CC 01-27-2025 Searchable PacketCITY OF CUPERTINO
10350 Torre Avenue, Council Chamber
Monday, January 27, 2025
6:00 PM
Non-Televised Special Meeting (Commission Interviews)
NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN that a special meeting of the Cupertino City Council is hereby
called for Monday, January 27, 2025, commencing at 6:00 p.m. in Community Hall Council
Chamber, 10350 Torre Avenue, Cupertino, California 95014. Said special meeting shall be
for the purpose of conducting business on the subject matters listed below under the
heading, “Special Meeting."
1.Subject: Interview applicants for commission vacancies and terms expiring on January
30, 2025
Recommended Action: Conduct interviews and make appointments to the Arts and
Culture Commission, Audit Committee, Bicycle Pedestrian Commission, Housing
Commission, Library Commission, Parks and Recreation Commission, Planning
Commission, Public Safety Commission, and Sustainability Commission.
Staff Report
A - Ordinance No. 24-2256 to Regularize Commissioner Appointments and Revise Commissioner
B - Resolution No. 24-022 Establishing Rules Governing Recruitment of Advisory Bodies
C - Interview Schedule (Jan 27)
D – Resolution No. 03-203 Establishing a Policy Embracing the City’s Demographic Diversity
E – Duties Powers and Functions
F – Sample Interview Questions
G - Applications
H - Current Commission List
I - Attendance Report
J - Ethics Training Report
K - Form 700 Filer Report
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City Council Agenda January 27, 2025
Lobbyist Registration and Reporting Requirements: Individuals who influence or attempt to influence
legislative or administrative action may be required by the City of Cupertino’s lobbying ordinance
(Cupertino Municipal Code Chapter 2.100) to register and report lobbying activity. Persons whose
communications regarding any legislative or administrative are solely limited to appearing at or
submitting testimony for any public meeting held by the City are not required to register as lobbyists.
For more information about the lobbying ordinance, please contact the City Clerk’s Office at 10300
Torre Avenue, Cupertino, CA 95014; telephone (408) 777-3223; email; and
The City of Cupertino has adopted the provisions of Code of Civil Procedure §1094.6; litigation
challenging a final decision of the City Council must be brought within 90 days after a decision is
announced unless a shorter time is required by State or Federal law.
Prior to seeking judicial review of any adjudicatory (quasi-judicial) decision, interested persons must
file a petition for reconsideration within ten calendar days of the date the City Clerk mails notice of the
City’s decision. Reconsideration petitions must comply with the requirements of Cupertino Municipal
Code §2.08.096. Contact the City Clerk’s office for more information or go to for a reconsideration petition form.
In compliance with the Americans with Disabilities Act (ADA), anyone who is planning to attend this
meeting who is visually or hearing impaired or has any disability that needs special assistance should
call the City Clerk's Office at 408-777-3223, at least 48 hours in advance of the meeting to arrange for
assistance. In addition, upon request in advance by a person with a disability, meeting agendas and
writings distributed for the meeting that are public records will be made available in the appropriate
alternative format.
Any writings or documents provided to a majority of the Cupertino City Council after publication of
the packet will be made available for public inspection in the City Clerk’s Office located at City Hall,
10300 Torre Avenue, Cupertino, California 95014, during normal business hours; and in Council
packet archives linked from the agenda/minutes page on the City web site.
IMPORTANT NOTICE: Please be advised that pursuant to Cupertino Municipal Code section
2.08.100 written communications sent to the City Council, Commissioners or staff concerning a matter
on the agenda are included as supplemental material to the agendized item. These written
communications are accessible to the public through the City website and kept in packet archives. Do
not include any personal or private information in written communications to the City that you do not
wish to make public, as written communications are considered public records and will be made
publicly available on the City website.
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City Council Agenda January 27, 2025
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Agenda Item
25-13631 Agenda Date: 1/27/2025
Agenda #: 1.
Subject:Interview applicants for commission vacancies and terms expiring on January 30, 2025
Conduct interviews and make appointments to the Arts and Culture Commission, Audit Committee, Bicycle
Pedestrian Commission, Housing Commission, Library Commission, Parks and Recreation Commission,
Planning Commission, Public Safety Commission, and Sustainability Commission.
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Date: January 27, 2025
Interview applicants for commission vacancies and terms expiring on January 30, 2025
Recommended Actions
Conduct interviews and make appointments to the Arts and Culture Commission, Audit
Committee, Bicycle Pedestrian Commission, Housing Commission, Library Commission, Parks
and Recreation Commission, Planning Commission, Public Safety Commission, and
Sustainability Commission.
As part of the City Work Program item, Commission Governance Reform Package, Council
directed staff to establish criteria/qualifications for future commissioners. On March 5, 2024,
1. Adopted Ordinance No. 24‐2256 to regularize commissioner terms (Attachment A),
2. Approved updates to the 2024 Commissioners Handbook, and
3. Adopted Resolution No. 24‐022 Amending Resolution Governing Advisory Bodies.
Resolution No. 24‐022 (Attachment B) directed that the City Manager establish criteria for service
on each commission or committee based on familiarity with the subject matter of the commission.
Staff began by researching commission criteria for other cities in Santa Clara County and
evaluating their application process. Research showed that the membership criteria outlined in
each commission’s Municipal Code was generally similar to what Cupertino commissions
currently have outlined in the Cupertino Municipal Code. Most notably, staff noticed that cities
like Palo Alto, Mountain View, and Saratoga had more robust applications that were unique to
each commission, while in Cupertino, commissioners would use one application for all
Staff worked to develop updated applications that were unique to Cupertino’s commissions and
added more thoughtful questions to help determine if an applicant was more qualified or
knowledgeable about the commission they are applying for. Staff developed draft questions for
each commission and reviewed them with each respective Department. Additionally, in
September 2024, staff surveyed each commission to gather feedback on potential new questions to
each application. Almost 90% of commissioners who responded agreed on the questions staff
developed and others provided suggestions for additional questions for the application.
