ASA-2005-13b 10300 Torre Avenue Cupertino; California 95014 Telephone: (408) 777-3308 '. . CITY OF...., '. .. FAX: (408) ":~"~"-.~_~~~"____.."._._... CUP E I\I I N 0 --..--.----.--.---,...---.-----.-.---'..'-.-.---..-..-------..---..-.-..--.--.--------.-.--.--.-----.-. COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT December 21; 2005 Audrey Smith T-Mobile 185 Berry Street #5300 San Francisco, Ca. 94107 SUBJECT: DESIGN REVIEW COMMITTEE ACTION LETTER - Application ASA-2005- 13 This letter confirms the decision of the Design Review Committee1 given at the meeting of December 151 2005; approving for a roof top wireless facility and base equipment enclosure on an existing office building located at 21760 Stevens Creek Blvd1 according to Resolution No. 229. Please be aware that if this permit is not used within two years1 it shall expire on December IS, 2007. Also, please note that an appeal of this decision can be made within 14 calendar days from the date of this letter. If this happens, you will be notified of a public hearing, which will be scheduled before the City Council. Sincerel y, C), ,'~ y _"';,...-"../,..'/".,,c,----.~ Colin J unfii () Senior Planner Resolution No. 229 cc: Thomas McShane, Bimark 22342 Bahl Street, Cupertino CA 95014 g:pll1nninslDRC ComrniUee/l1ction letter ASA-200S-13 ASA-2005-13 CITY OF CUPERTINO 10300 Torre Avenue Cupertino, California 95014 RESOLUTION NO. 229 OF THE DESIGN REVIEW COMMITTEE OF THE CITY OF CUPERTINO APPROVING AN ARCHITECTURAL AND SITE REVIEW OF A PERSONAL WIRELESS SERVICE F ACIUTYWITH 3 PANEL ANTENNAS LOCATED ON THE ROOF OF AN EXISTING TWO-STORY OFFICE BUILDING LOCATED AT 21760 STEVENS CREEK BOULEVARD SECTION I: PROTECT DESCRIPTION Application No.: Applicant: Location: ASA-2005-13 Audrey Smith (for T-Mobile) 21760 Stevens Creek Boulevard SECTION II: FINDINGS WHEREAS, the necessary public notices have been given in accordance with the Procedural Ordinance of the City of Cupertino, and the Design Review Committee has held one or more public hearings on this matter; and WHEREAS, the applicant has met the burden of proof required to support said application; and has satisfied the following requirements: 1. The proposal, at the proposed location, will not be detrimental or injurious to property or improvements in the vicinity, and will not be detrimental to the public health, safety, general welfare, or convenience; 2. The proposal is consistent with the purposes of this chapter, the General Plan, and zoning ordinance; 3. Abrupt changes in building scale is avoided and a gradual transition related to height and bulk is achieved; 4. Design harmony between new structures and existing buildings is protected through the use of consistent or compatible design and color schemes; 5. The project complies with federal safety standards for radio frequency radiation emissions; and 6. The project is consistent with the City's Wireless Facilities Master Plan and Wireless Communications Facilities