. OLA's and OLH's acceptable range.
directing dog owners
to parks with dog
Sites should be easy to Do winter hours (full park Decrease in dog-wildlife Is the cost of the program
access, access) conflict with nesting conflicts in parks with reasonable? Is it sustainable?
season in parks with OLA's OLA's and OLH's
and OLH's
Site Selection: Are there Hours accessibility Reduction of off leash Some impacts are not
conflicts with other park infractions in parks that measurable quantitatively. Is
uses (ex: sports fields, do contain OLA's and there a negative impact on
la rounds, wildlife OLH's natural areas
Committee Observations - 3/2/04
Park OLA Reporting Day/Time Weather
_ #
children #dogs on/off Notes
cell Butte Tracy Sat/1:30 overcast 10/2 6/4 Couple with four dogs let off-leash in parking; lot. Dogs on
trails were on leash.
ich x Peter Sat/noon 3/0 Didn't see any poop
Mace x Peter weekdays/4:30 15-20 off leash Heavily used at this time of day. Most use scYiool property.
Unwillin to leash u when asked.
est Park Karl Sat/afternoon 11/3 Leif Erickson, Wildwood, Thurman loop
Est Park Karl thurs/afternoon 0/8 same loop
s Bottom Karen gray &
rain 0/2
.wood Karen same 3/2
erfront x Karen same 0/2
nt x Brian daily 80-90% off leash
during on-leash hours Runs daily. Tennis courts -people let dogs olf leash. Talked
to people; don't understand rules. There are no signs at the
entrances on the south end of Grant. Challenl;e is that the off-
leash area is close to two schools. There have been two
incidents of aggressive dog behavior with kids going to
Holl rood. Haven't seen much oo .
lamette x Lee Mon/evening 0/1 in natural area 80 kids playing soccer
oriel x Lee
` Most on leash until
reached OLA. Surprised to see so many on leash. Sand surface seems to be
workin well.
sdale x Lee _
_ Problem with eo le usin school ard. Si ns will hel .
is Mary 0/5 some poop
Benedict x Mary p
x Ma 0
ichwood x Mary 1/1
mandale x Mary 25-30 25-30 in OLA Some on playing field.
mandale x Mary 20 25-30 in OLA 1-2 on playing field.
Park OLA Reporting Day/Time Weather # people # Dogs on/off Notes
shire x Michael People are not leashing up after 9 am. Very few people in
ark other than do owners.
nt x Michael More people using the park weekdays and we-ekends. Change
in boundaries and hours will be shock to people Stewardship
program will be critical. Enforcement not as important as
volunteers onsite.
umbia Scott Almost always see someone with off-leash dog in the park.
Usually leash when leaving park. Occasionally see dog in
tennis court.
st Delta x Scott 8 Good scooping
Tabor x Nancy daily after 4pm Range of corrunents. People who abide by hours also seem to
abide b scoo .Need definition of " athwa ".
mandale x Nancy Same observations as Mary.
wood x Marychris Marychris & her dog only ones in park.
>riel x Ma chris Doesn't think eo le like the sand.
mandale x ma chris 20-25 do s
shire x Michael D. Same observation as Michael K. dogs are on the sportsfield
but not in la round.
relhurst x Shannon Monday/4:15 cloudy 7-10 during off- 5-10 during off-leash Most pick up poop; more dogs on weekends than weekdays.
leash hrs. hrs
relhurst Shannon __ 10-40 people; 7/1 1 on leash in tennis court (waiting for tennis player)
~ round 3-25 kids
mandale x Terri Same observations as above.
pier x Terri Last summer Frasier had 50 dogs/day, in and out of the
playground. Dogs still using playground and it is a problem
because of Head Start program in adjacent building. Sees
hei htened awareness of need to ick u oo ~.
ajawea x Terri People don't realize it is an off-leash park
est Park Janet Saturday 0/17 Leif Erickson. Observed increased off-leash activity near
shire x Rev. Bethel 1/1 in playground; 0/2
on s ortsfield
www.Pottland Parks.org
Considerate Canine Public Information & Outreach Plan
Key Messages May 1# -October 31~ (Summer Hours) November 1" -April 30" (Winter Hours)
Leash-Up/Scoop-Up Canine Good Behavior
Theme Kick-off Leash Up /Scoop Up Awareness Week Canine Good Behavior Awareness Week (Nov. 1 - 6`) to
(May 1 - 7th) to coincide with start of coincide with start of winter hours.
summer hours.
