23-133 SO 3 dated 1-21-25 Nickell Fire Protection - PO 2025-384CITY OF CUPERTINO MASTER AGREEMENT CONSULTANT SERVICES SERVICE ORDER NO. 3 Master Agreement Contract #: MA Date: Maximum Compensation: MA End Date: Consultant: Firm Name: Address: Contact: Ph: Project Name: Description: (simple project description if appropriate) Attachment A: Includes Description of Project, Scope of Service, Schedule of Performance and Compensation 13 quotes included, one for each facilityCity Project Management Managing Department: Public Works Project Manager: ---------------- Fiscal/Budget : SO Acc't #: Project#: Approvals Signatures: Consultant/ Contractor Manager/ Supervisor: Master Agreement Maximum Compensation: ----------- Total Previously Encumbered to Date: ----------- Encumbrance this Service Order: ----------- Master Agreement Unencumbered Balance: ----------- PO#: Date: Date: Date: Appropriation Certification: I hereby certify that an unexpended appropriation is available in the above fund for the above contract as estimated and that fund are available as of this date of signature City Finance: Date: Management Analyst City of Cupertino Master Agreement Service Order 2024-049 12/4/2023 11/28/2026$60,000 XXService & maintenance of fire extinguishers at 13 City facilities Nathan Vasquez Nickell Fire Protection, Inc. 946 N. 7th Street, San Jose, CA 95112 Jose Gonzalez jose@nickellfire.com $60,000 $21,754.40 $10,284.67 $27,960.93 TBD 01-15-2025N/A 560-87-260 100-87-838 100-87-833 100-87-852 100-87-829 100-87-827 100-87-837 100-87-832 100-87-840 100-87-831 570-87-836 100-87-830 630-85-849 700-702 01/17/2025 Nathan Vasquez 01/21/2025 jindy gonzalez 01/21/2025 946 North 7th Street, San Jose, CA 95112 PH: 408.437.6039 Fax: 408.437.6192 NICKELL FIRE PROTECTION, INC PH: 408.437.6039 FAX: 408.437.6192 A California Corporation 45-2605294 CSLB #964023 C-16 October 23rd 2024 City of Cupertino 10555 Mary Avenue Cupertino, CA 95014 Attn: Robert Location: Black Berry Farm/Golf 21979 San Fernando Cupertino Ca 95014 SERVICE & MAINTENANCE OF PORTABLE FIRE EXTINGUISHERS Service and maintenance will be performed according to California Health and Safety Code, Title 19, Division 1, Chapter 3, “Fire Extinguishers”. Cost per extinguisher includes pull pins, tamper seals, verification of service collars and inspection tags. (01) Service Call @ $35.00ea = $35.00 (08) Annual fire extinguisher inspections @ $12.00ea = $96.00 Tax Associated: $0 Estimated Total = $131.00 (Subject to change if additional service or equipment needed) Recharge, 6yr, Hydro-Static Testing $10.00ea Dry Chem Recharge & 6-year breakdown (Plus cost of Annual and Parts) $75.00ea Clean agent 6-year breakdown (Plus cost of Annual and Parts) $32.00ea 12 Year Cylinder Hydro-Static Testing (Plus cost of Annual, Recharge and Parts) $55.00ea 5-year Co2 Cylinder Hydro-Static Testing/Recharge (Plus cost of Parts) $155.00ea 5-year K class Cylinder Hydro-Static Testing/Recharge (Plus cost of Parts) New equipment $2.00ea. O-Rings $10.00ea Valve Stems $12.50ea 3d Fire extinguisher signs $5.00ea Vinyl sticker extinguisher signs $3.000lbs ABC Powder/Co2 Gas $55.00ea New 2.5lbs Fire extinguishers $105.00ea. New 5lbs Fire extinguishers $165.00ea New 10lbs Fire extinguisher Sincerely, Jose Gonzalez Nickell Fire Protection, Inc Jose@nickellfire.com. Accepted by: Signature Title: For: Print Date This proposal is valid for 30 days after its submission. In the event a legal dispute should occur between parties, the prevailing party shall be entitled to reasonable attorney fees. TERMS: INVOICE NET 30 DAYS. 946 North 7th Street, San Jose, CA 95112 PH: 