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CC 01-22-2025 Searchable Packet
CITY OF CUPERTINO CITY COUNCIL AGENDA 10300 Torre Avenue and 10350 Torre Avenue and via Teleconference Wednesday, January 22, 2025 5:00 PM Special Meeting Non-Televised Closed Session (5:00) and Televised Open Session (5:45) PUBLIC HEARINGS WILL NOT BEGIN EARLIER THAN 6:45 PM IN-PERSON AND TELECONFERENCE / PUBLIC PARTICIPATION INFORMATION Members of the public wishing to observe the meeting may do so in one of the following ways: 1) Attend in person at Cupertino Community Hall, 10350 Torre Avenue. 2) Tune to Comcast Channel 26 and AT&T U-Verse Channel 99 on your TV. 3) The meeting will also be streamed live on and online at www.Cupertino.org/youtube and www.Cupertino.org/webcast Members of the public wishing to comment on an item on the agenda may do so in the following ways: 1) Appear in person for Closed Session in City Hall, Conference Room C or for Open Session in Cupertino Community Hall. Members of the public may provide oral public comments pertaining to the agenda prior to the beginning of Closed Session and after Roll Call. Members of the public may provide oral public comments during the Open Session as follows: Oral public comments will be accepted during the meeting. Comments may be made during the public comment period for each agenda item. Members of the audience who address the City Council must come to the lectern/microphone, and are requested to complete a Speaker Card and identify themselves. Completion of Speaker Cards and identifying yourself is voluntary and not required to attend the meeting or provide comments. 2) E-mail comments for Closed Session or Open Session by 4:00 p.m. on Wednesday, Page 1 1 CC 01-22-2025 1 of 303 City Council Agenda January 22, 2025 January 22 to the Council at citycouncil@cupertino.gov. These e-mail comments will also be forwarded to Councilmembers by the City Clerk’s office before the meeting and posted to the City’s website after the meeting. Members of the public that wish to share a document must email cityclerk@cupertino.gov prior to the meeting. Emailed comments that are related to an agenda item and received following the agenda publication, prior to or during the meeting, will be posted to the City’s website. 3) Open Session Teleconferencing Instructions To address the City Council, click on the link below to register in advance and access the meeting: Online Register in advance for this webinar: https://cityofcupertino.zoom.us/webinar/register/WN_1B0DB2FiQveTRbMAuUtVsw Phone Dial: 669-900-6833 and enter Webinar ID: 974 9110 0148 (Type *9 to raise hand to speak, *6 to unmute yourself). Unregistered participants will be called on by the last four digits of their phone number. Join from an H.323/SIP room system: H.323: (US West) (US East) Meeting ID: 974 9110 0148 SIP: 97491100148@zoomcrc.com After registering, you will receive a confirmation email containing information about joining the webinar. Please read the following instructions carefully: 1. You can directly download the teleconference software or connect to the meeting in your internet browser. If you are using your browser, make sure you are using a current and up-to-date browser: Chrome 30+, Firefox 27+, Microsoft Edge 12+, Safari 7+. Certain functionality may be disabled in older browsers, including Internet Explorer. 2. You will be asked to enter an email address and a name, followed by an email with instructions on how to connect to the meeting. Your email address will not be disclosed to Page 2 2 CC 01-22-2025 2 of 303 City Council Agenda January 22, 2025 the public. If you wish to make an oral public comment but do not wish to provide your name, you may enter “Cupertino Resident” or similar designation. 3. When the Mayor calls for the item on which you wish to speak, click on “raise hand,” or, if you are calling in, press *9. Speakers will be notified shortly before they are called to speak. 4. When called, please limit your remarks to the time allotted and the specific agenda topic. 5. Members of the public that wish to share a document must email cityclerk@cupertino.org prior to the meeting. These documents will be posted to the City’s website after the meeting. NOTICE AND CALL FOR A SPECIAL MEETING OF THE CUPERTINO CITY COUNCIL NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN that a special meeting of the Cupertino City Council is hereby called for Wednesday, January 22, 2025, for a Closed Session commencing at 5:00 p.m. in City Hall, Conference Room C, 10300 Torre Avenue, Cupertino, California 95014 and an Open Session at 5:45 p.m. in Community Hall Council Chamber, 10350 Torre Avenue, Cupertino, California 95014 and via teleconference. Said special meeting shall be for the purpose of conducting business on the subject matters listed below under the heading, “Special Meeting." SPECIAL MEETING ROLL CALL - 5:00 PM 10300 Torre Avenue, Conference Room C CLOSED SESSION 1.Subject: Conference with security personnel - critical infrastructure information relating to cybersecurity pursuant to Government Code § 54957(a) RECESS OPEN SESSION PLEDGE OF ALLEGIANCE - 5:45 PM 10350 Torre Avenue, Community Hall and via Teleconference ROLL CALL CLOSED SESSION REPORT CEREMONIAL ITEMS Page 3 3 CC 01-22-2025 3 of 303 City Council Agenda January 22, 2025 2.Subject: Proclamation to Taiwanese Cultural and Sports Association (TCSA) recognizing the 15th Annual Kids Fun Festival scheduled for 2025 in Cupertino Recommended Action: Present proclamation to Taiwanese Cultural and Sports Association (TCSA) recognizing the 15th Annual Kids Fun Festival scheduled for 2025 in Cupertino A - Proclamation 3.Subject: Proclamation to Shin Shin Educational Foundation recognizing January 19, 2025 as Shin Shin Educational Foundation Day Recommended Action: Present proclamation to Shin Shin Educational Foundation recognizing January 19, 2025 as Shin Shin Educational Foundation Day A - Proclamation POSTPONEMENTS AND ORDERS OF THE DAY 4.Subject: Budget Study Session for use of one-time funds in the Committed Future Use reserve (November 19, 2024 City Council action) Staff Report A - November 19, 2024 Staff Report and Allocation Plan B - FY 2023-24 Budget Reductions C - FY 2024-25 Service Level Reductions ORAL COMMUNICATIONS This portion of the meeting is reserved for persons wishing to address the Council on any matter within the jurisdiction of the Council and not on the agenda for discussion. The total time for Oral Communications will ordinarily be limited to one hour. Individual speakers are limited to three (3) minutes. As necessary, the Chair may further limit the time allowed to individual speakers, or reschedule remaining comments to the end of the meeting on a first come first heard basis, with priority given to students. In most cases, State law will prohibit the Council from discussing or making any decisions with respect to a matter not listed on the agenda. A councilmember may, however, briefly respond to statements made or questions posed by speakers. A councilmember may also ask a question for clarification, provide a reference for factual information, request staff to report back concerning a matter, or request that an item be added to a future City Council agenda in response to public comment. CONSENT CALENDAR (Items 5-9) Items appearing on the Consent Calendar are considered routine City business and may be approved by one motion. Typical items may include meeting minutes, awards of contracts, the ratification of accounts payable, and second readings of ordinances. Any member of the Council may request to have an item removed from the Consent Calendar based on the rules set forth in the City Council Procedures Manual. Members of the public may provide input on one or more consent calendar items when the Mayor asks for public comments on the Consent Calendar. Page 4 4 CC 01-22-2025 4 of 303 City Council Agenda January 22, 2025 5.Subject: Approval of the December 17, 2024 City Council minutes Recommended Action: Approve the December 17, 2024 City Council minutes A - Draft Minutes 6.Subject: Ratifying Accounts Payable for the periods ending December 6, 2024; December 13, 2024; and December 26, 2024 Recommended Action: A. Adopt Resolution No. 25-001 ratifying Accounts Payable for the Period ending December 6, 2024; B. Adopt Resolution No. 25-002 ratifying Accounts Payable for the Period ending December 13, 2024; and C. Adopt Resolution No. 25-003 ratifying Accounts Payable for the Period ending December 26, 2024 Staff report A – Draft Resolution 12.6.24 B – Weekly AP Payment Register for the Period Ending 12.6.24 C – Draft Resolution 12.13.24 D – Weekly AP Payment Register for the Period Ending 12.13.24 E – Draft Resolution 12.26.24 F – Weekly AP Payment Register for the Period Ending 12.26.24 7.Subject: Authorization to execute a Joint Use Agreement for Continued Public Access to Santa Clara Valley Water District property situated along a portion of Stevens Creek Trail. Recommended Action: Authorize the City Manager to execute a new Joint Use Agreement with Santa Clara Valley Water District for ongoing access to the District's property situated along a portion of the Stevens Creek Trail. Staff Report A – Draft Joint Use Agreement 8.Subject: Award a construction contract to Golden Bay Construction in the amount of $1,569,798, approve a first amendment to the design services contract with Pakpour Consulting Group to increase the contract by $96,620 for a total not-to-exceed contract amount of $310,483 and approve a budget modification in the amount of $1,500,000 for the Stevens Creek Boulevard Class IV Bike Lane Project. Page 5 5 CC 01-22-2025 5 of 303 City Council Agenda January 22, 2025 Recommended Action: 1. Award a construction contract for the Stevens Creek Boulevard Class IV Bike Lane Phase 2A Project (budget unit 420-99-036, project number 2022-15) in the amount of $1,569,798 to Golden Bay Construction, Inc.; 2. Authorize the City Manager to execute the construction contract with Golden Bay Construction, Inc. when all conditions have been met; 3. Authorize the Director of Public Works to execute any necessary construction change orders up to a construction contingency amount of $156,980 (10%) for a total contract amount of $1,726,778; 4. Authorize the City Manager to amend the Design Services Contract with Pakpour Consulting Group to increase the amount by $96,620 for a total not-to-exceed contract amount of $310,483 for the 2022-11 Stevens Creek Boulevard Class IV Bike Lane Phase 2B Design Project; and 5. Adopt Resolution No. 25-004 approving budget modification #2425-377, approving an increase of grant revenue estimates of $1,500,000 and a transfer out of $693,000. This includes an increase of $807,000 in Federal grant funds and a transfer of $693,000 in SB1 Grant Funds from the Transportation Fund (270-85-821) into the Capital Improvement Program Capital Project Fund (420-99-036). Staff Report A - Draft Contract B – Draft Resolution 9.Subject: Approve an agreement with Advanced Systems Group, LLC., for Modernization of Broadcast TV and Community Hall Integration for a not-to-exceed amount of $1,100,000, a 10% contingency in the amount of $110,000 for a total not-to-exceed amount of $1,210,000, and associated budget modification, with the cost to be funded by Public, Educational, and Governmental (PEG) funds. Recommended Action: 1. Authorize the City Manager to execute the agreement and any necessary amendments with Advanced Systems Group, LLC., for Modernization of Broadcast TV and Community Hall Integration, within the total not-to-exceed amount of $1,100,000. 2. Adopt Resolution No. 25-005 approving budget modification #2425-368, increasing appropriations in the amount of $1,210,000 in the General Fund Video budget unit (100- 31-305 900-995) funded by restricted PEG Funds Staff Report A - Draft Agreement B - Draft Resolution PUBLIC HEARINGS Effective January 1, 2023, Government Code Section 65103.5 (SB 1214) limits the distribution of copyrighted material associated with the review of development projects. Members of the public wishing to view plans that cannot otherwise be distributed under SB 1214 may make an appointment with the Page 6 6 CC 01-22-2025 6 of 303 City Council Agenda January 22, 2025 Planning Division to view them at City Hall by sending an email to planning@cupertino.org. Plans will also be made available digitally during the hearing to consider the proposal. 10.Subject: Public hearing on the abatement of public nuisance from weeds or other fire hazards pursuant to provisions of Cupertino Municipal Code Chapter 9.08 and Resolution No. 24-111 Recommended Action: Conduct hearing for impacted property owners to contest the matter of proposed abatement and adopt Resolution No. 25-006 ordering abatement of public nuisance from weeds or other fire hazards pursuant to provisions of Cupertino Municipal Code Chapter 9.08 and Resolution No. 24-111 Staff Report A - Draft Resolution and Exhibit A B - 2025 Cupertino Commencement Report (Exhibit A) C – County Letter to Property Owners to Abate Weeds D – County Hearing Notice to Destroy Weeds and Program Fees E – Minimum Fire Safety Standards Program Brochure F – Return Reply Form (RRF) Sample G – City Letter to Property Owners H – Approved Resolution No. 24-111 ACTION CALENDAR 11.Subject: Future agenda items requested by City Councilmembers (“TBD List”). Recommended Action: 1. Review the TBD list and adopt the staff recommendations for items 5-11 2. Provide direction for items 1-4 and 12-15. Staff Report A - TBD List from September 2024 with Adopted Motion B - January 2025 TBD List STUDY SESSION 12.Subject: FY 2025-27 City Work Program Study Session Recommended Action: 1. Review Councilmembers’ Initial Top 10 projects for the FY 25-27 City Work Program 2. Select date for upcoming Goal Setting Workshop. 3. Receive an overview of the prioritization process for the Goal Setting Workshop that will be presented at this study session. Staff Report A - November 14, 2024 Informational Memorandum B - December 20, 2024 Informational Memorandum C - Council Top 10 Projects with Preliminrary Budget and Staffing Estimates D - List of Potential Items for FY 25-27 CWP with Preliminary Budget and Staffing Estimates ITEMS REMOVED FROM THE CONSENT CALENDAR Page 7 7 CC 01-22-2025 7 of 303 City Council Agenda January 22, 2025 CITY MANAGER REPORT ORAL COMMUNICATIONS - CONTINUED COUNCILMEMBER REPORTS 13.Subject: Councilmember Reports A - Councilmember Report, Chao B - Councilmember Report, Fruen C - Councilmember Report, Mohan FUTURE AGENDA ITEMS ADJOURNMENT Lobbyist Registration and Reporting Requirements: Individuals who influence or attempt to influence legislative or administrative action may be required by the City of Cupertino’s lobbying ordinance (Cupertino Municipal Code Chapter 2.100) to register and report lobbying activity. Persons whose communications regarding any legislative or administrative are solely limited to appearing at or submitting testimony for any public meeting held by the City are not required to register as lobbyists. For more information about the lobbying ordinance, please contact the City Clerk’s Office at 10300 Torre Avenue, Cupertino, CA 95014; telephone (408) 777-3223; email cityclerk@cupertino.org; and website: www.cupertino.org/lobbyist. The City of Cupertino has adopted the provisions of Code of Civil Procedure §1094.6; litigation challenging a final decision of the City Council must be brought within 90 days after a decision is announced unless a shorter time is required by State or Federal law. Prior to seeking judicial review of any adjudicatory (quasi-judicial) decision, interested persons must file a petition for reconsideration within ten calendar days of the date the City Clerk mails notice of the City’s decision. Reconsideration petitions must comply with the requirements of Cupertino Municipal Code §2.08.096. Contact the City Clerk’s office for more information or go to http://www.cupertino.org/cityclerk for a reconsideration petition form. In compliance with the Americans with Disabilities Act (ADA), anyone who is planning to attend this meeting who is visually or hearing impaired or has any disability that needs special assistance should call the City Clerk's Office at 408-777-3223, at least 48 hours in advance of the meeting to arrange for assistance. In addition, upon request in advance by a person with a disability, meeting agendas and writings distributed for the meeting that are public records will be made available in the appropriate alternative format. Any writings or documents provided to a majority of the Cupertino City Council after publication of the packet will be made available for public inspection in the City Clerk’s Office located at City Hall, Page 8 8 CC 01-22-2025 8 of 303 City Council Agenda January 22, 2025 10300 Torre Avenue, Cupertino, California 95014, during normal business hours; and in Council packet archives linked from the agenda/minutes page on the City web site. IMPORTANT NOTICE: Please be advised that pursuant to Cupertino Municipal Code section 2.08.100 written communications sent to the City Council, Commissioners or staff concerning a matter on the agenda are included as supplemental material to the agendized item. These written communications are accessible to the public through the City website and kept in packet archives. Do not include any personal or private information in written communications to the City that you do not wish to make public, as written communications are considered public records and will be made publicly available on the City website. Page 9 9 CC 01-22-2025 9 of 303 CITY OF CUPERTINO Agenda Item 25-13623 Agenda Date: 1/22/2025 Agenda #: 1. Subject: Conference with security personnel - critical infrastructure information relating to cybersecurity pursuant to Government Code § 54957(a) CITY OF CUPERTINO Printed on 1/16/2025Page 1 of 1 powered by Legistar™10 CC 01-22-2025 10 of 303 CITY OF CUPERTINO Agenda Item 25-13646 Agenda Date: 1/22/2025 Agenda #: 2. Subject: Proclamation to Taiwanese Cultural and Sports Association (TCSA) recognizing the 15th Annual Kids Fun Festival scheduled for 2025 in Cupertino Present proclamation to Taiwanese Cultural and Sports Association (TCSA)recognizing the 15th Annual Kids Fun Festival scheduled for 2025 in Cupertino CITY OF CUPERTINO Printed on 1/16/2025Page 1 of 1 powered by Legistar™11 CC 01-22-2025 11 of 303 12 CC 01-22-2025 12 of 303 CITY OF CUPERTINO Agenda Item 25-13651 Agenda Date: 1/22/2025 Agenda #: 3. Subject: Proclamation to Shin Shin Educational Foundation recognizing January 19, 2025 as Shin Shin Educational Foundation Day Present proclamation to Shin Shin Educational Foundation recognizing January 19, 2025 as Shin Shin Educational Foundation Day CITY OF CUPERTINO Printed on 1/16/2025Page 1 of 1 powered by Legistar™13 CC 01-22-2025 13 of 303 14 CC 01-22-2025 14 of 303 CITY OF CUPERTINO Agenda Item 24-13539 Agenda Date: 1/22/2025 Agenda #: 4. Subject: Budget Study Session for use of one-time funds in the Committed Future Use reserve (November 19, 2024 City Council action) CITY OF CUPERTINO Printed on 1/16/2025Page 1 of 1 powered by Legistar™15 CC 01-22-2025 15 of 303 CITY COUNCIL STAFF REPORT Meeting: January 22, 2025 Subject Study Session for the use of Committed Future Use Reserve one-time funds. Recommended Action Provide staff direction on the future allocation of how the City should allocate one-time funds from the future use reserve. Reasons for Recommendation Background At the November 19, 2024, City Council meeting, staff proposed three different options for allocating $74.5 million in one-time funds resulting from the uncommitting of the Sales Tax Repayment Reserve. A copy of this staff report is included as Attachment A. City Council approved an alternative approach, allocating $10.0 million to a one-time Additional Discretionary Payment to CalPERS to address the City’s Unfunded Accrued Liability retirement costs and establishing the Committed Future Use Reserve for the remaining $64.5 million. Additionally, Council directed staff to conduct a study session in January 2025 to explore potential uses for the remaining one-time funds. Detailed reductions implemented in the FY 2023-24 and FY 2024-25 Adopted Budgets are included in the staff report as Attachments B and C. Next Steps Following the study session, staff will incorporate Council’s direction into the FY 2024-25 Mid-Year Financial Report and/or the FY 2025-26 Proposed Budget. Sustainability Impact No sustainability impact. Fiscal Impact There are no fiscal impacts as part of this study session. 16 CC 01-22-2025 16 of 303 City Work Program (CWP) Item: No. CWP Item Description: Not applicable. Council Goal: Public Engagement and Transparency Sustainability and Fiscal Strategy Environmental Quality Act Not applicable. _____________________________________ Prepared by: Toni Oasay-Anderson, Senior Management Analyst Reviewed by: Kristina Alfaro, Director of Administrative Services Approved for Submission by: Pamela Wu, City Manager Attachments: A – November 19, 2024 Staff Report and Allocation Plan B – FY 2023-24 Budget Reductions C – FY 2024-25 Service Level Reductions 17 CC 01-22-2025 17 of 303 CITY COUNCIL STAFF REPORT Meeting: November 19, 2024 Subject Allocation plan for funds uncommitted from the Sales Tax Repayment reserve Recommended Action Option A: A. Adopt Option A Option B: A. Adopt Option B B. Adopt Resolution No. 24-XXX approving budget modification No. 2425-366, increasing appropriations by $11,688,705 C. Adopt Resolution No. 24-XXX amending the Unrepresented Employees’ Compensation Program D. Approve new three-year limited term Grants Analyst position for grants management E. Approve new Assistant Director of Administrative Services, Grants Analyst, Senior Business Systems Analyst and Supervising Code Enforcement classifications Option C: A. Adopt Option C B. Adopt Resolution No. 24-XXX approving budget modification No. 2425-366, increasing appropriations by $11,688,705 C. Adopt Resolution No. 24-XXX amending the Unrepresented Employees’ Compensation Program D. Approve new three-year limited term Grants Analyst position for grants management E. Approve new Assistant Director of Administrative Services, Grants Analyst, Senior Business Systems Analyst and Supervising Code Enforcement classifications Reasons for Recommendation City staff evaluated feedback received from the October 15 Council meeting, reviewed budget surveys collected during the last two fiscal years of budget reductions and received 18 CC 01-22-2025 18 of 303 department feedback to develop a preliminary plan to mitigate the impact of budget cuts implemented in the Fiscal Year 2023-24 and 2024-25 budgets. The preliminary plan outlines guiding principles that were considered before presenting for Council consideration and areas of focus to ensure the recommended allocation options include variable funding for the community, staff, and capital investments for the City. Background On October 4, 2024, the City finalized a settlement agreement with the California Department of Tax and Fee Administration (CDTFA) resolving the CDTFA’s proposed reallocation of disputed sales tax received by the City. On October 15, 2024, the Council approved staff recommendation to uncommit $74.5 million in funds set aside for the potential repayment of disputed sales tax previously received by the City. The purpose of this proposed allocation plan is to provide Council options for the potential one-time allocation of the $74.5 million that is now unassigned (Attachment A). As explained in detail in the allocation plans, the options presented by staff attempt to balance the City’s need for long-term investment and the desire to restore certain reductions with the need for long-term fiscal prudence, given the reduction in future sales and use tax revenues that the City will experience. The options include potential funding for infrastructure projects, restoring reduced services, and setting some funding aside. The need for additional classifications results in no new positions except the limited-term Grants Analyst. The request for one three-year limited term Grants Analyst position to assist with grant applications, tracking and reporting along with purchasing support may be funded via donation, but if not is anticipated to be cost recovery via grants obtained. The need for staffing changes is due to reductions made either being too deep to continue the work already allocated, or because of how duties and responsibilities have been redistributed due to contract and staffing reductions. All options presented are summarized in the table below. Additional details are included in the Allocation Plan (Attachment A). Allocation Plan Capital Fund Reserve Allocations for current use General Fund Reserves Option A Option B Option C Next Steps Based on the direction that Council provides, staff will make all changes in the financial system and updates on the funds will be provided as part of the mid-year financial report. 19 CC 01-22-2025 19 of 303 Sustainability Impact No Sustainability Impact. Fiscal Impact Should City Council approve an option that includes current allocations as listed in Attachment E, appropriations would increase by $11,688,705. Funding for these increased expenses will come from unassigned fund balance that, with the recommended funding additions, is estimated to end Fiscal Year 2024-25 with $154.3 million. Should Council approve an option with no current year allocations, estimated year-end fund balance will remain unchanged from the first quarter report and is estimated at $166 million in the general fund. City Work Program (CWP) Item: No CWP Item Description: Not Applicable. Council Goal: Sustainability and Fiscal Strategy California Environmental Quality Act: Not Applicable. Prepared by: Jonathan Orozco, Finance Manager Reviewed by: Kristina Alfaro, Director of Administrative Services Christopher Jensen, City Attorney Approved for Submission by: Tina Kapoor, Acting City Manager Attachments: A – One-time Funds Allocation Plan Fiscal Year 2024-25 B - Committed, Unassigned Fund Balance, and Use of One Time Funds Policy Options A and B (Redline) C - Option A Committed, Unassigned Fund Balance, and Use of One Time Funds Policy (Clean) D – Option B Committed, Unassigned Fund Balance, and Use of One Time Funds Policy (Clean) E – Detailed allocation plan for current use F – Budget Resolution G – Assistant Director of Administrative Services Position Description H – Grants Management Analyst Position Description I – Code Enforcement Supervisor Position Description J – Senior Business Systems Analyst Position Description 20 CC 01-22-2025 20 of 303 K – Unrepresented Employees’ Compensation Program (Redline) L – Draft Resolution Amending the Unrepresented Employees’ Compensation Program M – Unfunded CIP List 21 CC 01-22-2025 21 of 303 Attachment A One-time Funds Allocation Plan Fiscal Year 2024-25 Background Due to a favorable negotiated settlement, the Council has uncommitted $74.5 million dollars in one-time funds. The options outlined in this plan are intended to provide the Council with recommendations for how these dollars can be allocated. In creating the three different potential options for allocating these dollars, staff developed Areas of Focus and Guiding Principles that have influenced the allocation plan options discussed in this report. Staff also reviewed prior budget surveys to assess areas that the community wanted to scale back on or retain, and lastly reviewed service level reductions and unmet needs to develop potential use of these dollars in the current fiscal year. Areas of Focus Staff reviewed reductions made to date and the following focus areas were identified to ensure the recommended allocation options included variable funding for the community, staff, and City infrastructure: I. Restoring Community Benefits – Prioritizes adding back any community benefits that had been reduced where practical, and where ongoing funding is minimal to not increase the structural deficit. II. Restoring Reduced Services – Prioritizes restoring reduced services where practical, and where ongoing funding is minimal to not increase the structural deficit. III. Investing in Employees – Prioritizes funding for training and development, reclassifications where necessary to align with new duties and responsibilities because of budget reductions and, new positions where practical and where ongoing funding is minimal to not increase the structural deficit. IV. Enhancements – This includes any new funding requests that are not a restored budget reduction. Guiding Principles I. One-time funds should be allocated for one -time expenses that result in ongoing savings and/or efficiencies.1 1 Examples of this include funding for pavement and retiree health unfunded actuarial liability made when the City received one-time funds related to the sale of Pruneridge Ave. These decisions paid off during our most recent budget reductions when the city could significantly reduce spending on pavement with minimal impacts and was able to use the funding in the retirement health fund to cover two years of costs. Both of these significantly assisted in balancing the budget. 22 CC 01-22-2025 22 of 303 II. One-time funds should be allocated for one-time expenses, even if that allocation doesn’t result in ongoing savings and/or efficiencies. III. Funds should be held for future use when immediate needs are not present. IV. Limited use of funds on ongoing expenses to limit increasing the structural deficit. Allocation Plan Options Staff has developed three options for Council consideration for the allocation of or reserving the funds. The highlights of each plan are summarized in the table below: Allocation Plan Capital Fund Reserve Allocations for current use General Fund Reserves Option A Option B Option C OPTION A – No allocation recommendations; funds are to be held in a new committed reserve. Under this option, the City Council would create a “Reserve for Future Use,” committing funds for future needs to be determined by the City Council. This reserve would be drawn down as the funds are expended and would not be replenished, as these are one-time funds resulting from the uncommitted sales tax repayment reserve. As outlined on page 167 of the Fiscal Year 2024-25 Final Budget, committed reserves “include amounts that can be spent only for specific purposes determined by formal action of the City’s highest decision-making authority, the City Council. Commitments may be changed or lifted only by the City taking the same formal action (resolution) that imposed the constraint originally.” The City currently faces operational needs, such as aging infrastructure, that—if left unaddressed—could lead to additional operational costs not currently included in the forecast. However, holding these funds as a reserve for future needs carries certain financial limitations due to inflation. The following tables provide a 10-year historical comparison of inflation against annualized returns from the 1-5 Year Treasury and Agency Index benchmark (provided by Chandler Asset Management) and the Local Agency Investment Fund (LAIF). The inflation rate is based on data from the U.S. Bureau of Labor Statistics, Consumer Price Index for All Urban Consumers: All Items in San Francisco-Oakland-Hayward, CA. Below are two charts comparing the effects of inflation on investing uncommitted funds against two benchmarks for investment vehicles currently utilized by the City. As shown in the first chart, which compares inflation to long-term investments, the purchasing power of the $74.5 million reserve would decline by approximately $10 million over 10 years if interest is reinvested. This decline is even steeper, over $20 million, if the interest is instead used to support operations. The 23 CC 01-22-2025 23 of 303 second chart presents a similar comparison with LAIF returns, where the purchasing power of the $74.5 million reserve decreases by around $13 million if interest is reinvested over 10 years and by more than $20 million if the interest supports operations. 24 CC 01-22-2025 24 of 303 This analysis demonstrates that inflation continues to outpace investment returns, making this holding strategy unsustainable over the long term. The California Government Code imposes restrictions on the types and durations of investments allowed, which limits potential returns and underscores the priority of safety and liquidity over yield. Given these constraints, this option may not provide the necessary growth to preserve the reserve’s purchasing power for future needs. OPTION B – Allocates funds for spending, allocates funds in a committed reserve in the General Fund, and any remaining funds are transferred to the Capital Reserve. This option provides a balanced approach to how these funds might be used. Allocating funds for aging infrastructure, departmental needs and leveraging one-time dollars to provide ongoing savings and or efficiencies. This option also sets aside funding to cover the structural deficits in the 10-year forecast. Allocations for Future Use: Area of Focus Guiding Principal Description Allocation One-time Allocation Ongoing Enhancement Hold funds for future use Transfer to the Capital Reserve. Public works staff will return at a future date with a spending plan for $31,811,295 $0 25 CC 01-22-2025 25 of 303 these dollars. It is anticipated that based on the list of projects presented and subsequently adopted additional staffing may be necessary to support an increase in the CIP projects. See attachment M for unfunded CIP list. Enhancement Hold funds for future use Create a committed reserve in the General Fund for estimated deficits in the 10-year forecast. Funds are estimated for use beginning in FY 2028-29 through FY 2033-34. Should alternate revenue sources and or additional reduced spending be identified to produce a balanced budget in all years of the forecast, staff would return to Council to uncommit these funds. $31,000,000 $0 Total Allocations for Future Use $62,811,295 $0 Allocations for Current Use, see Attachment E for more detail: Area of Focus Guiding Principal Description Allocation One-Time Allocation Ongoing Restoring of Community Benefits N/A All but one community benefit item was not reduced $0 $0 Restoring Reduced Service N/A Staff is still determining the workability of increasing any reduced service and will return later with a proposal if needed. $0 $0 Investing in Employees One-time funds with ongoing Invest $10 million towards CalPERS $10,769,166 $175,500 26 CC 01-22-2025 26 of 303 Area of Focus Guiding Principal Description Allocation One-Time Allocation Ongoing savings or efficiencies, and limit ongoing expenses unfunded actuarial liability payment (following section for more detail.) Purchase of a new Enterprise Resource Planning Software (Finance/HR) and increases to training funding citywide to 50% of what was originally reduced (ongoing). Enhancements One-time funds with ongoing savings or efficiencies Staffing study $66,000 $0 One-time funds Purchase of goods, studies, software and enhance physical safety controls at City Hall. $500,000 Limit ongoing expenses New limited term Grants analyst and new classifications $0 $178,039 Total all allocations for immediate use $11,335,166 $353,539 CalPERS One-Time Allocation to Unfunded Actuarial Liability (UAL) UAL is defined by CalPERS as “the amortized dollar amount needed to fund past service credit earned (or accrued) for members who are currently receiving benefits, active members, and for members entitled to deferred benefits, as of the valuation date.” To address this liability, the City is considering a one-time Additional Discretionary Payment (ADP) of $10 million. If implemented, this ADP is projected to decrease the City’s cash outflows over the next 10 years by approximately $13 million, resulting in net savings of $3 million. The estimated impact on retirement payments is illustrated in the chart below. 27 CC 01-22-2025 27 of 303 In addition to cash flow savings, this one-time payment would immediately improve the funded status of the City’s retirement plan, raising it from 67% to 75% in the first year. Although the funded status improvement narrows over the 10-year forecast, the ADP maintains a higher funded status than without the payment, as shown in the table below. Note: Projections in the charts are provided by CalPERS’ Managing Employer Contributions Tool. - 1,000,000 2,000,000 3,000,000 4,000,000 5,000,000 6,000,000 7,000,000 CalPERS Projected Annual UAL Payments Annual UAL Payment (Original)Annual UAL Payment (w/ ADP) 60.0% 65.0% 70.0% 75.0% 80.0% 85.0% 90.0% 95.0% CalPERS Projected Funding Status Funded Status Funded Status (w/ ADP) 28 CC 01-22-2025 28 of 303 OPTION C – Allocates funds for all current year budget requests and transfers all remaining funds to Capital Reserve for future use. This transfer would bring the Capital Reserve total to an estimated $65.7 million. This option leaves no funds from the sales tax payment reserve in the unassigned category. All funds after funding requests are met would be moved to the Capital Reserve Fund. This option transfers all funds to the Capital Reserve for future spending and allocates no funds to a reserve or unassigned account to fund potential structural deficits in the out years, leaving the city vulnerable to future budget reductions. Description Allocation One-Time Allocation Ongoing Fund all allocations in the Allocations for Current Use table above (green). $11,335,166 $353,539 Transfer remaining balance to Capital Reserve to fund future Capital Improvement Plan (CIP) projects. $62,811,295 - Total Reserve Recommendations $74,146,461 $353,539 GRAND TOTAL OPTION C $74,146,461 $353,539 In conclusion, three options are presented for Council consideration. With council direction, staff will bring updates on the funds based on council direction as part of the FY 2024-25 Mid- Year Financial Report. 