DIR-2002-05b CITY OF CUPERTINO 10300 Torre Avenue, Cupertino, California 95014 (408) 777-3308 To: Mayor and City Councilmembers Chair and Planning Commission From: Steve Piasecki, Director of Community Development .5t.o / c u./ Date: February 20,2002 Subj: Director's Approval of New Door and Window Locations and automatic teller machine (A TM) additions for a Bank Tenant in an Existing Building located at 10465 S. De Anza Boulevard. ==========================~==========~============~=~====:====== Chapter 19.132 of the Cupertino Municipal Code allows for administrative approval of minor changes to a project. The Director reports his decision to the City Council and Planning Commission in time to allow any Councilmember or Planning Commissioner to appeal the decision within fourteen calendar days. Application: File No. DIR-2002-05: Director's Minor Modification to allow new door and window locations and ATM additions for a bank tenant in an existing building located at 10465 S. De Anza Boulevard. Description: The applicant, Tsang Architecture, has requested approval to convert a vacant video store back to a bank by relocating doors and windows and adding two A TM's. The new bank entry would be located where the old bank entry was located-centered on the front elevation. The two previous video store entries would be replaced with glass storefronts to match the existing storefronts. A second bank exit would be located to the rear where a landing and low profile ramp is required for exiting and handicapped access. The landing and ramp encroach on an old driveway aisle that was previously used tor a defunct drive-up banking service. Two A TM's with additional lighting are proposed at the northeast corner of the building, which has good visibility to the parking lot and De Anza Boulevard. The Sheriffs Office has reviewed the plans and has no concerns with the locations. The applicant has proposed two wall signs when one is allowed. A second wall sign may be approved by the City under a separate sign exception process. Action: The Director finds the proposed building changes to be unobtrusive, and deems the modification minor and conditionally approves the modification as depicted in exhibits titled" FAR EAST NATIONAL BANK, FENB-CUPERTINO TENANT IMPROVEMENT, PLANNING SET FEBRUARY 15,2002", consisting of seven sheets labeled AO.I, AO.2, A1.I, A2.1, A3.1, EO.1, and E2.1 dated 1/28/02 and 2/15/02. The approval excludes the two wall signs depicted in the drawings. This approval of the modification is effective February 20,2002. The fourteen calendar day appeal period will expire on March 7,2002. Encl. Plan set H:worddo/dir-2002-05 h :worddo/05dirO 1 2 I~- I I -FAR EASTNATION~~ Bt~~ROVEMENT FENB-CUPERTIN~A~~~~ET FEBRUARY 15, 2002 DRAWING INDEX PROJECT DIRECTORY ABBREVIATIONS (,{} r/ f/ Qo"'.) GENERAL NOTES ilif:,~~:~"i,.." :',;;i.::::;~,,-,..) "'"''<:''' [~...,,' ,.." 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"dB" I _____1 ATM !' r-,TW 3,ANK ENny (~' FLOOR PLAN '-_/ ~'.'. roo' GEN::RA~ NOTES KEYN~TES ~ ~~~;~'~~:;~;;~:~~~~~~~:~:' ~~~ ~ ~~;~~~".,~;~;:':,:~.:':::,:,.:': ~~"' :-LOCR PLAN :EGrWJ -----, i ","''''''''''''''''''-''''''''''''' W<J ~ . ~::r.~~'ZFfc~,~i:'r:~cl .~ Ii;] t.J~~~G{wn~~" I I ~._""' I~~ FAR EAST NATIONAL BANK FENS-CUPERTINO ~::E.~p~ ':~~~~EMENT ~~rtC'CA.'O... ---------:c:''''"'' - ----------------" 2...'.~':':::"'" C!,: ~:.~:-o~LEVATION (ATM) (;):~~~..,,~LEVATION (NO CHANCEl ----~\~ (~) :~~: ELEVATION (HEW BANK EXIT) [,-l .1 . ,,,-,,.,, "'L-I. / ! fJV/JJilVl},~ \1--::: (~~~) 1m t}f~~G~~~-lfrn:+~~ FAR EAST NA TtONAL BANK FENB-CUPERTINO TENENT IMPROI/EMENT EXTERIOR ELEVATIONS A3.1 S,", ,S TrF( ",' ""'P' wn~ E"[R;"C~ 6'T1LI!T ".",',,"" COfl"LA"' ,^"[""'PO "A" E'O,PI '''':It VI~W w.iP< ""D ",.;,nN'" """"" "'OK '0' ""' L...r s;~{^S ";'pi..,- mrp;Wti. E~,'O~"C'BA1Irn' "fro CO .","n'CTJ;>l "AW'", roR 'UCT e,..,e m, .'"0 ~CW", '''lURt "YWl, '/mrrwn, ,OCHI!(C'!',''>t ","."e f". 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NOTES, ABBREVIATIONS & FIXTURE SCHEDULE EO.1 .1 'O'"""'"~ !:11"';",";,"~ 0 ='.. ~!~.<t-::'~>!j~0j;] ~~,,_ l'c'j-"" ;~; EAST NATIONAL BANK ~~-CUPERTINO r~~~:r:. ~~a fllVO -~ :~HTING PLAN ~;!: .2~: ~~~ ~T~~1."J"~~:~ IN'~ L C>-iTI~'i~,"""TCO;:;;: SCAlf:l!<"=--. ;...lI_A\ E2.1 :::.":.,-::-_--::l~-=""_~..:.=:7__:'.:'..:'