408.437.6039 Fax: 408.437.6192 NICKELL FIRE PROTECTION, INC PH: 408.437.6039 FAX: 408.437.6192 A California Corporation 45-2605294 CSLB #964023 C-16 October 23rd 2024 City of Cupertino 10555 Mary Avenue Cupertino, CA 95014 Attn: Robert Location: City Hall 10300 Torre Ave Cupertino Ca 95014 SERVICE & MAINTENANCE OF PORTABLE FIRE EXTINGUISHERS Service and maintenance will be performed according to California Health and Safety Code, Title 19, Division 1, Chapter 3, “Fire Extinguishers”. Cost per extinguisher includes pull pins, tamper seals, verification of service collars and inspection tags. (01) Service Call @ $35.00ea = $35.00 (22) Annual fire extinguisher inspections @ $12.00ea = $264.00 (03) Extinguisher Recharge/6-year break downs @ $10.00ea = $30.00 (01) Extinguisher 12yr Hydro Tests @ $32.00ea = $32.00 (03) Valve Stems @ 10.00ea = $30.00 (03) Pressure Seals @ $2.00ea = $6.00 Tax Associated: $3.38 Estimated Total = $400.38 (Subject to change if additional service or equipment needed) Recharge, 6yr, Hydro-Static Testing $10.00ea Dry Chem Recharge & 6-year breakdown (Plus cost of Annual and Parts) $75.00ea Clean agent 6-year breakdown (Plus cost of Annual and Parts) $32.00ea 12 Year Cylinder Hydro-Static Testing (Plus cost of Annual, Recharge and Parts) $155.00ea 5-year K class Cylinder Hydro-Static Testing/Recharge (Plus cost of Parts) New equipment $2.00ea. O-Rings $10.00ea Valve Stems $12.50ea 3d Fire extinguisher signs $5.00ea Vinyl sticker extinguisher signs $3.000lbs ABC Powder/Co2 Gas $55.00ea New 2.5lbs Fire extinguishers $105.00ea. New 5lbs Fire extinguishers $165.00ea New 10lbs Fire extinguisher Sincerely, Jose Gonzalez Nickell Fire Protection, Inc Jose@nickellfire.com. Accepted by: Signature Title: For: Print Date This proposal is valid for 30 days after its submission. In the event a legal dispute should occur between parties, the prevailing party shall be entitled to reasonable attorney fees. TERMS: INVOICE NET 30 DAYS. 946 North 7th Street, San Jose, CA 95112 PH: 408.437.6039 Fax: 408.437.6192 NICKELL FIRE PROTECTION, INC PH: 408.437.6039 FAX: 408.437.6192 A California Corporation 45-2605294 CSLB #964023 C-16 October 23rd 2024 City of Cupertino 10555 Mary Avenue Cupertino, CA 95014 Attn: Robert Location: Community Hall 10350 Torre Ave Cupertino Ca 95014 SERVICE & MAINTENANCE OF PORTABLE FIRE EXTINGUISHERS Service and maintenance will be performed according to California Health and Safety Code, Title 19, Division 1, Chapter 3, “Fire Extinguishers”. Cost per extinguisher includes pull pins, tamper seals, verification of service collars and inspection tags. (01) Service Call @ $35.00ea = $35.00 (07) Annual fire extinguisher inspections @ $12.00ea = $84.00 (02) Extinguisher Recharge/6-year break downs @ $10.00ea = $20.00 (02) Extinguisher 12yr Hydro Tests @ $32.00ea = $64.00 (02) Valve Stems @ 10.00ea = $20.00 (02) Pressure Seals @ $2.00ea = $4.00 Tax Associated: $2.25 Estimated Total = $229.25 (Subject to change if additional service or equipment needed) Recharge, 6yr, Hydro-Static Testing $10.00ea Dry Chem Recharge & 6-year breakdown (Plus cost of Annual and Parts) $75.00ea Clean agent 6-year breakdown (Plus cost of Annual and Parts) $32.00ea 12 Year Cylinder Hydro-Static Testing (Plus cost of Annual, Recharge and Parts) $155.00ea 5-year K class Cylinder Hydro-Static Testing/Recharge (Plus cost of Parts) New equipment $2.00ea. O-Rings $10.00ea Valve Stems $12.50ea 3d Fire extinguisher signs $5.00ea Vinyl sticker extinguisher signs $3.000lbs ABC Powder/Co2 Gas $55.00ea New 2.5lbs Fire extinguishers $105.00ea. New 5lbs Fire extinguishers $165.00ea New 