CC Resolution No. 7534 RESOLUTION NO. J~3~___ A RESOLUTION OF THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF CUPERTINO ADOPTING A MEMORANDUM OF UNDERSTANDING BETWEEN THE CITY OF CUPERTINO AND THE CUPERTINO EMPLOYEES ASSOCIATION WHEREAS, several discussions have been held over proposals concerning wages, hours and other conditions and terms of employment between ,·epresentataives of the City and of the Cupertino Employees Association recognized majority representative of the Miscellaneous Unit; and WHEREAS, the agreement mutually obtained discussions has been recorded in the Memorandum of signed by both parties, which memorandum has been the City Council for approval; through these Understanding submitted to NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED City of Cupertino does hereby adopt Understanding between the City of Employees Association. that the City Council of the the attached Memorandum of Cupertino and the Cupertino of the PASSED AND ADOPTED at a regular meeting of the City Council the City of Cupertino this_2!h_day of _d~ly___----, 1988 by following: '!Qiê ~êmºêC§_Qi_iQê_Ç~i~_ÇQ~Q£~l NOES: Johnson, Koppel, Plungy, Rogers, Gatto None AYES: ABSENT: None ABSTAIN: None APPROVED: _L~L_d2hn_~~~~!£~-------- Mayor, City of Cupertino ATTEST: _j~1__~03~~~~_~03E~!~~~____________ City Clerk CUPERTINO EMPLOYEES ASSOCIATION INDEX Category Section NO DISCRIMINATION 1 SALARY SCHEDULE 2 OUT-OF-CLASS WAGE PAY 3 HOURS OF WORK: OVERTIME 4 P.E.R.S; CONTRIBUTION 5 INSURANCE COVERAGE 6 SALARY COMPARISON 7 HOLIDAYS 8 TEMPORARY DISABILITY 9 USE OF SICK LEAVE TO SUPPLEMENT 9.l TEMPORARY DISABILITY PAYMENTS VACATION lO SICK LEAVE 11 PERSONAL LEAVE" l2 BEREAVEMENT LEAVE 13 MILITARY LEAVE l4 PREGNANCY DISABILITY LEAVE 15 ABSENCE NOTIFICATION l6 SUBSTANCE ABUSE POLICY l7 Subject Page No Discrimination 1 Salary Schedule 1 Out-of-Class Wage Pay 2 Hours of Work Defined Schedules Rest Pe.riods Overtime Payment of Overtime Compensatory Time Off 2 2 2 3 3 3 P.E.R.S. Contribution 4 Health - Medical Insurance Dental Insurance Life Insurance Long Term Disability 4 4 5 5 Salary Comparison 5 Fixed Holidays Floating Holidays Good Friday Non-Work Period Holiday Pay 5 6 6 7 Temporary Disability Benefits 7 Use of Sick Leave to Supplement Temporary Disability Payments 7 Vacation 8 Sick Leave 9 Personal Leave l3 Bereavement Leave l3 Military Leave 13 Pregnancy Disability Leave l4 Absence Notification l5 Substance Abuse Policy l6 Category Section Subject Page TRAINING AND TUITION l8 Training and Tuition REIMBURSEMENT Reimbursement 17 CITY SPONSORED RECREATION 19 City Sponsored Recreation PROGRAMS Programs 17 EMPLOYEE RECOGNITION COMMITTEE 20 Employee Recognition Committee l7 DUE PROCESS 2l Due Process 18 LAYOFFS 22 Layoffs l8 REINSTATEMENT 23 Reinstatement 19 CONTINUATION OF BENEFITS 24 Continuation of Benefits 19 SEPARABILITY 25 Separability 20 RATIFICATION 26 Ratification 20 TERM 27 Term 20 MEMORANDUM OF UNDERSTANDING BETWEEN CITY OF CUPERTINO AND CUPERTINO EMPLOYEES ASSOCIATION This agreement, entered into the _l§t_ day of _J~tL__, 1988 between the City of Cupertino, hereinafter referred to as "City", and representatives of the Cupertino Employees Association. hf:?r€:Ünafter referred to as "Association", sets forth the agreement resulting from several discussions held between these two parties concerning the wages, hours, terms, and conditions of employment for the employees of the Miscellaneous Employees Unit of the City, for which the Association is the recognized sole and exclusive representative. This agreement represents the full and integrated agreement reached between the parties. SECT! ON 1: Uº_QlâÇBl~lUBIlºU City and Association agree they shall not discriminate in any way on account of race, creed, religion, sex, age, national origin, political affiliation, sexual preference, or for- Association activity. SECTION 2: âBbBBLâÇt!5.Qb!b5. The City agrees to increase rates of pay for each classification covered by this agreement by 4.5 X in the ranges and steps of the appropriate Schedule of Pay Grades effective ,June "~ ...:...::., 1988. -1- SECTION::;: º~I=ºE=çbeª§_WeQ5_Eei Temporary assignment, approved in advance by the Department He;:\d ~ to a classification in a higher pay grade shall be compensated at the Step 1 rate of the higher classification, or at a rate five percent greater than that of the regular position, whichever is greater, for the number of hours so assigned. SECTI ON 4: ~ºW8ª_ºE_~º8l~_º~58Il~5 ~Q~c§_ºi_~Qct_º~iiQ~Q Hours worked shall include all time not under the control of the employee whether such hours are worked in the City's work place, or in some other place where the employee is carrying out the duties of the City. The normal work week shall be 40 hours in seven days. ê£.b~º~1~2 It will be a management responsibility to schedule the hours of wor-k for each employee covered by this agreement. Except in unforseen circumstances, changes in employee's hours of work will be made after ten days prior notice. 8§1§t_Eª(.!.ºº§ Each employee shall be granted a rest period of fifteen minutes during each work period of more than three hours dur-ation. No wage deduction shall be made nor time off charged against employees taking authorized rest periods, nor shall any rights or overtime be accrued for rest periods not taken. -""- ~ º~ê~iim~ Overtime shall be defined as any work in excess of regular work hours defined above. Holidays and paid time off shall count toward the accumulation of the work wEek. Overtime work for the City by an employee shall be authorized in advance by the Department Head or their designee. In the event of unforseen circumstances, overtime shall be approved after the wor~ is completed. Eª~m~Di_ºf_º~~~iim~ All approved overtime work performed by employees shall be paid at the rate of one and one-half (1 1/21 times the normal rate of pay. Work performed on regularly scheduled days off, City Holidays or during an employee's scheduled vacation shall be considered to be overtime and paid accordingly. ~ºmº~D§ªtº~~_Iim~_ºff At the employees discretion, compensatory time off may be granted for overtime worked at the rate of time and one-half for each hour worked in lieu of compensation in cash. Employees who have previously earned compensatory time, shall be allowed to schedule compensatory time off at dates of the employee's selection provided: II that prior supervisory approval has been obtained, and 2) it is taken prior to the second pay period in December and 31 the request is made in writing. -.