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Establishing Criteria
After analyzing all research from other cities and commissioner/staff feedback, staff developed
the final commission applications, which went live on the City website in November 2024. These
applications were unique to each commission and included questions which help to identify
whether or not an applicant has met the criteria outlined below:
Criteria Question
Relevant subject
Please list your relevant education, training, experience,
certificates of training, licenses, and professional registration.
Experience in community
Please describe your involvement in community activities,
volunteering, and civic organizations.
Strong interest in joining
Why are you interested in serving on the XX Commission and
what experience would you bring to the position?
Knowledgeable of recent
commission activity
Please describe a topic that recently came before the
Commission that is of particular interest to you and describe
why you are interested in it.
Understanding of
commission goals
What specific goals would you like to see the Public Safety
Commission achieve, and how would you help in the process?
Resolution No. 24‐022 (Attachment B), directs that the City Manager shall advise Council as to
which applicants meet established criteria but shall present all candidates meeting Municipal
Code requirements to the City Council for interviewing. As such, staff have reviewed
applications within their respective departments with all personal details redacted to remove any
possibility of recognition bias. Staff reviewed each response to the questions above and
determined if an application had met the established criteria based on the information provided
in the responses. These applications have a large red “MC” on the top right corner, which stands
for “Met Criteria.” As specified in Resolution No. 24‐022, the Council retains full discretion to
appoint the candidate of its choosing.
Additional Considerations
Four Commissions had additional questions in the application due to the additional preferences
outlined in the Municipal Code. Applicant responses will allow Council to easily see when
priority should be given to applicants who fall into the categories outlined in the respective
codes, included below:
Commission Municipal Code
Arts & Culture Membership will be drawn to represent the arts, citizens, and business
community on an approximately equal basis.
CMC 2.80.010
Audit Committee In selecting an at large member, the City Council shall give priority to
individuals who have substantial accounting, audit, or investment
experience, preferably in connection with a governmental agency.
CMC 2.88.020
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In selection of commissioners, the City Council may give priority to:
1. Applicants who represent the Community Development Block
Grant (CDBG) target areas as described in the cityʹs
Consolidated Plan.
2. Applicants who are familiar with the operation of affordable
3. Applicants who represent non‐profit community organizations;
4. Applicants who are knowledgeable about the housing needs of
groups targeted for affordable housing development which
include, but are not limited to, the following:
a. Seniors,
b. Single parent families,
c. Homeless persons,
d. Families of low income,
e. Disabled persons,
f. Renters,
g. First time homebuyers.
CMC 2.86.020
Sustainability In selection of community members, the City Council may give
priority to:
1. Applicants who represent the target sectors and partners as
described in the Cupertino Climate Action Plan (hereinafter
referred to in this Chapter as ʺCAPʺ).
2. Applicants who are familiar with climate change mitigation
and adaptation strategies, greenhouse gas emissions
inventories, resource and utility conservation, sustainability
and behavior change.
3. Applicants who represent non‐profit community organizations
and environmental interest groups.
CMC 2.94.010
Next Steps
Council will be interviewing 64 applicants for nine Commissions. The interview schedule,
applications, and other materials are included as attachments C‐K. Once Council makes their final
selection, these applicants will be sworn in as new City Commissioners.
The next annual recruitment cycle for terms for expiring on City Commissions will occur in
January 2027. The Council may wish to identify additional steps in the screening and interview
process, for implementation prior to the next application and appointment process. For example,
during the 2025 cycle process, Council will review all applications and interview all applicants. In
the future, Council may consider modifying the resolution to further screen applications and
narrow the number of applicants interviewed by Council. Councilmembers may provide
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comments to staff at the end of the commission interviews on Tuesday, January 28. Any
suggestions will be provided to the City Manager and reflected in an updated draft process for
Council consideration. The City thanks all applicants who desire to volunteer and shape the
future of Cupertino.
Sustainability Impact
Fiscal Impact
California Environmental Quality Act
Not applicable.
City Work Program (CWP) Item: No
CWP Item Description: N/A
Council Goal: N/A
Prepared by: Astrid Robles, Senior Management Analyst
Reviewed by: Tina Kapoor, Deputy City Manager
Approved for submission by: Pamela Wu, City Manager
A – Ordinance No. 24‐2256 to Regularize Commissioner Appointments and Revise
Commissioner Qualifications
B ‐ Resolution No. 24‐022 Establishing Rules Governing Recruitment of Advisory Bodies
C – Interview Schedule
D – Resolution No. 03‐203 Establishing a Policy Embracing the City’s Demographic
E – Duties Powers and Functions
F – Sample Interview Questions
G – Applications
H – Current Commission List
I – Attendance Report
J – Ethics Training Report
K – Form 700 Filer Report
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The City Council of the City of Cupertino finds that:
WHEREAS, the Cupertino City Council recognizes the importance of City Commissions
and Committees in ensuring that the Council receives community input into Council
decision making; and
WHEREAS, the City Council has identified a need to regularize the appointment process
of Commission and Committee members as part of the 2023-2025 City Work Program
and to align with the intent of the Municipal Code; and
WHEREAS, the City Council finds that qualifications for certain Commissioner
appointments should be revised to improve the recruitment process and increase
accessibility for interested, eligible community members.
SECTION 1: Adoption of Uncodified Ordinance.
A.Notwithstanding Municipal Code Chapter 2.36, the terms of the three longest-
serving Parks and Recreation Commissioners shall expire on January 30, 2025,
and the terms of the remaining two Commissioners shall expire on January 30,
B.Notwithstanding Municipal Code Chapter 2.60, the terms of the two longest-
serving Public Safety Commissioners shall expire on January 30, 2025, and the
terms of the remaining three Commissioners shall expire on January 30, 2027.
