CC Resolution No. 7536 FESULUT IIJN r,!1J _,J5Jº-__._ A RESIJLUTION OF THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF CUPERTINO AMENDING THE MANAGEMENT COMPENSATION PROGRAM WHEREAS, the City Council desires to schedule for eligible persons under the Program for attendance at conferences, ~,;essions; ~'::md modify tt-H? Management meetings y-ei mbuY'·sement Compensation and tr-aining NOW, THEREFORE Compensation Program be is incorporated in this BE IT RESOLVED that the Management amended as shown in Attachment 1']'.:1" which resolution by this reference. PASSED AND ADOPTED at a regular City Council meeting of the Ci.ty o·f Cuper-tino this _:2..t'þ__ day of ___..lu4..___________. 1988 by the following vote: :-i.9t§ ~€~~€c_º£_tb€_Çit~_Ǻ~Œçil ¡;YES: Johnson, Koppel, Plungy, Rogers, Gatto NOES: None ,.BSENT: None ABSTAIN: None APPROVED: _L~__l£~~~~-~~~t9--------- Mayor, City of Cupertino ATTEST: J~j__Q~r2~hy_~0~E~lt~___________ City Clerk I N D E X MANAGEMENT COMPENSATION PROGRAM Catei\ory PROGRAM PURPOSE AND DEFINITIONS FOR ELIGIBILITY SCHEDULES OF PAY GRADES AND OTHER SALARY RATES I POLICY II DEFINITIONS III REIMBURSEMENT SCHEDULE IV ATTENDANCE AUTHORIZATION V FUNDING AUTOMOBILE ALLOWANCES AND MILEAGE REIMBURSEMENTS ASSOCIATION MEMBERSHIPS AND PROFESSIONAL PUBLICATIONS COMPENSATORY TIME OFF HEALTH BENEFIT PLANS - EMPLOYER CONTRIBUTION FLEXIBLE HOLIDAYS LIFE AND LONG TERM DISABILITY INSURANCE DEFERRED COMPENSATION PUBLIC EMPLOYEES "RETIREMENT SYSTEM CONTRIBUTION DENTAL INSURANCE - EMPLOYER CONTRIBUTION ADMINISTRATIVE LEAVE Policy No, 1 2 3 3 3 3 3 ~ 5 6 7 8 9 lO 11 l2 13 Page 1 3 ~ ~ 5 6 7 8 lO 11 l2 13 l~ lS l6 l7 l8 Cit.'v ':·T :::uP(;::':'i'ntinc:J i1A~¡AGEMENT !:OMF'ENSATION PROGRAM Pol i cy ~,ICi. :I. PROGRAM PURPOSE AND DEFINITIONS FOR ELIGIBILITY It is City of Cupertino policy that those certain persons holding positions hereinafter defined and designated either as management positions shall be eligible for participation under the Management Compensation Program as hereby adopted by action of the City Courlcil and as same may be amended or as otherwise modified from time to time. It is the stated purpose of this Management Compensation Pr'ogram to give recognition to and to differentiate those eligible employees from represented employees who achieve economic gain and other conditions of employment through negotiation. It is the intent that through this policy and those which are adopted or as may be modified or rescinded from time to time such recognition may be given. Eligibility for inclusion within this Management Compensation Program is limited to persons holding positions as management employees. These are as designated by the Appointing Authority and may be modified as circumstances warrant. As defined under Section 2.52.290 of the Cupertino Municipal Code, a management employee is any employee having significant responsibilities for formulating and administering City policies and programs, including but not limited to the chief executive officer and Department Heads; and, any employee having authority to exercise independent judgment to hire, transfer, suspend, lay off, recall, promote, discharge, assign, reward or discipline ather employees, or having the responsibility to direct them, or to adjust their grievances, or effectively to recommend such action if in connection with the foregoing, the exercise of such authority is not of a merely routine or clerical nature but requires the use of independent judgment. f11 though the Personnel ,~1-::} management subject to Code, the positions: change in accordance with provision of following positions have been designated MANAGEMENT POSITIONS; Eg§itiQD._!:JQ-=- 1!J.£ldmt2.§!J.:L E:Q§iUQ!J._liU§ ~51 0-1 05·-0 1 Cowan R. City Manager Director of Finance Director of Parks and Recreation Director of Planning & Development 210--102-01 310-103-01 410-1.04-01 Quinlan, R. Snyder, B. Dowling, S. -1- MANAGEMEN'f ?OSIrIONS ((~Qr,tinued) eg§i1i9Q_b!º.!!.. I)':lh~lffiº@Q-·.~ 71 ()-~ 1 06·-0 1 ·;::~:2()-l07-01 Viskovich~1 B. Br-own, B. /::,10--101·-01. 420-~2:1.a-Ol ·i!,40·~·2.t 8-1) 1 ~:;j20-:5:t 6-0 1 :~'-50-:-21 0--0 1. 710-603-0t 720-206-·01 7:30-60:2--01 Cor~nel ius, D. L¿lmy, ,J. McCar-thy, D. Plntonucci, J. F'iasecki, S. Botelho, R. Whitten, T. l'1ahan, D. 750-·-601'-01. "740·-605-..0 :1. 7 40-,f:,04··-Ü 1 '72.0--219-0 :t McKee V. Sut1ega F. Br'isco, r.:''I. Griqg, G. Adopted by Action of ttle City Council ?,.;p,"'i 1. t, 1974 Revised October 28, 1974 Revised March, 1978 Revised June, 1981 Revised June, 1982 Revised July~ 1985 Revised July, 1987 ¡::';2~iti.