CC Resolution No. 7537 f;:E:::;!JLur I DN ND. __Tnz._._ A RESOLUTION OF THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF CUPERTINO AMENDING THE CONFIDENTIAL COMPENSATION PROGRAM WHEREAS, the City Council benefit schedules for eligible compensation Program; and desires to modify the salary and persons under the Confidential NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED Compensat ion F'rogr-am be amendf?d as shown is irlcorporated in this resolution by this that the Confidential in Attachment 1I,~" which reference. P~\:3SED AND ADOPTED at a r-efJular- meeting of the City Council of the City of Cuper-tino this _5...!;h_ day of _1!!1Y.._______, . ~88 by the following vote: / :¿g:h@ ~~mQêc2_Qi_tQ@_Çit~_ÇQ~Qçil AYES: Johnson, Koppel, Plungy, Rogers, Gatto NOES: None ABSENT: None ABSTAIN: None APPROVED: J-s.,L-Ia.hn...M..- Go tt.o--------- Mayor-, City of Cuper-tino r~nEST: j~L_Y~~~~~~E!g~li~2_-------- City Cler-k " I N D E X CONFIDENTIAL COMPENSATION PROGRAM Category Policy No, Page PROGRAM PURPOSE AND DEFINITIONS FOR ELIGIBILITY 1 1 SCHEDULES OF PAY GRADES AND OTHER SALARY RATES 2 3 AUTOMOBILE ALLOWANCES AND MILEAGE REIMBURSEMENTS 3 L, COMPENSATORY TIME OFF L, 5 HEALTH BENEFIT PLANS - EMPLOYER CONTRIBUTION 5 6 FLEXIBLE HOLIDAYS 6 7 LIFE AND LONG-TERM DISABILITY INSURANCE 7 8 DEFERRED COMPENSATION 8 9 PUBLIC EMPLOYEES RETIREMENT SYSTEM CONTRIBUTION 9 lO DENTAL INSURANCE - EMPLOYER CONTRIBUTION lO 11 City of Cupertino CONF I DENT I r;L COMPENSAT I ON PFWGRAM Pol i cy Nl1. 1 PROGRAM PURPOSE AND DEFINITIONS FOR ELIGIBILITY It is City of Cupertino policy that those certain persons holding positil1ns hereinafter defined and designated as confidential shall be eligible for participation under the Cl1nfidential Compensation Program as hereby adopted by action of the City Council and as same may be amended or as otherwise modified from time to time. It is the stated purpose of this Confidential Compensation Program to give recognition to and to differentiate those eligible employees from represented employees who achieve economic gain and other conditions of employment through negotiation. It is the intent that through this policy and those which are adopted or as may be modified or ,-escinded from time to time such ,·ecognition may be ,~iven. Eligibility for Compensation Program is confidential employees. Appointing Authority and warrant. inclusion within this Confidential limited to persons holding positions as These are as designated by the may be modified as circumstances As defined under Section 2.52.290 of the Cupertino Me,nicipal Code, a confidential employee is an employee who is privy to decisions of City management affecting employer-employee r-elations. Although subject to change the Personnel Code, the following as confidential positions: in accordance with provision of positions have been designated 2 rO-509-0 1 220-310-01 310-508-01 410-508-01 510-514-01 520-508-01" 710-508-01 Newman, L. Reasoner, M Nuwer, Mary Jane. Colgin B. Mendoza, L. Murakami, H. Martin, S. Secretary to City Manager Personnel Technician Secretary Secretary Administrative Clerk Secretary Secretary -1- Confider\tial Pcsitj.Or~,3 contj.n(led: 6 t O-~:jOb'-O 1 710-512-01 220-507-01 210-220-01 240-514-01 310-:~~~18-01 !iJiJ 1 + e. ~ F~:. Campagna- Blaise~ L.. Zauss~ c. Dste '"'man~ D. Johnson, F. Thornton, l_. Adopted by Action of the City Council .June 23, 1980 F:evi -;..::;ed aune~ Pevi sed June:. F:E'v:tsed July~ F:evised ¡July, 1981 1982 198~:' 1987 Deputy City Cler~( Se~vice Center Assistant F'e'....