~- Compensatory time may be accrued~ up to 60 hours. Any compensatory time remaining on the books after this time will be paid off in cash at the rate of time and one-half, SECTION 5: E~~~8~§~_ÇQ~I81ª~IIQ~ The City agrees to pay the employee's contribution rate to the Public Employees Retirement System not to exceed 7.0% of applicable salary. SECTION 6: l~§YBe~ç~_çº~~Beg~ ~êªlib_=_~êQi~ªl_lD§Y~ªD~ê - City agrees to pay a maximum of $230.00 for medical coverage for employee and dependents through the Meyers-Geddes State Employees Medical and Hospital Care Act. Instances in which the premium for medical and hospital insurance plan selected by an employee is less than the City's maximum premium contribution, the City agrees to contribute a sum, equal to the difference between the actual premium and the City's maximum contribution effective at that time, to a deferred compensation plan in the employee's name. The City retains the right of selection and administration over the plan or plans utilized to defer compensation. ºêDiªl_lD§Y~ªD~ê -City agrees to pay $42.07 per month for employees and their dependents. -4- bi:f.§:__I!J§b!r:.ª[l~ª City shall provide life Insurance and accidental death and dismemberment coverage for each employee in the amount of five times annual salary to a maximum benefit of $250~OOO. The City will make available to employee's...at the employees expense...a supplemental life insurance program. bºD9_Ig~m_ºi§ªºilit~_IQ§~~ªQ~g City agrees to pay that premium now in effect for each employee. Like other non-industrial disabilities, employees may use sick leave and vacation leave to supplement lost wages. SECTION 7: ê8b8B~_~º~E8Blêº~ The City agrees to evaluate benchmark classifications prior to renewal of this agreement for the purposes of i nSLlri ng competative salaries. SECTION 8: i:iºbIJ28~ê Ei1lgfLi:iºliºª~§ The City shall provide the following fixed paid holidays for eligible employees covered by this agreement: 1. New Years Day 2. Washington's Birthday 3. Memorial Day 4. Independence Day 5. Labor Day 6. Veteran's Day 7. Thanksgiving Day 8. Day following Thanksgiving 9. Christmas Eve - half shift (only on regular work day) 10. Christmas Day 11. New Years Eve - half shift (only on regular work day) 12. Martin Luther King Day When a holiday or non-work day falls on a Saturday, the preceding Friday shall be observed as the non-work day; and when a holiday falls on a Sunday, the following Monday shall be observed as the non-work day. ~ · Nothing contained herein shall preclude the right of the Department Head with the approval of the Appointing Authority to reschedule work assignments or hours of work to meet emergency situations and other administrative necessities caused by the observance of a holiday or non-work day or period; provided, howeYer~ that all such affected employees are duly compensated for said rescheduled work assignments. EiQ~tiQg_~QiigªL2 In addition to the foregoing paid holidays, eligible days as employees shall be allowed to schedule two work additional holidays. These two floating holidays shall be taken at dates of the employee's selection, provided: 1) that prior supervisor approval be obtained, and 21 before the end of the second pay period in December of each calendar year. For new employees, following manner: 1. Employees hired after January 1 but before March 31 floating holidays will be pro-rated in the shall be entitled to two floating holidays in that calendar year. 2. Employees ~,ired after April 1 but before September ::;0 will be entitled to one floating holiday that calendar year. 3. Employees hired after October 1 but before December 31 will not be entitled to floating holidays in that calendar- year. ~QQg_E~igªL_~QQ=~Q~t_E§~igg The period of 1:00 P.M. to 3:00 P.M. on Good Friday shall be observed as a non-work period. -6,-, tJ9H9ª:i_Eªi In order for an employee to receive his/her regular pay for a holiday or designated non-work day, work must be performed on the r·e<:JLII ar- scr,edul ed day befor-e and the r-egul ar- schedul ed day after- the holiday or- designated non-wor-k day. Employees on vacation~ injury leave, approved short term leave of absence, wit.h or wit.hout pay, or- who submit satisfactor-y evidence of per-sonal illness shall be consider-ed as wor-king their- r-egular- schedule for- pay pL\rpOSI::~s. SECTION 9: I~~EºBBBi_ºl§Bªlblli_ª~~~ElI§ Any employee sustaining an injury arising out of, or in the course of, the per-for-mance of his/her- job and who cannot wor-k at the duties and r-esponsibilities nor-mally assigned to that job is entitled to r-eceive tempor-ar-y disability payments as pr-escr-ibed by state law. SECTION 9.1: ~§~_ºE_§lçt_b~a~~_Iº_§~EEb~~~~I_I~~EºBBBi ºl§Bªlblli_EBi~~~I§ Any employee ent:itled to receive temporary disability payments may elect to supplement such payments with an amount not to exceed that which is the employee·s weekly ear-nings or- weekly ear-ning capacity by use of sick leave payments to the extent that such sick leave has been accrued to the employee~s account. ~ -/- SECTION 10: ',!eçeIlQb! All employees, other- than those holding tempor-ar-y status, whose wo~k assignment is of a ~ecu~ring nature of not less than a normal wor-k week shall accr-ue vacation cr-edit. After- six months of continuous employment accr-ued vacation may be taken. Dur-ing the fir-st thr-ee year-s of employment, an employee shall ear-n vacation cr-edit on the basis of 5/6 wor-k day or- the hour-ly equivalent, for- each complete month of continuing ser-vice. Dur-ing the f oCIr-th year- of employment an employee shall ear-n vacation cr-edit on the basis of one and one-four-th (1 1/4) wor-k days or- the hour-Iy equivalent, for- each complete month of continuing service. Dur-ing the fifteenth year- of employment and ther-eafter-, an employee shall ear-n vacation cr-edits at the rate of one and two-thir-ds (1 213) wor-k days or- the hour-Iy equivalent for- each month of conpleted continuous ser-vice. An employee may accr-ue no mor-e vacation cr-edit than twice the annual r-ate being ear-ned. Upon termination of employment, unused vacation may not be used to extend final employment date beyond the annual r-ate being ear-ned. 8· - - Represent~d employees may convert, on a once per calendar year basis, unused vacation time for payment subject to the following conditions: 1. The employee must have an earned vacation of a minimum of 15 days. " ~. Any payments made for unused vacation will be subject to all appropriate taxes and deductions as determined by the Finance Department. "-'. Miniumum exchange will be 1 day, maximum exchange will be 5 days. All changes are irrevocable. SECTION 11: §lÇl_bS;6~S; All full time employees, other than those holding temporary status, shall earn eight (8) hours per month sick leave time without limit on accumulation. Those permanent employees working less than full time (at least 20 hoc\rs per week> shall earn in one month the number of hours of sick leave they would normally work in one day or the equivalent without limit on