CC Resolution No. 7735 " RESOIIJTION NO. 7735 A RESOIIJTION OF '!HE CITY aJUNCIL OF '!HE CITY OF aJPERl'INO MAKING DEI'ERMINATICINS AND APPROVING '!HE ANNEXATION OF T.E:RRrroRY DESIGNATED "BYRNE AVENUE 88-11", APPROXIMATEUi 0.63 AæE IDCATED ON '!HE EAST SIDE OF BYRNE AVENUE BEIWEEN ALCAZAR AVENUE AND OOIDRES AVENUE, EVELYN SERRANO (Am 357-14-030) WHEREAS, a petition for the annexation of certain territory to the City of CUpertino in the County of Santa Clara consisting of 0.63 acre on the east side of Byrne Avenue between Alcazar Avenue an:l Dolores Avenue (Am 357-14-030) has been filed with the City of CUpertino; an:l WHEREAS, on January 17, 1989, the City Council adopted Resolution No. 7708 initiating PJ:~in;¡s for annexation of the area designated "Byrne Avenue 88-11"; an:l WHEREAS, said territory is uninhabited an:l all owners of lan:l included in the pJ:~ consent to this annexation; an:l WHEREAS, Section 35150.5 of the California Government Code states that the Local Ageooy Formation Callmission shall not have any authority to review an annexation to any City in Santa Clara County of 1.mincorporated territory which is within the w:Dan service area of the city of the annexation if initiated by resolution of the legislative body and therefore the City council of the City of CUpertino is ru:M the conducting authority for said annexation; an:l WHEREAS, Government Code Section 56837 provides that if a petition for annexation is signed by all owners of lan:l within the affected territory the City Council may approve or disapprove the annexation without public hearing; an:l WHEREAS, evidence was presented to the city Council; NCM, 'IHEREF\JlÅ’, BE IT RESOLVED by the City Council of the City of CUpertino as follows: 1. '!hat it is the con:ÏUcting authority pm;uant to Section 35150.5 of the Government Code for the annexation of property designated "Byrne Avenue 88-11," more particularly described in Exhibit "A"; -1- " RESOIIJTION NO. 7735 2. '!bat the following findings are made by the City Council of the city of CUpertino: a. '!bat said territory is 1JI1i.nhabited an:l OCII1prises approxiJnately 0.63 acre. b. '!bat the annexation is consistent with the orderly annexation of territory with the city's w:ban sm.vice area an:l is consistent with the City policy annexing when providing City sm.vices. c. '!he city Council has caopleted an initial study an:l has found that the annexation of said territory has no significant impact on the enviromnent, an:l previously ~ the granting of a Negative Declaration. d. '!he city Council on June 4, 1984, enacted an ordinance prezoning the subject territory to city of CUpertino Rl-7.5 zone. e. Annexation to the city of CUpertino will affect no changes in special districts. f. '!bat the territory is within the City w:ban sm.vice area as adopted by the Local Agdrcy Formation Camnission. g. '!bat the annexation is made subject to no teDns an:l coniitions. h. '!bat the County SUrveyor has determined the boun::1aries of the proposed annexation to be definite an:l certain, an:l in caopliance with the Camnission's road annexation policies. '!he City shall re:iJnburse the County for actual oosts incurred by the County SUrveyor in making this determination. i. '!bat the proposed annexation does not create islan:ls or areas in which it would be difficult to provide nnmicipal sm.vices. j. '!bat the p:t.