Ordinance. NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED: That after careful consideration of maps, facts, exhibits, testimony and other evidence submitted in this matter, the design review application is hereby approved subject to the conditions which are enumerated in this Resolution beginning on page 2 thereof; and Resolution No, 229 Page 2 ASA-2005-13 December 15,2005 That the subconclusions upon which the findings and conditions specified in this resolution are based and contained in the public hearing record concerning Application ASA-2005-13 set forth in the Minutes of the Design Review Committee meeting ot December 15,2005, and are incorporated by reference as though fully set forth herein. SECTION III. CONDITIONS ADMINISTERED BY THE COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT DEPT, 1. APPROVED PROTECT This approval is based on the approved plan set exhibits entitled "BI-MARK STEVENS CREEK BLVD, SF-14973, 21760 STEVENS CREEK BLVD. CUPERTINO, CA 95014 SANTA CLARA COUNTY" dated 10/25/05 and consisting of 5 sheets labeled T-l, A-I through A- 4, except as may be amended by the conditions contained in this resolution. 2. NOTICE OF FEES, DEDICATIONS, RESERVATIONS OR OTHER EXACTIONS The Conditions of Project Approval set forth herein may include certain fees, dedication requirements, reservation requirements, and other exactions, Pursuant to Government Code Section 66020(d) (I), these Conditions constitute written notice of a statement of the amount of such fees, and a description of the dedications, reservations, and other exactions. You are hereby further notified that the 90-day approval period in which you may protest these fees, dedications, reservations, and other exactions, pursuant to Govermnent Code Section 66020(a), has begun. If you fail to file a protest within this 90- day period complying with all of the requirements of Section 66020, you will be legally barred from later challenging such exactions. 3. ABANDONMENT If after installation, the aerial is not used for its permitted purpose for a continuous period of 18 months, said antennas and associated facilities shall be removed. The applicant shall bear the entire cost of demolition and removal. 4. EXPIRATION DATE This use permit shall expire five (5) years after the effective date of the permit. The applicant may apply for a renewal of the use permit at which time the Planning Commission may review the state of wireless communication and camouflage technologies to determine if the visual impact of the personal wireless facility can be reduced. 5. FIELD MEASUREMENT OF RF RADIATION Within one month of activation of the personal wireless service facility, the applicant shall submit a report prepared by a State-licensed radio engineer documenting the actual level of radio frequency radiation emissions at the following exposure sites: 1. ground levet 30 feet away from antenna 2. 2nd floor office suite below antenna 3. 