29 CC 01-22-2025 29 of 303 30 CC 01-22-2025 30 of 303 31 CC 01-22-2025 31 of 303 32 CC 01-22-2025 32 of 303 33 CC 01-22-2025 33 of 303 34 CC 01-22-2025 34 of 303 CITY OF CUPERTINO Agenda Item 24-13549 Agenda Date: 1/22/2025 Agenda #: 5. Subject: Approval of the December 17, 2024 City Council minutes Approve the December 17, 2024 City Council minutes CITY OF CUPERTINO Printed on 1/16/2025Page 1 of 1 powered by Legistar™35 CC 01-22-2025 35 of 303 DRAFT MINUTES CUPERTINO CITY COUNCIL Tuesday, December 17, 2024 At 6:46 p.m., Mayor Liang Chao called the Regular City Council Meeting to order and led the Pledge of Allegiance in the Cupertino Community Hall Council Chamber, 10350 Torre Avenue and via teleconference. ROLL CALL Present: Mayor Liang Chao, Vice Mayor Kitty Moore, and Councilmembers J.R. Fruen, Sheila Mohan, and Ray Wang. Absent: None. CLOSED SESSION REPORT – None CEREMONIAL ITEMS – None POSTPONEMENTS AND ORDERS OF THE DAY – None ORAL COMMUNICATIONS Written communications for this item included emails forwarded by Councilmembers. The following members of the public spoke: San R discussed the zoning designations and density bonus exchange for the proposed projects on McClellan Road and Linda Vista Drive. Frank discussed the zoning designation of the property at 20865 McClellan Road. Ken Bell discussed the zoning designation of the property at 20865 McClellan Road. Jennifer Griffin discussed the Stevens Creek Boulevard Corridor Vision Study project and Steering Committee. Frank Chu, representing Cupertino Pickleball Club, discussed Memorial Park pickleball 36 CC 01-22-2025 36 of 303 City Council Minutes December 17, 2024 Page 2 activities. Sue Hauser and Emily Adorable, representing Sunnyvale-Cupertino American Association of University Women Elders Climate Action and Silicon Valley Youth Climate Action, discussed an upcoming multigenerational climate change forum. Vicki discussed the proposed townhome development project at 20865 McClellan Road. Debby discussed the proposed townhome development project at 20865 McClellan Road. Simon Chen discussed the zoning designation for the property at 20865 McClellan Road. Lisa Warren discussed the Economic Development Committee and other City Committees, City Council meeting procedures, and City website changes. Rhoda Fry discussed City website changes, the Economic Development Committee and Audit Committee, and development projects. Nathanial Reina discussed the Stevens Creek Boulevard Corridor Vision Study project. Harry Neil discussed the Stevens Creek Boulevard Corridor Vision Study project. Ram Sripathi discussed the zoning designation around McClellan Road, the Stevens Creek Boulevard Corridor Vision Study project, and resident outreach. Planning Commissioner Seema Lindskog (representing self) discussed the Stevens Creek Boulevard Corridor Vision Study project and Steering Committee. CONSENT CALENDAR (Items 1-4) Mayor Chao opened the public comment period and the following members of the public spoke. Rhoda Fry (Items 3 and 4) Lisa Warren (Item 4) Mayor Chao closed the public comment period. MOTION: Chao moved and Moore seconded to remove Item 4 from the Consent Calendar and place it before the Action Calendar for discussion. The motion carried with the following vote: Ayes: Chao, Moore, Fruen, and Mohan. Noes: None. Abstain: Wang. Absent: None. 37 CC 01-22-2025 37 of 303 City Council Minutes December 17, 2024 Page 3 MOTION: Mohan moved Fruen seconded to approve the items on the Consent Calendar except for as indicated. The motion carried with the following vote: Ayes: Chao, Moore, Fruen, Mohan, and Wang. Noes: None. Abstain: None. Absent: None. 1. Subject: Approve the November 21, 2024 City Council minutes Recommended Action: Approve the November 21, 2024 City Council minutes 2. Subject: Approve the December 3, 2024 City Council minutes Recommended Action: Approve the December 3, 2024 City Council minutes 3. Subject: Ratifying Accounts Payable for the periods ending November 1, 2024; November 8, 2024; November 15, 2024; November 22, 2024 and November 29, 2024 Recommended Action: A. Adopt Resolution No. 24-116 ratifying Accounts Payable for the Period ending November 1, 2024; B. Adopt Resolution No. 24-117 ratifying Accounts Payable for the Period ending November 8, 2024; C. Adopt Resolution No. 24-118 ratifying Accounts Payable for the Period ending November 15, 2024; D. Adopt Resolution No. 24-119 ratifying Accounts Payable for the Period ending November 22, 2024; and E. Adopt Resolution No. 24-120 ratifying Accounts Payable for the Period ending November 29, 2024 PUBLIC HEARINGS – None ITEMS REMOVED FROM THE CONSENT CALENDAR 4. Subject: City Council meeting schedule through January 21, 2026 Recommended Action: Adopt Resolution No. 24-121 establishing the City Council meeting schedule through January 21, 2026 Written communications for this item included emails to the Council. This item was pulled from the consent calendar for discussion. As noted under Consent Calendar, Rhoda Fry and Lisa Warren provided comments. Councilmembers asked questions and made comments. MOTION: Chao moved and Fruen seconded to approve the recommended action to adopt Resolution No. 24-121 establishing the City Council meeting schedule through January 21, 2026, with an amendment to add a future agenda item to consider changing regular City 38 CC 01-22-2025 38 of 303 City Council Minutes December 17, 2024 Page 4 Council meetings to Wednesdays. The motion carried with the following vote: Ayes: Chao, Moore, Fruen, Mohan, and Wang. Noes: None. Abstain: None. Absent: None. ACTION CALENDAR 5. Subject: Appointment of 2025 Council Committee assignments Recommended Action: Ratify 2025 Council Committee assignments Written communications for this item included Attachment A - Draft 2025 Council Committee Assignments and 5 Attachment B - Email from Mayor Chao - Council Committee Assignments, and emails to Council. Councilmembers asked questions and made comments. Mayor Chao opened the public comment period and the following members of the public spoke. Jennifer Griffin Lisa Warren Mayor Chao closed the public comment period. MOTION: Chao moved and Wang seconded to approve the 2025 Council Committee assignments table that's shared in the supplemental report (Attachment A - Draft 2025 Council Committee Assignments), including where the Silicon Valley Regional Interoperability Authority (SVRIA) was already formatted with strikethrough, and there will be two primary representatives for the Sister City Committees. The motion carried with the following vote: Ayes: Chao, Moore, Fruen, Mohan, and Wang. Noes: None. Abstain: None. Absent: None. 6. Subject: City Work Program and Capital Improvement Projects (CIP) Program prioritization process Recommended Action: That the City Council: 1. Review the proposed Council Goal Setting and Fiscal Year (FY) 2025-27 City Work Program Prioritization Workshop, as outlined in the Informational Memo dated November 14, 2024 (Attachment A), and provide direction on the process to be utilized; and 2. Evaluate the existing CIP prioritization process, as discussed in the Tuesday, March 19, 2024 CIP FY 2024/2025 and Five-year Plan Study Session, and offer guidance on the process moving forward (Attachment B). Itemized links for the Informational Memo, City Work Program webpage, CIP webpage, and March 19, 2024 agenda item are available in Attachment C. 39 CC 01-22-2025 39 of 303 City Council Minutes December 17, 2024 Page 5 Written communications for this item included emails to Council. Councilmembers asked questions and made comments. Mayor Chao opened the public comment period and the following members of the public spoke. Jennifer Griffin San R Mayor Chao closed the public comment period. At 8:28 p.m., Mayor Chao recessed the meeting. The meeting was reconvened at 8:40 p.m. with all Councilmembers present. MOTION: Wang moved and Moore seconded to: Review the existing list of City Work Program (CWP) items to date and staff's draft list Councilmembers will propose a new and existing Top 10 List of CWP projects and submit by January 10 and Council and staff will also consider CWP projects for removal; Council will conduct a study session at the Special City Council meeting on January 22, 2025 on the list of CWP projects; The City Work Program will be considered for adoption at a meeting in February. The motion carried with the following vote: Ayes: Mohan, Fruen, Chao, Moore, and Wang. Noes: None. Abstain: None. Absent: None. CITY MANAGER REPORT – None ORAL COMMUNICATIONS - CONTINUED - None COUNCILMEMBER REPORTS 7. Subject: Councilmember Reports Councilmembers reported on their various committees and events as provided in the published agenda. FUTURE AGENDA ITEMS Councilmembers added the following future agenda items. 40 CC 01-22-2025 40 of 303 City Council Minutes December 17, 2024 Page 6 As moved under Item 4, consider changing regular City Council meetings to Wednesdays (unanimous) Revisions to the City Council Procedures Manual will be reviewed at the January 22, 2025 City Council meeting (Chao) Reactivate the Legislative Review Committee (LRC) (Chao) Reactivate the Economic Development Committee (EDC) (Chao) Restore the previous responsibilities of the Audit Committee (Chao) For transportation projects and added lane reductions to fall under the jurisdiction of the Planning Commission (Wang and Chao) Review the architectural standards for 5G towers (Wang and Chao) Councilmembers requested the following informational memos. Provide an update on current situation and status of having a functioning Emergency Operations Center (EOC) (Wang) Provide options for residents to understand the process regarding the development located at 20865 McClellan Road, including what possibilities there are to move density, if possible, and any other options (Wang) Recirculate the informational memo on the current notification method for citywide projects (Chao) ADJOURNMENT At 9:30 p.m., Mayor Liang Chao adjourned the Regular City Council Meeting. Minutes prepared by: _________________________ Kirsten Squarcia, City Clerk 41 CC 01-22-2025 41 of 303 CITY OF CUPERTINO Agenda Item 24-13612 Agenda Date: 1/22/2025 Agenda #: 6. Subject:Ratifying Accounts Payable for the periods ending December 6, 2024; December 13, 2024; and December 26, 2024 A. Adopt Resolution No. 25-001 ratifying Accounts Payable for the Period ending December 6, 2024; B. Adopt Resolution No. 25-002 ratifying Accounts Payable for the Period ending December 13, 2024; and C. Adopt Resolution No. 25-003 ratifying Accounts Payable for the Period ending December 26, 2024 CITY OF CUPERTINO Printed on 1/16/2025Page 1 of 1 powered by Legistar™42 CC 01-22-2025 42 of 303 CITY COUNCIL STAFF REPORT Meeting: January 22, 2025 Subject Ratifying Accounts Payable for the periods ending December 6, 2024; December 13, 2024; and December 26, 2024 Recommended Action A. Adopt Resolution No. 25-XXX ratifying Accounts Payable for the Period ending December 6, 2024; B. Adopt Resolution No. 25-XXX ratifying Accounts Payable for the Period ending December 13, 2024; and C. Adopt Resolution No. 25-XXX ratifying Accounts Payable for the Period ending December 26, 2024 Discussion Unlike the Monthly Treasurer’s and Treasurer’s Investment Reports requiring regular reporting within a specific number of days, pursuant to California Government Code Section 41004 and 53607, the frequency of reporting the City’s Payment Register follows the City Resolution No. 5939, where the report will be “presented to the City Council not less often than once a month for ratification.” As such, monthly batches of We ekly Payment Registers are presented to City Council at the second meeting following the close of the reporting period to ensure sufficient time to present the previous month's batches within one report. Sustainability Impact No sustainability impact. Fiscal Impact No fiscal impact. California Environmental Quality Act Not applicable. City Work Program (CWP) Item: Not a CWP item. 43 CC 01-22-2025 43 of 303 CWP Item Description: Not Applicable. Council Goal: Not Applicable. _____________________________________ Prepared by: Jonathan Orozco, Finance Manager Reviewed by: Kristina Alfaro, Director of Administrative Services and City Treasurer Approved for Submission by: Pamela Wu, City Manager A – Draft Resolution 12.6.24 B – Weekly AP Payment Register for the Period Ending 12.6.24 C – Draft Resolution 12.13.24 D – Weekly AP Payment Register for the Period Ending 12.13.24 E – Draft Resolution 12.26.24 F – Weekly AP Payment Register for the Period Ending 12.26.24 44 CC 01-22-2025 44 of 303 RESOLUTION NO. 25-XXX A RESOLUTION OF THE CUPERTINO CITY COUNCIL RATIFYING CERTAIN CLAIMS AND DEMANDS PAYABLE IN THE AMOUNTS AND FROM THE FUNDS AS HEREINAFTER DESCRIBED FOR GENERAL AND MISCELLANEOUS EXPENDITURES FOR THE PERIOD ENDING DECEMBER 6, 2024 WHEREAS, the Director of Administrative Services or their designated representative has certified to accuracy of the following claims and demands and to the availability of funds for payment hereof; and WHEREAS, the said claims and demands have been audited as required by law. NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED that the City Council does hereby ratify the following claims and demands in the amounts and from the funds as hereinafter set forth in the attached Payment Register. PASSED AND ADOPTED at a special meeting of the City Council of the City of Cupertino this 22nd day of January, 2025 by the following vote: Vote Members of the City Council AYES: NOES: ABSENT: ABSTAIN: SIGNED: ________ Liang Chao, Mayor City of Cupertino ________________________ Date ATTEST: ________ Kirsten Squarcia, City Clerk ________________________ Date 45 CC 01-22-2025 45 of 303 Resolution No. 25-XXX Page 2 CERTIFICATION The Finance Manager hereby certifies to the accuracy of said records and to the availability of funds for payment. CERTIFIED: Jonathan Orozco, Finance Manager 46 CC 01-22-2025 46 of 303 Payment Register City of Cupertino From Payment Date: 11/30/2024 - To Payment Date: 12/6/2024 Number Date Status Void Reason Reconciled/ Voided Date Source Payee Name Transaction Amount Reconciled Amount Difference Main Account - Main Checking Account Check 735716 12/06/2024 Open Accounts Payable AT&T $9,087.58 Invoice Date Description Amount 000022563317 11/10/2024 9391051384 10/10/24-11/9/24 $1,622.39 000022584965 11/12/2024 9391023221 (408-253-9200) 10/12/24-11/11/24 $65.46 000022584967 11/12/2024 9391023223 10/12/24-11/11/24 $91.03 000022585061 11/12/2024 9391023218 (238-371-7141) 10/12/24-11/11/24 $64.10 000022585062 11/12/2024 9391023217 (237-361-8095) 10/12/24-11/11/24 $81.36 000022585063 11/12/2024 9391023216 (233-281-5494) 10/12/24-11/11/24 $65.68 000022585064 11/12/2024 9391023215 (233-281-4421) 10/12/24-11/11/24 $83.37 000022585932-0 11/12/2024 9391066758 - 4087771305 | | 10185 N STELLING RD - Secure FAX $19.88 000022585932-1 11/12/2024 9391066758 - 4087771306 | | 10185 N STELLING RD - Sheriff $20.00 000022585932-2 11/12/2024 9391066758 - 4087771307 | | 10185 N STELLING RD - Sheriff $20.00 000022585932-3 11/12/2024 9391066758 - 4087771311 | | 22221 MC CLELLAN RD - Environmental $25.07 000022585932-4 11/12/2024 9391066758 - 4087771318 | | 10555 MARY AV - Traffic Operating Ce $36.00 000022585932-5 11/12/2024 9391066758 - 4087771331 | | 21975 SAN FERNANDO AV - BBF- Kiosk A $20.50 000022585932-6 11/12/2024 9391066758 - 4087771340 | | 10555 MARY AV - Alarm- Service Cente $20.13 000022585932-7 11/12/2024 9391066758 - 4087771344 | | 21251 STEVENS CREEK BL - SEN - FAX $20.00 000022585932-8 11/12/2024 9391066758 - 4087771345 - CH- PG&E Meter $20.15 000022585932-9 11/12/2024 9391066758 - 4087771346 | | 21111 STEVENS CREEK BL - SPORTS Cent $20.15 000022585932-10 11/12/2024 9391066758 - 4087771348 | | 10555 MARY AV - Alarm- Service Cente $21.40 000022585932-11 11/12/2024 9391066758 - 4087771355 | | 10555 MARY AV - Mechanic Shop FAX $20.00 000022585932-12 11/12/2024 9391066758 - 4087773102 | | 10185 N STELLING RD - Museum/Spare $20.00 000022585932-13 11/12/2024 9391066758 - 4087773103 | | 10185 N STELLING RD - Museum/Spare $20.00 000022585932-14 11/12/2024 9391066758 - 4087773109 - FAX $20.00 000022585932-15 11/12/2024 9391066758 - 4087773112 | | 21111 STEVENS CREEK BL - SPORTS- Fir $21.19 000022585932-16 11/12/2024 9391066758 - 4087773113 | | 21111 STEVENS CREEK BL - SPORTS- Fir $20.29 000022585932-17 11/12/2024 9391066758 - 4087773137 | | 10185 N STELLING RD - FAX QCC $20.00 000022585932-18 11/12/2024 9391066758 - 4087773143 | | 21975 SAN FERNANDO AV - BBF - Retrea $20.62 000022585932-19 11/12/2024 9391066758 - 4087773145 | | 21975 SAN FERNANDO AV - BBF-Alarm Go $20.15 000022585932-20 11/12/2024 9391066758 - 4087773156 | | 21251 STEVENS CREEK BL - SEN- FAX Wo $20.00 Monday, December 9, 2024Pages: 1 of 24user: Vi Tran 47 CC 01-22-2025 47 of 303 Payment Register City of Cupertino From Payment Date: 11/30/2024 - To Payment Date: 12/6/2024 Number Date Status Void Reason Reconciled/ Voided Date Source Payee Name Transaction Amount Reconciled Amount Difference 000022585932-21 11/12/2024 9391066758 - 4087773164 | | 21111 STEVENS CREEK BL - Sports Fax $20.15 000022585932-22 11/12/2024 9391066758 - 4087773168 | | 21111 STEVENS CREEK BL - Sports Cent $20.15 000022585932-23 11/12/2024 9391066758 - 4087773254 | | 21975 SAN FERNANDO AV - BBF - Golf S $25.10 000022585932-24 11/12/2024 9391066758 - 4087773258 | | 21975 SAN FERNANDO AV - BBF- Alarm C $20.00 000022585932-25 11/12/2024 9391066758 - 4087773287 - Comm Hall - Alarm $20.59 000022585932-26 11/12/2024 9391066758 - 4087773288 - Comm Hall - Fire Alarm $20.49 000022585932-27 11/12/2024 9391066758 - 4087773293 - Comm Hall - Fire Alarm $20.00 000022585932-28 11/12/2024 9391066758 - 4087773302 | | 21251 STEVENS CREEK BL - SEN- Credit $20.00 000022585932-29 11/12/2024 9391066758 - 4087773305 | | 21251 STEVENS CREEK BL - SEN- Credit $20.00 000022585932-30 11/12/2024 9391066758 - 4087773317 - CH- Finance CC VISA $20.15 000022585932-31 11/12/2024 9391066758 - 4087773333 - CH- FAX downstairs $20.15 000022585932-32 11/12/2024 9391066758 - 4087773365 | | 21251 STEVENS CREEK BL - RNA FAX $20.00 000022585932-33 11/12/2024 9391066758 - 4087773369 | | 21251 STEVENS CREEK BL - SEN- Alarm $21.25 000022585932-34 11/12/2024 9391066758 - 4087773370 | | 21251 STEVENS CREEK BL - SEN- Alarm $20.25 000022585932-35 11/12/2024 9391066758 - 4087773372 | | 21251 STEVENS CREEK BL - Trane Modem $20.00 000022585932-36 11/12/2024 9391066758 - 4087773387 | | 10555 MARY AV - FAX or Alarm $20.00 000022585932-37 11/12/2024 9391066758 - 4087773388 | | 10555 MARY AV - FAX or Alarm $20.00 000022585932-38 11/12/2024 9391066758 - 4087773399 | | 10555 MARY AV - FAX $20.15 000022585932-39 11/12/2024 9391066758 - 4087773416 | | 21251 STEVENS CREEK BL - SEN- Cr Car $20.00 000022585932-40 11/12/2024 9391066758 - 4087773419 | | 21251 STEVENS CREEK BL - SEN- Cr Car $20.00 000022584964-0 11/12/2024 9391023228-City Clerk $30.86 000022584964-1 11/12/2024 9391023228-4082558166 - Service Center Admin $30.86 000022584964-2 11/12/2024 9391023228-City Hall $2,116.50 000022584964-3 11/12/2024 9391023228-Service Center $126.33 000022584964-4 11/12/2024 9391023228-Wilson Park $30.86 000022584964-5 11/12/2024 9391023228-Street Maintenance $31.04 000022584964-6 11/12/2024 9391023228-Monte Vista - 0720858144 $524.72 000022584964-7 11/12/2024 9391023228-BBF Golf - 0720858146 $427.76 000022584964-8 11/12/2024 9391023228-BBF Park - 0720858145 $427.76 000022584964-9 11/12/2024 9391023228-0720858348 -$427.76 000022584964-10 11/12/2024 9391023228-0720858349 - 10229 North Portal Avenue $427.76 000022584964-11 11/12/2024 9391023228-Teleconnect: BTN0720858350 $427.76 000022584964-12 11/12/2024 9391023228-720858352 $524.72 000022584964-13 11/12/2024 9391023228-Teleconnect: BTN0722762181 $524.72 000022584964-14 11/12/2024 9391023228-4084461114 - 10455 Miller Ave $19.10 000022584964-15 11/12/2024 9391023228-4084461126 - 19784 Wintergreen dr. $30.86 000022584964-16 11/12/2024 9391023228-4084461164 - 10299 N PORTAL AV $30.86 Monday, December 9, 2024Pages: 2 of 24user: Vi Tran 48 CC 01-22-2025 48 of 303 Payment Register City of Cupertino From Payment Date: 11/30/2024 - To Payment Date: 12/6/2024 Number Date Status Void Reason Reconciled/ Voided Date Source Payee Name Transaction Amount Reconciled Amount Difference Paying Fund Cash Account Amount 100 - General Fund 100 100-100 (Cash & Investments Assets Operating Cash) $5,553.96 560 - Blackberry Farm 560 100-100 (Cash & Investments Assets Operating Cash) $65.46 570 - Sports Center 570 100-100 (Cash & Investments Assets Operating Cash) $163.84 610 - Innovation & Technology 610 100-100 (Cash & Investments Assets Operating Cash) $3,284.32 630 - Vehicle/Equip Replacement 630 100-100 (Cash & Investments Assets Operating Cash) $20.00 735717 12/06/2024 Open Accounts Payable BroadwaySF $1,380.00 Invoice Date Description Amount 2721949 08/20/2024 Senior Trip: 1/8/25 - Some Like it Hot!$1,380.00 Paying Fund Cash Account Amount 100 - General Fund 100 100-100 (Cash & Investments Assets Operating Cash) $1,380.00 735718 12/06/2024 Open Accounts Payable California Municipal Statistics, Inc.$550.00 Invoice Date Description Amount 24111413 11/14/2024 Direct and Overlapping Debt Statement as of 6/30/24 $550.00 Paying Fund Cash Account Amount 100 - General Fund 100 100-100 (Cash & Investments Assets Operating Cash) $550.00 735719 12/06/2024 Open Accounts Payable California Water Services $18,632.64 Invoice Date Description Amount 1188-112124 11/21/2024 5606531188 10/22/24-11/20/24 $96.63 3333-112224 11/22/2024 5926633333 10/18/24-11/18/24 $18,536.01 Paying Fund Cash Account Amount 100 - General Fund 100 100-100 (Cash & Investments Assets Operating Cash) $18,632.64 735720 12/06/2024 Open Accounts Payable CINTAS CORP $1,391.69 Invoice Date Description Amount 4212907319 11/26/2024 Service Center - Uniform Safety Apparel $1,391.69 Paying Fund Cash Account Amount 100 - General Fund 100 100-100 (Cash & Investments Assets Operating Cash) $1,391.69 735721 12/06/2024 Open Accounts Payable COAST COUNTIES PETERBILT $399.98 Invoice Date Description Amount 01224811P 11/15/2024 Fleet Kit Filter, Gal Castrol $399.98 Paying Fund Cash Account Amount 630 - Vehicle/Equip Replacement 630 100-100 (Cash & Investments Assets Operating Cash) $399.98 735722 12/06/2024 Open Accounts Payable Data Ticket, Inc.$25.00 Invoice Date Description Amount 171776 11/30/2024 Online access to citation processing-October 2024 $25.00 Paying Fund Cash Account Amount 520 - Resource Recovery 520 100-100 (Cash & Investments Assets Operating Cash) $25.00 Monday, December 9, 2024Pages: 3 of 24user: Vi Tran 49 CC 01-22-2025 49 of 303 Payment Register City of Cupertino From Payment Date: 11/30/2024 - To Payment Date: 12/6/2024 Number Date Status Void Reason Reconciled/ Voided Date Source Payee Name Transaction Amount Reconciled Amount Difference 735723 12/06/2024 Open Accounts Payable FEDEX $118.96 Invoice Date Description Amount 8-676-26621 11/08/2024 Shipping - PW $48.17 8-683-68608 11/15/2024 Shipping - Video $39.71 8-648-32764 10/11/2024 Shipping - PW Box $14.72 8-668-68647 11/01/2024 Shipping - PW $16.36 Paying Fund Cash Account Amount 100 - General Fund 100 100-100 (Cash & Investments Assets Operating Cash) $118.96 735724 12/06/2024 Open Accounts Payable Foster Brothers Security Systems $834.15 Invoice Date Description Amount 7495 11/20/2024 Facilities- Brass Padlock $834.15 Paying Fund Cash Account Amount 270 - Transportation Fund 270 100-100 (Cash & Investments Assets Operating Cash) $834.15 735725 12/06/2024 Open Accounts Payable FRONTIER FORD $2,369.83 Invoice Date Description Amount 280623 10/16/2024 Fleet- Tire Pressure Service, Vehicle Inspect., Brake Replace. $2,369.83 Paying Fund Cash Account Amount 630 - Vehicle/Equip Replacement 630 100-100 (Cash & Investments Assets Operating Cash) $2,369.83 735726 12/06/2024 Open Accounts Payable HOME DEPOT CREDIT SERVICES $10,107.70 Invoice Date Description Amount 5515210 10/28/2024 Grounds- Travis W- Stop Leak $65.58 5022206 10/28/2024 Fleet- Cesar G- Black Rubber Leg Tips $9.34 4601494 10/29/2024 Facilities- Michael C- Plastic Pedal Rat Snap Trap, Candy $13.49 4184404 10/29/2024 Trees/ROW- Ricardo A- Refund for Transfer Pump- Receipt#0015778 ($250.46) 4515397 10/29/2024 Facilities- Domingo S- Red/Green Exit Sign, Joint Pail $88.46 4016480 10/29/2024 Trees/ROW- Ricardo A- Trufuel $15.25 8603402 11/04/2024 Facilities- Michael M- Microfiber Cloths, Graffiti Remover $36.68 7022657 11/05/2024 Street- Shawn T- Pinch Point Bar, Hole Digger/Tamping, Towels... $146.04 6603957 11/06/2024 Facilities- Ty B- Screwdriver, Tape, Lite Cable, Drano $182.47 5518022 11/07/2024 Facilities- Michael C- Ferrule & Stop Set $12.97 9631070 11/13/2024 Facilities - Michael C- Rope $5.45 6099170 11/06/2024 Facilities- Michael M- 50-Watt Dimmable Track Light Bulbs $18.56 4012029 11/18/2024 Fleet- Cesar G- Black Rubber Leg Tips $4.67 3012128 11/19/2024 Grounds- Travis W- Fence Line Posts $34.61 3608400 11/19/2024 Facilities- Domingo S- Bondo, HDX Strainer $46.71 3631601 11/19/2024 Trees/ROW- Michael G- Steel Stake $10.30 2611915 11/20/2024 Facilities- Michael M- Bucket, Mini Roller, Sash, Roller Cover $49.72 1612258 11/21/2024 Facilities- Michael M- Pail, Wall Knockdown $58.95 12641 11/22/2024 Streets - Jerry A DuoPower, Connector $136.49 2913584 11/20/2024 Facilities - Ty B BTU 4-Ton 3 Zone $6,646.36 Monday, December 9, 2024Pages: 4 of 24user: Vi Tran 50 CC 01-22-2025 50 of 303 Payment Register City of Cupertino From Payment Date: 11/30/2024 - To Payment Date: 12/6/2024 Number Date Status Void Reason Reconciled/ Voided Date Source Payee Name Transaction Amount Reconciled Amount Difference 2903908 11/20/2024 Facilities - Ty B Breaker, MrCool 18K BTU $2,090.64 3903815 11/19/2024 Facilities - Ty B Breaker Hom 30A 2-Pole, MrCool 18K BTU $2,265.70 3926157 11/19/2024 Facilities - Ty B Cover Kit for Air Con $59.25 2623088 11/20/2024 Facilities - Ty B Lineguard 4.5in 16 Piece $139.72 2907388 11/20/2024 Facilities - Ty B Lineguard 4.5in 16 Piece $139.72 3903877 11/19/2024 Facilities - Ty B Credit for Return Order# WM88896341 ($2,265.70) 2970647 11/20/2024 Facilities - Ty B Credit for Return Order# WM88964680 ($60.02) 2970670 11/20/2024 Facilities - Ty B Credit for Return Order# WM88964680 ($60.02) 2012418 11/20/2024 Trees/ROW - Michael Garcia Lumber, Post Base $67.56 1181061 11/21/2024 Trees/ROW - Michael Garcia Credit for Lumber ($40.69) 2012376 11/20/2024 Trees/ROW - Michael Garcia Lumber, LED Lights $240.00 1012485 11/21/2024 Trees/ROW - Michael Garcia Lumber, Screw $52.09 2012296 11/20/2024 Trees/ROW - Adam P Mini Lights $120.09 2193922 11/20/2024 Trees/ROW - Adam P Credit for Invoice 2012296 ($120.09) 3012126 11/19/2024 Trees/ROW - Adrian S Lumber $147.81 Paying Fund Cash Account Amount 100 - General Fund 100 100-100 (Cash & Investments Assets Operating Cash) $9,765.18 270 - Transportation Fund 270 100-100 (Cash & Investments Assets Operating Cash) $146.04 570 - Sports Center 570 100-100 (Cash & Investments Assets Operating Cash) $182.47 630 - Vehicle/Equip Replacement 630 100-100 (Cash & Investments Assets Operating Cash) $14.01 735727 12/06/2024 Open Accounts Payable ICMA Membership Renewals $1,200.00 Invoice Date Description Amount ICMA01012025 12/06/2024 2025 ICMA Membership Renewal – Pamela Wu #1140460 $1,200.00 Paying Fund Cash Account Amount 100 - General Fund 100 100-100 (Cash & Investments Assets Operating Cash) $1,200.00 735728 12/06/2024 Open Accounts Payable IRON MOUNTAIN $3,633.68 Invoice Date Description Amount JYLX986 11/30/2024 Storage Period - 12/01/2024 - 12/31/2024 $3,633.68 Paying Fund Cash Account Amount 100 - General Fund 100 100-100 (Cash & Investments Assets Operating Cash) $3,633.68 735729 12/06/2024 Open Accounts Payable Joint Venture Silicon Valley $6,900.00 Invoice Date Description Amount 118202NETcuperti 05/21/2024 Public Investment Fiscal Year 2024-25 $6,900.00 Paying Fund Cash Account Amount 100 - General Fund 100 100-100 (Cash & Investments Assets Operating Cash) $6,900.00 735730 12/06/2024 Open Accounts Payable Lester Giles Markarian $405.00 Invoice Date Description Amount CUST1121 11/21/2024 Blacksmithing Demonstration 10/28/2024 $202.50 12032024 12/03/2024 Blacksmithing Demonstration 11/30/2024 $202.50 Paying Fund Cash Account Amount Monday, December 9, 2024Pages: 5 of 24user: Vi Tran 51 CC 01-22-2025 51 of 303 Payment Register City of Cupertino From Payment Date: 11/30/2024 - To Payment Date: 12/6/2024 Number Date Status Void Reason Reconciled/ Voided Date Source Payee Name Transaction Amount Reconciled Amount Difference 100 - General Fund 100 100-100 (Cash & Investments Assets Operating Cash) $405.00 735731 12/06/2024 Open Accounts Payable Max's Opera Cafe $1,702.00 Invoice Date Description Amount 12182024 12/02/2024 Senior Trip: 12/18/24 - Hamilton Trip $1,702.00 Paying Fund Cash Account Amount 100 - General Fund 100 100-100 (Cash & Investments Assets Operating Cash) $1,702.00 735732 12/06/2024 Open Accounts Payable Mountain View Garden Center $3,145.73 Invoice Date Description Amount 116693 11/20/2024 Trees/ROW- Topsoil $103.05 116675 11/18/2024 Grounds- Gravel $2,400.75 116709 11/25/2024 Streets - Top Sand/Sandbags $344.84 116821 12/02/2024 Facilities - 3/4 Yard Sack $297.09 Paying Fund Cash Account Amount 100 - General Fund 100 100-100 (Cash & Investments Assets Operating Cash) $3,145.73 735733 12/06/2024 Open Accounts Payable Napa Auto Parts $218.71 Invoice Date Description Amount 736283 11/13/2024 Fleet- Air Filter, Engine Filter $218.71 Paying Fund Cash Account Amount 630 - Vehicle/Equip Replacement 630 100-100 (Cash & Investments Assets Operating Cash) $218.71 735734 12/06/2024 Open Accounts Payable Operating Engineers Local Union No. 3 $1,496.95 Invoice Date Description Amount 11292024 11/29/2024 Union Dues pp 11/16/24-11/29/24 $1,496.95 Paying Fund Cash Account Amount 100 - General Fund 100 100-100 (Cash & Investments Assets Operating Cash) $1,496.95 735735 12/06/2024 Open Accounts Payable PG&E $121.26 Invoice Date Description Amount 4212-112224 11/22/2024 3535370421-2 10/18/24-11/17/24 $121.26 Paying Fund Cash Account Amount 100 - General Fund 100 100-100 (Cash & Investments Assets Operating Cash) $121.26 735736 12/06/2024 Open Accounts Payable PG&E $27,897.30 Invoice Date Description Amount 3926-112624 11/26/2024 5116972329-6 10/22/24-11/19/24 $27,897.30 Paying Fund Cash Account Amount 100 - General Fund 100 100-100 (Cash & Investments Assets Operating Cash) $27,897.30 735737 12/06/2024 Open Accounts Payable PG&E $311.49 Invoice Date Description Amount 0349-112124 11/21/2024 3042033034-9 10/17/24-11/15/24 $311.49 Paying Fund Cash Account Amount Monday, December 9, 2024Pages: 6 of 24user: Vi Tran 52 CC 01-22-2025 52 of 303 Payment Register City of Cupertino From Payment Date: 11/30/2024 - To Payment Date: 12/6/2024 Number Date Status Void Reason Reconciled/ Voided Date Source Payee Name Transaction Amount Reconciled Amount Difference 100 - General Fund 100 100-100 (Cash & Investments Assets Operating Cash) $311.49 735738 12/06/2024 Open Accounts Payable PG&E $68.42 Invoice Date Description Amount 8413-112524 11/25/2024 4685859841-3 10/21/24-11/18/24 $68.42 Paying Fund Cash Account Amount 100 - General Fund 100 100-100 (Cash & Investments Assets Operating Cash) $68.42 735739 12/06/2024 Open Accounts Payable PG&E $212.08 Invoice Date Description Amount 9785-112724 11/27/2024 2016881978-5 10/18/24-11/17/24 $212.08 Paying Fund Cash Account Amount 100 - General Fund 100 100-100 (Cash & Investments Assets Operating Cash) $212.08 735740 12/06/2024 Open Accounts Payable PG&E $1,035.07 Invoice Date Description Amount 6480-112724 11/27/2024 5587684648-0 10/23/24-11/20/24 $1,035.07 Paying Fund Cash Account Amount 100 - General Fund 100 100-100 (Cash & Investments Assets Operating Cash) $1,035.07 735741 12/06/2024 Open Accounts Payable RDO Equipment Co.$206.97 Invoice Date Description Amount P4289374 11/13/2024 Fleet - Decals $206.97 Paying Fund Cash Account Amount 630 - Vehicle/Equip Replacement 630 100-100 (Cash & Investments Assets Operating Cash) $206.97 735742 12/06/2024 Open Accounts Payable Royal Coach Tours $1,478.00 Invoice Date Description Amount 30810 11/14/2024 Charter 32445: 11/14/24 - Grace Cathedral and Ghiradelli Sq Trip $1,478.00 Paying Fund Cash Account Amount 100 - General Fund 100 100-100 (Cash & Investments Assets Operating Cash) $1,478.00 735743 12/06/2024 Open Accounts Payable RPM EXTERMINATORS INC $1,275.00 Invoice Date Description Amount 0112982 11/19/2024 Facilities- Bait Trap Service $1,275.00 Paying Fund Cash Account Amount 100 - General Fund 100 100-100 (Cash & Investments Assets Operating Cash) $1,020.00 570 - Sports Center 570 100-100 (Cash & Investments Assets Operating Cash) $255.00 735744 12/06/2024 Open Accounts Payable Santa Clara County Cities Managers’ Association, (SCCCMA) $75.00 Invoice Date Description Amount SCCCMA121124 12/11/2024 SCCCMA 2024 Holiday Luncheon Registration for Pamela Wu $75.00 Paying Fund Cash Account Amount Monday, December 9, 2024Pages: 7 of 24user: Vi Tran 53 CC 01-22-2025 53 of 303 Payment Register City of Cupertino From Payment Date: 11/30/2024 - To Payment Date: 12/6/2024 Number Date Status Void Reason Reconciled/ Voided Date Source Payee Name Transaction Amount Reconciled Amount Difference 100 - General Fund 100 100-100 (Cash & Investments Assets Operating Cash) $75.00 735745 12/06/2024 Open Accounts Payable Santa Clara County Vector Control District $274.68 Invoice Date Description Amount SV10033-04102025 11/25/2024 SV10033-FY2425 07012024-06302025 Vector Control $274.68 Paying Fund Cash Account Amount 100 - General Fund 100 100-100 (Cash & Investments Assets Operating Cash) $274.68 735746 12/06/2024 Open Accounts Payable SUBURBAN PROPANE-1644 $120.00 Invoice Date Description Amount 258720 11/14/2024 Fleet - Equipment Rental Yearly $120.00 Paying Fund Cash Account Amount 630 - Vehicle/Equip Replacement 630 100-100 (Cash & Investments Assets Operating Cash) $120.00 735747 12/06/2024 Open Accounts Payable SVA Architects, Inc.$6,750.00 Invoice Date Description Amount 62691 09/30/2024 Sports Center Locker Room Renovation through 09302024 $4,500.00 62524 08/31/2024 Sports Center Locker Room Renovation through 08312024 $2,250.00 Paying Fund Cash Account Amount 420 - Capital Improvement Fund 420 100-100 (Cash & Investments Assets Operating Cash) $6,750.00 735748 12/06/2024 Open Accounts Payable The Beach Chalet L.P.$1,707.18 Invoice Date Description Amount 01152025 11/20/2024 Senior Trip: 1/15/25 - Beach Chalet & Legion of Honor Trip $1,707.18 Paying Fund Cash Account Amount 100 - General Fund 100 100-100 (Cash & Investments Assets Operating Cash) $1,707.18 735749 12/06/2024 Open Accounts Payable TransUnion Risk and Alternative $165.00 Invoice Date Description Amount 6110432-202411-1 12/01/2024 Tlo 11/01/2024 - 11/30/2024 $165.00 Paying Fund Cash Account Amount 100 - General Fund 100 100-100 (Cash & Investments Assets Operating Cash) $165.00 735750 12/06/2024 Open Accounts Payable Caroline Jusuf $10.00 Invoice Date Description Amount 2002285.032 05/28/2024 Parking Permit Refund $10.00 Paying Fund Cash Account Amount 100 - General Fund 100 100-100 (Cash & Investments Assets Operating Cash) $10.00 735751 12/06/2024 Open Accounts Payable Cheryl Joo $70.00 Invoice Date Description Amount 2002310.032 06/06/2024 Credit on Account Refund from COVID $70.00 Paying Fund Cash Account Amount Monday, December 9, 2024Pages: 8 of 24user: Vi Tran 54 CC 01-22-2025 54 of 303 Payment Register City of Cupertino From Payment Date: 11/30/2024 - To Payment Date: 12/6/2024 Number Date Status Void Reason Reconciled/ Voided Date Source Payee Name Transaction Amount Reconciled Amount Difference 100 - General Fund 100 100-100 (Cash & Investments Assets Operating Cash) $70.00 735752 12/06/2024 Open Accounts Payable CHU, PAUL $33.60 Invoice Date Description Amount 2005148.012 11/06/2024 SPORTS CENTER (11/06/2024) ACCT. CREDIT REFUND $33.60 Paying Fund Cash Account Amount 570 - Sports Center 570 100-100 (Cash & Investments Assets Operating Cash) $33.60 735753 12/06/2024 Open Accounts Payable Cupertino Bhubaneswar Sister City $1,000.00 Invoice Date Description Amount 2009824.030 11/19/2024 QCC- 9.20-9.21.24 - Memorial Park Field Security Deposit Refund $1,000.00 Paying Fund Cash Account Amount 100 - General Fund 100 100-100 (Cash & Investments Assets Operating Cash) $1,000.00 735754 12/06/2024 Open Accounts Payable Cupertino-Hsinchu Sister City Association $500.00 Invoice Date Description Amount 2009799.030 11/08/2024 QCC- 11.01.24- Cupertino Room Security Deposit Refund $500.00 Paying Fund Cash Account Amount 100 - General Fund 100 100-100 (Cash & Investments Assets Operating Cash) $500.00 735755 12/06/2024 Open Accounts Payable Cupertino-Toyokawa Sister Cities Inc. $500.00 Invoice Date Description Amount 2009817.030 11/19/2024 QCC- 10.24.24- Community Hall Security Deposit Refund $500.00 Paying Fund Cash Account Amount 100 - General Fund 100 100-100 (Cash & Investments Assets Operating Cash) $500.00 735756 12/06/2024 Open Accounts Payable Dennis Whittaker $500.00 Invoice Date Description Amount 2009798.030 11/08/2024 QCC- 11.03.24- Cupertino Room Security Deposit Refund $500.00 Paying Fund Cash Account Amount 100 - General Fund 100 100-100 (Cash & Investments Assets Operating Cash) $500.00 735757 12/06/2024 Open Accounts Payable Elena McQuirk $324.00 Invoice Date Description Amount 2009797.030 11/07/2024 QCC 11.07.24 class 26026 cancelled $324.00 Paying Fund Cash Account Amount 580 - Recreation Program 580 100-100 (Cash & Investments Assets Operating Cash) $324.00 735758 12/06/2024 Open Accounts Payable Elia Grimm $30.00 Invoice Date Description Amount 2002637.032 11/27/2024 Winter Ball Cancellation $30.00 Paying Fund Cash Account Amount Monday, December 9, 2024Pages: 9 of 24user: Vi Tran 55 CC 01-22-2025 55 of 303 Payment Register City of Cupertino From Payment Date: 11/30/2024 - To Payment Date: 12/6/2024 Number Date Status Void Reason Reconciled/ Voided Date Source Payee Name Transaction Amount Reconciled Amount Difference 100 - General Fund 100 100-100 (Cash & Investments Assets Operating Cash) $30.00 735759 12/06/2024 Open Accounts Payable Fundacion Humanidad $500.00 Invoice Date Description Amount 2009816.030 11/18/2024 QCC- 11.09.24- Cupertino Room Security Deposit Refund $500.00 Paying Fund Cash Account Amount 100 - General Fund 100 100-100 (Cash & Investments Assets Operating Cash) $500.00 735760 12/06/2024 Open Accounts Payable HALI, KAPIL $37.50 Invoice Date Description Amount 2005149.012 11/06/2024 SPORTS CENTER (11/06/2024) ACCT. CREDIT REFUND $37.50 Paying Fund Cash Account Amount 570 - Sports Center 570 100-100 (Cash & Investments Assets Operating Cash) $37.50 735761 12/06/2024 Open Accounts Payable HALL, STEVEN $60.00 Invoice Date Description Amount 2005150.012 11/06/2024 SPORTS CENTER (11/06/2024) ACCT. CREDIT REFUND $60.00 Paying Fund Cash Account Amount 570 - Sports Center 570 100-100 (Cash & Investments Assets Operating Cash) $60.00 735762 12/06/2024 Open Accounts Payable HANSEN, JING $125.00 Invoice Date Description Amount 2005151.012 11/06/2024 SPORTS CENTER (11.06.2024) ACCT CREDIT REFUND $125.00 Paying Fund Cash Account Amount 570 - Sports Center 570 100-100 (Cash & Investments Assets Operating Cash) $125.00 735763 12/06/2024 Open Accounts Payable HUANG, CAI LIN $383.00 Invoice Date Description Amount 2005154.012 11/13/2024 SPORTS CENTER (11/13/2024) ACCT CREDIT REFUND $383.00 Paying Fund Cash Account Amount 570 - Sports Center 570 100-100 (Cash & Investments Assets Operating Cash) $383.00 735764 12/06/2024 Open Accounts Payable HUANG, JINGRU $60.00 Invoice Date Description Amount 2005155.012 11/13/2024 SPORTS CENTER (11/13/2024) ACT. CREDIT REFUND $60.00 Paying Fund Cash Account Amount 570 - Sports Center 570 100-100 (Cash & Investments Assets Operating Cash) $60.00 735765 12/06/2024 Open Accounts Payable HUANG, MINGHUI $353.00 Invoice Date Description Amount 2005156.012 11/13/2024 SPORTS CENTER (11/13/2024) ACCT. CREDIT REFUND $353.00 Monday, December 9, 2024Pages: 10 of 24user: Vi Tran 56 CC 01-22-2025 56 of 303 Payment Register City of Cupertino From Payment Date: 11/30/2024 - To Payment Date: 12/6/2024 Number Date Status Void Reason Reconciled/ Voided Date Source Payee Name Transaction Amount Reconciled Amount Difference Paying Fund Cash Account Amount 570 - Sports Center 570 100-100 (Cash & Investments Assets Operating Cash) $353.00 735766 12/06/2024 Open Accounts Payable HUANG, SHENBO $56.00 Invoice Date Description Amount 2005158.012 11/15/2024 SPORTS CENTER (11/14/2024) ACCT. CREDIT REFUND $56.00 Paying Fund Cash Account Amount 570 - Sports Center 570 100-100 (Cash & Investments Assets Operating Cash) $56.00 735767 12/06/2024 Open Accounts Payable IANNACONE, ANNA $45.00 Invoice Date Description Amount 2005159.012 11/19/2024 SPORTS CENTER (11 19 2024) ACCT. CREDIT REFUND $45.00 Paying Fund Cash Account Amount 570 - Sports Center 570 100-100 (Cash & Investments Assets Operating Cash) $45.00 735768 12/06/2024 Open Accounts Payable INDUPURU, SUNEEL $75.00 Invoice Date Description Amount 2005160.012 11/19/2024 SPORTS CENTER (11 19 2024) ACCT. CREDIT REFUND $75.00 Paying Fund Cash Account Amount 570 - Sports Center 570 100-100 (Cash & Investments Assets Operating Cash) $75.00 735769 12/06/2024 Open Accounts Payable IRVING, TINA $150.00 Invoice Date Description Amount 2005161.012 11/19/2024 SPORTS CENTER (11/19/2024) ACCT. CREDIT REFUND $150.00 Paying Fund Cash Account Amount 570 - Sports Center 570 100-100 (Cash & Investments Assets Operating Cash) $150.00 735770 12/06/2024 Open Accounts Payable Jean Young Ryu $40.00 Invoice Date Description Amount Jean11182024 11/18/2024 Live Scan and Fingerprinting Reimbursement $40.00 Paying Fund Cash Account Amount 100 - General Fund 100 100-100 (Cash & Investments Assets Operating Cash) $40.00 735771 12/06/2024 Open Accounts Payable JIN, NIU $70.60 Invoice Date Description Amount 2005162.012 11/19/2024 SPORTS CENTER (11 19 2024) ACCT. CREDIT REFUND $70.60 Paying Fund Cash Account Amount 570 - Sports Center 570 100-100 (Cash & Investments Assets Operating Cash) $70.60 735772 12/06/2024 Open Accounts Payable JONNADULA, ANIRUDH $45.00 Invoice Date Description Amount 2005163.012 11/19/2024 SPORTS CENTER (11/19/2024) ACCT. CREDIT REFUND $45.00 Monday, December 9, 2024Pages: 11 of 24user: Vi Tran 57 CC 01-22-2025 57 of 303 Payment Register City of Cupertino From Payment Date: 11/30/2024 - To Payment Date: 12/6/2024 Number Date Status Void Reason Reconciled/ Voided Date Source Payee Name Transaction Amount Reconciled Amount Difference Paying Fund Cash Account Amount 570 - Sports Center 570 100-100 (Cash & Investments Assets Operating Cash) $45.00 735773 12/06/2024 Open Accounts Payable KADAVERU, SHALINI $37.50 Invoice Date Description Amount 2005164.012 11/19/2024 SPORTS CENTER (11/19/2024 ) ACCT. CREDIT REFUND $37.50 Paying Fund Cash Account Amount 570 - Sports Center 570 100-100 (Cash & Investments Assets Operating Cash) $37.50 735774 12/06/2024 Open Accounts Payable Maria Fagundes $37.00 Invoice Date Description Amount 2002300.032 06/06/2024 Credit on Account Refund from COVID $37.00 Paying Fund Cash Account Amount 100 - General Fund 100 100-100 (Cash & Investments Assets Operating Cash) $37.00 735775 12/06/2024 Open Accounts Payable MEHTA, JULIE $1,104.00 Invoice Date Description Amount 2005131.012 10/07/2024 Sports Center - Family Annual Membership Refund $1,104.00 Paying Fund Cash Account Amount 570 - Sports Center 570 100-100 (Cash & Investments Assets Operating Cash) $1,104.00 735776 12/06/2024 Open Accounts Payable Nicholas Panlilio $40.40 Invoice Date Description Amount Nicholas10242024 10/24/2024 Live Scan and Fingerprinting Reimbursement $40.40 Paying Fund Cash Account Amount 100 - General Fund 100 100-100 (Cash & Investments Assets Operating Cash) $40.40 735777 12/06/2024 Open Accounts Payable Padma Asrani $72.00 Invoice Date Description Amount Padma11242024 11/24/2024 Live Scan and Fingerprinting Reimbursement $72.00 Paying Fund Cash Account Amount 100 - General Fund 100 100-100 (Cash & Investments Assets Operating Cash) $72.00 735778 12/06/2024 Open Accounts Payable Penny Peng $150.00 Invoice Date Description Amount 2009795.030 11/07/2024 MRP-11.07.24 box 125 deposit refund for expired permit $150.00 Paying Fund Cash Account Amount 100 - General Fund 100 100-100 (Cash & Investments Assets Operating Cash) $150.00 735779 12/06/2024 Open Accounts Payable Safari Kid $500.00 Invoice Date Description Amount 2002296.032 06/03/2024 R181845 May 31, 2024 Rental Deposit Refund $500.00 Paying Fund Cash Account Amount 100 - General Fund 100 100-100 (Cash & Investments Assets Operating Cash) $500.00 Monday, December 9, 2024Pages: 12 of 24user: Vi Tran 58 CC 01-22-2025 58 of 303 Payment Register City of Cupertino From Payment Date: 11/30/2024 - To Payment Date: 12/6/2024 Number Date Status Void Reason Reconciled/ Voided Date Source Payee Name Transaction Amount Reconciled Amount Difference 735780 12/06/2024 Open Accounts Payable Xiaorong Ou $40.00 Invoice Date Description Amount 2009815.030 11/18/2024 McClellan Ranch - May 2024 -Garden Plot Deposit Refund. $40.00 Paying Fund Cash Account Amount 100 - General Fund 100 100-100 (Cash & Investments Assets Operating Cash) $40.00 Type Check Totals:65 Transactions $112,245.65 EFT 41225 12/03/2024 Open Accounts Payable California Public Employees' Retirement System $428,594.80 Invoice Date Description Amount 7158-111424 11/14/2024 Health Premiums $428,594.80 Paying Fund Cash Account Amount 100 - General Fund 100 100-100 (Cash & Investments Assets Operating Cash) $309,888.60 642 - Retiree Medical 642 100-100 (Cash & Investments Assets Operating Cash) $118,706.20 41226 12/02/2024 Open Accounts Payable SQUARE, INC.