CC Resolution No. 7462 RESOwnoo NO. 7462 A RESOwnOO OF '!HE CIT1{ CXXJNCIL OF '!HE CIT1{ OF aJPERl'INO AUnœIZING '!HE FILING OF A CIAIM WI'lH '!HE ME'l'B)POLlTAN 'IW\NSroRrAT!OO CXØlISSIOO :Fœ. ALLOCATIOO OF 'IW\NSroRrAT!OO DE.VEIDæENl' ACr ASSISTANCE RJNœ :Fœ. FISCAL YEAR 1989-90, FOR IDŒSTFAD R)A ) WIDENING :Fœ. BI1Œ lANE WHEREAS, the TranspOrtatiCl'1 Develq:ment Act (TDA) (Pub. util. Code 99200 et. ~.), provides for the ð.is\::m'SeIIIe of funjs frail the Local Transportation r\md of the County of santa Clara for use by eligible claimants for the p.¡rpose of Haœstead Road wic:1enin;J for bike lane; a1Ù WHEREAS, ¡:mosuant to the provisioos of the TDA, a1Ù ~---to the applicable rules a1Ù regulatioos t:hereußjer (21 Cal. Adm. Code 6600 §to ~.) a prospective t'!l..i_1'\t wishin¡ to receive an allocatiCl'1 frail the Local TranspOrtation r\md shall file its claim with the Metrq;x>litan TranspOrtation ç.-mmi -iCl'1; a1Ù WHEREAS, TDA funjs frail the Local TranspOrtatiCl'1 r\md of santa Clara .County will be required by claimant in Fiscal Year 1988-89 for Hcmestead Road widenin;J for bike lane; a1Ù WHEREAS, the City of a¡pertino is an eligible c]..i_r¡t for TDA funjs pursuant to RJC sectioos 99233.3, 99234 as attested by the City of a¡pertino's opinion of ocunsel dated March 30, 1988; NCM, ~uAE, BE IT RESOLVED that the a¡pertino City Ccuncil is authorized to execute a1Ù file an a¡:propriate TDA claim together with all necessary ~ doc'1IIIØ1"\ts, with the Metrq;x>litan TranspOrtation ,..,.""",i....ion for an allocatiCl'1 of TDA funjs in Fiscal Year 1989-90; BE IT FURlHER RESOLVED, that a CC1f1Y of this resolutiCl'1 be transmitted to the Metrq;x>litan TranspOrtatiCl'1 l"'rnIrni....ion in oonjurx:tion with the filiI¥3" of the claim; a1Ù the Metropolitan TranspOrtatial. ç.-mmi ....ion be requested to grant the allocations of funjs as specified herein. PASSED AND AOOPl'ED at a regular meetin:J of the City Ccuncil of the city of a¡pertino this 4.-h day of April , 1988, by the followin3' vote: vote AYES: NOES: ABSENI': ABSTAIN: Members of the city eamcil Johnson, Koppel, Plungy, Rogers, Gatto None None None msoII1l'IOO 1«>. 7462 Þü.'l.~-.rr: APPRJ\1ED: I~I Dorothy C:ornplill~ City Clerk /~/ T~~n M r.~tto Mayor, ty at upert1no