-=:;onnel Cl i=1'"' k COlnmunity Relations Officer Adfninistrative Clerk Accounting Technician 2 City D~ Cupe~tlno CONFIDEN"fIAL C¡JMPENSATION PROt3RAM Policy No.2 SCHEDULES OF PAY GRADES AND OTHER SALARY RATES It is City of Cupertino policy that eligible persons under the Confidential Compensation Program shall be compensated for services rendered to and on behalf of the City on the baS1S of equitability of pay for duties and responsibilities assigned, n\eritorious service and comparability with similar work in other public and priva'te employment in the same labor market; all of which is contingent upon the City's ability to pay consistent with its fiscal policies. As rates of pay and sC~jedules of pay grades developed through meet arld confer processes are subject to the under"lying provisions of the Pay Plan for administration purposes so ar-e those rates of pay and schedule of pay grades included herein as a part of this Confidential Compensation Program. The inclusion herein of saijj rates and schedules does not affect any effective dates or otherwise ~eflect on the approval processes required but is shown as an integral part of this Program for completen~ss of record. Adopted by Action of the City Council June 23, 1980 -3- Ci'ty o·f CupertirlO CONFIDENTIAL ,:OMPENSATION PROGRAM Policy No.' AUTOMOBILE ALLOWANCES AND MILEAGE REIMBURSEMENTS It is (:ity of Cupertino policy that eligible persons unde~ the Con'fidential Compensation Program shall be comperlsated fairly for the use of personal automotive vehicles on City business. In some ir¡stances the use of personal vehicles is a condition of employment when there may be an absence of sufficient City vehicles for general transportation purposes. It is not il'\ter\ded~ tlowever, that such a condition of employment should wor-k an undue hardship. For this reason the following policies shall apply for automobile allowances and mileage reimbursementsø Those persofls who occasionally are required to use their personal automobiles for City business shall be reimbursed for suc:h IJSe at an appropriate rate established by the City Council. Submission of a reimbursement request must be approved by the Department Head. While recognition is given that similar or modified automobile allowance and mileage reimbursement schedules may be applicable to employees not eligible under the Confidential Compensation Program~ its inclusion as a policy under said PreJgram is for completeness of record. Adopted by Action of ·the City Council June 23~ 1980 Revised July, 1987 -4- City of Cupertine CONFIDENTIAL COMPENSATION PROGRAM Pol icy NCJ. 4 COMPENSATORY TIME OFF It is City of Cupertino policy that eligible persons under the Confidential Compensation Program shall be entitled to compensatory time off in like amount for such time worked in excess of what otherwise might be considered as a normal work day C)t'"" work week for (Jther employees. Such IlovertimeJl worked or compensatory time taken off shall not be recorded for attendance or payroll purposes. Individuals occupying confidential positions are employed to perform specific