accumulation. Employees absent without pay for any reason for more than forty (401 hours during a calendar month shall not earn sick leave benefits for that month. Sick leave may be utilized due to the employee's personal illness, injury, maternity, or sickness or injury in the immediate family. Immediate family is defined as spouse and children. Employees shall, whenever posSible,. make appointments for medical, dental, and similar purposes on non-work hOLIr-S. If this is not possible, sick leave may be used for these purposes. -9- With proper notice and approval of the supervisor, sick leave shedl be taken in periods of no less than one-half hour increments. The City shall pay an employee for unused balance of sick leave upon retirement, or termination for other than just cause~ according to the following schedule: 1. Upon retirement, which shall require the formal filing of the appr"opr i ate forms with the Public Employee's Retirement System, a cash payment equivalent to seventy-five percent (751.) of the dollar value of the unused sick leave in excess of 320 hours. Such payment to be calculated at a wage rate which is the average of the preceding five (5) years for the employee. ~ ~. Upon termination for other than discharge with a just cause, a cash payment equivalent to fifty percent (501.) of the dollar value of the unused sick leave balance exceeding 320 hours. The dollar value for such payment shall be calculated at a wage rate which is the average of the preceding five (5) years for the employee. Represented employees will have the option, subject to approval~ of converting sick leave to vacation leave on a two-to-one basis. The ma.ximum allowable exchange wi 11 be 96 hours of sick time for 48 hours of vacation leave per calendar ea..... Minimum exchange will be 8 hours sick leave for 4 hours of vacation. An employee may convert sick leave in excess of 320 hours to vacation leave on a one-to-one basis with a maximum of 48 hours and a minimum of 4 hours. -10- As a condition of converting sick leave to va.cation~ all employees will be required to use at least one-half of vacation accrued during the previous twelve months. Such conversion~ either to exchange sick leave for vacation or vice versa shall be subject to the following conditions: 1. All requests to exchange sick leave for vacation time shall be submitted in writing to the Department Head at least sb,ty (60) calendar days in advance of intended vacation utilization. ~ ~. The granting of such exchange and subsequent use will be at the discretion of the Department Head. 3. If twelve (12) months have elapsed since approval of the exchange of sick leave for vacation, and the employee has not been permitted the use of the converted vacation time, (after submitting at least one written request for utilization) the employee will have the right to re-convert the vacation time to sick leave in reverse ratio to the original exchange. This exchange will be allowed QOli for previously converted sick time to vacation and will not be permitted for regularly accrued vacation time. -11- -1. If an employee, afte~ conve~ting sick leave to vacatj.on time, exhausts all of t,is/her remaining sick leave due to injury or illness, he/she may make a w~itten ~equest to the Depa~tment Head to ~e-conve~t vacation time to sick leave on a reverse ratio basis. App~oval wil be subject to an assessment by the Depa~tment Head as to the validity of the illness/inju~y and whethe~ o~ not a wr-itten physician's statement attesting to the illness/inju~y is ~equi~ed will be at the sole option of the Depa~tment Head. ~ J. If the employee's vacation acc~ual exceeds the maximum alllowabl e accrual, he/she will have the option to re-convert vacation time back to sick leave on ~ reverse ratio basis. Such ~e-conve~sion shall be limited to p~eviously conve~ted ~ick leave/vacation and may not eHceed the amount necessary to reduce the accrued vacation to the maximum allowable. Regularly accrued vacation time will not be eligible fo~ this re-c:onve....sion to sick leave and any ~egula~ly accrued vacation ti m("= accrued in eHcess of the ma~{ i mum allowable will be disallowed and not subject to utilization by the employee. NOTE: As used in this document, "reverse ratioll is intended to mean that the ~atio of sick leave to vacation will reve~t to the original ratio at the time the initial eHchange was. implemented. -12- SECTION 12: E:sBêº~eb_bse~s The City shall allow twenty-four (24) hours of accumulated sick leave per calendar year to be used for conducting personal business which cannot be conducted outside regular working hours. The employee must request leave, if non-emergency, at least utilization on the (two working days) prior form presently provided In cases of emergency, to the time ,of and with their the forty-eight forty-eight (48) hours supervisor~s approval. (48) hour notification procedure may be waived by the immediate supervisor provided the form is completed and the reason for the request is stated upon return. SECTION 13: êGBse~s~~~I_6~e~~ Employees shall be granted paid bereavement leave not to e}(ceed three (3) work days upon the occasion of death of a close relative. brother, Close relatives are defined as mother, father, sister, wife, husband, child, grandparent, grandchildren, mother-in-law and father-in-law. SECTION 14: ~lbIIeBLb~e~~ Military leave shall be granted in accordance with the provision of State law. All employees entitled supervisor an opportunity, to military within the leave shall give their limits of military requi ,-ements, to determi ne when such 1 eave shall be taken. -13- SECTION 15: EB~~ueuç~_º1ªeªlb!Ii_b~8~~ A p~egnant employee is entitled up to fou~ (4) months leave ef absence without pay fo~ tempo~a~y disability ~esulting f~om pregnancy, misca~~iage, childbi~th o~ ~ecove~y the~ef~om. Employees shall take unpaid leave of absence du~ing such leave except that acc~ued vacation pay and sick leave may be taken at the option of the employee. As with all othe~ tempo~a~y disabilities, a physician's ce~tificate is ~equi~ed to ve~ify the extent and du~ation of the tempo~a~y disability. An employee who plans to take a p~egnancy leave must give a reasonable notice (not less than fou~ (4) weeks) befo~e the date she expects to take the leave and the estimated du~ation of the leave. The City will pay health and welfare benefits at the same ~ate as p~io~ to the leave until the employee is ~eleased by he~ physician to ~etu~n to wo~k o~ fo~ sixty (60) days, whicheve~ comes fi~st. -14- :?.EC T r. ::IN 1 ,-~~,'~ ~~~~UÇ~_~ºIIEIÇ6IIºU (;1"1 E·mp 1 ayee is e>~pected nDt to abs,?nt himself/her-self ·Fr-om ItJork for any reason other than personal illness without Ilj,:'\king pr"ior arr-angements with his/her supervisor-. Unless pr-ior arrangements are made, an employee who, for any reason, fails to report for work must make a sincere effort to immediately notify his/her super-visor- of absencE' ~ whether for continue beyond the '::.upervi sor on his/her reason personal illness first day, the daily basis unless for being absent. 