CC Resolution No. 7713 RESOLUTION NO. 7713 A RESOLUTION OF THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF CUPERTINO AMENDING POLICY NO. 1 AND POLICY NO. 4 OF THE MANAGEMENT COMPENSATION PROGRAM WHEREAS, the City Council desires to modify the reimbursement schedule under the Management Compensation Program changing names and position titles in Policy No. I, and WHEREAS, the City Council desires to modify automobile allowances in Policy No.4, NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED by the City Council of the City of Cupertino that the Management Compensation Program be amended as shown in Policy No. 1 (Exhibit A) and Policy No. 4 (Exhibit B) as attached. This resolution shall be in effect commencing January 30, 1989. PASSED AND ADOPTED by the City Council of the City of Cupertino, this l7th day of January, 1989, by the following vote: Vote Members of the City Council AYES: NOES: ABSENT: ABSTAIN: Gatto, Johnson, Koppel, Rogers, Plungy None None None ATTEST: APPROVED: /s/ Dorothv Cornelius City Clerk /sl John.J. Pllln¡¡y. .Jr. Mayor, City of Cupertino E X H I BIT "A" City o~: Cupertino MANAGE~iEN'r COMPENSA'T"ION PR()GRAM ¡:::'DJic"y' hiD" :l PRrn3RAM PURPOSE AND DEI" 11\111 I DI\IS F·UF': FL. I I') I n I 1..1 TY It is CIty ef Cupertine pelicy that these certain persens hc)],dir1Q posi.tioflS ~ler'einafter defifled arId desigrlated ei't~ler- ~~ inarlagemen"t pc)s;itions st1all be eligible for- participa'ticJn lAnder' the Marlagemerlt Conlpensa"tic)fl F:Y-!3gram ~~ t'ler-chy ae10pted by aC'lion [)f tt'IP City (:OIJflCi] ai"lc! as sallIe may tJP 31jlerlded or as o·tt¡erwise jn(Jdi~:ie(j 'Fr'C)nl ·tin18 'to tin¡s. It J.~ tt18 stated pLlrpCJS8 of ·this Managelflerlt Com~Jensati()rl PY"ogr-arn -to giVE recogniticJrl -to and ·to dif'fererltia"te ttl0SP eligible emplcJyees fr"oln f'epresented employees wt\C' actlieve ecoflcJmic: gai.rl and ot~ler' cOllditions o-f enlpleJynlsnt thr-ougtl 1"legcJtia·tiol'l. It 'is tt18 irl'ter!t Lha·t ttl~c)ugh tt'¡is rJolicy arllj ·ttIO!3e W~)iCtl are adcJpted or as may be modifi2(j OY· r-escirlded fl~om time t(~ time St,j(:tl y··pcogni·tiorl 111ay be g:iverl. L~l i q:l bi 1:::'I'-C)(JY--;;:iiï1 :i. ¡::" Limp 1. D',;/F:!E':~'~~;" (:;1 n d rn ·::';1 'y' 1::) ~:.:~. 1 i t:.y -fur- l i rni tí·:·:~·d TI'nl('-::'~:::.E' r!"lDc! i + :i. E'c1 inclllsj.on withirl this Marlagenlerlt Lo per!30flS tllJlding ~JositilJflS arne as desigrlated by tIle Appoin-t a~; c::ir'(:LA¡llstarlCe~¡ waF afl't. C:OHlpi:;.:'I""I':::'E:l.ti or": E:"¡'::::· if;,·:';lï"I¡':;ti.jE:iflE:·nt'. in q {-\ìnJ t:. !''': C) 1'- :i. t y As defirled lJflcJer Sec·tion 2.52.290 o·r ·ttle Cuper-tinlJ Murlicipal (:I:Jde a nldflageßlerlt einployee 1~, arlY enlpllJyee tlaving significant r·e~;r)IJnsibi].itie~s for fIJ!