ºQ_Iit1.t~ Dir-ector of Public Works Assistant to the Ci ty Manager- Cit.y Clerk Recreation Supervisor Recreation Supervisor~ Chief Building Inspector Assistant Planning Director Public Works Superintendent Assistant City Engineer Gr-ounds Mai ntenance Super-vi SOl'" Water Systems Superintenderlt Facility Supervisor Public Works Supervisor T~affic Engineer -2- City i]f CLlpertir\o 1"1AN?1i3[MEI'~T CCr~IF'E~,!3P T I DI\I i :'F;:Ot3F'Ar'"¡ Pc..l icy \\10. .... '=.GŒDUI_ES OF PAY GRADES AND OTI~ER SALARY RATES It is City of Cupertino policy that eligible persons under the Managejnent Cotnpensation Program shall be compensated for se~vices rendered to and on behalf of the City on the basis of equitability of pay for duties arld responsibilities assiqned~ meritorious service and comparability with similar work in other p\lblic and private employment in the same labor market~ all (Jf which is contingent upon the City's ability to pay consistent with its fiscal policies. As rates of pay and schedules of pay grades developed through ¡neet and confer processes are subject to the underlying provisions of the Pay Plan for administration purposes so are "those rates of pay and schedule of pay grades included herein as a part of this Management Compensation Program. The inclusion herein of said ~ates and schedules does not affect any effective dates or otherwise reflect on the approval processes required but is stlown as an integral part of this Program for completeness of r"E-corel. ¡:"..\dopted by ¡~Icti Dr¡ of the City Council fip,-.L 1 1, 1974 F(evi ~;ed 8-8-78 Revised 7-4-79 (Pay Plan) Revised 6-80 (Pay Plan) - C.i ~~.'/ ,''- '::Upf~:'-(::i.;;'.:::, MANAGEMENT (,:OMPENSATION F'ROGRAM F'c).!. icy N~jw .', h__r::QblÇ{ A. ~ªOªgæffi~Dt_E§~§ºDQ@l It is City of Cupertino policy that eligible persons~ other than the City Manager~ under the Management COfnpensation progra¡n shall be reimbursed in accordance with the schedules~ terms and conditions as set forth herein for attendance at conferences~ meetings and training sessions as defined below for each. It is the intent of this policy to encourage the continLling education and awareness of said persons in the technical improvements and innovations in their fields of endeavor as they apply to the City. One means of implementing this encouragement is through a formal reimbur"sement schedule for authorized attendance at suet, conferences~ meetings and training sessions. B. ~ºn=~ªQªg§ill§Qt_E~C2ºnQªl When authorized by a Department Head~ a non-management person jnay attend a conference~ meeting or training session subject to the stated terms and conditions included herein for each wi.th payment toward or reimbursement of certain expenses incurred being limited to authorized actual costs thereof. 11~__Q~El~IIlº~§ A. ª~Qg@iªCY_bimih2higO§ Funding capability for payment toward or reimbursement of expenses incurred for" attendance at conferences~ meetings and training sessions shall be limited to the amount appropriated as a line item for each applicable account. Ð. ÇQo.L§C§Q£@§ A conference is an annual organization the membership of of the City or the individual. meeting whicll may of a work related be held in the name c. º~~ª~im~Qi_~~ªg Director of Finance Director of Parks and Recreation Director of Planning and Development Director of Public Works Assistant to the City Manager City Clerk -4- \) . Recreation S!Jpervisors ~ssistant Planning Director Senior Building Inspector- Assistant City Engineer Public Works Superintendent Water Systems Superintendent Tr-affic Engineer E: ~ bJ:2çª1._~jC§:ª A local area is that within an approximate 100 mile radius or two hours drive of the City. F' . t1~§!j;i':!g§. A mE~eting is Dr-ganization 2i 1 uncheon or' classifj,~:d as any scheduled function of a work related other than an annual meeting and may consist of dinner or a one or two day meeting not properly a training sessionn c¡. t1.L~¿9.1.@_t1~lo.§lgfªæêo.t The nLlmber and designation shall be those Inanagement Heads and the City Manager the Management Compensation o·f mi ddl e m¿¡nagement personnel positions exclusive of Department as set forth in Policy No. 1 of Progr-am. H" It::.ªi.lJtQg~_âf1§;§iº!J. A training session is any type of seminar or workshop the attendance at which is for the purpose of obtaining 'information of a work related nature to benefit the City~s operations or to 'the enhance tt,e attendee~s capabilities in the discharge of assigned duties and responsibilities. 