01'"" other-wi sa, If the is to a employee must notify the otherwise arranged with his/her supervisor. In proper cases, exceptions will be made. Any unauthorized absence of an employee from duty shall be deemed to be an absence without pay and will be grounds for disciplinary action by the Department Head. In the absence of ~;uch disciplinary action, any employee who absents without authorized leave himself/herself for three days or more shall be deemed to have resigned. Such absence may be covered, however, by the Department Head by a following grant of leave with or without pay when extenuating circumstances are found to have e~(isted. -15- SECTION 17: §Uª§IB~~s_BªU§s_eºbl~Y It is the City of Cupertino's policy that employees shall not report to work under the influence of alcohol or drugs; have in their possession such substances, sell Dr provide drugs D~ alcohol to any other employee Dr person while such employee is on duty or subject to being called, or have their ability to work impaired as a result of the use of alcohol or drugs. The City of Cupertino is committed to providing reasonable accomodation to those employees with drug or alcohol problems if that employee's current use of alcohol or drugs does not prevent the individual from performing the duties of the job in question, and/or whose employment would not cause a direct threat to property or safety. This policy applies to all employees of and to all applicants for positions with the City. This policy applies to alcohol and to all substances, drugs, or medications, legal or illegal, which could impair an employee's ability to effectively and safely perform the functions of the job. -16- :3ECTION 1::1: !Bel~IU§_eUº_IYIIIºU_B~I~êYB§~~~UI It is the intent of the City to recognize the value of training to its employees; and to adopt a training policy which wi 11 encourage employees to avail themselves of job related educational opportunities that will advance their knowledge and interests in the direction of their career with the City; and by doing so to improve the Municipal Service. Employees who wish to seek reimbursement from the City for training program costs shall provide a written request for reimbursement to their Department Head. The form provided shall include the type of program, sponsoring organization or institution, meeting times and costs for such program. Once a training program has been approved by the Department Head any employee covered by this Agreement would be eligible for reimbursement unless funds budgeted for this activity have been ø,hausted. However, no employee shall receive any reimbursement unU.l they have provided satisfactory proof of successful completion of the program. SECTION 1.9: ÇIIY_§Eº~§ºBgº_BgçBgeIIº~_EBº§Be~§ City employees shall have the privilege of enrollment in City sponsored recreation programs at City residents' fee structure and inpreference to non-residents wishing to enroll. CiECTION 20: s~ebºygg_BgǺ§~lIlº~_Ǻ~~lIIgg The City, the Association and representatives of the Public Works Unit agree to continue to meet jointly to evaluate and recommend an employee recognition program to the City Manager. -1.7- SECTION 21: ºV~_EBºÇ~ªª In each and every instance involving "the issuance of warning notices~ suspensions or the dismissal or discharge of an employee~ such will not be effectuated without the employee first having been given~ in writing the basis for such action being taken and the opportunity to question the reasons therefore of his/her supervisor or Department Head. Said opportunity shall be as soon as i" practical after having been served the written notice and shall not constitute any limitation otherwise available through the grievance or appeal procedures. Any written warning in an employee's file will be removed from the file after three years. SECTION 22: bBYQEE§ Layoffs of employees may be made by the Appointing Authority for lack of funds, lack of work or for other similar and just cause. The order of layoff shall be that which, in the opinion of the Appointing Authority, will cause the least disruption of ,;ervice to the City. Unless otherwise prevented from doing so as a result of conditions or situations beyond the City's control, the City will provide a minimum of thirty (30) days notice to any employee subject to being laid off pursuant to the Rule on layoffs. -18- SECTION ~-. ~~. B~l~§IBIs~~~I The names of employees affected by layoff shall be placed on a recall list for a period of two years in the reverse order of layoff and shall have the first opportunity for reinstatement. Failure to respond within ten days to a written notice of such opportunity shall cause that name to be removed from the recall list. With the approval of the Appointing Authority, a permanent or probationary employee who has resigned with a good record may be reinstated within twenty-four months of the effective date of resignation to a vacant position in the same or comparable class he/she previously occupied. Upon reinstatement, the employee for all purposes, shall be considered as though they had received an original appointment. SECTION 24: Ǻ~Il~YeIlº~_ºE_ª~~5ElI§ All terms and conditions of employment not otherwise contained herein shall be maintained at the standards in effect at the time of execution. -19- SECTION .....C'. ";;"o-J. ~H;;EeBeªlblE In the event any provision of this agreement is finally held to be illegal by a court of competent jurisdiction or void as being in contravention of any law, rule or regulation of any government agency having jurisdiciton over the subject set forth, then the remainder of the agreement shall continue in full force and effect unless the parts so found to be void are held inseparable from the remaining portion of the agreement. SECTION 26: BeIlEl¡;eIlº~ Nothing contained in this memorandum shall be binding upon either the City or the Association following signing of this memorandum by the parties until it has been ratified by the Association's membership and presented and approved by the City Council of the City. SECTION 27: I!;B!:! This agreement shall have effectivity commencing at 12:01 A.M., July 1, 1988 and ending at 11:59 P.M., J~D~_~º~_12§2· /s/ Charles Kilian -L:Ify7l.ttõ:rñe-y--------------- ~-4n0Á#= ~~~_~f:..u..