C.Notwithstanding Municipal Code Chapter 2.74, the terms of the three longest-
serving Technology, Information, and Communications Commissions shall
expire on January 30, 2027, and the terms of the remaining two Commissioners
shall expire on January 30, 2029.
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Ordinance No. 24-2256
Page 2
D.Notwithstanding Municipal Code Chapter 2.80, the terms of the two longest-
serving Arts and Culture Commissioners shall expire on January 30, 2025, and
the terms of the remaining three Commissioners shall expire on January 30, 2027.
E.Notwithstanding Municipal Code Chapter 2.86, the terms of the two longest-
serving Housing Commissioners shall expire on January 30, 2025, and the terms
of the remaining three Commissioners shall expire on January 30, 2027.
F.Notwithstanding Municipal Code Chapter 2.88, the term of the longest-serving
Council-appointed Audit Committee member shall expire on January 30, 2025,
and the terms of the remaining two Council-appointed Audit Committee
members shall expire on January 30, 2027.
G.Notwithstanding Municipal Code Chapter 2.94, the terms of the two longest-
serving Sustainability Commissioners shall expire on January 30, 2025, and the
terms of the remaining three Commissioners shall expire on January 30, 2027.
H.For purposes of this Ordinance, “longest-serving” shall be determined by the
length of service during the Commissioner’s current term, and shall not include
the length of service during any preceding term on any Commission, but shall
include the length of service of the successor to any Commissioner serving a
partial term.
I.In the event that two or more Commissioners or appointed committee members
have served terms of equal length that would otherwise each qualify to be
lengthened or shortened by Paragraphs A through G of this Section 1, the City
Clerk shall draw lots to determine the resulting term of each such Commissioner
or committee member such that the members’ terms expire on the dates set forth
in Sections A through H.
SECTION 2: Adoption of Municipal Code Amendments.
A.Section 2.86.020 of the Municipal Code is revised as follows:
A.The Housing Commission members must be residents of Cupertino.
B.In selection of commissioners, the City Council may give priority to:
1.Applicants who represent the Community Development Block Grant
CDBG) target areas as described in the city's Consolidated Plan.
2.Applicants who are familiar with the operation of affordable housing;
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Ordinance No. 24-2256
Page 3
3.Applicants who represent non-profit community organizations; and
4.Applicants who are knowledgeable about the housing needs of groups
targeted for affordable housing development which include, but are not
limited to, the following:
2.Single parent families,
3.Homeless persons,
4.Families of low income,
5.Disabled persons,
7.First time homebuyers.
5.Representatives of a business located in Cupertino, and in doing so may
waive any residency requirement so long as the business is located in
B.Section 2.94.010 of the Municipal Code is revised as follows:
A.The Sustainability Commission of the City of Cupertino is established. The
Sustainability Commission (hereinafter referred to in this Chapter as
Commission") shall consist of five members as follows:
1.One representative from a Cupertino-based primary, secondary, or higher
educational institution;
2.Four community members.
B.Commission members who are representatives of an educational institution
are not required to be Cupertino residents, but the educational institution must be
located in Cupertino. The four community members must be residents of
C.In selection of community members, the City Council may give priority to:
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Ordinance No. 24-2256
Page 4
1.Applicants who represent the target sectors and partners as described in the
Cupertino Climate Action Plan (hereinafter referred to in this Chapter as "CAP").
2.Applicants who are familiar with climate change mitigation and adaptation
strategies, greenhouse gas emissions inventories, resource and utility
conservation, sustainability and behavior change.
3.Applicants who represent non-profit community organizations and
environmental interest groups.
4.Representatives of a business located in Cupertino, and in doing so may
waive any residency requirement so long as the business is located in Cupertino.
D.None of these representatives shall be officials or employees of the City, nor
cohabit with, as defined by law, nor be related by blood or marriage to any other
member of the Commission, to the City Manager or to any staff person(s) who
may be assigned to assist this Commission.
E.Members of the Commission shall be appointed by the City Council.
F.The Sustainability Manager, or his or her designee, shall provide technical
assistance to the Commission.
SECTION 3: Severability and Continuity.
The City Council declares that each section, sub-section, paragraph, sub-paragraph,
sentence, clause and phrase of this ordinance is severable and independent of every
other section, sub-section, paragraph, sub-paragraph, sentence, clause and phrase of
this ordinance. If any section, sub-section, paragraph, sub-paragraph, sentence, clause
or phrase of this ordinance is held invalid, or its application to any person or
circumstance, be determined by a court of competent jurisdiction to be unlawful,
unenforceable or otherwise void, the City Council declares that it would have adopted
the remaining provisions of this ordinance irrespective of such portion, and further
declares its express intent that the remaining portions of this ordinance should remain
in effect after the invalid portion has been eliminated. To the extent the provisions of
this Ordinance are substantially the same as previous provisions of the Cupertino
Municipal Code, these provisions shall be construed as continuations of those
provisions and not as an amendment to or readoption of the earlier provisions.
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Ordinance No. 24-2256
Page 5
SECTION 4: Effective Date.
This Ordinance shall take effect thirty days after adoption as provided by Government
Code Section 36937.
SECTION 5: Publication.
The City Clerk shall give notice of adoption of this Ordinance as required by law.
