CC 01-22-2025 Item No. 9 Approve an agreement with Advanced Systems Group, LLC_Written Communications (2)CC 01-22-2025 Item No. 9 Approve an agreement with Advanced Systems Group, LLC Written Communications From:Pamela Wu To:Liang Chao Cc:Tina Kapoor; Teri Gerhardt, CGCIO; City Clerk; Christopher Jensen Subject:RE: Questions on ITEM 9 - Impact on Council meetings, EOC, Project Creep Date:Wednesday, January 22, 2025 11:13:13 AM Mayor Chao, these questions will be included in today’s written comm. Pamela Wu​​​​ City Manager City Manager's Office PamelaW@cupertino.gov (408)777-1322 From: Liang Chao <LChao@cupertino.gov> Sent: Wednesday, January 22, 2025 8:48 AM To: Pamela Wu <PamelaW@cupertino.gov> Cc: Tina Kapoor <TinaK@cupertino.gov>; Teri Gerhardt, CGCIO <TeriG@cupertino.gov> Subject: Questions on ITEM 9 - Impact on Council meetings, EOC, Project Creep Please help answer these concerns/questions from Peggy, which likely are shared by other community members: Q1 (from Peggy G.): EOC…Can these funds be used for the EOC instead? The EOC is communications, video, etc. If they can be used for our EOC then has the decision been made that Community Hall is where the EOC will be located permanently? Q2 (from Peggy G.): Impact on availability of Community Hall for Council meetings… -Will there be a disruption? -If so, how long and can it be prevented? Where would these meetings be held? This contract indicates it will be done August 2027! Would Community Hall be unusable Council meetings for the next 2 years? Q3 (from Peggy G.): Project creep…Although Quinlan was upgraded by this company in 2022 (see Attachment A-Draft Agreement.pdf, page 33 of 52), will it need to be upgraded again to work with this new system? If so, this is project creep where this would be an additional increase in budget. Q4 (from Peggy G.): Staff time…How much staff time will this project take and by whom? My concern is using valuable staff time which would take away from a more critical project such as the EOC. Q5 (from Peggy G.): Can this project be delayed to allow the EOC and City Hall upgrades to be completed first? If so, can some of these funds be used there? Thank you for addressing these concerns. Liang Liang Chao​​​​ Mayor City Council LChao@cupertino.gov 408-777-3192 From: Peggy Griffin <griffin@compuserve.com> Sent: Tuesday, January 21, 2025 3:00 PM To: City Council <CityCouncil@cupertino.org> Cc: City Clerk <CityClerk@cupertino.org> Subject: 2025-01-22 City Council Meeting - PULL ITEM 9 CONSENT - Impact on Council meetings, EOC, Project Creep CAUTION: This email originated from outside of the organization. Do not click links or open attachments unless you recognize the sender and know the content is safe. Dear Mayor Chao, Vice Mayor Moore, Councilmembers and Staff, Please PULL CONSENT ITEM 9. This project needs to be discussed, please. It has the potential to impact the EOC funding, Council meetings and take staff resources. My concerns are: Q1: EOC…Can these funds be used for the EOC instead? The EOC is communications, video, etc. If they can be used for our EOC then has the decision been made that Community Hall is where the EOC will be located permanently? Q2: Impact on availability of Community Hall for Council meetings… -Will there be a disruption? -If so, how long and can it be prevented? Where would these meetings be held? This contract indicates it will be done August 2027! Would Community Hall be unusable Council meetings for the next 2 years? Q3: Project creep…Although Quinlan was upgraded by this company in 2022 (see Attachment A-Draft Agreement.pdf, page 33 of 52), will it need to be upgraded again to work with this new system? If so, this is project creep where this would be an additional increase in budget. Q4: Staff time…How much staff time will this project take and by whom? My concern is using valuable staff time which would take away from a more critical project such as the EOC. Q5: Can this project be delayed to allow the EOC and City Hall upgrades to be completed first? If so, can some of these funds be used there? Sincerely, Peggy Griffin From:Pamela Wu To:Liang Chao Cc:Teri Gerhardt, CGCIO; City Clerk; Christopher Jensen Subject:RE: Questions on ITEM 9 - $1.2M Community Hall broadcast upgrade Date:Wednesday, January 22, 2025 11:08:31 AM Attachments:image002.png image003.png Mayor Chao, we will include your question below as today’s written communication. Pamela Pamela Wu​​​​ City Manager City Manager's Office PamelaW@cupertino.gov (408)777-1322 From: Liang Chao <LChao@cupertino.gov> Sent: Wednesday, January 22, 2025 10:36 AM To: Pamela Wu <PamelaW@cupertino.gov> Cc: Teri Gerhardt, CGCIO <TeriG@cupertino.gov> Subject: Re: Questions on ITEM 9 - $1.2M Community Hall broadcast upgrade Really appreciate all the answers to my questions. Appreciate it. I am still going to pull this item specifically for transparency because this is an item which was NOT in the adopted FY 2024-25 budget. Thus, I do not think such item with additional expenditure, even if covered by a special fund with designated purpose, should be approved