__ _ L61- _.J ¡¡ hu. .H._!;at.t.o..._________ Mayor, City of Cupertino _L~__~£~~~~_££~~e~l~~_____ City Clerk fx-- ------------ -20- CITY OF CUPERTINO CLASSES OF POSITIONS BY PAY GRADE MISCELLANEOUS EMPLOYEES UNIT EFFECTIVE JUNE 22, 1988 Classes of Positions Listed Alphabetically Classification Pay Grade Account Clerk 97 Accountant 170 Administrative Assistant 199 Administrative Aide 92 Assistant Civil Engineer 199 Associate Planner 19l Building Inspector II l87 Cable Producer l20 Clerk Typist 76 Code Enforcement Officer 13l Community Relations Aide 56 Electrical Inspector l87 Engineering Aide 132 Engineering Technician l67 Housing Rehabilitation Counselor 140 Planner I l62 Planner II 177 Public Works Inspector 187 Recreation Coordinator 72 Senior Clerk Typist 86 CITY OF CUPERTINO CLASSES OF POSITIONS BY PAY GRADE MISCELLANEOUS EMPLOYEES UNIT (PAGE 2) Classes of Positions Listed Alphabetically Pay Grade Senior Coordinator l54 Senior Engineering Technician l82 Senior Traffic Technician l77 Special Program Coordinator 99 Switchboard Operator-Receptionist 56 Traffic Technician l67 CITY OF CUPERTINO CLASSES OF POSITIONS BY PAY GRADE MISCELLANEOUS EMPLOYEES UNIT EFFECTIVE JUNE 22, 1988 Classes of Positions by Pay Grade Pay Grade 56 Pay Grade l54 Switchboard Operator-Receptionist Community Relations Aide Senior Coordinator Pay Grade 72 Pay Grade l62 Planner I Recreation Coordinator Pay Grade 76 Pay Grade l67 Clerk Typist Engineering Technician Traffic Technician Pay Grade 86 Pay Grade l70 Senior Clerk Typist Accountant Pay Grade 92 Pay Grade l77 Administrative Aide Planner II Senior Traffic Technician Pay Grade 97 Pay Grade l82 Account Clerk Senior Engineering Technician Pay Grade 99 Pay Grade l87 Special Program Coordinator Pay Grade l20 Building Inspector II Electrical Inspector Public Works Inspector Cable Producer Pay Grade l3l Pay Grade 19l Associate Planner Code Enforcement Officer Pay Grade 199 Pay Grade 132 Administrative Assistant Assistant Civil Engineer Engineering Aide Pay Grade l40 Housing Rehabilitation Counselor SCHEDULE OF PAY GRADES EFFECTIVE JUNE 22, 1988 Step B step C Step D Maximum PAYGRADE 1 HOUR 6.64 6.98 7.34 7.71 8.11 MONTH 1150.93 1209.87 1272.27 1336.40 1405.73 2 HOUR 6.67 7.01 7.37 7.74 8.l5 MONTH 1156.13 1215.07 1277.47 1341.34 1412.67 3 HOUR 6.71 7.05 7.41 7.78 8.l9 MONTH 1163.07 1222.00 1284.40 1348.62 1419.60 4 HOUR 6.74 7.08 7.45 7.82 8.23 MONTH 1168.27 1227.20 1291.33 1355.90 1426.53 5 HOUR 6.77 7.12 7.48 7.85 8.27 MONTH 1173.47 1234.13 1296.53 1361. 36 1433.47 6 HOUR 6.81 7.16 7.52 7.90 8.31 MONTH 1180.40 1241. 07 1303.47 1368.64 1440.40 7 HOUR 6.84 7.19 7.56 7.94 8.35 MONTH 1185.60 1246.27 1310.40 1375.92 1447.33 8 HOUR 6.88 7.23 7.60 7.98 8.40 MONTH 1192.53 1253.20 1317.33 1383.20 1456.00 9 HOUR 6.91 7.26 7.64 8.02 8.44 MONTH 1197.73 1258.40 1324.27 1390.48 1462.93 10 HOUR 6.94 7.30 7.67 8.05 8.48 MONTH 1202.93 1265.33 1329.47 1395.94 1469.87 11 HOUR 6.98 7.34 7.71 8.10 8.52 MONTH 1209.87 1272.27 1336.40 1403.22 1476.80 l2 HOUR 7.01 7.37 7.75 8.14 8.56 MONTH 1215.07 1277.47 1343.33 1410.50 1483.73 l3 HOUR 7.05 7.41 7.79 8.18 8.6l MONTH 1222.00 1284.40 1350.27 1417.78 1492.40 14 HOUR 7.08 7.45 7.83 8.22 8.65 MONTH 1227.20 1291. 33 1357.20 1425.06 1499.33 l5 HOUR 7.12 7.48 7.87 8.26 8.69 MONTH 1234.13 1296.53 1364.13 1432.34 1506.27 16 HOUR 7.16 7.52 7.91 8.31 8.74 MONTH 1241.07 1303.47 1371.07 1439.62 1514.93 1 SCHEDULE OF PAY GRADES EFFECTIVE JUNE 22, 1988 Step B Step C step D Maximum l7 HOUR 7.19 7.56 7.95 8.35 8.78 MONTH 1246.27 1310.40 1378.00 1446.90 1521. 87 18 HOUR 7.23 7.60 7.99 8.39 8.82 MONTH 1253.20 1317.33 1384.93 1454.18 1528.80 19 HOUR 7.26 7.64 8.03 8.43 8.87 MONTH 1258.40 1324.27 1391. 87 1461.46 1537,47 20 HOUR 7.30 7.67 8.07 8.47 8.91 MONTH 1265.33 1329.47 1398.80 1468.74 l544.40 21 HOUR 7.34 7.71 8.11 8.52 8.96 MONTH 1272.27 1336.40 1405.73 1476.02 1553.07 22 HOUR 7.37 7.75 8.15 8.56 9.00 MONTH 1277.47 1343.33 1412.67 1483.30 1560.00 23 HOUR 7.41 7.79 8.19 8.60 9.05 MONTH 1284.40 1350.27 1419.60 1490.58 1568.67 24 HOUR 7.45 7.83 8.23 8.64 9.09 MONTH 1291. 33 1357.20 1426.53 1497.86 1575.60 25 HOUR 7.48 7.87 8.27 8.68 9.14 MONTH 1296.53 1364.13 1433.47 1505.14 1584.27 26 HOUR 7.52 7.91 8.31 8.73 9.18 MONTH 1303.47 1371.07 1440.40 1512.42 1591.20 27 HOUR 7.56 7.95 8.35 8.77 9.23 MONTH 1310.40 1378.00 1447.33 1519.70 l599.87 28 HOUR 7.60 7.99 8.40 8.82 9.28 MONTH 1317.33 1384.93 1456.00 1528.80 1608.53 29 HOUR 7.64 8.03 8.44 8.86 9.32 MONTH 1324.27 1391.87 1462.93 1536.08 1615.47 30 HOUR 7.67 8.07 8.48 8.90 9.37 MONTH 1329.47 1398.80 1469.87 1543.36 1624.13 31 HOUR 7.71 8.11 8.52 8.95 9.42 MONTH 1336.40 1405.73 1476.80 1550.64 1632.80 32 HOUR 7.75 8.15 8.56 8.99 9.46 MONTH 1343.33 1412.67 1483.73 1557.92 1639.73 2 SCHEDULE OF PAY GRADES EFFECTIVE JUNE 22, 1988 Step B Step C Step D Maximum 33 HOUR 7.79 8.19 8.61 9.04 9.51 MONTH 1350.27 1419.60 1492.40 1567.02 1648.40 34 HOUR 7.83 8.23 8.65 9.08 9.56 MONTH 1357.20 1426.53 1499.33 1574.30 1657.07 35 HOUR 7.37 8.27 8.69 9.12 9,61 MONTH 1364.13 1433.47 .1506.27 1581. 58 1665.73 36 HOUR 7.91 8.31 8.74 9.18 9.65 MONTH 1371.07 1440.40 1514.93 1590.68 l672.67 37 HOUR 7.96 8.35 8.78 9.22 9.70 MONTH 1379.73 1447.33 1521.87 1597.96 1681. 33 38 HOUR 7.99 8.40 8.82 9.26 9.75 MONTH 1384.93 1456.00 1528.80 1605.24 1690.00 39 HOUR 8.03 8.44 8.87 9.31 9.80 MONTH 1391.87 1462.93 1537.47 1614.34 1698.67 40 HOUR 8.07 8.48 8.91 9.36 9.85 MONTH 1398.80 1469.87 1544.40 1621. 62 1707.33 41 HOUR 8.11 8.52 8.96 9.41 9.90 MONTH 1405.73 1476.80 1553.07 1630.72 1716.00 42 HOUR 8.15 8.56 9.00 9.45 9.95 MONTH 1412.67 1483.73 1560.00 1638.00 1724.67 43 HOUR 8.19 8.61 9.05 9.50 10.00 MONTH 1419.60 1492.40 1568.67 1647.10 1733.33 44 HOUR 8.23 8.65 9.09 9.54 10.05 MONTH 1426.53 1499.33 1575.60 1654.38 1742.00 45 HOUR 8.27 8.69 9.14 9.60 10.10 MONTH 1433.47 1506.27 1584.27 1663.48 1750.67 46 HOUR 8.31 8.74 9.18 9.64 10.15 MONTH 1440.40 1514.93 1591.20 1670.76 1759.33 47 HOUR 8.35 8.78 9.23 9.69 10.20 MONTH 1447.33 1521.87 1599.87 1679.86 1768.00 48 HOUR 8.40 8.82 9.28 9.74 10.25 MONTH 1456.00 1528.80 1608.53 1688.96 1776.67 3 SCHEDULE OF PAY GRADES EFFECTIVE JUNE 22, 1988 Step B step C Step D Maximum 49 HOUR 8.44 8.87 9.32 9.79 lO.30 MONTH 1462.93 1537.47 1615.47 1696.24 1785.33 50 HOUR 8.48 8.91 9.37 9.84 10.35 MONTH 1469.87"· 1544.40 1624.13 1705.34 1794.00 HOUR 8.52 8.96 9.42 9.89 10.41 5l MONTH 1476.80 1553.07 1632.80 1714.44 1804.40 52 HOUR 8.56 9.00 9.46 9.93 lO.46 MONTH 1483.73 l560.00 l639.73 1721. 72 l813.07 53 HOUR 8.61 9.05 9.51 9.99 10.5l MONTH 1492.40 1568.67 1648.40 1730.82 1821.73 54 HOUR 8.65 9.09 9.56 10.04 10.56 MONTH 1499.33 1575.60 1657.07 1739.92 1830.40 55 HOUR 8.69 9.14 9.61 10.09 lO.62 MONTH 1506.27 1584.27 1665.73 1749.02 1840.80 56 HOUR 8.74 9.18 9.65 10.13 lO.67 MONTH 1514.93 1591.20 1672.67 1756.30 1849.47 57 HOUR 8.78 9.23 9.70 10.19 10.72 MONTH 1521. 