$70.00 Invoice Date Description Amount SQUARE120124 12/01/2024 SQUARE Team Plus 12/1/24-1/1/25 $70.00 Paying Fund Cash Account Amount 100 - General Fund 100 100-100 (Cash & Investments Assets Operating Cash) $70.00 41227 12/06/2024 Open Accounts Payable Colonial Life & Accident Insurance $29.16 Invoice Date Description Amount 11292024 11/29/2024 Colonial Products pp 11/16/24-11/29/24 $29.16 Paying Fund Cash Account Amount 100 - General Fund 100 100-100 (Cash & Investments Assets Operating Cash) $29.16 41228 12/06/2024 Open Accounts Payable Employment Development $10,246.45 Invoice Date Description Amount 11292024 11/29/2024 State Disability Insurance pp 11/16/24-11/29/24 $10,246.45 Paying Fund Cash Account Amount 100 - General Fund 100 100-100 (Cash & Investments Assets Operating Cash) $10,246.45 41229 12/06/2024 Open Accounts Payable National Deferred (ROTH)$2,755.48 Invoice Date Description Amount 11292024 11/29/2024 Nationwide Roth pp 11/16/24-11/29/24 $2,755.48 Paying Fund Cash Account Amount 100 - General Fund 100 100-100 (Cash & Investments Assets Operating Cash) $2,755.48 41230 12/06/2024 Open Accounts Payable National Deferred Compensation $23,299.12 Invoice Date Description Amount 11292024 11/29/2024 Nationwide Deferred Compensation pp 11/16/24- 11/29/24 $23,299.12 Paying Fund Cash Account Amount Monday, December 9, 2024Pages: 13 of 24user: Vi Tran 59 CC 01-22-2025 59 of 303 Payment Register City of Cupertino From Payment Date: 11/30/2024 - To Payment Date: 12/6/2024 Number Date Status Void Reason Reconciled/ Voided Date Source Payee Name Transaction Amount Reconciled Amount Difference 100 - General Fund 100 100-100 (Cash & Investments Assets Operating Cash) $23,299.12 41231 12/06/2024 Open Accounts Payable PERS-457K $13,816.76 Invoice Date Description Amount 11292024 11/29/2024 PERS 457K pp 11/16/24-11/29/24 $13,816.76 Paying Fund Cash Account Amount 100 - General Fund 100 100-100 (Cash & Investments Assets Operating Cash) $13,816.76 41232 12/06/2024 Open Accounts Payable State Disbursement Unit $603.49 Invoice Date Description Amount 11292024 11/29/2024 Child Support pp 11/16/24-11/29/24 $603.49 Paying Fund Cash Account Amount 100 - General Fund 100 100-100 (Cash & Investments Assets Operating Cash) $603.49 41233 12/06/2024 Open Accounts Payable A&D Automatic Gate $552.50 Invoice Date Description Amount 0048578 11/15/2024 Facilities- Service Center Gate Tag Master Service $552.50 Paying Fund Cash Account Amount 100 - General Fund 100 100-100 (Cash & Investments Assets Operating Cash) $552.50 41234 12/06/2024 Open Accounts Payable A-1 FENCE INC.$750.00 Invoice Date Description Amount 15552 11/07/2024 Trees/ROW- Lawrence Mitty Emergency Fence Repair $750.00 Paying Fund Cash Account Amount 100 - General Fund 100 100-100 (Cash & Investments Assets Operating Cash) $750.00 41235 12/06/2024 Open Accounts Payable AIRGAS USA LLC $100.61 Invoice Date Description Amount 5512850571 11/30/2024 Fleet - Rent Cyl Large Acetylene and Oxygen $100.61 Paying Fund Cash Account Amount 630 - Vehicle/Equip Replacement 630 100-100 (Cash & Investments Assets Operating Cash) $100.61 41236 12/06/2024 Open Accounts Payable Amazon Capital Services $450.89 Invoice Date Description Amount 1H9P-6D6C-LV3H 11/01/2024 Amazon Business - November $450.89 Paying Fund Cash Account Amount 100 - General Fund 100 100-100 (Cash & Investments Assets Operating Cash) $450.89 41237 12/06/2024 Open Accounts Payable Anova Furnishing, Inc.$7,896.45 Invoice Date Description Amount 643384 11/18/2024 Grounds- Picnic Tables at Memorial Park $7,896.45 Paying Fund Cash Account Amount 100 - General Fund 100 100-100 (Cash & Investments Assets Operating Cash) $7,896.45 41238 12/06/2024 Open Accounts Payable Aquatic Central $3,000.00 Invoice Date Description Amount 100026 11/15/2024 Facilities - Library Aquarium Maint. November 2024 $3,000.00 Monday, December 9, 2024Pages: 14 of 24user: Vi Tran 60 CC 01-22-2025 60 of 303 Payment Register City of Cupertino From Payment Date: 11/30/2024 - To Payment Date: 12/6/2024 Number Date Status Void Reason Reconciled/ Voided Date Source Payee Name Transaction Amount Reconciled Amount Difference Paying Fund Cash Account Amount 100 - General Fund 100 100-100 (Cash & Investments Assets Operating Cash) $3,000.00 41239 12/06/2024 Open Accounts Payable Avocette Technologies Inc.$6,527.63 Invoice Date Description Amount 2410CU1 10/31/2024 FY25 Accela Support for Configuration and Support October2024 $6,527.63 Paying Fund Cash Account Amount 100 - General Fund 100 100-100 (Cash & Investments Assets Operating Cash) $6,527.63 41240 12/06/2024 Open Accounts Payable Beam Global $46,092.22 Invoice Date Description Amount INV-1496 11/14/2024 Pintle Trailer $46,092.22 Paying Fund Cash Account Amount 100 - General Fund 100 100-100 (Cash & Investments Assets Operating Cash) $46,092.22 41241 12/06/2024 Open Accounts Payable Bear Electrical Solutions, Inc.$2,630.00 Invoice Date Description Amount 24831 11/20/2024 Street- Anchor Bolt Repair @ 11171 Bubb Rd.$2,630.00 Paying Fund Cash Account Amount 100 - General Fund 100 100-100 (Cash & Investments Assets Operating Cash) $2,630.00 41242 12/06/2024 Open Accounts Payable Bikeep Inc.$49.00 Invoice Date Description Amount 18201 11/30/2024 Monthly Bikeep Fee $49.00 Paying Fund Cash Account Amount 100 - General Fund 100 100-100 (Cash & Investments Assets Operating Cash) $49.00 41243 12/06/2024 Open Accounts Payable CHAD MOSLEY $55.00 Invoice Date Description Amount ChadM11202024 11/20/2024 Cell Phone Reimbursement through 10212024- 11202024 $55.00 Paying Fund Cash Account Amount 100 - General Fund 100 100-100 (Cash & Investments Assets Operating Cash) $55.00 41244 12/06/2024 Open Accounts Payable ChargePoint, Inc.$6,080.00 Invoice Date Description Amount IN305909 11/25/2024 FY25 Chargepoint EV renewal 11/18/24 - 11/17/26 $6,080.00 Paying Fund Cash Account Amount 100 - General Fund 100 100-100 (Cash & Investments Assets Operating Cash) $3,120.00 610 - Innovation & Technology 610 100-100 (Cash & Investments Assets Operating Cash) $2,960.00 41245 12/06/2024 Open Accounts Payable Christina Lopez $55.00 Invoice Date Description Amount ChristL111324 11/13/2024 Cell Phone Service Nov 14-Dec13 $55.00 Paying Fund Cash Account Amount Monday, December 9, 2024Pages: 15 of 24user: Vi Tran 61 CC 01-22-2025 61 of 303 Payment Register City of Cupertino From Payment Date: 11/30/2024 - To Payment Date: 12/6/2024 Number Date Status Void Reason Reconciled/ Voided Date Source Payee Name Transaction Amount Reconciled Amount Difference 100 - General Fund 100 100-100 (Cash & Investments Assets Operating Cash) $55.00 41246 12/06/2024 Open Accounts Payable City of San Jose $151,968.63 Invoice Date Description Amount 1255875 11/21/2024 Stevens Creek Boulevard Vision Study Funding $151,968.63 Paying Fund Cash Account Amount 100 - General Fund 100 100-100 (Cash & Investments Assets Operating Cash) $151,968.63 41247 12/06/2024 Open Accounts Payable CLEARBLU ENVIRONMENTAL $1,216.60 Invoice Date Description Amount 32574 11/20/2024 Street- Drum EcoBlast LF 55 Gal of Soap $1,216.60 Paying Fund Cash Account Amount 100 - General Fund 100 100-100 (Cash & Investments Assets Operating Cash) $1,216.60 41248 12/06/2024 Open Accounts Payable Craig Whittom Consulting $1,962.36 Invoice Date Description Amount 00085 12/01/2024 November 2024 – Vallco Project Management $1,962.36 Paying Fund Cash Account Amount 100 - General Fund 100 100-100 (Cash & Investments Assets Operating Cash) $1,962.36 41249 12/06/2024 Open Accounts Payable DAN BARONE $55.00 Invoice Date Description Amount DanB111824 11/18/2024 Cell Phone Reimbursement - Dan B 101924 to 111824 $55.00 Paying Fund Cash Account Amount 270 - Transportation Fund 270 100-100 (Cash & Investments Assets Operating Cash) $55.00 41250 12/06/2024 Open Accounts Payable Dell Marketing L.P.$292.02 Invoice Date Description Amount 10784778551 11/27/2024 3x VLA INDESIGN - EDITION 4 FOR ENT MLP MNA LANG SUBS NEW LGA $292.02 Paying Fund Cash Account Amount 610 - Innovation & Technology 610 100-100 (Cash & Investments Assets Operating Cash) $292.02 41251 12/06/2024 Open Accounts Payable Doggie Walk Bags, Inc.$2,182.60 Invoice Date Description Amount 0115832-IN 11/26/2024 Grounds - Green Unscented Disp Bags $2,182.60 Paying Fund Cash Account Amount 100 - General Fund 100 100-100 (Cash & Investments Assets Operating Cash) $2,182.60 41252 12/06/2024 Open Accounts Payable East Bay Tire Co.$1,368.84 Invoice Date Description Amount 2093675 11/19/2024 Fleet - Tires 275/65R18/ Goodyear Wrangler $1,368.84 Paying Fund Cash Account Amount 630 - Vehicle/Equip Replacement 630 100-100 (Cash & Investments Assets Operating Cash) $1,368.84 Monday, December 9, 2024Pages: 16 of 24user: Vi Tran 62 CC 01-22-2025 62 of 303 Payment Register City of Cupertino From Payment Date: 11/30/2024 - To Payment Date: 12/6/2024 Number Date Status Void Reason Reconciled/ Voided Date Source Payee Name Transaction Amount Reconciled Amount Difference 41253 12/06/2024 Open Accounts Payable Eflex Group, Inc $4,696.27 Invoice Date Description Amount 11292024 11/29/2024 FSA pp 11/16/24-11/29/24 $4,696.27 Paying Fund Cash Account Amount 100 - General Fund 100 100-100 (Cash & Investments Assets Operating Cash) $4,696.27 41254 12/06/2024 Open Accounts Payable Environmental Systems Research Institute, Inc. $29,555.00 Invoice Date Description Amount 94844364 11/18/2024 ESRI Master Agreement 01/17/2025 - 01/16/2026 $29,555.00 Paying Fund Cash Account Amount 610 - Innovation & Technology 610 100-100 (Cash & Investments Assets Operating Cash) $29,555.00 41255 12/06/2024 Open Accounts Payable Ewing Irrigation Products Inc.$3,371.08 Invoice Date Description Amount 24126753 11/13/2024 Trees/ROW- Wattle Straw $296.37 24178326 11/18/2024 Grounds- White Aero Paint $3,074.71 Paying Fund Cash Account Amount 100 - General Fund 100 100-100 (Cash & Investments Assets Operating Cash) $3,371.08 41256 12/06/2024 Open Accounts Payable Fehr & Peers $2,065.88 Invoice Date Description Amount 180865 11/13/2024 VMT Inventory & VMT Mitigation through 09282024- 10252024 $2,065.88 Paying Fund Cash Account Amount 100 - General Fund 100 100-100 (Cash & Investments Assets Operating Cash) $2,065.88 41257 12/06/2024 Open Accounts Payable Fix Air $64.77 Invoice Date Description Amount 3134287 11/20/2024 Facilities- Temperature Control $64.77 Paying Fund Cash Account Amount 100 - General Fund 100 100-100 (Cash & Investments Assets Operating Cash) $64.77 41258 12/06/2024 Open Accounts Payable Flock Group Inc $62,250.00 Invoice Date Description Amount INV-51844 11/11/2024 FY24/25 CWP Automated License Plate Readers – Solar Falcon $62,250.00 Paying Fund Cash Account Amount 100 - General Fund 100 100-100 (Cash & Investments Assets Operating Cash) $62,250.00 41259 12/06/2024 Open Accounts Payable GARDENLAND POWER EQUIPMENT $255.61 Invoice Date Description Amount 1139741 11/27/2024 Fleet - Carburetor, Tube, Nozzle $103.75 1137847 11/18/2024 Fleet - Fuel System Kit for PB-770 $27.29 1137841 11/18/2024 Fleet - Carburetor, Throttle Cable $124.57 Paying Fund Cash Account Amount Monday, December 9, 2024Pages: 17 of 24user: Vi Tran 63 CC 01-22-2025 63 of 303 Payment Register City of Cupertino From Payment Date: 11/30/2024 - To Payment Date: 12/6/2024 Number Date Status Void Reason Reconciled/ Voided Date Source Payee Name Transaction Amount Reconciled Amount Difference 630 - Vehicle/Equip Replacement 630 100-100 (Cash & Investments Assets Operating Cash) $255.61 41260 12/06/2024 Open Accounts Payable Geotab USA, Inc $2,349.00 Invoice Date Description Amount IN409466 11/30/2024 Geotab for Telematics November 2024 $2,349.00 Paying Fund Cash Account Amount 610 - Innovation & Technology 610 100-100 (Cash & Investments Assets Operating Cash) $2,349.00 41261 12/06/2024 Open Accounts Payable GRAINGER INC $71.67 Invoice Date Description Amount 9322926545 11/20/2024 Facilities- Hot Surface Igniter $71.67 Paying Fund Cash Account Amount 100 - General Fund 100 100-100 (Cash & Investments Assets Operating Cash) $71.67 41262 12/06/2024 Open Accounts Payable HERITAGE LANDSCAPE SUPPLY GROUP $320.30 Invoice Date Description Amount 0018398972-001 11/07/2024 Trees/ROW- PVC Coupler, Elbow, Bubbler FIP, Tubes $320.30 Paying Fund Cash Account Amount 100 - General Fund 100 100-100 (Cash & Investments Assets Operating Cash) $320.30 41263 12/06/2024 Open Accounts Payable Hinderliter de Llamas & Associates $3,481.68 Invoice Date Description Amount SIN044581 11/19/2024 Contract and Audit Services - Sales Tax Q2/2024 $3,481.68 Paying Fund Cash Account Amount 100 - General Fund 100 100-100 (Cash & Investments Assets Operating Cash) $3,481.68 41264 12/06/2024 Open Accounts Payable ICONIX WATERWORKS (US) INC.$1,705.44 Invoice Date Description Amount U2416049153 11/13/2024 Grounds- Black Spools $1,705.44 Paying Fund Cash Account Amount 100 - General Fund 100 100-100 (Cash & Investments Assets Operating Cash) $1,705.44 41265 12/06/2024 Open Accounts Payable IFPTE LOCAL 21 $2,164.10 Invoice Date Description Amount 11292024 11/29/2024 Association Dues - CEA pp 11/16/24-11/29/24 $2,164.10 Paying Fund Cash Account Amount 100 - General Fund 100 100-100 (Cash & Investments Assets Operating Cash) $2,164.10 41266 12/06/2024 Open Accounts Payable IMPEC GROUP INC,.$70,262.01 Invoice Date Description Amount 2411123 11/30/2024 Facilities - Janitorial Services Nov 2024 $70,262.01 Paying Fund Cash Account Amount 100 - General Fund 100 100-100 (Cash & Investments Assets Operating Cash) $60,735.01 560 - Blackberry Farm 560 100-100 (Cash & Investments Assets Operating Cash) $1,159.00 Monday, December 9, 2024Pages: 18 of 24user: Vi Tran 64 CC 01-22-2025 64 of 303 Payment Register City of Cupertino From Payment Date: 11/30/2024 - To Payment Date: 12/6/2024 Number Date Status Void Reason Reconciled/ Voided Date Source Payee Name Transaction Amount Reconciled Amount Difference 570 - Sports Center 570 100-100 (Cash & Investments Assets Operating Cash) $8,368.00 41267 12/06/2024 Open Accounts Payable Interstate Traffic Control Products, Inc. $1,216.80 Invoice Date Description Amount 267030 12/02/2024 Streets - Special Order K Marker 18" w/Boomerang Base $1,216.80 Paying Fund Cash Account Amount 270 - Transportation Fund 270 100-100 (Cash & Investments Assets Operating Cash) $1,216.80 41268 12/06/2024 Open Accounts Payable JAM Services, Inc $171,298.97 Invoice Date Description Amount 185500 11/15/2024 Street- Street Light Poles $171,298.97 Paying Fund Cash Account Amount 100 - General Fund 100 100-100 (Cash & Investments Assets Operating Cash) $171,298.97 41269 12/06/2024 Open Accounts Payable Jarvis Fay LLP $266.00 Invoice Date Description Amount 19577 10/31/2024 Legal Services Oct. 1, 2024 - Oct. 31, 2024 $266.00 Paying Fund Cash Account Amount 100 - General Fund 100 100-100 (Cash & Investments Assets Operating Cash) $266.00 41270 12/06/2024 Open Accounts Payable Jones Enterprises $200.00 Invoice Date Description Amount JE95 11/21/2024 Support for Elected Officials and City Manager – Fall 2024 Servi $200.00 Paying Fund Cash Account Amount 100 - General Fund 100 100-100 (Cash & Investments Assets Operating Cash) $200.00 41271 12/06/2024 Open Accounts Payable Leader Instruments Corporation $2,502.00 Invoice Date Description Amount 4844 11/26/2024 Leader LV5333 Wave Form Monitor Repair $2,502.00 Paying Fund Cash Account Amount 100 - General Fund 100 100-100 (Cash & Investments Assets Operating Cash) $2,502.00 41272 12/06/2024 Open Accounts Payable MissionSquare 300292 $10,730.60 Invoice Date Description Amount 11292024 11/29/2024 ICMA pp 11/16/24-11/29/24 $10,730.60 Paying Fund Cash Account Amount 100 - General Fund 100 100-100 (Cash & Investments Assets Operating Cash) $10,730.60 41273 12/06/2024 Open Accounts Payable Municipal Resource Group, LLC $625.00 Invoice Date Description Amount 241218 10/11/2024 FY24-25 CDD Professional Development – Aug & Sept 2024 Services $625.00 Paying Fund Cash Account Amount Monday, December 9, 2024Pages: 19 of 24user: Vi Tran 65 CC 01-22-2025 65 of 303 Payment Register City of Cupertino From Payment Date: 11/30/2024 - To Payment Date: 12/6/2024 Number Date Status Void Reason Reconciled/ Voided Date Source Payee Name Transaction Amount Reconciled Amount Difference 100 - General Fund 100 100-100 (Cash & Investments Assets Operating Cash) $625.00 41274 12/06/2024 Open Accounts Payable Nickell Fire Protection, Inc.$4,155.20 Invoice Date Description Amount K008918 10/10/2024 Facilities - Senior Center Fire Systems Test $592.81 K008605 10/01/2024 Facilities - Service Center Fire System $3,562.39 Paying Fund Cash Account Amount 100 - General Fund 100 100-100 (Cash & Investments Assets Operating Cash) $4,155.20 41275 12/06/2024 Open Accounts Payable Nimble Energy, Inc.$15,965.50 Invoice Date Description Amount 1019 11/25/2024 Empower Platform: Bill Data Automation & Implementation, EV Char $15,965.50 Paying Fund Cash Account Amount 100 - General Fund 100 100-100 (Cash & Investments Assets Operating Cash) $15,965.50 41276 12/06/2024 Open Accounts Payable ODP Business Solutions, LLC.$219.16 Invoice Date Description Amount 390023258001 10/17/2024 Service Center- Ink for HP Printer $155.88 395140384001 11/05/2024 PW CH Office Supplies: Batteries & Sticky Notes $28.59 395139519001 11/06/2024 PW CH: Endust $34.69 Paying Fund Cash Account Amount 100 - General Fund 100 100-100 (Cash & Investments Assets Operating Cash) $219.16 41277 12/06/2024 Open Accounts Payable OMEGA INDUSTRIAL SUPPLY, INC.$1,917.99 Invoice Date Description Amount 160618 12/02/2024 Grounds - Wipes, Work Light, Muscleman, Super Wrap $1,337.68 160617 12/02/2024 Streets - Wrap, Air Cylinder, Flashlight, Fire Blanket $580.31 Paying Fund Cash Account Amount 100 - General Fund 100 100-100 (Cash & Investments Assets Operating Cash) $1,337.68 270 - Transportation Fund 270 100-100 (Cash & Investments Assets Operating Cash) $580.31 41278 12/06/2024 Open Accounts Payable PARS/City of Cupertino $3,388.90 Invoice Date Description Amount 11292024 11/29/2024 PARS pp 11/16/24-11/29/24 $3,388.90 Paying Fund Cash Account Amount 100 - General Fund 100 100-100 (Cash & Investments Assets Operating Cash) $3,388.90 41279 12/06/2024 Open Accounts Payable PDQ.COM CORPORATION $1,905.35 Invoice Date Description Amount PDQ-34141 11/28/2024 FY25 SmartDeploy Essential Support Subscription 2/21/25 - 3/6/26 $1,905.35 Paying Fund Cash Account Amount 610 - Innovation & Technology 610 100-100 (Cash & Investments Assets Operating Cash) $1,905.35 Monday, December 9, 2024Pages: 20 of 24user: Vi Tran 66 CC 01-22-2025 66 of 303 Payment Register City of Cupertino From Payment Date: 11/30/2024 - To Payment Date: 12/6/2024 Number Date Status Void Reason Reconciled/ Voided Date Source Payee Name Transaction Amount Reconciled Amount Difference 41280 12/06/2024 Open Accounts Payable Professional Turf Management, Inc.$18,693.56 Invoice Date Description Amount 1294 11/26/2024 Grounds - Nov 2024 Golf Course Turf Maintenance $18,693.56 Paying Fund Cash Account Amount 560 - Blackberry Farm 560 100-100 (Cash & Investments Assets Operating Cash) $18,693.56 41281 12/06/2024 Open Accounts Payable Sedgwick Claims Management Services, Inc. $2,401.92 Invoice Date Description Amount 400000217629 12/31/2024 Worker's Compensation Claims DEC24 $2,401.92 Paying Fund Cash Account Amount 620 - Workers' Compensation 620 100-100 (Cash & Investments Assets Operating Cash) $2,401.92 41282 12/06/2024 Open Accounts Payable Selway Construction, Inc.$15,927.65 Invoice Date Description Amount 4, 2022-07 11/22/2024 Blackberry Farms Pool Accessibility - Retention $15,927.65 Paying Fund Cash Account Amount 420 - Capital Improvement Fund 420 100-100 (Cash & Investments Assets Operating Cash) $15,927.65 41283 12/06/2024 Open Accounts Payable ShareSquared, Inc.$11,470.00 Invoice Date Description Amount 3269 12/02/2024 Application development for Training Management 91.5 $11,470.00 Paying Fund Cash Account Amount 610 - Innovation & Technology 610 100-100 (Cash & Investments Assets Operating Cash) $11,470.00 41284 12/06/2024 Open Accounts Payable Shute, Mihaly & Weinberger LLP $1,857.81 Invoice Date Description Amount 288895 11/25/2024 Legal Services, October 2024 $1,857.81 Paying Fund Cash Account Amount 100 - General Fund 100 100-100 (Cash & Investments Assets Operating Cash) $1,857.81 41285 12/06/2024 Open Accounts Payable Stradling Yocca Carlson & Rauth LLP $450.00 Invoice Date Description Amount 412793 11/14/2024 professional services rendered through October 31, 2024 $450.00 Paying Fund Cash Account Amount 100 - General Fund 100 100-100 (Cash & Investments Assets Operating Cash) $450.00 41286 12/06/2024 Open Accounts Payable SUNSTATE EQUIPMENT CO., LLC $2,697.83 Invoice Date Description Amount 12934110-001 11/25/2024 Grounds - Roller Ride On Double Drum Rental $2,697.83 Paying Fund Cash Account Amount 100 - General Fund 100 100-100 (Cash & Investments Assets Operating Cash) $2,697.83 41287 12/06/2024 Open Accounts Payable Thermal Mechanical, Inc.$23,310.46 Invoice Date Description Amount 19077-1 10/31/2024 Facilities- HVAC Replacement @ Service Center $19,862.00 Monday, December 9, 2024Pages: 21 of 24user: Vi Tran 67 CC 01-22-2025 67 of 303 Payment Register City of Cupertino From Payment Date: 11/30/2024 - To Payment Date: 12/6/2024 Number Date Status Void Reason Reconciled/ Voided Date Source Payee Name Transaction Amount Reconciled Amount Difference 19929-1 10/31/2024 Facilities - Senior Center AC Units 1,2,5 Troubleshot $3,448.46 Paying Fund Cash Account Amount 100 - General Fund 100 100-100 (Cash & Investments Assets Operating Cash) $23,310.46 41288 12/06/2024 Open Accounts Payable Thomson Reuters - West $874.43 Invoice Date Description Amount 851125892 12/01/2024 Online Subscription, November 2024 - Acct 1000489718 $874.43 Paying Fund Cash Account Amount 100 - General Fund 100 100-100 (Cash & Investments Assets Operating Cash) $874.43 41289 12/06/2024 Open Accounts Payable TOAN QUACH $136.73 Invoice Date Description Amount ToanQ07222024 07/22/2024 Toan Phoenix DR Site Visit 7/22/24 Reimbursement $136.73 Paying Fund Cash Account Amount 610 - Innovation & Technology 610 100-100 (Cash & Investments Assets Operating Cash) $136.73 41290 12/06/2024 Open Accounts Payable Uline, Inc.$976.54 Invoice Date Description Amount 185901181 11/20/2024 H-10570 Wide Span Storage Rack $976.54 Paying Fund Cash Account Amount 100 - General Fund 100 100-100 (Cash & Investments Assets Operating Cash) $976.54 41291 12/06/2024 Open Accounts Payable US BANK $29,271.20 Invoice Date Description Amount JessicaJ110624 11/06/2024 5617 CC Charges $46.54 SelbyM110624 11/06/2024 1711 CC Charges $8.40 KevinG110624 11/06/2024 5856 CC Charges $386.59 DanielB110624 11/06/2024 8684 CC Charges $72.76 SonyaL110624 11/06/2024 8808 CC Charges $43.77 AlexG110624 11/06/2024 1741 CC Charges $1,008.50 ChristL110624 11/06/2024 7456 CC Charges $495.00 JerryA110624 11/06/2024 8636 CC Charges $90.00 JonathanF110624 11/06/2024 3969 CC Charges $328.00 BrianG110624 11/06/2024 6202 CC Charges $790.00 RobertK110624 11/06/2024 7858 CC Charges $243.03 KimL11062024 11/06/2024 5169 CC Charges $561.57 AndrewS110624 11/06/2024 9993 CC Charges $1,296.56 RobertG110624 11/06/2024 0760 CC Charges $929.61 ShawnT110624 11/06/2024 9157 CC Charges $727.77 RicardoA110624 11/06/2024 9906 CC Charges $3,196.33 TyB110624 11/06/2024 7739 CC Charges $2,132.42 MarilynP110624 11/06/2024 6763 CC charges $1,125.00 JasonB110624 11/06/2024 CC Charges 3965 $45.41 JanetL110624 11/06/2024 9949 CC Charges $1,658.87 JimF110624 11/06/2024 2514 CC Charges $4,249.52 KenE110624 11/06/2024 6671 CC Charges $255.60 CrystiG110624 11/06/2024 8774 CC Charges $528.15 DebraN110624 11/06/2024 3328 Charges $3,511.32 Monday, December 9, 2024Pages: 22 of 24user: Vi Tran 68 CC 01-22-2025 68 of 303 Payment Register City of Cupertino From Payment Date: 11/30/2024 - To Payment Date: 12/6/2024 Number Date Status Void Reason Reconciled/ Voided Date Source Payee Name Transaction Amount Reconciled Amount Difference PamelaW110624 11/06/2024 7313 CC Charges $562.37 BrantonC110624 11/06/2024 0233 CC Charges $607.44 MelissaR110624 11/06/2024 0572 CC Charges $1,059.81 UrsulaS110624 11/06/2024 2512 CC Charges $182.99 TommyY110624 11/06/2024 3675 CC Charges $271.79 ReiD110624 11/06/2024 1409CC Charges $377.98 DMilesS110624 11/06/2024 3659 CC Charges $396.63 AmandaH110624 11/06/2024 9326 CC Charges $645.37 mariahg110724 11/06/2024 7882 CC CHARGES $770.57 KrisG110624 11/06/2024 6959 CC Charges $665.53 Paying Fund Cash Account Amount 100 - General Fund 100 100-100 (Cash & Investments Assets Operating Cash) $24,634.38 270 - Transportation Fund 270 100-100 (Cash & Investments Assets Operating Cash) $497.80 420 - Capital Improvement Fund 420 100-100 (Cash & Investments Assets Operating Cash) $7.50 520 - Resource Recovery 520 100-100 (Cash & Investments Assets Operating Cash) $182.99 560 - Blackberry Farm 560 100-100 (Cash & Investments Assets Operating Cash) $528.15 580 - Recreation Program 580 100-100 (Cash & Investments Assets Operating Cash) $922.28 610 - Innovation & Technology 610 100-100 (Cash & Investments Assets Operating Cash) $1,168.78 630 - Vehicle/Equip Replacement 630 100-100 (Cash & Investments Assets Operating Cash) $1,329.32 41292 12/06/2024 Open Accounts Payable VelocityEHS, Inc.$3,850.00 Invoice Date Description Amount 321401 11/20/2024 HazMat MSDS shop software 1/24/25 - 1/23/26 $3,850.00 Paying Fund Cash Account Amount 610 - Innovation & Technology 610 100-100 (Cash & Investments Assets Operating Cash) $3,850.00 41293 12/06/2024 Open Accounts Payable Walter Buenning $600.00 Invoice Date Description Amount 012 09/15/2024 600 Golf Balls $600.00 Paying Fund Cash Account Amount 560 - Blackberry Farm 560 100-100 (Cash & Investments Assets Operating Cash) $600.00 41294 12/06/2024 Open Accounts Payable West Coast Arborists, Inc.$4,600.00 Invoice Date Description Amount 218443-A 07/22/2024 Grounds- San Fernando Rd. Tree Clearance $4,600.00 Paying Fund Cash Account Amount 100 - General Fund 100 100-100 (Cash & Investments Assets Operating Cash) $4,600.00 Type EFT Totals:70 Transactions $1,226,823.02 Main Account - Main Checking Account Totals Checks Status Count Transaction Amount Reconciled Amount Open 65 $112,245.65 $0.00 Monday, December 9, 2024Pages: 23 of 24user: Vi Tran 69 CC 01-22-2025 69 of 303 Payment Register City of Cupertino From Payment Date: 11/30/2024 - To Payment Date: 12/6/2024 Number Date Status Void Reason Reconciled/ Voided Date Source Payee Name Transaction Amount Reconciled Amount Difference Reconciled 0 $0.00 $0.00 Voided 0 $0.00 $0.00 Stopped 0 $0.00 $0.00 Total 65 $112,245.65 $0.00 EFTs Status Count Transaction Amount Reconciled Amount Open 70 $1,226,823.02 $0.00 Reconciled 0 $0.00 $0.00 Voided 0 $0.00 $0.00 Total 70 $1,226,823.02 $0.00 All Status Count Transaction Amount Reconciled Amount Open 135 $1,339,068.67 $0.00 Reconciled 0 $0.00 $0.00 Voided 0 $0.00 $0.00 Stopped 0 $0.00 $0.00 Total 135 $1,339,068.67 $0.00 Grand Totals: Checks Status Count Transaction Amount Reconciled Amount Open 65 $112,245.65 $0.00 Reconciled 0 $0.00 $0.00 Voided 0 $0.00 $0.00 Stopped 0 $0.00 $0.00 Total 65 $112,245.65 $0.00 EFTs Status Count Transaction Amount Reconciled Amount Open 70 $1,226,823.02 $0.00 Reconciled 0 $0.00 $0.00 Voided 0 $0.00 $0.00 Total 70 $1,226,823.02 $0.00 All Status Count Transaction Amount Reconciled Amount Open 135 $1,339,068.67 $0.00 Reconciled 0 $0.00 $0.00 Voided 0 $0.00 $0.00 Stopped 0 $0.00 $0.00 Total 135 $1,339,068.67 $0.00 Monday, December 9, 2024Pages: 24 of 24user: Vi Tran 70 CC 01-22-2025 70 of 303 RESOLUTION NO. 25-XXX A RESOLUTION OF THE CUPERTINO CITY COUNCIL RATIFYING CERTAIN CLAIMS AND DEMANDS PAYABLE IN THE AMOUNTS AND FROM THE FUNDS AS HEREINAFTER DESCRIBED FOR GENERAL AND MISCELLANEOUS EXPENDITURES FOR THE PERIOD ENDING DECEMBER 13, 2024 WHEREAS, the Director of Administrative Services or their designated representative has certified to accuracy of the following claims and demands and to the availability of funds for payment hereof; and WHEREAS, the said claims and demands have been audited as required by law. NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED that the City Council does hereby ratify the following claims and demands in the amounts and from the funds as hereinafter set forth in the attached Payment Register. PASSED AND ADOPTED at a special meeting of the City Council of the City of Cupertino this 22nd day of January, 2025 by the following vote: Vote Members of the City Council AYES: NOES: ABSENT: ABSTAIN: SIGNED: ________ Liang Chao, Mayor City of Cupertino ________________________ Date ATTEST: ________ Kirsten Squarcia, City Clerk ________________________ Date 71 CC 01-22-2025 71 of 303 Resolution No. 25-XXX Page 2 CERTIFICATION The Finance Manager hereby certifies to the accuracy of said records and to the availability of funds for payment. CERTIFIED: Jonathan Orozco, Finance Manager 72 CC 01-22-2025 72 of 303 Payment Register City of Cupertino From Payment Date: 12/7/2024 - To Payment Date: 12/13/2024 Number Date Status Void Reason Reconciled/ Voided Date Source Payee Name Transaction Amount Reconciled Amount Difference Main Account - Main Checking Account Check 735781 12/12/2024 Open Accounts Payable Advantage Grafix $218.25 Invoice Date Description Amount 49083 11/25/2024 200 Qty 2-Sided Color Postcards - 2024 Community Service Awards $218.25 Paying Fund Cash Account Amount 100 - General Fund 100 100-100 (Cash & Investments Assets Operating Cash) $218.25 735782 12/12/2024 Open Accounts Payable ALHAMBRA $192.78 Invoice Date Description Amount 21589707 112124 11/21/2024 Employee Drinking Water for Service Center $192.78 Paying Fund Cash Account Amount 100 - General Fund 100 100-100 (Cash & Investments Assets Operating Cash) $192.78 735783 12/12/2024 Open Accounts Payable ALHAMBRA $74.00 Invoice Date Description Amount 4984902 112324 11/23/2024 Employee Drinking Water - Sports Center $74.00 Paying Fund Cash Account Amount 100 - General Fund 100 100-100 (Cash & Investments Assets Operating Cash) $74.00 735784 12/12/2024 Open Accounts Payable ALHAMBRA $14.90 Invoice Date Description Amount 14628570 112824 11/28/2024 Employee Drinking Water for BBF $14.90 Paying Fund Cash Account Amount 100 - General Fund 100 100-100 (Cash & Investments Assets Operating Cash) $14.90 735785 12/12/2024 Open Accounts Payable ALHAMBRA $319.89 Invoice Date Description Amount 4984729 112324 11/23/2024 Employee Drinking Water for QCC $319.89 Paying Fund Cash Account Amount 100 - General Fund 100 100-100 (Cash & Investments Assets Operating Cash) $319.89 735786 12/12/2024 Open Accounts Payable AT & T $115.67 Invoice Date Description Amount 5558-112824 11/28/2024 960 731-7142 555 8 $115.67 Paying Fund Cash Account Amount 100 - General Fund 100 100-100 (Cash & Investments Assets Operating Cash) $115.67 735787 12/12/2024 Open Accounts Payable AT & T $297.78 Invoice Date Description Amount 5558-112824LP 11/28/2024 960 731-7142 555 8 LP $297.78 Paying Fund Cash Account Amount 100 - General Fund 100 100-100 (Cash & Investments Assets Operating Cash) $297.78 Monday, December 16, 2024Pages: 1 of 26user: Vi Tran 73 CC 01-22-2025 73 of 303 Payment Register City of Cupertino From Payment Date: 12/7/2024 - To Payment Date: 12/13/2024 Number Date Status Void Reason Reconciled/ Voided Date Source Payee Name Transaction Amount Reconciled Amount Difference 735788 12/12/2024 Open Accounts Payable California Association of Code Enforcement Officer $100.00 Invoice Date Description Amount 300020795 11/06/2024 Professional Membership Dues - Karan Malhi $100.00 Paying Fund Cash Account Amount 100 - General Fund 100 100-100 (Cash & Investments Assets Operating Cash) $100.00 735789 12/12/2024 Open Accounts Payable CellGate $147.00 Invoice Date Description Amount 0095619-IN 12/01/2024 Service Center - Monthly Service Fee $147.00 Paying Fund Cash Account Amount 100 - General Fund 100 100-100 (Cash & Investments Assets Operating Cash) $147.00 735790 12/12/2024 Open Accounts Payable CINTAS CORP $1,383.59 Invoice Date Description Amount 4213371490 12/03/2024 Service Center - Uniform Safety Apparel $1,383.59 Paying Fund Cash Account Amount 100 - General Fund 100 100-100 (Cash & Investments Assets Operating Cash) $1,383.59 735791 12/12/2024 Open Accounts Payable COMCAST $1,413.31 Invoice Date Description Amount 3310-120724 12/07/2024 8155 40 065 0183310-120724 $1,413.31 Paying Fund Cash Account Amount 570 - Sports Center 570 100-100 (Cash & Investments Assets Operating Cash) $697.90 610 - Innovation & Technology 610 100-100 (Cash & Investments Assets Operating Cash) $715.41 735792 12/12/2024 Open Accounts Payable Corporation of the Fine Arts Museum $1,100.00 Invoice Date Description Amount 53FFBAEE 11/21/2024 Senior Trip: 1/25/25 - Beach Chalet and Legion of Honor Trip $1,100.00 Paying Fund Cash Account Amount 100 - General Fund 100 100-100 (Cash & Investments Assets Operating Cash) $1,100.00 735793 12/12/2024 Open Accounts Payable County of Santa Clara $50.00 Invoice Date Description Amount CEQA12092024 12/13/2024 PW Env. Ursula: Notice of Exemption Filing $50.00 Paying Fund Cash Account Amount 100 - General Fund 100 100-100 (Cash & Investments Assets Operating Cash) $50.00 735794 12/12/2024 Open Accounts Payable County of Santa Clara $5.00 Invoice Date Description Amount NOC12132024 12/13/2024 SC County NOC Filing $5.00 Paying Fund Cash Account Amount 270 - Transportation Fund 270 100-100 (Cash & Investments Assets Operating Cash) $5.00 Monday, December 16, 2024Pages: 2 of 26user: Vi Tran 74 CC 01-22-2025 74 of 303 Payment Register City of Cupertino From Payment Date: 12/7/2024 - To Payment Date: 12/13/2024 Number Date Status Void Reason Reconciled/ Voided Date Source Payee Name Transaction Amount Reconciled Amount Difference 735795 12/12/2024 Open Accounts Payable Cupertino Union School District $17,672.77 Invoice Date Description Amount AM25-00119 12/03/2024 Clean Water & Storm Protection Fee Reimbursement FY22-23 $8,705.80 AM25-00120 12/03/2024 Clean Water & Storm Protection Fee Reimbursement FY23-24 $8,966.97 Paying Fund Cash Account Amount 230 - Env Mgmt Cln Crk Strm Drain 230 100-100 (Cash & Investments Assets Operating Cash) $17,672.77 735796 12/12/2024 Open Accounts Payable Darlene Rochkind $200.00 Invoice Date Description Amount 121424 12/14/2024 Signing Santa $200.00 Paying Fund Cash Account Amount 100 - General Fund 100 100-100 (Cash & Investments Assets Operating Cash) $200.00 735797 12/12/2024 Open Accounts Payable Department Of Industrial Relations $5,143.42 Invoice Date Description Amount OSIP 72472 12/03/2024 Workers Comp- Assessment July 1, 2024 - June 30, 2025 $5,143.42 Paying Fund Cash Account Amount 100 - General Fund 100 100-100 (Cash & Investments Assets Operating Cash) $5,143.42 735798 12/12/2024 Open Accounts Payable ECS Imaging, Inc.