111~__B~löêWB§~ö~~I_§~~sº~bs À. !3~gi2tCª1iºD Registration fees for authorized attendance at a conference, meeting or training session will be paid by the City. 86 ICªQâ~Q~tªtiºQ When an expenditure is authorized or is eligible for ,"(-?imbursement, the City will pay tr.3.nsportation costs from the attendee's home to the destination and return on the basis of the costs for the nearest route by air at air coach fare. Transportation costs also may include limousine or taxi service to and from the attendee~s home and the airport or ,for airport or destination parking charges for personal 2utomobiles so parked when such is used in lieu of travel by ¡.;Ùr-. Use Df ;;:i per'sonal aLrtoffiobile for City business shall t.::¡(? reirnbursed at a rate per mile then in effect for such use except in no case shall it exceed air coach fare. -5- Ir"anspJ~tatj"~Jn ",0nt,L"11_t2d: Reimbur:;ement for use of a business withirl a local ar"ea supplement that already being a monthly mileage allowance6 personal auton\obile on City will not be made so as to paid to those persons receiving C. ~ºt.l Payments toward or reifnbursement of hotel or lodging expenses is limited to the ac-tual costs of the room. Such payments or rei¡nbllrsements shall not be made for hotel or lodging expense when incurred within the local area. Exceptions to this requirement shal], be for attendance at the Annual League of Califorrlia Cities Conference and for those nights wt,en attendance at other conferences, meetings and training sessions official functions would preclude the return to the City by the attendee within two hours after the end of the normal working day. D. E§~_ºigm For conferences, meetings and training sessions lasting two or more days, a per diem allowance shall be allowed in lieu of actual costs for food, tips, miscellaneouS expenses, etc., unless otherwise noted herein to the contrary. Payments toward or reimbursement of attendance at such functions lasting less than two days shall be limited to the actual costs consistent with the application of reasonable s"tandards. Costs of special luncheon or programs on the agenda and not may be paid or reimbursed in allowance when approved by the Manager. dinner meetings or covered by registration addition to the per City Councilor the other fees diem City The authorized at conferences, per diem rate shall be $50.00 for attendance meetings or training sessions. No payment shall be made of a personal nature reasonableness for the City Manager. for any expenses incurred which or not within a standard situation as may be defined by are of the 1~~__aIIs~º6~çs_a~I~Q8116Ilº~ A. ê~Qgg!È~~_bimitÈtiQD§ Notwithstanding any attendance, authorization contained her"ein, reimbursement for expenses incurred or expenditures made relative to conferences, meetings or training sessions shall not exceed the budgetary limitations. -6- E~.. t="i DE~r-.i-:::..!.-trni:?nt j"'!f..~<=\!j Elr·lcJ CIne clE.~':::.:i. (";.In¿i"tgec.1 d.S-:;;}. st.::'int iï1<:.1Y ,'9.t tC.'i ¡oj conference. Attendance by any other employee~ rnanagement ar- non-management, may be BLlttl0rized by the Department Head 3ubject to such attendance being on the employee's own time (compensatory time off or vacation ti¡ne) and with transportation and lodging being at the employee's own 8Xper')se. The City may pay registration fees. c. ~1f::1@:!;j~!Jg§ Any employee, management or non-management, may attend a meeting when 2Ltthorized by the Department Head. D. ICªiQiQg_§@~§iQD2 Any e!nployee, inanagement or non-management, may attend a training session when authorized by the Department Head. \(,___E\JI::!!H.t:!G A.. BQQCgQCiªtiºo_Eºli~~ It shall be the policy of the set Forth herein with such availability of resources. City to appropriate funds as appropriations being subject to B. Appropriations will be made on the basis of $2,715.00 for each Departfnent Head, and $1,350.00 for each designated assistant to be LJsed as payments toward or reimbursement of e){penses incurred for attendance at conferences and meetings~ The conference or meeting, location and attendee shall be a·t the discretion of the Department Head. c. Icsr~Q.io.9._§~§§iºo.