10lbs Fire extinguisher Sincerely, Jose Gonzalez Nickell Fire Protection, Inc Jose@nickellfire.com. Accepted by: Signature Title: For: Print Date This proposal is valid for 30 days after its submission. In the event a legal dispute should occur between parties, the prevailing party shall be entitled to reasonable attorney fees. TERMS: INVOICE NET 30 DAYS. 946 North 7th Street, San Jose, CA 95112 PH: 408.437.6039 Fax: 408.437.6192 NICKELL FIRE PROTECTION, INC PH: 408.437.6039 FAX: 408.437.6192 A California Corporation 45-2605294 CSLB #964023 C-16 946 North 7th Street, San Jose, CA 95112 PH: 408.437.6039 Fax: 408.437.6192 NICKELL FIRE PROTECTION, INC PH: 408.437.6039 FAX: 408.437.6192 A California Corporation 45-2605294 CSLB #964023 C-16 October 23rd 2024 City of Cupertino 10555 Mary Avenue Cupertino, CA 95014 Attn: Robert Location: Creekside 10455 Miller Ave Cupertino Ca 95014 SERVICE & MAINTENANCE OF PORTABLE FIRE EXTINGUISHERS Service and maintenance will be performed according to California Health and Safety Code, Title 19, Division 1, Chapter 3, “Fire Extinguishers”. Cost per extinguisher includes pull pins, tamper seals, verification of service collars and inspection tags. (01) Service Call @ $35.00ea = $35.00 (04) Annual fire extinguisher inspections @ $12.00ea = $48.00 Tax Associated: $0 Estimated Total = $83.00 (Subject to change if additional service or equipment needed) Recharge, 6yr, Hydro-Static Testing $10.00ea Dry Chem Recharge & 6-year breakdown (Plus cost of Annual and Parts) $75.00ea Clean agent 6-year breakdown (Plus cost of Annual and Parts) $32.00ea 12 Year Cylinder Hydro-Static Testing (Plus cost of Annual, Recharge and Parts) $155.00ea 5-year K class Cylinder Hydro-Static Testing/Recharge (Plus cost of Parts) New equipment $2.00ea. O-Rings $10.00ea Valve Stems $12.50ea 3d Fire extinguisher signs $5.00ea Vinyl sticker extinguisher signs $3.000lbs ABC Powder/Co2 Gas $55.00ea New 2.5lbs Fire extinguishers $105.00ea. New 5lbs Fire extinguishers $165.00ea New 10lbs Fire extinguisher Sincerely, Jose Gonzalez Nickell Fire Protection, Inc Jose@nickellfire.com. Accepted by: Signature Title: For: Print Date This proposal is valid for 30 days after its submission. In the event a legal dispute should occur between parties, the prevailing party shall be entitled to reasonable attorney fees. TERMS: INVOICE NET 30 DAYS. 946 North 7th Street, San Jose, CA 95112 PH: 408.437.6039 Fax: 408.437.6192 NICKELL FIRE PROTECTION, INC PH: 408.437.6039 FAX: 408.437.6192 A California Corporation 45-2605294 CSLB #964023 C-16 October 23rd 2024 City of Cupertino 10555 Mary Avenue Cupertino, CA 95014 Attn: Robert Location: Fleet 10555 Mary Ave Cupertino Ca 95014 SERVICE & MAINTENANCE OF PORTABLE FIRE EXTINGUISHERS Service and maintenance will be performed according to California Health and Safety Code, Title 19, Division 1, Chapter 3, “Fire Extinguishers”. Cost per extinguisher includes pull pins, tamper seals, verification of service collars and inspection tags. (01) Service Call @ $35.00ea = $35.00 (41) Annual fire extinguisher inspections @ $12.00ea = $492.00 (105) New 2.5lbs Fire extinguishers @ $55.00ea = $5,775.00 Tax Associated: $541.40 Estimated Total = $6,843.40 (Subject to change if additional service or equipment needed) (2.5lbs extinguisher will be due for hydro test in 2025 and cost would be lower to replace with new ones then to hydro test them) Recharge, 6yr, Hydro-Static Testing $10.00ea Dry Chem Recharge & 6-year breakdown (Plus cost of Annual and Parts) $75.00ea Clean agent 6-year breakdown (Plus cost of Annual and Parts) $32.00ea 5-year 5yr or 12 Year Cylinder