CC Resolution No. 7690 RESOWl'ION NO. 7690 A RESOWl'Iœ OF '!HE CITY OXJNCIL OF '!HE CITY OF aJPERI'mO APPROVING MUNICIPAL RESOORCE CDNSUlII'ANTS AS DE'SIGNATED REPRESENTATIVE 'ro EXAMINE SAIES AND USE TAX RECDRL'6 OF '!HE STATE B:>ARD OF ~ZATIœ ON BEHALF OF '!HE CITY OF aJPER1'INO IT IS HEREBY RESOLVED by the city Council of the City of Olpertino as follows: section 1: The city Council of the City of Olpertino hereby certifies to the state Board of Equalization that Municipal Resource Consultants is the designated representative of the city of Olpertino to examine all of the sales an:i use tax records of the Board pertainirç to sales an:i use taxes collected by the Board on behalf of the City of Olpertino. section 2: Pursuant to Califomia Revenue an:i Taxation section 7056 (b) , this Council hereby certifies that Municipal Resource Consultants, a partnership of John T. Austin, Inc. an:i Allen W. CharkcM, Inc. (hereinafter referred to as "Consultant") meets all of the following con:titions : a. Consultant has an existirç contract with the City to examine sales tax records; b. Consultant is required by that contract to disclose info:nnation contained in, or derived from, those sales tax records only to an officer or enployee of the city who is authorized by resolution to examine the info:nnation; c. Consultant is prch:ibited by the contract from performing consultirç services for a retailer during the term of the contract; an:i d. Consultant is prohibited by the contract from retainirç the info:nnation contained in, or derived fran, those sales tax records after the contracts have expired. section 3 : resolution. 'nIe City Clerk shall certify to the adoption of this RESOWl'Iœ NO. 7690 PASSED AND AOOPl'ED at a regular meetirç of the city Council of the city of QJpertino this l2th day of December 1988 by the following vote: vote Members of the City Council AYES: Gatto. Johnson. Koppel. Rogers, Plungy NOES: None ABSENT: None ARSTAIN: None ATrEST: APPROVED: /s/ Dorothy Cornelius City Clerk /s/ John J. Plungy, Jr. Mayor, City of Olpertino