§ F'ayment'3 -!::.oward attendance at annually thr-ough or reimbursement of training sessions, the budget process. e>:penses wi 11 be incur~-ed in appr-opriated There also will be an Parks and Recreation or· reimbursement of training programs. appropriation to the each year to be used as expenses incurred for Depar·tment of payments toward its i n-servi ce Excluded from this funding determined each year and Division for costs incurred nature and applicable to all capability is that amount to be appropriated to the Personnel in training proqrams of a general employees. Revised July, 1983 Revised ,July 1, 1985 Revised July, 1987 F'€-~vi '-=ied ,Jul Y 1, 1988 -7·- C::!. t-¡ ::¡+ CUPE:·(·j,::.l¡m¡i::' t1ANAGEMENT COMPENSATION PROGRAM PDlic\¡, I···,~(]. it ¡~UT[J VIDBILE ALLDWANCES AND MILEAGE REIMBURSEMENTS It is City of Cupertino policy that eligible persons under the Management Compensa·tion Program shall be compensated fairly .for the use 0+ personal automotive vehicles on City business. In many instances the use of personal vehicles is a condi'tion of employment due to the absence of sufficient City owned vehicles .for general transpor"tation purposes. It is not intended. however~ that such a condition of employment should work an undu~ hardship. F~or this reason the following policies shall apply for dutonlobile allowances and mileage reimbursements~ Those persofls who occasionally are required to use their personal automobiles for City business shall be reimbur'sed for su¡:h use at arl appropriate r"ate established by the City Council. Submission of a reimbursement reques't must be approved by the D~~par1:ment Head. I'hose persons who are required to use their personal vehicles for City business on a y'ecurring and often basis shall, with the approval of the City Manager, be reimbursed at the rate of fifty dollars ($50.00) per month for a given number of miles to be determined by a schedule adopted by the City Council and at the established rate per miles; provided, however~ that a record of all mileage for the use of personal automobiles on City business s~\all be filed as a prerequisite to any such reimbursement on +orïns prc)viderJn The Exception to the foregoing paragraph ~hall be for DE'p¡:H"tmt?nt H~':?ads~ who shall be r-eimbur'sed at the rate of one hundred fifty dollars ($150.00) per month without having to submi.t a record of mileage as a prerequisite to any such reimburselnent. Furthermore, the Assistant City Engineer shall receive one hundred dollars ($100.00) per month, the Traffic Engineer shall receive seventy-five dollars (575.00) per month and the Public Works Superintendent shall receive fifty dollars (S50.001 per month without having to submit a record of mileage as a prerequisite to reimbursement unless the mileage claimed would exceed the attached schedule as vehicle mileage reimbursement. A further exception is the City Manager who shall receive two hundred fourty-four dollars (S244.001 per month. -8- While ~2cogr'lition is given that slml'Lar or nodif12[j automobile allowances and mileage reimbursement schedules Inay be applicable to employees not eligible unde~ the Managemer1t Compensation Program~ its inclusion as a policy IJnder said Program is for completer12SS of records. Adopted by Action of the City Council Apr-i 1. 1, 197'1 Revised July 2, 1974 Revised May 24, 1979 Revised June, 1980 r':;:evisf:?d ,July, 1981 Revised August, 1984 Revised July, 1987 -9- City of Cupertino MANAGEMENT COMPENSATION PROGRAM ~:'('Jlicy No.. ~5 ASSOCIATION MEMBERSHIPS AND PROFESSIONAL PUBLICATIONS It is City of Cupertino policy that eligible persons under the Management Compensation Program shall be entitled to City sponsored association memberships as well as receiving subscriptions to professional and technical publications.. Such sponsorship, however, shall be conditioned upon the several factors as set forth below. Each association directly r-elated to benefitted.. Each claim 5ubmitted by or through to the City Manager for for which membership is claimed must be the field of endeavor of the person to be for City sponsored membership shall be the Department Head with his concurrence approval.. Memberships in associations as sponsored by the City shall be limited to not more than one person for each association except as may otherwise be authorized by the City Manager in unusual cases~ Anyone person may however, be eligible for sponsored membership in more than one association should such be considered warranted by the City Manager. Subscriptions to QI""' pLll""'chase of professional and technical publications may be provided at City expense when such have been authorized by the Department Head providing the subject matter and ¡naterial generally contained therein are related to municipal governmental operations.. Adopted by Action of the City Council P,pr-il 1, 1974 -10- City O~ Cuper"tir¡o MANAGEMENT COMPENSATION PROGRAM Polic."