CC Resolution No. 7454 RæOIIJI'ICN NO. 7454 A RæOIIJI'ICN OF '!HE CITY CXXJNCIL OF '!HE CITY OF a.œ.t;tti'mO RESCINDING RæOIIJI'ICN NO. 6713 AND ~ USER FEES WHEREAS, the state of California requires fees charged for s&vice rendered not to exceed the cost of deliverin] said s&vices; and WHEREAS, a public hearin] has been held to review user fees; and WHEREAS, the city Council of the city of CUpertino has established guidelines for settin] user fees; NOW, 'lHEREFORE, BE rr RæOLVED that: 1. User fees are established per attachments A through E. 2. All user fees as detailed in attachments A through E and previously established by the Council action or resolution are hereby superseded. PASSED AND AOOPI'ED at a regular meetin] of the city Council of the City of CUpertino this ~ day of April, 1988 by the followin] vote: vote Members of the city Council AYES: Johnson, Koppel, Plungy, Rogers, Gatto NOES: None ABSENT: None ABSTAIN: None Al':æOVED: /s/ John M. Gatto Mayor, City of CUpertino A'ITEST: /s/ Dorothv Cornelius City Clerk Resolution 7454 CITY OF a.JPE:Rl'mO USER FEES APRIL 4, 1988 DEPARlMENT S<:::HEIXJIE En;Jineering A Planning B Building C Water D Recreation E , Resolution 7454 CITY OF aJPER1'INO Schedule A SUMMARY OF USER FEES - ENGINEERING street cuts First Inspection Seconi Inspection Gradin;J Permits Sin:]le Family Camnerc:ial ParceljTract Maps Plan checking Annexation Retaining Walls April 4, 1988 $85.00 $55.00 $75.00 6% of inprovement value $210.00 $200.00 minbmnn or Residential 5% of site Improvement Commercial 6% of site Improvement $230.00 $170.00 · Resolution 7454 Schedule B CITY OF aJPERI'INO SUMMARY OF USER FEES April 4, 1988 DEFINITION OF PIANNING FEE SERVICFS Miscellaneous APPlication Miscellaneous Awlication typically requires :minimum review process. For example, application \otUch stops at the architectural committee (Le. signs), Plël1111in;J commission (Le. fence exception) or interpretation of minor aroeOOments to development approvals. These applications typically do not require ERe or City Council action. Minor APPlication Minor application involves less than 5,000 square feet of building area or have four or less units am \otUch do not require Envl101I!(¡e¡1tal Review or city Council action except referrals from Architectural am site Approval. Limited APPlication Limited application involving less than 10,000 square feet of building area or 10 less dwelling units, or applications requiring enviromnenta1 review, Plël1111in;J Cœunission, City Council am having a building area between 10,000 am 100,000 square feet or less than 100 units . FUll APPlication - Maior Proiect Major projects involving Architectural am site Approval, Enviromnental Review, Plël1111in;J Cœunission, City Council am having building areas greater than 100,000 square feet or have 100 or more units, or ÿß¡en an enviromnenta1 impact report is required. , Resolution 7454 Schedule B CITY OF aJPERI'INO SUMMARY OF USER FEES April 4, 1988 Miscellaneous APPlication Signs Exception Interpretation of Minor .A11Iemments Variance Minor APPlication Tentative Map Use Permit Limited APPlication Use Permit $120 $160 $140 $500 maximum $700 $940 Amen:bnent to Developnent Approval F\11l APPlication (Nate 2) Tentative Map Use Permit Zoni.Iq!General Plan Amen:bnent $1,060 F\11l APPlication - Maier Proiects (Nate 2) Tentative Map Use Permit Zonin:J/General Plan Amen:bnent $970 $965 $970 Base Fee $965 Base Fee $1,060 Base Fee J.t:plications that require staff time in excess of 41. 