CC Resolution No. 7566 RESOIIJrION NO. 7566 A RESOIl7l'ION OF '1f!E CI'lY CXXJNCIL OF 'IHE CI'lY OF aJPERI'INO DEI'ERMINING 'IHM' '1f!E roBLIC nu="T AND NECESSI'lY DEM1IND '1f!E ~ITION, CDNS'lRJCl'ION AND a::MPIEl'ION OF PARK, RECREATIONAL AND OPEN SPACE rAND AND IMPRO'.'nIENTS AND 'IHEIR FINANCING '11iAXJGH '1f!E ISSUANCE OF GENERAL OBLIGATION 8:)NI:'S RESOLVED, Þy the City Council of the city of OJpertino, California, that WHEREAS, the City of CUpertino (the "City") is authorized to issue general aÞligation Ponds to finance park, recreational ani open space lani and iJrprovements p1rSUðl1t to the provisions of Article 1, camnencin:.J with Section 43600, of O1apter 4 of Division 4 of Title 4 of the Goverrment COde of the state of California (the "Act"); WHEREAS, the City inten:1s to issue general obligation Ponds urxier ani p1rSUðl1t to the Act to finance the acquisition, construction and cœpletion of park, recreatior.at am open space larDs ani içrovements with the City (the "Park &u,¡LaDI"); ani WHEREAS, in order to initiate ~aœañ;rçs urxier the Act to provide for the financin:1 of the Park &u, l.àIII, this Camci1 JmJSt make certain firdin;Js ani determinations. Næ, ~ORE, IT IS ORDERED lIS FOUDWS: 1. 'Ihe p.¡Þlic interest and ~'!Iity dem..~nds, and it is the intention of this Council to require the acquisition, construction ani cœpletion of the Park Program, ani to issue general obligation Ponds of the City to finance the cost thereof, suÞject to cœpletion of the proceedin;¡s req.W:ed Þy the Act. 2. 'Ihe estimated cost of the Park &"': LàIII is not to ~ $30,000,000. said estimated costs incl1Jde provision for legal ani other fees, ani the cost of printin:;J of Ponds ani other costs ani expenses incidental to or CXII'II1eCted with the issuance ani sale of general aÞligation Ponds to finance the costs of the Park &u,¡LalII. 3. 'Ihis Council hereÞy fims ani detennines that the costs of the Park Program require an expen:iiture Þy the City greater than the aIOOUI1t allOltl'ed for it Þy the annual tax levy of the city. 'Ihe principal aIOOUI1t of general obligation l:xn!s of the City to I:Je i'i"'""'<:1 for the Park Program will not exoeec¡ the estimated cost set forth above for the Park Program. 4. 'Ibis Resolution is adopted, arxi general obligations l:xn!s of the City are to I:Je issued, PJrsuant to the Act. 5. 'Ibis Resolution shall take effect upon its adoption by two-thirds of allln<>lnhers of the City Camcil of the City. PASSED AND AOOPI'ED at a regular meet:irx¡ of the City Camcil of the City of G\¡pertino this 18th day of July, 1988 by the follOltl'inq vote: Vote ~ of the Citv ~iJ. AYEs: Johnson, Koppel, Plun;¡y, Rogers, Gatto NOES: None ABSENT: None ARSTAIN: None APæ:>vED: ATrEs'I': Is/ John M. Gatto Mayor, City of G\¡pertino Is/ Dorothv Comelius City Clerk