CC Resolution No. 7255 RESOIlJI'ICN ro. 7255 A RESOIlJI'ICN OF THE CI'lY OXJNCIL OF THE CI'lY OF aJPERI'INO AME2IDING RESOIIJTICN Nœ. 6901 AND 5214 CI'lY ATIORNEJ{ I S CXlÐ?ENSATICN '!he City Council of the city of CUpertino resolves that Resolution Nos. 6901 am 5214 are amended as follows: Section 8. Retainer: '!be City Attozney shall receive a mnthly retainer fran the City in the sum of $3,972.00 wch shall be considered full c:aupensation for the p.nposes of contrib.1tions am withho1clin;Js with respect to retirement, social security, inoame tax withholclin;Js, am the like. '!he =nthly retainer shall be paid at the erd of each =nth on the payroll acx::ount of the city. Furt.heJ:mre, the city shall contribute to PERS retirement am health benefits in the same ëUIV:IUl1t it does for regular City employees. Furt.heJ:mre, aIr;{ rebate of PERS retirement contributions shall be at the same rate as Classified Management employees of the City of CUpertino. Section 9. Mditional Ccmœnsation: In addition, the city Attorney shall receive the follCllllin;J contrac:bJaJ. services ...-...pansation. (a) Administrative. To the extent that the collective time of the city Attorney am other members of the law fim of the City Attozney, for the performance of administrative services, e."""""'(;Js thirty (30) hours in aIr;{ one month excludin:] the time spent at am preparation for regular am special City Council meetin;r.a am Planrúrg Chmrni"'$ion meetin;Js, the city Attorney shall be entitled to receive additional c:aupensation fran the City at the rate of $85.00 per hour. (b) Litiqation. '!he city Attozney shall receive as a ...-...pa'1Sation for the performance of litigation services, am for the litigation services of the Deputy City Attorney am other attorneys of the law fim of the city Attorney, c:aupensation at the rate of $85.00 per hcur. section 11. OIrernead: Except as herein otherwise expressly provided, the city Attorney shall pay for his own avemead, am that of the Deputy city Attorney am other members of the law fim of the Attozney incurred at the office located at 852 North First street, 'Ihird Floor, San Jose, -1- RESOIDl'ION NO. 7255 Califomia 95112 inc1\Jdirq b.1t not limited to rent, tel~, secretarial, bookJœepinJ, reception, postage, stationety, office supplies, insurance, library, copyinJ, taxes am licenses. F\.u:'thm:m::)re, telephone calls in which there is no substantive conversation betweem the City Attorney or a mømn...r of his firm am a city COJrx:il mømher or City staff shall be considered part of the overl1ead costs. Nevertheless, the city shall supply the city Attorney with "city of 0Jpertin0" 1ettemead stationery am envelopes am shall also pay for all costs fnc:urrej in connec:tion with main'tailùn¡ the specialll1Llnic:ipal law library books C7tJI'Ied by the city which are on loan to the city Attorney. Effective date of the aI:Jove c:han;Jes shall be the same date as for other enployees. PASSED AND ADOPl'ED at a regular meetin:J of the city Council of the City of 0Jpertin0 this -.l.Q¡b day of Ju I v , 1987 by the followinJ vote: Vote Members of the City Council AYES: Gatto, Johnson, Plungy, Sparks NOES: None ABSENT: Rogers ABSTAIN: None APPROVED: Isl W. Reed Sparks Mayor, city of 0Jpertin0 ATI'EST: Isl Dorothy Cornelius City Clerk -2-