~mlAlating and 2ljjJlirlisterir'lg City policie!5 anlj p~ogrnalns, ii'lCll,,[I:Jif1g but rIot liinited to tl"IP ctlj,ef eXe(::Ll~ive o·ffi(::er 311C1 Depar'tmerlt !~e31js; ar'ld, arlj employee havirlg authority L () E,:::'; (·:·:~r" c: i ',;,;E':' :i. í'''1 c1 C::'pf:::'!""¡ d f::"f'l t. j Ud(Jiï"I':-::':1"l t: t. U ¡"'r iF' E'::¡ L j'" ¡.;:'\!"n¡ -::;+ E':'1,n ~, ~,:;U!;: I:::' c:·n d :' ]. ,::\'/ (J-f·f, !"'(·:,~C:'311~1 pi'''Drnut.i.·::'':~, di~.;;cîn·ID.I'''q(-:0, d~::->~;iqf')~ r-E:,v..Jii:·\!'-cI C!!'~ di',,;c.ipl.i.r'"íE;' ut I') C:j' , C:ïnp]. ()Y(;:'I':"::~::"~' Uj'"" h ¡'~', \1 :i. r'l i.] -I:: 1"'1 c·: I" '::~'::;pc!r"!'::¡:i. hi :I. :i. t: Y ·t. u c! :i. r" i:·~c'l:: t h (':,':'in ~L Dr tC) adjlJst their' gynieVarlCeS, (Jr e'ffec:tj,vely 'lc) rec.ofDiJlend such ,::':¡c:t:,iur"] :1.+ ir'¡ C:(Jr·!nf7~i:t.:i.un 1,\lit.I··-1 t.I·,(·:·::, +Cjl'·'!;;:·\qn:i.n(;J:! t, n'j(':'~ E:'::':E:I'-C:i.~:)E' C.i+ ~~:;uch aut~Jor'ity i.s nCJ'¡ o·f a Iller'ely rlJlltine CJr- cle~ical r¡aturne blAt reql~il"'es t~\e use o·t· irldeperl(jent judgn!erlt. ('~1 thDUUh t. I": c·:· I::' f:·:_~i..n ~:::·ur'J!1 (~.~]. ,:;l ~:; rf"l ;"::". n ¡':':\ (J E,:':n E' 1""1 -1::. ':::'i...\bj E·ct tC) CDdr:~:¡ t:.\·"¡E' P(J~;;;.j. t i Dn~'::, ~ :h;':~nqE:' in EtCCCJI'-cJ,::I.\"'l(:t::}- ~:cJll(Jwing positiorlS wi·t -¡ pr-ovisicJn of have t)eer-j (jes:ign0t2cJ MANAGEMENnr POSr'lnIONE¡; I::: ~.) ~~.~ .:1-.. t ,L D r:l_... tJ ~~:.! .~.. .r I.:~!. ç~ U (I! !J. f.~~ ~~) t. ., F' C) ~~; t '.L i. Ç2 fJ. ..~. I ;1:00 t In ~72 :~? 1 0-00,1 02····0:1. :':;;:1. 0...-1 O~::;""n'O:L 410"-:L ()4,···O:L Br""D\.-'JI""I:, D. f:¡nydr::'I,n:1 E\" :DDwl :¡.nÇl~ h" City 1"I;::\na·CJE~j'n Direc:toy' of Financ:e Director' of PaF'ks and í::;:E·:'cl""·F.~at:i. on ::j:l. ()--n:L O~5'''''O 1. CO\,..¡¡::\r"¡ F" Oir-ector' (J·f Commllfli DE~\lr:·:"!!l upmE~n·\::. .:.\/ .00,. n..J.. \"{!{::¡I\!"(·~CìE!'!JE:r\I·T' ¡:::'I]~:) I"T I CJ1\IH (cent:.:i. nUE,:d) ;: ,!.:. t }:. r~! !.~~ ..... tJ .~? .~_. I ~"¡. ~::_ L!: m ~1. ~~;;: C!. t "7 J 0-,..1 06....·0:1. ~,?~,?()·....l ()7 "-U J '.,Ji ~;.:;k[)v:i. c:I'''I~, E~ ~ :U1'" U1¡-Jr'¡ ~, Ei ~ 6:!. 0·..··1 0 :i. ·-..0 1. 4:20'--~? :!. ü...··(J:I. ·.:140.....21. [:ì-'''O 1. CDI'''nE\liu~;~, On L.E:im·,/ ~¡ J ~ r'il c: C ;';:i 1'- t h 'y' ~, D " (:intonuc::c :i,~; ,J" ~:.:.Î :,? () "n :~:: :1. b ..... 0 :1 ~:;::~:O-'-'2 J ().....í) 1 71 ()..