as a Consent Item. One more question: What technology upgrade is necessary to support hybrid meetings for commission meetings held in the Quinlan Center? Thanks, Liang Liang Chao​​​​ Mayor City Council LChao@cupertino.gov 408-777-3192 From: Liang Chao <LChao@cupertino.gov> Sent: Tuesday, January 21, 2025 2:40 AM To: Pamela Wu <PamelaW@cupertino.gov> Cc: Teri Gerhardt, CGCIO <TeriG@cupertino.gov> Subject: Re: Questions on ITEM 9 - $1.2M Community Hall broadcast upgrade Additional questions: AQ1: Needs: AQ1-1: There have been no complaints for the City's audio/video quality from the public at all. It is unclear why the Community Hall needs an integrated system when the number of meetings it support are reduced since the Parks and Rec Commission meetings are moved to Quinlan. It is unclear why the City needs to hire an external consultant to have a feasibility study at all when incremental upgrades are usually suggested by staff as needed. AQ1-2: The real needs that I have heard from multiple community members are the needs to support hybrid meetings for the commission meetings being held in the Quinlan Center. Could we include that in the plan? AQ2: RE: Adopted buget The recommended action includes "Adopt Resolution No. 25‐XXX approving budget modification #2425‐368, increasing appropriations in the amount of $1,210,000 in the General Fund Video budget unit (100‐31‐305 900‐995), funded by restricted PEG funds." AQ2-1: Was this $1.2M item was included in the FY 2024-25 Adopted Budget? Was this item included in the FY 2024-25 CIP list for consideration? AQ2-2: If this item was included in the FY 2024-25 Adopted Budget, there is no need for a budget modification, right? AQ3: RE: PEG Funds The staff report states "Cupertino receives approximately $100,000 in PEG funds annually, with around $20,000 allocated each year for regular maintenance. Currently, the City has a PEG fund balance exceeding $1.6 million." Thus, the city saves about $80,000 per year from the PEG funds. The balance of $1.6M is about 20 years of saved up PEG funds. Is my understanding correct? AQ4: RE: The Proposal, attached to the agreement AQ4-1: From the staff report, I thought the $1.2M would include the entire video system upgrade, including the equipment. The proposal attached to the Agreement is titled "CONSULTING SERVICES FOR THE DESIGN AND IMPLEMENTATION FOR MODERNIZATION OF BROADCAST TV AND COMMUNITY HALL INTEGRATION", which seems to only include consultation, but not equipment needed. But then, I found that Phase III appears to include equipment costs. But if the Needs Analysis is not done yet, how do we know what equipment are needed and how much is the cost? How is the figure $986k for Phase III based on? AQ4-2: The Proposal states "The first part of the process is to return to the The City of Cupertino Team a conceptual design based on the Needs Analysis and discussions between ASG and The City of Cupertino in a kick-off and design charette. This design will be refined, and budget discussions will be held such that both parties are aware of how the new system will be integrated into the existing system. ASG will assign a Project Manager to facilitate the discussions and maintain a schedule. II.ASG will produce a detailed budget that will be approved by the The City of Cupertino as the basis for moving forward with the overall project." Am I to understand that this item will come to the Council agenda before Phase III, where the Council will review and approve the actual equipment, which currently is budgeted for $986k? AQ5: Please include the RFP in PDF, without requiring access to a system that requires login. AQ6: The REF selection process: The staff report states "The RFP resulted in three proposals, each of which was evaluated based on established criteria identified within the RFP. Advanced Systems Group, LLC was identified as the highest‐ranked proposer due to its strong scoring across all criteria and demonstrated knowledge of the City’s unique needs and priorities for this project." AQ6-1: How come the lowest bid measure is not used for this project? What state law permits this project to not use the lowest bid measure, as required by the state law? AQ6-2: Who are the other proposers? AQ6-3: What's their bid amount and their scores? What are they scored on? AQ6-4: The pitfall when not using the lowest bid measure is that the bidding evaluation process is not transparent and the public agency might play favors to certain bidders. Please describe the process to ensure the public that a fair and transparent process was conducted to select the chosen applicant. AQ7: It seems some of the stated purposes of the RFP, such as the feasibility study for system upgrade, do not seem to meet the criteria for PEG fund, which is limited to capital cost of the upgrade. The cost to replace LED lighting does not seem to qualify for the PEG fund either? Please clarify. Per the staff report: Allowable Expenditures: · Capital Costs: Purchase, upgrade, or maintenance of equipment (e.g., cameras, microphones, software) and facilities for PEG