CC 01-22-2025 Item No. 9 Approve an agreement with Advanced Systems Group, LLC_Written CommunicationsCC 01-22-2025
Item No. 9
Approve an agreement
with Advanced Systems
Group, LLC
Written Communications
From:Peggy Griffin
To:City Council
Cc:City Clerk
Subject:2025-01-22 City Council Meeting - PULL ITEM 9 CONSENT - Impact on Council meetings, EOC, Project Creep
Date:Tuesday, January 21, 2025 3:00:52 PM
CAUTION: This email originated from outside of the organization. Do not click links or open attachments unless you
recognize the sender and know the content is safe.
Dear Mayor Chao, Vice Mayor Moore, Councilmembers and Staff,
Please PULL CONSENT ITEM 9. This project needs to be discussed, please. It has
the potential to impact the EOC funding, Council meetings and take staff resources.
My concerns are:
Q1: EOC…Can these funds be used for the EOC instead?
The EOC is communications, video, etc. If they can be used for our EOC then has
the decision been made that Community Hall is where the EOC will be located
Q2: Impact on availability of Community Hall for Council meetings…
-Will there be a disruption?
-If so, how long and can it be prevented? Where would these meetings be held?
This contract indicates it will be done August 2027! Would Community Hall be
unusable Council meetings for the next 2 years?
Q3: Project creep…Although Quinlan was upgraded by this company in 2022 (see
Attachment A-Draft Agreement.pdf, page 33 of 52), will it need to be upgraded again
to work with this new system?
If so, this is project creep where this would be an additional increase in budget.
Q4: Staff time…How much staff time will this project take and by whom?
My concern is using valuable staff time which would take away from a more critical
project such as the EOC.
Q5: Can this project be delayed to allow the EOC and City Hall upgrades to be
completed first?
If so, can some of these funds be used there?
Peggy Griffin
From:Peggy Griffin
To:City Council
Cc:City Clerk
Subject:2025-01-22 City Council Meeting - PULL ITEM 9 CONSENT - $1.2M Community Hall broadcast upgradee
Date:Monday, January 20, 2025 10:25:36 PM
CAUTION: This email originated from outside of the organization. Do not click links or open attachments unless you
recognize the sender and know the content is safe.
Dear Mayor Chao, Vice Mayor Moore, Councilmembers and Staff,
Regarding Consent Item #9…PLEASE PULL THIS ITEM so it may be discussed and the
following items discussed in public.
Questions I have are:
Q1: What specifically has triggered this need for an upgrade?
Q2: Are there problems? If so, what are they?
Q3: Will this upgrade be compatible with the broadcasts currently being done at the Quinlan
If not, what will need to be changed, how much will it cost and how will it be funded?
Q4: Will this upgrade allow the video capturing of BOTH the Council meeting and any
councilmembers attending remotely as part of public record?
Q5: Please verify that the funds needed for this project ALREADY EXIST in a fund and will not
be using unassigned funds of any kind?
Q6: What does this statement mean? (top of Page 2 of 6 of Staff Report)
Peggy Griffin