CC Resolution No. 7610
WHEREAS, the City of CUpertino, hereinafter referred to as "City" is rrM
the owner of that certain real property which is located at 19810 Portal
Plaza, CUpertino, California, oammonly known as Park Plaza and !!lOre
particularly described in Exhibit "A," attached hereto and incorporated
WHEREAS, said property is not J'IØ"t'I<>d for governmental purpose and that it
is the judgment of the City Council of the City of CUpertino, for the best
interests of the city, that said property be sold to the highest
responsible bidder or bidders under the authority of section 37350 et seq.
of the Government Code of the state of Califo:rnia.
WHEREAS, the City has complied with all the legal requirements established
for the sale of smplus property including the requirements specified in
section 54220 et seq. of the Government Code of the State of California.
NOO, THEREFORE, it is hereby deteDnined and ordered that said property
shall be offered for sale under the follCMing terms and conditions:
1. BIDDmG D1'd'FS
'!he bidding session is to be scheduled for an as yet to be specified date.
A legal notice and newspaper advertisement will be published describing
the actual date and location of bidding.
Written bids shall be presented on the Bid Fo:m as shown in Exhibit "B."
Bidders can use the attached fo:m or obtain additional copies of the Bid
Fo:m as noted in Paragra¡:h 13 of this Resolution. '!he Bid Fo:m IlUJSt be
received by the City Clerk of the city before 7:30 P.M. on the date of the
bidding sessions. '!he Bid Fo:m should be completed and placed in a sealed
envelope along with the appropriate deposit as described in Paragraph 5.
'!he outside of the envelope should state that it is a "SEAlED BID". '!he
bid can be l1'a.iled or hand carried to the City Clerk, City of CUpertino,
10300 'Ibrre Avenue, CUpertino, California. Mailed bids should be placed
in a secon:l envelope and addressed accordingly.
'Ihe min.i.mum acceptable written bid shall be $170,000.00. Bids for less
than the min.i.mum bid amount will be rejected.
Resolution No. 7610
Page -2-
Bids shall consist of an unconditional offer to purchase property for
cash, payable in full, in cash, cashier's or certified check at the close
of escrow. A successful bidder shall be given three (3) days after
acceptance of bids to execute a purchase contract (Exhibit "D") and thirty
(30) days thereafter to close escrow unless exten::led by written :mutual
consent of the parties.
5. DEroSIT
(a) Amount of Deposit
All submitted written bids IlUJSt be accompanied by a certified or
cashier's check in the amount of $5,000.00. Said deposit should be
l1' payable to the City of CUpertino.
(b) Deposits Reauired of Oral Bidders
'!hose individuals or entities planning on participating in the oral
bidding but who have not submitted a written bid with deposit shall be
required to tender prior to the commencement of the oral bidding, a
deposit amounting to ten thousand dollars ($10,000.00) be bid upon.
Said deposit IlUJSt be in the fo:m of a certified or cashier's check
l1' payable to the city of CUpertino.
All bidders who have submitted a $5,000.00 deposit with a written bid
which complies with the terms herein, shall not be required to submit
any additional funds to participate in the oral bidding.
(c) Forfeiture of Deposit
In the event a bid is accepted and the bidder fails, within the time
allotted herein, to execute any doclnnents related to the sale,
including the purchase contract, or otheJ:wise does not perfo:m
according to the terms of the bid, then said bidder will forfeit an
amount equal to $5,000.00. '!he difference, if any, remaining after
subtracting the $5,000.00 forfeiture from the original deposit will be
refurrled to bidder upon the determination that bidder does not desire
to consummate a sale.
(d) Return of Deposits
Deposits of unsuccessful bidders will be returned after the City's
final acceptance of the successful bid, but in no case, will such
period extend beyond ten (10) days after the bidding session. No
interest shall be paid by City on any deposits.
Resolution No. 7610
Page -3-
Title to the property shall be conveyed by Grant Deed subject to all
liens, encœnbrances, or other cloud on title which l1'a.y affect the
property. A copy of the preliminaJ:y title report is available at the City
offices, (Department of Public Works) 10300 'Ibrre Avenue, CUpertino,
California. '!he property shall be sold in an "as is" condition, subject,
however, to any disclosure requirements provided by law.
