CC 01-22-2025 Oral CommunicationsCC 01-22-2025 Oral Communications Written Communications From:Liang Chao To:City Clerk Cc:Peggy Griffin Subject:Fw: 2025-01-22 City Council Meeting - Document Security and Accessibility Concern Date:Monday, January 20, 2025 7:41:27 PM Please include in the written communication. Liang Chao​ Mayor City Council LiangChao@cupertino.org 408-777-3192 From: Liang Chao <LChao@cupertino.gov> Sent: Monday, January 20, 2025 6:51 PM To: Pamela Wu <PamelaW@cupertino.gov> Cc: City Clerk <CityClerk@cupertino.gov> Subject: Fw: 2025-01-22 City Council Meeting - Document Security and Accessibility Concern Is there any reason that most docs for the 1/22 council meeting are Word docs? I happen to have MS Word installed, I have no idea whether anyone is able to read the doc if they don't have MS Word installed? For the staff report for the Stevens Creek Bike path, it opens in Word Doc, but the first page is all in white, including the text, so I cannot read the first page when the doc was opened. Liang Liang Chao​​​​ Mayor City Council LChao@cupertino.gov 408-777-3192 From: Griffin <griffin@compuserve.com> Sent: Sunday, January 19, 2025 9:15 PM To: City Council <CityCouncil@cupertino.org> Cc: City Clerk <cityclerk@cupertino.gov> Subject: Fwd: 2025-01-22 City Council Meeting - Document Security and Accessibility Concern CAUTION: This email originated from outside of the organization. Do not click links or open attachments unless you recognize the sender and know the content is safe. Passing this info into the entire Council. Please address this issue ASAP! Peggy Begin forwarded message: From: Peggy Griffin <griffin@compuserve.com> Date: January 19, 2025 at 2:17:30 PM PST To: Liang Chao <LChao@cupertino.gov>, Pamela Wu <PamelaW@cupertino.gov>, Kirsten Squarcia <KirstenS@cupertino.gov> Subject: 2025-01-22 City Council Meeting - Document Security and Accessibility Concern  PLEASE INCLUDE THIS EMAIL AS PART OF WRITTEN COMMUNICATIONS FOR ORAL COMMUNICATIONS FOR THE ABOVE MEETING. Dear Mayor Chao, City Manager Wu and City Clerk Squarcia, The documents associated with the upcoming January 22, 2025 City Council meeting are a combination of Microsoft WORD and PDF formats. In the past, all the documents have been in PDF format. My concerns regarding this change to allowing WORD documents as part of the public record are as follows: 1. Issues with using WORD documents a. These documents are easily editable! Whereas a PDF document is not as easily altered by the average person. b. When you send a WORD document to someone else for viewing, it can potentially look different depending on their templates and settings in their version of WORD. c. Access to WORD is not as prevalent as the PDF readers. Yes, Google has a tool that allows you to bring in a word document but it does not always “look the same”. d. Record keeping over time…WORD backward compatibility will not be available in free versions whereas backward compatibility of PDF readers will be. 2. Using PDFs a. They aren’t easily edited. b. There are many free PDF readers AND browsers have PDF readers built into them. c. It standardizes the document format being used for city documents/records. d. Longevity/record keeping…it is more likely that the public will be able to read an old formatted PDF record but not as likely that old versions of WORD will be supported. PLEASE go back to publishing all City Council Meeting documents in PDF format-insist on it! Also, set a standard that all city documents, particularly those related to city meetings be in PDF format. Thank you. Sincerely, Peggy Griffin