CC Resolution No. 7461 RESOII1l'IŒ NO. 7461 A RESOII1l'IŒ OF '!HE CI'IY CXXJNCIL OF '!HE CI'IY OF aJPERI'INO AUIBJRIZING '!HE FILING OF A CJ:AIM Wl'lH '!HE MEmOK>LITAN TRANSRJRI'ATIŒ CXJ.IMISSIŒ :roR ALLOC'ATIŒ OF TRANSRJRI'ATIŒ DEVELORoIENl' ACr ASSISTANœ FUNœ :roR FISCAL YEAR 1988-89, :roR STELLING R:W) WIDENING :roR PEDES'D.UANS WHERE'A':;, the Transportation Devel'¥'""'1t Act ('lm) (Pub. util. Code 99200 et. ~.), provides for the disb.Jrsement of furv:1s fran the Local Transportation FI.1Iñ of the QJunty of Santa Clara for use by eligible claimants for the p.npose of stellin;r Road widenin;r for pedestrians; an::l WHERE'A':;, p.u:suant to the provisions of the 'l"I) l, an::l p.u:suant to the applicable roles an::l regulations t:hereI.Irœr (21 Cal. Adm. Code 6600 ñ. ~.) a prcspective claimant wishin;r to receive an allocatioo fran the Local Transportatioo FI.1Iñ shall file its claim with the Metropolitan Transportatioo t"ronmi ....ioo; an::l WHERE'A':;, 'l"I) l furv:1s fran the Local Transportatioo FI.1Iñ of Santa Clara QJunty will be required by claimant in fiscal 1988-89 for stellin;r Read widenin;r for pedestrians; an::l WHERE'A':;, the City of 0Jpertj.00 is an eligible claimant for 'lm furv:1s p.u:suant to roc sections 99233.3, 99234 as attested by the city of CUpertino's opinion of cnmsel dated March 30, 1988; NCM, ~U!(t¡, BE rr RESOLVED that the 0Jpertj.00 City eourx:il is authorized to execute an::l file an ~""J:'Ll.ate 'l"I) l claim together with all necessary supportin;r dQcI"""'1ts, with the Mt=tlqx>litan Transportation O:Irnmission for an allocatioo of 'l"I) l furv:1s in Fiscal Year 1988-89; BE rr FURIHER RESOLVED, that a CC1f!:/ of this resolution be transmitted to the Metropolitan Transportatioo o-mni ....ion in conjunction with the filin;r of the claim; an::l the Metropolitan Transportatioo t"ronmi ....ion be requested to grant the allocations of furv:1s as specified herein. PASSED AND AOOPl'ED at a regular meet:in;r of the City eourx:il of the city of 0Jpertj.00 this 4th day of April , 1988, by the followin;r vote: vote MømI-vo,.... of the City eourx:il AYES: NOES: ABSENT: ABSTAIN: Johnson, Koppel, Plungy, Rogers, Gatto None None None