CC 01-22-2025 Item No. 9. Advanced Systems Group Agreement_Desk Item1
Meeting: January 22, 2025
Agenda Item #9
Approve an agreement with Advanced Systems Group, LLC., for Modernization of Broadcast TV
and Community Hall Integration for a not‐to‐exceed amount of $1,100,000, a 10% contingency in
the amount of $110,000 for a total not‐to‐exceed amount of $1,210,000, and associated budget
modification, with the cost to be funded by Public, Educational, and Governmental (PEG) funds.
Recommended Action
1. Authorize the City Manager to execute the agreement and any necessary amendments with
Advanced Systems Group, LLC., for Modernization of Broadcast TV and Community Hall
Integration, within the total not‐to‐exceed amount of $1,210,000.
2. Adopt Resolution No. 25‐XXX approving budget modification #2425‐368, increasing
appropriations in the amount of $1,210,000 in the General Fund Video budget unit (100‐31‐
305 900‐995), funded by restricted PEG funds.
Q1: Can these funds be used for the EOC instead? (Chao)
PEG funds cannot be used for the Emergency Operations Center (EOC) or any EOC‐related
improvements. These funds are restricted and must be used in compliance with federal and state
Q2: The EOC is communications, video, etc. If they can be used for our EOC then has
the decision been made that Community Hall is where the EOC will be located
permanently? (Chao)
See aforementioned response.
Q3: Impact on availability of Community Hall for Council meetings…Will there be a
disruption? If so, how long and can it be prevented? Where would these meetings be
held? (Chao)
No, there will be minimal disruption to council meetings. We don’t foresee any disruptions to
the meetings in Community Hall. As we construct a new control room, the existing control
room will remain fully operational throughout the process. AV and lighting upgrades will be
scheduled during non‐meeting times to minimize any impact and to take advantage of August,
when the Council is in recess, to complete the transition to the new system. Every effort will be
made to ensure a smooth and seamless implementation.
Q4: Project creep…Although Quinlan was upgraded by this company in 2022 (see
Attachment A‐Draft Agreement.pdf, page 33 of 52), will it need to be upgraded again to
work with this new system? If so, this is project creep where this would be an
additional increase in budget. (Chao)
There is a contingency incorporated as part of the contract.
Q5: Staff time…How much staff time will this project take and by whom? My concern
is using valuable staff time which would take away from a more critical project such as
the EOC. (Chao)
Staff time has been accounted for as part of the FY25‐26 departmental operation.
Q6: Can this project be delayed to allow the EOC and City Hall upgrades to be
completed first? If so, can some of these funds be used there? (Chao)
This question is not germane to the item.
Staff is recommending upgrading the Community Hall AV infrastructure to maintain high‐
quality broadcasting and support the Cityʹs commitment to effective public communication. If
Council elects not to approve the agreement with Advanced Systems Group, the funds will
remain in the restricted PEG fund and reserved for future uses as outlined in the response to
Q7: What technology upgrade is necessary to support hybrid meetings for commission
meetings held in the Quinlan Center?
This question is not germane to the item.
Attachments Provided with Original Staff Report:
A – Draft Agreement
B – Resolution 2025‐XXX
Additional Attachments Provided with Supplemental 1:
C ‐ RFP ‐ Modernization of TV Broadcast System