CC 01-22-2025 Item No. 12. FY 2025-2027 City Work Program_Staff Presentation01/22/2025 Council Prioritization & City Work Program (CWP) 2025-2027 Tina Kapoor, Deputy City Manager Recommended Actions for Tonight 1.Review each Councilmember’s 10 projects for the FY 25-27 City Work Program. Total of 48 projects listed in Attachment C. 2.Receive a verbal overview of the prioritization process to finalize the City Work Program for the Goal Setting Workshop. 3.Confirm meeting date for upcoming Priority and Goal Setting Workshop. •What is CWP /Council Priorities •Ingredients for a successful CWP •The Two-Year CWP Process •Councilmember Top Priorities for FY 2025-2027 •Preliminary Resource Allocation •Community Survey •Proposed CWP Adoption Process in February 2025 Discussion Outline What is CWP?•Council’s Opportunity to Provide Policy Direction. •Identify Council’s Top Priorities. •Allocate Limited Resources. •Report Periodically on Progress. CWP and City Operations Context For Priorities CWP and City Operations Time Allocation of Management Staff Ingredients for a Successful CWP •Realistic goals with a focus on most important priorities. •Creation of and agreement on process. •Understanding limited organizational capacity. •Ensuring accountability on implementing council priorities. The Two-Year CWP Process •20 Projects •Council focus on highest priority items. •Acknowledgement of organizational capacity. •Staying on track with the adopted work program. •Clear process for agendizing future items. Council’s Top Priorities for FY 2025-2027 •Initial Top 10 projects submitted by each Councilmember (with preliminary estimates) •Proposed list of projects •Existing CWP items •TBD •Staff Proposed Items to Remove Mayor Chao •Recycled Water Feasibility Study Councilmember Mohan •City Treasurer Review •Financial, Investment, and Cashflow Policy Review •General Plan Notifications •Heart of the City (HOC) Specific Plan update •Public Engagement Strategy •Art in Public and Private Areas Councilmember Fruen •Consolidate Tree list items into Urban Forest 10-yr Plan •Consolidate Public Engagement Strategy and General Plan Notifications Councilmember Wang •Lehigh Quarry •Tree List •Art in Public and Private Areas •Bicycle Facilities Preliminary Resource Allocation Hmm.. Large or Small? Breakdown of Initial List of CWP Projects By Departments 2024 Community Survey Results Proposed Adoption Process for FY 2025-2027 •Councilmembers send revised list by Feb 14 (if workshop on 3/1). •Staff will further refine estimates needed based on the revised list. •Councilmembers will rank all projects on the list. •Councilmembers will finalize CWP projects. BEFORE DURING Preliminary Resource Allocation Examples of Small and Medium Projects Reduce the Scope of Memorial Park Plan to under $40M The Memorial Park Plan like other plans tend to include too many features in one park, which the City cannot afford to accommodate. We should reduce the scope to under $40M to only essential elements. Bus Stop Inventory Determine what stops need upgrades (shade/seating/safety lighting). Coordinate with VTA for improvements. Active Transportation Plan Continue the existing CWP item. Leadership Academy Re-establish leadership program in collaboration with neighboring cities and non-profits to educate the public on public policy issues, and encourage new participation in City's civic life. Public Safety - Block Leader Neighborhood Watch Strengthen Block Leader/Neighborhood Watch programs to ensure the leaders are active and expand the coverage of active neighborhoods. OPTION 1 OPTION 2 •Councilmembers refine and send their Top 5 projects to staff after the January 22 Study Session. •Staff will bring refined estimates for revised list to the workshop. •Council will consider the list and finalize the FY 2025- 27 CWP. •Councilmembers keep 10 projects on their list after the January 22 Study Session. •Staff will bring refined estimates for these items to the workshop. •Each Councilmember will have 5 chips that can be placed on any of the 5 projects on the combined list. •Council will finalize the FY 2025-27 CWP. Process for FY 2025-2027 CWP Workshop O O City Council Parks and Rec Comn Preschool Open House Audit Arts Comm . Comm Interviews City Council Comm Interviews Planning Comm. City Council TICC Observed Holiday Parks and Rec Comm. Glow Night Golf Big Bunny 5K Planning Comm. City Council Library Comm. SR2S Working Group Teen Comm. Public Safety Comm. Bike/Ped Comm. Parks and Rec Comn Compost Work- shop Spring Swing Scram- ble Community Meeting Arts & Culture Comm. Planning Comm. Holiday Planning Comm. SR2S Housing Comm. Teen Comm. 2025 State of the City Planning Comm. Observed Holiday Glow Night Golf Bike/Ped Comm. City Council Sweet- heart Social Hold for Comm Interviews Valentine’s Day Recommended Actions for Tonight 1.Review each Councilmember’s 10 projects for the FY 25-27 City Work Program. Total of 48 projects listed in Attachment C. 2.Receive a verbal overview of the prioritization process to finalize the City Work Program for the Goal Setting Workshop. 3.Confirm meeting date for upcoming Priority and Goal Setting Workshop. Thank you!