·..hO::~:·..··O:l. 720·....206.....01. 7' ::~: 0 ..... /::.) 0 :;? .-. () J DDt.,·;:d ¡·;D" r' ~.lh:i.t:tE'n" ·r" ['.1Eth¿-;.,n, D" 7~::iO....·t)07···_·O 1 !''''ICVE:\E' ! Eìi ]. \IE:'!. I~;:" ~:;!...I.h i?q 0.~, F:'" [::';r' i. qg ~¡ C! n 7·f.!·O..···60~::.i ....() :!. }·40·..··t")Olj···-O :L ·:/:,?O.....:',? J (;) ...·0"1. AcicJpted by Actior¡ of the City Council (.':¡p¡"·iJ. :L, 197.<l Revised October' 28, 1974 F;:i:;.:<\/ i ~SE~c:! IVIEt1'"' ch ~¡ 1. ciIU Hc~v i ~:::.f:\cI 1:1 1.J.n E~~, 1 9B J Revised JLlrle, J(?82 RE'~\i i ~::;c:·!d ,} u.1. y, J 9H~.;.:.i Revised July, 1(?87 I::;: (::.~ \1 :i, ~:;:, E·: d I} E:ì rì 1...1. ;:~, t-· y ~¡ 1 (:ï f3 <:j C ~;i ~~~ J.. t;. t ~:l U. ..._ I:L J:. L WI!. IJir·ec·tor· o·f PLlblic War-ks {':) ~::¡ ~:¡ :i. ~::; t. ant. t C) '!::. h 1;:,:: Ci t·y' r"1'::lr1 i:tq (.;-:"! .... City CIE-~t"'k Recreatiof) Sllpervisor" Rec~eatiDn Superviso!~ Chief BuilcJing Irlspectclr C i '1::. ';/ F' 1 ¡':,;\ n n E:' 1'- Putllic WOI'''~'S SupeY"irlterlderlt Assistarlt Ci·ty Engir'leer Grouncis Mail~t[nar1c:e ::'1\..1.[J E~l'h v i ~:.() '" Wa·ter Sys·ten¡s Sllperinten(jerlt Facility Supervisor Street ~3l1pervisor- Tr-afi:ic Engineer .-", ,,:.. E X H I BIT "B" City o·~ Cupe~tin(J MANAGE~~NT COMPENSATION PROGRAM Pol :i. C"'/ j\ICJ" fl· AUTOMOBILE ALLOWANCES AND MILEAGE REIMBURSEMENTS It is C:ity oi: Cupert:inlJ pCl1.icy tha·t eligible p2~sons under t~le Managenlent COinpensatiorl Progr-am st¡all be compensated fairly -fC)I'" t,luol!::_? U::;;E: C)+ pE~r":-::.,un~::'!l .::":\!.J.t·,Drnotiví::~.? \!E~h:i.c:le~::~ ur') City f:JUs:i.r·¡E'?:;~:;'" 1r'I fTlany irlstarlc:es t~le lJSe oi: personal ve~¡ic:les is a corlditiorl o'F emplC)ymerlt due to ttle atJsence of suf·ficierlt City OWflSd vetlj.c:les {Cli" gerleral ·tr-anSr)or-tatiofl pur-posEs" It is rIot irlterldec!~ tlowever'~ that suet"} a t:cJnej:ition of POlplcljlnel'lt st10ulej wor-~ arl urldu~ haY'c1stlip" FCJr this reason tt,e fCJllowir'IQ policies stlall apply {eJv- 0!Jtomotlile allowanc:es and Inileage r'eimbursBiner1ts, Those persofls Wt10 oc:casior¡ally ar's require(j r)Sr"SCII-lal aLJton~(Jl)ile~~ for (:i'ly tJUSirlBss !5hall be Sllt:!·¡ LAse at dl"1 appr"o~Jr'ia'te v-ate established by ttlB B!Jt)!ljis~;ic)r'l [If 2 y"e:iinbur·se¡¡¡erlt recluest ffiL!st be Depal"t¡nS!'lt Hea¡j. t: D U <::~;F~ t1·"¡F:·_'il'- f'E-.\:i. ïl1!::)UI''':::iE,d + C)f Ci'l::.y CDunciJ.~ d¡::)pl'"n\lf::~cJ !:::.y t.-i'iE:' T~¡c:Jse per'Borls who 31'-8 r-p(:luiroeJ to IJGB their" personal vetlicles fCIY (~j,ty busirlBss orl a Y'ecur-ring arId ofterl bas:is shall, Witt1 ttle ar)proval of ttlB C:ity Manager, be reirnbur'sed at t~le ra·te of 'fifty dallal'·s ($50,,00) per !nonth for" a given nunlber (J·F miles tC) be cJ t"-:':.