$28,610.40 Invoice Date Description Amount 19278 11/30/2024 Laserfiche Licensing & Support 12/14/24 - 12/13/25 $28,610.40 Paying Fund Cash Account Amount 610 - Innovation & Technology 610 100-100 (Cash & Investments Assets Operating Cash) $28,610.40 735799 12/12/2024 Open Accounts Payable FEDEX OFFICE $5.33 Invoice Date Description Amount 9-685-35470 11/22/2024 Service Charge - PW $5.33 Paying Fund Cash Account Amount 100 - General Fund 100 100-100 (Cash & Investments Assets Operating Cash) $5.33 735800 12/12/2024 Open Accounts Payable IMSA $1,120.00 Invoice Date Description Amount IMSA110524 11/05/2024 Membership Renewals for 2025 $1,120.00 Paying Fund Cash Account Amount 100 - General Fund 100 100-100 (Cash & Investments Assets Operating Cash) $320.00 270 - Transportation Fund 270 100-100 (Cash & Investments Assets Operating Cash) $800.00 735801 12/12/2024 Open Accounts Payable LIVE OAK ADULT DAY SERVICES $2,470.63 Invoice Date Description Amount LvOkCDBGQ1FY2425 10/11/2024 Live Oak Q1 Public Service FY24-25 $2,470.63 Paying Fund Cash Account Amount 260 - CDBG 260 100-100 (Cash & Investments Assets Operating Cash) $2,470.63 Monday, December 16, 2024Pages: 3 of 26user: Vi Tran 75 CC 01-22-2025 75 of 303 Payment Register City of Cupertino From Payment Date: 12/7/2024 - To Payment Date: 12/13/2024 Number Date Status Void Reason Reconciled/ Voided Date Source Payee Name Transaction Amount Reconciled Amount Difference 735802 12/12/2024 Open Accounts Payable Mad Science of the Bay Area $1,755.00 Invoice Date Description Amount MadSciFall2024 12/12/2024 Mad Science Fall 2024/Thanksgiving Camp Contractor Payment $1,755.00 Paying Fund Cash Account Amount 580 - Recreation Program 580 100-100 (Cash & Investments Assets Operating Cash) $1,755.00 735803 12/12/2024 Open Accounts Payable MAITRI INC $6,137.85 Invoice Date Description Amount MCDBGQ1FY2425 10/16/2024 General Fund HSG - Q1 $6,137.85 Paying Fund Cash Account Amount 100 - General Fund 100 100-100 (Cash & Investments Assets Operating Cash) $6,137.85 735804 12/12/2024 Open Accounts Payable Napa Auto Parts $273.48 Invoice Date Description Amount 737430 12/02/2024 Fleet - Cabin Air Filter, Fuel Filter, Engine Oil Fiter $273.48 Paying Fund Cash Account Amount 630 - Vehicle/Equip Replacement 630 100-100 (Cash & Investments Assets Operating Cash) $273.48 735805 12/12/2024 Open Accounts Payable Occupational Health Centers of California, A Medi $37.00 Invoice Date Description Amount 84721864 11/19/2024 TB Test w/ Chest X-Ray - Sunil Prakruti $37.00 Paying Fund Cash Account Amount 100 - General Fund 100 100-100 (Cash & Investments Assets Operating Cash) $37.00 735806 12/12/2024 Open Accounts Payable PG&E $63,087.35 Invoice Date Description Amount 0092-112724-0 11/27/2024 116367401 -Miller W/S N of Greenwood $21.22 0092-112724-1 11/27/2024 116367359 -Homestead and Heron, traffic control svc $84.13 0092-112724-2 11/27/2024 116367150 -Homestead and Wolfe Road, Sunnyvale $137.02 0092-112724-3 11/27/2024 116367155 -Homestead and Blaney, Cupertino Traffic Signal, Sunny $84.77 0092-112724-4 11/27/2024 116367275 -Homestead and Tantau, Cupertino Traffic Signal, Sunny $122.30 0092-112724-5 11/27/2024 116367013 -112017763 -11370 S Stelling Rd, Irrigation Control $9.59 0092-112724-6 11/27/2024 116644889 19500 Pruneridge ave pole TP16660 $9.59 0092-112724-7 11/27/2024 118007511 -21834 Corte Madera Ln $5.87 0092-112724-8 11/27/2024 1110161867 - Wolfe Rd @ Apple Campus Driveway $92.95 0092-112724-9 11/27/2024 116367793 -101 Skyport Dr, DG A, San Jose, PGandE-Owned St/Highw $825.88 0092-112724-10 11/27/2024 110958527 115145264 -Randy Lane & Larry Way- Streetlights $67.72 0092-112724-11 11/27/2024 111736580 SF Cupertino 075 $5.82 0092-112724-12 11/27/2024 116367357 -N De Anza 188 FT N/Valley Green Dr, Irrig Controller $19.71 0092-112724-13 11/27/2024 116367907 -S/W Corner Stelling and Green leaf, Traffic Signal $113.00 Monday, December 16, 2024Pages: 4 of 26user: Vi Tran 76 CC 01-22-2025 76 of 303 Payment Register City of Cupertino From Payment Date: 12/7/2024 - To Payment Date: 12/13/2024 Number Date Status Void Reason Reconciled/ Voided Date Source Payee Name Transaction Amount Reconciled Amount Difference 0092-112724-14 11/27/2024 116367113 -Miller E/S 100N off Calle De Barcelona $104.02 0092-112724-15 11/27/2024 116367836 -De Anza Blvd E/S S/O Lazaneo, Sprinkler Control $10.18 0092-112724-16 11/27/2024 116367677 -De Anza and Lazaneo, Sprinkler System $10.22 0092-112724-17 11/27/2024 116367025 -De Anza and Lazaneo, Traffic Signal $112.57 0092-112724-18 11/27/2024 110659172 -N De Anza 455FT S/O Mariani Dr, Irrig Control $14.96 0092-112724-19 11/27/2024 116367035 -De Anza Blvd and Mariani, Traffic Signal/Safety Lts $139.83 0092-112724-20 11/27/2024 116367045 -De Anza Blvd and Hwy 280 S/Ramp, Traffic Signal $135.65 0092-112724-21 11/27/2024 116367050 -NW Corner Stevens Crk, Traffic Signals $110.17 0092-112724-22 11/27/2024 116367055 -Saich Wy and Stevens Crk NE Corner, Traffic Signal $97.14 0092-112724-23 11/27/2024 116367060 -E37R0 Stevens Creek and De Anza Blvd, Traffic Signal $149.82 0092-112724-24 11/27/2024 116367065 -Stevens Creek Blvd E/Saich Wy, Sprinkler Control $11.03 0092-112724-25 11/27/2024 116367070 -Stevens Creek and Blaney Ave., Traffic Signal $127.10 0092-112724-26 11/27/2024 116367075 -Vallco Pkwy and Perimeter Rd., Traffic Signals $88.10 0092-112724-27 11/27/2024 116367090 -Wolfe and Vallco Pkwy, Traffic Signals $134.15 0092-112724-28 11/27/2024 116367100 -E37H3 Wolfe and 280 SB Loc B, Traffic Signal $137.86 0092-112724-29 11/27/2024 116367105 -Stevens Crk and Wolfe Rd, Traffic Signals $174.48 0092-112724-30 11/27/2024 116367110 -SW Cor Stevens Crk and Portal, Traffic Signal $116.04 0092-112724-31 11/27/2024 116367115 -Stevens Crk and Perimeter Rd, Traffic Control Signal $116.56 0092-112724-32 11/27/2024 116367120 -Vallco Prky/Tantau Ave, Traffic Signal $125.43 0092-112724-33 11/27/2024 116367125 -Stevens Crk and Tantau, Traffic Signals $127.72 0092-112724-34 11/27/2024 116367130 -NW Corner Steven Crk and Torre, Traffic Signal $118.51 0092-112724-35 11/27/2024 116367782 -N/S Stevens Creek Blvd in front of 20301, Irrigation $10.18 0092-112724-36 11/27/2024 116367001 -E37H4 Wolfe and Rte 280 NB Loc A $78.28 0092-112724-37 11/27/2024 116367165 -S/E Wolfe-Pruneridge, Sprinkler Control and Traffic S $145.60 0092-112724-38 11/27/2024 116367170 -Tantau Ave and Tandem D/W, Traffic Signal $125.19 0092-112724-39 11/27/2024 116367175 -S/E Corner Pruneridge and Tantau, Traffic Controller $103.74 0092-112724-40 11/27/2024 116367180 -Finch and Stevens Creek, Traffic Signals $143.07 0092-112724-41 11/27/2024 116367185 -Wolfe Rd 500 Ft S/O Homestead, City/Sign Lighting $40.54 0092-112724-42 11/27/2024 116367195 -Corner Miller and Phil Ln, Traffic Signal $95.97 0092-112724-43 11/27/2024 116367200 -Homestead and De Anza Blvd, Traffic Signal/Dept Pub W $158.91 0092-112724-44 11/27/2024 116367205 -Homestead Rd and Franco Ct, Traffic Signals $98.91 0092-112724-45 11/27/2024 116367215 -N/Ramp De Anza Blvd, Traffic Signal $122.80 Monday, December 16, 2024Pages: 5 of 26user: Vi Tran 77 CC 01-22-2025 77 of 303 Payment Register City of Cupertino From Payment Date: 12/7/2024 - To Payment Date: 12/13/2024 Number Date Status Void Reason Reconciled/ Voided Date Source Payee Name Transaction Amount Reconciled Amount Difference 0092-112724-46 11/27/2024 116367220 -Homestead Rd and Bluejay Rd, Traffic Signals $100.48 0092-112724-47 11/27/2024 118426656 -WS Portal Btw Amhurst-Wheaton , Portal Prk Ltg, Prk L $317.08 0092-112724-48 11/27/2024 114321565 116367416 -22601 Voss Ave $959.12 0092-112724-49 11/27/2024 116367925 -22601 Voss Ave, Outdoor Lighting-MV Park $17.78 0092-112724-50 11/27/2024 116367245 -Stevens Creek Blvd and Janice Ave, Sprinkler Control $19.46 0092-112724-51 11/27/2024 116367269 -Cor/Lucille and Randy Ln, Sprinkler System (011095852 $12.57 0092-112724-52 11/27/2024 116367255 -Lucille and Villa De Anza, Sprinkler Control $406.54 0092-112724-53 11/27/2024 116367815 -19784 Wintergreen Dr $875.92 0092-112724-54 11/27/2024 116367280 -Stevens Creek Blvd and Fwy 85 East Ramp, Traffic Sign $118.51 0092-112724-55 11/27/2024 116367290 -Stevens Creek and Mary Ave, Traffic Signals $118.71 0092-112724-56 11/27/2024 116367408 -Stevens Creek Bl and Mary Avenue, Memorial Park Pump $86.07 0092-112724-57 11/27/2024 116367625 -Stevens Creek Blvd Orange S/W Cor, Irrigation Control $10.18 0092-112724-58 11/27/2024 116367902 -10246 Parkside Ln, Wilson Pk Sprinklers,Snack Shack,I $364.52 0092-112724-59 11/27/2024 116367628 -N/W corner Alpine Dr and Foothill Blvd, Irrigation Co $10.18 0092-112724-60 11/27/2024 116367476 -Salem Ave and Foothill Blvd, Irrigation Control $10.19 0092-112724-61 11/27/2024 116367527 -Foothill Blvd 200' N/O Stevens Creek W/S, Irrigation $10.23 0092-112724-62 11/27/2024 116367740 -Carmen Rd and Stevens Creek S/E corner, Irrigation Co $11.92 0092-112724-63 11/27/2024 116367343 112570652 -Foothill Blvd 150' N/O Alpine E/S, Irrigati $10.53 0092-112724-64 11/27/2024 116367370 -Stevens Creek Blvd and Fwy 85 West Ramp, Traffic Sign $15.28 0092-112724-65 11/27/2024 116367380 -NE Corner Peninsula and Stevens Creek, Traffic Signal $118.06 0092-112724-66 11/27/2024 116367385 -End/Stokes W/Wilson Crt, Sprinkler Control $12.69 0092-112724-67 11/27/2024 116367395 -N/E corner Foothill and Starling Dr, Traffic Signals $103.67 0092-112724-68 11/27/2024 116367067 -Stonydale Dr and Varian Park, walkway lighting and Ir $149.85 0092-112724-69 11/27/2024 116367071 -Linda Vista Dr / Hillside Park, Hillside Park $26.93 0092-112724-70 11/27/2024 116367648 -Linda Vista Park/Linda Vista Dr, Irrigation Control $254.56 0092-112724-71 11/27/2024 116367455 -E37R9 Rodriguez and De Anza Blvd, Traffic Signal $126.88 0092-112724-72 11/27/2024 116367656 -Scofield and De Anza, 100HP $13.50 0092-112724-73 11/27/2024 116367465 -De Anza Blvd and Scofield Dr, Sprinkler Controller $12.28 Monday, December 16, 2024Pages: 6 of 26user: Vi Tran 78 CC 01-22-2025 78 of 303 Payment Register City of Cupertino From Payment Date: 12/7/2024 - To Payment Date: 12/13/2024 Number Date Status Void Reason Reconciled/ Voided Date Source Payee Name Transaction Amount Reconciled Amount Difference 0092-112724-74 11/27/2024 116367475 -Foothill and Stevens Creek, Traffic Signal $112.27 0092-112724-75 11/27/2024 116367447 -Stelling Rd Median 500' S/O Peppertree Ln, Landscape $13.46 0092-112724-76 11/27/2024 116367236 -Stelling Rd Median 450' S/O Stevens Crk, Landscape Ir $13.13 0092-112724-77 11/27/2024 116367505 -Stevens Crk and Stelling, Signal $65.33 0092-112724-78 11/27/2024 116367510 -Bubb Rd and Results Wy, Traffic Signal $91.68 0092-112724-79 11/27/2024 116367515 -Bubb Rd and McClellan Intersection, Traffic Signal $155.70 0092-112724-80 11/27/2024 116367520 -Stelling Rd and Peppertree, Traffic Signal $92.47 0092-112724-81 11/27/2024 116367525 -Stelling and McClellan, Signals $133.71 0092-112724-82 11/27/2024 116367530 -Orange Ave and Stevens Creek N/E corner, Traffic Cont $79.08 0092-112724-83 11/27/2024 116367493 -Dumas Dr/Jollyman Park, Jollyman Park Restroom $465.01 0092-112724-84 11/27/2024 116367545 -Saratoga-Sunnyvale Rd, Traffic Signal $114.01 0092-112724-85 11/27/2024 116367550 -W/S Saratoga-Sunnyvale Rd @ RT85, Traffic Signal $102.91 0092-112724-86 11/27/2024 116367560 -S/E corner De Anza and Pacifica, Traffic Signal $142.20 0092-112724-87 11/27/2024 116367570 -De Anza Blvd, Sprinkler Controller *$12.28 0092-112724-88 11/27/2024 116367585 -Rainbow and Stelling, Traffic Signal $95.42 0092-112724-89 11/27/2024 116367559 -21011 Prospect Rd, Irrigation Control $10.20 0092-112724-90 11/27/2024 116367685 -Ruppell Pl and Moltzen Dr, Sprinkler Control $74.57 0092-112724-91 11/27/2024 115211833 -10300 Anisworth Dr, Ball Park Stevens Creek SV $10.25 0092-112724-92 11/27/2024 116367630 -22100 Stevens Creek Blvd, Golf Pro Shop $376.95 0092-112724-93 11/27/2024 110081495 -10710 Stokes Ave, Somerset Park $40.96 0092-112724-94 11/27/2024 116367044 -10555 Mary Ave NEM $1,166.29 0092-112724-95 11/27/2024 116367568 -10555 Mary Ave, Corp Yard $342.58 0092-112724-96 11/27/2024 116367474 -10500 Ann Arbor Ave, Field-Garden Gate $178.23 0092-112724-97 11/27/2024 114315284 116367325 -21975 San Fernando Ave, Picnic Area $2,683.92 0092-112724-98 11/27/2024 116367171 -10155 Barbara Ln, Irrigation and Scoreboard $122.13 0092-112724-99 11/27/2024 116367587 -10430 S De Anza Blvd, Holiday Lighting $57.15 0092-112724-100 11/27/2024 116367449 -10350 Torre Ave, Community Hall $3,864.69 0092-112724-101 11/27/2024 111190735 119980351-10300 Torre Ave, City Hall $9,321.57 0092-112724-102 11/27/2024 116367437 -10455 Miller Ave, Creekside Park $643.93 0092-112724-103 11/27/2024 116367988 -21710 McClellan Rd, Playground Reception Area $10.21 0092-112724-104 11/27/2024 116367484 -20220 Suisun Dr, Parks and Rec Free Standing Panel $66.67 0092-112724-105 11/27/2024 116367763 -10630 S De Anza Blvd, Holiday Lighting $65.92 0092-112724-106 11/27/2024 116367332 -821 Bubb Rd #B/Building Concession $63.12 0092-112724-107 11/27/2024 116367274 -1170 Yorkshire Dr.$10.28 0092-112724-108 11/27/2024 116367013 - 1486 S Stelling Rd $10.18 0092-112724-109 11/27/2024 116367941 -7548 Donegal Dr, Irrigation Control /Hoover Park $12.58 0092-112724-110 11/27/2024 116367840 -10185 N Stelling RD $14,081.48 Monday, December 16, 2024Pages: 7 of 26user: Vi Tran 79 CC 01-22-2025 79 of 303 Payment Register City of Cupertino From Payment Date: 12/7/2024 - To Payment Date: 12/13/2024 Number Date Status Void Reason Reconciled/ Voided Date Source Payee Name Transaction Amount Reconciled Amount Difference 0092-112724-111 11/27/2024 116971849 -21111 Stevens Creek Blvd, Sports Center $10,681.57 0092-112724-112 11/27/2024 116367477 -21121 Stevens Creek Blvd, Memorial Park $3,343.01 0092-112724-113 11/27/2024 (Old116367536) 113736756 -Senior Center 21251 Stevens Creek BLV $4,519.58 0092-112724-114 11/27/2024 116367590 -Saratoga Sunnyvale Rd and Hwy 85, Traffic Signal $97.01 0092-112724-115 11/27/2024 116367605 -E37C1 Prospect and Rte 85, Traffic Signal $118.40 0092-112724-116 11/27/2024 116367615 -Fallenleaf Ln and S De Anza Blvd, Traffic Signal $119.34 0092-112724-117 11/27/2024 116367620 -S De Anza Blvd and Sharon Dr , Irrigation Controller $20.01 0092-112724-119 11/27/2024 116367610 -E37R6 Kentwood/S. De Anza Blvd, Traffic Signal $107.92 Paying Fund Cash Account Amount 100 - General Fund 100 100-100 (Cash & Investments Assets Operating Cash) $52,028.83 560 - Blackberry Farm 560 100-100 (Cash & Investments Assets Operating Cash) $376.95 570 - Sports Center 570 100-100 (Cash & Investments Assets Operating Cash) $10,681.57 735807 12/12/2024 Open Accounts Payable ReadyRefresh $192.87 Invoice Date Description Amount 14L0027344639 12/10/2024 City Hall Employee Drinking Water $192.87 Paying Fund Cash Account Amount 100 - General Fund 100 100-100 (Cash & Investments Assets Operating Cash) $192.87 735808 12/12/2024 Open Accounts Payable San Jose Water Company $68,928.59 Invoice Date Description Amount SJW112124-0 11/21/2024 0068410000-1 - 22221 McClellan 8302 $3,173.93 SJW112124-1 11/21/2024 0134100000-6 - 8303 Memorial Park $1,985.83 SJW112124-2 11/21/2024 0345710000-0 - Alderbrook Ln.FS $152.40 SJW112124-3 11/21/2024 0677310000-0 - 10300 Torre Ave LS (Comm.Hall)$884.89 SJW112124-4 11/21/2024 1198300000-8 - 21979 San Fernando Ave. 6620 (Trail Restroom) $303.31 SJW112124-5 11/21/2024 1250520000-1 - 6620 Blackberry/Snack $2,155.56 SJW112124-6 11/21/2024 1332100000-5 - Hyde Avenue $2,883.86 SJW112124-7 11/21/2024 1444810000-9 - Hyannisport Dr. LS $1,949.43 SJW112124-8 11/21/2024 1735700000-3 - 8303 Memorial Park Restroom $406.62 SJW112124-9 11/21/2024 1787904559-3 - 22221 McClellan 8302 $286.06 SJW112124-10 11/21/2024 1832500000-0 - Ruppell PL LS $2,348.99 SJW112124-11 11/21/2024 1836700000-9 - 8322 Mary Mini Park $303.31 SJW112124-12 11/21/2024 1987700000-0 - Alderbrook Ln LS $4,617.21 SJW112124-13 11/21/2024 2228610000-7 - 21111 Stevens Crk LS $406.62 SJW112124-14 11/21/2024 2243500000-9 - 10300 Ainsworth Dr.LS $1,904.66 SJW112124-15 11/21/2024 2286120000-8 - 21251 Stevens Creek Blvd $96.32 SJW112124-16 11/21/2024 2288800000-1 - Stokes Ave/8306 Somerset Park $805.11 SJW112124-17 11/21/2024 2649300000-9 - 10300 Torre Ave. FS (Comm.Hall)$152.40 SJW112124-18 11/21/2024 2787197813-9 - 8322 Stevens Creek Bl $95.79 SJW112124-19 11/21/2024 2892070144-9 - 22221 McClellan 8320 $192.64 SJW112124-20 11/21/2024 2958510000-0 - 10555 Mary Ave.$95.79 Monday, December 16, 2024Pages: 8 of 26user: Vi Tran 80 CC 01-22-2025 80 of 303 Payment Register City of Cupertino From Payment Date: 12/7/2024 - To Payment Date: 12/13/2024 Number Date Status Void Reason Reconciled/ Voided Date Source Payee Name Transaction Amount Reconciled Amount Difference SJW112124-21 11/21/2024 2974010000-2 - 21251 Stevens Creek Blvd $760.83 SJW112124-22 11/21/2024 2984810000-3 - 8504 Alves and Stelling $414.00 SJW112124-23 11/21/2024 3207400000-4 - 21710 McClellan 8312 $1,779.21 SJW112124-24 11/21/2024 3322910000-4 - 8306 Somerset Park(Stokes Ave)$303.31 SJW112124-25 11/21/2024 3530520000-4 - 21111 Stev.Crk Blvd 8510 $539.45 SJW112124-26 11/21/2024 3612707315-7 - Stocklmeir Ct $401.16 SJW112124-27 11/21/2024 3673220000-5 - Stev.Crk/Cupertino Rd.$95.79 SJW112124-28 11/21/2024 3746710000-6 - 21111 Stev.Crk BL FS $151.35 SJW112124-29 11/21/2024 3841010000-2 - 8507 Monta Vista Park $354.96 SJW112124-30 11/21/2024 3856110000-9 - 8322 Stella Estates $95.79 SJW112124-31 11/21/2024 3857710000-1 - 8322 Foothill/Cupertino Rd $359.85 SJW112124-32 11/21/2024 3900520000-9 - 10300 Torre Ave $767.87 SJW112124-33 11/21/2024 3953083125-2 - Tuscany Pl $704.82 SJW112124-34 11/21/2024 4012210000-7 - 22601 Voss Av 8304 $2,131.87 SJW112124-35 11/21/2024 4103020000-4 - 6620 Blackberry/Snack $797.73 SJW112124-36 11/21/2024 4227520000-6 - 8303 Memorial Park $532.07 SJW112124-37 11/21/2024 4444250747-9 - Tuscany Pl $658.01 SJW112124-38 11/21/2024 5122900000-8 - Portable Meter - Trees & ROW $571.24 SJW112124-39 11/21/2024 5237400000-9 - Dumas Dr, LS $4,483.45 SJW112124-40 11/21/2024 5356310000-6 - 8322 Stev.Crk/Median $303.31 SJW112124-41 11/21/2024 5778910000-5 - 8504 Quinlan Ln.FS $96.32 SJW112124-42 11/21/2024 5835000000-4 - 8322 Stelling/Alves $190.13 SJW112124-43 11/21/2024 5929210000-1 - 8322 Ann Arbor Ct $197.50 SJW112124-44 11/21/2024 5948100000-4 - Emerg Irrig/Golf/ 6640 BBF (Irrigation)$7,036.65 SJW112124-45 11/21/2024 5986710000-6 - 10300 Torre Ave. FS (Comm.Hall)$656.40 SJW112124-46 11/21/2024 5997110000-9 - 7555 Barnhart Pl $3,153.27 SJW112124-47 11/21/2024 6292600000-1 - 10800 Torre Ave LS $2,610.79 SJW112124-48 11/21/2024 6296810000-8 - 8322 Stev.Crk Bl median $95.79 SJW112124-49 11/21/2024 6405210000-1 - 8506 McClellan Ranch $243.38 SJW112124-50 11/21/2024 6578520000-0 - 83 Foothill Bl/Alpine Dr22 LS $190.13 SJW112124-51 11/21/2024 6730700000-9 - 21975 San Fernando Av $339.31 SJW112124-52 11/21/2024 6788620000-4 - 10555 Mary Ave. 8503 $362.34 SJW112124-53 11/21/2024 6935200000-9 - 8303 Memorial Park $3,218.21 SJW112124-54 11/21/2024 6973320000-5 - 8301 Linda Vista PK1 $657.52 SJW112124-55 11/21/2024 7036000000-7 - 85 Stev.Crk/Mary LS $190.13 SJW112124-56 11/21/2024 7054200000-8 - 8322 Phar Lap LS $76.74 SJW112124-57 11/21/2024 7495200000-3 - 10300 Torre Ave FS $152.40 SJW112124-58 11/21/2024 7630410000-1 - Salem Av.LS $204.88 SJW112124-59 11/21/2024 7930000000-1 - 8322 Stelling/Christensen Dr.$197.50 SJW112124-60 11/21/2024 8006810000-9 - 10450 Mann Dr $58.02 SJW112124-61 11/21/2024 8065700000-8 - Peninsula and Fitzgerald Is $58.02 SJW112124-62 11/21/2024 8270010000-9 - Janice Ave.LS $318.06 SJW112124-63 11/21/2024 8287220000-9 - 8322 Stevens Cr/San Antonio Ls $103.16 SJW112124-64 11/21/2024 8427420000-9 - 8322 Foothill/Vista Knoll $581.24 SJW112124-65 11/21/2024 8549600000-2 - Bubb Rd.LS $1,741.35 SJW112124-66 11/21/2024 8647520000-1 - 10555 Mary Ave/Corp Yard FS $247.67 SJW112124-67 11/21/2024 8755010000-9 - 10455 Miller Ave/Creekside $626.68 SJW112124-68 11/21/2024 8879620000-9 - 8504 Christensen Dr $391.86 SJW112124-69 11/21/2024 8886800000-6 - 8301 Linda Vista PK2 $650.14 SJW112124-70 11/21/2024 9377600000-7 - 8307 Varian Park $1,085.53 Monday, December 16, 2024Pages: 9 of 26user: Vi Tran 81 CC 01-22-2025 81 of 303 Payment Register City of Cupertino From Payment Date: 12/7/2024 - To Payment Date: 12/13/2024 Number Date Status Void Reason Reconciled/ Voided Date Source Payee Name Transaction Amount Reconciled Amount Difference SJW112124-71 11/21/2024 9824500000-9 - 8322 Irrig SC/Stelling $404.13 SJW112124-72 11/21/2024 9988206980-2 (old 6784967491-5) - 8303 Memorial Park $1,386.54 Paying Fund Cash Account Amount 100 - General Fund 100 100-100 (Cash & Investments Assets Operating Cash) $60,794.52 560 - Blackberry Farm 560 100-100 (Cash & Investments Assets Operating Cash) $7,036.65 570 - Sports Center 570 100-100 (Cash & Investments Assets Operating Cash) $1,097.42 735809 12/12/2024 Open Accounts Payable San Jose Water Company $612.39 Invoice Date Description Amount 7329-11212024 11/21/2024 0645365732-9 Streets Division 10.22.24 to 11.21.24 $612.39 Paying Fund Cash Account Amount 230 - Env Mgmt Cln Crk Strm Drain 230 100-100 (Cash & Investments Assets Operating Cash) $612.39 735810 12/12/2024 Open Accounts Payable San Jose Water Company $13,104.60 Invoice Date Description Amount 10312024 11/22/2024 Water System Upgrades $13,104.60 Paying Fund Cash Account Amount 100 - General Fund 100 100-100 (Cash & Investments Assets Operating Cash) $13,104.60 735811 12/12/2024 Open Accounts Payable Senior Adults Legal Assistance (SALA) $4,327.01 Invoice Date Description Amount SALACDBGQ1FY2425 11/18/2024 General Fund HSG - Q1 $4,327.01 Paying Fund Cash Account Amount 100 - General Fund 100 100-100 (Cash & Investments Assets Operating Cash) $4,327.01 735812 12/12/2024 Open Accounts Payable Silicon Valley Business Journal $2,500.00 Invoice Date Description Amount 10494985 09/09/2024 SV Business Journal Structures Award - Sponsorship w/ 4 Tickets $2,500.00 Paying Fund Cash Account Amount 100 - General Fund 100 100-100 (Cash & Investments Assets Operating Cash) $2,500.00 735813 12/12/2024 Open Accounts Payable SiteOne Landscape Supply, LLC $458.67 Invoice Date Description Amount 148375216-001 11/25/2024 Grounds - Leaf Rake, Plastic Scoop $458.67 Paying Fund Cash Account Amount 100 - General Fund 100 100-100 (Cash & Investments Assets Operating Cash) $458.67 735814 12/12/2024 Open Accounts Payable STEINBECK HOUSE RESTAURANT $800.00 Invoice Date Description Amount 11272024 11/27/2024 Senior Trip: 2/6/25 - Steinbeck House and Center $800.00 Paying Fund Cash Account Amount 100 - General Fund 100 100-100 (Cash & Investments Assets Operating Cash) $800.00 Monday, December 16, 2024Pages: 10 of 26user: Vi Tran 82 CC 01-22-2025 82 of 303 Payment Register City of Cupertino From Payment Date: 12/7/2024 - To Payment Date: 12/13/2024 Number Date Status Void Reason Reconciled/ Voided Date Source Payee Name Transaction Amount Reconciled Amount Difference 735815 12/12/2024 Open Accounts Payable T-MOBILE $104.46 Invoice Date Description Amount 4158-112124 11/21/2024 966594158-112124 $104.46 Paying Fund Cash Account Amount 610 - Innovation & Technology 610 100-100 (Cash & Investments Assets Operating Cash) $104.46 735816 12/12/2024 Open Accounts Payable ADELINE JOHNSON $142.72 Invoice Date Description Amount 350418 12/05/2024 REFUND 20684 NANCY CT BLD-2024-2596 WITHDRAWN $142.72 Paying Fund Cash Account Amount 100 - General Fund 100 100-100 (Cash & Investments Assets Operating Cash) $142.72 735817 12/12/2024 Open Accounts Payable BAHADURDESAI, AARATI $173.00 Invoice Date Description Amount 2005182.012 12/05/2024 SPORTS CENTER (12/05/2024) ACCT. CREDIT REFUND57 $173.00 Paying Fund Cash Account Amount 570 - Sports Center 570 100-100 (Cash & Investments Assets Operating Cash) $173.00 735818 12/12/2024 Open Accounts Payable Bantiuc, Tatiana $1,000.00 Invoice Date Description Amount 346515 12/05/2024 10309 Mary Ave., Encroachment, 346515 $1,000.00 Paying Fund Cash Account Amount 100 - General Fund 100 100-100 (Cash & Investments Assets Operating Cash) $1,000.00 735819 12/12/2024 Open Accounts Payable Ezra Alameda $72.00 Invoice Date Description Amount Ezra12022024 12/02/2024 Live Scan and Fingerprinting Reimbursement $72.00 Paying Fund Cash Account Amount 100 - General Fund 100 100-100 (Cash & Investments Assets Operating Cash) $72.00 735820 12/12/2024 Open Accounts Payable FRANCES HSU $265.55 Invoice Date Description Amount 350422 11/18/2024 REFUND 10352 MIRA VISTA RD BLD-2024-2597 WITHDRAWN $265.55 Paying Fund Cash Account Amount 100 - General Fund 100 100-100 (Cash & Investments Assets Operating Cash) $265.55 735821 12/12/2024 Open Accounts Payable HSIEH, JULIA $45.00 Invoice Date Description Amount 2005153.012 11/13/2024 SPORTS CENTER (11/13/2024) ACCT. CREDIT REFUND $45.00 Paying Fund Cash Account Amount 570 - Sports Center 570 100-100 (Cash & Investments Assets Operating Cash) $45.00 Monday, December 16, 2024Pages: 11 of 26user: Vi Tran 83 CC 01-22-2025 83 of 303 Payment Register City of Cupertino From Payment Date: 12/7/2024 - To Payment Date: 12/13/2024 Number Date Status Void Reason Reconciled/ Voided Date Source Payee Name Transaction Amount Reconciled Amount Difference 735822 12/12/2024 Open Accounts Payable JOURNEY BUILDERS $535.98 Invoice Date Description Amount 350531 11/21/2024 REFUND 7467 DE LA FARGE DR BLD-2024-2629 CANCELED $535.98 Paying Fund Cash Account Amount 100 - General Fund 100 100-100 (Cash & Investments Assets Operating Cash) $535.98 735823 12/12/2024 Open Accounts Payable JUSTIN MYERS $212.71 Invoice Date Description Amount 349947 12/02/2024 REFUND 19749 MERRITT DR BLD-2024-2515 WITHDRAWN $212.71 Paying Fund Cash Account Amount 100 - General Fund 100 100-100 (Cash & Investments Assets Operating Cash) $212.71 735824 12/12/2024 Open Accounts Payable KALVIT, DEVYANI $25.00 Invoice Date Description Amount 2005167.012 12/05/2024 SPORTS CENTER (12/05/2024) ACCT. CREDIT REFUND $25.00 Paying Fund Cash Account Amount 570 - Sports Center 570 100-100 (Cash & Investments Assets Operating Cash) $25.00 735825 12/12/2024 Open Accounts Payable KANDHASAMY, DHANASEKER $90.00 Invoice Date Description Amount 2005168.012 12/05/2024 SPORTS CENTER (12/05/2024) ACCT. CREDIT REFUND $90.00 Paying Fund Cash Account Amount 570 - Sports Center 570 100-100 (Cash & Investments Assets Operating Cash) $90.00 735826 12/12/2024 Open Accounts Payable KAPADIA, JHARNA $75.00 Invoice Date Description Amount 2005170.012 12/05/2024 SPORTS CENER (12/05/2024) ACCT. CREDIT REFUND $75.00 Paying Fund Cash Account Amount 570 - Sports Center 570 100-100 (Cash & Investments Assets Operating Cash) $75.00 735827 12/12/2024 Open Accounts Payable KARUNANAYAKE, JUDITH $36.00 Invoice Date Description Amount 2005171.012 12/05/2024 SPORTS CENTER (12/05/2024) ACCT. CREDIT REFUND $36.00 Paying Fund Cash Account Amount 570 - Sports Center 570 100-100 (Cash & Investments Assets Operating Cash) $36.00 735828 12/12/2024 Open Accounts Payable KIM, JUNG MIN $30.00 Invoice Date Description Amount 2005172.012 12/05/2024 SPORTS CENTER (12/05/2024) ACCT. CREDIT REFUND $30.00 Paying Fund Cash Account Amount Monday, December 16, 2024Pages: 12 of 26user: Vi Tran 84 CC 01-22-2025 84 of 303 Payment Register City of Cupertino From Payment Date: 12/7/2024 - To Payment Date: 12/13/2024 Number Date Status Void Reason Reconciled/ Voided Date Source Payee Name Transaction Amount Reconciled Amount Difference 570 - Sports Center 570 100-100 (Cash & Investments Assets Operating Cash) $30.00 735829 12/12/2024 Open Accounts Payable KIM, SEUL BI $230.67 Invoice Date Description Amount 2005173.012 12/05/2024 SPORTS CENTER (12/05/2024) ACCT. CREDIT REFUND $230.67 Paying Fund Cash Account Amount 570 - Sports Center 570 100-100 (Cash & Investments Assets Operating Cash) $230.67 735830 12/12/2024 Open Accounts Payable KINI, SHIVANI $90.00 Invoice Date Description Amount 2005174.012 12/05/2024 SPORTS CENTER (21/05/2024) ACCT. CREDIT REFUND $90.00 Paying Fund Cash Account Amount 570 - Sports Center 570 100-100 (Cash & Investments Assets Operating Cash) $90.00 735831 12/12/2024 Open Accounts Payable KITSON, RICK $25.00 Invoice Date Description Amount 2005175.012 12/05/2024 SPORTS CENTER (12/05/2024) ACCT. CREDIT REFUND $25.00 Paying Fund Cash Account Amount 570 - Sports Center 570 100-100 (Cash & Investments Assets Operating Cash) $25.00 735832 12/12/2024 Open Accounts Payable KOO, CAROLINE $72.57 Invoice Date Description Amount 2005176.012 12/05/2024 SPORTS CENTER (12/05/2024) ACCT. CREDIT REFUND $72.57 Paying Fund Cash Account Amount 570 - Sports Center 570 100-100 (Cash & Investments Assets Operating Cash) $72.57 735833 12/12/2024 Open Accounts Payable KOTAMSETTI, V BABU $18.00 Invoice Date Description Amount 2005177.012 12/05/2024 SPORTS CENTER (12/05/2024) ACCT. CREDIT REFUND $18.00 Paying Fund Cash Account Amount 570 - Sports Center 570 100-100 (Cash & Investments Assets Operating Cash) $18.00 735834 12/12/2024 Open Accounts Payable KOUGIOURIS, CHRISTINA $300.00 Invoice Date Description Amount 2005178.012 12/05/2024 SPORTS CENTER (12/05/2024) ACCT. CREDIT REFUND $300.00 Paying Fund Cash Account Amount 570 - Sports Center 570 100-100 (Cash & Investments Assets Operating Cash) $300.00 Monday, December 16, 2024Pages: 13 of 26user: Vi Tran 85 CC 01-22-2025 85 of 303 Payment Register City of Cupertino From Payment Date: 12/7/2024 - To Payment Date: 12/13/2024 Number Date Status Void Reason Reconciled/ Voided Date Source Payee Name Transaction Amount Reconciled Amount Difference 735835 12/12/2024 Open Accounts Payable KRISHNA KUMAR , SANTHOS SELVI $42.00 Invoice Date Description Amount 2005179.012 12/05/2024 SPORTS CENTER REFUND (12/05/2024) ACCT. CREDIT REFUND $42.00 Paying Fund Cash Account Amount 570 - Sports Center 570 100-100 (Cash & Investments Assets Operating Cash) $42.00 735836 12/12/2024 Open Accounts Payable KRISHNAMURTHY, SENTHIL $360.00 Invoice Date Description Amount 2005180.012 12/05/2024 SPORTS CENTER (12/05/2024) ACCT. CREDIT REFUND $360.00 Paying Fund Cash Account Amount 570 - Sports Center 570 100-100 (Cash & Investments Assets Operating Cash) $360.00 735837 12/12/2024 Open Accounts Payable KUMARAPPAN, GOPAL $306.74 Invoice Date Description Amount 2005183.012 12/05/2024 SPORTS CENTER (12 05 2024) ACCT. CREDIT REFUND $306.74 Paying Fund Cash Account Amount 570 - Sports Center 570 100-100 (Cash & Investments Assets Operating Cash) $306.74 735838 12/12/2024 Open Accounts Payable LAFKO, STACIE $60.00 Invoice Date Description Amount 2005184.012 12/05/2024 SPORTS CENTER (12/05/2024) ACCT. CREDIT REFUND $60.00 Paying Fund Cash Account Amount 570 - Sports Center 570 100-100 (Cash & Investments Assets Operating Cash) $60.00 735839 12/12/2024 Open Accounts Payable LAMBA, TRIPT $25.00 Invoice Date Description Amount 2005185.012 12/05/2024 SPORTS CENTER (12/05/2024) ACCT. CREDIT REFUND $25.00 Paying Fund Cash Account Amount 570 - Sports Center 570 100-100 (Cash & Investments Assets Operating Cash) $25.00 735840 12/12/2024 Open Accounts Payable LEE, JOYCE $103.00 Invoice Date Description Amount 2005186.012 12/05/2024 SPORTS CENTER (12/05/2024) ACCT. CREDIT REFUND $103.00 Paying Fund Cash Account Amount 570 - Sports Center 570 100-100 (Cash & Investments Assets Operating Cash) $103.00 735841 12/12/2024 Open Accounts Payable MUKHERJEE, ANIKA $72.00 Invoice Date Description Amount ANIKA12102024 12/10/2024 Reimbursement $72.00 Paying Fund Cash Account Amount Monday, December 16, 2024Pages: 14 of 26user: Vi Tran 86 CC 01-22-2025 86 of 303 Payment Register City of Cupertino From Payment Date: 12/7/2024 - To Payment Date: 12/13/2024 Number Date Status Void Reason Reconciled/ Voided Date Source Payee Name Transaction Amount Reconciled Amount Difference 100 - General Fund 100 100-100 (Cash & Investments Assets Operating Cash) $72.00 735842 12/12/2024 Open Accounts Payable PERMITFLOW INC $972.00 Invoice Date Description Amount 342736 11/27/2024 REFUND 19608 PRUNERIDGE AVE BLD-2024-1176 CANCELED $972.00 Paying Fund Cash Account Amount 100 - General Fund 100 100-100 (Cash & Investments Assets Operating Cash) $972.00 735843 12/12/2024 Open Accounts Payable Ramya Krishnan $150.00 Invoice Date Description Amount 2009867.030 12/11/2024 WP-12.11.24 box 9 deposit refund for permit cancellation request $150.00 Paying Fund Cash Account Amount 100 - General Fund 100 100-100 (Cash & Investments Assets Operating Cash) $150.00 735844 12/12/2024 Open Accounts Payable RAYMOND SITU $1,086.00 Invoice Date Description Amount 344100 11/21/2024 REFUND 10619 S DE ANZA BLVD BLD-2024-1409 WITHDRAWN $1,086.00 Paying Fund Cash Account Amount 100 - General Fund 100 100-100 (Cash & Investments Assets Operating Cash) $1,086.00 735845 12/12/2024 Open Accounts Payable Thuan Hoang $150.00 Invoice Date Description Amount 2009847.030 12/04/2024 MRP-12.04.24 box 112 deposit refund for expired permit $150.00 Paying Fund Cash Account Amount 100 - General Fund 100 100-100 (Cash & Investments Assets Operating Cash) $150.00 735846 12/12/2024 Open Accounts Payable State Water Resources Control Board $27,293.00 Invoice Date Description Amount SW-0296249 11/20/2024 Annual Permit Fees FY24-25 $27,293.00 Paying Fund Cash Account Amount 230 - Env Mgmt Cln Crk Strm Drain 230 100-100 (Cash & Investments Assets Operating Cash) $27,293.00 735847 12/12/2024 Open Accounts Payable Belkorp Ag, LLC $288.86 Invoice Date Description Amount 1024835 10/11/2024 Fleet- Oil Lines, Filter Kit, O-Ring $288.86 Paying Fund Cash Account Amount 630 - Vehicle/Equip Replacement 630 100-100 (Cash & Investments Assets Operating Cash) $288.86 Type Check Totals:67 Transactions $257,321.79 EFT 41295 12/09/2024 Open Accounts Payable EMPLOYMENT DEVEL DEPT $47,809.57 Invoice Date Description Amount 11292024 11/29/2024 CA State Tax pp 11/16/24-11/29/24 $47,809.57 Paying Fund Cash Account Amount Monday, December 16, 2024Pages: 15 of 26user: Vi Tran 87 CC 01-22-2025 87 of 303 Payment Register City of Cupertino From Payment Date: 12/7/2024 - To Payment Date: 12/13/2024 Number Date Status Void Reason Reconciled/ Voided Date Source Payee Name Transaction Amount Reconciled Amount Difference 100 - General Fund 100 100-100 (Cash & Investments Assets Operating Cash) $47,809.57 41296 12/09/2024 Open Accounts Payable IRS $150,846.29 Invoice Date Description Amount 11292024 11/29/2024 Federal Tax pp 11/16/24-11/29/24 $150,846.29 Paying Fund Cash Account Amount 100 - General Fund 100 100-100 (Cash & Investments Assets Operating Cash) $150,846.29 41297 12/12/2024 Open Accounts Payable P E R S $162,578.93 Invoice Date Description Amount 11292024 11/29/2024 PERS pp 11/16/24-11/29/24 $162,578.93 Paying Fund Cash Account Amount 100 - General Fund 100 100-100 (Cash & Investments Assets Operating Cash) $162,578.93 41298 12/12/2024 Open Accounts Payable 4LEAF, Inc.$19,338.40 Invoice Date Description Amount J1181-24F 10/23/2024 Building Inspector Services - 2024/09 $19,338.40 Paying Fund Cash Account Amount 100 - General Fund 100 100-100 (Cash & Investments Assets Operating Cash) $19,338.40 41299 12/12/2024 Open Accounts Payable Amazon Capital Services $1,068.25 Invoice Date Description Amount 1VYN-KQNC-D4Q7 12/01/2024 Amazon Purchases Nov 2024 - PR3 Sports Recreation $40.37 1GWQ-46K9-3HCM 12/01/2024 PW City Hall: Amazon Purchases through 11012024- 11302024 $28.35 11NR-QXDK-FG4D 12/01/2024 Office Supplies & Coffee filters $83.45 139X-N9XF-9MX3 12/01/2024 Amazon Business - December 2024 $296.04 1RMQ-FJJ3-FY99 12/01/2024 I&T department 11/1/24 to 11/30/24 $620.04 Paying Fund Cash Account Amount 100 - General Fund 100 100-100 (Cash & Investments Assets Operating Cash) $689.60 570 - Sports Center 570 100-100 (Cash & Investments Assets Operating Cash) $40.37 610 - Innovation & Technology 610 100-100 (Cash & Investments Assets Operating Cash) $338.28 41300 12/12/2024 Open Accounts Payable Amazon Web Services, Inc.$2,342.70 Invoice Date Description Amount 1945014641 12/01/2024 GIS AWS November 1 - November 30, 2024 $705.26 1945430009 12/01/2024 AWS Applications November 1 - November 30 , 2024 $1,637.44 Paying Fund Cash Account Amount 100 - General Fund 100 100-100 (Cash & Investments Assets Operating Cash) $1,637.44 610 - Innovation & Technology 610 100-100 (Cash & Investments Assets Operating Cash) $705.26 41301 12/12/2024 Open Accounts Payable American Assured Security, Inc.$616.00 Invoice Date Description Amount 50031 12/03/2024 Rental Security Services - November $616.00 Paying Fund Cash Account Amount Monday, December 16, 2024Pages: 16 of 26user: Vi Tran 88 CC 01-22-2025 88 of 303 Payment Register City of Cupertino From Payment Date: 12/7/2024 - To Payment Date: 12/13/2024 Number Date Status Void Reason Reconciled/ Voided Date Source Payee Name Transaction Amount Reconciled Amount Difference 100 - General Fund 100 100-100 (Cash & Investments Assets Operating Cash) $616.00 41302 12/12/2024 Open Accounts Payable AZCO Supply, Inc.$4,365.00 Invoice Date Description Amount 453651 09/05/2024 Traffic: Clear LEDs $4,365.00 Paying Fund Cash Account Amount 100 - General Fund 100 100-100 (Cash & Investments Assets Operating Cash) $4,365.00 41303 12/12/2024 Open Accounts Payable Bay Area News Group $5,724.00 Invoice Date Description Amount 0001430433 11/30/2024 Legal Advertising - 11/1/2024-11/30/24 $5,724.00 Paying Fund Cash Account Amount 100 - General Fund 100 100-100 (Cash & Investments Assets Operating Cash) $5,724.00 41304 12/12/2024 Open Accounts Payable BRIAN GATHERS $55.00 Invoice Date Description Amount BrianG120424 12/04/2024 Cell Phone Reimbursement - Brian G Nov 5 to Dec 4 2024 $55.00 Paying Fund Cash Account Amount 100 - General Fund 100 100-100 (Cash & Investments Assets Operating Cash) $55.00 41305 12/12/2024 Open Accounts Payable City of San Jose $82,682.61 Invoice Date Description Amount 1255594 11/12/2024 Animal Services - 10-12/2024 $82,682.61 Paying Fund Cash Account Amount 100 - General Fund 100 100-100 (Cash & Investments Assets Operating Cash) $82,682.61 41306 12/12/2024 Open Accounts Payable Cupertino Supply, Inc $186.80 Invoice Date Description Amount 370436 12/05/2024 Facilities - Sloan Screw $186.80 Paying Fund Cash Account Amount 100 - General Fund 100 100-100 (Cash & Investments Assets Operating Cash) $186.80 41307 12/12/2024 Open Accounts Payable Enterprise FM Trust $1,154.05 Invoice Date Description Amount FBN5183784 11/06/2024 Fleet - Nov 2024 Ford Escape $572.73 FBN5209028 12/05/2024 Fleet - Dec 2024 Ford Escape $581.32 Paying Fund Cash Account Amount 630 - Vehicle/Equip Replacement 630 100-100 (Cash & Investments Assets Operating Cash) $1,154.05 41308 12/12/2024 Open Accounts Payable Fix Air $3,838.75 Invoice Date Description Amount JC101913 11/26/2024 Facilities - Senior Center EMS Upgrades Retention Paid $3,838.75 Paying Fund Cash Account Amount 100 - General Fund 100 100-100 (Cash & Investments Assets Operating Cash) $3,838.75 Monday, December 16, 2024Pages: 17 of 26user: Vi Tran 89 CC 01-22-2025 89 of 303 Payment Register City of Cupertino From Payment Date: 12/7/2024 - To Payment Date: 12/13/2024 Number Date Status Void Reason Reconciled/ Voided Date Source Payee Name Transaction Amount Reconciled Amount Difference 41309 12/12/2024 Open Accounts Payable GRAINGER INC $62.73 Invoice Date Description Amount 9337060165 12/05/2024 Facilities- Pleated Air Filter $62.73 Paying Fund Cash Account Amount 100 - General Fund 100 100-100 (Cash & Investments Assets Operating Cash) $62.73 41310 12/12/2024 Open Accounts Payable Health and Human Resource Center, Inc. $277.40 Invoice Date Description Amount E0331864 11/04/2024 December 2024 EAP Benefit 190 Enrollees $277.40 Paying Fund Cash Account Amount 100 - General Fund 100 100-100 (Cash & Investments Assets Operating Cash) $277.40 41311 12/12/2024 Open Accounts Payable Health Care Employees $28,803.60 Invoice Date Description Amount 358076-358078 11/15/2024 December 2024 Dental Benefit 252 Enrollees $28,803.60 Paying Fund Cash Account Amount 100 - General Fund 100 100-100 (Cash & Investments Assets Operating Cash) $28,803.60 41312 12/12/2024 Open Accounts Payable Independent Code Consultants, Inc.$12,264.46 Invoice Date Description Amount 2031 11/01/2024 Building Plan Review Services - 2024/10 $10,596.96 2032 11/01/2024 WestPort Plan Review - 2024/10 $1,087.50 2005 09/03/2024 Building Plan Review - The RISE - 2024/08 $580.00 Paying Fund Cash Account Amount 100 - General Fund 100 100-100 (Cash & Investments Assets Operating Cash) $12,264.46 41313 12/12/2024 Open Accounts Payable Jerry Anderson $55.00 Invoice Date Description Amount JerryA112424 11/24/2024 Cell Phone Reimbursement - Jerry A 10.25.24 to 11.24.24 $55.00 Paying Fund Cash Account Amount 100 - General Fund 100 100-100 (Cash & Investments Assets Operating Cash) $55.00 41314 12/12/2024 Open Accounts Payable KEVIN RIEDEN $55.00 Invoice Date Description Amount KevinR11282024 11/28/2024 Cell Phone Reimbursement through 10292024- 11282024 $55.00 Paying Fund Cash Account Amount 100 - General Fund 100 100-100 (Cash & Investments Assets Operating Cash) $55.00 41315 12/12/2024 Open Accounts Payable KIMBALL-MIDWEST $1,077.94 Invoice Date Description Amount 102863679 12/05/2024 Fleet - Batt Cable Blk, Red $947.21 102851296 12/03/2024 Streets - Wrap 2x30 $130.73 Paying Fund Cash Account Amount 270 - Transportation Fund 270 100-100 (Cash & Investments Assets Operating Cash) $130.73 Monday, December 16, 2024Pages: 18 of 26user: Vi Tran 90 CC 01-22-2025 90 of 303 Payment Register City of Cupertino From Payment Date: 12/7/2024 - To Payment Date: 12/13/2024 Number Date Status Void Reason Reconciled/ Voided Date Source Payee Name Transaction Amount Reconciled Amount Difference 630 - Vehicle/Equip Replacement 630 100-100 (Cash & Investments Assets Operating Cash) $947.21 41316 12/12/2024 Open Accounts Payable Klarity Consulting, LLC $1,260.00 Invoice Date Description Amount 2024-016 12/10/2024 Executive Coaching & Mentoring – November 2024 Services $1,260.00 Paying Fund Cash Account Amount 100 - General Fund 100 100-100 (Cash & Investments Assets Operating Cash) $1,260.00 41317 12/12/2024 Open Accounts Payable Life Insurance Company of North America $8,098.08 Invoice Date Description Amount 15487_120124 12/10/2024 December 2024 New York Life $8,098.08 Paying Fund Cash Account Amount 641 - Compensated Absence/LTD 641 100-100 (Cash & Investments Assets Operating Cash) $8,098.08 41318 12/12/2024 Open Accounts Payable MNS Engineers, Inc.$2,205.00 Invoice Date Description Amount 87415 09/24/2024 CDBG Housing Services - 2024/08 $2,205.00 Paying Fund Cash Account Amount 260 - CDBG 260 100-100 (Cash & Investments Assets Operating Cash) $2,205.00 41319 12/12/2024 Open Accounts Payable Nexinite, LLC $2,110.00 Invoice Date Description Amount INV-002815 12/04/2024 NexInite CIP Management Hub Support Oct & Nov 2024 $2,110.00 Paying Fund Cash Account Amount 610 - Innovation & Technology 610 100-100 (Cash & Investments Assets Operating Cash) $2,110.00 41320 12/12/2024 Open Accounts Payable OMEGA INDUSTRIAL SUPPLY, INC.$1,780.95 Invoice Date Description Amount 160703 12/06/2024 Facilities - Patch It White/Black, Work Light, Fire Blanket $1,780.95 Paying Fund Cash Account Amount 100 - General Fund 100 100-100 (Cash & Investments Assets Operating Cash) $1,780.95 41321 12/12/2024 Open Accounts Payable OmniData $40,748.00 Invoice Date Description Amount K9648 11/30/2024 Data Warehouse: Build & Deploy, Architect, & Data Eng. Nov. 2024 $40,748.00 Paying Fund Cash Account Amount 610 - Innovation & Technology 610 100-100 (Cash & Investments Assets Operating Cash) $40,748.00 41322 12/12/2024 Open Accounts Payable Pamela Wu $1,651.98 Invoice Date Description Amount PamelaW111424 11/14/2024 Travel reimbursement for Sister City Delegation India 11.6-11.14 $1,651.98 Paying Fund Cash Account Amount Monday, December 16, 2024Pages: 19 of 26user: Vi Tran 91 CC 01-22-2025 91 of 303 Payment Register City of Cupertino From Payment Date: 12/7/2024 - To Payment Date: 12/13/2024 Number Date Status Void Reason Reconciled/ Voided Date Source Payee Name Transaction Amount Reconciled Amount Difference 100 - General Fund 100 100-100 (Cash & Investments Assets Operating Cash) $1,651.98 41323 12/12/2024 Open Accounts Payable PayPal Inc.$19.95 Invoice Date Description Amount PPGW152606273 11/30/2024 cupertinoweb4 01-Nov-24 to 30-Nov-24 VSV0003096477 $19.95 Paying Fund Cash Account Amount 100 - General Fund 100 100-100 (Cash & Investments Assets Operating Cash) $19.95 41324 12/12/2024 Open Accounts Payable Phoenix MSA Holdings, LLC $2,198.22 Invoice Date Description Amount INV-PHX1A0122 12/01/2024 FY25 Colocation Services for January 2025 $2,198.22 Paying Fund Cash Account Amount 610 - Innovation & Technology 610 100-100 (Cash & Investments Assets Operating Cash) $2,198.22 41325 12/12/2024 Open Accounts Payable PlaceWorks $372.30 Invoice Date Description Amount COCU-29.0-84018 09/30/2024 20638 Cleo Ave - IS/MND 2024/09 $372.30 Paying Fund Cash Account Amount 100 - General Fund 100 100-100 (Cash & Investments Assets Operating Cash) $372.30 41326 12/12/2024 Open Accounts Payable PLAN JPA $76.50 Invoice Date Description Amount PLAN-0204 12/11/2024 General Liability Claims - November 2024 $76.50 Paying Fund Cash Account Amount 100 - General Fund 100 100-100 (Cash & Investments Assets Operating Cash) $76.50 41327 12/12/2024 Open Accounts Payable Quadient Finance USA, Inc.