/ No.6 COMPENSATORY TIME OFF It is City of Cupertino policy that eligible persons under the Management Compensation Program shall be entitled to compensatory time off in like amount for such time worked in e>:cess of what other"wise might be considered as a normal work day ur woy-k If',/eek for other E.'mployees. Such Ilovertimell worked Dr compensatory time taken off shall not be r"ecorded for attendance or payroll purposes. Individuals designated as a part of ioanagement are employed to perform specific functions. In many cases the fulfillment of a given function requires effort without regard to regular working hours. Often these additonal requirements are cyclical and provide later opportunities for some relief from the extended work efforts. At such times when it is possible to do SO~ it is expected that the affected person and his supervisor mutually will agree as to when compensatory time off will be taken. It is the stated purpose of this policy to provide some periods of time for eligible employees to relax and become disassociated from the stresses of work and~ in part~ to offer recognition for the demands of required but unrecorded t'over-timt-?II . Adopted by Action of the City Council ¡;pr-il 1, 1974 Revised June~ 1980 -11- City o·f Cupe~tino MANAGEMENT COMPENSATION PPOGRAM F'!Jlicy ~\IDn ""7 HEALTH BENEFIT ~_ANS - EMPLOYER CONTRIBUTION It is the policy of the City of Cupertino to provide group hospital arId medical insurance under which employees in Management positions and their dependents may be covered. The pur'pose of this program is to promote arId preserve the health of employees and their families through comprehensive health plans availa.tJle only thr"OufJh employer sponsor-ship. Although the premium cost for the insurance provided remains the ultimate responsibility of the employee in a Management position, the City shall contribute an amount of $230.00 per elnployee per month towards the premium or pay the full cost of the premium if less than this amount. If the premium amounts for any employee covered by this policy are less than $230.00 per iTjont:.h, t.hE:? di 'fferRf~nce between the pF"emi urn amount and $230.00 wi 11 be contributed by the City to a deferred compensation account in the employee~s name in accordance with Policy No. 10 of this plan and the ~egulations of the compensation deferment program of the Ci'tYn Enrollment in the plan or plans made available pursuant to ttlis policy shall be in accordance with Personnel Rules of the City and the provisions of the contract for such insurance between the City and carrier or carriers. Adopted by Action of the City Council September 16, 1974 Revised July 7, 1975 Pevisr"d .July 19, 1976 Revi sed Jul Y 1~, 1977 F:evised August 7, 1978 Pevised July 2, 1979 Revised June, 1980 Pevised .June, 1981 Revised June, 1982 Revised July, 1983 P.vised July, 1984 Revised July, 1987 Revised July, 1988 -12- City of Cupertin(~ MANAGEMENT COMPENSATION PROGRAM Policy No.8 FU~XIBLE HOLIDAYS It is the p(Jlicy of "the City of Cupertino to recognize days of histor-ical and flational significance as holidays of the City without loss of payor benefits. Recognizing the desirable times throughout the year, it is the policy of the City of Cupertino to provide days off in lieu of holidays for management employees at such times as are convenient for each employee and supervisor, when such policy is compatible with the workload and schedule of the City. Employees occupying managelnent positions shall be provided two days Rer calendar year as a non-work day with full pay and benefits in addition to those holidays set forth in Section 8.1 of the Rules on Conditions of Employment. For payroll purposes, eactl such in-lieu-of day off shall be recorded as a holiday. Adopted by Action of the City Council July 7~ 1975 Amended June, 1980 -13- City ~~f Cupertino MANAGEMENT COMPENSATION PROGRAM F'olicy NQ~ '7 LIFE AND LONG TERM DISABILITY INSURANCE It is the policy of the City of Cupertino to make available group insurance fer Management employees that will mitigate the personal and family financial hardships resulting from continuing disability that prevents an employee from performing gainfully in his or" her occupat.ion. It is further the policy of tohe City of Cupertino to provide life insurance benefits in an amount of five times the employees annual salary to a maximum of $250,000.00. Employees occupying Management positions may enroll in the disability income