\ '1:... l~:~ 1'- m i J'l E~ c:! h >-' i:;\ ~~) ( : h E' d u 1 ¡.::;, ~':':ì c:! 0 p t, E':' cJ b Y t.!'·\ e C j, t y C U J...l. 1'''1 í , i :L i:':\ n c! i:;¡ t. t:. I'"'¡ (.:::\ eS'lablis!lP¡J ~0te per mile~;; Py'ovj.ded, ~Iowever, that a r-ecoY'd o·f 311 ß¡ileag0 f(Jr' t~le IJ52 c3f personal au'tolnobile~: on City t.usir1P~;s shall be fiJ,pcl as a pr-ereqlJisi·te to any SLAch reimtJLArSen¡eflt or! + c)r"CiÏ~::~ j:::rr"o\!:i, c:!c:·c!" 1"1"'1 E-:,; \~'::'::-~ c:: F'::'p t: :i. un -1.':. u t ¡'-'I E' ·f Dt""F~'(] C1 i I"'J g pal'" E\(;.!1''" (::ip ['''1 ~::~h .::.\ J 1 bE~ f DI" Deç'ar"'tmerlt Heads, who stlalJ. be r-eimb\Jrsed a·t the rate 0+ one t')llnIJr-ecl 'f:i'fty [iollar~; ($15()"OO) per InOr'\ttl without I'lav:ing ·to Sllbmit a recor-d of mileage as a prerequisite to any SIJC~l F'c:irnbIJV'·semeJ-It.. Fl,lr·ttler·mor'"e, ·the Assj.star'It C:ity Eflgiileer shall r'eCPlve DrIP tlundred dCJllar's ($100,,00) r)er InOr¡t~l, the Tuaf·fj,c : n q i I"'¡ C:' i::;::' j' ~::; 1---: d:l. J 1''' Co' c: (:.~, i v f.':'~ ~::¡ ¡.:.:~ \/ C:' n t :!, v E' dol 1 ,-::'t I'" ~:;,~ ( 1; '7 ~:,:_:.j" 0 () ) [J C:' J" Hi Cr n -t.-. h arlcj ttle PLAbl:ic Wor'~c Superintenderl·t s~lall receive fifty dollar~; ($50"1)0) ~)eY" 'Ior¡t~j withcJl~t havirlg to 5ublni't a Y"ec::oY'cJ of mileage as d pi~'er"e(~u:islte to reimbur-semerlt Llnless tt18 nlileaqe claimed wOl,llcj ex(:eecl the 3'ttached sct\sdu:le as vet'l:icle mileage f-eimbur"semel'lt" A 'flAr-ttlCr" e:<cept:iorl i'" ·the City Manager' who s¡tlall r'ec:eJ,ve Tt'lf'ee HUrl(jrelJ ßfld F:ii:ty Jolla)- ($350,,00) per IJj(Jrlt!"I. n ....·Cj·.. ~!¡"',:i. J ¡.:::, ¡"~ì,UtOiïi(jb i ]. E" r-ecIJgr1itiofl is giverl t~jat simila~ O~ modj,fied allowarjces arld mileage r-eilnblJrS¡ement sC~ledules fllay be to enlployees not eligible l,lflcjer 'the Ma!lagement f~r'ogr'anj, its inclusior'l ci~ a po].icy lJllder said CClfopleterlPss of r'cc:¡:)rds" ,':':'\ jJ p:l. :i. c:: E'! b ], E" C:DmpF::n~:SE:ì.t :i. on "1'" (;)(] r" '::',"¡¡¡! :I. ~;:;. -{= (;)1'" Adopted by Actioll of t~)C City Cc)urlc:il (.~pr-i 1. ,'.~. lr:.}7l¡. n c:' v :i. ~:::. f.':~ cl ,J 1..1.1 .,/ 2 ~, 1 9"7 l¡. Hc}\/i ~~-,E;d !\1,::\y '24,~, :I. 97C.) F:E~V:i. ~:::.E~d JLinE~:, 1 C)(]O j:~E·vi ~;F;;,\d F<c:'\/ i ~::¡E~d 1~f~\ii '.:":'F::.,d F: (":~ \i i '::¡ F~ d ~rt..l.l V:. (',; I.J U U ~~. '1:.: d1.Jl y ,I ,j,;:..I'""¡u.':;:\!'" :L c/f:3:i. t O::?E¡~l :I. ()D'/" '/:1 1 CJB9 . ..C?_...