$1,000.00 Invoice Date Description Amount 8702-12032024 12/03/2024 Postage funds for mail machine for November 2024 $1,000.00 Paying Fund Cash Account Amount 100 - General Fund 100 100-100 (Cash & Investments Assets Operating Cash) $1,000.00 41328 12/12/2024 Open Accounts Payable Rise Housing Solutions, Inc $9,690.00 Invoice Date Description Amount Cupertino - 043 11/30/2024 BMR Program Administrator 2024/11 $9,690.00 Paying Fund Cash Account Amount 265 - BMR Housing 265 100-100 (Cash & Investments Assets Operating Cash) $9,690.00 41329 12/12/2024 Open Accounts Payable RRM DESIGN GROUP $10,133.80 Invoice Date Description Amount 1832-00-0924 10/18/2024 Architectural Review Services - 2024/09 $10,133.80 Paying Fund Cash Account Amount 100 - General Fund 100 100-100 (Cash & Investments Assets Operating Cash) $10,133.80 Monday, December 16, 2024Pages: 20 of 26user: Vi Tran 92 CC 01-22-2025 92 of 303 Payment Register City of Cupertino From Payment Date: 12/7/2024 - To Payment Date: 12/13/2024 Number Date Status Void Reason Reconciled/ Voided Date Source Payee Name Transaction Amount Reconciled Amount Difference 41330 12/12/2024 Open Accounts Payable s5s, LLC $1,236.18 Invoice Date Description Amount INV-04053-A 11/30/2024 ASL Translation Services $1,236.18 Paying Fund Cash Account Amount 100 - General Fund 100 100-100 (Cash & Investments Assets Operating Cash) $1,236.18 41331 12/12/2024 Open Accounts Payable Sedgwick Claims Management Services, Inc. $2,401.92 Invoice Date Description Amount 400000209261 10/01/2024 Worker's Compensation Claims OCT24 $2,401.92 Paying Fund Cash Account Amount 620 - Workers' Compensation 620 100-100 (Cash & Investments Assets Operating Cash) $2,401.92 41332 12/12/2024 Open Accounts Payable Sign Solutions USA, LLC $3,363.53 Invoice Date Description Amount 414804 11/08/2024 Streets - Aluminum Blank 18x18, 24x24, 18x12, 30x30 $3,363.53 Paying Fund Cash Account Amount 270 - Transportation Fund 270 100-100 (Cash & Investments Assets Operating Cash) $3,363.53 41333 12/12/2024 Open Accounts Payable Sonitrol/Pacific West Security, Inc.$11,727.00 Invoice Date Description Amount 88872 10/01/2024 BBF Cafe Security Oct -Dec 2024 $402.00 88853 10/01/2024 BBF Kiosk Security Oct-Dec 2024 $252.00 89126 10/01/2024 BBF Retreat Security Oct-Dec 2024 $252.00 88852 10/01/2024 BBF Golf Security Oct-Dec 2024 $273.00 89142 10/01/2024 City Hall Elevator Security Oct-Dec 2024 $111.00 89150 10/01/2024 City Hall Security/Fire Oct-Dec 2024 $624.00 88873 10/01/2024 City Hall Security Oct-Dec 2024 $1,749.00 89140 10/01/2024 Library/Comm Hall Security & Fire Oct-Dec 2024 $678.00 89148 10/01/2024 Creekside Security Oct-Dec 2024 $345.00 89138 10/01/2024 Library Security Oct-Dec 2024 $975.00 89139 10/01/2024 McClellan Ranch/Comm Hall Security Oct-Dec 24 $1,548.00 89147 10/01/2024 Recreation Area Security/Fire Inspec Oct-Dec 24 $807.00 89141 10/01/2024 QCC Security/Fire Inspec Oct-Dec 24 $1,038.00 89146 10/01/2024 Senior Center Security/Fire Inspec Oct-Dec 24 $174.00 89151 10/01/2024 Service Center Security/Fire Inspec Oct-Dec 24 $993.00 89143 10/01/2024 Snack Shack Security Oct-Dec 24 $138.00 89152 10/01/2024 Sports Center Security/Fire Inspec Oct-Dec 24 $741.00 88874 10/01/2024 Traffic Office Security Oct-Dec 24 $366.00 89149 10/01/2024 Wilson Park Security Oct-Dec 24 $261.00 Paying Fund Cash Account Amount 100 - General Fund 100 100-100 (Cash & Investments Assets Operating Cash) $10,986.00 570 - Sports Center 570 100-100 (Cash & Investments Assets Operating Cash) $741.00 41334 12/12/2024 Open Accounts Payable Spruce & Gander, Inc $9,549.80 Invoice Date Description Amount 3932 11/14/2024 Grounds- Park Amenities Creekside Picnic Area $9,549.80 Paying Fund Cash Account Amount Monday, December 16, 2024Pages: 21 of 26user: Vi Tran 93 CC 01-22-2025 93 of 303 Payment Register City of Cupertino From Payment Date: 12/7/2024 - To Payment Date: 12/13/2024 Number Date Status Void Reason Reconciled/ Voided Date Source Payee Name Transaction Amount Reconciled Amount Difference 420 - Capital Improvement Fund 420 100-100 (Cash & Investments Assets Operating Cash) $9,549.80 41335 12/12/2024 Open Accounts Payable SUNNYVALE FORD, INC.$136.41 Invoice Date Description Amount 249077FOW 12/05/2024 Fleet - Nut-W1 HV $136.41 Paying Fund Cash Account Amount 630 - Vehicle/Equip Replacement 630 100-100 (Cash & Investments Assets Operating Cash) $136.41 41336 12/12/2024 Open Accounts Payable SYSCO - SAN FRANCISCO $1,342.70 Invoice Date Description Amount 750007356 12/03/2024 Breakfast with Santa 2024 Food and Snr Ctr BDB Food and Supplies $1,342.70 Paying Fund Cash Account Amount 100 - General Fund 100 100-100 (Cash & Investments Assets Operating Cash) $700.38 580 - Recreation Program 580 100-100 (Cash & Investments Assets Operating Cash) $642.32 41337 12/12/2024 Open Accounts Payable The Bank of New York Mellon $1,500.00 Invoice Date Description Amount 00252-24-0001399 12/04/2024 COP 2020A Trustee Fee 10/22/24-10/21/25 $1,500.00 Paying Fund Cash Account Amount 365 - Public Facilities Corp 365 100-100 (Cash & Investments Assets Operating Cash) $1,500.00 41338 12/12/2024 Open Accounts Payable THE HARTFORD $11,071.20 Invoice Date Description Amount 656341857843 12/10/2024 City of Cupertino Benefit -Dec 2024-Cust #003264250001 $11,071.20 Paying Fund Cash Account Amount 100 - General Fund 100 100-100 (Cash & Investments Assets Operating Cash) $11,071.20 41339 12/12/2024 Open Accounts Payable THE HARTFORD $332.39 Invoice Date Description Amount 756341885172 12/10/2024 City of Cupertino Benefit-Dec 2024-Cust #003264250002 $332.39 Paying Fund Cash Account Amount 100 - General Fund 100 100-100 (Cash & Investments Assets Operating Cash) $332.39 41340 12/12/2024 Open Accounts Payable The Home Depot Pro $2,924.80 Invoice Date Description Amount 838581981 12/03/2024 Facilities - Wet/Dry Vac, Battery, Hole Dozer Set, Drain Snake $2,924.80 Paying Fund Cash Account Amount 100 - General Fund 100 100-100 (Cash & Investments Assets Operating Cash) $2,193.60 570 - Sports Center 570 100-100 (Cash & Investments Assets Operating Cash) $731.20 Monday, December 16, 2024Pages: 22 of 26user: Vi Tran 94 CC 01-22-2025 94 of 303 Payment Register City of Cupertino From Payment Date: 12/7/2024 - To Payment Date: 12/13/2024 Number Date Status Void Reason Reconciled/ Voided Date Source Payee Name Transaction Amount Reconciled Amount Difference 41341 12/12/2024 Open Accounts Payable Toni Oasay-Anderson $182.67 Invoice Date Description Amount TO111424 11/14/2024 2024 MMANC Conf - Reimbursement $182.67 Paying Fund Cash Account Amount 100 - General Fund 100 100-100 (Cash & Investments Assets Operating Cash) $182.67 41342 12/12/2024 Open Accounts Payable TPx Communications $1,949.14 Invoice Date Description Amount 183136877-0 11/30/2024 FY25 VoIP Telephone Services November 2024 $1,949.14 Paying Fund Cash Account Amount 610 - Innovation & Technology 610 100-100 (Cash & Investments Assets Operating Cash) $1,949.14 41343 12/12/2024 Open Accounts Payable Tripepi, Smith and Associates, Inc $1,345.00 Invoice Date Description Amount 12782 07/31/2024 Newsletter Production $1,345.00 Paying Fund Cash Account Amount 100 - General Fund 100 100-100 (Cash & Investments Assets Operating Cash) $1,345.00 41344 12/12/2024 Open Accounts Payable Vision Service Plan $2,271.26 Invoice Date Description Amount 821705666 11/19/2024 December 2024 Vision Benefit 139 Enrollees $2,271.26 Paying Fund Cash Account Amount 100 - General Fund 100 100-100 (Cash & Investments Assets Operating Cash) $2,271.26 41345 12/12/2024 Open Accounts Payable Vision Service Plan $977.16 Invoice Date Description Amount 821705679 11/19/2024 December 2024 Vision Benefit 51 Enrollees $977.16 Paying Fund Cash Account Amount 100 - General Fund 100 100-100 (Cash & Investments Assets Operating Cash) $977.16 41346 12/12/2024 Open Accounts Payable Vision Service Plan $931.38 Invoice Date Description Amount 821716060 11/21/2024 December 2024 Vision Benefit 57 Enrollees $931.38 Paying Fund Cash Account Amount 100 - General Fund 100 100-100 (Cash & Investments Assets Operating Cash) $931.38 41347 12/12/2024 Open Accounts Payable West Coast Arborists, Inc.$1,150.00 Invoice Date Description Amount 221882 07/22/2024 Grounds - BBF Oak Pruning $1,150.00 Paying Fund Cash Account Amount 100 - General Fund 100 100-100 (Cash & Investments Assets Operating Cash) $1,150.00 41348 12/12/2024 Open Accounts Payable West Coast Code Consultants, Inc.$22,786.85 Invoice Date Description Amount 224-010-156-01 11/19/2024 Building Plan Review Services - 2024/10 $22,786.85 Paying Fund Cash Account Amount 100 - General Fund 100 100-100 (Cash & Investments Assets Operating Cash) $22,786.85 Monday, December 16, 2024Pages: 23 of 26user: Vi Tran 95 CC 01-22-2025 95 of 303 Payment Register City of Cupertino From Payment Date: 12/7/2024 - To Payment Date: 12/13/2024 Number Date Status Void Reason Reconciled/ Voided Date Source Payee Name Transaction Amount Reconciled Amount Difference 41349 12/12/2024 Open Accounts Payable Zayo Group, LLC $3,257.86 Invoice Date Description Amount 2024120030583 12/01/2024 FY25 Disaster Recovery Telecom srvcs December 2024 $3,257.86 Paying Fund Cash Account Amount 610 - Innovation & Technology 610 100-100 (Cash & Investments Assets Operating Cash) $3,257.86 41350 12/12/2024 Open Accounts Payable Zoom Video Communications, Inc.$387.24 Invoice Date Description Amount INV281076702 11/14/2024 Zoom Audio License Unlimited - Nov 14, 2024 Mar 21, 2025 $21.55 INV281076701 11/14/2024 Zoom Workplace Business Annual - Nov 14, 2024 Mar 21, 2025 $78.97 INV282025136 11/22/2024 Zoom Webinar 1000 Monthly Nov 22, 2024 Dec 21, 2024 $286.72 Paying Fund Cash Account Amount 610 - Innovation & Technology 610 100-100 (Cash & Investments Assets Operating Cash) $387.24 41351 12/12/2024 Open Accounts Payable 4LEAF, Inc.$21,281.60 Invoice Date Description Amount J1181-24G 12/04/2024 Building Inspector Services - 2024/10 $21,281.60 Paying Fund Cash Account Amount 100 - General Fund 100 100-100 (Cash & Investments Assets Operating Cash) $21,281.60 41352 12/12/2024 Open Accounts Payable CBRE Design Collective, Inc.$39,500.00 Invoice Date Description Amount PJ100005347 08/29/2024 Real Estate Support Services – 19400 Stevens Creek Blvd $39,500.00 Paying Fund Cash Account Amount 100 - General Fund 100 100-100 (Cash & Investments Assets Operating Cash) $39,500.00 41353 12/12/2024 Open Accounts Payable HF&H Consultants, LLC $11,697.50 Invoice Date Description Amount 9721674 11/15/2024 HF&H- October 2024 Services $11,697.50 Paying Fund Cash Account Amount 520 - Resource Recovery 520 100-100 (Cash & Investments Assets Operating Cash) $11,697.50 41354 12/12/2024 Open Accounts Payable Raimi & Associates, Inc.$3,901.13 Invoice Date Description Amount 24-6653 11/21/2024 Reach Code Outreach- October 2024 Services $1,472.90 24-6468 07/22/2024 Reach Code Outreach- June 2024 Services $2,428.23 Paying Fund Cash Account Amount 100 - General Fund 100 100-100 (Cash & Investments Assets Operating Cash) $3,901.13 41355 12/12/2024 Open Accounts Payable San Jose Conservation Corps & Charter School $3,935.07 Invoice Date Description Amount ARINV00423 10/31/2024 Compost Site Attendants- October 2024 $3,935.07 Paying Fund Cash Account Amount Monday, December 16, 2024Pages: 24 of 26user: Vi Tran 96 CC 01-22-2025 96 of 303 Payment Register City of Cupertino From Payment Date: 12/7/2024 - To Payment Date: 12/13/2024 Number Date Status Void Reason Reconciled/ Voided Date Source Payee Name Transaction Amount Reconciled Amount Difference 520 - Resource Recovery 520 100-100 (Cash & Investments Assets Operating Cash) $3,935.07 41356 12/12/2024 Open Accounts Payable SCA of CA, LLC $19,064.79 Invoice Date Description Amount 2024-011107 11/30/2024 Street Sweeping- November 2024 $19,064.79 Paying Fund Cash Account Amount 230 - Env Mgmt Cln Crk Strm Drain 230 100-100 (Cash & Investments Assets Operating Cash) $9,532.40 520 - Resource Recovery 520 100-100 (Cash & Investments Assets Operating Cash) $9,532.39 41357 12/12/2024 Open Accounts Payable United Site Services $93.90 Invoice Date Description Amount 114-13980578 11/30/2024 portable toilet at compost site Nov-Dec 2024 $93.90 Paying Fund Cash Account Amount 520 - Resource Recovery 520 100-100 (Cash & Investments Assets Operating Cash) $93.90 41358 12/12/2024 Open Accounts Payable TASC $432.08 Invoice Date Description Amount IN3307131 12/11/2024 HRA - Administration Fees DEC24 $432.08 Paying Fund Cash Account Amount 100 - General Fund 100 100-100 (Cash & Investments Assets Operating Cash) $432.08 41359 12/12/2024 Open Accounts Payable TASC $257.66 Invoice Date Description Amount IN3307132 12/11/2024 FSA - Administration Fees DEC24 $257.66 Paying Fund Cash Account Amount 100 - General Fund 100 100-100 (Cash & Investments Assets Operating Cash) $257.66 Type EFT Totals:65 Transactions $787,535.48 Monday, December 16, 2024Pages: 25 of 26user: Vi Tran 97 CC 01-22-2025 97 of 303 Payment Register City of Cupertino From Payment Date: 12/7/2024 - To Payment Date: 12/13/2024 Number Date Status Void Reason Reconciled/ Voided Date Source Payee Name Transaction Amount Reconciled Amount Difference Main Account - Main Checking Account Totals Checks Status Count Transaction Amount Reconciled Amount Open 67 $257,321.79 $0.00 Reconciled 0 $0.00 $0.00 Voided 0 $0.00 $0.00 Stopped 0 $0.00 $0.00 Total 67 $257,321.79 $0.00 EFTs Status Count Transaction Amount Reconciled Amount Open 65 $787,535.48 $0.00 Reconciled 0 $0.00 $0.00 Voided 0 $0.00 $0.00 Total 65 $787,535.48 $0.00 All Status Count Transaction Amount Reconciled Amount Open 132 $1,044,857.27 $0.00 Reconciled 0 $0.00 $0.00 Voided 0 $0.00 $0.00 Stopped 0 $0.00 $0.00 Total 132 $1,044,857.27 $0.00 Grand Totals: Checks Status Count Transaction Amount Reconciled Amount Open 67 $257,321.79 $0.00 Reconciled 0 $0.00 $0.00 Voided 0 $0.00 $0.00 Stopped 0 $0.00 $0.00 Total 67 $257,321.79 $0.00 EFTs Status Count Transaction Amount Reconciled Amount Open 65 $787,535.48 $0.00 Reconciled 0 $0.00 $0.00 Voided 0 $0.00 $0.00 Total 65 $787,535.48 $0.00 All Status Count Transaction Amount Reconciled Amount Open 132 $1,044,857.27 $0.00 Reconciled 0 $0.00 $0.00 Voided 0 $0.00 $0.00 Stopped 0 $0.00 $0.00 Total 132 $1,044,857.27 $0.00 Monday, December 16, 2024Pages: 26 of 26user: Vi Tran 98 CC 01-22-2025 98 of 303 RESOLUTION NO. 25-XXX A RESOLUTION OF THE CUPERTINO CITY COUNCIL RATIFYING CERTAIN CLAIMS AND DEMANDS PAYABLE IN THE AMOUNTS AND FROM THE FUNDS AS HEREINAFTER DESCRIBED FOR GENERAL AND MISCELLANEOUS EXPENDITURES FOR THE PERIOD ENDING DECEMBER 26, 2024 WHEREAS, the Director of Administrative Services or their designated representative has certified to accuracy of the following claims and demands and to the availability of funds for payment hereof; and WHEREAS, the said claims and demands have been audited as required by law. NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED that the City Council does hereby ratify the following claims and demands in the amounts and from the funds as hereinafter set forth in the attached Payment Register. PASSED AND ADOPTED at a special meeting of the City Council of the City of Cupertino this 22nd day of January, 2025 by the following vote: Vote Members of the City Council AYES: NOES: ABSENT: ABSTAIN: SIGNED: ________ Liang Chao, Mayor City of Cupertino ________________________ Date ATTEST: ________ Kirsten Squarcia, City Clerk ________________________ Date 99 CC 01-22-2025 99 of 303 Resolution No. 25-XXX Page 2 CERTIFICATION The Finance Manager hereby certifies to the accuracy of said records and to the availability of funds for payment. CERTIFIED: Jonathan Orozco, Finance Manager 100 CC 01-22-2025 100 of 303 Payment Register City of Cupertino From Payment Date: 12/14/2024 - To Payment Date: 12/26/2024 Number Date Status Void Reason Reconciled/ Voided Date Source Payee Name Transaction Amount Reconciled Amount Difference Main Account - Main Checking Account Check 735848 12/20/2024 Open Accounts Payable Advantage Grafix $865.90 Invoice Date Description Amount 49116 12/06/2024 SUPs Ordinance Summary printout $129.31 48933 09/30/2024 Garage Sale Map and List $736.59 Paying Fund Cash Account Amount 520 - Resource Recovery 520 100-100 (Cash & Investments Assets Operating Cash) $865.90 735849 12/20/2024 Open Accounts Payable Belkorp Ag, LLC $9,750.28 Invoice Date Description Amount 1041544 12/11/2024 Fleet - 72" Flail Mower $9,750.28 Paying Fund Cash Account Amount 630 - Vehicle/Equip Replacement 630 100-100 (Cash & Investments Assets Operating Cash) $9,750.28 735850 12/20/2024 Open Accounts Payable CINTAS CORP $1,385.09 Invoice Date Description Amount 4214197960 12/10/2024 Service Center - Uniform Safety Apparel $1,385.09 Paying Fund Cash Account Amount 100 - General Fund 100 100-100 (Cash & Investments Assets Operating Cash) $1,385.09 735851 12/20/2024 Open Accounts Payable City of Saratoga $4,981.55 Invoice Date Description Amount 2025-00001523 12/12/2024 West Valley Mayor & Managers 2024 Meeting Expenses $4,981.55 Paying Fund Cash Account Amount 100 - General Fund 100 100-100 (Cash & Investments Assets Operating Cash) $4,981.55 735852 12/20/2024 Open Accounts Payable Communication Academy $3,939.00 Invoice Date Description Amount CAFall2024 12/17/2024 Communication Academy Fall 2024 Contractor Payment $3,939.00 Paying Fund Cash Account Amount 580 - Recreation Program 580 100-100 (Cash & Investments Assets Operating Cash) $3,939.00 735853 12/20/2024 Open Accounts Payable County of Santa Clara -Office of the Sheriff $1,491,517.83 Invoice Date Description Amount 1800091983 12/17/2024 Advance for Law Enforcement Dec 2024 $1,491,517.83 Paying Fund Cash Account Amount 100 - General Fund 100 100-100 (Cash & Investments Assets Operating Cash) $1,491,517.83 735854 12/20/2024 Open Accounts Payable COURT-ORDERED DEBT COLLECTIONS $50.00 Invoice Date Description Amount 12132024 12/13/2024 JK-368-7950 ; CD-9252-92888 pp 11/30/24-12/13/24 $50.00 Paying Fund Cash Account Amount Wednesday, January 8, 2025Pages: 1 of 18user: Vi Tran 101 CC 01-22-2025 101 of 303 Payment Register City of Cupertino From Payment Date: 12/14/2024 - To Payment Date: 12/26/2024 Number Date Status Void Reason Reconciled/ Voided Date Source Payee Name Transaction Amount Reconciled Amount Difference 100 - General Fund 100 100-100 (Cash & Investments Assets Operating Cash) $50.00 735855 12/20/2024 Open Accounts Payable FEDEX $3.85 Invoice Date Description Amount 9-686-59263 12/13/2024 Service Charge - PW $3.85 Paying Fund Cash Account Amount 100 - General Fund 100 100-100 (Cash & Investments Assets Operating Cash) $3.85 735856 12/20/2024 Open Accounts Payable Foster Brothers Security Systems $244.35 Invoice Date Description Amount 7677 12/16/2024 Facilities- Keymark $244.35 Paying Fund Cash Account Amount 100 - General Fund 100 100-100 (Cash & Investments Assets Operating Cash) $244.35 735857 12/20/2024 Open Accounts Payable Franchise Tax Board $470.84 Invoice Date Description Amount 12132024 12/13/2024 571856268 ; pp 11/30/24-12/13/24 $470.84 Paying Fund Cash Account Amount 100 - General Fund 100 100-100 (Cash & Investments Assets Operating Cash) $470.84 735858 12/20/2024 Open Accounts Payable Growing IQ - California $3,186.00 Invoice Date Description Amount GROWIQ_FAL24-1 12/12/2024 GROWINGIQ_FALL24_PAY1_9.7-10.26 $1,944.00 GROWIQ_FAL24-2 12/12/2024 GROWINGIQ_FALL24_PAY2_10.31-12.1 $1,242.00 Paying Fund Cash Account Amount 580 - Recreation Program 580 100-100 (Cash & Investments Assets Operating Cash) $3,186.00 735859 12/20/2024 Open Accounts Payable Housing California $575.00 Invoice Date Description Amount V8MXG3HH 12/05/2024 2025 Housing California Annual Conference $575.00 Paying Fund Cash Account Amount 265 - BMR Housing 265 100-100 (Cash & Investments Assets Operating Cash) $575.00 735860 12/20/2024 Open Accounts Payable Lisa Molaro $16,766.00 Invoice Date Description Amount LMFall2024-2 12/17/2024 Lisa Molaro Fall 2024 Contractor Payment 2 $16,766.00 Paying Fund Cash Account Amount 580 - Recreation Program 580 100-100 (Cash & Investments Assets Operating Cash) $16,766.00 735861 12/20/2024 Open Accounts Payable Mood Media $43.14 Invoice Date Description Amount 58601076 12/01/2024 MOOD MEDIA Recurring Services from 01-DEC-24 to 31-DEC-24 $43.14 Paying Fund Cash Account Amount 570 - Sports Center 570 100-100 (Cash & Investments Assets Operating Cash) $43.14 Wednesday, January 8, 2025Pages: 2 of 18user: Vi Tran 102 CC 01-22-2025 102 of 303 Payment Register City of Cupertino From Payment Date: 12/14/2024 - To Payment Date: 12/26/2024 Number Date Status Void Reason Reconciled/ Voided Date Source Payee Name Transaction Amount Reconciled Amount Difference 735862 12/20/2024 Open Accounts Payable Mountain View Garden Center $980.97 Invoice Date Description Amount 116862 12/10/2024 Grounds - Topsoil 1Yd $68.69 116857 12/09/2024 Grounds - 1Yd Planter Mix $80.75 116686 11/19/2024 Grounds - Shadow 3/4CY $831.53 Paying Fund Cash Account Amount 100 - General Fund 100 100-100 (Cash & Investments Assets Operating Cash) $980.97 735863 12/20/2024 Open Accounts Payable Napa Auto Parts $477.61 Invoice Date Description Amount 738340 12/17/2024 Fleet- Battery, Battery Core Deposit $477.61 Paying Fund Cash Account Amount 630 - Vehicle/Equip Replacement 630 100-100 (Cash & Investments Assets Operating Cash) $477.61 735864 12/20/2024 Open Accounts Payable Occupational Health Centers of California, A Medi $37.00 Invoice Date Description Amount 84798210 10/23/2024 TB Test -Brar, Amrita $37.00 Paying Fund Cash Account Amount 100 - General Fund 100 100-100 (Cash & Investments Assets Operating Cash) $37.00 735865 12/20/2024 Open Accounts Payable Operating Engineers Local Union No. 3 $1,496.95 Invoice Date Description Amount 12132024 12/13/2024 Union Dues pp 11/30/24-12/13/24 $1,496.95 Paying Fund Cash Account Amount 100 - General Fund 100 100-100 (Cash & Investments Assets Operating Cash) $1,496.95 735866 12/20/2024 Open Accounts Payable Pepsi-Cola $726.90 Invoice Date Description Amount 44594256 08/30/2024 Drinks & Snacks for sale in pro shop $726.90 Paying Fund Cash Account Amount 560 - Blackberry Farm 560 100-100 (Cash & Investments Assets Operating Cash) $726.90 735867 12/20/2024 Open Accounts Payable Play-Well TEKnologies $341.00 Invoice Date Description Amount PLAYWELL_FAL24-1 12/12/2024 PLAYWELL_FALL24_PAY1_11.1 $341.00 Paying Fund Cash Account Amount 580 - Recreation Program 580 100-100 (Cash & Investments Assets Operating Cash) $341.00 735868 12/20/2024 Open Accounts Payable Quality Sports, Inc. $269.89 Invoice Date Description Amount 29660 10/09/2024 Golf Course gloves for sale $269.89 Paying Fund Cash Account Amount 560 - Blackberry Farm 560 100-100 (Cash & Investments Assets Operating Cash) $269.89 Wednesday, January 8, 2025Pages: 3 of 18user: Vi Tran 103 CC 01-22-2025 103 of 303 Payment Register City of Cupertino From Payment Date: 12/14/2024 - To Payment Date: 12/26/2024 Number Date Status Void Reason Reconciled/ Voided Date Source Payee Name Transaction Amount Reconciled Amount Difference 735869 12/20/2024 Open Accounts Payable Royal Coach Tours $1,674.00 Invoice Date Description Amount 30936 12/04/2024 Charter 31599: 12/4/24 - Duarte and The Fruit Yard $1,674.00 Paying Fund Cash Account Amount 100 - General Fund 100 100-100 (Cash & Investments Assets Operating Cash) $1,674.00 735870 12/20/2024 Open Accounts Payable Santa Clara County Emergency Managers Association $92.55 Invoice Date Description Amount 240351.1 12/16/2024 SCC EMA Membership 2025 $92.55 Paying Fund Cash Account Amount 100 - General Fund 100 100-100 (Cash & Investments Assets Operating Cash) $92.55 735871 12/20/2024 Open Accounts Payable State Water Resources Control Board $563.00 Invoice Date Description Amount WD-0275538 12/04/2024 Annual Permit Fee through 07012024-06302025 $563.00 Paying Fund Cash Account Amount 270 - Transportation Fund 270 100-100 (Cash & Investments Assets Operating Cash) $563.00 735872 12/20/2024 Open Accounts Payable Cupertino Rotary Club $120.00 Invoice Date Description Amount 2002647.032 12/11/2024 R204935 February 5, 2025 Rental Fees Refunded $120.00 Paying Fund Cash Account Amount 100 - General Fund 100 100-100 (Cash & Investments Assets Operating Cash) $120.00 735873 12/20/2024 Open Accounts Payable Cupertino Rotary Club $300.00 Invoice Date Description Amount 2009874.030 12/12/2024 QCC- 11.20.24- Social Room Security Deposit Refund $300.00 Paying Fund Cash Account Amount 100 - General Fund 100 100-100 (Cash & Investments Assets Operating Cash) $300.00 735874 12/20/2024 Open Accounts Payable Cupertino Rotary Club $120.00 Invoice Date Description Amount 2009882.030 12/18/2024 QCC- 6.18.25- Cupertino Room Refund $120.00 Paying Fund Cash Account Amount 100 - General Fund 100 100-100 (Cash & Investments Assets Operating Cash) $120.00 735875 12/20/2024 Open Accounts Payable DAVID HASTINGS $212.81 Invoice Date Description Amount 351361 12/16/2024 REFUND 22964 LONGDOWN RD WITHDRAWN $212.81 Paying Fund Cash Account Amount 100 - General Fund 100 100-100 (Cash & Investments Assets Operating Cash) $212.81 735876 12/20/2024 Open Accounts Payable KRISHNAN, NIVED $45.00 Invoice Date Description Amount 2005181.012 12/05/2024 SPORTS CENTER (12/05/2024) ACCT. CREDIT REFUND $45.00 Paying Fund Cash Account Amount Wednesday, January 8, 2025Pages: 4 of 18user: Vi Tran 104 CC 01-22-2025 104 of 303 Payment Register City of Cupertino From Payment Date: 12/14/2024 - To Payment Date: 12/26/2024 Number Date Status Void Reason Reconciled/ Voided Date Source Payee Name Transaction Amount Reconciled Amount Difference 570 - Sports Center 570 100-100 (Cash & Investments Assets Operating Cash) $45.00 735877 12/20/2024 Open Accounts Payable LEE, KYUNG JIN $37.50 Invoice Date Description Amount 2005188.012 12/10/2024 SPORTS CENTER (12/10/2024) ACCT. CREDIT REFUND $37.50 Paying Fund Cash Account Amount 570 - Sports Center 570 100-100 (Cash & Investments Assets Operating Cash) $37.50 735878 12/20/2024 Open Accounts Payable LEE, SARA $60.00 Invoice Date Description Amount 2005189.012 12/10/2024 SPORTS CENTER (12/10/2024) ACCT CREDIT REFUND $60.00 Paying Fund Cash Account Amount 570 - Sports Center 570 100-100 (Cash & Investments Assets Operating Cash) $60.00 735879 12/20/2024 Open Accounts Payable LEE, YOON HYE $90.00 Invoice Date Description Amount 2005190.012 12/10/2024 SPORTS CENTER (12/10/2024) ACCT CREDIT REFUND $90.00 Paying Fund Cash Account Amount 570 - Sports Center 570 100-100 (Cash & Investments Assets Operating Cash) $90.00 735880 12/20/2024 Open Accounts Payable LIAN, TIONGHU $25.00 Invoice Date Description Amount 2005192.012 12/10/2024 SPORTS CENTER (12/10/2024) ACCT. CREDIT REFUND $25.00 Paying Fund Cash Account Amount 570 - Sports Center 570 100-100 (Cash & Investments Assets Operating Cash) $25.00 735881 12/20/2024 Open Accounts Payable LIN, MINGHSIN $252.00 Invoice Date Description Amount 2005193.012 12/10/2024 SPORTS CENTER (12/10/2024) ACCT CREDIT REFUND $252.00 Paying Fund Cash Account Amount 570 - Sports Center 570 100-100 (Cash & Investments Assets Operating Cash) $252.00 735882 12/20/2024 Open Accounts Payable LIN, PATRICE $25.00 Invoice Date Description Amount 2005194.012 12/10/2024 SPORTS CENTER (12/10/2024) ACCT. CREDIT REFUND $25.00 Paying Fund Cash Account Amount 570 - Sports Center 570 100-100 (Cash & Investments Assets Operating Cash) $25.00 735883 12/20/2024 Open Accounts Payable LIN, ZIWEN $30.00 Invoice Date Description Amount 2005196.012 12/10/2024 SPORTS CENTER (12/10/2024) ACCT. CREDIT REFUND $30.00 Wednesday, January 8, 2025Pages: 5 of 18user: Vi Tran 105 CC 01-22-2025 105 of 303 Payment Register City of Cupertino From Payment Date: 12/14/2024 - To Payment Date: 12/26/2024 Number Date Status Void Reason Reconciled/ Voided Date Source Payee Name Transaction Amount Reconciled Amount Difference Paying Fund Cash Account Amount 570 - Sports Center 570 100-100 (Cash & Investments Assets Operating Cash) $30.00 735884 12/20/2024 Open Accounts Payable LIU, JIEMIN $37.50 Invoice Date Description Amount 2005197.012 12/10/2024 SPORTS CENTER REFUND (12/10/2024) ACCT. CREDIT REFUND $37.50 Paying Fund Cash Account Amount 570 - Sports Center 570 100-100 (Cash & Investments Assets Operating Cash) $37.50 735885 12/20/2024 Open Accounts Payable LIU, JING $37.50 Invoice Date Description Amount 2005198.012 12/10/2024 SPORTS CENTER (12/10/2024) ACCT. CREDIT REFUND $37.50 Paying Fund Cash Account Amount 570 - Sports Center 570 100-100 (Cash & Investments Assets Operating Cash) $37.50 735886 12/20/2024 Open Accounts Payable LIU, PIN $30.00 Invoice Date Description Amount 2005199.012 12/10/2024 SPORTS CENTER (12/10/2024) ACCT CREDIT REFUND $30.00 Paying Fund Cash Account Amount 570 - Sports Center 570 100-100 (Cash & Investments Assets Operating Cash) $30.00 735887 12/20/2024 Open Accounts Payable LOPEZ, IVY $14.43 Invoice Date Description Amount 2005200.012 12/10/2024 SPORTS CENTER (12/10/2024) ACCT. CREDIT REFUND $14.43 Paying Fund Cash Account Amount 570 - Sports Center 570 100-100 (Cash & Investments Assets Operating Cash) $14.43 735888 12/20/2024 Open Accounts Payable Muneesh Goomer $500.00 Invoice Date Description Amount 2009862.30 12/06/2024 QCC- 11.24.24- Cupertino Room Security Deposit Refund $500.00 Paying Fund Cash Account Amount 100 - General Fund 100 100-100 (Cash & Investments Assets Operating Cash) $500.00 735889 12/20/2024 Open Accounts Payable Serena Tu $40.00 Invoice Date Description Amount Serena12102024 12/10/2024 Live Scan and Fingerprinting Reimbursement $40.00 Paying Fund Cash Account Amount 100 - General Fund 100 100-100 (Cash & Investments Assets Operating Cash) $40.00 735890 12/20/2024 Open Accounts Payable Xu, Lee L $12,000.00 Invoice Date Description Amount 276291 12/06/2024 21164 Grenola Dr. Encroachment, 276291 $12,000.00 Paying Fund Cash Account Amount Wednesday, January 8, 2025Pages: 6 of 18user: Vi Tran 106 CC 01-22-2025 106 of 303 Payment Register City of Cupertino From Payment Date: 12/14/2024 - To Payment Date: 12/26/2024 Number Date Status Void Reason Reconciled/ Voided Date Source Payee Name Transaction Amount Reconciled Amount Difference 100 - General Fund 100 100-100 (Cash & Investments Assets Operating Cash) $12,000.00 735891 12/20/2024 Open Accounts Payable YOUNG, JOSHUA $17.00 Invoice Date Description Amount Young11212024 11/21/2024 Livescan Reimbursement - J. Young $17.00 Paying Fund Cash Account Amount 100 - General Fund 100 100-100 (Cash & Investments Assets Operating Cash) $17.00 735892 12/20/2024 Open Accounts Payable Zhai, Jianjun $35,000.00 Invoice Date Description Amount 331511 12/06/2024 10467 Glencoe Dr, Encroachment Bond; 331511 $35,000.00 Paying Fund Cash Account Amount 100 - General Fund 100 100-100 (Cash & Investments Assets Operating Cash) $35,000.00 Type Check Totals:45 Transactions $1,589,432.44 EFT 41360 12/17/2024 Open Accounts Payable California Public Employees' Retirement System $10,096.49 Invoice Date Description Amount 100000017760381 12/12/2024 2025 Replacement Charges - Replacement Benefit Contribution $10,096.49 Paying Fund Cash Account Amount 100 - General Fund 100 100-100 (Cash & Investments Assets Operating Cash) $10,096.49 41361 12/20/2024 Open Accounts Payable Colonial Life & Accident Insurance $29.16 Invoice Date Description Amount 12132024 12/13/2024 Colonial Products pp 11/30/24-12/13/24 $29.16 Paying Fund Cash Account Amount 100 - General Fund 100 100-100 (Cash & Investments Assets Operating Cash) $29.16 41362 12/20/2024 Open Accounts Payable Employment Development $10,831.32 Invoice Date Description Amount 12132024 12/13/2024 State Disability Insurance pp 11/30/24-12/13/24 $10,831.32 Paying Fund Cash Account Amount 100 - General Fund 100 100-100 (Cash & Investments Assets Operating Cash) $10,831.32 41363 12/20/2024 Open Accounts Payable National Deferred (ROTH)$6,633.89 Invoice Date Description Amount 12132024 12/13/2024 Nationwide Roth pp 11/30/24-12/13/24 $6,633.89 Paying Fund Cash Account Amount 100 - General Fund 100 100-100 (Cash & Investments Assets Operating Cash) $6,633.89 41364 12/20/2024 Open Accounts Payable National Deferred Compensation $24,617.62 Invoice Date Description Amount 12132024 12/13/2024 Nationwide Deferred Compensation pp 11/30/24- 12/13/24 $24,617.62 Paying Fund Cash Account Amount Wednesday, January 8, 2025Pages: 7 of 18user: Vi Tran 107 CC 01-22-2025 107 of 303 Payment Register City of Cupertino From Payment Date: 12/14/2024 - To Payment Date: 12/26/2024 Number Date Status Void Reason Reconciled/ Voided Date Source Payee Name Transaction Amount Reconciled Amount Difference 100 - General Fund 100 100-100 (Cash & Investments Assets Operating Cash) $24,617.62 41365 12/20/2024 Open Accounts Payable PERS-457K $14,084.33 Invoice Date Description Amount 12132024 12/13/2024 PERS pp 11/30/24-12/13/24 $14,084.33 Paying Fund Cash Account Amount 100 - General Fund 100 100-100 (Cash & Investments Assets Operating Cash) $14,084.33 41366 12/20/2024 Open Accounts Payable State Disbursement Unit $603.49 Invoice Date Description Amount 12132024 12/13/2024 Child Support pp 11/30/24-12/13/24 $603.49 Paying Fund Cash Account Amount 100 - General Fund 100 100-100 (Cash & Investments Assets Operating Cash) $603.49 41367 12/20/2024 Open Accounts Payable JOYFUL MELODIES $8,694.00 Invoice Date Description Amount JOY_FALL24_1 12/12/2024 JOYFULMELODIES_FALL24_PAY1_9.13-12.6 $8,694.00 Paying Fund Cash Account Amount 580 - Recreation Program 580 100-100 (Cash & Investments Assets Operating Cash) $8,694.00 41368 12/20/2024 Open Accounts Payable 3M COMPANY $4,337.72 Invoice Date Description Amount 9431680819 12/04/2024 Streets - Pavement Marker White, Two-Way White/Red, Yellow $4,337.72 Paying Fund Cash Account Amount 270 - Transportation Fund 270 100-100 (Cash & Investments Assets Operating Cash) $4,337.72 41369 12/20/2024 Open Accounts Payable 4LEAF, Inc.$67,071.24 Invoice Date Description Amount J3872-05L 10/31/2024 Regnart Road Improvements through 10012024- 10312024 $43.75 J3872-05K 09/30/2024 Regnart Road Improvements through 09012024- 09302024 $306.25 J3872-06J 09/30/2024 McClellan Road Separated Bike Corridor Ph. 3 through 9124-93024 $3,093.75 J4259D 09/30/2024 Jollyman All Inclusive Park through 09012024- 09302024 $29,657.07 J4259E 10/31/2024 Jollyman All Inclusive Park through 10012024- 10312024 $33,970.42 Paying Fund Cash Account Amount 270 - Transportation Fund 270 100-100 (Cash & Investments Assets Operating Cash) $3,093.75 420 - Capital Improvement Fund 420 100-100 (Cash & Investments Assets Operating Cash) $63,977.49 41370 12/20/2024 Open Accounts Payable ADVANCED CHEMICAL TRANSPORT, INC. $2,045.72 Invoice Date Description Amount 607246 12/16/2024 Street- Hazmat Waste Collection $2,045.72 Wednesday, January 8, 2025Pages: 8 of 18user: Vi Tran 108 CC 01-22-2025 108 of 303 Payment Register City of Cupertino From Payment Date: 12/14/2024 - To Payment Date: 12/26/2024 Number Date Status Void Reason Reconciled/ Voided Date Source Payee Name Transaction Amount Reconciled Amount Difference Paying Fund Cash Account Amount 100 - General Fund 100 100-100 (Cash & Investments Assets Operating Cash) $2,045.72 41371 12/20/2024 Open Accounts Payable Aldo Corral $110.00 Invoice Date Description Amount AldoC102524 10/25/2024 Cell Phone Reimbursement - Aldo C 09.26.24 to 10.25.24 $55.00 AldoC112524 11/25/2024 Cell Phone Reimbursement - Aldo C 10.26.24 to 11.25.24 $55.00 Paying Fund Cash Account Amount 270 - Transportation Fund 270 100-100 (Cash & Investments Assets Operating Cash) $110.00 41372 12/20/2024 Open Accounts Payable All City Management Services, Inc. $29,415.82 Invoice Date Description Amount 97329 11/26/2024 School Crossing Guard Services through 11102024- 11232024 $18,303.77 97657 12/11/2024 School Crossing Guard Services through 11242024- 12072024 $11,112.05 Paying Fund Cash Account Amount 100 - General Fund 100 100-100 (Cash & Investments Assets Operating Cash) $29,415.82 41373 12/20/2024 Open Accounts Payable Amazon Capital Services $4,137.77 Invoice Date Description Amount 11N6-LH3V-6VTH 12/01/2024 Service Center - Multiple Division Purchases Nov 2024 $2,719.70 1JJ3-YRY4-GNKH 12/01/2024 Amazon Purchases Nov 2024 - PR5 Outdoor Recreation $49.47 179Q-JXQJ-CMJY 12/01/2024 Amazon Purchases Nov 2024 - PR4 Events, Facilities, Youth, Teen $1,228.93 1THY-VGXJ-D3XK 12/01/2024 Apply credit memo related to invoice 179Q-JXQJ- CMJY ($10.90) 1GMG-DWJD-C7F3 12/01/2024 Apply credit memo related to invoice 179Q-JXQJ- CMJY ($25.18) 1NVW-HMVW-GVRP 12/01/2024 Apply credit memo related to invoice 179Q-JXQJ- CMJY ($25.18) 11N6-LH3V-F3YJ 12/01/2024 Apply credit memo related to invoice 179Q-JXQJ- CMJY ($25.18) 1MPW-4MFV-F4TL 12/01/2024 Amazon Purchases Nov 2024 - PR2 Senior Wellness $262.08 1GVD-XKCL-J7L1 11/11/2024 Apply credit memo related to invoice 1V3L-N6C1-LC44 ($11.99) 14TX-KHGK-G6NK 11/11/2024 Apply credit memo related to invoice 1V3L-N6C1-LC44 ($11.99) 144K-NCP3-JFX7 11/11/2024 Apply credit memo related to invoice 1V3L-N6C1-LC44 ($11.99) Paying Fund Cash Account Amount 100 - General Fund 100 100-100 (Cash & Investments Assets Operating Cash) $2,886.28 560 - Blackberry Farm 560 100-100 (Cash & Investments Assets Operating Cash) $9.81 580 - Recreation Program 580 100-100 (Cash & Investments Assets Operating Cash) $639.32 630 - Vehicle/Equip Replacement 630 100-100 (Cash & Investments Assets Operating Cash) $602.36 Wednesday, January 8, 2025Pages: 9 of 18user: Vi Tran 109 CC 01-22-2025 109 of 303 Payment Register City of Cupertino From Payment Date: 12/14/2024 - To Payment Date: 12/26/2024 Number Date Status Void Reason Reconciled/ Voided Date Source Payee Name Transaction Amount Reconciled Amount Difference 41374 12/20/2024 Open Accounts Payable Anderson's Tree Care Specialists, Inc.$29,937.25 Invoice Date Description Amount 19017 08/28/2024 Grounds - Orchard Maint Aug 2024 $1,878.00 18899 07/17/2024 Grounds - Weed Mowing/Removal $4,080.00 19016 09/05/2024 Grounds - Stocklmeir Weed/Fertilization Sept 2024 $8,339.25 19014 08/27/2024 Grounds - Fruit Tree Pruning/Fertilization Aug 2024 $15,640.00 Paying Fund Cash Account Amount 100 - General Fund 100 100-100 (Cash & Investments Assets Operating Cash) $29,937.25 41375 12/20/2024 Open Accounts Payable Aquatic Central $3,000.00 Invoice Date Description Amount 100027 12/15/2024 Facilities - Library Aquarium Maint. Dec. 2024 $3,000.00 Paying Fund Cash Account Amount 100 - General Fund 100 100-100 (Cash & Investments Assets Operating Cash) $3,000.00 41376 12/20/2024 Open Accounts Payable B&H PHOTO-VIDEO $253.55 Invoice Date Description Amount 229996721 12/15/2024 Samsung 43" DU7200 Crystal UHD TV $253.55 Paying Fund Cash Account Amount 100 - General Fund 100 100-100 (Cash & Investments Assets Operating Cash) $253.55 41377 12/20/2024 Open Accounts Payable Batteries Plus Bulbs #475 $350.99 Invoice Date Description Amount P78554169 12/11/2024 Facilities - 12V 7AH Lead $185.94 P78696920 12/16/2024 Facilities- 12V 7AH Lead Battery $165.05 Paying Fund Cash Account Amount 100 - General Fund 100 100-100 (Cash & Investments Assets Operating Cash) $350.99 41378 12/20/2024 Open Accounts Payable BECK'S SHOES INC. $396.88 Invoice Date Description Amount 284755-00 12/16/2024 Safety Boots - Aldo Corral $396.88 Paying Fund Cash Account Amount 100 - General Fund 100 100-100 (Cash & Investments Assets Operating Cash) $396.88 41379 12/20/2024 Open Accounts Payable BKF Engineers $487.20 Invoice Date Description Amount 24100733 10/16/2024 Jollyman Park Playground Restroom through 08252024-09292024 $487.20 Paying Fund Cash Account Amount 420 - Capital Improvement Fund 420 100-100 (Cash & Investments Assets Operating Cash) $487.20 41380 12/20/2024 Open Accounts Payable BOSCO OIL INC DBA VALLEY OIL $12,182.00 Invoice Date Description Amount 211974 12/11/2024 Fleet - Diesel Fuel, Gasoline $12,182.00 Paying Fund Cash Account Amount 630 - Vehicle/Equip Replacement 630 100-100 (Cash & Investments Assets Operating Cash) $12,182.00 Wednesday, January 8, 2025Pages: 10 of 18user: Vi Tran 110 CC 01-22-2025 110 of 303 Payment Register City of Cupertino From Payment Date: 12/14/2024 - To Payment Date: 12/26/2024 Number Date Status Void Reason Reconciled/ Voided Date Source Payee Name Transaction Amount Reconciled Amount Difference 41381 12/20/2024 Open Accounts Payable Bubble Marketing LLC $538.80 Invoice Date Description Amount 50810 11/27/2024 C-900 Club Wipes $538.80 Paying Fund Cash Account Amount 570 - Sports Center 570 100-100 (Cash & Investments Assets Operating Cash) $538.80 41382 12/20/2024 Open Accounts Payable Chrisp Company $132,450.38 Invoice Date Description Amount 28883 04/19/2024 Release Retention Related to Invoice 16496 $699.25 32208 11/27/2024 De Anza Blvd Buffered Bike Lane $131,751.13 Paying Fund Cash Account Amount 270 - Transportation Fund 270 100-100 (Cash & Investments Assets Operating Cash) $699.25 420 - Capital Improvement Fund 420 100-100 (Cash & Investments Assets Operating Cash) $131,751.13 41383 12/20/2024 Open Accounts Payable CodeLinkd, LLC $3,768.00 Invoice Date Description Amount CODEL_FALL24-1 12/12/2024 CODELINKD_FALL24_PAY1_9.13-12.26 $2,508.00 CODEL_FALL24-2 12/12/2024 CODELINKD_FALL24_PAY2_11.25-27 $1,260.00 Paying Fund Cash Account Amount 580 - Recreation Program 580 100-100 (Cash & Investments Assets Operating Cash) $3,768.00 41384 12/20/2024 Open Accounts Payable COLLEEN FERRIS $55.00 Invoice Date Description Amount ColleenF11162024 11/16/2024 cell phone service 10/17-11/16 $55.00 Paying Fund Cash Account Amount 570 - Sports Center 570 100-100 (Cash & Investments Assets Operating Cash) $55.00 41385 12/20/2024 Open Accounts Payable CSG Consultants, Inc.