program and the life insurance program offered if eligible under the contract provisions of the policy and the personnel rules of -the City. The full cost of premiums for ttlese programs shall be paid by the City for such employees. Adopted by Action of the City Council September 16, 1974 Revised July 19, 1976 Revised June, 1980 Revi selj .Jul y, 1981 Revised June, 1982 -·14- City of Cupertino MANAGEMENT COMPENSATION PROGRAM Policy No. to DEFERRED COMPENSATION It is the policy of the City of Cupertino to provide equitable current compensation and reasonable retirement security for management employees for services performed for the City. ThE' City p':'1.rticipates in state and Federal r"etir-ement systems and deferred compensation plans have been established. Both the employee and employer may make constributions from current earnings to these plans. The purpose of this policy is to promote means by which compensation may be provided in such manner and form to best meet the requirements of the City and the needs of individual employees, thereby increasing the ability to at"tract and retain competent management employees. "rhe City shall maintain and administer means by which einployees in management positions may defer portions of their curr-ent earnings for future utilization. Usage of such plans shall be subject to such agreements, rules and procedures as are necessary to properly administer each plan. Employee contributions to such plans may be made in such amounts as felt proper and necessary to the employee. Employer contributions shall be made pursuant to Management Compensation Plan policies numbers 7 or 10, or- in such other form as determined desirable and proper by the City Council. Adopted by Action of the City Council July 7~, 1975 RE'\ii~:;ed June, Pevised July, 1980 1987 -15- City of Cupertino MANAGEMENT COMPENSATION PROGRAM Policy No. 11 PUBLIC EMPLOYEES RETIREMENT SYSTEM CONTRIBUTION It is the policy of the City of Cupertino to pay the eligible employee's contribution rate to the Public Employees Retirement System not to exceed seven percent (7%) of the applicable salary. Adopted June, 1981 Revised June~ 1987 -16- City of Cupertino MANAGEMENT COMPENSATION PROGRAM Policy No. 12 DENTAL INSURANCE .- EMPLOYER CONTR I 8Un ON It is the policy of the City of Cupertino insurance llnder which employees in Management dependents may be covered. The purpose of promote and preserve the health of employees. to provide dental positions and their this program is to The premium cost for the insurance provided by the City shall not exceed '42.07 per month per employee. Enrollment in the plan (~r plans ¡nade available purusant to this policy shall be in accordance with Personnel Rules of the City and the provisions o·f th2 contract for such insurance between the City and carrier or c¿\rr-i er-s. Adopted by Action of the City Council July 1, 1983 Revised July, 1987 Revised July, 1988 -17- City of ClLpertino MANAGEMENT COMPENSATION PROGRAM Policy No. 13 ADMINISTRATIVE LEAVE Department Heads and the City Manager shall receive sixteen (16) hours of administrative leave with pay. "fhe administrative leave must be taken prior to the end of the second pay period in June of each fiscal year. If the leave time is not taken~ it will be converted to a cash-payment to be received prior to July 1st of each year. This leave time is not included in the vacation accrual schedule in the Rules and Conditions on Employment. Adopted July, 1988 -18- CITY OF CUPERTINO CLASSES OF POSITIONS BY PAY GRADE MANAGEMENT POSITIONS EFFECTIVE JUNE 22, 1988 Classes of Positions Listed Alphabetically Pay Grade Assistant City Engineer 579 Assistant Planning Director 561 Chief Building Inspector 546 Facility Supervisor 513 Grounds Maintenance Supervisor 513 Public Works Superintendent 546 Public Works Supervisor 517 Recreation Supervisor 500 Street Supervisor 513 Traffic Engineer 559 Water Systems Superintendent 527 CITY OF CUPERTINO CLASSES OF POSITIONS BY PAY GRADE MANAGEMENT POSITIONS EFFECTIVE JUNE 22, 1988 Classes of Positions Listed by Pay Grade Pay Grade 500 Recreation Supervisor Pay Grade 513 Facility Supervisor Grounds Supervisor Street Supervisor Pay Grade 517 Public Works Supervisor Pay Grade 527 Water Systems Superintendent Pay Grade 546 Public Works Superintendent Chief Building Inspector Pay Grade 559 Traffic Engineer Pay Grade 56l Assistant Planning Director Pay Grade 579 Assistant City Engineer SCHEDULE OF PAY GRADES EFFECTIVE JUNE 22, 1988 Pay Step B Step C Step D Maximum Grade 500 HOUR 15.82 16.63 17.48 18.35 19.31 MONTH 2742.13 2882.53 3029.87 3181. 