'!he accepted bid, this Resolution and exhibits thereto and the executed
Purchase Contract (Exhibit "C") shall constitute the contract of purchase
in accordance with the terms outlined in said documents. '!he City Council
of the city of CUpertino reserves the right to accept a bid which in its
sole discretion deems to be in the city's best interest. '!he City Council
of the City of CUpertino reserves the right to reject any and all bids,
waive any irregularities, to be the sole judge of the responsiveness of
the bids and to dete:mine which bid or bids constitute the greatest return
to the City.
'!he transaction shall be consummated through an escrow to be opened by the
seller at First American Title. All escrow and other costs including title
insurance, any taxes, charges, or fees assessed by local, state, or
federal governments as a result of the subject property transfer, shall be
borne by the parties based upon standard practice in santa Clara County.
'!he city shall turn OI/er possession of the premises to the purchaser at
the close of escrow. '!he City shalll1'a.intain existing insurance COI/erage
on the property prior to close of escrow. '!he successful bidder l1'a.y have
reasonable access to the premises for the purpose of studies related to
the development of the property prior to the close of escrow. '!he
successful bidder will hold the City ha:mless for any dal1' to, or loss
of, personal property, or personal injury incurred by the successful
bidder, or representatives, agents or employees of the bidder, should such
damage, loss or injury occur on the subject property so long as the City
retains ownership and occupancy of the property.
'!he city agrees to pay a brokerage conunission to licensed real estate
brokers, in an amount not to exceed 3% of the purchase price, prOIIided
that such conunission and the person to whan it is payable is specified in
that bid which is finally accepted by the City as the highest responsible
bid, and provided that the amount of any such bid shall be dete:mi.ned net
of any conunission so specified. SUch real estate conunission shall be
payable out of escrow at close of escrow.
Resolution No. 7610
Page -4-
In the event that any legal action or litigation is undertaken by the City
to enforce the provisions of the bid offer or any subsequent written
agreement to execute such offer, the successful bidder agrees to pay
reasonable attomey fees incurred by the City.
'!he following procedt1re will be used in conducting the sale of the
property herein.
(a) All written bids IlUJSt be delivered to the city Clerk of the City no
later than 7:30 P.M. on the date of the bick1ing session. '!he Clerk
will open the written bids at the canmencement of the bick1ing session
which shall be 7:30 P.M. '!he bidding session shall be held in the
Conference Rcom at the City HalL
(b) '!he Clerk will announce the highest written bid. '!he criteria used to
dete:mine the highest responsible bidder will be the bid which
generates the highest net revenue to the city of CUpertino. (Net
revenue is defined as that amount to be paid to the City after
subtracting the brolœrage camnission, if any, from the bid price.)
(c) '!hereafter, oral bids will be solicited. '!he first oral bid shall
exceed the highest written bid by at least $2,000.00. Each subsequent
oral bid IlUJSt exceed the prior oral bid by at least $500.00 Again,
oral bids l1'a.y be l1' by parties who have, or who have not, submitted
written bids, provided, however, only those parties who have submitted
a deposit either prior to the commencement of the oral bidding or with
a written bid will be allowed to participate in the oral bidding.
(d) Upon completion of the oral bidding, the highest individual bidder and
the secom individual bidder shall immediately cause the bid to be
reduced to writing on the appropriate fo:m (Exhibit "B".)
(e) '!he Clerk will tentatiVelV accept the high and secon:l highest bid,
adjourn the bick1ing session and deliver the two high bids to the City
Council. '!he city Council reserves the right to accept a bid which it
determines to be in the City's best interests. '!he City Council also
reserves the right to reject any and all bids and call for a new
bidding session.
(f) Final acceptance of the high bid for any lot shall be l1' by the city
Council. '!he Council will dete:mine which bids are in the best
interests of the city.
Resolution No. 7610
Page -5-
(g) Upon final acceptance of the highest responsible bid by the City
Council, the Purchase Contract (Exhibit "C") shall be executed within
three days of said acceptance and an escrow shall be established by
the Sl'ccessful bidder at First American Title Canpany. Escrow shall
close within thirty (30) days from the date of executing the Purchase
Contract. At escrow closing, buyer shall deposit in cash with said
escrow company an ëIIIVJUIlt equal to the bid less deposit plus buyer's
closing costs, loan fees, and any other costs required to close the
sale. Upon close of escrow, the city shall receive the net cash
amount as prOIIided by the escrow officer and the buyer shall receive a
grant deed to the property as provided in Paragraph 6.