$13,170.00 Invoice Date Description Amount 59113 12/09/2024 Pavement Maintenance Phase 1 through 10262024- 11292024 $9,100.00 59112 12/09/2024 Bridge Preventative Maintenance through 10262024- 11292024 $4,070.00 Paying Fund Cash Account Amount 270 - Transportation Fund 270 100-100 (Cash & Investments Assets Operating Cash) $13,170.00 41386 12/20/2024 Open Accounts Payable Cupertino Chamber of Commerce $1,500.00 Invoice Date Description Amount CCC112624 11/26/2024 Economic Retention and Outreach Strategy October 2024 $1,500.00 Paying Fund Cash Account Amount 100 - General Fund 100 100-100 (Cash & Investments Assets Operating Cash) $1,500.00 41387 12/20/2024 Open Accounts Payable Cupertino Supply, Inc $226.56 Invoice Date Description Amount 370524 12/06/2024 Facilities - Screw Top $98.31 370472 12/05/2024 Facilities - Michael Miranda Flush Valve $128.25 Wednesday, January 8, 2025Pages: 11 of 18user: Vi Tran 111 CC 01-22-2025 111 of 303 Payment Register City of Cupertino From Payment Date: 12/14/2024 - To Payment Date: 12/26/2024 Number Date Status Void Reason Reconciled/ Voided Date Source Payee Name Transaction Amount Reconciled Amount Difference Paying Fund Cash Account Amount 100 - General Fund 100 100-100 (Cash & Investments Assets Operating Cash) $226.56 41388 12/20/2024 Open Accounts Payable David Stillman $205.27 Invoice Date Description Amount DavidS12102024 12/10/2024 Transportation Division Retreat Luncheon $205.27 Paying Fund Cash Account Amount 100 - General Fund 100 100-100 (Cash & Investments Assets Operating Cash) $205.27 41389 12/20/2024 Open Accounts Payable Dispensing Technology Corporation $2,357.96 Invoice Date Description Amount 16923 12/09/2024 Street- Bituminous Dotstick Marker Adhesive $2,357.96 Paying Fund Cash Account Amount 270 - Transportation Fund 270 100-100 (Cash & Investments Assets Operating Cash) $2,357.96 41390 12/20/2024 Open Accounts Payable Duran Construction Group $83,295.24 Invoice Date Description Amount 1124-335 12/06/2024 2024 Concrete Reconstruction Project $83,295.24 Paying Fund Cash Account Amount 270 - Transportation Fund 270 100-100 (Cash & Investments Assets Operating Cash) $83,295.24 41391 12/20/2024 Open Accounts Payable Eflex Group, Inc $4,691.25 Invoice Date Description Amount 12132024 12/13/2024 FSA pp 11/30/24-12/13/24 $4,691.25 Paying Fund Cash Account Amount 100 - General Fund 100 100-100 (Cash & Investments Assets Operating Cash) $4,691.25 41392 12/20/2024 Open Accounts Payable Gym Precision, Inc.$225.00 Invoice Date Description Amount 20200 11/22/2024 Serviced order# 24002. Worked on bikes and #9 treadmill. $225.00 Paying Fund Cash Account Amount 570 - Sports Center 570 100-100 (Cash & Investments Assets Operating Cash) $225.00 41393 12/20/2024 Open Accounts Payable IFPTE LOCAL 21 $2,339.95 Invoice Date Description Amount 12132024 12/13/2024 Association Dues - CEA pp 11/30/24-12/13/24 $2,339.95 Paying Fund Cash Account Amount 100 - General Fund 100 100-100 (Cash & Investments Assets Operating Cash) $2,339.95 41394 12/20/2024 Open Accounts Payable Independent Code Consultants, Inc.$9,135.00 Invoice Date Description Amount 2049 12/02/2024 Vallco Town Center PW Plan Review $8,845.00 2048 12/02/2024 Building Plan Review - The RISE - 2024/11 $290.00 Paying Fund Cash Account Amount 100 - General Fund 100 100-100 (Cash & Investments Assets Operating Cash) $9,135.00 Wednesday, January 8, 2025Pages: 12 of 18user: Vi Tran 112 CC 01-22-2025 112 of 303 Payment Register City of Cupertino From Payment Date: 12/14/2024 - To Payment Date: 12/26/2024 Number Date Status Void Reason Reconciled/ Voided Date Source Payee Name Transaction Amount Reconciled Amount Difference 41395 12/20/2024 Open Accounts Payable InservH2O Inc.$1,926.08 Invoice Date Description Amount 4572 12/10/2024 Facilities- Water Treatment Dec 2024 $834.80 3544 01/10/2024 Facilities- Jan2024 Quarterly Water Treatment Product Agreement $272.82 3811 04/10/2024 Facilities- Apr2024 Quarterly Water Treatment Product Agreement $272.82 4062 07/10/2024 Facilities- Jul2024 Quarterly Water Treatment Product Agreement $272.82 4392 10/10/2024 Facilities- Oct2024 Quarterly Water Treatment Product Agreement $272.82 Paying Fund Cash Account Amount 100 - General Fund 100 100-100 (Cash & Investments Assets Operating Cash) $1,926.08 41396 12/20/2024 Open Accounts Payable JAM Services, Inc $1,912.08 Invoice Date Description Amount 185970 12/04/2024 Streets - Freight Charges for Solar Street Light Fixture $127.89 179863 05/31/2024 Streets - Solas RAy Soph-50-300K-11-S1-LP-BS Solar LED w/Spikes $1,784.19 Paying Fund Cash Account Amount 420 - Capital Improvement Fund 420 100-100 (Cash & Investments Assets Operating Cash) $1,912.08 41397 12/20/2024 Open Accounts Payable Jason Wong $55.00 Invoice Date Description Amount JasonW12062024 12/20/2024 Cell Phone Reimbursement through 12062024 $55.00 Paying Fund Cash Account Amount 100 - General Fund 100 100-100 (Cash & Investments Assets Operating Cash) $55.00 41398 12/20/2024 Open Accounts Payable JINDY GARFIAS $110.00 Invoice Date Description Amount JindyG11112024 11/11/2024 Cell Phone Reimbursement through 11112024 $55.00 JindyG12112024 12/11/2024 Cell Phone Reimbursement-Jindy G 12.12.24-01.11.25 $55.00 Paying Fund Cash Account Amount 100 - General Fund 100 100-100 (Cash & Investments Assets Operating Cash) $110.00 41399 12/20/2024 Open Accounts Payable KIMBALL-MIDWEST $113.56 Invoice Date Description Amount 102873339 12/10/2024 Streets - Hollow Core Nut Driver Set $145.44 102861223 12/05/2024 Streets - Credit for Invoice 102700068 ($125.38) 102767510 11/05/2024 Streets - Ult Promax White Inverted $93.50 Paying Fund Cash Account Amount 100 - General Fund 100 100-100 (Cash & Investments Assets Operating Cash) ($31.88) 270 - Transportation Fund 270 100-100 (Cash & Investments Assets Operating Cash) $145.44 41400 12/20/2024 Open Accounts Payable KIMBERLY LUNT $55.00 Invoice Date Description Amount KimL121224 12/12/2024 Cell Ph reimbursement 11.13.24 to 12.12.24 $55.00 Paying Fund Cash Account Amount Wednesday, January 8, 2025Pages: 13 of 18user: Vi Tran 113 CC 01-22-2025 113 of 303 Payment Register City of Cupertino From Payment Date: 12/14/2024 - To Payment Date: 12/26/2024 Number Date Status Void Reason Reconciled/ Voided Date Source Payee Name Transaction Amount Reconciled Amount Difference 100 - General Fund 100 100-100 (Cash & Investments Assets Operating Cash) $55.00 41401 12/20/2024 Open Accounts Payable KIRSTEN SQUARCIA $387.39 Invoice Date Description Amount KirstenS121224 12/12/2024 Reimbursement for Swearing In Ceremony Food $387.39 Paying Fund Cash Account Amount 100 - General Fund 100 100-100 (Cash & Investments Assets Operating Cash) $387.39 41402 12/20/2024 Open Accounts Payable Mami Weber $3,803.80 Invoice Date Description Amount MAM_FALL24-1 12/12/2024 MAMIWEBER_FALL24_PAY1_9.6-12.13 $3,803.80 Paying Fund Cash Account Amount 580 - Recreation Program 580 100-100 (Cash & Investments Assets Operating Cash) $3,803.80 41403 12/20/2024 Open Accounts Payable MissionSquare 300292 $10,680.60 Invoice Date Description Amount 12132024 12/13/2024 ICMA pp 11/30/24-12/13/24 $10,680.60 Paying Fund Cash Account Amount 100 - General Fund 100 100-100 (Cash & Investments Assets Operating Cash) $10,680.60 41404 12/20/2024 Open Accounts Payable Moore lacofano Goltsman, Inc. $26,435.50 Invoice Date Description Amount 0088975 11/23/2024 Jollyman Park All-Inclusive through 10012024- 10312024 $17,564.60 0088977 11/23/2024 Lawrence-Mitty Park & Trail Master Plan thru 10012024-10312024 $2,382.40 0089142 12/07/2024 Lawrence-Mitty Park & Trail Master Plan through 110124-113024 $5,956.00 0088889 11/19/2024 I-280 Trail CEQA through 04012024-10312024 $532.50 Paying Fund Cash Account Amount 280 - Park Dedication 280 100-100 (Cash & Investments Assets Operating Cash) $8,338.40 420 - Capital Improvement Fund 420 100-100 (Cash & Investments Assets Operating Cash) $18,097.10 41405 12/20/2024 Open Accounts Payable Moss Adams LLP $12,975.00 Invoice Date Description Amount 102637117 08/28/2024 Professional Services JUNE 24 & JULY 24 $12,975.00 Paying Fund Cash Account Amount 100 - General Fund 100 100-100 (Cash & Investments Assets Operating Cash) $12,975.00 41406 12/20/2024 Open Accounts Payable Ninyo Moore $12,728.00 Invoice Date Description Amount 292474 09/12/2024 Jollyman Park All-Inclusive Playground through August 30, 2024 $2,372.00 293814 10/09/2024 Jollyman Park All-Inclusive through September 27, 2024 $3,417.00 295069 11/06/2024 Jollyman Park All-Inclusive through October 25, 2024 $6,939.00 Paying Fund Cash Account Amount Wednesday, January 8, 2025Pages: 14 of 18user: Vi Tran 114 CC 01-22-2025 114 of 303 Payment Register City of Cupertino From Payment Date: 12/14/2024 - To Payment Date: 12/26/2024 Number Date Status Void Reason Reconciled/ Voided Date Source Payee Name Transaction Amount Reconciled Amount Difference 420 - Capital Improvement Fund 420 100-100 (Cash & Investments Assets Operating Cash) $12,728.00 41407 12/20/2024 Open Accounts Payable Nomad Transit LLC $248,509.54 Invoice Date Description Amount INV001-12886 11/30/2024 Via Cupertino Shuttle through November 2024 $248,509.54 Paying Fund Cash Account Amount 100 - General Fund 100 100-100 (Cash & Investments Assets Operating Cash) $248,509.54 41408 12/20/2024 Open Accounts Payable ODP Business Solutions, LLC.$434.31 Invoice Date Description Amount 395802799001 11/20/2024 Service Center- Office Supplies for Cabinet $434.31 Paying Fund Cash Account Amount 100 - General Fund 100 100-100 (Cash & Investments Assets Operating Cash) $434.31 41409 12/20/2024 Open Accounts Payable PARS/City of Cupertino $4,348.11 Invoice Date Description Amount 12132024 12/13/2024 PARS pp 11/30/24-12/13/24 $4,348.11 Paying Fund Cash Account Amount 100 - General Fund 100 100-100 (Cash & Investments Assets Operating Cash) $4,348.11 41410 12/20/2024 Open Accounts Payable Parts Authority, LLC $863.60 Invoice Date Description Amount 906773 12/09/2024 Fleet - Starter Motor 2008 Ford F350 $174.14 906608 12/09/2024 Fleet - Exide Battery $689.46 Paying Fund Cash Account Amount 630 - Vehicle/Equip Replacement 630 100-100 (Cash & Investments Assets Operating Cash) $863.60 41411 12/20/2024 Open Accounts Payable PlaceWorks $4,321.25 Invoice Date Description Amount COCU-26.0 - 2 11/30/2024 GP 2040 and Zoning Code Amendments & Subsequent EIR - Nov 2024 $4,321.25 Paying Fund Cash Account Amount 100 - General Fund 100 100-100 (Cash & Investments Assets Operating Cash) $4,321.25 41412 12/20/2024 Open Accounts Payable QLM, Inc.$685,449.69 Invoice Date Description Amount 5539 11/11/2024 All-Inclusive Playground through October 31, 2024 $395,386.67 5548 12/04/2024 All-Inclusive Playground through November 30, 2024 $290,063.02 Paying Fund Cash Account Amount 420 - Capital Improvement Fund 420 100-100 (Cash & Investments Assets Operating Cash) $685,449.69 41413 12/20/2024 Open Accounts Payable Raftelis $4,857.50 Invoice Date Description Amount 37066 12/12/2024 Professional Consulting Services, November 2024 $4,857.50 Paying Fund Cash Account Amount 100 - General Fund 100 100-100 (Cash & Investments Assets Operating Cash) $4,857.50 Wednesday, January 8, 2025Pages: 15 of 18user: Vi Tran 115 CC 01-22-2025 115 of 303 Payment Register City of Cupertino From Payment Date: 12/14/2024 - To Payment Date: 12/26/2024 Number Date Status Void Reason Reconciled/ Voided Date Source Payee Name Transaction Amount Reconciled Amount Difference 41414 12/20/2024 Open Accounts Payable Raimi & Associates, Inc.$3,991.25 Invoice Date Description Amount 24-6689 12/11/2024 Reach Code Outreach- November 2024 $3,991.25 Paying Fund Cash Account Amount 100 - General Fund 100 100-100 (Cash & Investments Assets Operating Cash) $3,991.25 41415 12/20/2024 Open Accounts Payable Raychel Renee Balcioni Cruz $4,020.00 Invoice Date Description Amount 121324 RRBC 12/13/2024 December payment $4,020.00 Paying Fund Cash Account Amount 570 - Sports Center 570 100-100 (Cash & Investments Assets Operating Cash) $4,020.00 41416 12/20/2024 Open Accounts Payable Red Wing Business Advantage Account $1,361.57 Invoice Date Description Amount 20241210074592 12/10/2024 Safety Boots - Manny B, Brandon P, Bart, Gina $1,024.76 20241210075899 12/10/2024 Apex and Multi Purpose Revolution for James Lee $336.81 Paying Fund Cash Account Amount 100 - General Fund 100 100-100 (Cash & Investments Assets Operating Cash) $1,036.74 230 - Env Mgmt Cln Crk Strm Drain 230 100-100 (Cash & Investments Assets Operating Cash) $324.83 41417 12/20/2024 Open Accounts Payable Samantha LoCurto $4.90 Invoice Date Description Amount SamanthaL121724 12/17/2024 Walgreens Color 8x10 Photo – Councilmember Ray Wang $4.90 Paying Fund Cash Account Amount 100 - General Fund 100 100-100 (Cash & Investments Assets Operating Cash) $4.90 41418 12/20/2024 Open Accounts Payable TERRYBERRY COMPANY LLC $2,364.82 Invoice Date Description Amount 143069-41182 10/31/2024 Tognetti and Dullu Award Choice $472.26 143069-40682 09/30/2024 Salmon D. , Garcia M. ,Villalob R., Corbalis A., Matiere G.Award $778.38 S25305 12/06/2024 Wykoff A. Award Retirement $592.71 S26628 12/10/2024 Delgado R. Award Retirement $521.47 Paying Fund Cash Account Amount 100 - General Fund 100 100-100 (Cash & Investments Assets Operating Cash) $2,364.82 41419 12/20/2024 Open Accounts Payable United Site Services $492.78 Invoice Date Description Amount INV-5000769 12/16/2024 Trees/ROW- SWP 12/16/2024 - 1/12/2025 $492.78 Paying Fund Cash Account Amount 100 - General Fund 100 100-100 (Cash & Investments Assets Operating Cash) $492.78 41420 12/20/2024 Open Accounts Payable Walter Buenning $600.00 Invoice Date Description Amount 013 12/03/2024 800 Golf Balls for sale in pro-shop $600.00 Wednesday, January 8, 2025Pages: 16 of 18user: Vi Tran 116 CC 01-22-2025 116 of 303 Payment Register City of Cupertino From Payment Date: 12/14/2024 - To Payment Date: 12/26/2024 Number Date Status Void Reason Reconciled/ Voided Date Source Payee Name Transaction Amount Reconciled Amount Difference Paying Fund Cash Account Amount 560 - Blackberry Farm 560 100-100 (Cash & Investments Assets Operating Cash) $600.00 41421 12/23/2024 Open Accounts Payable EMPLOYMENT DEVEL DEPT $51,981.48 Invoice Date Description Amount 12132024 12/13/2024 CA State Tax pp 11/30/24-12/13/24 $51,981.48 Paying Fund Cash Account Amount 100 - General Fund 100 100-100 (Cash & Investments Assets Operating Cash) $51,981.48 41422 12/23/2024 Open Accounts Payable IRS $164,681.79 Invoice Date Description Amount 12132024 12/13/2024 Federal Tax pp 11/30/24-12/13/24 $164,681.79 Paying Fund Cash Account Amount 100 - General Fund 100 100-100 (Cash & Investments Assets Operating Cash) $164,681.79 41423 12/26/2024 Open Accounts Payable P E R S $549.28 Invoice Date Description Amount 12012024 12/13/2024 PERS Council pp 12/1/24-12/31/24 $549.28 Paying Fund Cash Account Amount 100 - General Fund 100 100-100 (Cash & Investments Assets Operating Cash) $549.28 41424 12/26/2024 Open Accounts Payable P E R S $161,237.85 Invoice Date Description Amount 12132024 12/13/2024 PERS pp 11/30/24-12/13/24 $161,237.85 Paying Fund Cash Account Amount 100 - General Fund 100 100-100 (Cash & Investments Assets Operating Cash) $161,237.85 41479 12/18/2024 Open Accounts Payable P E R S $10,000,000.00 Invoice Date Description Amount FY24-25 ADP 12/18/2024 Unfunded Liability Additional Contributions $10,000,000.00 Paying Fund Cash Account Amount 100 - General Fund 100 100-100 (Cash & Investments Assets Operating Cash) $10,000,000.00 Type EFT Totals:66 Transactions $11,894,526.58 Main Account - Main Checking Account Totals Checks Status Count Transaction Amount Reconciled Amount Open 45 $1,589,432.44 $0.00 Reconciled 0 $0.00 $0.00 Voided 0 $0.00 $0.00 Stopped 0 $0.00 $0.00 Total 45 $1,589,432.44 $0.00 EFTs Status Count Transaction Amount Reconciled Amount Open 66 $11,894,526.58 $0.00 Reconciled 0 $0.00 $0.00 Voided 0 $0.00 $0.00 Total 66 $11,894,526.58 $0.00 Wednesday, January 8, 2025Pages: 17 of 18user: Vi Tran 117 CC 01-22-2025 117 of 303 Payment Register City of Cupertino From Payment Date: 12/14/2024 - To Payment Date: 12/26/2024 Number Date Status Void Reason Reconciled/ Voided Date Source Payee Name Transaction Amount Reconciled Amount Difference All Status Count Transaction Amount Reconciled Amount Open 111 $13,483,959.02 $0.00 Reconciled 0 $0.00 $0.00 Voided 0 $0.00 $0.00 Stopped 0 $0.00 $0.00 Total 111 $13,483,959.02 $0.00 Grand Totals: Checks Status Count Transaction Amount Reconciled Amount Open 45 $1,589,432.44 $0.00 Reconciled 0 $0.00 $0.00 Voided 0 $0.00 $0.00 Stopped 0 $0.00 $0.00 Total 45 $1,589,432.44 $0.00 EFTs Status Count Transaction Amount Reconciled Amount Open 66 $11,894,526.58 $0.00 Reconciled 0 $0.00 $0.00 Voided 0 $0.00 $0.00 Total 66 $11,894,526.58 $0.00 All Status Count Transaction Amount Reconciled Amount Open 111 $13,483,959.02 $0.00 Reconciled 0 $0.00 $0.00 Voided 0 $0.00 $0.00 Stopped 0 $0.00 $0.00 Total 111 $13,483,959.02 $0.00 Wednesday, January 8, 2025Pages: 18 of 18user: Vi Tran 118 CC 01-22-2025 118 of 303 CITY OF CUPERTINO Agenda Item 24-13357 Agenda Date: 1/22/2025 Agenda #: 7. Subject:Authorization to execute a Joint Use Agreement for Continued Public Access to Santa Clara Valley Water District property situated along a portion of Stevens Creek Trail. Authorize the City Manager to execute a new Joint Use Agreement with Santa Clara Valley Water District for ongoing access to the District's property situated along a portion of the Stevens Creek Trail. CITY OF CUPERTINO Printed on 1/16/2025Page 1 of 1 powered by Legistar™119 CC 01-22-2025 119 of 303 CITY COUNCIL STAFF REPORT Meeting: January 22, 2025 Subject Authorization to execute a Joint Use Agreement for Continued Public Access to Santa Clara Valley Water District property situated along a portion of Stevens Creek Trail. Recommended Action Authorize the City Manager to execute a new Joint Use Agreement with Santa Clara Valley Water District for ongoing access to the District's property situated along a portion of the Stevens Creek Trail. Background The Santa Clara Valley Water District owns property within the Stevens Creek Corridor, and a segment of the Stevens Creek Trail runs through the property. The City and the District executed a twenty-five-year Joint Use Agreement in 1999, and the agreement expired on November 16, 2024. A new twenty-five-year Joint Use Agreement, similar in structure to the existing one, has been negotiated to extend public access and recreational opportunities along the trail. Under the new agreement, the City and Santa Clara Valley Water District continue to retain the flexibility to terminate the agreement at any time during the twenty-five-year period by providing 90 days’ written notice. The agreement facilitates recreational access and effective management and maintenance of the trail, ensuring its continued benefit to the Cupertino community. By formalizing this partnership, both entities reinforce their commitment to enhancing local recreational spaces and environmental stewardship in Cupertino. Staff recommends that City Council authorize the City Manager to execute a new Joint Use Agreement for a term of twenty-five years. Santa Clara Valley Water District has agreed to the Joint Use Agreement as outlined in Attachment A. Next Steps The next step for this item is for the Santa Clara Valley Water District Board of Directors to approve the agreement. Without this agreement in place, continued recreational access for the Cupertino community may be at risk. 120 CC 01-22-2025 120 of 303 Sustainability Impact This agreement prioritizes flood protection, stream stewardship, water resources management, and minimizing impact to natural habitat and wildlife. Fiscal Impact No fiscal impact. California Environmental Quality Act Execution of the agreement is exempt from the California Environmental Quality Act under CEQA Guidelines section 15301 (operation and maintenance of existing facilities). City Work Program (CWP) Item No. CWP Item Description N/A. Council Goal Quality of Life. _____________________________________ Prepared by: Daniel Degu, Economic Development Manager Reviewed by: Christopher D. Jensen, City Attorney Tina Kapoor, Interim Assistant City Manager Approved for Submission by: Pamela Wu, City Manager Attachment: A – Draft Joint Use Agreement, City-Santa Clara Valley Water District, for Stevens Creek Trail 121 CC 01-22-2025 121 of 303 JOINT USE AGREEMENT Stevens Creek Trail Between McClellan Ranch Park and Blackberry Farm Park This JOINT USE AGREEMENT (this “Agreement”) is entered into by and between the SANTA CLARA VALLEY WATER DISTRICT, a California Special District created by the California Legislature, hereinafter referred to as “Valley Water”, and the CITY OF CUPERTINO, a municipal corporation, hereinafter referred to as "City". Valley Water and City may be referred to individually as “Party” or collectively as the “Parties” or the “Parties to this Agreement”. This Agreement will become effective on the later of the last-signed signature date set forth below (the “Effective Date”), _________________, 2024. RECITALS: A. Valley Water is the owner of certain real property (“Premises”) containing Stevens Creek Trail, shown on Exhibit A, attached hereto. B. City desires to maintain improvements and allow for continued public use of Stevens Creek Trail on the Premises. C. This Agreement supersedes and replaces the Existing Joint Use Agreement (JUA) for Stevens Creek Trail at McClellan Ranch (A4346X). D. City’s and the public’s use of the Premises for the Trail, as extended, will not unreasonably interfere with Valley Water's mission of flood protection, water resource management, and stream stewardship. E. The Parties find it to be in the public interest to provide for joint use of the Premises by means of this Agreement under the following terms and conditions. NOW, THEREFORE, THE PARTIES AGREE AS FOLLOWS: 1) Incorporation of Recitals. The recitals set forth above are incorporated herein by this reference. 2) Supersedes Existing JUA. City and Valley Water waive the 90-day notice of termination requirement in Provision 11 of the Existing JUA. City and Valley Water agree that this Agreement supersedes and replaces the Existing JUA as of the Effective Date of this Agreement. 3) Scope of the License Grant to City. Subject to the terms and conditions of this Agreement, Valley Water hereby grants to City a non-exclusive license to access and do any or all the following on the Premises: a. To construct, operate, maintain, repair, replace, and remove improvements and other Trail amenities for public recreational purposes on the Premises including, but not limited to, pedestrian and bicycle trails, trailheads, fencing, fixtures (trash receptacles, benches, etc.) and signage (collectively, “City Improvements”). Any and all work related to construction, 122 CC 01-22-2025 122 of 303 operations, and maintenance of the Trail will be completed in accordance with applicable federal, state, and local environmental regulations, including but not limited to the federal and state Migratory Bird Treaty Acts, Clean Water Act, federal and state Endangered Species Act, the California Fish and Wildlife Code, and the Porter-Cologne Act and any amendments thereto. All City Improvements shall comply with all building and fire codes and other applicable legal requirements. If Valley Water approves the City Improvements, Valley Water shall issue a permit to City for the improvements (“Valley Water Permit”), which approval shall be in Valley Water’s sole discretion; provided that Valley Water’s approval shall not be unreasonably delayed, conditioned, or withheld. b. To provide for public access such as bicycling, walking, jogging, hiking, and similar trail uses in accordance with all applicable legal requirements to the extent such activities do not interfere with Valley Water’s mission of flood protection, water resource management, and stream stewardship. c. To host special public recreational events (e.g., races, bike-to-work events, etc.) that may include an otherwise restricted component such as allowing private vehicular access for safety purposes, so long as Valley Water issues City a Valley Water Permit to host the event. d. Subject to the conditions and restrictions contained in this Agreement, City shall have full authority to restrict, control, regulate, and/or supervise public use of the Trail for recreation. City may, at its discretion, consistent with Valley Water’s Superior Rights and City’s Subordinate Rights described in Section 12, and without diminution of Valley Water’s ability to provide flood protection, stream stewardship, water resources management, including the operation and maintenance thereof, or hazardous materials cleanup on the Premises, take any measures of every kind that, in the opinion of City, may be necessary for the health and safety of the public using the Premises. City is responsible for any damage to either Valley Water improvements or City Improvements that result from City’s or the public's use of the Premises. City will be responsible for all costs for repair of damage to Valley Water or City's improvements caused by City or the public. 4) Prohibited Uses of Trail. City shall post notices at all Trail entrances notifying users that the following are prohibited: • Entry of motor vehicles (except for maintenance repairs, emergency, and enforcement vehicles and mobility devices otherwise allowed by law) • Unleashed dogs • Public access during Trail closures when maintenance equipment and vehicles and/or emergency vehicles are present Subject to the foregoing prohibitions and any other restrictions set forth in this Agreement, City shall have the sole authority and responsibility to adopt Trail rules and regulations consistent with federal, state, and local regulations to govern the public’s use of the Premises that will not interfere with Valley Water’s mission of flood protection, water resource management, and stream stewardship, as determined by Valley Water. 5) Trash and Litter Removal. City will remove trash from the Premises that is likely to have been generated from public use of the Premises. City will be responsible for maintaining, servicing, and emptying trash receptacles and for rubbish removal as reasonably necessary, including providing 123 CC 01-22-2025 123 of 303 for lawful disposal of hazardous waste and/or biowaste. Separately, Valley Water will manage an Adopt-a-Creek program to provide opportunities for volunteer public trash removal. 6) Vegetation Management. If existing vegetation or trees interfere with City Improvements, the public’s use of the Premises, or have been deemed hazardous and a danger to the safety of the public, City is responsible for trimming or removal, as City deems necessary, in accordance with applicable federal and state laws and Valley Water Permit requirements. Valley Water shall provide vegetation management as needed for flood protection and fire code compliance consistent with its management of comparable flood protection facilities. All pruning by City or City contractors on the Premises must follow ISA ANSI guidelines. Herbicide use on the Premises must be performed by or under the direct supervision of a licensed QAC/QAL to ensure herbicides are only applied on the Trail or City Improvements, are suitable for the purpose and environment they are applied to, and do not drift onto adjacent Valley Water mitigation habitat, waters, or natural habitat. City shall only use herbicides approved for aquatic use in all areas below top of bank of a creek, within 20 feet of top of bank of a creek or where required by law. 7) Graffiti Removal. City will have the primary responsibility for removal of graffiti on the Premises reasonably attributed to use of the Trail. City will provide graffiti removal in compliance with City's graffiti abatement program, including graffiti removal from City Improvements consistent with its implementation of the same program at comparable City facilities. No permit from Valley Water, nor any advance notice, will be required for City to remove routine graffiti from any City or Valley Water facility within the Premises. Any and all materials used by City in the removal of graffiti within the limits of this Agreement shall be approved for use in the State of California and consist of environmentally safe products which will not harm the channel environment of the Premises in any way. 8) Pioneer Trails. City and Valley Water shall meet and confer to determine the need for fencing or other protective measures on a trail whenever the public pioneers unauthorized trails. City shall have primary responsibility for installing and maintaining measures that deter off trail uses. Valley Water may install, at its sole cost unless otherwise agreed by City, any additional measures to control public ingress or egress that may be necessary to protect environmentally sensitive areas or Valley Water facilities. 9) Public Safety. The Santa Clara County Sherriff’s Office will provide public safety services to the Trail pursuant to its contract with City. Valley Water has no obligation whatsoever to provide or pay for police patrols. 10) Encampments. City and Valley Water shall meet and confer in good faith to determine the need and protocol for abating any encampment which blocks Trail access. 11) Public Complaints. City is responsible for responding to all public complaints and inquiries regarding City Improvements, including the Trail, and to all complaints and inquiries regarding the public's use of the Premises. 12) Construction, Maintenance, and Repairs. 124 CC 01-22-2025 124 of 303 a. Valley Water is responsible for performing construction, operations, maintenance, and repairs on the Premises for flood protection, stream stewardship, and water resource management in a manner consistent with its construction, maintenance, and repairs of comparable facilities or creeks. It is expressly understood that Valley Water is engaged in flood protection, the protection of water resources, and stream stewardship, and that the terms and conditions of this Agreement will not in any way interfere with the absolute, free, and unrestricted right of Valley Water to operate and maintain for flood protection, water resource management, and stream stewardship purposes, the stream bed and banks, or any appurtenant works thereto, or to repair or construct any of its works, or to allow the raising or lowering of the height of the water present upon the Premises (“Superior Rights”). City will have the right to build additional improvements on the Premises necessary or convenient to the enjoyment of this Agreement, provided that any such improvement is, in each case during the term of this Agreement, first approved by Valley Water by issuance of a Valley Water Permit in its sole, unfettered discretion (“Subordinate Rights”). City acknowledges Valley Water’s Superior Rights and that City’s rights are subordinate thereto. i) If removal or relocation of City’s fencing is necessary to allow Valley Water to conduct construction, operations, maintenance, or repairs on the Premises, City shall remove or relocate its fencing at its own expense within 15 working days after receiving written notice from Valley Water. ii) If Valley Water requires that any other City Improvement be removed or relocated for any Valley Water purpose, City will do so at its own expense within 90 days after receiving written notice from Valley Water. iii) If removal or relocation of City Improvements, including vegetation installed by City, requires mitigation under the California Environmental Quality Act or as a regulatory permit requirement, City will be responsible for all costs required to fulfill any required mitigation responsibilities, including providing lands to place mitigation and providing mitigation monitoring and reporting. iv) If Valley Water engages in any construction on the Premises, Valley Water will inform City during preconstruction planning to minimize any adverse impact of Valley Water’s project on City Improvements. v) Valley Water agrees to exercise reasonable care during construction, operations, maintenance, and repair activities to minimize damage to City Improvements. Valley Water is not responsible for any damage to or replacement of City Improvements that results from Valley Water’s construction, operation, maintenance, or repair of flood protection or stream stewardship facilities located on or near the Premises, including, without limitation, any flood flows or inundation from Stevens Creek on the Premises, unless the damage to City Improvements is caused by Valley Water’s sole negligence or willful conduct. vi) Any replacement of City's Improvements following Valley Water’s construction, maintenance, or repairs on the Premises will be City’s responsibility and cost and shall require a Valley Water Permit under Section 3(a). City is solely responsible for informing the public on the operational status of the Trail, including any plans to close the Trail temporarily or permanently. vii) In non-emergencies, City and Valley Water staff will meet, whenever necessary, for 125 CC 01-22-2025 125 of 303 the purpose of scheduling routine maintenance, including, but not limited to: (a) Maintenance issues related to improvements; (b) Non-emergency work requiring the use of heavy equipment, barricading, pedestrian detour plans, and/or restricting access to the Premises. Valley Water and City further agree to notify one another's designated representative at least ten workdays prior to commencement of such work to minimize public impacts. viii) In an emergency on or affecting the Premises, Valley Water may require removal or relocation of any City Improvement without notice to City. b. City has sole responsibility for: i) the construction, operation, maintenance, and repair of all City Improvements; ii) maintenance and operation of all City Improvements in usable and safe condition; and iii) the duty, cost, and expense of providing any security; police; preparation of traffic and pedestrian detour plans, including installation of required appurtenances; public notices/communications/signage for Trail closures or detours; Trail amenities (including fencing); modifications or replacements; or other expenditure necessary to temporarily prohibit or control public access to the Premises that Valley Water would not ordinarily incur to complete scheduled routine maintenance pursuant to this provision. 13) Water Level Fluctuations. The level of water on the Premises may fluctuate from day to day due to controlled or uncontrolled flows upon and across the Premises. City shall be responsible for the control of or limiting the public's use of the Premises to protect the health and safety of the public from fluctuation in water levels or flooding of the Premises. 14) Signage. City has sole responsibility for providing signage pursuant to Section 12b to notify the public of Trail closures. The Parties will cooperate to create and install signage that benefits the programs of each Party such as Trail closure detour signage, maintenance vehicle warnings, entrance signage, interpretive signs and benches, and joint uses when applicable. The Deputy Operating Officer of Valley Water and the Parks and Recreation Director of City or their respective designees will meet and confer on a periodic basis to plan the installation of appropriate signage that serves the needs of both parties. All signs placed on the Premises by City (except existing signs that identify the facility (e.g., Trail) by name must include Valley Water’s logo in equal size and symmetrical relationship to any other logos contained on such signs. In addition, all City signs placed on the Premises or City publications relating to the Trail that describe water resources must be developed in conjunction with Valley Water. Each Party is responsible for the maintenance and upkeep of its signage installed on the Premises. 15) Bird Nesting Season. To the extent feasible, the Parties shall avoid construction or maintenance activities on the Premises during bird nesting season (generally between January 15th and August 31st). If construction or maintenance work must be done during the nesting season, a pre-construction survey by a qualified biologist must be undertaken to determine the presence of nesting. If nesting activity is reported, the biologist is expected to recommend that the City implement adequate mitigation measures to protect the nesting area. Environmental impacts will be considered prior to all work by the responsible Party (City or Valley Water, and/or their agents) 126 CC 01-22-2025 126 of 303 performing said work. 16) Term of Agreement. The term of this Agreement (including the rights and obligations contained herein), shall commence on the Effective Date and shall expire on the 25th anniversary of the Effective Date, unless either Party requests a renewal of and/or amendment to the agreement no less than 180 days prior to the expiration of the then-existing term. If either Party requests a renewal and/or amendment to the agreement, and a renewal and/or amendment has not been implemented prior to the expiration of this Agreement, then City shall either close and prevent public access to the Premises until a new agreement is executed or, subject to written approval by Valley Water’s Chief Executive Officer and upon written request by City, this Agreement may be extended for no more than 1 year to maintain public access to the Premises while ongoing efforts are made to execute a new Agreement. 17) Termination of Agreement. Either Party may terminate this Agreement after providing the other Party with at least 90 days prior written notice of its intent to terminate this Agreement. Upon the termination or expiration of this Agreement, City must remove all City Improvements from the Premises and leave the Premises in a condition as near as reasonably practical to its condition prior to the installation and/or development of such improvements. Notice of intent to terminate may be given by City's Director of Public Works. Notice of intent to terminate may be given by Valley Water’s Chief Executive Officer. 18) Indemnification by City. Notwithstanding any other provision of this Agreement, City agrees to indemnify, defend, and hold harmless Valley Water, its agents, officers, directors, and employees from and against any and all demands, claims, damages, losses, and reasonable expenses, including but not limited to liabilities, obligations, claims, costs, reasonable expenses (including without limitation interest, penalties and reasonable attorney's fees), fines, levies, assessments, demands, damages or judgments of any kind or nature, whether in law or equity (including without limitation, death or injury to any person, property damage, administrative and judicial orders and consents, or any other loss) to the extent they arise out of, pertain to, or relate to the: (i) public’s use of the Premises, (ii) public's use of real property adjacent to the Premises, or (iii) negligence or willful misconduct of City's officers, agents, employees, or independent contractors, except to the extent caused by Valley Water’s active or gross negligence or willful misconduct. This Agreement to defend, indemnify, and hold harmless Valley Water will operate irrespective of the basis of the claim, liability, loss, damage, or injury and irrespective of whether the act, omission, or activity is a condition of Premises or any other cause of any kind or nature. 19) Indemnification by Valley Water. Notwithstanding any other provision of this Agreement, Valley Water agrees to indemnify, defend, and hold harmless City, its agents, officers, directors, and employees from and against any and all demands, claims, damages, losses, and reasonable expenses, including but not limited to liabilities, obligations, claims, costs, reasonable expenses (including without limitation interest, penalties and reasonable attorney's fees), fines, levies, assessments, demands, damages or judgments of any kind or nature, whether in law or equity (including without limitation, death or injury to any person, property damage, administrative and judicial orders and consents, or any other loss) to the extent they arise out of and are caused by Valley Water’s active or gross negligence or willful misconduct. This Agreement to defend, 127 CC 01-22-2025 127 of 303 indemnify, and hold harmless City will operate only to the extent that the basis of the claim, liability, loss, damage, or injury is a result of Valley Water’s active or gross negligence or willful misconduct and not a result of or caused by any physical condition of Premises. 20) Insurance. City and Valley Water shall, throughout the duration of this Agreement, maintain and cause its contractors to maintain sufficient insurance and coverage as described in Exhibit B, attached hereto and incorporated herein. City and Valley Water can meet the insurance requirements of this Section through self-insurance which can be substantiated by issuance of a certificate of self- insurance. 