Pursuant to Government Code Section 36933, a summary of this Ordinance may be
prepared by the City Clerk and published in lieu of publication of the entire text. The
City Clerk shall post in the office of the City Clerk a certified copy of the full text of the
Ordinance listing the names of the City Council members voting for and against the
INTRODUCED at a regular meeting of the Cupertino City Council on March 5,
2024 and ENACTED at a regular meeting of the Cupertino City Council on March 19,
2024 by the following vote:
Members of the City Council
AYES: Mohan, Fruen, Chao, Moore, Wei
NOES: None
Shelia Mohan, Mayor
City of Cupertino
Kirsten Squarcia, City Clerk Date
Christopher D. Jensen, City Attorney Date
Christopher D. Jensen Mar 26, 2024
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Ordinance No. 24-2256
Final Audit Report 2024-03-26
Created:2024-03- 26
By:Araceli Alejandre (
Transaction ID:CBJCHBCAABAANpfHY3Zdb4acNSsIaue4DzROaZCxa5jP
Ordinance No. 24-2256" History
Document created by Araceli Alejandre (
2024-03- 26 - 8:58: 30 PM GMT- IP address:
Document emailed to for signature
2024-03- 26 - 9:00: 44 PM GMT
Email viewed by
2024-03- 26 - 9:14: 26 PM GMT- IP address:
Signer entered name at signing as Christopher D. Jensen
2024-03- 26 - 9:14: 56 PM GMT- IP address:
Document e-signed by Christopher D. Jensen (
Signature Date: 2024-03-26 - 9:14: 58 PM GMT - Time Source: server- IP address: 174. 194. 129.51
Agreement completed.
2024-03- 26 - 9:14: 58 PM GMT
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I, KIRSTEN SQUARCIA, City Clerk and ex-officio Clerk of the
City Council of the City of Cupertino, California, do hereby
certify the attached to be a true and correct copy of Ordinance No.
24-2256 which was enacted on March 19, 2024, and that it has been
published or posted pursuant to law (G.C. 40806).
IN WITNESS WHEREOF, I have hereunto set my hand and
seal this 27th day of March 2024.
KIRSTEN SQUARCIA, City Clerk and Ex-officio Clerk
of the City Council of the City of Cupertino, California
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WHEREAS, the City of Cupertino wishes to establish uniform terms and
conditions of office for advisory commissions; and
WHEREAS, there are within the City of Cupertino many citizens with talent,
expertise, and experience who wish to serve the community; and
WHEREAS, the City Council believes it is important to provide these citizens
the opportunity to contribute to their community;
NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED that the City Council of the City of
Cupertino rescinds Resolution No. 16-137 and establishes the following rules
governing recruitment, appointment, and reappointment to City of Cupertino
Advisory bodies.
1.Two months before regular terms expire, or immediately following
receipt of a resignation, the City Clerk distributes the vacancy notice
through a broad variety of resources when available, such as:
The Cupertino Scene
The Cupertino Courier
The World Journal
The Cupertino City Channel
City Hall bulletin board
The City Clerk’s Office
The Cupertino Library
The Cupertino Chamber of Commerce
Cupertino City Web site
Other organizations that the City Clerk determine to be appropriate
to solicit applications for the vacant positions
All persons with applications on file for that particular commission
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Resolution No.24-022
Page 2
2.Two months before regular terms expire, the City Clerk’s Office also
distributes the vacancy notice to the following individuals:
Members and interested residents registered with the Cupertino
Citizen Corps, including Community Emergency Response Team
CERT), Medical Reserve Corps, and Cupertino Amateur Radio in
Emergency Services (CARES)
Neighborhood Block Leaders and Neighborhood Watch volunteers
Individuals who have signed up for notification for City Council
meetings or commission meetings
3.All vacancy notices and posting shall be done in accordance with the
provisions of the Maddy Act, California Government Code 54970 et seq.
Specifically, vacancy notices shall be posted for a minimum of 10 days.
4.Applications will remain active for one year after Council review. After
that time, applicants shall submit a new application if they wish to
remain on the list for consideration.
5.Those persons with applications on file within one year of Council
review are advised of the vacancy by the City Clerk and may activate
that application. Upon receipt of the vacancy notice, the applicant must
contact the City Clerk’s Office and ask that the application be
6.An applicant may file for a maximum of two commissions at any one
application period.
7.A member of an advisory body, having completed two consecutive
terms, must wait two years after the term would have normally ended
before being eligible to apply for the same commission or committee.
8.Application forms will be available on the City’s website.
9.No application shall be accepted after the deadline.
10.When the final deadline has passed, the City Clerk’s Office will email
applicants the date, time and location of the interviews along with
sample questions to consider.
11.The City Clerk’s Office will copy the applicants’ written material for
Councilmembers. The written material will also be available for public
review in the City Clerk’s Office.17
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Resolution No.24-022
Page 3
1.When Council meets to conduct interviews, it is a public meeting subject
to the Brown Act and therefore open to the public. The candidates will
be asked by the City Clerk (either in person or by written instructions
left in the waiting area) to remain seated in the waiting area until they
are called in for the interview. Candidates will also be asked to return
to the waiting area until the announcement of the vote, or to go home
and contact the City Clerk’s Office the next day regarding the results.
However, all applicants and members of the public have the option of
remaining in the room for any or all of the meeting.
2.The City Manager or their designee shall establish criteria for service on
each commission or committee based on familiarity with the subject
matter of the commission or committee and/or demonstrated ability to
conduct the work of the advisory body. The City Manager or their
designee shall consult with advisory body members in developing the
criteria for service and shall notify all interested applicants of the
criteria. The City Manager or their designee shall advise Council as to
which applicants meet established criteria for service but shall present
all candidates meeting Municipal Code requirements to the City
Council for interviews. Council retains full discretion to appoint the
candidate of its choosing.
3.The order in which interviews are scheduled to take place will be
determined by a drawing of names. The City Clerk will do this in
4.Interviews are informal and usually last 5-8 minutes. Councilmembers
are looking for:
Familiarity with the subject and/or demonstrated ability to conduct
the work of the advisory body
Decision-making ability
Commitment to the position for which they have applied
5.Appointments will be made following a vote in public. The City Clerk
will announce the votes.
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Resolution No.24-022
Page 4
1.If a vacancy occurs for an unexpired term and interviews for
appointment to that advisory body have been conducted within the
previous ninety days, the unexpired term may be filled from those
applications following the required posting of the vacancy.
