CC Resolution No. 7858 · . RESOIIJTICN NO. 7858 A RESOIIJTION OF '!HE CITY CXXJNCIL OF '!HE CITY OF aJPERI'INO MAKING DETERMINATIONS AND APB<OVING '!HE ANNEXATION OF TERRI'roRY DESIGNATED "AICAZAR AVENUE 89-07", APPROXIMA'I'EVl 0.412 ACRE IDCATED ON '!HE NORIH SIDE OF AICAZAR AVENUE BEIWEEN ORANGE AVENUE AND BYRNE AVENUE, OOZIER (Am 357-15-071 - 219llAICAZAR AVENUE) WHEREAS, a petition for the annexation of certain territo:ry to the City of CUpertino in the County of Santa Clara consisting of 0.412 acre on the north side of Alcazar Avenue between Orange Avenue arrl Byrne Avenue (Am 357-15-071) has been filed with the City of CUpertino; arrl WHEREAS, on J\me 15, 1989, the city Council adopted Resolution No. 7833 initiating proceeð.irçs for annexation of the area designated "Alcazar Avenue 89-07"; arrl WHEREAS, said territo:ry is 1JI'linhabited arrl all owners of larrl included in the proposal consent to this annexation; arrl WHEREAS, Section 35150.5 of the California Govermnent Ccxle states that the Local Agency Fonnation Commission shall not have any authority to review an annexation to any City in Santa Clara County of uninco:rporated territo:ry which is within the url:>an service area of the city of the annexation if initiated by resolution of the legislative body arrl therefore the city council of the City of CUpertino is ncM the con:lucting authority for said annexation; arrl WHEREAS, Govermnent Ccxle section 56837 provides that if a petition for annexation is signed by all owners of larrl within the affected territo:ry the City Council may approve or disapprove the annexation without public hearing; arrl WHEREAS, evidence was presented to the city Council; ~, 'IHEREFORE, BE rr RESOLVED by the city Council of the City of CUpertino as follows: 1. 'Ihat it is the con:lucting authority pursuant to Section 35150.5 of the Govermnent Ccxle for the annexation of property designated "Alcazar Avenue 89-07," IIPre particularly described in Exhibit "A"; -1- RESOIIJTION 00. 7858 2. That the followin) fimings are made by the City Council of the City of CUpertino: a. That said territo:ry is uninhabited an::i cc:mprises approxiJnately 0.412 acres. b. That the annexation is oonsistent with the orderly annexation of territo:ry with the city's w:ban service area an::i is oonsistent with the City policy annexin:J when proviciIDJ City services. c. '!he City Council has cc:mpleted an initial study an::i has foun:J. that the annexation of said territo:ry has no significant iIrpact on the envirornnent, an::i previously approved the grantiD1 of a Negative Declaration. d. '!he City Council on June 4, 1984, enacted an ordinance prezoning the subject territo:ry to City of CUpertino Rl-7.5 zone. e. Annexation to the city of CUpertino will affect no changes in special districts. f. That the territo:ry is within the city w:ban service area as adopted by the Local 1\gency Formation Ccamnission. g. That the annexation is made subject to no terms an::i coIXiitions. h. That the County SUrveyor has determined the boundaries of the proposed annexation to be definite an::i certain, an::i in CCBIIpliance with the Commission's road annexation policies. '!he city shall reimburse the County for actual costs incurred by the County SUrveyor in II1akin;J this determination. i. That the proposed annexation does not create islands or areas in ~ch it woold be difficult to provide IIILII1icipal services. j. That the þL~ annexation does not split line of assessment of ownership. k. That the proposed annexation is oonsistent with the city's General Plan. 1. That the city has cc:mplied with all coIXiitions inqxJsed by the oammission for inclusion of the territo:ry in the City's w:ban service area. -2- · . RESOIIJTION NO. 7858 In. '!hat the territo:ry to be annexed is contiguous to existin;J city lllnits mrler provisions of the Govermnent Code. 3. '!hat said annexation is hemy ordered without election pursuant to Section 35151 et seq. of the Govermnent Code. 4. '!hat the Clerk of the City Council of the City of CUpertino is directed to give notice of said annexation as pres=ibed by law. PASSED AND AOOPI'ED at a regular meetin;J of the City Council of the City of CUpertino this -2J;h day of July , 1989, by the followin;J vote: Vote Members of the City Council AYES: Gatto, Johnson, Koppel, Rogers, Plungy NOES: None ABSENT: None ~: None ATrFSr: APPROVED: /s/ Dorothy Cornelius City Clerk /s/ John J. Plungy, Jr. Mayor, City of CUpertino -3- 1IICAZAR AVE 89-07 (OOZIER) All that certain real property situate in the County of Santa Clara, state of california, JJm'e particularly described as follows: A portion of Lot 125 aM Alcazar Avenue as sham on that certain map entitled " Map of SUbdivision "A" Monta Vista" ,which was filed for recoJ:Ù on April 11,1917 in Volume P of Maps Page 20, in the Office of the Recorder, County of Santa Clara, state of california, JJm'e partj,cularly described as follows: Beq~ at a point at the northwest comer of said Lot 125, thence ~ 50.075 feet, alOl'XJ the northerly wJOOary ling of Lot 125; '1hence SCX11H 198.34 feet; Thence EAST 150.23 feet alOl'XJ the northerly right-of-way of Alcàzar Avenue, to a point alOl'XJ the westerly line of that certain annexation to the City of CUpertino by Resolution No.5765 entitled" Alcazar 81-01 "; '1hence SCX11H 40.00 feet to a point, said point also bein) the southwest comer of previoosly mentioned annexation "Alcazar 81-01 "; \ '1hence WEST 200.30 feet, alOl'XJ the southerly bourxlary line of Alcazar Avenue; '1hence NORlH 238.34 feet to the romr OF BEGnmmG. containhç: 0.412 Acres, more or less 17,946.718 square feet more or less Am 357-15-071 89,289 Ä II M'O ,,~ ~\ ~~ 0'117' ~,I? 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