5 hours will be charged an hourly rate of $22 per hour with a maximum fee of $5,000. NOI'ES : 1) Projects lIU.1St meet the specific criteria of size am review process am the general description, to be classified within an application catego:ty. 2) Canbined applications which are processed simultaneously (Le. filed at the same time) will be classified based on highest rating . 3) Mixed use applications will be classified based upon the highest intensity am review process. 4) arllding area shall include new construction arrl,Ior addition space (including area being rørnnñø1ed). 5) '!he Director of Planning will have discretion to classify projects based t1pOI1 the above criteria. , Resolution 7454 $1 - $500 $501 - $2,000 $2,00l - $25,001 - $50,001 - $100,001 - $500,001 - $1,000,001 - PIAN CHECKING Schedule C UNIFORM aJIIDING OODE CI'l'Y OF CIJPERl'INO SUMMARY OF USER FEES WIIDING April 4, 1988 $15.00 $15.00 for the first $500 plus ~ for each l\dditional$lOO or fraction thereof, to ani inc11.1din:J $2, 000. $45 for the first $2,000 plus $25, 000 ~ for each additional $l,OOOor fraction thereof, to ani inc11.1din:J $25,000. $252 for the first $25,000 $50,000 plus $6.50 for each additional $1,000 or fraction thereof to ani incl1.1din:J $50,000. $414.50 for the first $50,000 $100,000 plus $4.50 for each additional $1,000 or fraction thereof, to ani inc11.1din:J $100,000 $639.50 for the first $100,000 $500,000 plus $3.50 for each additional $1,000 or fraction thereof. $2.039.50 for the first $1,000,000 $500,000 plus ~ for each additional $1,00 or fraction thereof, to ani inc11.1din:J $1,000,000 $359.50 for the first $1,000 ani up plus ~ for each additional $1,000 or fraction thereof. 45% of buildiD;¡ peJ:1I\Ít fee for each plan suJ::anitted. Each additional identical repeat plan for multi unit residential deve1..¥'....lts will be assessed at $l5.50 each unit. Repeat plan checks that exceed 2 reviews will be charged a hourly rate at $60.00 per hour. · Resolution 7454 Schedule C CITY OF aJPERI'INO SUMMARY OF USER FEES - ElJIIDING EIECI'RICAL FEES April 4, 1988 For issuin:J each permit System Fee Schedule (Note: '!he follow'in; do not include permit-issuing fee.) New :Residential arlldings am Remodels that add additional square footage '!he followin;¡- fees shall include all wirin;¡- am electrical equi¡:ment :in or on each buildin;¡', or other electrical equi¡:ment on the same premises constructed at the same tiJne. For new IIILlltifamily residential buildings (aparbnents am condaniniums) havin;¡- three or m:>re livin;¡- units not incluc1in;¡' the area of garages, carports am other l'I01'1CŒ1!IIerial aut:cmcbile storage areas constructed at the same t:bue, per square foot For new sin;¡-le am t1.Io-family residential buildings not incluc1in;¡' the area of garages, carports am other minor accesscny buildings constructed at the same t:bue, per square foot For other types of residential occupancies am alterations, additions am IOOdifications to existin;¡- residential buildings, use the UNIT FEE SæEIXJIE Private SW.bmnin;J Pools For new private, residential, :in-grcRIM, sw.bmnin;J pools for single-family am IIILlltifamily occupancies incluc1in;¡' a CXIIplete system of neoessary branch circuit wiring, 1:x>n:tin;J, grcJlI1'rlin;J, umerwater lightin;¡-, water pumpin;¡- am other similar electrical equi¡:ment directly related to the operation of a sw.bmnin;J pool, each For other types of SWÌ1m'l\in;J pools, therapeutic whirlpools, spas am alterations to existin;¡- sw.bmnin;J pools, use the UNIT FEE SæEIXJIE Temporary Power Service For a temporary service power pole or pedestal incluc1in;¡' all pole or pedestal-m:JlD'lted receptacle outlets am a¡::purtenances, each For a temporary distribution system am 'tenp:>rary lightin;¡- am receptacle