2.The notice of unscheduled vacancy shall be posted no earlier than 20
days before nor later than 20 days after the vacancy occurs, and at least
10 working days before appointment. The notice of unscheduled
vacancy must be posted in the Office of the City Clerk, at the City Hall
bulletin board, at the Cupertino Library, and in other places designated
by the City Clerk.
3.A member shall be considered removed from an advisory body under
the following conditions:
A member misses more than three consecutive meetings
A member misses more than 25% of the advisory body’s regular
meetings in a calendar year
A member fails to comply with legally required training or conflict of
interest reporting requirements after receiving notice and a 30-day
opportunity to correct the noncompliance. A member who has failed
to complete any mandated or legally required training or reporting
requirement shall be precluded from participating in advisory body
meetings as a member of such body.
4.It is the responsibility of the advisory body’s staff liaison to notify the
City Clerk of a member’s attendance record to allow sufficient time to
send a warning notice if the member has missed three consecutive
meetings or 25% of the regular meetings, and to send a termination
notice if the member has missed more than three consecutive meetings
or more than 25% of the regular meetings in a calendar year.
5.A member who has been removed from an advisory body for
inadequate attendance, failure to complete a legally required training,
or noncompliance with conflict of interest reporting requirements may
request a waiver of this provision by submitting a letter to the City
Council setting forth the reason for the absences and confirming future
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Resolution No.24-022
Page 5
1.Term limit restrictions listed in this resolution do not apply to
temporary appointments for unexpired terms.
2.All provisions of this resolution shall apply unless otherwise decided by
the City Council on a case-by-case basis.
3.In the event that any provision of this resolution conflicts with the
provisions of any other ordinance or City Council resolution governing
a particular advisory body, the provisions of the ordinance or the
resolution governing the particular advisory body shall prevail.
PASSED AND ADOPTED at a regular meeting of the City Council of the City of
Cupertino this 5th day of March, 2024, by the following vote:
Members of the City Council
AYES: Mohan, Fruen, Chao, Moore
Sheila Mohan, Mayor
City of Cupertino
Kirsten Squarcia, City Clerk Date
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Applicants interviewing for two commissions are allocated one additional minute during their interview.
Applicant # Time: Name Notes Resident
1 6:05 Mansoor Ahmed Audit No
2 6:11 Sophie Yan Song Audit No
3 6:17 Bobby Toda Public Safety Incumbent Yes
4 6:23 Ravi Kiran Singh SAPAHARAM Public Safety Library Yes
5 6:30 Lloyd Dickman Public Safety Yes
6 6:36 Sashikala Begur Public Safety Parks and Recreation Yes
7 6:43 Ashwin Murthy Public Safety Arts and Culture Yes
8 6:50 Bhavin Merchant Public Safety Yes
9 6:56 Satyendra Jenamani Public Safety Yes
10 7:02 Raj Abhyanker Public Safety Yes
11 7:08 Jack Carter Sustainability Bike Ped Yes
12 7:15 Padmaja Gogineni Sustainability Yes
13 7:21 Sonali Padgaonkar Sustainability Incumbent Yes
14 7:27 Xiangchen Xu Library Arts and Culture Yes
15 7:34 Chandrasekaran Sakthivel Library Housing Yes
16 7:41 Liyan Zhao Library Incumbent Yes
7:47 BREAK ‐ 15 minutes
17 8:02 Munisekaran Madhdhipatla Planning Bike Ped Planning Incumbent Yes
18 8:09 Archana Panda Planning Arts and Culture Yes
19 8:16 Tejesh Mistry Planning Incumbent Yes
20 8:22 Sunita Merchia Planning Housing Yes
21 8:29 AJITHKUMAR DASARI Planning Yes
22 8:35 Sanjiv Kapil Planning Yes
23 8:41 Susan Chen Planning Arts and Culture Yes
24 8:48 Santosh Rao Planning Yes
25 8:54 Steven Scharf Planning Incumbent Yes
26 9:00 Nisar Ali Planning Parks and Recreation Yes
27 9:07 Tracy Kosolcharoen Plannng Yes
28 9:13 Govind Tatachari Planning Yes
29 9:19 Usha Narayan Planning Housing Yes
30 9:26 Angan Das Planning Housing Housing Incumbent Yes
31 9:33 Swaha Bhattacharya Arts and Culture Yes
32 9:39 Parth Bharwad Public Safety Bike Ped Yes
33 9:46 Laura Capitana Public Safety No
34 9:52 Amrita Ghosh Public Safety Sustainability Yes
9:59 End
Commission(s) Applied For
Commission Interview Schedule
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WHEREAS, the City intends to provide efficient, effective and equitable governmental
services to all of Cupertino, and
WHEREAS, respect for all cultures, and other demographic differences is the foundation
of Cupertino’s future, and
WHEREAS Cupertino’s residents are its most important resource, their cultural and
economic diversity provides the living fabric that binds Cupertino together, and
WHEREAS, the involvement and commitment of the entire Cupertino community
produces a better quality of life with residents and city government working in partnership, and
WHEREAS, it is vital in maintaining a high performing, productive city government in
which each resident and each city employee is valued for his or her unique gifts and talents, that
the city capitalize on the innovation inherent within the community and within city government,
WHEREAS, the City of Cupertino recognize that diversity includes culture, gender, age
and other important demographic differences within the City and that valuing each diversity is
fundamental in the way the City provides services to its residents, and
WHEREAS, the City believes that diverse city commissions and committees provide
advantages offered by a variety of diverse perspectives and in increasing the City’s ability to
serve its diverse population.
I. Commissions and Committees
A. To foster comprehensive representation within advisory commissions and
committees, it would be advantageous for new members to represent the
community by such factors as culture, gender, age, and location of residency
within the city.
B. In the conduct of their business, commission and committee members shall
pursue the benefit of a variety of perspectives in making decisions.