87 1599.87 1681.33 1765.40 1858.13 58 HOUR 8.82 9.28 9.75 10.24 10.78 MONTH 1528.80 1608.53 1690.00 1774.50 l868.53 59 HOUR 8.87 9.32 9.80 10.29 10.83 MONTH 1537.47 1615.47 1698.67 1783.60 1877.20 60 HOUR 8.91 9.37 9.85 10.34 lO.88 MONTH 1544.40 1624.13 1707.33 1792.70 1885.87 61 HOUR 8.96 9.42 9.90 10.40 10.94 MONTH 1553.07 1632.80 1716.00 1801. 80 1896.27 62 HOUR 9.00 9.46 9.95 10.45 10.99 MONTH 1560.00 1639.73 1724.67 1810.90 1904.93 63 HOUR 9.05 9.51 10.00 10.50 11. 05 MONTH 1568.67 1648.40 1733.33 1820.00 19l5.33 64 HOUR 9.09 9.56 10.05 10.55 11.10 MONTH 1575.60 1657.07 1742.00 1829.10 1924.00 4 SCHEDULE OF PAY GRADES EFFECTIVE JUNE 22, 1988 Step B step C Step D Maximum 65 HOUR 9.14 9.61 10.10 10.61 l1. 16 MONTH 1584.27 1665.73 1750.67 1838.20 1934.40 66 HOUR 9.18 9.65 10.15 10.66 11.21 MONTH 1591. 20 1672.67 1759.33 1847.30 1943.07 67 HOUR 9.23 9.70 10.20 10.71 11.27 MONTH 1599.87 1681.33 1768.00 1856.40 1953.47 68 HOUR 9.28 9.75 10.25 10.76 11. 33 MONTH 1608.53 1690.00 1776.67 1865.50 1963.87 69 HOUR 9.32 9.80 10.30 10.82 11. 38 MONTH 1615.47 1698.67 1785.33 1874.60 1972.53 70 HOUR 9.37 9.85 10.35 10.87 11.44 MONTH 1624.13 1707.33 1794.00 1883.70 1982.93 71 HOUR 9.42 9.90 10.41 10.93 11.50 MONTH l632.80 1716.00 1804.40 1894.62 1993.33 72 HOUR 9.46 9.95 10.46 10.98 l1. 56 MONTH 1639.73 1724.67 1813.07 1903.72 2003.73 73 HOUR 9.51 10.00 10.51 11.04 11.61 MONTH 1648.40 1733.33 1821.73 1912.82 2012.40 74 HOUR 9.56 10.05 10.56 11. 09 11.67 MONTH 1657.07 1742.00 1830.40 1921.92 2022.80 75 HOUR 9.61 10.10 10.62 11.15 11.73 MONTH 1665.73 1750.67 1840.80 1932.84 2033.20 76 HOUR 9.65 10.15 10.67 11.20 11.79 MONTH 1672.67 1759.33 1849.47 1941.94 2043.60 77 HOUR 9.70 10.20 10.72 11.26 l1. 85 MONTH 1681.33 1768.00 1858.13 1951.04 2054.00 78 HOUR 9.75 10.25 10.78 11. 32 11.91 MONTH 1690.00 1776.67 1868.53 1961. 96 2064.40 5 SCHEDULE OF PAY GRADES EFFECTIVE JUNE 22, 1988 Step B step C Step D Maximum 79 HOUR 9.80 10.30 10.83 11.37 11. 97 MONTH 1698.67 1785.33 1877.20 1971.06 2074.80 80 HOUR 9.85 10.35 10.88 11. 42 12.03 MONTH 1707.33 1794.00 1885.87 1980.16 2085.20 81 HOUR 9.90 10.41 10.94 11. 49 12.09 MONTH 1716.00 1804.40 1896.27 1991.08 2095.60 82 HOUR 9.95 10.46 10.99 11.54 l2.15 MONTH 1724.67 1813.07 1904.93 2000.18 2106.00 83 HOUR 10.00 10.51 11.05 11.60 12.21 MONTH 1733.33 1821.73 1915.33 2011.10 2116.40 84 HOUR 10.05 10.56 11.10 11. 66 12.27 MONTH 1742.00 1830.40 1924.00 2020.20 2126.80 85 HOUR 10.10 10.62 11.16 11.72 12.33 MONTH 1750.67 1840.80 1934.40 2031.12 2137.20 86 HOUR 10.15 10.67 11.21 11.77 l2.39 MONTH 1759.33 1849.47 1943.07 2040.22 2147.60 87 HOUR 10.20 10.72 11.27 11. 83 12.45 MONTH 1768.00 1858.13 1953.47 2051.14 2158.00 88 HOUR 10.25 10.78 11.33 11. 90 12.52 MONTH 1776.67 1868.53 1963.87 2062.06 2170.13 89 HOUR 10.30 10.83 11.38 11.95 12.58 MONTH 1785.33 1877.20 1972.53 2071.16 2l80.53 90 HOUR 10.35 10.88 11.44 12.01 12.64 MONTH 1794.00 :885.87 1982.93 2082.08 2190.93 91 HOUR 10.41 10.94 11.50 12.08 12.70 MONTH 1804.40 1896.27 1993.33 2093.00 2201. 33 92 HOUR 10.46 10.99 11.56 12.14 12.77 MONTH 1813.07 1904.93 2003.73 2103.92 2213.47 6 SCHEDULE OF PAY GRADES EFFECTIVE JUNE 22, 1988 Step B Step C Step D Maximum 93 HOUR 10.51 11.05 11.61 12.19 12.83 MONTH 1821. 73 1915.33 2012.40 2113.02 2223.87 94 HOUR 10.56 11.10 11.67 12.25 12.90 MONTH 1830.40 1924.00 2022.80 2123.94 2236.00 95 HOUR 10.62 11.16 11.73 12.32 12.96 MONTH 1840.80 1934.40 2033.20 2134.86 2246.40 96 HOUR 10.67 11.21 11.79 12.38 13.03 MONTH 1849.47 1943.07 2043.60 2145.78 2258.53 97 HOUR 10.72 11.27 11. 85 12.44 13.09 MONTH 1858.13 1953.47 2054.00 2156.70 2268.93 98 HOUR 10.78 11.33 11.91 12.51 13.16 MONTH 1868.53 1963.87 2064.40 2167.62 2281. 07 99 HOUR 10.83 11. 38 11.97 12.57 13.22 MONTH 1877.20 1972.53 2074.80 2178.54 2291. 47 100 HOUR 10.88 11.44 12.03 12.63 13.29 MONTH 1885.87 1982.93 2085.20 2189.46 2303.60 lOl HOUR 10.94 11.50 12.09 12.69 13.35 MONTH 1896.27 1993.33 2095.60 2200.38 2314.00 102 HOUR 10.99 11.56 12.15 12.76 13.42 MONTH 1904.93 2003.73 2106.00 2211.30 2326.13 103 HOUR 11.05 11.61 12.21 12.82 13.49 MONTH 1915.33 2012.40 2116.40 2222.22 2338.27 l04 HOUR 11.10 11.67 12.27 12.88 13.56 MONTH 1924.00 2022.80 2126.80 2233.14 2350.40 l05 HOUR 11.16 11.73 12.33 12.95 13.62 MONTH 1934.40 2033.20 2137.20 2244.06 2360.80 l06 HOUR 11.21 11.79 12.39 13.01 13.69 MONTH 1943.07 2043.60 2147.60 2254.98 2372.93 107 HOUR 11.27 11.85 12.45 13.07 13.76 MONTH 1953.47 2054.00 2158.00 2265.90 2385.07 7 SCHEDULE OF PAY GRADES EFFECTIVE JUNE 22, 1988 Step B Step C Step D Maximum 108 HOUR 11. 33 11.91 12.52 13.15 13 .83 MONTH 1963.87 2064.40 2170.13 2278.64 2397.20 109 HOUR 11. 38 11.97 12.58 13.21 13.90 MONTH 1972.53 2074.80 2180.53 2289.56 2409.33 110 HOUR 11.44 12.03 12.64 13.27 13.97 MONTH 1982.93 2085.20 2190.93 2300.48 2421. 47 111 HOUR 11.50 12.09 12.70 13.33 14,04 MONTH 1993.33 2095.60 2201.33 2311. 40 2433.60 112 HOUR 11. 56 12.15 12.77 13.41 14.11 MONTH 2003.73 2106.00 2213.47 2324.14 2445.73 113 HOUR 11.61 12.21 12.83 13.47 14.18 MONTH 2012.40 2116.40 2223.87 2335.06 2457.87 114 HOUR 11.67 12.27 12.90 13.55 14.25 MONTH 2022.80 2126.80 2236.00 2347.80 2470.00 115 HOUR 11.73 12.33 12.96 13.61 14.32 MONTH 2033.20 2137.20 2246.40 2358.72 2482.13 116 HOUR 11.79 12.39 13.03 13.68 14.39 MONTH 2043.60 2147.60 2258.53 2371. 46 2494.27 117 HOUR 11.85 12.45 13.09 13.74 14.46 MONTH 2054.00 2158.00 2268.93 2382.38 2506.40 118 HOUR 11.91 12.52 13.16 13.82 14.54 MONTH 2064.40 2170.13 2281. 07 2395.12 2520.27 119 HOUR 11.97 12.58 13.22 13.88 14.61 MONTH 2074.80 2180.53 2291.47 2406.04 2532.40 120 HOUR 12.03 12.64 13.29 13.95 14.68 MONTH 2085.20 2190.93 2303.60 2418.78 2544.53 121 HOUR 12.09 12.70 13.35 14.02 14.75 MONTH 2095.60 2201.33 2314.00 2429.70 2556.67 122 HOUR 12.15 12.77 13.42 14.09 14.83 MONTH 2106.00 2213.47 2326.13 2442.44 2570.53 8 SCHEDULE OF PAY GRADES EFFECTIVE JUNE 22, 1988 Step B Step C Step D Maximum 123 HOUR 12.21 12.83 13.49 14.16 14.90 MONTH 2116.40 2223.87 2338.27 2455.18 2582.67 124 HOUR 12.27 12.90 13.56 14.24 14.98 MONTH 2126.80 2236.00 2350.40 2467.92 2596.53 125 HOUR 12.33 12.96 13.62 14.30 15.05 MONTH 2137.20 2246.40 2360.80 2478.84 2608.67 126 HOUR 12.39 13.03 13.69 14.37 15.13 MONTH 2147.60 2258.53 2372.93 2491.58 2622.53 l27 HOUR 12.45 13.09 13.76 14.45 15.20 MONTH 2158.00 2268.93 2385.07 2504.32 2634.67 128 HOUR 12.52 13.16 13.83 14.52 15.28 MONTH 2170.13 2281. 07 2397.20 2517.06 2648.53 129 HOUR 12.58 13.22 13.90 14.60 15.35 MONTH 2180.53 2291.47 2409.33 2529.80 2660.67 130 HOUR 12.64 13.29 13.97 14.67 15.43 MONTH 2190.93 2303.60 2421.47 2542.54 2674.53 131 HOUR 12.70 13.35 14.04 14.74 15.51 MONTH 2201. 33 2314.00 2433.60 2555.28 2688.40 132 HOUR 12.77 13.42 14.11 14.82 15.59 MONTH 2213.47 2326.13 2445.73 2568.02 2702.27 l33 HOUR 12.83 13.49 14.18 14.89 15.66 MONTH 2223.87 2338.27 2457.87 2580.76 2714.40 134 HOUR 12.90 13.56 14.25 14.96 15.74 MONTH 2236.00 2350.40 2470.00 2593.50 2728.27 135 HOUR 12.96 13.62 14.32 15.04 15.82 MONTH 2246.40 2360.80 2482.13 2606.24 2742.13 136 HOUR 13.03 13.69 14.39 15.11 15.90 MONTH 2258.53 2372.93 2494.27 2618.98 2756.00 l37 HOUR 13.09 13.76 14.46 15.18 15.98 MONTH 2268.93 2385.07 2506.40 2631.72 2769.87 9 I I SCHEDULE OF PAY GRADES EFFECTIVE JUNE 22, 1988 Step B step C Step D Maximum 138 HOUR 13.16 13.83 14.54 15.27 16.06 MONTH 2281. 