Media Issue news release announcing Leash- Issue news release announcing Canine Good Behavior
Up/Scoop-awareness week and start of Awareness Week and start of summer hours (Public
summer hours. Affairs) -November 6'"
Schedule media tours and interviews. Issue media advisory announcing presentation of Off-
Leash Program Recommendations to City Council
Announce Community Presentation dates (Public Affairs) - December 2004
and times as arranged (Public Affairs) -
May IS` Issue news release announcing outcome of presentation
to City Council (Public Affairs)
Issue media advisory announcing upcomin,;
OLAC Meetings (Public Affairs) -May 4`",
June IS`; post-meeting releases including
actions (Public Affairs) -May 5`", June 2"d ,
and OLAC recommendations (Public
Affairs -October 6`"
Community Presentations At least four Community Presentations will At least four Community Presentations will be given at
be given. (Operations) locations fit for a large number of people. (Operations)
Staff Communications Parks employee update announcing Parks employee update announcing upcoming
upcoming presentations and any news presentations and any news relating to the Off-Leash
relating to the Off-Leash Program in Program in PayDirt (Public Affairs) - znonthly
PayDirt (Public Affairs) -May 13'", June
10'", July 9'", Augzrst, September 14'"
October 14'"
Publications Theme Brochure explaining the importance Theme Brochures outlining appropriate dog behavior in
of Leashing Up and Scooping Up, (Public parks and possible sessions offered to the public at
Affairs) -May IS` Portland Parks & Recreation Community Centers (Public
Affairs) -November 6`"
General brochure: "Visiting the Park With
Your Dog" (Public Affairs) General brochure "Visiting the Park With Your Dog"
(Public Affairs)
Media Fact Sheet (Public Affairs)
Media Fact Sheet (Public Affairs
Outreach Park Rangers, Animal Control Officers and Park Rangers, Multnomah County Animal Control
Volunteers will hand out publications Officers and Volunteers will have coupons give-aways to
related to the Leash-Up/Scoop-Up theme in attend dog training sessions at Portland Parks &
parks. "Pick Up the Poop, It's your Doody'' Recreation Community Centers (Operations) -November
magnets will also be handed out to park 2004 -April 2005
users. Partnerships may also be developed
that will make it possible to hand out
leashes in the parks as well (Operations) -
Mav -October 2004
Website Post: Post:
information specific to Leash-Up/Scoop-L p Information specific to Canine Good Behavior theme
theme (Public Affairs) -May I51 (Public Affairs) -November 1st
All publications and fact sheets All publications and fact sheets.
Advisory Committee agendas and meetings Advisory Committee Meeting agenda and meeting notes
notes P&D P&D
Events/activities in parks Possible theme-oriented, site specific Possible theme-oriented, site specific activities may be
activities may be sponsored by volunteer sponsored by volunteer groups (Operations)
rou s (O erations
Safety Reminders
~° Remember that many dogs are NOT socialized
to children. Keep children close and allow no running,
loud play or food. Do not allow children to approach a
dog without permision from the dog's handler.
J"1'}~' Not all dogs are ready for off-leash parks. Dog
training schools offer remedial socialization classes
for adult dogs and many trainers will work with you at
the off-leash dog park. Newly acquired dogs should
not go to a dog park until their play styles and social
skills are better known.
'1`~ Unleash your dog when you first arrive ~4~ithin the
boundaries of the off-leash area. Leashed dogs often
feel threatened by the free dogs and will display pro-
vocative body language and defensive behavior.
fi~ Be aware that dogs have different play styles.
Always respect the wishes of other handlers and be
prepared to move to another area if your dog is too
fib` The smallest dog in the park is always at risk.
Use good judgement and caution when allowing
small dogs and large dogs to play together.
Be a responsible OLA user
J!'?~ Remember that sound carries! Be respectful of
park neighbors and play quietly with your dog, par-
ticularly in the early morning and late evening hours.
~' Do not allow your pet to harm park wildlife.
fib` Help keep the OLA clean. Remove extra water
jugs, pick up trash, cigarette butts and orphan poops.
J~ Follow the rules posted in the OLA.
For more information on dogs in Portland Parks:
www.portlandparks.org 503-823-DOGS
Portland Parks & Recreation
~: Zari Santer, Director
`~ Dan Saltzman, Commissioner
Behavior Problems ]
Please Ye~ne~nbeY it is the
handleY's responsibility to
i~n~nediately leash and ~eynove a
dog that is exhibiting
aggYessive behavioY towaYd
a peYSOn oy another dog.