Hydro-Static Testing (Plus cost of Annual, Recharge and Parts) $155.00ea 5-year K class Cylinder Hydro-Static Testing/Recharge (Plus cost of Parts) New equipment $2.00ea. O-Rings $10.00ea Valve Stems $12.50ea 3d Fire extinguisher signs $5.00ea Vinyl sticker extinguisher signs $3.000lbs ABC Powder/Co2 Gas $55.00ea New 2.5lbs Fire extinguishers $105.00ea. New 5lbs Fire extinguishers $165.00ea New 10lbs Fire extinguisher Sincerely, Jose Gonzalez Nickell Fire Protection, Inc Jose@nickellfire.com. Accepted by: Signature Title: For: Print Date This proposal is valid for 30 days after its submission. In the event a legal dispute should occur between parties, the prevailing party shall be entitled to reasonable attorney fees. TERMS: INVOICE NET 30 DAYS. 946 North 7th Street, San Jose, CA 95112 PH: 408.437.6039 Fax: 408.437.6192 NICKELL FIRE PROTECTION, INC PH: 408.437.6039 FAX: 408.437.6192 A California Corporation 45-2605294 CSLB #964023 C-16 October 23rd 2024 City of Cupertino 10555 Mary Avenue Cupertino, CA 95014 Attn: Robert Location: McClellan 22221 McClellan Ave Cupertino Ca 95014 SERVICE & MAINTENANCE OF PORTABLE FIRE EXTINGUISHERS Service and maintenance will be performed according to California Health and Safety Code, Title 19, Division 1, Chapter 3, “Fire Extinguishers”. Cost per extinguisher includes pull pins, tamper seals, verification of service collars and inspection tags. (01) Service Call @ $35.00ea = $35.00 (15) Annual fire extinguisher inspections @ $12.00ea = $180.00 Tax Associated: $0 Estimated Total = $215.00 (Subject to change if additional service or equipment needed) Recharge, 6yr, Hydro-Static Testing $10.00ea Dry Chem Recharge & 6-year breakdown (Plus cost of Annual and Parts) $75.00ea Clean agent 6-year breakdown (Plus cost of Annual and Parts) $32.00ea 12 Year Cylinder Hydro-Static Testing (Plus cost of Annual, Recharge and Parts) $55.00ea 5-year Co2 Cylinder Hydro-Static Testing/Recharge (Plus cost of Parts) $155.00ea 5-year K class Cylinder Hydro-Static Testing/Recharge (Plus cost of Parts) New equipment $2.00ea. O-Rings $10.00ea Valve Stems $12.50ea 3d Fire extinguisher signs $5.00ea Vinyl sticker extinguisher signs $3.000lbs ABC Powder/Co2 Gas $55.00ea New 2.5lbs Fire extinguishers $105.00ea. New 5lbs Fire extinguishers $165.00ea New 10lbs Fire extinguisher Sincerely, Jose Gonzalez Nickell Fire Protection, Inc Jose@nickellfire.com. Accepted by: Signature Title: For: Print Date This proposal is valid for 30 days after its submission. In the event a legal dispute should occur between parties, the prevailing party shall be entitled to reasonable attorney fees. TERMS: INVOICE NET 30 DAYS. 946 North 7th Street, San Jose, CA 95112 PH: 408.437.6039 Fax: 408.437.6192 NICKELL FIRE PROTECTION, INC PH: 408.437.6039 FAX: 408.437.6192 A California Corporation 45-2605294 CSLB #964023 C-16 October 23rd 2024 City of Cupertino 10555 Mary Avenue Cupertino, CA 95014 Attn: Robert Location: Monte Vista 22601 Voss Cupertino Ca 95014 SERVICE & MAINTENANCE OF PORTABLE FIRE EXTINGUISHERS Service and maintenance will be performed according to California Health and Safety Code, Title 19, Division 1, Chapter 3, “Fire Extinguishers”. Cost per extinguisher includes pull pins, tamper seals, verification of service collars and inspection tags. (01) Service Call @ $35.00ea = $35.00 (08) Annual fire extinguisher inspections @ $12.00ea = $96.00 Tax Associated: $0 Estimated Total = $131.00 (Subject to change if additional service or equipment needed) Recharge, 6yr, Hydro-Static Testing $10.00ea Dry Chem Recharge & 6-year breakdown (Plus cost of Annual and Parts) $75.00ea