outlets for oanstruction sites, decorative light, Q1risbnas tree sales lots, firework st:an:1s, etc. each $12.00 .02 .025 20.00 10.00 5.00 , Resolution 7454 Schedule C CITY OF a:JPERl'INO SUMMARY OF USER FEES - mIIDING EIECIRICAL (OONTINUED) UNIT FEE SCHE!XJIE (Note the following do not include pennit issuing fee) Receptacle, SWitch am LightiIq outlets For receptacle, switch, lightin1 or other outlets at which current is used or controlled, except services, feeders am meters. First 20 each Additional outlets, each NOI'E: For multioutlet assemblies, each 5 feet or fraction thereof may be considered as one outlet. $ .50 .30 Lightin;¡' Fixtures For lightin;¡' fixtures, sockets or other lanp-holdm:J devices First 20 each Additional fixtures, each For pole or platfo:rm-m::Jl1I1ted lightin1 fixtures each For theatrical-type lightin;¡' fixtures or assemblies ea. Residential Appliances For fixed residential appliances or receptacle outlets for same, includin;J wall-mJUnted electric ovens; COI.1Ilter-nrJm cook:In;¡- tops; electric ranges, self- contained roam, console, or through-wall air condi- tioners; space heaters; food waste griIñers; dishwashers washin3" machines; water heaters; clothes dJ:yers; or other 1!Dtor-operated appliances not exceedb1g one horsepower (HP) in ratin1 each .50 .30 .50 .50 2.00 NOI'E: For other types of air conditioners ani other 1!Dtor-driven appliances havin1larger electrical ratings, see Power Apparatus. Nonresidential Appliances For residential appliances am self-contained factory- wired, nonresidential appliances not exceedb1g one horsepower (HP), kilowatt (RW), or kil~(KVA) in ratin;¡' includin;J medical am dental devices; food, beverage, am ice cream cabinets; illumb1ated show cases; drinking fountains; verxlin;J machines; la1.1n:lry machines; or other similar types of equipment, each 2.00 NOI'E: For other types of air conditioners am other 1!Dtor-driven appliances havin1larger electrical ratings, see Power Apparatus. , Resolution 7454 Schedule C CITY OF aJPEm'INO SUMMARY OF USER FEES - RJIIDING ElECI'RICAL (<DNTINUED) Power Apparatus For IOCJtors, generators, transfo:cners, rectifiers, synchronous =nverters, capacitors, industrial heatin;J, air oonlitioners ani heat plmIpS, oookin; or bakin;J equipnent ani ather apparatuses, as follows: Ratin;J in horsepower (HP), kilowatts (RW), kilovolt-aIIp3reS (KVA), or kilovolt-amperes- reactive (KVAR): Uþ to ani incl1.1d:in;J 1, each OVer 1 ani not aver 10, each OVer 10 ani not aver 50, each OVer 50 ani not aver 100, each OVer 100, each NOl'E: 1. For equipnent or appliances havin;J IOOre than one IOCJtor, transfœ:mer, heater, etc., the SI.DU of the canbined ratin:Js may be sued. 2. 'n1ese fees include all switches, circuit breakers, oontactors, theDoostats, relays ani ather directly related oontrol equipnent. $ 2.00 5.00 lO.OO 20.00 30.00 Busways For trolley ani plug-in-type busways, each 100 feet or fraction thereof 3.00 NOl'E: An additional fee will be required for lightin;J fixtures, JOOtors ani ather appliances that are connected to trolley ani plug-in-type busways. No fee is required for portable tools. Signs, CXrtline Lightin;J ani Marquees For signs, outline lightin;J systems or marquees supplied fran one branch circuit, each For additional branch circuits within the same sign, outline lightin;J system or marquee each services For services of 600 volts or less ani not aver 200 aIIp3reS in ratin;J, each For services of 600 volts or less ani CNer 200 amperes to 1000 aIIp3reS in ratin;J, each For services aver 600 volts aver 1000 aIIp3reS in ratin;J each Miscellaneous Apparatus, Corñuits ani COn:iuctors For electrical