CC 01-22-2025 Item No. 11. TBD List_Supplemental Report1 CITY COUNCIL STAFF REPORT SUPPLEMENTAL 1 Meeting: January 22, 2025 Agenda Item #11 Subject Future agenda items requested by City Councilmembers (“TBD List”). Recommended Action 1. Review the TBD list and adopt the staff recommendations for items 5-11 2. Provide direction for items 1-4 and 12-16. Background: Staff’s responses to questions received from councilmember are shown in italics. Q1: Regarding TBD Item #6 "Consider regulations on sound amplification devices in parks": Did the staff consider this specific request when providing the staff recommendation of no change? If so, why does the staff recommend against this minor change? (Chao) Staff response: Municipal Code section 13.04.120(I) requires a permit for the use of sound amplification equipment in public parks. Staff has not identified any operational need that would require amendment of section 13.04.120(I). However, if Council wishes to pursue amendments to allow for more liberal use of amplified sound in parks, it may direct staff accordingly. Q2: In case the staff did not consider the specific request below, please consider the limited scope as described below and provide your recommendation. (Chao) Mayor Chao request: The enclosed email was the original request for a minor revision to the policy on "sound amplification" device. The request is to allow sound amplification system as long as it is not "unreasonably loud", which is defined as "such sound can be heard by a person 50 feet or more from the source of the amplification", as defined in the Oakland Muni Code. This would allow a small group to have a dance practice in a park without 2 disturbing others. More specifically, the request would amend the CMC 13.04.120 Use of Park Property "No person in a park shall do any of the following: ... I. Use any system for amplifying sounds, whether for speech or music or otherwise, unless an exclusive use permit is first secured." as "No person in a park shall do any of the following: ... I. Use any system for amplifying sounds, whether for speech or music or otherwise, in an unreasonable loud manner, unless an exclusive use permit is first secured," where the definition of "unreasonably loud manner" means "the volume of sound in the use or operation of any sound amplification equipment if such sound can be heard by a person from fifty (50) or more feet from the source of the amplification" (as defined in Oakland Muni Code) I looked up the Oakland Muni Code for your reference: =========== https://library.municode.com/ca/oakland/codes/code_of_ordinances?nodeId=TIT12S TSIPUPL_CH12.56SOAMEQ "Unreasonably loud manner" means the volume of sound in the use or operation of any sound amplification equipment if such sound can be heard by a person from fifty (50) or more feet from the source of the amplification. 12.56.020 - Activity prohibited. It is unlawful for any person to use or operate or permit the use or operation in an unreasonably loud manner of any sound amplifying equipment out-of-doors or indoors when used or operated to reach persons out-of-doors without first obtaining a written permit from the City Manager by submitting an application at least ten working days prior to the date of intended use; .... Staff response: See response to Question No. 1, above. Attachments Provided with Original Staff Report: A. TBD List from September 2024 with Adopted Motion B. TBD List as of January 2025