CC Resolution No. 7565 RFSOIIJTION NO. 7565 A RFSOIIJTION OF iRE CITY CXXJNCIL OF iRE CITY OF aJPEro'INO APffiOVING VARIANCE 'ro BRUCE AND nF.RRrn 8)NFIEID FRCM ORDINANCE NO. 1374, SECI'ION 7.2, 'ro A:UJ:M A 56.5 FOOl' IDI' WIDIH IN LIEU OF iRE MINIMUM ~ 60 FEEl'; LOCATED ON PARCEL B, EAST SIDE OF STELLING ROAD, WFSI' SIDE OF KIRWIN IANE, APPROXIMATELY 100 FEEl' SCXJlH OF ERIN WAY WHEREAS, the awlicant has met the burden of proof required to support his said application; ani WHEREAS, the Plannin:J O:amnission, after duly noticed ~lic hearin:.Js, has foJ:Warded its reoc::munen:iatians to the City Council. NCM, 'IHER12<~, BE IT RESOLVED that after careful consideration of maps, facts, exhibits ani other evidence subnitted in this matter, the application for the Variance (4-V-88) De ani the same is hereÞy approved with the follOltl'in] corx:litions ani findin;¡s: FINDINGS : 1. 'Ihat there are extraordina..ry circu1rstances or corx:litians pertaining to the lani, !Juj,1din;J or use which do not generally awly to lani, Þuildin;J amjor uses in the same district. 2. '!hat the grantin] of the variance action is necessary for the preservation ani enjoyment of sulJstantial prq:¡erty rights. 3. '!hat the hearin] record dem:>nstrates that the granting of the variance will not have a material, adverse inpact upon the health or safety of persons residin;J or 'WOrkin:J in the neighÞortlood of the prq:¡erty. FUrther, the manner in which the prq:¡erty will De used subsequent to inplementation of the variance action will not De materially detrimental to the ~lic welfare or injurious to the value of property or inprovement located in the vicinity of the prq:¡erty affected Þy said variance. BE IT FURI'HER RESOLVED that the City Clerk be ani is hereÞy directed to notify the parties affected Þy this decision, RESOIIJrION NO. 7565 PlISSED AND AOOPI'ED at a regular meetin;J of the City Council of the City of CUpertino this l.&h.. day of 'nly , 1988 Þy the follOltl'in:.J vote: vote MemI:>ers of the Citv Council AYES: Johnson, Koppel, Plungy, Rogers, Gatto NOES: None ABSENI': None ABSTAIN: None APPBOVED: /s/ John M. Gatto Mayor, City of CUpertino A'ITE'SI': /s/ Dorothy Cornelius City Clerk