CC Resolution No. 7538 F:~':3iJLUT I CN 1"'-.:C1. _7-5.18_ A RESOLUTION OF THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF CUPERTINO F[,¡NG r~E EMPLOYER'S CONTRIBUTION UNDER THE MEYERS- :;õ[>DE3 STATE EI1PLiJYEES ~IEDICAL ,'~ND HOSPITl'oI_ G\P:E i~CT WHEREAS, the Government code Section 22825.6 local agency contracting under the Meyers-Geddes Medical and Hospital Care Act shall fix the employer~s contribution at an amount not less required under Section 22825 of the Act; and provi des that " Stat:e Emp 1 oyees·' -3ffioLLnt 0;: tile than the amOL\I1t WHEREAS, the City of Cupertino is a local agency contracting l..iIldi~r the I~~ct; NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED that the employer's contr·ibution for each employee/annuitant shall be the amount nacessary to pay the cost of his/her enrollment, including the enrollment of t,i~/t'er family members, in a health benefit plan or p13ns, up tG a ¡naximum of ç~Q@ ªªr:9.ª!.o.iCU1_!-1Cl!.t ÇQ~LE:ê!:_t!Q[li!l 03 ~la"agement Confidential Miscellaneous $230.00 '¡23Ü.ÜO $230. (H) 01 02 PASSED AND ADOPTED at a regular meeting of the City of the City of CL'pertino this 2.ti!.__ day of j_uJ.,y_________, the following vote: COLLnC i I 1988 by {'YES: Johnson, Koppel, Plungy, Rogers, Gatto. NOES: None A8SENT: None ,",8STAIN: None APPROVED: 12L__J2ÈE_tl~_~aSSQ_________ Mayor, City of Cupertino ATTEST: J~1__Q~r2sby~~oJ»~11~~_----------- C,ty Clerk