Clean agent 6-year breakdown (Plus cost of Annual and Parts) $32.00ea 12 Year Cylinder Hydro-Static Testing (Plus cost of Annual, Recharge and Parts) $55.00ea 5-year Co2 Cylinder Hydro-Static Testing/Recharge (Plus cost of Parts) $155.00ea 5-year K class Cylinder Hydro-Static Testing/Recharge (Plus cost of Parts) New equipment $2.00ea. O-Rings $10.00ea Valve Stems $12.50ea 3d Fire extinguisher signs $5.00ea Vinyl sticker extinguisher signs $3.000lbs ABC Powder/Co2 Gas $55.00ea New 2.5lbs Fire extinguishers $105.00ea. New 5lbs Fire extinguishers $165.00ea New 10lbs Fire extinguisher Sincerely, Jose Gonzalez Nickell Fire Protection, Inc Jose@nickellfire.com. Accepted by: Signature Title: For: Print Date This proposal is valid for 30 days after its submission. In the event a legal dispute should occur between parties, the prevailing party shall be entitled to reasonable attorney fees. TERMS: INVOICE NET 30 DAYS. 946 North 7th Street, San Jose, CA 95112 PH: 408.437.6039 Fax: 408.437.6192 NICKELL FIRE PROTECTION, INC PH: 408.437.6039 FAX: 408.437.6192 A California Corporation 45-2605294 CSLB #964023 C-16 October 23rd 2024 City of Cupertino 10555 Mary Avenue Cupertino, CA 95014 Attn: Robert Location: Parks (Various location) Cupertino Ca 95014 SERVICE & MAINTENANCE OF PORTABLE FIRE EXTINGUISHERS Service and maintenance will be performed according to California Health and Safety Code, Title 19, Division 1, Chapter 3, “Fire Extinguishers”. Cost per extinguisher includes pull pins, tamper seals, verification of service collars and inspection tags. (01) Service Call @ $35.00ea = $35.00 (07) Annual fire extinguisher inspections @ $12.00ea = $84.00 Tax Associated: $0 Estimated Total = $119.00 (Subject to change if additional service or equipment needed) Recharge, 6yr, Hydro-Static Testing $10.00ea Dry Chem Recharge & 6-year breakdown (Plus cost of Annual and Parts) $75.00ea Clean agent 6-year breakdown (Plus cost of Annual and Parts) $32.00ea 12 Year Cylinder Hydro-Static Testing (Plus cost of Annual, Recharge and Parts) $55.00ea 5-year Co2 Cylinder Hydro-Static Testing/Recharge (Plus cost of Parts) $155.00ea 5-year K class Cylinder Hydro-Static Testing/Recharge (Plus cost of Parts) New equipment $2.00ea. O-Rings $10.00ea Valve Stems $12.50ea 3d Fire extinguisher signs $5.00ea Vinyl sticker extinguisher signs $3.000lbs ABC Powder/Co2 Gas $55.00ea New 2.5lbs Fire extinguishers $105.00ea. New 5lbs Fire extinguishers $165.00ea New 10lbs Fire extinguisher Sincerely, Jose Gonzalez Nickell Fire Protection, Inc Jose@nickellfire.com. Accepted by: Signature Title: For: Print Date This proposal is valid for 30 days after its submission. In the event a legal dispute should occur between parties, the prevailing party shall be entitled to reasonable attorney fees. TERMS: INVOICE NET 30 DAYS. 946 North 7th Street, San Jose, CA 95112 PH: 408.437.6039 Fax: 408.437.6192 NICKELL FIRE PROTECTION, INC PH: 408.437.6039 FAX: 408.437.6192 A California Corporation 45-2605294 CSLB #964023 C-16 October 23rd 2024 City of Cupertino 10555 Mary Avenue Cupertino, CA 95014 Attn: Robert Location: Quinlan Center 10185 Stelling Cupertino Ca 95014 SERVICE & MAINTENANCE OF PORTABLE FIRE EXTINGUISHERS Service and maintenance will be performed according to California Health and Safety Code, Title 19, Division 1, Chapter 3, “Fire Extinguishers”. Cost per extinguisher includes pull pins, tamper seals, verification of service collars and inspection tags. (01) Service Call @ $35.00ea = $35.00 (16) Annual fire extinguisher inspections @ $12.00ea = $192.00 (08) Extinguisher Recharge/6-year break downs @ $10.00ea = $80.00 (08) Extinguisher 12yr Hydro Tests @ $32.00ea = $256.00 (08) Valve Stems @ 10.00ea = $80.00 (08) Pressure Seals @ $2.00ea = $16.00 Tax Associated: $9.00 Estimated Total = $668.00 (Subject to change if additional service or equipment needed) Recharge, 6yr, Hydro-Static Testing $10.00ea Dry Chem Recharge & 6-year breakdown (Plus cost of Annual and Parts) $95.00ea Clean agent 6-year breakdown (Plus cost of Annual and Parts) $32.00ea 12 Year Cylinder Hydro-Static Testing (Plus cost of Annual, Recharge and Parts) $155.00ea 5-year K class Cylinder Hydro-Static Testing/Recharge (Plus cost of Parts) New equipment $2.00ea. O-Rings $10.00ea Valve Stems $12.50ea 3d Fire extinguisher signs $5.00ea Vinyl sticker extinguisher signs $3.000lbs ABC Powder/Co2 Gas $55.00ea New 2.5lbs Fire extinguishers $105.00ea. New 5lbs Fire extinguishers $165.00ea New 10lbs Fire extinguisher Sincerely, Jose Gonzalez Nickell Fire Protection, Inc Jose@nickellfire.com. Accepted by: Signature Title: For: Print Date This proposal is valid for 30 days after its submission. In the event a legal dispute should occur between parties, the prevailing party shall be entitled to reasonable attorney fees. TERMS: INVOICE NET 30 DAYS. 946 North 7th Street, San Jose, CA 95112 PH: 408.437.6039 Fax: 408.437.6192 NICKELL FIRE PROTECTION, INC PH: 408.437.6039 FAX: 408.437.6192 A California Corporation 45-2605294 CSLB #964023 C-16 October 23rd 2024 City of Cupertino 10555 Mary Avenue Cupertino, CA 95014 Attn: Robert Location: Senior Center 21251 Mary Ave Cupertino Ca 95014 SERVICE & MAINTENANCE OF PORTABLE FIRE EXTINGUISHERS Service and maintenance will be performed according to California Health and Safety Code, Title 19, Division 1, Chapter 3, “Fire Extinguishers”. Cost per extinguisher includes pull pins, tamper seals, verification of service collars and inspection tags. (01) Service Call @ $35.00ea = $35.00 (12) Annual fire extinguisher inspections @ $12.00ea = $144.00 (01) Extinguisher Recharge/6-year break downs @ $10.00ea = $10.00 (01) Extinguisher 12yr Hydro Tests @ $32.00ea = $32.00 (01) Valve Stems @ 10.00ea = $10.00 (01) Pressure Seals @ $2.00ea = $2.00 Tax Associated: $1.13 Estimated Total = $234.13 (Subject to change if additional service or equipment needed) Recharge, 6yr, Hydro-Static Testing $10.00ea Dry Chem Recharge & 6-year breakdown (Plus cost of Annual and Parts) $75.00ea Clean agent 6-year breakdown (Plus cost of Annual and Parts) $32.00ea 12 Year Cylinder Hydro-Static Testing (Plus cost of Annual, Recharge and Parts) $155.00ea 5-year K class Cylinder Hydro-Static Testing/Recharge (Plus cost of Parts) New equipment $2.00ea. O-Rings $10.00ea Valve Stems $12.50ea 3d Fire extinguisher signs $5.00ea Vinyl sticker extinguisher signs $3.000lbs ABC Powder/Co2 Gas $55.00ea New 2.5lbs Fire extinguishers $105.00ea. New 5lbs Fire extinguishers $165.00ea New 10lbs Fire extinguisher Sincerely, Jose Gonzalez Nickell Fire Protection, Inc Jose@nickellfire.com. Accepted by: Signature Title: For: Print Date This proposal is valid for 30 days after its submission. In the event a legal dispute should occur between parties, the prevailing party shall be entitled to reasonable attorney fees. TERMS: INVOICE NET 30 DAYS. 946 North 7th Street, San Jose, CA 95112 PH: 408.437.6039 Fax: 408.437.6192 NICKELL FIRE PROTECTION, INC PH: 408.437.6039 FAX: 408.437.6192 A California Corporation 45-2605294 CSLB #964023 C-16 January 14, 2025 City of Cupertino 10555 Mary Avenue Cupertino, CA 95014 Attn: Robert Location: 2025 Service Center 10555 Mary Ave Cupertino Ca 95014 SERVICE & MAINTENANCE OF PORTABLE FIRE EXTINGUISHERS Service