programming. · Infrastructure: Building or improving networks and systems for PEG channel distribution. · Technical Support: Ensuring compliance with signal quality and transmission standards. · Accessibility: Adding features like closed captioning to meet accessibility requirements. · Limited PEG Activities: Noncommercial advertising, sponsorships, or system upgrades to enhance public access. Thank you for clarifying these questions. (If any question is not answered as a part of this agenda item, please indicate when those answers would be provided. Thanks.) Liang Chao​ Mayor City Council LiangChao@cupertino.org 408-777-3192 From: Liang Chao <LChao@cupertino.gov> Sent: Monday, January 20, 2025 11:29 PM To: Pamela Wu <PamelaW@cupertino.gov> Cc: Teri Gerhardt, CGCIO <TeriG@cupertino.gov> Subject: Questions on ITEM 9 - $1.2M Community Hall broadcast upgrade Including questions from the enclosed email: Q1: What specifically has triggered this need for an upgrade? (From Peggy G) Q2: Are there problems? If so, what are they? (From Peggy G) Q3: Will this upgrade be compatible with the broadcasts currently being done at the Quinlan Center? If not, what will need to be changed, how much will it cost and how will it be funded? (From Peggy G) Q4: Will this upgrade allow the video capturing of BOTH the Council meeting and any councilmembers attending remotely as part of public record? (From Peggy G) Q5: Please verify that the funds needed for this project ALREADY EXIST in a fund and will not be using unassigned funds of any kind? (From Peggy G) Q6: What does this statement mean? (top of Page 2 of 6 of Staff Report) (From Peggy G) Thanks, Liang Liang Chao​ Mayor City Council LiangChao@cupertino.org 408-777-3192 From: Peggy Griffin <griffin@compuserve.com> Sent: Monday, January 20, 2025 10:25 PM To: City Council <CityCouncil@cupertino.org> Cc: City Clerk <CityClerk@cupertino.org> Subject: 2025-01-22 City Council Meeting - PULL ITEM 9 CONSENT - $1.2M Community Hall broadcast upgradee CAUTION: This email originated from outside of the organization. Do not click links or open attachments unless you recognize the sender and know the content is safe. PLEASE INCLUDE THIS EMAIL AS PART OF WRITTEN COMMUNICATIONS FOR THE ABOVE MEETING AGENDA IITEM. Dear Mayor Chao, Vice Mayor Moore, Councilmembers and Staff, Regarding Consent Item #9…PLEASE PULL THIS ITEM so it may be discussed and the following items discussed in public. Questions I have are: Q1: What specifically has triggered this need for an upgrade? Q2: Are there problems? If so, what are they? Q3: Will this upgrade be compatible with the broadcasts currently being done at the Quinlan Center? If not, what will need to be changed, how much will it cost and how will it be funded? Q4: Will this upgrade allow the video capturing of BOTH the Council meeting and any councilmembers attending remotely as part of public record? Q5: Please verify that the funds needed for this project ALREADY EXIST in a fund and will not be using unassigned funds of any kind? Q6: What does this statement mean? (top of Page 2 of 6 of Staff Report) Sincerely, Peggy Griffin From:Anne Ezzat To:citycounil@cupertino.org; City Clerk Subject:Consent item #8 and 9 Date:Wednesday, January 22, 2025 3:26:53 PM CAUTION: This email originated from outside of the organization. Do not click links or open attachments unless you recognize the sender and know the content is safe. Dear Mayor Chiao, Vice Mayor Moore, Council Member Freun, Council Member Mohan, and Council Member Wang, I am writing to ask you to remove item #9 from the consent calendar and would like my comments to be added to the record. I am puzzled as to why an upgrade needs to be done to the communications systems of Community Hall at this point. It will effectively muck up the ability of citizens to view council meetings, it will also have the added benefit of keeping council members from communicating with the public. The timing on this project is too precious. In addition, it will take approximately 2 years to complete. Why? My neighbors completely renovated their home, took it down to the stds and added additional space; it took them six months.. While I understand that the funds are restricted to communications projects, why can't these friends be allocated to EOC in light of what is going on with fires in Southern California? Which leads to another point, what is the current status of the city's fire plan? The people of Pacific Palisades never expected their city to turn into an inferno. Our city dodged a bullet a couple of years ago with the Santa Cruz fires a couple of years ago. We might not be so lucky next time. Regarding item #8, it is foolish and dangerous to put concrete barriers on DeAnza. What is the point of having bike trails and barriers when they are unsafe for the public? Bike trails and barriers should be placed where they can do the most good, the greatest harm. While I know the city is eager to spend down the large donation it received for bike trails, the city should consider what the best use of this money should be. Best regards, Brooke Ezzat