C. Commissions and committees increase the city’s potential, effectiveness and
creativity as an organization by offering a wide range of approaches and
perspectives to addressing issues and solving problems.
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Resolution No. 03-203
II. Other means of communicating this policy to the general public
The City of Cupertino’s embracing of diversity will also be communicated and
reflected through such means as festivals and events, recreation and education
programs, public art, city publications and media programming.
III. Dissemination and enforcement of this policy
This policy shall be incorporated into the following:
1) All notices seeking commission and committee applications;
2) Shall be adopted by the City Manager as an administrative procedure,
who shall be responsible for the implementation of this policy. From
time to time, the City Manager will report the status of such
implementation to the City Council;
3) Shall be posted at both the City Clerk’s Office and at the City’s
Department of Human Resources.
PASSED AND ADOPTED at a regular meeting of the City Council of the City of
Cupertino this 3rd day of November 2003, by the following vote:
Vote Members of the City Council
AYES: Chang, James, Lowenthal, Kwok, Sandoval
NOES: None
/s/ Kimberly Smith /s/ Michael Chang
______________________ _______________________
City Clerk Mayor, City of Cupertino
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1. Tell us why you chose this Commission and how your
background has supported this decision.
2. Commissions are generally advisory in nature. What does this
mean to you?
3. Your role would be to represent the community over your
personal preferences. How would you ensure you are connected
to what the community wants?
4. Are you familiar with any guiding documents that the City has in
place that set forth the goals for the subject of the Commission?
If so, what?
5. How would you come up to speed with the topics the
Commission concerns itself with?
City Committees and Commissions are subject to the Political Reform
Act and members are required to submit Statements of Economic Interest
upon appointment and annually thereafter.
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Applications are available in the City Clerk’s Office 408-777-3223.
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Arts and Culture Commission
Rani Agrawal Partial term expires: 1/30/25
Vacant Term expires: 1/30/25
Vacant Partial term expires: 1/30/27
David Wang Term expires: 1/30/27
Kiran Rohra Term expires: 1/30/27
Audit Committee
Angela Chen Partial term expires: 1/30/25
Eno Shmidt First term expires: 1/30/27
Hanyan Wu First term expires: 1/30/27
Bicycle Pedestrian Commission
Ilango Ganga First term expires: 1/30/25
Grace John First term expires: 1/30/25
Vacant Partial term expires: 1/30/27
Hervé Marcy First term expires: 1/30/27
Joel Wolf First term expires: 1/30/27
Housing Commission
Angan Das First term expires: 1/30/25
Govind Tatachari First term expires: 1/30/25
Yuyi He First term expires: 1/30/27
Ryan Golze First term expires: 1/30/27
Connie Cunningham Second term expires: 1/30/27
Library Commission
Archana Panda First term expires: 1/30/25
Liyan Zhao First term expires: 1/30/25
Sheela Sreekanth First term expires: 1/30/25
Janki Chokshi First term expires: 1/30/27
Qin Pan Second term expires: 1/30/27
Parks and Recreation Commission
Hemant Buch First term expires: 1/30/25
Jennifer Shearin First term expires: 1/30/25
Seema Swamy First term expires: 1/30/25
Claudio Bono First term expires: 1/30/25
Carol Stanek Second term expires: 1/30/27
Planning Commission
Muni Madhdhipatla First term expires: 1/30/25
Steven Scharf First term expires: 1/30/25
Tejesh Mistry Partial term expires: 1/30/25
David Fung First term expires: 1/30/27
Seema Lindskog First term expires: 1/30/27
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Public Safety Commission
Bobby Toda First term expires: 1/30/25
Vacant Term expires: 1/30/25
Neal Evans First term expires: 1/30/27
Nirmalendu Das First term expires: 1/30/27
Sidharth Rajaram First term expires: 1/30/27
Sustainability Commission
Sonali Padgaonkar First term expires: 1/30/25
Steve Poon First term expires: 1/30/25
Alexander Fung First term expires: 1/30/27
Conny Yang First term expires: 1/30/27
Susan Hansen First term expires: 1/30/27
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Arts & Culture Jan Feb Mar Apr May June July Aug Sep Oct Nov Dec Total
Rani Agrawal A1 P X, SP-P X SP -P P SP-P, X 1 6 17%
Dana Ford - resigned 3/25/2024 P P 0 60%
Carol Maa - resigned 7/11/2024 P P X, SP-A 0 60%
Kiran Varshneya Rohra P P X, SP-A X SP-P P SP-P, X 0 60%
David Wang P P X, SP-P X SP-P P SP-P, X 0 60%
Audit Committee Jan Feb Mar Apr May June July Aug Sep Oct Nov Dec Total
Angela Chen X SP-P A1 SP-P P X, SP-A A2 2 4 50%
Eno Schmidt SP-P P SP-P P X, SP-P P 0 40%
Hung Wei X SP-P P SP-P A1 X, SP-A A2 2 4 50%
Sheila Mohan X SP-P P SP-P P X, SP-P P 0 40%
Hanyan Wu SP-P P SP-P A1 X, SP-P P 1 4 25%
Bicycle Pedestrian Jan Feb Mar Apr May June July Aug Sep Oct Nov Dec Total