21) Equal Opportunity Employer. Valley Water is an equal opportunity employer and requires public agencies that it enters into this Agreement with to have and adhere to a policy of equal opportunity and non-discrimination. In the performance of the Agreement, City will comply with all applicable federal, state, local laws and regulations, and will not discriminate against any subcontractor, employee, or applicant for employment in the recruitment, hiring, employment, utilization, promotion, classification or reclassification, transfer, recruitment advertising, evaluation, treatment, demotion, layoff, termination, rates of pay or other forms of compensation, and selection for professional development training (including apprenticeship), or against any other person, on the basis of sex (which includes pregnancy, childbirth, breastfeeding and medical conditions related to pregnancy, childbirth or breastfeeding), race, religion, color, national origin (including language use restrictions), ancestry, religious creed (including religious dress and grooming practices), political affiliation, disability (mental and physical, including HIV or AIDS), medical condition (cancer and genetic characteristics), genetic information, marital status, parental status, gender, age (40 and over), pregnancy, military and veteran status, sexual orientation, gender identity and gender expression, the exercise of family and medical care leave, the exercise of pregnancy disability leave, or the request, exercise, or need for reasonable accommodation. Compliance with Applicable Equal Opportunity Laws. City’s policy must conform with applicable state and federal guidelines including the Federal Equal Opportunity Clause, “Section 60-1.4 of Title 41, Part 60 of the Code of Federal Regulations,” Title VII of the Civil Rights Act of 1964 as amended; the Americans with Disabilities Act of 1990; the Rehabilitation Act of 1973 (Sections §503 and §504); the Age Discrimination Act of 1975 (42 U.S.C. §sec. 6101 et seq.); the California Fair Employment and Housing Act (Government Code §12900 et. seq.); and California Labor Code §1101 and §1102. City must designate a specific position within its organization to be responsible for investigating allegations of non-compliance with anti-discrimination and anti-harassment provisions of this Agreement. City must conduct a fair, prompt, and thorough investigation of all allegations directed to City by Valley Water. In cases where such investigation results in a finding of discrimination, harassment, or hostile work environment, City must take prompt, effective disciplinary action against the offender. 22) Notices. Any and all notices required to be given hereunder will be deemed to have been delivered upon deposit in the United States mail, postage prepaid, addressed to either of the parties at the address hereinafter specified or as later amended by either Party in writing: 128 CC 01-22-2025 128 of 303 City: City of Cupertino Attention: Public Works Director 10300 Torre Avenue Cupertino, CA 95014-3266 Valley Water: Santa Clara Valley Water District Attention: Clerk of the Board 5750 Almaden Expressway San Jose, CA 95118 w/copy to Lands Management Program 23) Successors and Assigns. This Agreement, and all terms, covenants, and conditions hereof, will apply to and bind the successors and assigns of the respective parties hereto. City will neither assign nor sublet this Agreement without the prior written consent of Valley Water. 24) Choice of Law. This Agreement is governed by California law. Proper venue for legal action regarding this Agreement shall be in the County of Santa Clara. 25) Amendments. This Agreement may not be modified or amended except in writing signed by the authorized representative of both parties and approved as required by applicable law. 26) Compliance with Laws. Each Party shall, in all activities undertaken pursuant to this Agreement, comply and cause its contractors, agents, and employees to comply with all applicable federal, state, and local laws, statutes, orders, ordinances, rules, and regulations. 27) Not Real Property Interest. It is expressly understood that this Agreement does not in any way whatsoever grant or convey any permanent easement, fee, or other interest in a Party's real property to the other Party. 28) Attorney's Fees. In the event of a dispute between the Parties with respect to the terms or conditions of this Agreement, the prevailing Party is entitled to collect from the other its reasonable attorney's fees as established by the judge or arbitrator presiding over such dispute. 29) Severability. If any provision in this Agreement is held by a court of competent jurisdiction to be invalid, void, or unenforceable, the remaining provisions will nevertheless continue in force without being impaired or invalidated in any way; provided, however, this paragraph shall not be applied to the extent that it would result in a frustration of the parties’ intent under this Agreement. 30) Waiver. No delay or failure to require performance of any provision of this Agreement shall constitute a waiver of that provision as to that or any other instance. Any waiver granted by a Party must be provided, in writing, and shall apply to the specific instance expressly stated. 129 CC 01-22-2025 129 of 303 31) Counterparts. This Agreement may be executed in one or more counterparts, each of which shall be deemed to be an original but all of which together shall constitute one and the same instrument. 32) Electronic Signature. Unless otherwise prohibited by law or City policy, the Parties agree that an electronic copy of a signed contract, or an electronically signed contract, has the same force and legal effect as a contract executed with an original ink signature. The term "electronic copy of a signed contract" refers to a transmission by facsimile, electronic mail, or other electronic means of a copy of an original signed contract in a portable document format. The term "electronically signed contract" means a contract that is executed by applying an electronic signature using technology approved by the City. 33) No Third-Party Beneficiaries. This Agreement is entered into only for the benefit of the Parties executing this Agreement and not for the benefit of any other individual, entity, or person. 34) Signatures. The individuals executing this Agreement represent and warrant that they have the right, power, legal capacity, and authority to enter into and to execute this Agreement on behalf of the respective legal entities of the City and the Valley Water. 35) Entire Agreement and Incorporation of Exhibits. This Agreement, together with all exhibits referenced herein and attached hereto, constitutes the entire agreement between the Parties and supersedes all prior written and oral understandings. signatures next page 130 CC 01-22-2025 130 of 303 IN WITNESS WHEREOF, the Parties have executed this Agreement on the day and year last written below. "City" "Valley Water" CITY OF CUPERTINO SANTA CLARA VALLEY WATER DISTRICT, A municipal corporation a Special District, created by the California Legislature By:________________________Date:_________ By:_______________________Date:________ Pamela Wu City Manager Interim Chief Executive Officer ATTEST: ___________________________________ Kirsten Squarcia City Clerk APPROVED AS TO FORM: ATTEST: ___________________________________ Interim Clerk of the Board of Directors APPROVED AS TO FORM: __ _ __ _ Christopher D. Jensen J. Carlos Orellana City Attorney District Counsel 131 CC 01-22-2025 131 of 303 EXHIBIT A (PREMISES) 132 CC 01-22-2025 132 of 303 EXHIBIT B (INSURANCE REQUIREMENTS) Without limiting the Contractor’s indemnification of, or liability to, the Santa Clara Valley Water District (“Valley Water”) and the City of Cupertino, the Contractor must provide and maintain at its own expense, during the term of this Agreement, or as may be further required herein, the following insurance coverages and provisions as listed below. Contractor must provide its insurance broker(s)/agent(s) with a copy of these requirements and warrants that these requirements have been reviewed by Contractor’s insurance agent(s) and/or broker(s), who have been instructed by Contractor to procure the insurance coverage required herein. In addition to certificates, Contractor must furnish Valley Water with copies of all original endorsements affecting coverage required by this Attachment. The certificates and endorsements are to be signed by a person authorized by that insurer to bind coverage on its behalf. All endorsements and certificates are to be received and approved by Valley Water. In the event of a claim or dispute, Valley Water has the right to require Contractor’s insurer to provide complete, certified copies of all required pertinent insurance policies, including endorsements affecting the coverage required by this Attachment insurance document. If your insurance broker has any questions about the above requirements, please advise him/her to email Valley Water Risk Manager at RiskManager@valleywater.org. CERTIFICATES OF INSURANCE Contractor shall furnish Valley Water with a Certificate of Insurance. The certificates will be issued on a standard ACORD Form. Contractor shall instruct their insurance broker/agent to submit all insurance certificates and required notices electronically in PDF format to the designated Valley Water Agreement Administrator and email a copy to valleywater@ebix.com. The certificates will: 1. Identify the underwriters, the types of insurance, the insurance limits, the deductibles and the policy term; 2. Include copies of all the actual policy endorsements required herein; and 3. In the “Certificate Holder” box include: Santa Clara Valley Water District 5750 Almaden Expressway San Jose, CA 95118 and City of Cupertino 10300 Torre Avenue Cupertino, CA 95014 133 CC 01-22-2025 133 of 303 In the Description of Operations/Locations/Vehicles/Special Items Box: 1. Certificate Holder shall be named as Additional Insured; 2. Valley Water agreement or project number shall appear; 3. The list of policies scheduled as underlying on the Umbrella policy shall be listed; and 4. Waiver of Subrogation must be indicated as endorsed to all policies. If Contractor receives any notice that any of the insurance policies required by this Exhibit B, Insurance may be cancelled or coverage reduced for any reason whatsoever, Contractor or insurer shall immediately provide written notice to the designated Valley Water Agreement Administrator that such insurance policy required by this Exhibit B Insurance is canceled or coverage is reduced. MAINTENANCE OF INSURANCE If Contractor fails to maintain such insurance as is called for herein, Valley Water, at its option, may suspend payment for work performed and/or may order Contractor to suspend all Contractor’s work at Contractor’s expense until a new policy of insurance is in effect. RENEWAL OF INSURANCE Contractor will provide Valley Water with a current Certificate of Insurance and endorsements within Thirty (30) business days from the expiration of insurance. Contractor shall instruct its insurance broker/agent to: 1. Submit all renewals of insurance certificates and required notices electronically in PDF format to: valleywater@ebix.com 2. Provide the following information in the “Certificate Holder” box: Santa Clara Valley Water District 5750 Almaden Expressway San Jose, CA 95118 and City of Cupertino 10300 Torre Avenue Cupertino, CA 95014 Contractor must, at its sole cost and expense, procure and maintain during the entire period of this Agreement the following insurance coverage(s). REQUIRED COVERAGES 1. Commercial General/Business Liability Insurance with coverage as indicated: 134 CC 01-22-2025 134 of 303 $500,000 per occurrence/$500,000 aggregate limits for bodily injury and property damage. $500,000 Products/Completed Operations aggregate (to be maintained for at least three (3) years following acceptance of the work by Valley Water. General Liability insurance must: a. Be written on standard ISO forms, or inspected by Valley Water Risk Manager. b. Include coverage at least as broad as found in standard ISO form CG 0001. c. Include Premises and Operations. d. Include Contractual Liability expressly including liability assumed under this Purchase Order. e. If Contractor will be working within fifty (50) feet of a railroad or light rail operation, any exclusion as to performance of operations within the vicinity of any railroad bridge, trestle, track, roadbed, tunnel, overpass, underpass, or crossway must be deleted, or a railroad protective policy in the above amounts provided. f. Include Owners and Contractor’s Protective liability. g. Include Severability of Interest. h. Include Explosion, Collapse and Underground Hazards, (X, C, and U). i. Include Broad Form Property Damage liability. j. Contain no restrictive exclusions (such as but not limited to CG 2153, CG 2144 or CG 2294). Valley Water reserves the right to require certain restrictive exclusions be removed to ensure compliance with the above. 2. Business Auto Liability Insurance with coverage as indicated: $500,000 combined single limit for bodily injury and property damage per occurrence, covering all owned, non-owned and hired vehicles. Excess or Umbrella policies may be used to reach the above limits for the General Liability and/or Business Auto Liability insurance limits, however all such policies must contain a primacy clause (See Section 2, General Conditions) and meet all other General Conditions below. 3. Workers’ Compensation and Employer’s Liability Insurance Statutory California Workers’ Compensation coverage covering all work to be performed for Valley Water. Employer Liability coverage for not less than $1,000,000 per occurrence. GENERAL REQUIREMENTS 135 CC 01-22-2025 135 of 303 With respect to all coverages noted above, the following additional requirements apply: 1. Additional Insured Endorsement(s): Contractor must provide an additional insured endorsement for Commercial General/Business Liability and Business Automobile liability coverage naming the Santa Clara Valley Water District, its Directors, officers, employees, and agents, individually and collectively, as additional insureds, and must provide coverage for acts, omissions, etc. arising out of the named insureds’ activities and work. NOTE: This section does not apply to the Workers’ Compensation. 2. Primacy Clause: Contractor will provide evidence (either through the Certificate of Insurance, endorsement or language in the insurance contract) that Contractor’s insurance is primary with respect to any other insurance which may be carried by Valley Water, its Directors, its officers, agents and employees, and Valley Water’s coverage must not be called upon to contribute or share in the loss. NOTE: This section does not apply to the Workers’ Compensation policies. 3. Cancellation Clause: Contractor will provide endorsements for all policies stating that the policy will not be cancelled without 30 days prior notification to Valley Water. 4. Acceptability of Insurers: All coverages must be issued by companies admitted to conduct business in the State of California, which hold a current policy holder's alphabetic and financial size category rating of not less than A- V, according to the current Best's Key Rating Guide or a company of equal financial stability that is approved by Valley Water’s Risk Manager. Non- Admitted companies may be substituted on a very limited basis at the Risk Manager’s sole discretion. 5. Self-Insured Retentions or Deductibles: Any deductibles or self-insured retentions must be declared to and approved by Valley Water. At the option of Valley Water, either: the insurer shall reduce or eliminate such deductibles or self-insured retentions as respects Valley Water, its officers, officials, employees and volunteers; or the Contractor shall provide a financial guarantee satisfactory to the Entity guaranteeing payment of losses and related investigations, claim administration, and defense expenses. Contractor agrees that in the event of a claim they will pay down any agreed upon SIR in a prompt manner as soon as bills are incurred in order to trigger the insurance related to the SIR. 6. Subcontractors: The Contractor shall secure and maintain or shall be responsible for ensuring that all subcontractors performing the Contract Services secure and maintain all insurance coverages appropriate to their tier and scope of work in a form and from insurance companies reasonably acceptable to Valley Water. 7. Amount of Liability Not Limited to Amount of Insurance: The insurance procured by Contractor for the benefit of Valley Water must not be deemed to release or limit any liability of Contractor. Damages recoverable by Valley Water for any liability of Contractor must, in any event, not be limited by the amount of the required insurance coverage. 8. Coverage to be Occurrence Based: Except for Professional Liability, all coverage must be occurrence-based coverage. Claims-made coverage is not allowed. 9. Waiver of Subrogation: Contractor agrees to waive subrogation against Valley Water to the extent any loss suffered by Contractor is covered by any Commercial General Liability policy, Automobile policy, Workers’ Compensation policy described in Required Coverages above. Contractor agrees to advise its broker/agent/insurer and agrees to provide evidence (either 136 CC 01-22-2025 136 of 303 through the Certificate of Insurance, endorsement or language in the insurance contract) that subrogation has been waived by its insurer. 10. Non-compliance: Valley Water reserves the right to withhold payments to the Contractor in the event of material noncompliance with the insurance requirements outlined above. CHECKLIST OF DOCUMENTS NEEDED General Liability: A. Limits ($500,000) B. Additional Insured (Endorsement) C. Waiver of Subrogation (COI, Endorsement or policy language) D. Primacy (COI, Endorsement or policy language) E. Cancellation Endorsement Auto Liability: A. Limits ($500,000) B. Additional Insured (Endorsement) C. Waiver of Subrogation (COI, Endorsement or policy language) D. Primacy (COI, Endorsement or policy language) E. Cancellation Endorsement Umbrella: A. Limits ($) B. Primacy (Endorsement or policy language) Workers’ Comp: A. Limits ($1,000,000) B. Waiver of Subrogation (Endorsement or policy language) C. Cancellation Endorsement Exhibit B, Joint Use Agreement GL/AL $500K/WC_11.26.2024 (REMAINDER OF PAGE INTENTIONALLY LEFT BLANK) 137 CC 01-22-2025 137 of 303 CITY OF CUPERTINO Agenda Item 24-13464 Agenda Date: 1/22/2025 Agenda #: 8. Subject: Award a construction contract to Golden Bay Construction in the amount of $1,569,798, approve a first amendment to the design services contract with Pakpour Consulting Group to increase the contract by $96,620 for a total not-to-exceed contract amount of $310,483 and approve a budget modification in the amount of $1,500,000 for the Stevens Creek Boulevard Class IV Bike Lane Project. 1. Award a construction contract for the Stevens Creek Boulevard Class IV Bike Lane Phase 2A Project (budget unit 420-99-036, project number 2022-15) in the amount of $1,569,798 to Golden Bay Construction, Inc.; 2. Authorize the City Manager to execute the construction contract with Golden Bay Construction, Inc. when all conditions have been met; 3. Authorize the Director of Public Works to execute any necessary construction change orders up to a construction contingency amount of $156,980 (10%) for a total contract amount of $1,726,778; 4. Authorize the City Manager to amend the Design Services Contract with Pakpour Consulting Group to increase the amount by $96,620 for a total not-to-exceed contract amount of $310,483 for the 2022-11 Stevens Creek Boulevard Class IV Bike Lane Phase 2B Design Project; and 5. Adopt Resolution No. 25-004 approving budget modification #2425-377, approving an increase of grant revenue estimates of $1,500,000 and a transfer out of $693,000. This includes an increase of $807,000 in Federal grant funds and a transfer of $693,000 in SB1 Grant Funds from the Transportation Fund (270-85-821) into the Capital Improvement Program Capital Project Fund (420- 99-036). CITY OF CUPERTINO Printed on 1/16/2025Page 1 of 1 powered by Legistar™138 CC 01-22-2025 138 of 303 1 CITY COUNCIL STAFF REPORT Meeting: January 22, 2025 Subject Award a construction contract to Golden Bay Construction in the amount of $1,569,798, approve a first amendment to the design services contract with Pakpour Consulting Group to increase the contract by $96,620 for a total not-to-exceed contract amount of $310,483 and approve a budget modification in the amount of $1,500,000 for the Stevens Creek Boulevard Class IV Bike Lane Project. Recommended Action 1. Award a construction contract for the Stevens Creek Boulevard Class IV Bike Lane Phase 2A Project (budget unit 420-99-036, project number 2022-15) in the amount of $1,569,798 to Golden Bay Construction, Inc.; 2. Authorize the City Manager to execute the construction contract with Golden Bay Construction, Inc. when all conditions have been met; 3. Authorize the Director of Public Works to execute any necessary construction change orders up to a construction contingency amount of $156,980 (10%) for a total contract amount of $1,726,778; 4. Authorize the City Manager to amend the Design Services Contract with Pakpour Consulting Group to increase the amount by $96,620 for a total not-to- exceed contract amount of $310,483 for the 2022-11 Stevens Creek Boulevard Class IV Bike Lane Phase 2B Design Project; and 5. Adopt Resolution No. 25-XXX approving budget modification #2425-377, approving an increase of grant revenue estimates of $1,500,000 and a transfer out of $693,000. This includes an increase of $807,000 in Federal grant funds and a transfer of $693,000 in SB1 Grant Funds from the Transportation Fund (270-85- 821) into the Capital Improvement Program Capital Project Fund (420-99-036). Reasons for Recommendation Background The 2016 Cupertino Bicycle Transportation Plan identified Stevens Creek Boulevard Class IV Bike Lane Project (Project) as the highest priority project. This Project includes upgrading the existing Class II buffered bike lane to a physically separated Class IV bike lane along Stevens Creek Boulevard from Tantau Avenue to Foothill Boulevard and related traffic signal upgrades. 139 CC 01-22-2025 139 of 303 2 No vehicle lanes are being removed or repurposed as a part of this project. In July 2016, staff submitted a One Bay Area Grant (OBAG) Cycle 2 application to the Metropolitan Transportation Commission (MTC) for grant funding in the amount of $807,000; however, due to limited funds and the competitive nature of the grant the Project was not awarded the grant at that time. To facilitate implementation, the Project was broken into three phases. Phase 1 included Tantau Avenue to North Wolfe Road, Phase 2 includes North Wolfe Road to Mary Avenue, and Phase 3 includes Mary Avenue to Foothill Boulevard. Phase 1 was adopted into the Fiscal Year (FY) 2018-2019 Capital Improvement Program (CIP) and was designed, constructed, and completed on February 12, 2021. Phase 2 was adopted into the FY 2020-2021 CIP with an approved budget of $350,000 for design. On May 18, 2021, the City Council accepted the recommendation to award a design service contract to Pakpour Consulting Group in the amount of $213,863 for the design of Phase 2. To facilitate construction, Phase 2 was split into two segments. Segment one (Phase 2A) is from Wolfe Road to De Anza Boulevard, and segment 2 (Phase 2B) from De Anza Boulevard to Mary Avenue. In 2021, the FY 2021-2022 CIP was adopted with an approved budget of $2,000,000 for the Phase 2A Construction. In 2022, MTC informed staff that due to other agencies being unable to commit to obligating the OBAG funds for their projects, funding was now available for the City of Cupertino in support of this Project. On April 19, 2022, the City Council accepted the recommendation to adopt a resolution of local support, which is required to complete the application process and for the City to receive the $807,000 of OBAG funding (with a required local match of $93,000.) As Phase 2A progressed into final design, with an engineer’s construction estimate of approximately $1,500,000, and with budget concerns regarding the California Department of Tax and Fee Administration audit, staff sought to acquire additional external funding to supplement the cost of this Project. On May 21, 2024, the City Council accepted the recommendation to adopt a resolution establishing a list of projects proposed to be funded by Senate Bill (SB) 1 funds. The Phase 2 project is budgeted to receive $693,000 of SB 1 funds, with a required local match of $32,000. Phase 2B design will include traffic signal upgrades at Bandley Drive and Stevens Creek Boulevard. The FY 2018-2019 CIP was adopted with an approved budget of $150,000 toward design and construction of these improvements in order to enhance pedestrian and vehicle safety at this intersection. Approximately $24,000 of this $150,000 budget has 140 CC 01-22-2025 140 of 303 3 been received from developers in-lieu fees, with the remaining $126,000 anticipated from approved developments that have not yet submitted applications or paid fees. Initiation of Phase 3 will be proposed in a future FY CIP. Construction Contract Staff completed the final design of Phase 2A and advertised the Project for public bid on November 5, 2024. The bid documents issued by the City are available at https://apps.cupertino.org/details/745. The engineer’s estimate for this project was $1,500,000. On December 5, 2024, the following bids were received: Bidder Total Base Bid Amount Golden Bay Construction, Inc. $1,569,798.00 Sposeto Engineering, Inc. $1,642,469.00 Granite Rock Company $1,654,934.00 Joseph J. Albanese, Inc. $1,693,385.00 Ray’s Electric $1,744,107.00 The Public Works Department reviewed Golden Bay Construction, Inc.’s bid proposal and determined their bid to be the lowest responsive and responsible bid per the Instruction to Bidders and Cupertino Municipal Code. Therefore, staff recommends awarding the construction contract to Golden Bay Construction, Inc., for the contract amount of $1,569,798 and include a 10% construction contingency in the amount of $156,980, for a total contract amount not to exceed $1,726,778. Construction contingency covers other costs that could be incurred due to unforeseen circumstances and is a typical contracting best practice. Design Services Contract As mentioned earlier, the City Council awarded a design services agreement to Pakpour Consulting Group in the amount of $213,863 to design Phase 2, which includes Phase 2A and Phase 2B. During design of Phase 2A, additional work involving potholing for underground utilities was required for the traffic signal upgrades. To meet our timeline for grant funding, staff reallocated Phase 2B funds towards Phase 2A to perform this additional work. This additional work will help to streamline the construction schedule and reduce the potential for change orders due to unforeseen underground utilities. Staff recommend amending the design services contract with Pakpour Consulting Group to increase the contract amount by $96,620 for a total not-to-exceed amount of $310,483 to complete the design of Phase 2B. Next Steps 141 CC 01-22-2025 141 of 303 4 If approved, construction is anticipated to begin in March 2025, with completion estimated in September 2025. If this item is not approved, the City will lose the competitive OBAG funds of $807,000. The SB 1 funds, in the amount of $693,000, can be reallocated to other eligible paving and safety related City projects. Sustainability Impact This project will enhance safety for bicycle transportation by installing concrete barriers within the existing striped buffer to create a physical separation between the existing Class II bike lane and vehicular traffic. This project promotes bicycling as a form of active transportation to help meet the City’s greenhouse gas emissions reduction goals. Fiscal Impact The Stevens Creek Boulevard Class IV Bikeway Phase 2A project budget (420-99-036) has a total City-funded approved project budget of $2,500,090. The total expenditures after completion of Phase 2A construction of the project are projected to be $2,222,261, with remaining funds of $277,829. The project costs will be offset in part by external funding reimbursements of $1,500,000 from the OBAG and SB 1 funding. A transfer of SB1 funds is recommended from fund 270 to fund 420. Historically, the City has budgeted all SB1 dollars in fund 270. Subsequent to budget adoption, this project was approved for SB1 funding, necessitating the requested transfer of funds. Additionally, OBAG grant revenues which were not previously budgeted, are now being requested for allocation to this project. Fiscal Summary Table Current Funding Status (Budget) Amount City Approved Funds FY 21 – Design Phase $350,000 City Approved Funds FY 19 – Bandley Intersection (Phase 2B) $124,432 External Funds FY 19 – Bandley Intersection (Developer In-Lieu fees) (Phase 2B) $25,658 City Approved Funds FY 22 – Construction (Phase 2A) $2,000,000 Design and Construction Phase 2 – Subtotals: (budget unit 420-99-036) $2,500,090 // // // 142 CC 01-22-2025 142 of 303 5 Projected Funding Impact (Expenses) Amount Design Phase Expenditures to date ($213,863) Design Phase (for Phase 2B Design completion) ($96,620) Construction Contract ($1,569,798 base contract and $156,980 contingency) – This Action ($1,726,778) Construction Management ($185,000) Subtotal: ($2,222,261) Summary Amount Current Project Budget (420-99-036) $2,500,090 Projected Funding Impact ($2,222,261) Remaining Funds: $277,829 Construction Phase 2A External Funding Amount Local Match Total Amount One Bay Area Grant (OBAG) $807,000 $93,000 $900,000 Senate Bill 1 (SB1) $693,000 $32,000 $725,000 Total $1,500,000 $125,000 $1,625,000 These grant funds will offset Phase 2A expenditures. The City anticipates receiving the full amount of grant funds upon completion of Phase 2A. Staff will complete Phase 2B design and will pursue proposals for construction of Phase 2B in 2026. Staff will return to City Council for necessary budget requests for Phase 2B after construction bids are received for that phase. City Work Program (CWP) Item: No CWP Item Description: N/A Council Goal: N/A California Environmental Quality Act (CEQA) This project is categorically exempt from CEQA under CEQA Guidelines Section 15301 (c), for minor alteration of existing bicycle lanes, signal poles, and existing facilities. Public Resources Code section 21080.25 (construction of bicycle facilities). _____________________________________ Prepared by: Jason Wong, Senior Civil Engineer Reviewed by: Chad Mosley, Director of Public Works Reviewed by: Tina Kapoor, Interim Assistant City Manager Approved for Submission by: Pamela Wu, City Manager Attachments: A – Draft Construction Contract B – Draft Resolution 143 CC 01-22-2025 143 of 303 Stevens Creek Boulevard Class IV Bikeway Phase 2A CONTRACT CIP Project #2022-15, Federal No. CML-5318 (036) Contract This public works contract (“Contract”) is entered into by and between City of Cupertino (“City”) and Golden Bay Construction, Inc. (“Contractor”), for work on the Stevens Creek Boulevard Class IV Bike Lane Phase 2A Project, Federal-Aid Project No. CML-5318 (036), CIP Project No. 2022- 15 (“Project”). The parties agree as follows: 1.Award of Contract. In response to the Notice Inviting Bids, Contractor has submitted a Bid Proposal to perform the Work to construct the Project. On January 22, 2025, City authorized award of this Contract to Contractor for the amount set forth in Section 4, below. City has elected to include the following Project alternate(s) in the Contract: No alternates. 2.Contract Documents. The Contract Documents incorporated into this Contract include and are comprised of all of the documents listed below. The definitions provided in Article 1 of the General Conditions apply to all of the Contract Documents, including this Contract. 2.1 Notice Inviting Bids; 2.2 Instructions to Bidders; 2.3 Addenda, if any; 2.4 Bid Proposal and attachments thereto; 2.5 Contract; 2.6 Payment and Performance Bonds; 2.7 General Conditions; 2.8 Special Conditions; 2.9 Project Plans and Specifications; 2.10 Change Orders, if any; 2.11 Notice of Potential Award; 2.12 Notice to Proceed; and 2.13 The following: 1) Exhibit A – Form FHWA 1273 2) Exhibit B – Minimum Federal Wage Rates Determination 3) Exhibit C – Bid Schedule 3.Contractor’s Obligations. Contractor will perform all of the Work required for the Project, as specified in the Contract Documents. Contractor must provide, furnish, and supply all things necessary and incidental for the timely performance and completion of the Work, including all necessary labor, materials, supplies, tools, equipment, transportation, onsite facilities, and utilities, unless otherwise specified in the Contract Documents. Contractor must use its best efforts to diligently prosecute and complete the Work in a professional and expeditious manner and to meet or exceed the performance standards required by the Contract Documents. 4. Payment. As full and complete compensation for Contractor’s timely performance and completion of the Work in strict accordance with the terms and conditions of the Contract Documents, City will pay Contractor $1,569,978.00 (“Contract Price”) for all of Contractor’s direct and indirect costs to perform the Work, including all labor, materials, supplies, equipment, taxes, insurance, bonds and all overhead costs, in accordance with the payment provisions in the General Conditions. 5.Time for Completion. Contractor will fully complete the Work for the Project, meeting all requirements for Final Completion, within 60 working days from the start date set forth in the Notice to Proceed (“Contract Time”). By signing below, Contractor expressly waives any claim for delayed early completion. Attachment A 144 CC 01-22-2025 144 of 303 Stevens Creek Boulevard Class IV Bikeway Phase 2A CONTRACT CIP Project #2022-15, Federal No. CML-5318 (036) 6. Liquidated Damages. As further specified in Section 5.4 of the General Conditions, if Contractor fails to complete the Work within the Contract Time, City will assess liquidated damages in the amount of $4,200 per day for each day of unexcused delay in achieving Final Completion, and such liquidated damages may be deducted from City’s payments due or to become due to Contractor under this Contract. 7. Labor Code Compliance. 7.1 General. This Contract is subject to all applicable requirements of Chapter 1 of Part 7 of Division 2 of the Labor Code, including requirements pertaining to wages, working hours and workers’ compensation insurance, as further specified in Article 9 of the General Conditions. 7.2 Prevailing Wages. This Project is subject to the prevailing wage requirements applicable to the locality in which the Work is to be performed for each craft, classification or type of worker needed to perform the Work, including employer payments for health and welfare, pension, vacation, apprenticeship and similar purposes. Copies of these prevailing rates are available online at http://www.dir.ca.gov/DLSR. This Project is funded in whole or in part by federal funds and therefore subject to both State and Federal hourly minimum rates for wages and fringe benefits and when the two rates differ for similar kinds of labor, the Contractor shall not pay less than the higher rate. The Minimum Federal Wage Rates Determination is hereby physically attached, in conformance with federal 10-day rule as a part of this contract (Exhibit B). This wage rate determination applies to federal-aid contracts and all work performed exceeding $2000 by subcontracts and subsequent lower-tier subcontracts and required be physically included in each executed contract. 7.3 DIR Registration. City may not enter into the Contract with a bidder without proof that the bidder and its Subcontractors are registered with the California Department of Industrial Relations to perform public work pursuant to Labor Code § 1725.5, subject to limited legal exceptions. 8. Workers’ Compensation Certification. Pursuant to Labor Code § 1861, by signing this Contract, Contractor certifies as follows: “I am aware of the provisions of Labor Code § 3700 which require every employer to be insured against liability for workers’ compensation or to undertake self-insurance in accordance with the provisions of that code, and I will comply with such provisions before commencing the performance of the Work on this Contract.” 9. Conflicts of Interest. Contractor, its employees, Subcontractors and agents, may not have, maintain or acquire a conflict of interest in relation to this Contract in violation of any City ordinance or requirement, or in violation of any California law, including Government Code § 1090 et seq., or the Political Reform Act, as set forth in Government Code § 81000 et seq. and its accompanying regulations. Any violation of this Section constitutes a material breach of the Contract. 10. Independent Contractor. Contractor is an independent contractor under this Contract and will have control of the Work and the means and methods by which it is performed. Contractor and its Subcontractors are not employees of City and are not entitled to participate in any health, retirement, or any other employee benefits from City. 11. Notice. Any notice, billing, or payment required by or pursuant to the Contract Documents must be made in writing, signed, dated and sent to the other party by personal delivery, U.S. Mail, a reliable overnight delivery service, or by email as a PDF file. Notice is deemed 145 CC 01-22-2025 145 of 303 Stevens Creek Boulevard Class IV Bikeway Phase 2A CONTRACT CIP Project #2022-15, Federal No. CML-5318 (036) effective upon delivery, except that service by U.S. Mail is deemed effective on the second working day after deposit for delivery. Notice for each party must be given as follows: City: Contractor: Jason Wong, Senior Civil Engineer Johnny Zanette, President 10300 Torre Avenue 3826 Depot Road Cupertino, CA 95014 Hayward, CA 94545 (408) 777-3215 (510) 783-2960 JasonW@cupertino.gov Johnny@gbayinc.com 12. General Provisions. 12.1 Assignment and Successors. Contractor may not assign its rights or obligations under this Contract, in part or in whole, without City’s written consent. This Contract is binding on Contractor’s and City’s lawful heirs, successors and permitted assigns. 12.2 Third Party Beneficiaries. There are no intended third-party beneficiaries to this Contract. 12.3 Governing Law and Venue. This Contract will be governed by California law and venue will be in the Santa Clara County Superior Court, and no other place. Contractor waives any right it may have pursuant to Code of Civil Procedure § 394, to file a motion to transfer any action arising from or relating to this Contract to a venue outside of Santa Clara County, California. 12.4 Amendment. No amendment or modification of this Contract will be binding unless it is in a writing duly authorized and signed by the parties to this Contract. 12.5 Integration. This Contract and the Contract Documents incorporated herein, including authorized amendments or Change Orders thereto, constitute the final, complete, and exclusive terms of the agreement between City and Contractor. 12.6 Severability. If any provision of the Contract Documents is determined to be illegal, invalid, or unenforceable, in whole or in part, the remaining provisions of the Contract Documents will remain in full force and effect. 12.7 Iran Contracting Act. If the Contract Price exceeds $1,000,000, Contractor certifies, by signing below, that it is not identified on a list created under the Iran Contracting Act, Public Contract Code § 2200 et seq. (the “Act”), as a person engaging in investment activities in Iran, as defined in the Act, or is otherwise expressly exempt under the Act. 12.8 Authorization. Each individual signing below warrants that he or she is authorized to do so by the party that he or she represents, and that this Contract is legally binding on that party. If Contractor is a corporation, signatures from two officers of the corporation are required pursuant to California Corporations Code § 313. 