CC Resolution No. 7881 RESOI11I'ICN 00. 7881 A RESOI11I'ICN OF '!HE CITY CXXJNCIL OF '!HE CITY OF aJPER1'INO AOOPI'ING A GENERAL æ:JGRAM DESæIPI'ION FOR '!HE SENIORS AND HANDICAPPED fUJSmG FUND WHEREAS, the City Council has established a camú.ttee to review aRllications and make ro...........ooations for the developnent of housing for seniors am disabled persons; and WHEREAS, the Camnittee's mandate is to develop pzo..t..auo$ and strategies consistent with the City's housin) policy as expressed in the General Plan; and WHEREAS, there has been presented to the City Council a General Program Description for the housing fuM; . NCM, 'IHEREF1Jt<I:;, BE rr RESOLVED that said Pl'-'\ ..CIØI description for the seniors and Handi~ Hcusin) PUn::l be adcpted. PASSED AND AOOP1'ED at a regular Jœetin¡ of the City Council of the City of OJpertino this 5th day of J\1lv , 1989, by the follCMin) vote: vote AYES: NOES: ABSENT: ABSTAIN: Members of the Citv Council Gatto, Johnson, Koppel, Rogers, Plungy None None None ATI'EST: APPR:JVED: /s/ Dorothy Cornelius City Clerk /s/ John J. Plungy, Jr. Mayor, City of OJpertino CITY OF aJPERI'INO SENIORS AND HANDICAPPED FlXJSING FUND GENERAL PR:X;RAM ~TVI'T/"N I. INTR:>DJCl'ION: '!he CUpertino City 0::Junci1 established the seniors and Haniica¡:pd Hoosin) F\IlId in 1986 to assist in finan::in) the developoent of rental haJsin) units for senior citizens and hamicawed persons. '!he City encourages ~lications fran haJsin) developers to implement the objectives of this ~"".: ..a4I. Recipients of finan::ial assistance shall be responsible for bath developoent or rehabilitation of haJsin) units, and management thereof after construction. '!he City will not offer to p.JrChase or manage develq:ment; all units will ~in privately awned and operated. city staff will notify hoJsin) developers of the availability of the . program, and iiRÙications will be accepted ~ the year. Staff will review the iiRÙications received and present them to the seniors and Haniicawed Hoosin) F\IlId O:IIInittee who will make reo ···,-.tXiations to the City a:uncil for final approval of specific projects. Projects selected for actual develq:ment will be evaluated based on the availability of fun:is and upon criteria develqJed by the haJsin) cc:amnittee am a¡:praved by the City a:uncil. II. PR:X;RAM OBJECI'IVES: '!he major objectives of the Seniors and Haniica¡:pd Hoosin) F\IlId are as follows: A. SU ;p:lrt the developoent and management of rental haJsin) for low and JOOderate inoc:me senior citizens (persons aged 62 years and older) and ¡i1ysically aro¡or mentally disabled irxtividuals. B. In::rease the rental haJsin) stock and rental hoJsin) unit availaDility with priority for OCC'¡paIX:y given to existirq elderly and han:1iC<lfPed residents of CUpertino. C. Disperse haJsin) units provided unjer the program geograIñically within the City's S¡:tIere of Influence. D. Encourage haJsin) developers to tap into other reso.u:ces (such as state am Federal loans and grants, foun:lation grants, ocn:p:¡rate contributions, private investments, ~lTIity fundraisin), etc.) so that city fun:is are leveraged to thegreatest extent possible. III. rnM:!T'oR4EN1' ASSISTANCE: Incentives for the develcpnent of housin) rray in:lude loans fran the City's Seniors an:i Han:lica¡:ped Hcusin) ~, waiver or reduction of develcpnent fees, priority proc:essin) of plans, and density bonus increaSeS or other incentives as authorized by the city's General Plan an:i state law. Financial assistance from the housin) funi will take the form of loans to specific projects, not outright grants. Each project pro forma DDJSt contain provisions for repayment of the loan, even if a deferred repayment plan is approved. 'nIe anv:JUI'It of each loan an:i the terns of repayment will be established for each project and will be baser'! on an analysis of the funds ~.,ñ to make the project financially feasible within ~"":I"cu1I constraints. '!he program funi acxx:unt in:ludes Ca\1IIU.InÍty Dsvel<¥".'lIt Block Grant (CDBJ) funds. Acoo~ly, that portion of arr¡ project loan represented by CDBJ expenditures DDJSt C01'l'ply with all applicable CDBJ program guidelines for project devel~t an:i erd-user inccme eligibility . 'N. SENIOFS AND HANDICAPPED HOOSING FUND <:n1MlTI'EE: Applications for funds from the Seniors an:i Han:lica¡:ped Housil'q Funi will be reviewed by a Hcusil'q CaI1mittee selected by the City counc:il. '!he CaI1mitt.ee will consist of a City counc:il ~....,..., the Director of Ca\1IIU.InÍty Develcpnent, the Finance Director, a COIIUIUJl1Íty member an:i a represei'ltative from the financial COIIUIUJl1Íty. Applications approved by a rrajority of the ocmnittee will be presented to the City counc:il for final action.