functions. In many cases the fulfillment of a given function requires effort without regard to regular workinó hours. Often these additional requirements are cyclical and provide later opportunities for some relief from the extended work efforts. At such times when it is possible to do so, it is expected that the affected person and his superivsor mutually will agree as to when compensatory time off will be taken. It is the stated purpose of this policy to provide some pelci ods o·f time for el i gi bl e employees to reI ax and become disassociated from the stresses of work and, in part, to offer recognition for the demands of required but unrecorded lIovertime". Adopted by Action of the City Council .June 23, 1980 -5- City of Cupertino CONFIDENTIAL COMPENSATION PROGRAM Policy No.5 HEALTH BENEFIT PLANS - EMPLOVER CONTRIBUTION It is the policy of the City of Cupertino to provide group hospital and n¡edical insurance under which employees in Confidential positions and their dependents may be covered. The purpose of this program is to promote and preserve the health of employees and their families through comprehensive health plans available only through employer sponsorship. Although the premium cost for the insurance provided remains the ultimate responsibility of the employee in a Confidential p05ition~ 'the City shall contribute an amount of $230.00 per employee per month towards the premium or pay the full cost of the premium if less than this amount. If premium amounts for any employee covered by this policy are less than $230.00 per month, the difference between the premium amount and $230.00 will be contributed by the City to a deferred compensation account in the employee's name in accordance with Policy No.8 of this plan and the regulations of the compenstion deferment program of the City. Enrollment in the plan or plans made available pursuant to this policy shall be in accordance with Personnel Rules of the City and the provisions of the contract for such insurance between the City and carrier or carriers. Adopted by Action of the City Council June 23~ 1980 Revised June, Revised June, Revised July, Revised July, Revised July, 1981 1982 1983 1987 1988 -6- City o·f Cuperti:1o CONFIDENTIAL COMPENSATION PROGRAM Policy No. b FLEXIBLE HOLIDAYS It is the policy of the City of Cupertino to recognize days 0+ histor-ical and national significance as holidays of the City without loss of payor benefits. Recognizing the desirable continuance of Inunicipal services by confidential employees resulting from scheduling of occasional holidays at variable times throughout the year, it is the policy of the City of Cupertino to provide days off in lieu of holidays for confidential employees at such ti,nes as are convenient for each employee and supervisor, when such policy is compatible with the workload arid schedule of the City. EmplcJyees occupyirlg confidential positions shall be provided two days per calendar year as a non-work day with full pay and benefits in addition to those holidays set forth in Section 8.1 of the Rules on Conditions of Employment. For payroll purposes, each such in-lieu-of day off shall be recorded as a holiday. Adopted by Action of the City Council June 23, 1980 -7- City of Cllpertino CONFIDENTIAL COMPENSATION PROGRAM !::'oIicy ¡··-·~o" 7 L. I FE AND LONG-TERM D