ASA-2001-11b.~ ~"~ "'~ 1~03~0 TvrneAvenue C,'upcrtino Cal~arnia 9'0'1 j~C1TY (~~ Telephone: (4~8) 777-3308 J ~+j ~- ~ FAX: (4~8) 777-3333 ^~'~"•~; COMh1'UNITY UEY'EL ©P1l~IENT May 17, 2001 Minh Le 23505 ®ak Valley Road Cupertino, CA 95014 SUBJECT: DESIGN REVIEW Ct~MMITTEE ACTIC)1`1 LETTER -Application 11-ASA-01 This letter confirms the decision of the Design Review Committee, given at the rr~eeting of 1'vlay 16, 20(11, approving an architectural and site approval fora 640 square foot second living unit, according to Design Review Resolution No. 48. Please be aware that if this permit is not used within two years, it sha11 expire on May 16, 2003. Also note that an appeal of this decision can be made within 14 calendar days of the decision. If this occurs, you will be notifred of a public hearing which will be scheduled before the City Council. Sincerely, 1 .~ ~ Ciddy Wordell City PIaruler Enclosures: Resolution No. 48 ~:pl~nning/dIRC Committee/action letter i fl-ASA-a1 11-ASA-01 CITY OF CUPERTINO I0300 Torre Avenue Cupertino, California 9'5(}14 RESOLUTION 48 Op' THE DESIGN REVIEW COIVIMITTEE OF TI-iE CITY OF CUPERTINO APPROVING AN ARCHITECTURAL .AND SITE APPROVAL I~'OR A 640 SQUARE FOOT SECOND LIVING UNIT. SECTION I: PROJECT DESCRIPTI Application No.: 11-ASA-O1 Applicant; Minh Le I.,ocation: 23505 Oalc Valley Road SECTION IL FINDINGS WHEREAS, the Design Review Committee of the City of Cupertino received an applieatioi7 for an Architectural and Site Approval, as described in this Resolution; and WI-IEREAS, the Design Review Committee finds tlroat the changes are beneficial and compatible with the surrounding area; 1. Tlae proposal, at the proposed location, will not be detrimental or injurious to property or improvements in the vicinity, and will not be detrimental to tl~ie public health, safety, general welfare, or convenience; 2. Tl~e proposal is consistent with the purposes of the zoning ordinance, and tl~e General Plan, as izew restaurant will occupy a building historically used as a restaurant in a commercial center. 3. The design. will not result in abrupt changes in building scale between the subject site and neighboring properties, as the project does not propose significant exterior changes. 4. The: proposal will use materials that coii~plimeirt neighboring structures, as the proposal does i~ot propose significant exterior changes. NOW, "I"HEREb'ORE, BE IT RESOLVED: "1"hat after careful. consideration of maps, facts, exhibits, testimony and other evideiaee submitted in this matter, the application no. 11-ASA-O1, is here by approved; and That the subcoi7clusions upon which the findings acrd conditions specified iii this .Resolution are based and contained in the pi.iblic hearing record concerning Application 11-ASA-O1 as set forth in the Minutes of the Design Review Committee Meeting of May 16, 2001, and are incorporated by reference 1lereii~. Aesolutian TJo. 48 11-ASt'1-Ol May 16, 2(}al Pa3e 2 SECTION III: CONDITIONS AD TERED BY TI-IE COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT DEPT. I . APPROVEI] EXHIBITS Approval is based on the plan set "Le Residence, Guest House" dated February 28, 2Q01, as amended by this resolution. 2. BUILDING PERMI'T' The building permit shall be issued far the entire second unit, not for phased Construction. 3. NOTICE OF FEES DEDICATIONS RESERVATIONS OR OTHER EXACTIONS The Conditions of Project Approval set forth herein may include certain fees, dedication requirements, reservation. requirements, and other exactions. Pursuant to Government Code Section G6f~2Q(d) {1), these Conditions Constitute written notice of a statement of the amount of such fees, and a description of the dedications, reservations, and other exactions. You are hereby further notified that. the 9Q-day approval. period in which you. may protest these fees, dedications, reservations, and other exactions, pursuant to Government Code Section 66a2Q{a}, leas begun. If you fail to ~1e a protest within this 9Q-day period cormplying with all of the .requirements of Section G6020, you will be legally barred from later challenging such exactions. PASSED AND ADOPTED this ICth day of May, 2Q01, at a Regular Meeting of the Design Review Camrryittee of the City of Cupertino, State of California, by the following roll. call vats: AYES:. COMMISSIONERS: NOES: COMMISSIONERS: ABSTAIN: COMMISSIONERS: ABSENT, COMMISSIONERS: ATTEST: Isl Liddy Wardell Liddy Wardell City Planner Chen and Chairperson Carr APPROVED:. /s/ Charles Corr Charles Carr, Chairperson Design Review Committee ~;:/plrrnrriia~fdi^cfll-RSA-(l1 rea.doc