Additional Bid fo:ms and copies of this Resolution which serves as the
instructions to bidders will be forwaJ:ded to interested parties by
l1' or telephone request. '!hose interested should write or call:
Department of Public Works
P.O. Box 580
CUpertino, CA 95014
Phone: (408) 252-4505
'Ihe city Clerk is directed to cause to be published a notice of intention
to sell real property in a newspaper of general circulation within the
city of CUpertino for a period of three weeks prior to the bidding session
and is also directed to post the property with a copy of said notice at
least twenty-one (21) days prior to the bidding session.
PASSED AND AOOPI'ED by the city Council of the City of CUpertino,
this 1 qth day of September , 88 , the following vote:
Johnson, Koppel, Plungy, Rogers, Gatto
/s/ John M. Gatto
Mayor, city of CUpertino
/s/ Dorothy Cornelius
city Clerk
:'v .)1444-·
Exhibit A
All that certain real property situate in the City of Cupertino, County of Santa
Clara, State of California, described as follows:
LOT 3, as shown on that certain Map entitled, "Tract No. 7039, Park Plaza",
which Map was filed for record on January 9, 1981 in Book 478 of Maps, at.
Pages 24 through 27, Santa Clara County Records.
EXCEPTING THEREFROM the underground water rights without the right of surface
entry, as quitclaimed in the Deed to California Water Service Company, a
California corporation, recorded January 10, 1981 in Book F 857, Page 732,
Santa Clara County Records.
~T'1' "B"
'R'Tn PCRM -
10300 'Ibrre Avenue
CUpertino, CA 95014
Bidder hereby temers $ 1:~ SUIting a deposit or deposits for
the pJrChase of the above described prqJerty.
If the S1woeE'lS'fuJ. bidder fails to cœplete the plrå1ase in acoordanœ with
the specified terms, $5,000.00 of the deposit shall be forfeited.
2. B.JñM....'S Name (Prirlcipal)
In:U.vidIal, Partnership, CŒp01:àticn
city, state, Zip ():)de
3. Tel~ l'Ø1IIINn-:
4. '!be undersigned bidder sul:mits this bid subject to all the terms and
conditions of the Resoluticn of Int:entia1 to 8ell SU%plus Real
Property, dated .li...-, and ag1. i i to be bound thereby.
If partnership am,tor OO1.--...ticn:
state of I!M...--...ticn:
'!be follClWÙ1r infomaticn abculd be CXIIIÙeted if a real estate l'Y'IIIIIIi ....icn
is to be paid to a duly licensed real estate brcIœr in the event: this
offer is ...........tAd. SUå!. l'Y'IIIIIIi ...icn is to be deducted fJ:an the stated cash
bid price to detemine the net bid.
If this bid is finally accepted and sale of the property is ca1SI.......ted in
accordance with the bid as provided in the resoluticn, city shall pay
l'Y'IIIIIIi ....ion of
Dollars ($
Said ..........i...iClt shall not """'"'eed thrM peroeut (3%) of the cash bid price
stated herein. 'Ihe ..........i "'ien is to be paid in acconJance with the teJ:ms
of the RBIIolut.ia1 dated
Real Estate Brck:8r's Signature:
Real Estate Brck:8r's Name:
Bidder's Signature:
Bidder's Name:
If a¡:plicable:
~i1y Name:
'T·_. ..~ . ___~.: _, ......,.. <.,. ~..,.,.. ..'_"_.'
'._. .'.
EXHIBIT .:£.:.
This Agreement dated this
day of
19____, is made by and between the CITY OF CUPERTINO
("Seller") and
( "Buyer" ) .
1. Pursuant to the appropriate provisions of the
California Government Code, Buyer has made a bid to
purchase the property described herein and Seller has
accepted such bid.
2. Seller has received from Buyer the sum of:
Dollars, $
("Deposit") evidenced by a certified or cashier's check
payable to the CITY OF COPERTINO, as a deposit on
account of purchase of that certain real property
situated in the City of Cupertino, County of Santa
Clara, State of California, described as Lot~-
("Property") of Tract No.
as shown on the map filed
, 19____ in
Hap Book
, Pages
NOW, THEREFORE, the parties hereto agree as follows:
1. Aareement of Purchase ~ Sale
Subject to the ~~rms and conditions as set ~orth herein,
Seller shall sell and Buyer shall purchase the property
for a total purchase price of $
2. Pavment of Purchase Price
The purchase price for the property shall be paid as
~.l Buyer has already paid Seller a deposit of
2.2 No later than thirty days after this agreement
is executed Buyer shall deposit with the Escrow
Holder for delivery to Seller at close of
escrow, cash or a certified or cashier's check
made payable to
Company in an amount of $
(the full amount of the purchase price less
deposit) .plus buyers closloR costs oecessary to close
escrow. In the event that Buyer fails to
deposit the total cash. required within the time
specified, Seller shall retain $5,000.00 of the
previously paid deposit. The time specified
may be extended by mutual agreement between
Buyer and Seller.