I SAB I U TY I NSUR~\NCE It is the policy of the City of Cupertino to make available group insurance for Confidential employees that will mitigate the personal and family financial hardships resulting from continuing disability that prevents an employee from performing gainfully in hi", or- her- occupation. It is further the policy of the City of Cupertino to provide life insurance benefits five times the employee~s annual salary to a maximum of $250,000.00 for confidential employees. Employees occupying Confidential positions may enroll in the disability income program and the life insurance program offered if eligible under the contract provisions of the policy and the personnel rules of the City. The full cost of premiums for these insurances shall be paid by the City for such employees. Adopted by Action of the City Council June 23, 1980 Revised June, 1982 -8- Cj.ty of Cupertino CONFIDE~ITIAL COMPENSATION PROGRAM F'olicy 1\10. d DEFEF:RED COMPENSAT I ON It is the policy of the City of Cupertino to provide equitable current compensation and reasonable retirement security for confidential employees for services performed for the City. Tt1e City participates in State and Federal retirement systems and deferred compensation plans have been established. Both the employee arid employer may make contributions from current earnings to these plans. The purpose of this policy is to promote means by which compensation may be provided in such manner and form to best meet the requirements of the City and the needs of individual employees, thereby increasing the ability to attract and retain competent confidential employees. The City shall maintain and administer means by which employees in confidential positions may defer portions of their curr-ent ear-nings ·for future utilization. Usage of such plans· shall be subject to such agreements~ rules and procedures as are rlecessary to properly administer each plan. Employee contributions to such plans may be nade in such amounts as felt proper and necessary to the employee. Employer contributions shall be made pursuant to Confidential Compensation Plan policies numbers 5 or 8, or in such other form as determined desirable and proper by the City Council. Adopted by Action of the City Council June 23~ 1980 Revised July, 1987 -9- City of C'Jper-tin(] CONFIDENTIAL COMPENSATION PROGRAM ["'DUCl No, ''1 PUBLIC EMPLOYEES RETIREMENT SYSTEM CONTRIBUTION It is the policy of the City of Cupertino to pay the eligible employee's contribution rate to the Public Employees' Retirement System not to exceed seven percent (7%) of the applicable salary. Adopted by Action of the City Council June 23, 1980 ["(evised .June, 1981 Revised July, 1987 -10- City of Cupertino CONFIDENTIAL COMPENSATION PROGRAM Pol icy No. 10 DENTAL INSURANCE - EMPLOYER CONTRIBUTION It is the policy of the City of Cupertino to provide dental insurance under which employees in Confidential positions and their dependents may be covered. The purpose of this program is to promote and preserve the health of employees. The premi um cost for t.he insurance provi ded by the Ci ty shall not exceed $42.07 per month per employee. Enrollment in the plan or plans made available pursuant to this policy shall be in accordance with Personnel Rules of the City and the provisions of the contract for such