Ilango Ganga X, SP-P X, SP-P X, SP-P P P SP-P, X X P X P X X 0 12 0%
Grace John X, SP-P X, SP-P X, SP-A P P SP-A, X X A1 X P X X 1 12 8%
Herve Marcy X, SP-P X, SP-P X, SP-P P P SP-P, X X P X A1 X X 1 12 8%
Joel Wolf X, SP-P X, SP-P X, SP-P P P SP-P, X X P X P X X 0 12 0%
John Zhao - resigned 7/27/2024 X, SP-A X, SP-A X, SP-P P A1 SP-P, X 1 12 8%
Housing Jan Feb Mar Apr May June Jul Aug Sept Oct Nov Dec Total
Connie Cunningham P P P P SP-P 0 40%
Angan Das P P P P SP-P 0 40%
Yuyi He P P P P SP-P 0 40%
Ryan Golze (Business Rep.) P P P P SP-P 0 40%
Govind Tatachari P P P P SP-P 0 40%
sp = special meeting (does not count towards regular attendance)
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Library Jan Feb Mar Apr May June July Aug Sept Oct Nov Dec Total
Qin Pan P X SP-A P P P P 0 60%
Archana Panda P X SP-P P P P P 0 60%
Sheela Sreekanth P X SP-P A1 P P P 1 6 17%
Janki Chokshi P X SP-P P A1 P P 1 6 17%
Liyan Zhao P X SP-P P P P P 0 60%
Parks & Recreation Jan Feb Mar Apr May June July Aug Sept Oct Nov Dec Total
Jennifer Shearin X, SP-P P P P X X, SP-P X P P A1 P X 1 12 8%
Carol Stanek X, SP-P P P P X X, SP-P X A1 A2 P P X 2 12 17%
Seema Swamy X, SP-P P P A1 X X, SP-A X P P A2 P X 2 12 17%
Hemant Buch X, SP-P P P P X X, SP-A X A1 P P P X 1 12 8%
Claudio Bono P P P X X, SP-P X P P P P X 0 12 0%
Public Safety Jan Feb March Apr May June July Aug Sept Oct Nov Dec Total
Neal Evans P P X P P 0 60%
Bobby Toda A1 P P X P P 1 6 17%
Rohan Pandit - resigned 3/14/2024 P 0 60%
Sidharth Rajaram P P X P P 0 60%
Nirmalendu Das P P X P A1 1 6 17%
Planning Commission Jan Feb Mar Apr May Jun Jul Aug Sep Oct Nov Dec
David Fung X P, P P, X P, X, SP-P X, P A1, X X, X X, X P, X P, X X, X P, X 1 24 4%
Seema Lindskog X P, P P, X P, X, SP-P X, P P, X X, X X, X P, X P, X X, X P, X
0 24 0%
Muni Madhdhipatla X P, P A1, X P, X, SP-P X, P P, X X, X X, X P, X P, X X, X P, X 1 24 4%
Steven Scharf X P, P P, X P, X, SP-P X, P P, X X, X X, X P, X A1, X X, X P, X
1 24 4%
Tejesh Mistry X P, P P, X A1, X, SP-P X, P P, X X, X X, X P, X P, X X, X P, X
1 24 4%
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Sustainability Jan Feb Mar Apr May June July Aug Sept Oct Nov Dec Total
Steven Poon P P P P 0 40%
Sonali Padgaonkar P P P P 0 40%
Alexander Fung P P P 0 40%
Conny Yang P P P 0 40%
Susan Hansen (Educational Rep)P P P 0 40%
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Ethics Training Filer Report
Agency Last Name First Name Position Filing Type Due Date Filed Date
Arts and Culture Commission Agrawal Rani Arts and Culture Commissioner Initial 04/22/2024 05/21/2023
Arts and Culture Commission Varshneya
Rohra Kiran Arts and Culture Commissioner Initial 02/09/2024 03/02/2023
Arts and Culture Commission Wang David Arts and Culture Commissioner Initial 02/21/2024 03/04/2023
Audit Committee Chen Angela Audit Committee Member Subsequent 09/29/2023 09/13/2023
Audit Committee Schmidt Eno Audit Committee Member Initial 02/05/2025 02/22/2024
Audit Committee Wu Hanyan Audit Committee Member Initial 02/18/2025 02/22/2024
Bicycle Pedestrian Commission Ganga Ilango Bicycle Pedestrian Commissioner Subsequent 02/27/2023 02/26/2023
Bicycle Pedestrian Commission John Grace Bicycle Pedestrian Commissioner Initial 05/05/2023 04/05/2023
Bicycle Pedestrian Commission Marcy Hervé Bicycle Pedestrian Commissioner Initial 02/21/2024 03/01/2024
Bicycle Pedestrian Commission Wolf Joel Bicycle Pedestrian Commissioner Initial 02/21/2024 12/25/2023
Housing Commission Cunningham Connie Housing Commissioner Subsequent 02/24/2025 01/02/2025
Housing Commission Das Angan Housing Commissioner Subsequent 02/27/2024 03/14/2024
Housing Commission Golze Ryan Housing Commissioner Initial 02/12/2025 03/13/2024
Housing Commission He Yuyi Housing Commissioner Initial 02/05/2025 03/04/2024
Housing Commission Parish Tessa Housing Commissioner Subsequent 02/27/2023 02/24/2023
Housing Commission Tatachari Govind Housing Commissioner Subsequent 02/20/2024 03/07/2024
Library Commission Chokshi Janki Library Commissioner Subsequent 02/27/2025 01/07/2025
Library Commission Pan Qin Library Commissioner Subsequent 02/27/2023 03/04/2023
Library Commission Panda Archana Library Commissioner Subsequent 03/31/2023 02/22/2024
Library Commission Sreekanth Sheela Library Commissioner Subsequent 02/27/2023 03/25/2024
Library Commission Zhao Liyan Library Commissioner Subsequent 02/13/2023 02/08/2023
Parks and Recreation
Commission Bono Claudio Parks and Recreation Commissioner Initial 01/31/2025 02/12/2024
Parks and Recreation
Commission Buch Hemant Parks and Recreation Commissioner Initial 02/02/2024 03/18/2024
Parks and Recreation
Commission Shearin Jennifer Bicycle Pedestrian Commissioner Initial 02/02/2024 02/03/2023
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Ethics Training Filer Report
Parks and Recreation
Commission Stanek Carol Parks and Recreation Commissioner Subsequent 12/23/2024 12/04/2024
Parks and Recreation
Commission Swamy Seema Parks and Recreation Commissioner Initial 02/02/2023 06/21/2023