36 3347.07 501 HOUR 15.90 16.71 17.57 l8.45 19.4l MONTH 2756.00 2896.40 3045.47 3197.74 3364.40 502 HOUR 15.98 16.80 17.66 l8.54 19.5l MONTH 2769.87 2912.00 3061.07 3214.12 3381. 73 503 HOUR l6.06 16.88 17.74 l8.63 19.6l MONTH 2783.73 2925.87 3074.93 3228.68 3399.07 504 HOUR 16.14 16.96 17.83 18.72 19.70 MONTH 2797.60 2939.73 3090.53 3245.06 3414.67 505 HOUR 16.22 17.05 17.92 18.82 19.80 MONTH 2811.47 2955.33 3106.13 3261. 44 3432.00 506 HOUR 16.30 17.13 18.01 l8.9l 19.90 MONTH 2825.33 2969.20 3121.73 3277.82 3449.33 507 HOUR 16.38 17.22 18.10 19.01 20.00 MONTH 2839.20 2984.80 3137.33 3294.20 3466.67 508 HOUR 16.46 17.31 18.19 19.10 20.10 MONTH 2853.07 3000.40 3152.93 3310.58 3484.00 509 HOUR 16.55 17.39 18.28 19.19 20.20 MONTH 2868.67 3014.27 3168.53 3326.96 3501. 33 510 HOUR 16.63 17.48 l8.37 19.29 20.30 MONTH 2882.53 3029.87 3184.13 3343.34 3518.67 511 HOUR 16.71 17.57 18.47 19.39 20.40 MONTH 2896.40 3045.47 3201.47 3361.54 3536.00 512 HOUR 16.80 17.66 18.56 19.49 20.50 MONTH 2912.00 3061. 07 3217.07 3377.92 3553.33 513 HOUR 16.88 17.74 18.65 19.58 20.6l MONTH 2925.87 3074.93 3232.67 3394.30 3572.40 514 HOUR 16.96 17.83 18.74 19.68 20.71 MONTH 2939.73 3090.53 3248.27 3410.68 3589.73 515 HOUR 17.05 17.92 18.84 19.78 20.81 MONTH 2955.33 3106.13 3265.60 3428.88 3607.07 SCHEDULE OF PAY GRADES EFFECTIVE JUNE 22, 1988 Pay step B step C step D Maximum Grade 516 HOUR 17.13 18.01 18.93 19.88 20.92 MONTH 2969.20 3121. 73 3281. 20 3445.26 3626.13 517 HOUR 17.22 18.10 19.03 19.98 21.02 MONTH 2984.80 3137.33 3298.53 3463.46 3643.47 518 HOUR 17.31 18.19 19.12 20.08 21.13 MONTH 3000.40 3152.93 3314 .13 3479.84 3662.53 519 HOUR 17.39 18.28 19.22 20.18 21.23 MONTH 3014.27 3168.53 3331.47 3498.04 3679.87 520 HOUR 17.48 18.37 19.31 20.28 21.34 MONTH 3029.87 3184.13 3347.07 3514.42 3698.93 521 HOUR 17.57 18.47 18.41 19.33 21.45 MONTH 3045.47 3201.47 3191.07 3350.62 3718.00 522 HOUR 17.66 18.56 19.51 20.49 21.55 MONTH 3061.07 3217.07 3381.73 3550.82 3735.33 523 HOUR 17.74 18.65 19.61 20.59 21.66 MONTH 3074.93 3232.67 3399.07 3569.02 3754.40 524 HOUR 17.83 18.74 19.70 20.69 21. 77 MONTH 3090.53 3248.27 3414.67 3585.40 3773.47 525 HOUR 17.92 18.84 19.80 20.79 21.88 MONTH 3106.13 3265.60 3432.00 3603.60 3792.53 526 HOUR 18.01 18.93 19.90 20.90 21.99 MONTH 3121.73 3281. 20 3449.33 3621.80 3811. 60 527 HOUR 18.10 19.03 20.00 21. 00 22.10 MONTH 3137.33 3298.53 3466.67 3640.00 3830.67 528 HOUR 18.19 19.12 20.10 21.11 22.21 MONTH 3152.93 3314.13 3484.00 3658.20 3849.73 529 HOUR 18.28 19.22 20.20 21.21 22.32 MONTH 3168.53 3331.47 3501.33 3676.40 38158.80 530 HOUR 18.37 19.31 20.30 21.32 22.43 MONTH 3184.13 3347.07 3518.67 3694.60 3887.87 531 HOUR 18.47 19.41 20.40 21.42 22.54 MONTH 3201.47 3364.40 3536.00 3712.80 3906.93 2 SCHEDULE OF PAY GRADES EFFECTIVE JUNE 22, 1988 Pay Step B step C Step D Maximum Grade 532 HOUR 18.56 19.51 20.50 21. 53 22.65 MONTH 3217.07 3381. 73 3553.33 3731. 00 3926.00 533 HOUR 18.65 19.61 20.61 21.64 22.77 MONTH 3232.67 3399.07 3572.40 3751. 02 3946.80 HOUR 18.74 19.70 20.71 21.75 22.88 534 MONTH 3248.27 3414.67 3589.73 3769.22 3965.87 535 HOUR 18.84 19.80 20.81 21.85 23.00 MONTH 3265.60 3432.00 3607.07 3787.42 3986.67 536 HOUR 18.93 19.90 20.92 21.97 23.11 MONTH 3281.20 3449.33 3626.13 3807.44 4005.73 537 HOUR 19.03 20.00 21.02 22.07 23.23 MONTH 3298.53 3466.67 3643.47 3825.64 4026.53 538 HOUR 19.12 20.10 21.13 22.19 23.34 MONTH 3314.13 3484.00 3662.53 3845.66 4045.60 539 HOUR 19.22 20.20 21. 23 22.29 23.46 MONTH 3331.47 3501. 33 3679.87 3863.86 4066.40 540 HOUR 19.31 20.30 21.34 22.41 23.58 MONTH 3347.07 3518.67 3698.93 3883.88 4087.20 541 HOUR 19.41 20.40 21.45 22.52 23.69 MONTH 3364.40 3536.00 3718.00 3903.90 4106.27 542 HOUR 19.51 20.50 21.55 22.63 23.81 MONTH 3381.73 3553.33 3735.33 3922.10 4127.07 543 HOUR 19.61 20.61 21.66 22.74 23.93 MONTH 3399.07 3572.40 3754.40 3942.12 4147.87 544 HOUR 19.70 20.71 21.77 22.86 24.05 MONTH 3414.67 3589.73 3773.47 3962.14 4168.67 545 HOUR 19.80 20.81 21.88 22.97 24.17 MONTH 3432.00 3607.07 3792.53 3982.16 4189.47 546 HOUR 19.90 20.92 21.99 23.09 24.29 MONTH 3449.33 3626.13 3811.60 4002.18 4210.27 547 HOUR 20.00 21. 02 22.10 23.21 24.41 MONTH 346'6.67 3643.47 3830.67 4022.20 4231. 07 3 SCHEDULE OF PAY GRADES EFFECTIVE JUNE 22, 1988 Pay step B step C Step D Maximum Grade 548 HOUR 20.10 21.13 22.21 23.32 24.54 MONTH 3484.00 3662.53 3849.73 4042.22 4253.60 549 HOUR 20.20 21.23 22.32 23.44 24.66 MONTH 3501.33 3679.87 3868.80 4062.24 4274.40 550 HOUR 20.30 21.34 22.43 23.55 24.78 MONTH 3518.67 3698.93 3887.87 4082.26 4295.20 551 HOUR 20.40 21. 