and maintenance will be performed according to California Health and Safety Code, Title 19, Division 1, Chapter 3, “Fire Extinguishers”. Cost per extinguisher includes pull pins, tamper seals, verification of service collars and inspection tags. (01) Service Call @ $35.00ea = $35.00 (27) Annual fire extinguisher inspections @ $12.00ea = $324.00 (09) Extinguisher recharges @ $10.00ea = $90.00 (09) Extinguisher 12yr Hydro Tests @ $32.00ea = $288.00 (09) Valve Stems @ $10.00ea = $90.00 (09) Pressure Seals @ $2.00ea = $18.00 Tax Associated: $10.13 Estimated Total = $855.13 (Subject to change if additional service or equipment needed) Recharge, 6yr, Hydro-Static Testing $10.00ea Dry Chem Recharge & 6-year breakdown (Plus cost of Annual and Parts) $75.00ea Clean agent 6-year breakdown (Plus cost of Annual and Parts) $32.00ea 12 Year Cylinder Hydro-Static Testing (Plus cost of Annual, Recharge and Parts) $55.00ea 5-year Co2 Cylinder Hydro-Static Testing/Recharge (Plus cost of Parts) $155.00ea 5-year K class Cylinder Hydro-Static Testing/Recharge (Plus cost of Parts) New equipment $2.00ea. O-Rings $10.00ea Valve Stems $12.50ea 3d Fire extinguisher signs $5.00ea Vinyl sticker extinguisher signs $3.000lbs ABC Powder/Co2 Gas $55.00ea New 2.5lbs Fire extinguishers $105.00ea. New 5lbs Fire extinguishers $165.00ea New 10lbs Fire extinguisher Sincerely, Jose Gonzalez Nickell Fire Protection, Inc Jose@nickellfire.com. Accepted by: Signature Title: For: Print Date This proposal is valid for 30 days after its submission. In the event a legal dispute should occur between parties, the prevailing party shall be entitled to reasonable attorney fees. TERMS: INVOICE NET 30 DAYS. 946 North 7th Street, San Jose, CA 95112 PH: 408.437.6039 Fax: 408.437.6192 NICKELL FIRE PROTECTION, INC PH: 408.437.6039 FAX: 408.437.6192 A California Corporation 45-2605294 CSLB #964023 C-16 946 North 7th Street, San Jose, CA 95112 PH: 408.437.6039 Fax: 408.437.6192 NICKELL FIRE PROTECTION, INC PH: 408.437.6039 FAX: 408.437.6192 A California Corporation 45-2605294 CSLB #964023 C-16 October 23rd 2024 City of Cupertino 10555 Mary Avenue Cupertino, CA 95014 Attn: Robert Location: Sports Center 21111 Stevens Creek Blvd Cupertino Ca 95014 SERVICE & MAINTENANCE OF PORTABLE FIRE EXTINGUISHERS Service and maintenance will be performed according to California Health and Safety Code, Title 19, Division 1, Chapter 3, “Fire Extinguishers”. Cost per extinguisher includes pull pins, tamper seals, verification of service collars and inspection tags. (01) Service Call @ $35.00ea = $35.00 (11) Annual fire extinguisher inspections @ $12.00ea = $132.00 Tax Associated: $0 Estimated Total = $167.00 (Subject to change if additional service or equipment needed) Recharge, 6yr, Hydro-Static Testing $10.00ea Dry Chem Recharge & 6-year breakdown (Plus cost of Annual and Parts) $75.00ea Clean agent 6-year breakdown (Plus cost of Annual and Parts) $32.00ea 12 Year Cylinder Hydro-Static Testing (Plus cost of Annual, Recharge and Parts) $155.00ea 5-year K class Cylinder Hydro-Static Testing/Recharge (Plus cost of Parts) New equipment $2.00ea. O-Rings $10.00ea Valve Stems $12.50ea 3d Fire extinguisher signs $5.00ea Vinyl sticker extinguisher signs $3.000lbs ABC Powder/Co2 Gas $55.00ea New 2.5lbs Fire extinguishers $105.00ea. New 5lbs Fire extinguishers $165.00ea New 10lbs Fire extinguisher Sincerely, Jose Gonzalez Nickell Fire Protection, Inc Jose@nickellfire.com. Accepted by: Signature Title: For: Print Date This proposal is valid for 30 days after its submission. In the event a legal dispute should occur between parties, the prevailing