Behavioral Tips
for Dog Park Attendees
fib` It is important to know your dog. Understand-
ing what good play looks like and interrupting poor
interactions is the handler's responsibility.
'~ Do check out the entrance before entering to
make sure dogs aren't congregating there.
~` Do encourage your dog to play away from the
fi'b` Don't allow your dog to enter the park if there
is a "gang" right next to the entrance.
fi~ Do pay close attention to your dog's play style,
interrupting play if necessary to calm your dog
fi'~ Don't trust that dogs can "work it out" if you
just let them do so.
119 Do move around the park so that your dog
needs to keep an eye on you.
Multnomah County Animal Control
law defines dangerous dogs as:
^ An off-leash dog that menaces, chases, or dis-
plays threatening or aggressive behavior, which
threatens or endangers the safety of any person;
^ An off-leash dog that causes physical injury to
any domestic animal;
^ An off-leash dog that aggressively bites any
person, or kills or causes death to any domestic
If you have concerns about an
aggressive dog, contact iir7uitnomah Co.
Animal Services: 503-988-7387
'.~` Don't congregate and chat with other dog
owners without watching your own dog.
'.119 Do remove your dog if it appears afraid.
'.-19'~ Don't let your frightened dog remain in the
~~ark and hope things get better.
'.~ Do remove your dog if it is bullying others.
'.?~ Do respect your dog's wish to leave.
',?~ Don't assume a dog is aggressive when it is
only trying to communicate its discomfort. Some-
times dogs will snarl and snap because they are
uncomfortable or have simply lost interest in other
cogs and don't want to be around them.
'.?~ Do leave special toys at home to avoid re-
source guarding problems.
These tips were included in an article published in the
association of Pef Dog Trainers Nov/Dec 2004 newslet-
ter. To read the entire article, go to http://www.apdt.
com/documents/Dog % 20Parks. pdf
Template for volunteer site groups
Working Title
Adopt-an-Off-Leash Area (OLA)
Volunteer Site Stewards in Portland Parks
Nliss[on Statement
To enhance Portland's dog off-leash areas through citizen support and involvement in on-going maintenance and
management of sites and to provide educational opportunities for the community that fosters responsible dog behavior
and dog ownership.
PPBcR Goal
Portland Parks & Recreation (PP&R) recognizes that many dog owners enjoy visiting public parks with their dogs.
PP&R's goal is to provide multiple legal options for exercising dogs off-leash that are geographically dispersed, keep
off-leash dogs from impacting key areas in parks, and prevent conflict or injury to other park users and dogs.
..-,_._. - ~_ T ~,~ ~,
vvuai ?5 aii Actvpi-~tn- ~,A Mier
Adopt-an-OLA Site is a citywide volunteer program that recruits and trains citizens to assist in the general care and
maintenance of a designated dog off-leash area.
~}Jho can be an Oi.A Site Steward group?
Participants can include individuals, neighborhood groups, dog owners, non-dog owners, schools, senior and youth
groups, and religious and civic organizations.
«~hat ar~~ the criteria for 13ecoining an OL.~~ Site Steward group`'
• OLA Site Steward groups must possess the willingness to be a partner with PP&R and abide by established leash
and scoop laws as per city ordinance and PP&R hours and off-leash area guidelines.
• Volunteer commitment is through the pilot period (through September 2004). This commitment period could
change as a result of OLAC recommendations and City Council action.
• OLA Site Steward groups must be willing to recognize the -multi-use nature of Portland parks and respect others
rights to use parks for non-dog purposes.
What are the responsibilities of the OLA Site Steward groups?
Volunteer site steward groups will partner with PP&R to:
• Monitor, manage, and maintain their off-leash site.
• Appoint a Lead Steward to act on behalf of the group in communicating with PP&R and the general public.
• Be a role model for other off-leash users by obeying leash and scoop laws and general park rules.
• Encourage off-leash users to obey leash and scoop laws.
• Establish and maintain communication on a quarterly basis to discuss maintenance issues and recommend
• Conduct regular maintenance sweeps of the OLA.
• Complete observational logs and submit to PP&R's off-leash volunteer coordinator.
• Conduct at least two educational activities, in conjunction v~ith PP&R, during the year for the community that
promotes responsible dog ownership and dog behavior.
• Conduct open meetings accessible to the general public and welcome new members.
