CC Resolution No. 7409 '01 RESOLUTION NO. 7409 A RESOLUTION OF THE CITY COUNCIL OF'THE CITY OF CUPERTINO , ALLOWING CERTAIN CLAIHS AND DEMANDS PAYABLE IN THE MtOUNTS AN~ FROM THE FUNDS AS HEREINAFTER DESCRIBED FOR SALARIES ·AHD. WAGES FOR THE PAYROLL PERIOD ENDINC JANUARY 5., 1988 WHEREAS, the Djrector o[ FInance or hI. de.1¡naced repces~ntatlv~ he. certlfLed to the acc...racy of Che followln¡ cla1111 and de...nd. and co Che ," avaLlab1licy'of f...nd. lor payment hereof ,and WHEREAS. che .ald cla1lll. and dellland. have been ayd1Ced ~. req...Lrcd by law I NOW, TNEaEFOaE, BE IT RESOLVED that Che Clty Co...ncl1 hereby allow. Che lollowln¡ cla1111' and d....nd. In Che alllo...nt. and lrolll the fund. .,·eet lorth. CROSS PAYROLL Las. Employee Nec Payroll Leu Elllployee . 129,538.28 (359 :81) Ded...cclon Re.erved . Check. hs...ed . DeductIon. lZ9,178.47 ,(32,651. 75). NET PAYROLL 96.52&.72 Payroll check n...mber. 1.....ed. 116024 Chro...¡h 116153 Vóld check number.· 116025 CERTIFIED , '&~ DL;ecto; of Flna~ce PASSED AND ADOPTED at a re¡ular lIIeetLn¡ of Cupert1no this 1 qth day of January vote, of the CLty Council of che City . 1988 by the followln¡ . ~ }Iembers of the City Counci.l AYES, NOES, ABSENT. A8STA1/f. Johnson, Koppel, Plungy, Rogers, Gatto None None None AntST, '. API'ROVED. /sl Roberta A. Wolfe Deputy City Clerk Isl John Gatto Hayor, Cicy of Cupercino .