insurance between the City and carrier or car-riers. Adopted by Action of the City Council June 23, 1980 Revised July 1, 1983 Revised July, 1987 Revised July, 1988 -11- CITY OF CUPERTINO CLASSES OF POSITIONS BY PAY GRADE CONFIDENTIAL POSITIONS EFFECTIVE JUNE 22, 1988 Classes of Positions Listed Alphabetically Classification Pay Grade Accounting Technician 624 Administrative Clerk 613 Community Relations Officer 689 Deputy City Clerk 624 Personnel Clerk 613 Personnel Technician 647 Secretary 624 Secretary to the City Manager 642 Service Center Assistant 600 Classes of Positions Listed by Pay Grade Pay Grade 600 Pay Grade 642 Service Center Assistant Secretary to the City Manager Pay Grade 613 Pay Grade 647 Administrative Clerk Personnel Clerk Personnel Technician Pay Grade 689 Pay Grade 624 Community Relations Officer Accounting Technician Deputy City Clerk Secretary SCHEDULE OF PAY GRADES EFFECTIVE JUNE 22, 1988 Pay step B step C step D Maximum Grade 600 HOUR 11.33 11.91 12.52 13.15 13.83 MONTH 1963.87 2064.40 2170.13 2278.64 2397.20 601 HOUR 11. 38 11.97 12.58 13.21 13.90 MONTH 1972.53 2074.80 2180.53 2289.56 2409.33 602 HOUR 11.44 12.03 12.64 13.27 l3.97 MONTH 1982.93 2085.20 2190.93 2300.48 2421. 47 603 11.50 12.09 12.70 13.33 14.04 MONTH 1993.33 2095.60 2201. 33 2311. 40 2433.60 604 HOUR 11. 56 12.15 12.77 13.41 14.11 MONTH 2003.73 2106.00 2213.47 2324.14 2445.73 605 HOUR 11.61 12.21 12.83 13.47 14.18 MONTH 2012.40 2116.40 2223.87 2335.06 2457.87 606 HOUR 11.67 12.27 12.90 13.55 14.25 MONTH 2022.80 2126.80 2236.00 2347.80 2470.00 607 11.73 12.33 12.96 13.61 14.32 MONTH 2033.20 2137.20 2246.40 2358.72 2482.13 608 HOUR 11. 79 12.39 13.03 13.68 14.39 MONTH 2043.60 2147.60 2258.53 2371. 46 2494.27 609 HOUR 11.85 12.45 13.09 13.74 14.46 MONTH 2054.00 2158.00 2268.93 2382.38 2506.40 610 HOUR 11.91 12.52 13.16 13.82 14.54 MONTH 2064.40 2170.13 2281.07 2395.12 2520.27 611 HOUR 11.97 12.58 13.22 13.88 14.61 MONTH 2074.80 2180.53 2291. 47 2406.04 2532.40 612 HOUR 12.03 12.64 13.29 13.95 14.68 MONTH 2085.20 2190.93 2303.60 2418.78 2544.53 613 HOUR 12.09 12.70 13.35 14.02 14.75 MONTH 2095.60 2201.33 2314.00 2429.70 2556.67 614 HOUR 12.15 12.77 13.42 14.09 l4.83 MONTH 2106.00 2213.47 2326.13 2442.44 2570.53 615 HOUR 12.21 12.83 13.49 14.16 14.90 MONTH 2116.40 2223.87 2338.27 2455.18 2582.67 1 SCHEDULE OF PAY GRADES EFFECTIVE JUNE 22, 1988 Pay step B step C step D Maximum Grade 616 HOUR 12.27 12.90 13.56 14.24 14.98 MONTH 2126.80 2236.00 2350.40 2467.92 2596.53 617 HOUR 12.33 12.96 13.62 14.30 15.05 MONTH 2137.20 2246.40 2360.80 2478.84 2608.67 618 HOUR 12.39 13.03 13.69 14.37 15.13 MONTH 2147.60 2258.53 2372.93 2491.58 2622.53 619 HOUR 12.45 13.09 13.76 l4.45 l5.20 MONTH 2158.00 2268.93 2385.07 2504.32 2634.67 620 HOUR 12.52 13.16 13.83 14.52 15.28 MONTH 2170.13 2281.07 2397.20 2517.06 2648.53 HOUR 12.58 13.22 13.90 14.60 l5.35 621 MONTH 2180.53 2291.47 2409.33 2529.80 2660.67 622 HOUR 12.64 13.29 13.97 14.67 15.43 MONTH 2190.93 2303.60 2421.47 2542.54 2674.53 623 HOUR 12.70 13.35 14.04 14.74 15.51 MONTH 2201. 33 2314.00 2433.60 2555.28 2688.40 624 HOUR 12.77 13.42 14.11 14.82 l5.59 MONTH 2213.47 2326.13 2445.73 2568.02 2702.27 625 HOUR 12.83 13.49 14.18 14.89 15.66 MONTH 2223.87 2338.27 2457.87 2580.76 2714.40 626 HOUR 12.90 13.56 14.25 14.96 l5.74 MONTH 2236.00 2350.40 2470.00 2593.50 2728.27 627 HOUR 12.96 13.62 14.32 15.04 l5.82 MONTH 2246.40 2360.80 2482.13 2606.24 2742.13 628 HOUR 13.03 13.69 14.39 15.11 15.90 MONTH 2258.53 2372.93 2494.27 2618.98 2756.00 629 HOUR 13.09 13.76 14.46 15.18 15.98 MONTH 2268.93 2385.07 2506.40 2631. 