2nd floor level of adjacent office building to the east 4. same roof top exposure adjacent to antenna (indicate distance) Resolution No. 229 Page 3 ASA-2005-13 December15,2005 The measured results shall be compared to the relevant federal safety standards. If the measurements exceed federal standards, the engineer shall offer recommendations to achieve standards. PASSED AND ADOPTED this 15th day of December 2005, at a Regular Meeting of the Design Review Committee of the City of Cupertino, State of California, by the following ron call vote: AYES: NOES: ABSTAIN: ABSENT: COMMISSIONERS: Giefer, Chairperson Miller COMMISSIONERS: none COMMISSIONERS: none COMMISSIONERS: none ATTEST: APPROVED: /s/Ciddy Wordell Ciddy Wordell City Planner / s / Marty Miller Marty Miller, Chair Design Review Committee PROJECT TEAM ARCHITECT. ~~lWIE ~~l::.lP "" lfi,O.oId!()Ir1E01R[Ml:]PlNIHIfC.1H:. llIlurAH sm:IT. ~rrt~l.o ~JlWCs::o.CA.go.1D3 ROlOT1EHM (41S)~l-lJ!J. UTILITY! ELECTRICAL: o:JHrAZT: P<'i&:E JEFfSDlICK {e::!5l785-llm UTILITi/ TELEPHONE: C'JNr,lCl: SOO A1JSONSfimnJ (<lOll) 4S.l-Il67~ APPROVALS Q,p,E:.!OPS' pO'IIER/mco ~OMNIPOINT DBAT SF 14973 BI MARK STEVENS CREEK BLVD VICINITY MAP DIRECTIONS TO SITE FROM OMNIPOINT 1. sr.w AT 1!65 Co\.1EW~Y elm. IlItKlr1lD i:::: :.o~~~l~tm< ~. THE n-t: D,I,I<JJo,>O/SNl ..cs:: (Xlf (INfO r-ileO SOU1H i:~:: ~~~ ~:r~:;m-ra:=~"-rtm WF:Sr IOW>\RJ - ~mNIlS ~S'T 1.rPl[Jt[r-lllO(lJTrow.am~rnm::ISCO: 4. TNltM: rA--e5 SOUTll r,m fO'II'OOCL.R01' ~a.T~~~~Ol~(l\~DOlT ".lRll'Exrl1~smf)lSalE[l(EUlI1.0JF'IJ;Trro PROJECT DESCRIPTION ~lSI'Rl:J[CfCllrtS~QFlfJ(tS\oIl.J),~oIl<~crotlit:fltlf"'JOlNASAIIl A$S.:X:Ll.r;~EOOP\l[NT R:Ii~EIlUNPClNr I-NOBIlE mf(;:).fJ.IWCATIlI!i NrtWOw.. lJ.l:PIlllPOSl:D~IO.UlENlAl.S; . r.:t;;" ll)..:f: mu 'MI~ (J) ar:: ClllNE'J'S rn C[flC<rIE 5:LJe ~T G~DUND u,.'Y[L IINSTI.lJ.'JXlHa=(J)I'mUNi1tNtooS.IPERSEI:1Ql tcOM CId.:: I\'JWS ffi~ Hl'l !O ~nDfus IN. c.oa.r 1Mr. '1illf'li[N[,\NDEU:CTFl~smlC[FJi:1)lDJsrnOWJROCs. PROJECT SUMMARY APPLICANT/LESSEf- =~~~~9~~1tIDl 1EI.DIltllE:{9Z5)m-18'l'i PROPERTY OWNER: 1. lIoS~rHIIBllur~ H.s~HI[ ~(~!!I~~c!'W\. BlW WPEJlIllO,c'\,50t4 4Ol!.-'lil-aiMl PROPERTY INFORr1ATION: 5ITENAI.I[: B-MMl~smIl:t6alEEl\. BLm 21i'OO SIDW ClIUK BL1(I. W~O.0A~5~1"'117(J GEODETIC COQRCINATES: """ ",,1. ~7.J2J01ClJ+ lJ]M~, -122.1].!I52!11o! APPLICANT-CONTACT: CONSTRUCTION r>lANAGER' NMII~ U/>,TNJE WtIMD I'AASONSOOItIRIjC 185eERRl'm;rrr,SlJrrr~n SoIllrwt:ISCO,Ct..$4107 !'tiCK; (+1~) 316-7447 PROJECT PLANNER: NANB AUIIlri ~IGI"H ..... """""" 1S5BERRYSflEf.5UITt5JlJO S/lllfllAl(:l!i::ll,o.!M'07 PHCNE:(m)l3S-1128 SITE ACQUISmON ~E:1A1HYNG ~OlI;lItIRIjC IlI.\E1CMRl'S1lnT,3JITE5JllC 5AIl flflM:lSCO, eA ~~11l1 .~E;(+1~)~-6IJ" ~:'iF 2CMm: CN).LR!;S HANDICAP REQUTF~EMENTS' F"l.CllJT'l IS Ui~,'ffirn ""0 ~IT P.Jl HUl.WllW3lfATm IW-IrJr:.\PfE)!l::CfSS JOKl R[CUI1I;Wl;rmi NWREClJl1to. l'loW;:tnll'Kl:IlIllH C'lJfIJ~L\:;T~T[ ,'D.IHSlAATM o:lIr. P"IiT' 1, rm..