CC Resolution No. 7420 RESOIlJI'ION NO. 7420 A RESOIlJI'ION OF '!HE CITY CXXJNCIL OF '!HE CITY OF aJPERI'INO DECI.ARING '!HAT '!HE 8XJNDi\RIES ENcnÅ“ASSING '!HE CITY OF aJPERTlllO SHALL BE INCUJDED WI'IHIN '!HE SANI'A CIARA CXXJNl'1l VECroR roNl'ROL DISTRIcr. WHEREAS, the County of Santa Clara am the city of OJpertino have an extensive problem with rats, IOOSqUitoes am other vectors; am WHEREAS, rats, IOOSqUitoes am other vectors have the potential of transmittin:J malaria, encephalitis, plague am other vector-borne diseases; am WHEREAS, the County General FUnd can no longer provide a stable source of fun:ling for operations to control rats, IOOSqUitoes am other vectors; am WHEREAS, the effective control of rats, IOOSqUitoes am other vectors should be done on a county-wide basis in order to help protect the health am safety am to enhance the caufort of the citizens of the County am City; am WHEREAS, there remains a continuing am Íllp:>rtant need for the control of rats, IOOSqUitoes am other vectors in santa Clara County am the City of OJpertino; NCM, 'IHEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED that the OJpertino City Council hereby declares that the boun::3aries encampassin:J the City of OJpertino shall be included within the Santa Clara County Vector Control District, am shall participate in, am enjoy the benefits derived from the Santa Clara County Vector Control District. PASSED AND ADOPl'ED at a regular meetin:J of the City Council of the City of OJpertino this ....lê.L day of Februarv , 1988 by the followin:J vote: vote Members of the City Council AYES: Johnson, Koppel, Plungy, Rogers, Gatto NOES: None ABSENT: None ABSTAIN: None RESOIlJI'ION NO. 7420 APPROVED: Isl John Gatto Mayor, City of 0Jpertin0 A'ITEST: Isl Dorothy Cornelius City Clerk