45 22.54 23.67 24.91 MONTH 3536.00 3718.00 3906.93 4102.28 4317.73 552 HOUR 20.50 21.55 22.65 23.78 25.03 MONTH 3553.33 3735.33 3926.00 4122.30 4338.53 553 HOUR 20.61 21.66 22.77 23.91 25.16 MONTH 3572.40 3754.40 3946.80 4144.14 4361. 07 554 HOUR 20.71 21.77 22.88 24.02 25.28 MONTH 3589.73 3773.47 3965.87 4164.16 4381. 87 555 HOUR 20.81 21.88 23.00 24.15 25.41 MONTH 3607.07 3792.53 3986.67 4186.00 4404.40 556 HOUR 20.92 21.99 23.11 24.27 25.54 MONTH 3626.13 3811.60 4005.73 4206.02 4426.93 557 HOUR 21. 02 22.10 23.23 24.39 25.66 MONTH 3643.47 3830.67 4026.53 4227.86 4447.73 558 HOUR 21.22 22.21 23.34 24.51 25.79 MONTH 3678.13 3849.73 4045.60 4247.88 4470.27 559 HOUR 21.23 22.32 23.46 24.63 25.92 MONTH 3679.87 3868.80 4066.40 4269.72 4492.80 560 HOUR 21. 34 22.43 23.58 24.76 26.05 MONTH 3698.93 3887.87 4087.20 4291.56 4515.33 561 HOUR 21.45 22.54 23.69 24.87 26.18 MONTH 3718.00 3906.93 4106.27 4311. 58 4537.87 562 HOUR 21.55 ~2.65 23.81 25.00 26.31 MONTH 3735.33 3926.00 4127.07 4333.42 4560.40 563 HOUR 21. 66 22.77 23.93 25.13 26.44 MONTH 3754.40 3946.80 4147.87 4355.26 4582.93 4 SCHEDULE OF PAY GRADES EFFECTIVE JUNE 22, 1988 Pay Step B Step C Step D Maximum Grade 564 HOUR 21.77 22.88 24.05 25.25 26.58 MONTH 3773.47 3965.87 4168.67 4377.10 4607.20 565 HOUR 21.88 23.00 24.17 25.38 26.71 MONTH 3792.53 3986.67 4189.47 4398.94 4629.73 566 HOUR 21.99 23.11 24.29 25.50 26.84 MONTH 3811.60 4005.73 4210.27 4420.78 4652.27 567 HOUR 22.10 23.23 24.41 25.63 26.98 MONTH 3830.67 4026.53 4231.07 4442.62 4676.53 568 HOUR 22.21 23.34 24.54 25.77 27.11 MONTH 3849.73 4045.60 4253.60 4466.28 4699.07 569 HOUR 22.32 23.46 24.66 25.89 27.25 MONTH 3868.80 4066.40 4274.40 4488.12 4723.33 570 HOUR 22.43 23.58 24.78 26.02 27.38 MONTH 3887.87 4087.20 4295.20 4509.96 4745.87 571 HOUR 22.54 23.69 24.91 26.16 27.52 MONTH 3906.93 4106.27 4317.73 4533.62 4770.13 572 HOUR 22.65 23.81 25.03 26.28 27.66 MONTH 3926.00 4127.07 4338.53 4555.46 4794.40 573 HOUR 22.77 23.93 25.16 26.42 27.80 MONTH 3946.80 4147.87 4361.07 4579.12 4818.67 574 HOUR 22.88 24.05 25.28 26.54 27.94 MONTH 3965.87 4168.67 4381.87 4600.96 4842.93 575 HOUR 23.00 24.17 25.41 26.68 28.08 MONTH 3986.67 4189.47 4404.40 4624.62 4867.20 576 HOUR 23.11 24.29 25.54 26.82 28.22 MONTH 4005.73 4210.27 4426.93 4648.28 4891.47 577 HOUR 23.23 24.41 25.66 26.94 28.36 MONTH 4026.53 4231. 07 4447.73 4670.12 4915.73 578 HOUR 23.34 24.54 25.79 27.08 28.50 MONTH 4045.60 4253.60 4470.27 4693.78 4940.00 5 SCHEDULE OF PAY GRADES EFFECTIVE JUNE 22, 1988 Pay Step B Step C Step D Maximum Grade 579 HOUR 23.46 24.66 25.92 27.22 28.64 MONTH 4066.40 4274.40 4492.80 4717.44 4964.27 580 HOUR 23.58 24.78 26.05 27.35 28.78 MONTH 4087.20 4295.20 4515.33 4741.10 4988.53 581 HOUR 23.69 24.91 26.18 27.49 28.93 MONTH 4106.27 4317.73 4537.87 4764.76 5014.53 582 HOUR 23.81 25.03 26.31 27.63 29.07 MONTH 4127.07 4338.53 4560.40 4788.42 5038.80 583 HOUR 23.93 25.16 26.44 27.76 29.22 tJIOHTH 4147.87 4361. 07 4582.93 4812.08 5064.80 584 HOUR 24.05 25.28 26.58 27.91 29.36 MONTH 4168.67 4381.87 4607.20 4837.56 5089.07 585 HOUR 24.17 25.41 26.71 28.05 29.51 MONTH 4189.47 4404.40 4629.73 4861.22 5115.07 586 HOUR 24.29 25.54 26.84 28.18 29.66 MONTH 4210.27 4426.93 4652.27 4884.88 5141. 07 587 HOUR 24.41 25.66 26.98 28.33 29.81 MONTH 4231. 07 4447.73 4676.53 4910.36 5167.07 588 HOUR 24.54 25.79 27.11 28.47 29.96 MONTH 4253.60 4470.27 4699.07 4934.02 5193.07 589 HOUR 24.66 25.92 27.25 28.61 30.11 MONTH 4274.40 4492.80 4723.33 4959.50 5219.07 590 HOUR 24.78 26.05 27.38 28.75 30.26 MONTH 4295.20 4515.33 4745.87 4983.16 5245.07 591 HOUR 24.91 26.18 27.52 28.90 30.41 MONTH 4317.73 4537.87 4770.13 5008.64 5271. 07 592 HOUR 25.03 26.31 27.66 29.04 30.56 MONTH 4338.53 4560.40 4794.40 5034.12 5297.07 593 HOUR 25.16 26.44 27.80 29.19 30.71 MONTH 4361.07 4582.93 4818.67 5059.60 5323.07 594 HOUR 25.28 26.58 27.94 29.34 30.87 MONTH 4381. 87 4607.20 4842.93 5085.08 5350.80 6 SCHEDULE OF PAY GRADES EFFECTIVE JUNE 22, 1988 Pay step B Step C Step D Maximum Grade 595 HOUR 25.41 26.71 28.08 29.48 31. 02 MONTH 4404.40 4629.73 4867.20 5110.56 5376.80 596 HOUR 25.54 26.84 28.22 29.63 31.18 MONTH 4426.93 4652.27 4891.47 5136.04 5404.53 597 HOUR 25.66 26.98 28.36 29.78 31. 33 MONTH 4447.73 4676.53 4915.73 5161.52 5430.53 HOUR 25.79 27.11 28.50 29.93 31. 49 598 MONTH 4470.27 4699.07 4940.00 5187.00 5458.27 599 HOUR 25.92 27.25 28.64 30.07 31. 65 MONTH 4492.80 4723.33 4964.27 5212.48 5486.00 7