07 2397.20 2520.27 2646.28 2783.73 139 HOUR 13.22 13.90 14.61 15.34 16.14 MONTH 2291.47 2409.33 2532.40 2659.02 2797.60 140 HOUR 13.29 13.97 14.68 15.41 16.22 MONTH 2303.60 2421.47 2544.53 2671.76 2811.47 141 HOUR 13.35 14.04 14.75 15.49 16.30 MONTH 2314.00 2433.60 2556.67 2684.50 2825.33 142 HOUR 13.42 14.11 14.83 15.57 16.38 MONTH 2326.13 2445.73 2570.53 2699.06 2839.20 143 HOUR 13.49 14.18 14.90 15.65 16.46 MONTH 2338.27 2457.87 2582.67 2711.80 2853.07 HOUR 13.56 14.25 14.98 15.73 16.55 144 MONTH 2350.40 2470.00 2596.53 2726.36 2868.67 145 HOUR 13.62 14.32 15.05 15.80 16.63 MONTH 2360.80 2482.13 2608.67 2739.10 2882.53 146 HOUR 13.69 14.39 15.13 15.39 16.71 MONTH 2372.93 2494.27 2622.53 2753.66 2896.40 147 HOUR 13.76 14.46 15.20 15.96 16.80 MONTH 2385.07 2506.40 2634.67 2766.40 2912.00 148 HOUR 13.83 14.54 15.28 16.04 16.88 MONTH 2397.20 2520.27 2648.53 2780.96 2925.87 149 HOUR 13.90 14.61 15.35 16.12 16.96 MONTH 2409.33 2532.40 2660.67 2793.70 2939.73 l50 HOUR 13.97 14.68 15.43 16.20 17.05 MONTH 2421.47 2544.53 2674.53 2808.26 2955.33 151 HOUR 14.04 14.75 15.51 16.29 17.13 MONTH 2433.60 2556.67 2688.40 2822.82 2969.20 152 HOUR 14.11 14.83 15.59 16.37 17.22 MONTH 2445.73 2570.53 2702.27 2837.38 2984.80 lO SCHEDULE OF PAY GRADES EFFECTIVE JUNE 22, 1988 Step B Step C Step D Maximum 153 HOUR 14.18 14.90 15.66 16.44 17.31 MONTH 2457.87 2582.67 2714.40 2850.12 3000.40 154 HOUR 14.25 14.98 15.74 16.53 17.39 MONTH 2470.00 2596.53 2728.27 2864.68 3014.27 155 HOUR 14.32 15.05 15.82 16.61 17.48 MONTH 2482.13 2608.67 2742.13 2879.24 3029.87 156 HOUR 14.39 15.13 15.90 16.70 17.57 MONTH 2494.27 2622.53 2756.00 2893.80 3045.47 157 HOUR 14.46 15.20 15.98 16.78 17.66 MONTH 2506.40 2634.67 2769.87 2908.36 3061. 07 158 HOUR 14.54 15.28 16.06 16.86 17.74 MONTH 2520.27 2648.53 2783.73 2922.92 3074.93 159 HOUR 14.61 15.35 16.14 16.95 17 .83 MONTH 2532.40 2660.67 2797.60 2937.48 3090.53 160 HOUR 14.68 15.43 16.22 17.03 17.92 MONTH 2544.53 2674.53 2811.47 2952.04 3106.13 161 HOUR 14.75 15.51 16.30 17.12 18.01 MONTH 2556.67 2688.40 2825.33 2966.60 3121.73 162 HOUR 14.83 15.59 16.38 17.20 18.10 MONTH 2570.53 2702.27 2839.20 2981.16 3137.33 163 HOUR 14.90 15.66 16.46 17.28 18.19 MONTH 2582.67 2714.40 2853.07 2995.72 3152.93 l64 HOUR 14.98 15.74 16.55 17.38 18.28 MONTH 2596.53 2728.27 2868.67 3012.10 3168.53 165 HOUR 15.05 15.82 16.63 17.46 18.37 MONTH 2608.67 2742.13 2882.53 3026.66 3184.13 166 HOUR 15.13 15.90 16.71 17.55 18.47 MONTH 2622.53 2756.00 2896.40 3041.22 3201.47 l67 HOUR 15.20 15.98 16.80 17.64 18.56 MONTH 2634.67 2769.87 2912.00 3057.60 3217.07 11 SCHEDULE OF PAY GRADES EFFECTIVE JUNE 22, 1988 Step B Step C step D Maximum 168 HOUR 15.28 16.06 16.88 17.72 18.65 MONTH 2648.53 2783.73 2925.87 3072.16 3232.67 169 HOUR 15.35 16.14 16.96 17.81 18.74 MONTH 2660.67 2797.60 2939.73 3086.72 3248.27 l70 HOUR 15.43 16.22 17.05 17.90 18.84 MONTH 2674.53 2811.47 2955.33 3103.10 3265.60 171 HOUR 15.51 16.30 17.13 17.99 18.93 MONTH 2688.40 2825.33 2969.20 3117.66 3281.20 172 HOUR 15.59 16.38 17.22 18.08 19.03 MONTH 2702.27 2839.20 2984.80 3134.04 3298.53 l73 HOUR 15.66 16.46 17.31 18.18 19.12 MONTH 2714.40 2853.07 3000.40 3150.42 3314.13 174 HOUR 15.74 16.55 17.39 18.26 19.22 MONTH 2728.27 2868.67 3014.27 3164.98 3331.47 175 HOUR 15.82 16.63 17.48 18.35 19.31 MONTH 2742.13 2882.53 3029.87 3181. 36 3347.07 176 HOUR 15.90 16.71 17.57 18.45 19.41 MONTH 2756.00 2896.40 3045.47 3197.74 3364.40 l77 HOUR 15.98 16.80 17.66 18.54 19.51 MONTH 2769.87 2912.00 3061.07 3214.12 3381.73 178 HOUR 16.06 16.88 17.74 18.63 19.61 MONTH 2783.73 2925.87 3074.93 3228.68 3399.07 179 HOUR 16.14 16.96 17.83 18.72 19.70 MONTH 2797.60 2939.73 3090.53 3245.06 3414.67 180 HOUR 16.22 17.05 17.92 18.82 19.80 MONTH 2811.47 2955.33 3106.13 3261.44 3432.00 181 HOUR 16.30 17.13 18.01 18.91 19.90 MONTH 2825.33 2969.20 3121.73 3277.82 3449.33 182 HOUR 16.38 17.22 18.10 19.01 20.00 MONTH 2839.20 2984.80 3137.33 3294.20 3466.67 12 SCHEDULE OF PAY GRADES EFFECTIVE JUNE 22, 1988 Step B step C step D Maximum 183 HOUR 16.46 17.31 18.19 19.10 20.10 MONTH 2853.07 3000.40 3152.93 3310.58 3484.00 184 HOUR 16.55 17.39 18.28 19.19 20.20 MONTH 2868.67 3014.27 3168.53 3326.96 3501.33 185 HOUR 16.63 17.48 18.37 19.29 20.30 MONTH 2882.53 3029.87 3184.13 3343.34 3518.67 186 HOUR 16.71 17.57 18.47 19.39 20.40 MONTH 2896.40 3045.47 3201.47 3361. 54 3536.00 187 HOUR 16.80 17.66 18.56 19.49 20.50 MONTH 2912.00 3061.07 3217.07 3377.92 3553.33 188 HOUR 16.88 17.74 18.65 19.58 20.61 MONTH 2925.87 3074.93 3232.67 3394.30 3572.40 189 HOUR 16.96 17.83 18.74 19.68 20.71 MONTH 2939.73 3090.53 3248.27 3410.68 3589.73 190 HOUR 17.05 17.92 18.84 19.78 20.81 MONTH 2955.33 3106.13 3265.60 3428.88 3607.07 191 HOUR 17.13 18.01 18.93 19.88 20.92 MONTH 2969.20 3121.73 3281.20 3445.26 3626.13 192 HOUR 17.22 18.10 19.03 19.98 21.02 MONTH 2984.80 3137.33 3298.53 3463.46 3643.47 193 HOUR 17.31 18.19 19.12 20.08 21.13 MONTH 3000.40 3152.93 3314 .13 3479.84 3662.53 194 HOUR 17.39 18.28 19.22 20.18 21. 23 MONTH 3014.27 3168.53 3331.47 3498.04 3679.87 195 HOUR 17.48 18.37 19.31 20.28 21.34 MONTH 3029.87 3184.13 3347.07 3514.42 3698.93 196 HOUR 17.57 18.47 18.41 19.33 21.45 MONTH 3045.47 3201.47 3191.07 3350.62 3718.00 197 HOUR 17.66 18.56 19.51 20.49 21. 55 MONTH 3061. 07 3217.07 3381.73 3550.82 3735.33 13 SCHEDULE OF PAY GRADES EFFECTIVE JUNE 22, 1988 Step B Step C Step D Maximum 198 HOUR 17.74 18.65 19.61 20.59 21.66 MONTH 3074.93 3232.67 3399.07 3569.02 3754.40 199 HOUR 17.83 18.74 19.70 20.69 21.77 MONTH 3090.53 3248.27 3414.67 3585.40 3773.47 200 HOUR 17.92 18.84 19.80 20.79 21. 88 MONTH 3106.13 3265.60 3432.00 3603.60 3792.53 201 HOUR 18.01 18.93 19.90 20.90 21. 99 MONTH 3121. 73 3281.20 3449.33 3621. 80 3811. 60 202 HOUR 18.10 19.03 20.00 21. 00 22.l0 MONTH 3137.33 3298.53 3466.67 3640.00 3830.67 203 HOUR 18.19 19.12 20.10 21.11 22.21 MONTH 3152.93 3314.13 3484.00 3658.20 3849.73 204 HOUR 18.28 19.22 20.20 21.21 22.32 MONTH 3168.53 3331.47 3501.33 3676.40 3868.80 205 HOUR 18.37 19.31 20.30 21.32 22.43 MONTH 3184.13 3347.07 3518.67 3694.60 3887.87 206 HOUR 18.47 19.41 20.40 21.42 22.54 MONTH 3201.47 3364.40 3536.00 3712.80 3906.93 207 HOUR 18.56 19.51 20.50 21.53 22.65 MONTH 3217.07 3381.73 3553.33 3731.00 3926.00 208 HOUR 18.65 19.61 20.61 21. 64 22.77 MONTH 3232.67 3399.07 3572.40 3751.02 3946.80 209 HOUR 18.74 19.70 20.71 21. 