CC Resolution No. 7833 RESOIlJI'ION NO. 7833 A RESOIlJI'ION OF T.HE CITY CXXJNCIL OF 'mE CITY OF aJPERI'INO ::;~J.'J.'~ DATE FOR OONSIDERATION OF ANNEXING AREA DESIGNATED "AICAZAR AVENUE 89-07", PROPERI'Y IDCATED ON T.HE NORIH SIDE OF AI.CAZAR AVENUE BE'IWEEN ORANGE AVENUE AND BYRNE AVENUE; APPOOXIMATELY 0.412 ACRE, OOZIER (Am 357-15-071) WHEREAS, the city Council of the city of CUpertino has received a request for annexation of territory designated "Alcazar Avenue 89-07" from property owner, John Dozier; am WHEREAS, the property, 0.412± acre on the north side of Alcazar Avenue between Orange Avenue am Byrne Avenue (Am 357-15-071) is contiguous to the City of CUpertino am is within its uman service area; am WHEREAS, annexation would provide for use of City services; am WHEREAS, this territory is uninhabited am was prezoned on June 4, 1984 to City of CUpertino Rl-7.5 zone; am WHEREAS, the city of CUpertino, as !sad 1\gency f= environmental review CO!!\Pleted an initial study am granted a Negative Declaration for annexation; am WHEREAS, the County Sw:vey= of santa Clara County has foun:i the map am description (Exhibits "A" am "B") to be in accordance with Goverrnnent Code Section 56826, the boundaries to be definite am certain, am the proposal to be in CO!!\Pliance with IAFCO's road annexation policies; am WHEREAS, the fee set by the County of Santa Clara to ca<ler staff costs for above certification has been paid; am WHEREAS, as provided in Government Code section 56826 the city Council of the City of CUpertino shall be conducting authority for a reorganization including an annexation to the City; am WHEREAS, Goverrnnent Code section 56837 provides that if a petition for annexation is signed by all owners of lam within the affected territory the city Council may approve or disapprove the annexation without public hearing ; RESOIlJI'ION NO. 7833 NCM, 'IHEREF01<I!;, BE: IT RESOLVED, that the city Council of the City of CUpertino hereby initiates annexation p:r:OC""""Ijrgs an:1 will consider annexation of the territory designated "Alcazar Avenue 89-07" at their regular meeting of July 5, 1989. PASSED AND AOOPI'ED at a regular meeting of the City Council of the City of CUpertino this ...l9.ti1day of June, 1989, by the following vote: Vote Members of the Citv Council AYES: Gatto, Johnson, Koppel, Rogers, Plungy NOES: None ABSENT: None ~: None ATrFST: APPROVED: Isl Roberta A, Wolfe City Clerk (Deputy) Isl John J. Plungy, Jr, Mayor, City of CUpertino ALCAZAR AVE 89-07 (DOZIER) All that certain real property situate in the comty of santa Clara, state of California, D:lre particularly described as follows: A portion of Lot 125 ani Alcazar Avenue as shown on that certain map entitled " Map of SUbdivision "A" Menta vista" ,which was filed for recom on April 11,1917 in Volume P of Maps Page 20, in the Office of the Recorder, comty of santa Clara, state of California, mre partj,cularly described as follows: Begi.nnin;J at a point at the northwest oozner of said Lot 125, thence FAST 50.075 feet, alon¡ the northerly 1::oJrx ary lÍl19 of Lot 125; '1hence scum 198,34 feet; Thence EAST 150.23 feet alon¡ the northerly right-of-way of Alcazar Avenue, to a point alon¡ the wsterly line of that certain annexation to the City of Q.JperI:im by Resolution No,5765 entitled" Alcazar 81-01 "; '1hence scum 40,00 feet to a point, said point also bein:J the southwest oozner of previously mentioned annexation "Alcazar 81-01 "; \ '1hence WEST 200,30 feet, alon¡ the southerly J:o.uæry line of Alcazar Avenue; '1hence NORIH 238.34 feet to the EOIN!' OF BmINNING, containing: 0,412 Acres, more or less 17,946.718 square feet more or less Am 357-15-071 89,289 Ä ,\ f1'O \' '" ~\ ;-<1>- ~Q' ~ ,11 '1;0 lJV ~"\\> <l ,~' -' 't''\O ~ov "?A.tJ F ~g,N A..¡..\ 170 þ.."¡;. V1 ,,_.0' '(' :-.' 'V. ,'1') ~ 4 AL-¿'A"Z-Þ..~ \\J 2 ti ~ ~ No\'2-l"", \"-;\~' \..01' 1\"1 \.-O"f' 11í:7 \...01 \ 4> A-?t-l.. ~~. \~'01\ (). -'\'IU-Þ.-~-:. 11, "I4'~,ð:¡(, So ""4' fr ~';'A-í I o"L. ""Pre' 1"-:::;, \0: ...01-\,,..... J. ~t-I...-.\oo ,,?,'fe -- ~z..NiI- Ii'OL..(,itl,¿l.., I-\~GM>"""'A.N ....Q "A'-'Þ 'Z-l>.~ ti>1 PI· 1". ~I-:¡" -lIP " -(\-\. I .~ \ :-JG, , ~o·O -~ I . 1>.,-( I>. Z f" 1<:- (PO-T" , f" 20f"''''het' À~...lI~'¡" A'í\v..1 4""" -n-I~ ¿"I"î( ""f AW~¡2.n ~o €;I-lí\ '\"'\.ZP \I Þ-.......(,.p" Z /10<2 6"'1-01" ( pOZ-Ie;I<t.) VI I Z-f>1 ~ . ~ -!i (j1>..,¡~1 ~