CC Resolution No. 7350 RESOIlJl'ION NO. 7350 A RESOIlJl'ION OF 'lliE CITY CXXJNCIL OF 'lliE CITY OF QJ~J:;KJ.·mo DEcrARJNG rrs INl'ENI'ION 'ro CHANGE STREEl' NAME WI'!Hm 'lliE CITY OF QJ~=mo RJRSUANT 'ro SECl'ION 5026 OF THE STREEI'S AND HIGHWAYS OODE, STATE OF CALIFORNIA, FIXING TIME AND PIACE FOR HEARING AND PROVIDmG NOI'ICE 'lHEREPF; CHANGE NORm TAN1'AU AVENUE 'ro TANDEM WAY WHEREAS, the City Council has received a request fram Tandem Computers, Incorporated to effect said street name chan;Je; and WHEREAS, Tandem Computers Incorporated represents a significant landowner and ~loyer with the area served by said street; and WHEREAS, the County Communications Age:nc::¡ has notified the city of CUpertino that said street name will not be detr:iJœntal in terms of routin;r emergency service responses; NCM, 'lhta<EF0RE, BE IT RESOLVED that the city Council hereby declares its intention to chan;Je the street name on that certain reach of North Tantau Avenue fram stevens Creek Boulevard to Homestead Road fram North Tantau Avenue to Tandem Way; BE IT FURI'HER RESOLVED: 1. That the 7th day of December, 1987, at 6:45 p.m. at the 4-sto¡:y, Apple Buildin;r site, 10500 North De Anza Boulevard, CUpertino, california, is the tilœ and place fixed for hearing on the name chan;Je. 2. That the aforesaid date is not less than fifteen (15) days fram passage of this resolution as required by law. 3. That the city Clerk shall cause a certified copy of this resolution to be published in the CUpertino courier, the official newspaper of the City, for at least two (2) successive weeks prior to the hearin;r and shall cause certified copies to be posted alOl'¥J the street affected at least ten (10) days before the date of the hearin;r and no Irore than 300 feet apart with a mini.mum of three (3) being posted. PASSED AND of CUpertino vote: VOI'E : AYES: NOES: ABSTAIN: ABSENT: A'ITEST: ADOPI'ED at a ~ar meeting of the City Council of the City this 2nd day of Novemhpr, 19--B.L-, by the following MEMBERS OF 'lliE CITY CXXJNCIL Gatto, Johnson, Plungy, Rogers, Sparks None None None /s/ Dorothy Cornelius CITY CLERK CITY OF QJ~J:;KJ.·.LI'IO RES7350(Q1) APPROVED: /s/ W. Reed Sparks MAYOR CITY OF QJ~J:;KJ.'INO