~ annexation does not split line of assessment of ownership. k. '!bat the ~~ annexation is consistent with the city's General Plan. 1. '!bat the City has caoplied with all coniitions :iJI1posed by the camnission for inclusion of the territory in the City's w:ban sm.vice area. -2- RESOIIJTION NO. 7735 m. '!hat the territory to be annexed is contiguous to existing City l:iJnits umer provisions of the Government Code. 3. '!hat said annexation is heJ:by ordered without election pm;uant to section 35151 et seq. of the Government Code. 4. '!hat the Clerk of the city Council of the City of CUpertino is directed to give notice of said annexation as prescribed by law. PASSED AND ADOPl'ED at a regular meetirxJ of the city Council of the city of CUpertino this 21st day of Februarv , 1989, by the following vote: vote Members of the City Council AYES: Gatto, Koppel, Rogers, Plungy NOES: None ABSENT: Johnson ~: None ATrEST: APPROVED: /s/ Dorothy Cornelius city Clerk /s/ John J. Plungy, Jr. Mayor, City of CUpertino -3- BYRNE AVENUE 88-11 (SERRANO) ALL THAT CERTAIN REAL PROPERTY SITUATED IN TRE COUNTY OF SANTA CLARA, STATE OF CALIFORNIA HORE PARTICULARLY DESCRIBED AS FOLLOWS: ALL OF LOT 140 AND A PORTION OF BYRNE AVENUE (FORMERLY BUENA VISTA) AND DOLORES AVENUE AS SHOWN UPON THE HAP OF SUBDIVISION "A" HONTA VISTA, WHICH HAP WAS FILED FOR RECORD IN THE OFFICE OF THE RECORDER OF THE COUNTY OF SANTA CLARA IN VOLUHE "P" OF HAPS, PAGE 20, HORE PARTICULARLY DESCRIBED AS FOLLOWS: BEGINNING AT THE NORTHEAST CORNER OF LOT 140 AS SHOWN ON SAID SUBDIVISION: THENCE FROM SAID POINT OF BEGINNING SOUTH 148.30 FEET ALONG THE EASTERLY BOUNDARY OF SAID LOT 140 AND IT'S SOUTHERLY PROLONGATION TO A POINT ON THE SOUTHEP..LY SIDELINE OF DOLOP.ES AllENUE = THENCE WEST 70,15 FEET ALONG THE SOUTHERLY SIDELINE OF DOLORES AVENUE: THENCE ALONG A TANGENT CURVE TO THE LEFT HAVING A RADIUS OF 20 FEET, WITH A CENTRAL ANGLE OF 90· 00'00", FOR AN ARC LENGTH 31,42 FEET 7'0 A POIN7' ON THE EASTERLY SIDELINE OF BYRNE AVENUE: THENCE SOUTH 79,94 FEET ALONG SAID EASTERLY SIDELINE OF BYRNE AVENUE: THENCE WEST 50.00 FEET ALONG THE NORTHERLY BOUNDARY OF THAT CERTAIN ANNEXATION TO THE CITY OF CUPERTINO ENTITLED "BYRNE AVENUE 85-01" 7'0 A POINT ON THE WESTERLY SIDELINE OF BYRNE AVENUE: THENCE NORTH 109,94 FEET ALONG SAID WESTERLY SIDELINE OF BYRNE AVENUE: THENCE WEST 10.00 FEET: THENCE NORTH 138,30 FEET ALONG SAID WESTERLY SIDELINE OF BYRNE AVENUE: THENCE EAST 150,15 FEET ALONG THE NORTHERLY BOUNDARY OF SAID LOT 140 TO THE POINT OF BEGINNING, CONTAINING: 0.63 ACRES HORE OR LESS A.P.N, #357-14-30 , . 1S1JJ ·. SCALE.: 1·'00100' IU Z ~~ ~<C uJ '> 0( UI ~ "2 <( IlL o ~ SIn:. OOLOR¡:'S AVE.. Me CoLELLAN RD. <t ~; LlI';' :)« 17. LJill >::> o:(oJ ~ w~ 'ZIU ~ ~- t-/lAf' c¡C Tel 1°2 '-' EAST 1")0. \ "" ". ''y, ". _ ".. ~ "':Lè·l~ ,".M, ¡: ~ S!-',".. '0. 14-'0".' ((, J G:' ,I) ,,~.; .:~ ~ .¡, o.Io~-A(-. -7 ,{\ ", ""- " '\. -~ '''-' ~oa~, DOLO RE S we::;;'T '-~.q.."'-.'\: WE";)T r 0-'0.;;' 1<'20.00 o a'''. V,. 'Ç. "" 90·[<)'0 Z ':'~ ð L- 31.42. ,"'-. V) 50.00 LOCATION MA.P '5'AI-~ : \"= 1000' d .,'T ^ 'I \"-;í'" ¡'t:.' 1__\ 't I""" .:: \J'ÒY' f'-f'I\- 20 ~/ p ·5. A\j E.. ~iST (1" - ~_j t........... // I I ...... / I '\ . . . CuPEk11HO ,::XíY LI N\ \ T~) 0'1 ·"-I~~~E)zAlION" ô'1R¡'-IE /:"'j[., 3::"01' F) RO F-CDS ED ·To AN \\...\ Ef... ,t,\ 10 í'....¡ THE. /_. 'T\,· ,_,I , _) 'r· . :.J ¡....;.E.I~: \.: 1'< D Ei\'~ T í T ....CG _t~;:.f ~~: ,1 l:.___ ~~~~f~~~c~'=\( S~· Dr!, '-'1\ D,r r.:' "1 ,;'.", ............. ~_, I:....~'. I <.-.