~ l+. Sro'lJN lIClS!1.42. t:<~ 1 CODE COMPLIANCE !lIl WOll: MIl NAJEllNS 91'.'1. EE felf{tfMll NO l~ftillD It IlCCMC;Il(:[ ll\bi lHE CUftlU(l tDlna~; I1flH[ fOI.l..O'lllr<C ewe;: AS,t,IJCFJW rsr rH:; lOCloJ. WVi:IlNMl ~=~ 1~~:~1'l~;g: F'l.),NS /; 10 B( C1JIOllICltC n:: ~T walK tC'f t:</JFORKA.BLlLnlN:1COOtCElC-2001 CM..FO~IAAl)NINSID.TM CalE (NO.. nTU:i ~ 8< 26) 1Ml =t~~~ un: SOnTT CWl: ~. OIUFClftNl'. tL.E:CT'RCA. COllE CEl:-:!IX)l ~ ~:~~~I'l~rnC{f~~~~OI B. lllCAl.BUIWIN; CWE~) 9. Cttr"ANIVO! cromrORnlNANCES SHEET INDEX FflUIECTNlEolfVlljHllENllI.lOo'!tlJT EiL'IIl~ArIIDrr~ ISSUE STATUS J(I 'rJJI.~Q N 'OOO<lOIl""" _ ~/ft ~ '<DIZO"'OIO~ ~ S u I~ ~I !i: ~~ il o III c:l ~ I:Q ~~~ ...!.tOOrT.; I:QZ ~ en -:TILE SHEET T-1 #J. ~J GJ ;;:oE~.~.~.SITE PLAN STEVENS CREEK BL VD~ ~ ci ~ uJ > -< LU (') Z -< cr o ~ /'1"/1 I ~ I I ! ! I~ II: ',- ~PlOP'OSrn l_'-C8ILE EQlJI>Io.IE:lfrjlLo\S!: @ AREA LLCATED ffllO~ A (ElR(:QWA1~ND - H-OOR II:~ L :f~"J' HT. FETPININ; f'FlOPOSED f-MOeILE ~ (1 PER S(CTC~, 3 SEtTORS TC,T1'i"L) CDNCU-t1:D EEHIND FRP SIIdUU.'l'EDCMIMN~JJ (E) 811ILDlrtGRoa'"@ . , ^-, ISSUE STATUS _tII.3o:l gl'Jll;l:""~C - 12li.m:;100:;2LN"'" -100/:1./<:1= 1t=lDIlN;","" I ! 51 .. Ii + Ii; ~E-I 51 o lro Q > ...:l r:!:I ~~~ ....!tOOCfJ r:!:Iz i;.t.l > ~ VJ Slim~nr OVERALL SITE PLAN A-1 TOP OF CHIMNEY EL ~37-:l" ,I,.GL ""'" TOP OFS'''lANTrNN/I, NOT O:CEIDTOP OF (0 8lJILDINCP,I,Ibl.PETIVALl ~~~E:-EI.I""~",.~~ 'l! PROF'CSEJ 24" T MOElIL CO/\)( tABLEiRA.YfHROIJGHROQF TOF'OFF'JlPAPET EL. :l:3o-6 A.G.L. ~~ ~~E1UN~G.L.tJl ~~~~'~~,G.L~ ~D~~~ ~~C.L. ~ (') 1 SOUTH ELEVATION A-3 SCALi; J/1ti'-l'-~' ~DSl>OT_I.IOBILEP.tHO..ANTENNaS(:!.)\ TOt,il,1F'ERSECTQfl,loIQUNTECATR<lOF 00f'<<:SIIUIJ wn"IN A NE'N FRf> SIMULATED ~U~~I~~AAX .o\RPESTl}~. I"AlNTED TO Il<!!E; "KPClFGPSANTENNA NOT EXCEED TCfI OF (E] BUILDINC PAAN"ET W}IlL. $ TIll" OF ~HII.lI-lEY c..:I;.37'-O"'.G.L, !~ ~ PROPOSED T I.lOHILE/lNTENNAS RADCENITREL..l::l4 Z "-G.L. $ ~ ~~~~L. .~ ~ II $ ~~ ~~ E1UN~~.L. $ SECO~m lLVEL 0- :l;lJ'-O ....~"' ISSUE STATUS rIAl[ I.'BC4l:IPTIOII fD' _ & E &I:CZtl'U<~ _1l12t1Ct5100:0.:ZllNlfC 1 _ C~'IlI~ lt1(l:1>; ZllNlfC IlE'I Z ~ Ii ~I I" !i !!: ~~ jl o to g c3 ~~~ ~C,)- ..lttfJ~ CQZ ~ en SHtrrnn.E: ELEVATIONS A-3 if: }lS\'''ra'L ~ '"'" TClPD.GPSt>N1l;:NNA NaT (XC[[]) TOP OF (E) 6VI(.ClIMO?,.l,AAP~WAU. ~fR{lP05EOT-I.IOBILEPANELMtrENNASCJ:) ~~~PE:~~;r~O~~E~~~ fi..~~U~.{,I~PAA!I: ...m!:SfOR P'MmIl TO ~ -J I , 12'FAClA ~~E:: ~~B~i/~~ ~ PAO~sro 201' T ~lJElIl[ ~OAX CAEIl("lRAY THROUGH ROO, ~r ~~:r:r.L ~ ~~ ~~aUNf6.L ~ ~~C~~~.~;.G.l- ~ ~(J:~ ~G.L ~ '\~., ~I !,[ )1\\ ~ (E) srEPS----./' 1 SOUTH ELEVATION A-J SCALE' 3/1!'Rl'-D" ~RCP[lSECT_IdDlll~tPANiJ.AtfIO:NNAS(3)\ T01M... 1 PER SEC"roR, t.IQIMTEtl AT mor OONCQlED WITHIN A NEW FRP SlUU..Affi) Cl--IIMND" WI SI"ARK ,<lRRESTOIl, PAHIID TO t.II\lCH !!L.I1~IIlG """ lOP or ClPS ANrr_ ~rxCEEOTCf' or ro BIJIDlNi;PA'lA/"[1l1ALL. "'f~ .' ~ FRQ"OOED T-/,/OEIILEANlENNAS !lAD <:D/TER EL .t34'~r ....~.l. $ ~~P~~L. + ~~ ~~ ~UN~(;.!.. ~ :c.C~~~, ~[~~L $ ~~ N~.L ISSLE STATUS ~ a ~I 16 ,I !< ~E--4 ~I o to Q ~ ~~'" ~~~ ..!ttl)"-J crlz ~ VJ l'l-![[TTlTcE: ELEVATIONS A-3 Q ~~S~^:.:~~ATION TOPOfCHIM'lEY El..-i37'-O A.la ~~g:~E: tlJ~R~~+'~G4.