3. ~ Closina of Sale Transaction Throuah Escrow
3.1 The purchase and sale of the property shall be
completed within thirty (30) days after
executing this Purchase Contract Receipt for
Deposl_. The Closing of the sale shall be
through an escrow to be opened at the following
title company ("Escrow Holder"):
2.2 Instruments in respect to the purchase and sale
shall be deposited in escrow by Buyer and
Seller as follows:
(a) Seller shall deposit, prior tO'cl'ose of
escrow, a grant deed ~~ly executed by
Seller in recordable form.
(b) Buyer shall deposit cash or a certified or
cashier's check for the amount required to
close escrow pursuant to Paragraph 2.2 of
this agreement.
8. Notices
Any notice, request, demand, instruction or other
communication to be given to any party hereunder shall
be in writing and delivered personally, or sent by
registered or certified mail as follows:
P.O. Box 580
Cupertino, CA 95014-0580
Notice shall be deemed to have been given when delivered
persqnally or two days after mailing to the above
address .if mailed. No notices shall be effective unless
and until all persons entitled to notice have been
notified in accordance with the foregoing. The,
addresses and addresses for purposes of this paragraph
may be changed by giving written notice of such change
in the manner provided herein for giving notice. Unless
and until such written notice is received, the last
address and addressee as stated by written notice, or as
provided herein if no written notice of change has been
sent or received, shall be deemed to continue in effect
for all purposes hereunder.
9. Further Assurances
Buyer and Seller agree that at any time, or from time to
time after the execution of this Agreement and whether
before or after the close of escrow they will, upon
request of the other, execute and deliver such documents
and do such further acts and things as such party may
reasonably request in order to effect fully the purposes
of this Agreement.
._ _. u_ ._..__.._._........._._.~._..__....._..._~.._ ",,_..,__,. ._<.,_....~_,'~._~'..,..._.._
10. ~u=vival ~_ Covenan~s
Each of the covenants and agreements contained herein
shall, to the extent applicable, survive the close of
11. Successors and Assians
This Agreement shall be binding upon and inure to the
benefit of each of the parties hereto, and to their
respective successors and assigns.
12. CaDtions
The captions in this Agreement are inserted only as a
matter of convenience and for reference and in no way
define the scope or extent of this Agreement or the
construction of any provisions herein or of any document
or instrument referred to herein.
13. Time
Time is of the essence in this Agreement.
14. Entire Aareement; Amendments
This Agreement embodies the entire Agreement and
understanding between the parties relating to the
subject matter hereof and may not be amended, waived or
discharged except by an instrument in writing executed
by the party against which enforcement of such
amendment, waiver or discharge is sought. This
agreement supersedes all prior agreements and memoranda.
The invalidity of anyone of the covenants, agreements,
conditions or provisions of the Agreement, nor any
.. .....r·....,-:'~_~:..;:,.·t"".,.._"":''''~,;':"''''.-,.,,.·.~_.,'":~·: ....-:.~...: .&....... ·~,.....'f·-:·'c :...':..'" .._~.' ""'.·r-.·..--··. -...., ....." ~~.,..,<_ .......",,."-.-..~ .v·~,·,·'.-·.·-·....·,;,·_,~ "-~':ë"""':~~~'.":-~"';-"'~~""'7..':"""_"o\'c<p:';".~~:,.~~~;", .~ ,~: _"~.- --
portion thereof, shall not af:ect the remaining portions
thereof or any part hereof and this Agreement shall be
construed as if such covenant, agreement, condition or
provision had not been inserted herein.
15. Attorney's Fees
Should any suit be brought to enforce the terms of this
Agreement or any obligation herein expressed, the
prevailing party shall be entitled to reasonable
attorney's fees, costs and expenses herein incurred.
16. Condition of the Premises
The premises, including all fixtures and appliances, an "as is"
conditions. Buyers acknowledge that they have received a Real
Estate Transfer Disclosure Statement from the seller and have had
the opportunity to inspect and examine the premises.
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