apparatus, con:luits ani conductors for which a pemit is required J::ut for which no fee is herein set forth lO.OO 2.00 l2.50 25.00 50.00 7.50 , Resolution 7454 Schedule C CITY OF aJPERl'INO SUMMARY OF USER FEES - BJIIDrnG MECHANICAL FEES April 4, 1988 Permit Issuance For the issuance of each permit System Fee Schedule New Residential B.1ildin3s ani Førnnr1els that add additional square footage. '!he follCMinJ fees shall include all mechanical equipnent in or on each buildirq, or other mechanical equipnent on the same premised constructed at the same tbne. $12.00 For new nu.1ltifamily residential buildin3s (aparbnents ani COIñaniniums) havin; three or lOOJ:'e livin; units not incl1.1din;J the area of garages, carports ani other nonccmnercial autcm::Jbile storage areas oon- st:ructed at the same tbne, per square foot .02 For new ani sin;le ani two-family residential buildin3s not incl1.1din;J the area of garages, carports ani other miI10r accessory buildin3s constructed at the same time, per square foot .025 For other types of residential occupancies ani alterations additions ani m::xtifications to existin; residential buildin3s, use the UNIT FEE 8aIEI:UIE. 1. For the installation or relocation of each forced-air or gravity-type fun1aoe or I::mner, incl1.1din;J ducts ani vents attached to such awliance, up to ani incl1.1din;J 100,000 Btu/h 9.00 2. For the installation or relocation of each forced-air or gravity-type f'Im1ace or b.1rner, incl1.1din;J ducts ani vents attached to such appliance a<Ier 100,000 Btu/h n.oo 3. For the installation or relocation of each floor furnace, incl1.1din;J vent 9.00 4. For the installation or relocation of each suspended heater, recessed wall heater or floor-1l1OUI1ted unit heater 9.00 5. For the installation, or relocation or replacement of each appliance vent installed ani not included in an appliance permit 4.50 Resolution 7454 Schedule C CITY OF CIJPERI'INO SUMMARY OF USER FEES - WIIDING MEæANICAL FEES (CDNTINUED) 6. For the repair of alteration of, or addition to each heating appliance, refrigeration \JI1Ìt, CXJOling \JI1Ìt, absorption \JI1Ìt, or each heating, CXJOling, absorption, or evaporative CXJOling system, :including installation of controls regulated by this Code 9.00 7. For the installation or relocation of each boiler or c:xIIq)ressor to and :including three horsepower, or each absorption system to and including 100,000 Btu/h 9.00 8. For the installation or relocation of each boiler or com- pressor aver three horsepower to and including 15 horse- power, or each absorption system aver 100,000 Btu/h and :including 500,000 Btu/h 16.50 9. For the installation or relocation of each boiler or c:xIIq)ressor aver 15 horsepower to and including 30 horse- power, or each absorption system aver 500,000 Btu/h to and :including 1,000,000 Btu/h 22.50 lO. For the installation or relocation of each boiler or canpressor aver 30 horsepower to and including 50 horse- power, or for each absorption system aver 1,000,000 Btu/h to and including l,750,000 Btu/h. 33.50 11. For the installation or relocation of each boiler or refrigeration ..x..,~J:essor aver 50 horsepower, or each absorption system over 1,750,000 Btu/h. $56.00 12. For each air-harxlling \JI1Ìt to and including 10,000 cubic feet per minute, :including ducts attached thereto 6.50 NOTE: 'Ihis fee shall not apply to an air-harxlling \JI1Ìt which is a portion of a facto:ry-asS'embled appliance, CXJOling \JI1Ìt, evaporative CXJOler or absorption \JI1Ìt for which a permit is required elsewhere in this Code. 13. For each air-harxlling \JI1Ìt over 10,000 cfm 14. For each evaporative CXJOler other than