• Actively recruit volunteers and report all volunteer hours on a monthly basis to PP&R's off-leash volunteer
• Fund raise where appropriate in conjunction with PP&R for site improvements and education.
What are the responsibilities of PP&R?
Park Staff will:
• Provide basic maintenance of the site to include turf and sign maintenance, garbage removal, and minor
• Coordinate with OLA Site Steward groups and other community groups on suggestions for improvements and
educational activities.
• Work with Multnomah County Animal Services (MCAS) iti providing enforcement of leash and scoop laws.
• Provide an Off-leash Volunteer Coordinator or other point of contact to recruit and support volunteer efforts.
• Help promote and conduct site activities including advertising site group meetings, development of print materials,
offer tips on event planning and maintain a calendar of events on the PP&R web site.
Adopt-ail-OLA Terms and Conditions
The Director of the Portland Parks & Recreation shall have authority to temporarily or permanently close, or modify
the boundaries for any of the following reasons:
a) Recommendations of the Off-Leash Advisory Committee
b) Excessive environmental damage, despite reasonable efforts to limit it;
c) Public health or safety reasons; and
d) Serious unanticipated problems affecting neighboring residents or other park users.
The director will evaluate site conditions and concerns of users or neighbors; and will make a determination on closure
in compliance with the above provisions.
~%Vhe~~e are the OLA's t[lat can lie adopted?
A list of current of-leash sites is included in this packet. This li~;t will be updated on a regular basis.
List of materials included in a~~-e~cmern packet.
Site locations
Appropriate map (inserted per specific request)
Site group Application/Agreement
Insurance form
Safety guidelines
Poop and Scoop Tip sheet
Volunteer Log
Event Planning Tip sheet
Dog Brochures
Observational Log forms and explanation
Resource Sheet for reporting and documenting problems
Park Staff contact names and numbers
.~;~ `I
,1~..,~t ,.,
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r ., 1-
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V~ ~•_: t _ ~r;
_~ it
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Y. Stevens Creek Elementary, ?C. rlC~r3;nstiv•~,rth Ur,
•.,,,, •~:: ~; ...;
2. Pdonta Vista High School, :'iS~+~r .r=1a tt~;r~ Rci,
3. Lincoln Elementary, ?, :',i! !•J_C k~tt•.ir~ hd.
'~. Kennedy Middle School, :i:?! ;?uU%.y R. d.
KEY 5. Homestead High School, '! :%C Nu;n?r.>t~~.l:.';u,
A. 1+lonta Vista Recrc~atian L Library Field C. Garden Gatti Elementary, ;D.`~i!,'.7 F;rn ~;~b~:,rA~.~,,.
Center/Park M. Portal Park 7. DeAnza Community College, ?r?4(7 5'e;•:_~~~: i_r;_er; 8
B. !iomerset Square Park N. Wilson Park 3. Regnart Eleementary, 7i) '~nr y;;r~~ 'fir.
C. Warian Park O. Creekside Park 9. Faris Elementary, iCi7~5t3,ji!;._~:a t.n.
D. 131ackberry Farm P. Service Center, ,Gctiy, ~•;,;,-~. .q~,,r., lc). Lawson Middle School, :i?Ji7: b'i~.fa sir.
F. P1cClellan Ranch Park Q. Senior Center, ,?f~Y~.t :s r ~e'. a ~; :. 11, Cupertino Union School District, 1J~~ r ~ ,<,ti '?~.
F. Deep Cliff Gulf Course R. Quinlan Ccntcr, ;U,'•~ ~:. tir,, 1 ? Ru. 12. Eaton Elementary
G. I_ind~l Vista Park 5. Sports Center, r',"! 7 ~I~L~k t '.ri , !~• ~•~,~; ~' ,
13. Cullins Elementary
n ; ~~
•; ~~~
1~lemorial Park
City Hall, 10300 Torre .
aallyman Park
Community Hall (and Council Cham
bc~r,l, !ii'•:~0 Tu: ~. .1,-, 1A. Cu t: rtino Hi h School, i?!Gt! ,r`irC'7 rrJ:~.
P A 9
J. Three Oaks Park v. Library, !i?5t?0 !c„rr_~ ~1rr~ 15. Hyde C•tiddle School, :9.1<'!.< Z.~ttu~uer 1?c±.
K, hioover Park W. Cali P~till Plaza 't 6. Sedgwick Elementary, !!?:;i1'1 pt1;: i :~.