72 2769.87 630 HOUR 13.16 13.83 14.54 15.27 16.06 MONTH 2281.07 2397.20 2520.27 2646.28 2783.73 631 HOUR 13.22 13.90 14.61 15.34 16.14 MONTH 2291.47 2409.33 2532.40 2659.02 2797.60 2 SCHEDULE OF PAY GRADES EFFECTIVE JUNE 22, 1988 Pay Step B Step C Step D Maximum Grade 632 HOUR 13.29 13.97 14.68 15.41 l6.22 MONTH 2303.60 2421.47 2544.53 2671.76 2811. 47 633 HOUR 13.35 14.04 14.75 15.49 l6.30 MONTH 2314.00 2433.60 2556.67 2684.50 2825.33 634 HOUR 13.42 14.11 14.83 15.57 16.38 MONTH 2326.13 2445.73 2570.53 2699.06 2839.20 635 HOUR 13.49 14.18 14.90 15.65 16.46 MONTH 2338.27 2457.87 2582.67 2711. 80 2853.07 HOUR 13.56 14.25 14.98 15.73 16.55 636 MONTH 2350.40 2470.00 2596.53 2726.36 a68.67 637 HOUR 13.62 14.32 15.05 15.80 16.63 MONTH 2360.80 2482.13 2608.67 2739.10 2882.53 638 HOUR 13.69 14.39 15.13 15.89 16.71 MONTH 2372.93 2494.27 2622.53 2753.66 2896.40 639 HOUR 13.76 14.46 15.20 15.96 16.80 MONTH 2385.07 2506.40 2634.67 2766.40 2912.00 640 HOUR 13.83 14.54 15.28 16.04 16.88 MONTH 2397.20 2520.27 2648.53 2780.96 2925.87 641 HOUR 13.90 14.61 15.35 16.12 16.96 MONTH 2409.33 2532.40 2660.67 2793.70 2939.73 642 HOUR 13.97 14.68 15.43 16.20 17.05 MONTH 2421.47 2544.53 2674.53 2808.26 2955.33 643 HOUR 14.04 14.75 15.51 16.29 17.13 MONTH 2433.60 2556.67 2688.40 2822.82 2969.20 644 HOUR 14.11 14.83 15.59 16.37 17.22 MONTH 2445.73 2570.53 2702.27 2837.38 2984.80 645 HOUR 14.18 14.90 15.66 16.44 17.31 MONTH 2457.87 2582.67 2714.40 2850.12 3000.40 646 HOUR 14.25 14.98 15.74 16.53 17.39 MONTH 2470.00 2596.53 2728.27 2864.68 3014.27 647 HOUR 14.32 15.05 15.82 16.61 17.48 MONTH 2482.13 2608.67 2742.13 2879.24 3029.87 3 SCHEDULE OF PAY GRADES EFFECTIVE JUNE 22, 1988 Pay Step B Step C Step D Maximum Grade 648 HOUR 14.39 15.13 15.90 16.70 17.57 MONTH 2494.27 2622.53 2756.00 2893.80 3045.47 649 HOUR 14.46 15.20 15.98 16.78 17.66 MONTH 2506.40 2634.67 2769.87 2908.36 3061.07· 650 HOUR 14.54 15.28 16.06 16.86 l7.74 MONTH 2520.27 2648.53 2783.73 2922.92 3074.93 651 HOUR 14.61 15.35 16.14 16.95 17.83 MONTH 2532.40 2660.67 2797.60 2937.48 3090.53 652 HOUR 14.68 15.43 16.22 17.03 17.92 MONTH 2544.53 2674.53 2811.47 2952.04 3106.13 HOUR 14.75 15.51 16.30 17.12 18.01 653 MONTH 2556.67 2688.40 2825.33 2966.60 3121. 73 654 HOUR 14.83 15.59 16.38 17.20 18.10 MONTH 2570.53 2702.27 2839.20 2981.16 3137.33 655 HOUR 14.90 15.66 16.46 17.28 18.19 MONTH 2582.67 2714.40 2853.07 2995.72 3152.93 656 HOUR 14.98 15.74 16.55 17.38 18.28 MONTH 2596.53 2728.27 2868.67 3012.10 3168.53 657 HOUR 15.05 15.82 16.63 17.46 18.37 MONTH 2608.67 2742.13 2882.53 3026.66 3184.13 658 HOUR 15.13 15.90 16.71 17.55 18.47 MONTH 2622.53 2756.00 2896.40 3041.22 3201.47 659 HOUR 15.20 15.98 16.80 17.64 18.56 MONTH 2634.67 2769.87 2912.00 3057.60 3217.07 660 HOUR 15.28 16.06 16.88 17.72 18.65 MONTH 2648.53 2783.73 2925.87 3072.16 3232.67 661 HOUR 15.35 16.14 16.96 17.81 18.74 MONTH 2660.67 2797.60 2939.73 3086.72 3248.27 662 HOUR 15.43 16.22 17.05 17.90 18.84 MONTH 2674.53 2811.47 2955.33 3103.10 3265.60 663 HOUR 15.51 16.30 17.13 17.99 18.93 MONTH ·2688.40 2825.33 2969.20 3117.66 3281. 