Planning Commission Fung David Planning Commissioner Initial 02/09/2024 02/27/2024
Planning Commission Lindskog Seema Planning Commissioner Subsequent 03/03/2025 03/18/2024
Planning Commission Madhdhipatla Muni Planning Commissioner Subsequent 02/27/2023 03/20/2023
Planning Commission Mistry Tejesh Planning Commissioner Initial 03/25/2024 03/29/2023
Planning Commission Scharf Steven Planning Commissioner Subsequent 09/17/2024 04/27/2024
Public Safety Commission Das Nirmalendu Public Safety Commissioner Initial 02/12/2025 01/02/2025
Public Safety Commission Evans Neal Public Safety Commissioner Initial 02/05/2025 01/02/2025
Public Safety Commission Rajaram Sidharth Public Safety Commissioner Initial 02/12/2025 03/30/2024
Public Safety Commission Toda Bobby Public Safety Commissioner Subsequent 11/18/2024 08/30/2024
Sustainability Commission Fung Alexander Sustainability Commissioner Initial 02/05/2025 02/26/2024
Sustainability Commission Padgaonkar Sonali Sustainability Commissioner Initial 02/10/2023 04/17/2024
Sustainability Commission Poon Steve Sustainability Commissioner Subsequent 02/27/2024 03/18/2024
Sustainability Commission Yang Conny Sustainability Commissioner Initial 02/18/2025 02/18/2024
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Form 700 Filer Report
Agency Last Name First Name Position Filing Type Due Date Filed Date
Arts and Culture Commission Agrawal Rani Arts and Culture Commissioner Annual 04/02/2024 04/16/2024
Arts and Culture Commission Varshneya
Rohra Kiran Arts and Culture Commissioner Annual 04/02/2024 03/25/2024
Arts and Culture Commission Wang David Arts and Culture Commissioner Annual 04/02/2024 03/20/2024
Audit Committee Chen Angela Audit Committee Member Annual 04/02/2024 02/04/2024
Audit Committee Schmidt Eno Audit Committee Member Assuming 03/06/2024 02/20/2024
Audit Committee Wu Hanyan Audit Committee Member Assuming 03/18/2024 03/19/2024
Bicycle Pedestrian Commission Ganga Ilango Bicycle Pedestrian Commissioner Annual 04/02/2024 03/27/2024
Bicycle Pedestrian Commission John Grace Bicycle Pedestrian Commissioner Annual 04/02/2024 03/30/2024
Bicycle Pedestrian Commission Marcy Hervé Bicycle Pedestrian Commissioner Annual 04/02/2024 03/31/2024
Bicycle Pedestrian Commission Wolf Joel Bicycle Pedestrian Commissioner Annual 04/02/2024 02/17/2024
Housing Commission Cunningham Connie Housing Commissioner Annual 04/02/2024 02/06/2024
Housing Commission Das Angan Housing Commissioner Annual 04/02/2024 02/10/2024
Housing Commission Golze Ryan Housing Commissioner Assuming 03/13/2024 03/12/2024
Housing Commission He Yuyi Housing Commissioner Assuming 03/06/2024 03/04/2024
Housing Commission Tatachari Govind Housing Commissioner Annual 04/02/2024 04/01/2024
Library Commission Chokshi Janki Library Commissioner Annual 04/02/2024 03/12/2024
Library Commission Pan Qin Library Commissioner Annual 04/02/2024 04/03/2024
Library Commission Panda Archana Library Commissioner Annual 04/02/2024 02/22/2024
Library Commission Sreekanth Sheela Library Commissioner Annual 04/02/2024 03/21/2024
Library Commission Zhao Liyan Library Commissioner Annual 04/02/2024 02/02/2024
Parks and Recreation
Commission Bono Claudio Parks and Recreation Commissioner Assuming 03/01/2024 02/12/2024
Parks and Recreation
Commission Buch Hemant Parks and Recreation Commissioner Annual 04/02/2024 02/09/2024
Parks and Recreation
Commission Shearin Jennifer Parks and Recreation Commissioner Annual 04/02/2024 02/01/2024
Parks and Recreation
Commission Stanek Carol Parks and Recreation Commissioner Annual 04/02/2024 02/03/2024
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Form 700 Filer Report
Parks and Recreation
Commission Swamy Seema Parks and Recreation Commissioner Annual 04/02/2024 04/03/2024
Planning Commission Fung David Planning Commissioner Annual 04/02/2024 02/04/2024
Planning Commission Lindskog Seema Planning Commissioner Annual 04/02/2024 03/09/2024
Planning Commission Madhdhipatla Muni Planning Commissioner Annual 04/02/2024 02/27/2024
Planning Commission Mistry Tejesh Planning Commissioner Annual 04/02/2024 03/04/2024
Planning Commission Scharf Steven Planning Commissioner Annual 04/02/2024 03/31/2024
Public Safety Commission Das Nirmalendu Public Safety Commissioner Assuming 03/13/2024 02/17/2024
Public Safety Commission Evans Neal Public Safety Commissioner Assuming 03/06/2024 02/17/2024
Public Safety Commission Rajaram Sidharth Public Safety Commissioner Assuming 03/13/2024 03/09/2024
Public Safety Commission Toda Bobby Public Safety Commissioner Annual 04/02/2024 03/13/2024
Sustainability Commission Fung Alexander Sustainability Commissioner Assuming 03/06/2024 02/26/2024
Sustainability Commission Hansen Susan Sustainability Commissioner Assuming 03/06/2024 03/04/2024
Sustainability Commission Padgaonkar Sonali Sustainability Commissioner Annual 04/02/2024 04/05/2024
Sustainability Commission Poon Steve Sustainability Commissioner Annual 04/02/2024 02/12/2024
Sustainability Commission Yang Conny Sustainability Commissioner Assuming 03/18/2024 03/18/2024
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