~ ~ TnP 1$ PAIW'€T ~L. "30 e" ....C.L. ROOFUNE: ~L .:1:.22-8 ....G.L PRDP05lOlj0r-MCaIlE EtJUIPMEMrROOtJ. $[[ PACE 2, DETAil A-2. ~~Nl~'~~,l..G,L.~ A-4 EQUIPMENT CABINET DETAIL '""'-'lElI< !llOAIUIEll! f~ mJ I LO"=.::_' j L~:n~~p~ DECIBEL ~OOEL #932SDG055\ITE1d <;Fr.mR~ A "'l'" t @~;~NADETAIL ISSUE STATU S DAJE ~1'll1Jl _ IJol II:II::l:CNNC - i/.2li 101:ll1mNI~ - "';':!IA 'a>>':lllNI>OC1Iri ~Ifli'~ ~ il n i" II Ii! ~~ II o 111 ci > ...:l a:i ~~~ ~U" ...!q"IJ~ a:iZ g; ~ en SiCCTlInE:: ELEV,o."'"IC'JSAND DCTAILS A-4 ASA-2005-13 CITY OF CUPERTINO 10300 Torre Avenue Cupertino, California 95014 REVISED (3/30/06) RESOLUTION NO. 229 OF THE DESIGN REVIEW COMMITTEE OF THE CITY OF CUPERTINO APPROVING AN ARCHITECTURAL AND SITE REVIEW OF A PERSONAL WIRELESS SERVICE FACILITY WITH 3 PANEL ANTENNAS LOCATED ON THE ROOF OF AN EXISTING TWO-STORY OFFICE BUILDING LOCATED AT 21760 STEVENS CREEK BOULEVARD SECTION I: PROTECT DESCRIPTION Application No.: Applicant: Location: ASA-2005-13 Audrey Smith (for T-Mobile) 21760 Stevens Creek Boulevard SECTION II: FINDINGS WHEREAS, the necessary public notices have been given in accordance with the Procedural Ordinance of the City of Cupertino, and the Design Review Committee has held one or more public hearings on this matter; and WHEREAS, the applicant has met the burden of proof required to support said application; and has satisfied the following requirements: 1. The proposal, at the proposed location, will not be detrimental or injurious to property or improvements in the vicinity, and will not be detrimental to the public health, safety, general welfare, or convenience; 2. The proposal is consistent with the purposes of this chapter, the General Plan, and zoning ordinance; 3. Abrupt changes in building scale is avoided and a gradual transition related to height and bulk is achieved; 4. Design harmony between new structures and existing buildings is protected through the use of consistent or compatible design and color schemes; 5. The project complies with federal safety standards for radio frequency radiation emissions; and 6. The project is consistent with the City's Wireless Facilities Master Plan and Wireless Communications Facilities Ordinance. NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED: That after careful consideration of maps, facts, exhibits, testimony and other evidence submitted in this matter, the design review application is hereby approved subject to the conditions which are enumerated in this Resolution beginning on page 2 thereof; and Resolution No. 229 Page 2 ASA-2005-13 December 15, 2005 That the subconclusions upon which the findings and conditions specified in this resolution are based and contained in the public hearing record concerning Application ASA-2005-13 set forth in the Minutes of the Design Review Committee meeting of, December 15, 2005, and are incorporated by reference as though fully set forth herein. SECTION III. CONDITIONS ADMINISTERED BY THE COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT DEPT. 1. APPROVED PROTECT This approval is based on the approved plan set exhibits entitled "BI-MARK STEVENS CREEK BLVD. SF-14973, 21760 STEVENS CREEK BLVD. CUPERTINO, CA 95014 SANTA CLARA COUNTY" dated 10/25/05 and consisting of 5 sheets labeled T-1, A-1 through A- 4, except as may be amended by the conditions contained in this resolution. 