20 4 SCHEDULE OF PAY GRADES EFFECTIVE JUNE 22, 1988 Pay Step B Step C step D Maximum Grade 664 HOUR 15.59 16.38 17.22 18.08 19.03 MONTH 2702.27 2839.20 2984.80 3134.04 3298.53 665 HOUR 15.66 16.46 17.31 18.18 19.12 MONTH 2714.40 2853.07 3000.40 3150.42 3314.13 666 HOUR 15.74 16.55 17.39 18.26 19.22 MONTH 2728.27 2868.67 3014.27 3164.98 3331.47 667 HOUR 15.82 16.63 17.48 18.35 19.31 MONTH 2742.13 2882.53 3029.87 3181. 36 3347.07 668 HOUR 15.90 16.71 17.57 18.45 19.41 MONTH 2756.00 2896.40 3045.47 3197.74 3364.40 669 HOUR 15.98 16.80 17.66 18.54 19.51 MONTH 2769.87 2912.00 3061.07 3214 .12 3381. 73 670 HOUR 16.06 16.88 17.74 18.63 19.61 MONTH 2783.73 2925.87 3074.93 3228.68 3399.07 671 HOUR 16.14 16.96 17.83 18.72 19.70 MONTH 2797.60 2939.73 3090.53 3245.06 3414.67 672 HOUR 16.22 17.05 17.92 18.82 19.80 MONTH 2811.47 2955.33 3106.13 3261.44 3432.00 673 HOUR 16.30 17.13 18.01 18.91 19.90 MONTH 2825.33 2969.20 3121.73 3277.82 3449.33 674 HOUR 16.38 17.22 18.10 19.01 20.00 MONTH 2839.20 2984.80 3137.33 3294.20 3466.67 675 HOUR 16.46 17.31 18.19 19.10 20.10 MONTH 2853.07 3000.40 3152.93 3310.58 3484.00 676 HOUR 16.55 17.39 18.28 19.19 20.20 MONTH 2868.67 3014.27 3168.53 3326.96 3501.33 677 HOUR 16.63 17.48 18.37 19.29 20.30 MONTH 2882.53 3029.87 3184.13 3343.34 3518.67 678 HOUR 16.71 17.57 18.47 19.39 20.40 MONTH 2896.40 3045.47 3201.47 3361.54 3536.00 679 HOUR 16.80 17.66 18.56 19.49 20.50 MONTH 2912.00 3061. 07 3217.07 3377..92 3553.33 5 SCHEDULE OF PAY GRADES EFFECTIVE JUNE 22, 1988 step B Step C Step D Maximum 680 HOUR 16.88 17.74 18.65 19.58 20.61 MONTH 2925.87 3074.93 3232.67 3394.30 3572.40 681 HOUR 16.96 ,17.83 18.74 19.68 20.71 MONTH 2939.73 3090.53 3248.27 3410.68 3589.73 682 HOUR 17.05 17.92 18.84 19.78 20.81 MONTH 2955.33 3106.13 3265.60 3428.88 3607.07 683 HOUR 17.13 18.01 18.93 19.88 20.92 MONTH 2969.20 3121. 73 3281. 20 3445.26 3626.l3 684 HOUR 17.22 18.10 19.03 19.98 21. 02 MONTH 2984.80 3137.33 3298.53 3463.46 3643.47 685 HOUR 17.31 18.19 19.12 20.08 21.13 MONTH 3000.40 3152.93 3314.13 3479.84 3662.53 686 HOUR 17.39 18.28 19.22 20.18 21.23 MONTH 3014.27 3168.53 3331.47 3498.04 3679.87 687 HOUR 17.48 18.37 19.31 20.28 21. 34 MONTH 3029.87 3184.13 3347.07 3514.42 3698.93 688 HOUR 17.57 18.47 18.41 19.33 21. 45 MONTH 3045.47 3201.47 3191. 07 3350.62 3718.00 689 HOUR 17.66 18.56 19.51 20.49 21.55 MONTH 3061.07 3217.07 3381.73 3550.82 3735.33 690 HOUR 17.74 18.65 19.61 20.59 21. 66 MONTH 3074.93 3232.67 3399.07 3569.02 3754.40 69l HOUR 17.83 18.74 19.70 20.69 21. 77 MONTH 3090.53 3248.27 3414.67 3585.40 3773.47 692 HOUR 17.92 18.84 19.80 20.79 21. 88 MONTH 3106.13 3265.60 3432.00 3603.60 3792.53 693 HOUR 18.01 18.93 19.90 20.90 21.99 MONTH 3121.73 3281. 20 3449.33 3621.80 3811. 60 694 HOUR 18.10 19.03 20.00 21. 00 22.10 MONTH 3137.33 3298.53 3466.67 3640.00 3830.67 695 HOUR 18.19 19.12 20.10 21.11 22.21 MONTH 3152.93 3314 .13 3484.00 3658.20 3849.73 -6- SCHEDULE OF PAY GRADES EFFECTIVE JUNE 22, 1988 Step B Step C Step D Maximum 696 HOUR 18.28 19.22 20.20 21.21 22.32 MONTH 3168.53 3331.47 3501. 33 3676.40 3868.80 697 HOUR 18.37 . 19.31 20.30 21. 32 22.43 MONTH 3184.13 ··~3347. 07 3518.67 3694.60 3887.87 698 HOUR 18.47 19.41 20.40 21.42 22.54 MONTH 3201.47 3364.40 3536.00 3712.80 3906.93 699 HOUR 18.56 19.51 20.50 21. 53 22.65 MONTH 3217.07 3381. 73 3553.33 3731.00 3926.00 -7-