portable type 15. For each ventilation fan connected to a single duct 11.00 6.50 4.50 16. For each ventilation system which is not a portion of any heating or air-con:titioning system authorized by a permit 6.50 Resolution 7454 Schedule C CITY OF aJPER1'INO SUMMARY OF USER FEES - WIIDING MECHANICAL FEES (<nrn:NUED) 17. For the installation of each hood which is served by a mechanical exhaust, inc1~ the ducts for such hood 6.50 18. For the installation or relocation of each dcmestic-type incinerator 11.00 19. For the installation or relocation of each commercial or lldustrial-type incinerator 45.00 20. For each appliance or piece of equipment regulated by this Code rot not classed in other appliance categories, or for which no other fee is listed in this Code. 6.50 Resolution 7454 Schedule C CITY OF aJPERI'INO SUMMARY OF USER FEES - mIlDING PIIJMBING FEES Pennit Issuance: For :issuin;r each pemit System Fee Schedule (Note the followin;J do not include pemit-:issuin;r fee.) $12.00 New Residential arilciixgs am F.........rI..' s that add additional square footage. '!he followin;J fees shall include all pltnnbing equi¡;:ment in or on each b.1ildin;J, or ather pltnnbing equi¡;:ment on the same premises constructed at the same time. For new Jmlltifamily residential builciixgs (apartments am =n:ianinilDllS) having three or Irore living units not including the area of garages, carports am ather noncamnercial autcm::lbile storage areas constructed at the same time, per square foot. .02 For new single am two-family residential b.1ilciixgs not in- cluding the area of garages, carports am ather minor accessoJ:Y builciixgs constructed at the same time, per square foot. .025 For ather types of residential occupancies am alterations, additions am 1OOdifications to existing residential b.1ildin;Js use the UNIT FEE SŒEI:XJI.E. For each pltnnbing fixture or trap or set of fixtures on one trap (including water, drainage piping am backflow protection therefor) 2.00 For each buildin;J sewer am each trailer park sewer 5.00 Rainwater systems-per drain (inside b.1ildin;J) 2.00 For each cesspool 5.00 For each private sewage disposal system lO.OO For each water heater am¡or vent 2.00 For each gas piping system of one (1) to four (4) outlets 2.00 For each gas piping system of five (5) or m::>re, per outlet .50 For each in:iustrial waste pretreatJoent interceptor, including its trap am vent, excepting kitchen type grease interceptors functioning as fixture traps 2.00 Resolution 7454 Schedule C CITY OF aJPER1'INO SUMMARY OF USER FEES - I3UIIDING PIlJMBING FEES April 4, 1988 For installation, alteration or repair of water piping amjor water treating equi¡:ment 2.00 For repair or alteration of draillage or vent piping 2.00 For each law sprinkler system on any one meter, including backflow protection devices therefor 2.00 For vacuum breakers or backflow protective devices on tanks, vats, etc. or for installation on unprotected plumbing fixtures, including necessary water piping-one (1) to four (4) 2.00 Five (5) or m::>re, each .50 Resolution 7454 Schedule D CI'lY OF CIJPERl'INO SUMMARY OF USER FEES - WATER April 4, 1988 Reconnection - non-payment of service Normal workiI1g hours After workiI1g hours $12.00 23.00 Meter installation $23.00 per hour m:in:i.Jm.m¡ 1 hour Resolution 7454 CITY OF aJPERI'INO Schedule E SUMMARY OF USER FEE'3 - RECREATION 1Idu1t Activities Ihysical CUltural Special Workshop/Seminars Youth Activities General Special Interest Organized Sports Softball EasJœtbal1 April 4, 1988 $1. 70 per hour 1. 99 per hour 2.27 per hour 3.41 per hour $1. 70 per hour 1. 99 per hour $35.89 per game 40.90 per game