CC 01-22-2025 Item No. 12. Attachment E - Modified January 22 2025 Staff Report
Meeting: January 22, 2025
FY 2025-27 City Work Program Study Session
Recommended Actions
1. Review each Councilmember’s 10 projects for the FY 25-27 City Work Program. Total of 48
projects listed in Attachment C.
2. Receive a verbal overview of the prioritization process to finalize the City Work Program for
the Goal Setting Workshop.
3. Confirm meeting date for upcoming Priority and Goal Setting Workshop.
Reasons for Recommendation
This study session was requested by Council on December 17 for Council to review each
Councilmember’s initial top projects, receive input from the community, and agree on the process
as well as identify the date for the upcoming prioritization Workshop.
The Council maintains a City Work Program (CWP) as a two-year effort, which it revisits on an
annual basis to adjust and redirect efforts. The informational memorandum published on
November 14, 2024 (Attachment A) outlined the approach for the upcoming Council Goal Setting
and Prioritization Workshop (Workshop). At the December 17, 2024, City Council meeting,
Council voted to schedule a study session on January 22. Each Councilmember was asked to
identify their Top 10 priorities in preparation for the Workshop.
Looking Back at FY 2023-2025 CWP Process
In March 2023, the City Council participated in a workshop to reaffirm City Council Goals
and to set new priorities for the next two fiscal years. At that meeting, Council selected and
ranked top priority items to form the current City Work Program (CWP). This was a
collaborative effort among Councilmembers and staff, which resulted in a clearly defined
CWP that was feasible during a time of fiscal uncertainty. This was a two-year process.
There are several lessons from the FY 2023-2025 CWP Process to keep in mind as Council
considers adoption of the next CWP. First, Council and staff agreed on the process and
focused on top priorities while acknowledging the organization’s limited capacity. Second,
although Council retained the ability to add future agenda items outside the CWP process,
the quarterly review of “TBD list” items allowed Council to decide whether those items
should be accomplished with existing resources or whether they involved a level of effort
that warranted inclusion in a future CWP. This discipline afforded clarity and allowed staff
to stay on track and focus on set priorities.
In addition, the staff report template now incorporates a section to clearly indicate whether
the agenda item corresponds to the current CWP and Council adopted goals to promote
more awareness on Council’s top priorities.
Potential Items for FY 2025-2027 CWP
On December 20, 2024, an informational memorandum was distributed with instructions and a
list of potential items for the FY 25-27 CWP (Attachment B) to Council. The list included the
• TBD – these are items that council has previously approved as potential CWP items
• Staff Proposed – these are new items proposed by staff that Council may consider for the
upcoming CWP.
• Ongoing Current CWP Items – these are projects from the current CWP 1 that are expected
to continue into the next fiscal year.
On January 10, Councilmembers submitted their initial top projects to staff. Councilmembers
were able to select items from the TBD or Staff Proposed lists above or projects that are currently
on the 23-25 City Work Program.
Following receipt of each councilmember’s projects, staff prepared the preliminary budget and
staffing estimates as shown in Attachment C. These estimates are also provided for other
potential items for the FY 25-27 CWP (Attachment D), which were included with the December
20, 2024, informational memorandum.
The preliminary estimates will allow Council to consider the resources needed for each item when
evaluating priority projects and will be further refined ahead of the CWP adoption. Normal daily
operations encompass approximately 90 percent of city staff time, with variations from
department to department depending on many influencing factors. The need to deliver on daily
services leaves a finite capacity for additional projects. Staff recommends taking into account these
capacity limits when considering the addition of CWP items.
These estimates were created using the following parameters:
Staffing Estimates Budget Estimates
- Small 1-300 hrs $ - Small Under $60k
- Medium 301-1000 hrs $$ - Medium $61k-$500k
- Large 1001+ hrs $$$ - Large $500k+
For reference, below are past examples of projects that were considered small, medium and
•Small – Automated License Plate Readers, Budget Audit, Cybersecurity Public Education.
•Medium – Vision Zero, Senior Services and Youth Engagement.
•Large – Housing Element Update, Preserve Existing and Develop New BMR/ELI Units.
Community Survey
In 2024, the City commissioned Godbe Research Associates, an independent research firm, to
conduct a survey for Cupertino residents to share feedback on the quality of life in Cupertino.
The survey results will be published as an informational memorandum and included as a
supplemental report prior to this study session. Council will also have an opportunity to review,
and as necessary, adjust the City Council Goals at the workshop.
Next Steps
The next step in the process is the Council Goal Setting and Prioritization Workshop (tentatively
scheduled for March 1), which will provide a crucial opportunity for the Council to collaborate,
establish or reaffirm goals, and outline the strategic direction for the next two years.
Following deliberations on this item, each Councilmember may refine their top 10 projects. In
that case, Councilmembers should send their revised list of top 10 projects to staff no later than
two weeks ahead of the Workshop. Staff will consolidate these lists into one list and further refine
the preliminary estimates and present it to Council at the Workshop for consideration and
eventual adoption.
Council will receive an overview of the prioritization process during the presentation portion of
this study session. More details and any needed materials will be provided to Council ahead of
the Workshop.
Sustainability Impact
There is no sustainability impact associated with this update.
Fiscal Impact
Fiscal impact of each of the proposed city work program items has yet to be finalized. However,
preliminary estimates have been included in Attachment C.
There are no fiscal impacts associated with this study session report and update.
California Environmental Quality Act
Not applicable.
City Work Program Item/Description
Council Goal
Prepared by: Astrid Robles, Senior Management Analyst
Reviewed by: Tina Kapoor, Interim Assistant City Manager
Approved for submission by: Pamela Wu, City Manager
A – November 14, 2024 Informational Memorandum
B – December 20, 2024 Informational Memorandum
C – Council Top 10 Projects with Preliminary Budget and Staffing Estimates
D – List of Potential Items for FY 25-27 CWP with Preliminary Budget and Staffing Estimates