DIR-2001-17b CITY OF CUPERTINO 10300 Torre Avenue, Cupertino, California 95014 (408) 777-3308 To: Mayor and City Councilmembers Chairman and Planning Commissioners From: Steve Piasecki, Director of Community Developme~ Date: August 8, 2001 Subject: Report of Director's Decision Regarding a Minor Modification to the Forum at Rancho San Antonio Chapter 19.132 of the Cupertino Municipal Code allows for administrative approval of minor changes in a project. The Director reports his decision to the City Council and Planning Commission in time to allow any Council member or Planning Commissioner to appeal the decision within fourteen calendar days. Application Modification of Application No. 32-U-85, 23600 Via Esplendor (The Forum) to enclose 500 square feet of an existing deck in an apartment building and convert it into office space. Discussion The Forum is a continuous care retirement center approved as part of use permit 32-U-85. The property is zoned P(lnstitutional)-Planned Development zoning with institutional uses permitted. The applicant proposes to enclose 500 square feet of an existing deck in Residential Building I, a three-story apartment building, and convert it into a marketing office. The addition occupies about two-thirds of an open patio space and maintains the existing open deck and railing along the fa~ade. The project is designed to match the existing color, material (stucco), windows/doors, and the roof profile and will be consistent with the architecture of the existing building. Staff considers the addition minor and generally consistent with the approved use permit. The Forum has indicated that the office will accommodate two existing employees and will not impact parking. Even if new employees were added due to the project, the City's parking requirements would require about 2 parking spaces (1 space/285 sq. ft.) for the 500 square foot office addition. There are currently 129 surface parking spaces in the immediate area for use by employees and visitors. An informal parking survey by staff showed that the average parking utilization was 70% during work hours, indicating that about 36 parking spaces were generally vacant. Therefore, no additional parking is required for the project. Action The Director of Community Development deems the modification minor and approves the modification as depicted in exhibits titled "The Forum Marketing Office Addition" dated July 30, 2001 and the accompanying letter from HKIT Architects. This approval of the modification is effective August 8, 2001. The fourteen calendar day appeal period will expire on August 22, 2001. Enclosures: Plan Set G:\Planning\PDREPORT\Dirminmod\ 17 -DIR-01 dirminmod.doc ---" ----1: :.- ----..---- .---~---- , \ , ~.\..- . :'\ '\ . ,,': ..~ , Q ~~E~ SITE 2 VICINITY MAP SCALE : NONE 538 NIntI1 _, Suite 240 Ooldond, Collfomla 94607 T: 510.625.9800 OAIQNlO SAN FRANClSCO THE FORUM MARKETING OFFICE ADDITION CUPERTINO, CAUFORNIA JOB NO. IOtOO DRAWN .PI' CHECICEll 18 JOB CN'TAlN .PI' DllTE 1130101 Pl.ANl1NI5 DEPT. DRAWING TITLE SITE PLAN, PROJECT DATA I . .::-:-;:d,..... --;-f-~-.__.'.", SCAlf 1>6 NOTED Al CD'I'IIQHt ._I-.oM.....-.ICH&1UCJB ........................... .. .......n.............n. . . ...n..................... PAINTED ~ FASGIA- WlOR AND PROFILE TO MA TC.H EXISTIN6 PAINTED METAL 5af'PER I RAINWATER LEADER- WLOR TO MATC.H EXISTlN6 EXTERIOR c.EMENT PLASTER- WLOR AND FINISH TO MATc.H EXIS TIN6 LIGHT WLOR S nx:.c.o AREAS tL ~JTITIJTI1mq[~1[2}J,i,:~: . . . . 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