2. NOTICE OF FEES, DEDICATIONS, RESERV A TIONS OR OTHER EXACTIONS The Conditions of Project Approval set forth herein may include certain fees, dedication requirements, reservation requirements, and other exactions. Pursuant to Government Code Section 66020(d) (1), these Conditions constitute written notice of a statement of the amount of such fees, and a description of the dedications, reservations, and other exactions. You are hereby further notified that the 90-day approval period in which you may protest these fees, dedications, reservations, and other exactions, pursuant to Government Code Section 66020(a), has begun. If you fail to file a protest within this 90- day period complying with all of the requirements of Section 66020, you will be legally barred from later challenging such exactions. 3. ABANDONMENT If after installation, the aerial is not used for its permitted purpose for a continuous period of 18 months, said antennas and associated facilities shall be removed. The applicant shall bear the entire cost of demolition and removal. 4. EXPIRATION DATE This Architectural and Site approval shall expire five (5) years after the effective date of the permit. The applicant may apply for a renewal of the Architectural and Site approval at which time the Design Review Committee may review the state of wireless communication and camouflage technologies to determine if the visual impact of the personal wireless facility can be reduced. 5. FIELD MEASUREMENT OF RF RADIATION Within one month of activation of the personal wireless service facility, the applicant shall submit a report prepared by a State-licensed radio engineer documenting the actual level of radio frequency radiation emissions at the following exposure sites: 1. ground level, 30 feet away from antenna 2. 2nd floor office suite below antenna 3. 2nd floor level of adjacent office building to the east 4. same roof top exposure adjacent to antenna (indicate distance) Resolution No. 229 Page 3 ASA-2005-13 December 15,2005 The measured results shall be compared to the relevant federal safety standards. If the measurements exceed federal standards, the engineer shall offer recommendations to achieve standards. PASSED AND ADOPTED this 15th day of December 2005, at a Regular Meeting of the Design Review Committee of the City of Cupertino, State of California, by the following roll call vote: AYES: NOES: ABST AIN: ABSENT: COMMISSIONERS: Giefer, Chairperson Miller COMMISSIONERS: none COMMISSIONERS: none COMMISSIONERS: none ATTEST: APPROVED: /s/Ciddy Wordell Ciddy Wordell City Planner / s / Marty Miller Marty Miller, Chair Design Review Committee