CC Resolution No. 7586 RESOIIJrION NO. 7586 A RESOIJJl'ION OF '1f!E CITY OXJNCIL OF '1f!E CITY OF aJk'l:;I(J,"INO APPROVING FEE INc:RFASE roR '1f!E CXXJNI'Y SOLID WASTE l-WI1\GEMENT PROGRAM WHEREAS, on J\.I1y 12, 1988 the santa Clara County Board of SUperVisors adopted a resolution approving a fee increaSe for the county solid Waste Management PrCgraItI; ani WHEREAS, Goverrnnent COde section 66784.3 (a) relating to the solid Waste Management process requires that fee j,nc:reaSeS must also De approved Þy a majority of cities within the courrt:y with a majority of the incorporated pcp1lation; ani WHEREAS, the current fee of $.07 per ton wastes dumped at lan:1fills in the courrt:y is no lon:1er adequate to f\md activities related to the solid waste management plan; NCM, ~, BE IT RESOLVED that the City c::ooncil of the City of CUpertino hereby approves an increaSe of the fee to $.15 per ton of wastes dumped at lardfills in the courrt:y, to 1::1ecx:DToe effective upon obtaining the requisite number of city awrovaJ.s am with re-evaJ,uation with a requireIrent that a specific accountin:.J of revenues oPtained and experxiitures De fœ:warded on a yearly Þasis to ~ council ani respective city governments. p1\SSED AND AOOPl'ED at a regular meeting of the city c::ooncil of the City of OJpertino this 16th day of August , 1988 Þy the followin:J vote: Vote M~ of the citv council AYES: Johnson, Koppel, Rogers, P1ungy NOES: None ABSENT: Gatto ABSTAIN: None APPROVED: /s/ John J. P1Un2Y, Jr. Mayor, city of OJpertino Pro Tempore ATl'FSl': 151 Dorothv Cornelius City Clerk