party shall be entitled to reasonable attorney fees. TERMS: INVOICE NET 30 DAYS. 946 North 7th Street, San Jose, CA 95112 PH: 408.437.6039 Fax: 408.437.6192 NICKELL FIRE PROTECTION, INC PH: 408.437.6039 FAX: 408.437.6192 A California Corporation 45-2605294 CSLB #964023 C-16 October 23rd 2024 City of Cupertino 10555 Mary Avenue Cupertino, CA 95014 Attn: Robert Location: Traffic Yard 10981 Franco Cupertino Ca 95014 SERVICE & MAINTENANCE OF PORTABLE FIRE EXTINGUISHERS Service and maintenance will be performed according to California Health and Safety Code, Title 19, Division 1, Chapter 3, “Fire Extinguishers”. Cost per extinguisher includes pull pins, tamper seals, verification of service collars and inspection tags. (01) Service Call @ $35.00ea = $35.00 (06) Annual fire extinguisher inspections @ $12.00ea = $72.00 (03) Extinguisher Recharge/6-year break downs @ $10.00ea = $30.00 (01) Extinguisher 12yr Hydro Tests @ $32.00ea = $32.00 (03) Valve Stems @ 10.00ea = $30.00 (03) Pressure Seals @ $2.00ea = $6.00 Tax Associated: $3.38 Estimated Total = $208.38 (Subject to change if additional service or equipment needed) Recharge, 6yr, Hydro-Static Testing $10.00ea Dry Chem Recharge & 6-year breakdown (Plus cost of Annual and Parts) $75.00ea Clean agent 6-year breakdown (Plus cost of Annual and Parts) $32.00ea 12 Year Cylinder Hydro-Static Testing (Plus cost of Annual, Recharge and Parts) $155.00ea 5-year K class Cylinder Hydro-Static Testing/Recharge (Plus cost of Parts) New equipment $2.00ea. O-Rings $10.00ea Valve Stems $12.50ea 3d Fire extinguisher signs $5.00ea Vinyl sticker extinguisher signs $3.000lbs ABC Powder/Co2 Gas $55.00ea New 2.5lbs Fire extinguishers $105.00ea. New 5lbs Fire extinguishers $165.00ea New 10lbs Fire extinguisher Sincerely, Jose Gonzalez Nickell Fire Protection, Inc Jose@nickellfire.com. Accepted by: Signature Title: For: Print Date This proposal is valid for 30 days after its submission. In the event a legal dispute should occur between parties, the prevailing party shall be entitled to reasonable attorney fees. TERMS: INVOICE NET 30 DAYS. Nickell Fire Protection_SO 3 Final Audit Report 2025-01-21 Created:2025-01-16 By:Sundari Pilaka (Sundarip@cupertino.org) Status:Signed Transaction ID:CBJCHBCAABAAbYgHy5It0QccpS_MSCfzm5T2K2vtmej_ "Nickell Fire Protection_SO 3" History Document created by Sundari Pilaka (Sundarip@cupertino.org) 2025-01-16 - 9:41:58 PM GMT- IP address: Document emailed to Pete Ramirez (peter@nickellfire.com) for signature 2025-01-16 - 9:47:34 PM GMT Email viewed by Pete Ramirez (peter@nickellfire.com) 2025-01-16 - 10:22:56 PM GMT- IP address: Document e-signed by Pete Ramirez (peter@nickellfire.com) Signature Date: 2025-01-17 - 9:27:03 PM GMT - Time Source: server- IP address: Document emailed to nathanv@cupertino.gov for signature 2025-01-17 - 9:27:05 PM GMT Email viewed by nathanv@cupertino.gov 2025-01-17 - 9:27:12 PM GMT- IP address: Signer nathanv@cupertino.gov entered name at signing as Nathan Vasquez 2025-01-21 - 2:34:09 PM GMT- IP address: Document e-signed by Nathan Vasquez (nathanv@cupertino.gov) Signature Date: 2025-01-21 - 2:34:11 PM GMT - Time Source: server- IP address: Document emailed to jindyg@cupertino.gov for signature 2025-01-21 - 2:34:13 PM GMT Email viewed by jindyg@cupertino.gov 2025-01-21 - 2:34:33 PM GMT- IP address: Signer jindyg@cupertino.gov entered name at signing as jindy gonzalez 2025-01-21 - 2:47:14 PM GMT- IP address: Document e-signed by jindy gonzalez (jindyg@cupertino.gov) Signature Date: 2025-01-21 - 2:47:16 PM GMT - Time Source: server- IP address: Agreement completed. 2025-01-21 - 2:47:16 PM GMT