75 22.88 MONTH 3248.27 3414.67 3589.73 3769.22 3965.87 210 HOUR 18.84 19.80 20.81 21.85 23.00 MONTH 3265.60 3432.00 3607.07 3787.42 3986.67 211 HOUR 18.93 19.90 20.92 21.97 23.11 MONTH 3281.20 3449.33 3626.13 3807.44 4005.73 , , L~ SCHEDULE OF PAY GRADES EFFECTIVE JUNE 22, 1988 Step B step C step D Maximum 212 HOUR 19.03 20.00 21.02 22.07 23.23 MONTH 3298.53 3466.67 3643.47 3825.64 4026.53 213 HOUR 19.12 20.10 21.13 22.19 23.34 MONTH 3314.13 3484.00 3662.53 3845.66 4045.60 214 HOUR 19.22 20.20 21. 23 22.29 23.46 MONTH 3331.47 3501.33 3679.87 3863.86 4066.40 215 HOUR 19.31 20.30 21.34 22.41 23.58 MONTH 3347.07 3518.67 3698.93 3883.88 4087.20 216 HOUR 19.41 20.40 21.45 22.52 23.69 MONTH 3364.40 3536.00 3718.00 3903.90 4106.27 217 HOUR 19.51 20.50 21.55 22.63 23.81 MONTH 3381.73 3553.33 3735.33 3922.10 4127.07 218 HOUR 19.61 20.61 21.66 22.74 23.93 MONTH 3399.07 3572.40 3754.40 3942.12 4147.87 219 HOUR 19.70 20.71 21.77 22.86 24.05 MONTH 3414.67 3589.73 3773.47 3962.14 4168.67 220 HOUR 19.80 20.81 21.88 22.97 24.17 MONTH 3432.00 3607.07 3792.53 3982.16 4189.47 221 HOUR 19.90 20.92 21. 99 23.09 24.29 MONTH 3449.33 3626.13 3811.60 4002.18 4210.27 222 HOUR 20.00 21. 02 22.10 23.21 24.41 MONTH 3466.67 3643.47 3830.67 4022.20 4231. 07 223 HOUR 20.10 21.13 22.21 23.32 24.54 MONTH 3484.00 3662.53 3849.73 4042.22 4253.60 224 HOUR 20.20 21.23 22.32 23.44 24.66 MONTH 3501.33 3679.87 3868.80 4062.24 4274.40 225 HOUR 20.30 21.34 22.43 23.55 24.78 MONTH 3518.67 3698.93 3887.87 4082.26 4295.20 ;'5 SCHEDULE OF PAY GRADES EFFECTIVE JUNE 22, 1988 step B step C Step D Maximum 226 HOUR 20.40 21.45 22.54 23.67 24.91 MONTH 3536.00 3718.00 3906.93 4102.28 4317.73 227 HOUR 20.50 21.55 22.65 23.78 25.03 MONTH 3553.33 3735.33 3926.00 4122.30 4338.53 228 HOUR 20.61 21.66 22.77 23.91 25.16 MONTH 3572.40 3754.40 3946.80 4144.14 4361. 07 229 HOUR 20.71 21.77 22.88 24.02 25.28 MONTH 3589.73 3773.47 3965.87 4164.16 4381. 87 230 HOUR 20.81 21.88 23.00 24.15 25.41 MONTH 3607.07 3792.53 3986.67 4186.00 4404.40 231 HOUR 20.92 21. 99 23.11 24.27 25.54 MONTH 3626.13 3811.60 4005.73 4206.02 4426.93 232 HOUR 21. 02 22.10 23.23 24.39 25.66 MONTH 3643.47 3830.67 4026.53 4227.86 4447.73 233 HOUR 21.22 22.21 23.34 24.51 25.79 MONTH 3678.13 3849.73 4045.60 4247.88 4470.27 234 HOUR 21.23 22.32 23.46 24.63 25.92 MONTH 3679.87 3868.80 4066.40 4269.72 4492.80 235 HOUR 21.34 22.43 23.58 24.76 26.05 MONTH 3698.93 3887.87 4087.20 4291. 56 4515.33 236 HOUR 21.45 22.54 23.69 24.87 26.18 MONTH 3718.00 3906.93 4106.27 4311.58 4537.87 237 HOUR 21.55 22.65 23.81 25.00 26.31 MONTH 3735.33 3926.00 4127.07 4333.42 4560.40 238 HOUR 21.66 22.77 23.93 25.13 26.44 MONTH 3754.40 3946.80 4147.87 4355.26 4582.93 16 SCHEDULE OF PAY GRADES EFFECTIVE JUNE 22, 1988 Step B step C Step D Maximum 239 HOUR 21.77 22.88 24.05 25.25 26.58 MONTH 3773.47 3965.87 4168.67 4377.10 4607.20 240 HOUR 21. 88 23.00 24.17 25.38 26.71 MONTH 3792.53 3986.67 4189.47 4398.94 4629.73 241 HOUR 21. 99 23.11 24.29 25.50 26.84 MONTH 3811. 60 4005.73 4210.27 4420.78 4652.27 242 HOUR 22.10 23.23 24.41 25.63 26.98 MONTH 3830.67 4026.53 4231.07 4442.62 4676.53 243 HOUR 22.21 23.34 24.54 25.77 27.11 MONTH 3849.73 4045.60 4253.60 4466.28 4699.07 244 HOUR 22.32 23.46 24.66 25.89 27.25 MONTH 3868.80 4066.40 4274.40 4488.12 4723.33 245 HOUR 22.43 23.58 24.78 26.02 27.38 MONTH 3887.87 4087.20 4295.20 4509.96 4745.87 246 HOUR 22.54 23.69 24.91 26.16 27.52 MONTH 3906.93 4106.27 4317.73 4533.62 4770.13 247 HOUR 22.65 23.81 25.03 26.28 27.66 MONTH 3926.00 4127.07 4338.53 4555.46 4794.40 248 HOUR 22.77 23.93 25.16 26.42 27.80 MONTH 3946.80 4147.87 4361. 07 4579.12 48l8.67 249 HOUR 22.88 24.05 25.28 26.54 27.94 MONTH 3965.87 4168.67 4381.87 4600.96 4842.93 250 HOUR 23.00 24.17 25.41 26.68 28.08 MONTH 3986.67 4189.47 4404.40 4624.62 4867.20 251 HOUR 23.11 24.29 25.54 26.82 28.22 MONTH 4005.73 4210.27 4426.93 4648.28 4891.47 252 HOUR 23.23 24.41 25.66 26.94 28.36 MONTH 4026.53 4231. 07 4447.73 4670.12 4915.73 253 HOUR 23.34 24.54 25.79 27.08 28.50 MONTH 4045.60 4253.60 4470.27 4693.78 4940.00 -l7- SCHEDULE OF PAY GRADES EFFECTIVE JUNE 22, 1988 Step B Step C Step D Maximum 254 HOUR 23.46 24.66 25.92 27.22 28.64 MONTH 4066.40 4274.40 4492.80 4717.44 4964.27 255 HOUR 23.58 24.78 26.05 27.35 28.78 MONTH 4087.20 4295.20 4515.33 4741.10 4988.53 256 HOUR 23.69 24.91 26.18 27.49 28.93 MONTH 4106.27 4317.73 4537.87 4764.76 5014.53 257 HOUR 23.81 25.03 26.31 27.63 29.07 MONTH 4127.07 4338.53 4560.40 4788.42 5038.80 258 HOUR 23.93 25.16 26.44 27.76 29.22 MONTH 4147.87 4361.07 4582.93 4812.08 5064.80 259 HOUR 24.05 25.28 26.58 27.91 29.36 MONTH 4168.67 4381.87 4607.20 4837.56 5089.07 260 HOUR 24.17 25.41 26.71 28.05 29.51 MONTH 4189.47 4404.40 4629.73 4861.22 5115.07 261 HOUR 24.29 25.54 26.84 28.18 29.66 MONTH 4210.27 4426.93 4652.27 4884.88 5141. 07 262 HOUR 24.41 25.66 26.98 28.33 29.81 MONTH 4231. 07 4447.73 4676.53 4910.36 5167.07 263 HOUR 24.54 25.79 27.11 28.47 29.96 MONTH 4253.60 4470.27 4699.07 4934.02 5193.07 264 HOUR 24.66 25.92 27.25 28.61 30.11 MONTH 4274.40 4492.80 4723.33 4959.50 5219.07 265 HOUR 24.78 26.05 27.38 28.75 30.26 MONTH 4295.20 4515.33 4745.87 4983.16 5245.07 266 HOUR 24.91 26.18 27.52 28.90 30.41 MONTH 4317.73 4537.87 4770.13 5008.64 5271.07 267 HOUR 25.03 26.31 27.66 29.04 30.56 MONTH 4338.53 4560.40 4794.40 5034.12 5297.07 l8 SCHEDULE OF PAY GRADES EFFECTIVE JUNE 22, 1988 Step B step C Step D Maximum 268 HOUR 25.16 26.44 27.80 29.19 30.71 MONTH 4361.07 4582.93 4818.67 5059.60 5323.07 269 HOUR 25.28 26.58 27.94 29.34 30.87 MONTH 4381.87 4607.20 4842.93 5085.08 5350.80 270 HOUR 25.41 26.71 28.08 29.48 31.02 MONTH 4404.40 4629.73 4867.20 5110.56 5376.80 271 HOUR 25.54 26.84 28.22 29.63 31. 18 MONTH 4426.93 4652.27 4891.47 5136.04 5404.53 272 HOUR 25.66 26.98 28.36 29.78 31. 33 MONTH 4447.73 4676.53 4915.73 5161.52 5430.53 HOUR 25.79 27.11 28.50 29.93 31.49 273 MONTH 4470.27 4699.07 4940.00 5187.00 5458.27 274 HOUR 25.92 27.25 28.64 30.07 31.65 MONTH 4492.80 4723.33 4964.27 5212.48 5486.00 275 HOUR 26.05 27.38 28.78 30.22 31. 81 MONTH 4515.33 4745.87 4988.53 5237.96 5513.73 276 HOUR 26.18 27.52 28.93 30.38 31.97 MONTH 4537.87 4770.13 5014.53 5265.26 5541.47 277 HOUR 26.31 27.66 29.07 30.52 32.13 MONTH 4560.40 4794.40 5038.80 5290.74 5569.20 278 HOUR 26.44 27.80 29.22 30.68 32.29 MONTH 4582.93 4818.67 5064.80 5318.04 5596.93 279 HOUR 26.58 27.94 29.36 30.83 32.45 MONTH 4607.20 4842.93 5089.07 5343.52 5624.67 280 HOUR 26.71 28.08 29.51 30.99 32.61 MONTH 4629.73 4867.20 5115.07 5370.82 5652.40 281 HOUR 26.84 28.22 29.66 31.14 32.78 MONTH 4652.27 4891.47 5141.07 5398.12 5681.87 282 HOUR 26.98 28.36 29.81 31.30 32.94 MONTH 4676.53 4915.73 5167.07 5425.42 5709.60 283 HOUR 27.11 28.50 29.96 31.46 33.11 MONTH 4ti9!h07 4940.00 5193.07 5452.72 5739.07 19 284 HOUR MONTH SCHEDULE OF PAY GRADES EFFECTIVE JUNE 22, 1988 27.25 4723.33 Step B 28.64 4964.27 Step C 30.11 5219.07 20 Step D 31. 62 5480.02 Maximum 33.27 5766.80