13. Federal Requirement. The provisions of Form FHWA 1273 are hereby physically attached, unmodified, as a part of this contract (Exhibit A). This provision applies to federal-aid contracts and all work performed by subcontracts and subsequent lower-tier subcontracts and is required to be physically included in each executed contract. [Signatures are on the following page.] 146 CC 01-22-2025 146 of 303 Stevens Creek Boulevard Class IV Bikeway Phase 2A CONTRACT CIP Project #2022-15, Federal No. CML-5318 (036) The parties agree to this Contract as witnessed by the signatures below: CITY: Approved as to form: s/_______________________________ s/__________________________________ ________________________________ ___________________________________ Name, Title Name, Title Date: ___________________________ Date: ______________________________ Attest: s/_______________________________ _________________________________ Name, Title Date: ___________________________ CONTRACTOR: ___________________________________________________ Business Name s/_______________________________ Seal: _________________________________ Name, Title Date: ____________________________ Second Signature (See Section 12.8): s/_______________________________ _________________________________ Name, Title Date: ____________________________ ___________________________________________________ Contractor’s California License Number(s) and Expiration Date(s) END OF CONTRACT 147 CC 01-22-2025 147 of 303 Attachment B RESOLUTION NO. __________ A RESOLUTION OF THE CUPERTINO CITY COUNCIL APPROVING A BUDGET MODIFICATION AND AN INCREASE OF GRANT REVENUE ESTIMATES OF $1,500,000 TO THE STEVENS CREEK BOULEVARD CLASS IV BIKEWAY PHASE 2A PROJECT FUND WHEREAS, the orderly administration of municipal government depends on a sound fiscal policy of maintaining a proper ratio of expenditures within anticipated revenues and available monies; and WHEREAS, accomplishing City Council directives, projects, and programs and performing staff duties and responsibilities likewise depends on the monies available for that purpose; and WHEREAS, the City Manager has determined that the balances from the funds specified in this resolution are adequate to cover the proposed transfer appropriations and therefore recommends the fund reallocations described herein; and NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED that the City Council does hereby approve the recommended fund reallocations described herein. PASSED AND ADOPTED at a special meeting of the City Council of the City of Cupertino this 22nd day of January 2025, by the following vote: Members of the City Council AYES: NOES: ABSENT: ABSTAIN: 148 CC 01-22-2025 148 of 303 Resolution No. __________ Page 2 SIGNED: ________ Liang Chao, Mayor City of Cupertino ________________________ Date ATTEST: ________ Kirsten Squarcia, City Clerk ________________________ Date 149 CC 01-22-2025 149 of 303 Resolution No. __________ Page 3 EXHIBIT A Appropriation Amendment by Fund Revenue Appropriations Fund Balance (Use of) 270 Transportation Fund $0 $693,000 ($693,000) 420 Capital Improvement Fund $1,500,000 $0 $1,500,000 TOTAL $1,500,000 $693,000 $807,000 150 CC 01-22-2025 150 of 303 CITY OF CUPERTINO Agenda Item 24-13613 Agenda Date: 1/22/2025 Agenda #: 9. Subject: Approve an agreement with Advanced Systems Group, LLC., for Modernization of Broadcast TV and Community Hall Integration for a not-to-exceed amount of $1,100,000, a 10% contingency in the amount of $110,000 for a total not-to-exceed amount of $1,210,000, and associated budget modification, with the cost to be funded by Public, Educational, and Governmental (PEG) funds. 1. Authorize the City Manager to execute the agreement and any necessary amendments with Advanced Systems Group, LLC., for Modernization of Broadcast TV and Community Hall Integration, within the total not-to-exceed amount of $1,100,000. 2. Adopt Resolution No. 25-005 approving budget modification #2425-368, increasing appropriations in the amount of $1,210,000 in the General Fund Video budget unit (100-31- 305 900-995) funded by restricted PEG Funds CITY OF CUPERTINO Printed on 1/16/2025Page 1 of 1 powered by Legistar™151 CC 01-22-2025 151 of 303 CITY COUNCIL STAFF REPORT Meeting: January 22, 2025 Subject Approve an agreement with Advanced Systems Group, LLC., for Modernization of Broadcast TV and Community Hall Integration for a not‐to‐exceed amount of $1,100,000, a 10% contingency in the amount of $110,000 for a total not‐to‐exceed amount of $1,210,000, and associated budget modification, with the cost to be funded by Public, Educational, and Governmental (PEG) funds. Recommended Actions 1. Authorize the City Manager to execute the agreement and any necessary amendments with Advanced Systems Group, LLC., for Modernization of Broadcast TV and Community Hall Integration, within the total not‐to‐ exceed amount of $1,210,000. 2. Adopt Resolution No. 25‐XXX approving budget modification #2425‐368, increasing appropriations in the amount of $1,210,000 in the General Fund Video budget unit (100‐31‐305 900‐995), funded by restricted PEG funds. Background The City of Cupertino is embarking on a scheduled technology refresh for the audiovisual systems (“AV”) in both the Community Hall and control room, an upgrade typically performed every 10 years. While the last major AV update was completed a decade ago, the lighting systems have not been updated in 20 years. Approval of the agreement with Advanced Systems Group, LLC, will enable the City to proceed with this critical modernization effort. This upgrade will modernize the Cityʹs infrastructure with advanced video systems technology, ensuring high‐quality video production, improved resource efficiency, and increased scalability. By replacing outdated legacy equipment that is no longer supported by manufacturers, the project will establish a more reliable and sustainable platform for City operations. 152 CC 01-22-2025 152 of 303 2 Additionally, the project will centralize the control room within the Community Hall, facilitating smoother integration and more efficient operation of the audiovisual systems. This project is funded by Public, Educational, and Governmental (“PEG”) funds which are financial resources derived from fees paid by cable television providers to local governments as required by State law and Municipal Code section 6.28. These funds are typically passed on to cable subscribers and are used exclusively to support PEG access channels, which broadcast community‐ focused content. Key Uses of PEG Funds: Public Access: Supports community‐created content such as local events and cultural programming. Educational Access: Funds educational programming, including school board meetings and instructional content. Governmental Access: Enables broadcasting of government‐related content like city council meetings and public hearings. Allowable Expenditures: Capital Costs: Purchase, upgrade, or maintenance of equipment (e.g., cameras, microphones, software) and facilities for PEG programming. Infrastructure: Building or improving networks and systems for PEG channel distribution. Technical Support: Ensuring compliance with signal quality and transmission standards. Accessibility: Adding features like closed captioning to meet accessibility requirements. Limited PEG Activities: Noncommercial advertising, sponsorships, or system upgrades to enhance public access. Prohibited Uses: Operational costs (e.g., salaries, utilities). Non‐PEG activities or commercial purposes. These funds are vital for fostering community engagement, supporting local content creation, and ensuring transparency in public communication. 153 CC 01-22-2025 153 of 303 3 Cupertino receives approximately $100,000 in PEG funds annually, with around $20,000 allocated each year for regular maintenance. Currently, the City has a PEG fund balance exceeding $1.6 million. Reasons for Recommendation On July 12, 2024, Information & Technology Department (“I&T”) published a Request for Proposals (RFP) on the City’s Bid Opportunity website, for the design and implementation of a new TV broadcast system for City Council meetings and public information, as well as an upgrade to the Community Hall Audio Visual system and lighting. The RFP resulted in three proposals, each of which was evaluated based on established criteria identified within the RFP. Advanced Systems Group, LLC was identified as the highest‐ranked proposer due to its strong scoring across all criteria and demonstrated knowledge of the City’s unique needs and priorities for this project. Project Scope Advanced Systems Group, LLC (ASG) will implement a comprehensive technology refresh for the control room and Community Hall audiovisual systems. This modernization effort will ensure that the Cityʹs infrastructure aligns with the latest advancements in video systems technology, enhancing video production quality, operational efficiency, and scalability while replacing outdated legacy equipment. ASG will deliver the following key project objectives: 1. Integrate Network Device Interface (NDI) Technology ASG will incorporate NDI technology, enabling real‐time transmission of video, audio, and metadata over standard IP networks. This integration will allow seamless communication between devices such as cameras, switchers, and production systems without requiring dedicated video cables. 2. Enhance Video and Audio Quality ASG will support high‐definition (1080p) and 4K video resolutions at high frame rates (60fps) and provide multi‐channel audio capabilities, ensuring superior production quality. 3. Update Community Hall Lighting The lighting systems will be upgraded with LED technology that delivers exceptional color accuracy and fidelity, suitable for hybrid events and broadcast‐quality production. 4. Ensure Scalability and Flexibility ASG will design a modular system architecture that accommodates 154 CC 01-22-2025 154 of 303 4 various input and output formats, ensuring the system can be easily expanded or upgraded in the future. 5. Improve Storage and Archiving The project will introduce high‐capacity, high‐speed storage solutions with cloud integration to streamline recording, archiving, and remote access. 6. Optimize Operational Efficiency ASG will develop an intuitive control interface, automate broadcast scheduling, and implement real‐time monitoring and diagnostic tools to enhance overall efficiency. 7. Centralize Control The project will integrate key Community Hall subsystems—lighting, HVAC, cameras, Dais electronics (microphones, timers, overhead projectors, voting systems, and public podium)—into a unified video broadcast system, enabling centralized control for streamlined operation. Project Phases ASG will execute the project in three distinct phases to ensure a seamless transition and successful implementation: Phase I: Needs Assessment ASG will begin with a detailed evaluation of the Cityʹs current broadcast and facility integration systems to identify limitations and opportunities for improvement. This phase includes: Conducting system assessments and identifying areas for enhancement. Engaging stakeholders through workshops and consultations to understand specific needs. Developing a conceptual system design based on findings and user requirements. Phase II: Design and Development In this phase, ASG will design and develop the new integrated system, including: Creating detailed system designs that incorporate NDI technology and other key subsystems. Defining technical specifications for hardware, software, video, and audio. 155 CC 01-22-2025 155 of 303 5 Preparing a comprehensive project plan with timelines, milestones, and resource requirements. Phase III: Implementation and Transition ASG will oversee the deployment of the new system, focusing on: Procuring and installing all hardware and software. Configuring and testing the system for functionality and compatibility. Providing hands‐on training and detailed documentation to City staff. Managing a smooth transition to minimize disruption, with post‐ implementation support for ongoing maintenance and scalability. This project will not only modernize the City’s audiovisual infrastructure but will also centralize control operations, ensuring seamless integration and improved resource efficiency. Approval of this agreement with ASG marks a significant step forward in advancing the Cityʹs technological capabilities. Sustainability Impact Switching 30 incandescent fixtures to LED lighting in Community Hall significantly enhances sustainability by reducing energy consumption (up to 75%), lowering heat output, and decreasing reliance on cooling systems. LEDs have a longer lifespan, require fewer replacements, and generate less waste compared to incandescent bulbs. They are mercury‐free, safer to dispose of, and maintain consistent light quality, reducing operational inefficiencies. Overall, the transition to LEDs cuts greenhouse gas emissions, minimizes waste, and supports an eco‐friendlier and more cost‐effective production environment. City Work Program (CWP) Item: No CWP Item Description: NA Council Goal: NA Fiscal Impact The proposed agreement is funded by restricted PEG funds within the General Fund and will not impact unassigned fund balance. If Budget Modification Number 2425‐368 is approved, increased appropriations of $1,210,000 will be allocated in 100‐31‐305 900‐995 Capital Outlay Special Projects. As of July 1, 2024, PEG funds had a beginning balance of $1.6 million. 156 CC 01-22-2025 156 of 303 6 California Environmental Quality Act Not applicable. _____________________________________ Prepared by: Teri Gerhardt, CGCIO, Chief Technology Officer Reviewed by: Tina Kapoor, Interim Assistant City Manager, Chistopher Jensen, City Attorney Approved for Submission by: Pamela Wu, City Manager Attachments: A – Draft Agreement B – Resolution 2025‐XXX 157 CC 01-22-2025 157 of 303 Design & Implementation for Modernization of Broadcast TV & Community Hall Integration Page 1 of 9 Professional/Consulting Contracts /Version: April 2024 PROFESSIONAL/CONSULTING SERVICES AGREEMENT 1.PARTIES This Agreement is made by and between the City of Cupertino, a municipal corporation (“City”), and ADVANCED SYSTEMS GROUP (“Contractor”), a for Design & Implementation for Modernization of Broadcast TV & Community Hall Integration, and is effective on the last date signed below (“Effective Date”). 2.SERVICES 2.1 Contractor agrees to provide the services and perform the tasks (“Services”) set forth in detail in Scope of Services, attached here and incorporated as Exhibit A. Contractor further agrees to carry out its work in compliance with any applicable local, State, or Federal order regarding COVID-19. 2.2 Contractor’s duties and services under this agreement shall not include preparing or assisting the City with any portion of the City’s preparation of a request for proposals, request for qualifications, or any other solicitation regarding a subsequent or additional contract with the City. The City shall at all times retain responsibility for public contracting, including with respect to any subsequent phase of this project. Contractor’s participation in the planning, discussions, or drawing of project plans or specifications shall be limited to conceptual, preliminary, or initial plans or specifications. Contractor shall cooperate with the City to ensure that all bidders for a subsequent contract on any subsequent phase of this project have access to the same information, including all conceptual, preliminary, or initial plans or specifications prepared by contractor pursuant to this agreement. 3.TIME OF PERFORMANCE 3.1 This Agreement begins on the Effective Date and ends on August 30, 2027 (“Contract Time”), unless terminated earlier as provided herein. Contractor’s Services shall begin on the effective date and shall be completed by August 30, 2027. The City’s appropriate department head or the City Manager may extend the Contract Time through a written amendment to this Agreement, provided such extension does not include additional contract funds. Extensions requiring additional contract funds are subject to the City’s purchasing policy. 3.2 Schedule of Performance. Contractor must deliver the Services in accordance with the Schedule of Performance, attached and incorporated here Exhibit B. 3.3 Time is of the essence for the performance of all the Services. Contractor must have sufficient time, resources, and qualified staff to deliver the Services on time. ATTACHMENT A 158 CC 01-22-2025 158 of 303 Design & Implementation for Modernization of Broadcast TV & Community Hall Integration Page 2 of 9 Professional/Consulting Contracts /Version: April 2024 4. COMPENSATION 4.1 Maximum Compensation. City will pay Contractor for satisfactory performance of the Services an amount that will based on actual costs but that will be capped so as not to exceed $1,100,000.00 (“Contract Price”), based upon the scope of services in Exhibit A and the budget and rates included in Exhibit C, Compensation attached and incorporated here. The maximum compensation includes all expenses and reimbursements and will remain in place even if Contractor’s actual costs exceed the capped amount. No extra work or payment is permitted without prior written approval of City. 4.2 Invoices and Payments. Monthly invoices must state a description of the deliverable completed and the amount due for the preceding month. Within thirty (30) days of completion of Services, Contractor must submit a requisition for final and complete payment of costs and pending claims for City approval. Failure to timely submit a complete and accurate payment requisition relieves City of any further payment or other obligations under the Agreement. 5. INDEPENDENT CONTRACTOR 5.1 Status. Contractor is an independent contractor and not an employee, partner, or joint venture of City. Contractor is solely responsible for the means and methods of performing the Services and for the persons hired to work under this Agreement. Contractor is not entitled to health benefits, worker’s compensation, or other benefits from the City. 5.2 Contractor’s Qualifications. Contractor warrants on behalf of itself and its subcontractors that they have the qualifications and skills to perform the Services in a competent and professional manner and according to the highest standards and best practices in the industry. 5.3 Permits and Licenses. Contractor warrants on behalf of itself and its subcontractors that they are properly licensed, registered, and/or certified to perform the Services as required by law and have procured a City Business License, if required by the Cupertino Municipal Code. 5.4 Subcontractors. Only Contractor’s employees are authorized to work under this Agreement. Prior written approval from City is required for any subcontractor, and the terms and conditions of this Agreement will apply to any approved subcontractor. 5.5 Tools, Materials, and Equipment. Contractor will supply all tools, materials and equipment required to perform the Services under this Agreement. 5.6 Payment of Benefits and Taxes. Contractor is solely responsible for the payment of employment taxes incurred under this Agreement and any similar federal or state taxes. Contractor and any of its employees, agents, and subcontractors shall not have any claim under this Agreement or otherwise against City for seniority, vacation time, vacation pay, sick leave, personal time off, overtime, health insurance, medical care, hospital care, insurance benefits, social security, disability, unemployment, workers compensation or employee benefits of any kind. Contractor shall be solely liable for and obligated to pay directly all applicable taxes, fees, contributions, or charges applicable to Contractor’s business including, but not limited to, federal and state income taxes. City shall have no obligation whatsoever to pay or withhold any taxes or benefits on behalf of Contractor. In the event 159 CC 01-22-2025 159 of 303 Design & Implementation for Modernization of Broadcast TV & Community Hall Integration Page 3 of 9 Professional/Consulting Contracts /Version: April 2024 that Contractor or any employee, agent, or subcontractor of Contractor providing services under this Agreement is determined by a court of competent jurisdiction, arbitrator, or administrative authority, including but not limited to the California Public Employees Retirement System (PERS) to be eligible for enrollment in PERS as an employee of City, Contractor shall indemnify, defend, and hold harmless City for the payment of any employee and/or employer contributions for PERS benefits on behalf of Contractor or its employees, agents, or subcontractors, as well as for the payment of any penalties and interest on such contributions, which would otherwise be the responsibility of City, and actual attorney’s fees incurred by City in connection with the above. 6. PROPRIETARY/CONFIDENTIAL INFORMATION In performing this Agreement, Contractor may have access to private or confidential information owned or controlled by the City, which may contain proprietary or confidential details the disclosure of which to third parties may be damaging to City. Contractor shall hold in confidence all City information provided by City to Contractor and use it only to perform this Agreement. Contractor shall exercise the same standard of care to protect City information as a reasonably prudent contractor would use to protect its own proprietary data. 7. OWNERSHIP OF MATERIALS 7.1 Property Rights. Any interest (including copyright interests) of Contractor in any product, memoranda, study, report, map, plan, drawing, specification, data, record, document, or other information or work, in any medium (collectively, “Work Product”), prepared by Contractor in connection with this Agreement will be the exclusive property of the City upon completion of the work to be performed hereunder or upon termination of this Agreement, to the extent requested by City. In any case, no Work Product shall be shown to any third-party without prior written approval of City. 7.2 Copyright. To the extent permitted by Title 17 of the U.S. Code, all Work Product arising out of this Agreement is considered “works for hire” and all copyrights to the Work Product will be the property of City. Alternatively, Contractor assigns to City all Work Product copyrights. Contractor may use copies of the Work Product for promotion only with City’s written approval. 7.3 Patents and Licenses. Contractor must pay royalties or license fees required for authorized use of any third party intellectual property, including but not limited to patented, trademarked, or copyrighted intellectual property if incorporated into the Services or Work Product of this Agreement. 7.4 Re-Use of Work Product. Unless prohibited by law and without waiving any rights, City may use or modify the Work Product of Contractor or its sub-contractors prepared or created under this Agreement, to execute or implement any of the following: (a) The original Services for which Contractor was hired; (b) Completion of the original Services by others; (c) Subsequent additions to the original Services; and/or (d) Other City projects. 7.5 Deliverables and Format. Contractor must provide electronic and hard copies of the Work 160 CC 01-22-2025 160 of 303 Design & Implementation for Modernization of Broadcast TV & Community Hall Integration Page 4 of 9 Professional/Consulting Contracts /Version: April 2024 Product, on recycled paper and copied on both sides, except for one single-sided original. 8. RECORDS Contractor must maintain complete and accurate accounting records relating to its performance in accordance with generally accepted accounting principles. The records must include detailed information of Contractor’s performance, benchmarks and deliverables, which must be available to City for review and audit. The records and supporting documents must be kept separate from other records and must be maintained for four (4) years from the date of City’s final payment. Contractor acknowledges that certain documents generated or received by Contractor in connection with the performance of this Agreement, including but not limited to correspondence between Contractor and any third party, are public records under the California Public Records Act, California Government Code section 6250 et seq. Contractor shall comply with all laws regarding the retention of public records and shall make such records available to the City upon request by the City, or in such manner as the City reasonably directs that such records be provided. 9. ASSIGNMENT Contractor shall not assign, sublease, hypothecate, or transfer this Agreement, or any interest therein, directly or indirectly, by operation of law or otherwise, without prior written consent of City. Any attempt to do so will be null and void. Any changes related to the financial control or business nature of Contractor as a legal entity is considered an assignment of the Agreement and subject to City approval, which shall not be unreasonably withheld. Control means fifty percent (50%) or more of the voting power of the business entity. 10. PUBLICITY / SIGNS Any publicity generated by Contractor for the project under this Agreement, during the term of this Agreement and for one year thereafter, will reference the City’s contributions in making the project possible. The words “City of Cupertino” will be displayed in all pieces of publicity, including flyers, press releases, posters, brochures, public service announcements, interviews and newspaper articles. No signs may be posted, exhibited or displayed on or about City property, except signage required by law or this Contract, without prior written approval from the City. 11. INDEMNIFICATION 11.1 To the fullest extent allowed by law, and except for losses caused by the sole and active negligence or willful misconduct of City personnel, Contractor shall indemnify, defend and hold harmless City, its City Council, boards and commissions, officers, officials, employees, agents, servants, volunteers, and consultants (“Indemnitees”), through legal counsel acceptable to City, from and against any and all liability, damages, claims, actions, causes of action, demands, charges, losses, costs, and expenses (including attorney fees, legal costs, and expenses related to litigation and dispute resolution proceedings) of every nature, arising directly or indirectly from this Agreement or in any manner relating to any of the following: (a) Breach of contract, obligations, representations, or warranties; (b) Negligent or willful acts or omissions committed during performance of the Services; 161 CC 01-22-2025 161 of 303 Design & Implementation for Modernization of Broadcast TV & Community Hall Integration Page 5 of 9 Professional/Consulting Contracts /Version: April 2024 (c) Personal injury, property damage, or economic loss resulting from the work or performance of Contractor or its subcontractors or sub-subcontractors; (d) Unauthorized use or disclosure of City’s confidential and proprietary Information; (e) Claim of infringement or violation of a U.S. patent or copyright, trade secret, trademark, or service mark or other proprietary or intellectual property rights of any third party. 11.2 Contractor must pay the costs City incurs in enforcing this provision. Contractor must accept a tender of defense upon receiving notice from City of a third-party claim. At City’s request, Contractor will assist City in the defense of a claim, dispute, or lawsuit arising out of this Agreement. 11.3 Contractor’s duties under this section are not limited to the Contract Price, workers’ compensation payments, or the insurance or bond amounts required in the Agreement. Nothing in the Agreement shall be construed to give rise to an implied right of indemnity in favor of Contractor against City or any Indemnitee. 11.4 Contractor’s payments may be deducted or offset to cover any money the City lost due to a claim or counterclaim arising out of this Agreement, or a purchase order, or other transaction. 11.5 Contractor agrees to obtain executed indemnity agreements with provisions identical to those set forth here in this Section 11 from each and every subcontractor, or any other person or entity involved by, for, with, or on behalf of Contractor in the performance of this Agreement. Failure of City to monitor compliance with these requirements imposes no additional obligations on City and will in no way act as a waiver of any rights hereunder. 11.6 This Section 11 shall survive termination of the Agreement. 12. INSURANCE Contractor shall comply with the Insurance Requirements, attached and incorporated here as Exhibit D, and must maintain the insurance for the duration of the Agreement, or longer as required by City. City will not execute the Agreement until City approves receipt of satisfactory certificates of insurance and endorsements evidencing the type, amount, class of operations covered, and the effective and expiration dates of coverage. Failure to comply with this provision may result in City, at its sole discretion and without notice, purchasing insurance for Contractor and deducting the costs from Contractor’s compensation or terminating the Agreement. 13. COMPLIANCE WITH LAWS 13.1 General Laws. Contractor shall comply with all local, state, and federal laws and regulations applicable to this Agreement. Contractor will promptly notify City of changes in the law or other conditions that may affect the Project or Contractor’s ability to perform. Contractor is responsible for verifying the employment authorization of employees performing the Services, as required by the Immigration Reform and Control Act. 13.2 Labor Laws. Contractor shall comply with all labor laws applicable to this Agreement. If the Scope of Services includes a “public works” component, Contractor is required to comply with prevailing wage laws under Labor Code Section 1720 and other labor laws. 162 CC 01-22-2025 162 of 303 Design & Implementation for Modernization of Broadcast TV & Community Hall Integration Page 6 of 9 Professional/Consulting Contracts /Version: April 2024 13.3 Discrimination Laws. Contractor shall not discriminate on the basis of race, religious creed, color, ancestry, national origin, ethnicity, handicap, disability, marital status, pregnancy, age, sex, gender, sexual orientation, gender identity, Acquired-Immune Deficiency Syndrome (AIDS), or any other protected classification. Contractor shall comply with all anti-discrimination laws, including Government Code Sections 12900 and 11135, and Labor Code Sections 1735, 1777, and 3077.5. Consistent with City policy prohibiting harassment and discrimination, Contractor understands that harassment and discrimination directed toward a job applicant, an employee, a City employee, or any other person, by Contractor or its employees or sub-contractors will not be tolerated. Contractor agrees to provide records and documentation to the City on request necessary to monitor compliance with this provision. 13.4 Conflicts of Interest. Contractor shall comply with all conflict of interest laws applicable to this Agreement and must avoid any conflict of interest. Contractor warrants that no public official, employee, or member of a City board or commission who might have been involved in the making of this Agreement, has or will receive a direct or indirect financial interest in this Agreement, in violation of California Government Code Section 1090 et seq. Contractor may be required to file a conflict of interest form if Contractor makes certain governmental decisions or serves in a staff capacity, as defined in Section 18700 of Title 2 of the California Code of Regulations. Contractor agrees to abide by the City’s rules governing gifts to public officials and employees. 13.5 Remedies. Any violation of Section 13 constitutes a material breach and may result in City suspending payments, requiring reimbursements or terminating this Agreement. City reserves all other rights and remedies available under the law and this Agreement, including the right to seek indemnification under Section 11 of this Agreement. 14. PROJECT COORDINATION City Project Manager. The City assigns Teri Gerhardt as the City’s representative for all purposes under this Agreement, with authority to oversee the progress and performance of the Scope of Services. City reserves the right to substitute another Project manager at any time, and without prior notice to Contractor. Contractor Project Manager. Subject to City approval, Contractor assigns John Shike as its single Representative for all purposes under this Agreement, with authority to oversee the progress and performance of the Scope of Services. Contractor’s Project manager is responsible for coordinating and scheduling the Services in accordance with the Scope of Services and the Schedule of Performance. Contractor must regularly update the City’s Project Manager about the progress with the work or any delays, as required under the Scope of Services. City written approval is required prior to substituting a new Representative. 15. ABANDONMENT OF PROJECT City may abandon or postpone the Project or parts therefor at any time. Contractor will be compensated for satisfactory Services performed through the date of abandonment, and will be given reasonable time to assemble the work and close out the Services. With City’s pre-approval in writing, the time spent in closing out the Services will be compensated up to a maximum of ten 163 CC 01-22-2025 163 of 303 Design & Implementation for Modernization of Broadcast TV & Community Hall Integration Page 7 of 9 Professional/Consulting Contracts /Version: April 2024 percent (10%) of the total time expended to date in the performance of the Services. 16. TERMINATION City may terminate this Agreement for cause or without cause at any time. Contractor will be paid for satisfactory Services rendered through the date of termination, but final payment will not be made until Contractor closes out the Services and delivers the Work Product. 17. GOVERNING LAW, VENUE, AND DISPUTE RESOLUTION This Agreement is governed by the laws of the State of California. Any lawsuits filed related to this Agreement must be filed with the Superior Court for the County of Santa Clara, State of California. Contractor must comply with the claims filing requirements under the Government Code prior to filing a civil action in court. If a dispute arises, Contractor must continue to provide the Services pending resolution of the dispute. If the Parties elect arbitration, the arbitrator’s award must be supported by law and substantial evidence and include detailed written findings of law and fact. 18. ATTORNEY FEES If City initiates legal action, files a complaint or cross-complaint, or pursues arbitration, appeal, or other proceedings to enforce its rights or a judgment in connection with this Agreement, the prevailing party will be entitled to reasonable attorney fees and costs. 19. THIRD PARTY BENEFICIARIES There are no intended third party beneficiaries of this Agreement. 20. WAIVER Neither acceptance of the Services nor payment thereof shall constitute a waiver of any contract provision. City’s waiver of a breach shall not constitute waiver of another provision or breach. 21. ENTIRE AGREEMENT This Agreement represents the full and complete understanding of every kind or nature between the Parties, and supersedes any other agreement(s) and understanding(s), either oral or written, between the Parties. Any modification of this Agreement will be effective only if in writing and signed by each Party’s authorized representative. No verbal agreement or implied covenant will be valid to amend or abridge this Agreement. If there is any inconsistency between any term, clause, or provision of the main Agreement and any term, clause, or provision of the attachments or exhibits thereto, the terms of the main Agreement shall prevail and be controlling. 22. INSERTED PROVISIONS Each provision and clause required by law for this Agreement is deemed to be included and will be inferred herein. Either party may request an amendment to cure mistaken insertions or omissions of required provisions. The Parties will collaborate to implement this Section, as 164 CC 01-22-2025 164 of 303 Design & Implementation for Modernization of Broadcast TV & Community Hall Integration Page 8 of 9 Professional/Consulting Contracts /Version: April 2024 appropriate. 23. HEADINGS The headings in this Agreement are for convenience only, are not a part of the Agreement and in no way affect, limit, or amplify the terms or provisions of this Agreement. 24. SEVERABILITY/PARTIAL INVALIDITY If any term or provision of this Agreement, or their application to a particular situation, is found by the court to be void, invalid, illegal, or unenforceable, such term or provision shall remain in force and effect to the extent allowed by such ruling. All other terms and provisions of this Agreement or their application to specific situations shall remain in full force and effect. The Parties agree to work in good faith to amend this Agreement to carry out its intent. 25. SURVIVAL All provisions which by their nature must continue after the Agreement expires or is terminated, including the Indemnification, Ownership of Materials/Work Product, Records, Governing Law, and Attorney Fees, shall survive the Agreement and remain in full force and effect. 26. NOTICES All notices, requests and approvals must be sent in writing to the persons below, which will be considered effective on the date of personal delivery or the date confirmed by a reputable overnight delivery service, on the fifth calendar day after deposit in the United States Mail, postage prepaid, registered or certified, or the next business day following electronic submission: To City of Cupertino Office of the City Manager 10300 Torre Ave. Cupertino, CA 95014 Attention: Teri Gerhardt Email: terig@Cupertino.org To Contractor: ADVANCED SYSTEMS GROUP 1226 POWELL STREET EMERYVILLE CA 94608 Attention: John Shike Email: jshike@asgllc.com 27. EXECUTION The person executing this Agreement on behalf of Contractor represents and warrants that Contractor has full right, power, and authority to enter into and carry out all actions contemplated by this Agreement and that he or she is authorized to execute this Agreement, which constitutes a legally binding obligation of Contractor. This Agreement may be executed in counterparts, each one of which is deemed an original and all of which, taken together, constitute a single binding instrument. 165 CC 01-22-2025 165 of 303 Design & Implementation for Modernization of Broadcast TV & Community Hall Integration Page 9 of 9 Professional/Consulting Contracts /Version: April 2024 IN WITNESS WHEREOF, the parties have caused the Agreement to be executed. CITY OF CUPERTINO CONTRACTOR A Municipal Corporation By By Name Name Title Title Date Date APPROVED AS TO FORM: CHRISTOPHER D. JENSEN Cupertino City Attorney ATTEST: KIRSTEN SQUARCIA City Clerk Date 166 CC 01-22-2025 166 of 303 1226 Powell Street Emeryville, CA 94608 510.654.8300 Fax 510.654.8370 www.asgllc.com December 3, 2024 The City of Cupertino Attn: Teri Gerhardt, CGCIO City Hall 10300 Torre Avenue Cupertino, CA 95014-3255 Dear Teri & Team, Thank you for the opportunity to submit the enclosed response to your Request for Proposal. We are excited to be part of this project and believe that Advanced Systems Group, LLC (ASG) can offer the knowledge, products and services needed to effectively implement the technology solutions planned for your project. Our proposal addresses the needs you identified in the RFP. It also provides you with an overview of our capabilities and experience and outlines how ASG can make it easier for you to meet your objectives. ASG is known for building successful partnerships with our clients and we look forward to proving ourselves, once again, to your team. We know we can make a difference through our understanding of how your teams work and by using those in- sights to effectively implement the project. We look forward to the opportunity to review our proposal with you in detail and move this project forward. Please feel free to contact us should you have any questions. Sincerely, Michele Ferreira Vice President, Systems Integration & Support Advanced Systems Group. LLC mferreira@asgllc.com 167 CC 01-22-2025 167 of 303 2 | Page 1226 Powell Street Emeryville, CA 94608 510.654.8300 Fax 510.654.8370 www.asgllc.com CITY OF CUPERTINO CONSULTING SERVICES FOR THE DESIGN AND IMPLEMENTATION FOR MODERNIZATION OF BROADCAST TV AND COMMUNITY HALL INTEGRATION Teri Gerhardt, CGCIO CITY HALL • 10300 TORRE AVENUE • CUPERTINO, CA 95014-3255 August 23, 2024 Revised December 16, 2024 Prepared by: Mark Warner and John Shike 168 CC 01-22-2025 168 of 303 3 | Page 1226 Powell Street Emeryville, CA 94608 510.654.8300 Fax 510.654.8370 www.asgllc.com OVERVIEW This proposal identifies the services and activities to be performed by ASG (and/or others as identified herein) relative to the solution for The City of Cupertino (The City). The ser- vices, activities, and responsibilities described within the following sections herein charac- terize the full set of deliverables for this project, thus constitutes the working agreement between ASG and The City of Cupertino. Every effort has been made to identify the scope of the project based on information made available during the engagement to create the scope of work (SOW). ASG has added to this proposal the cost of the requested lighting upgrades. See Appen- dix A. ASG has more than 600 employees worldwide with the largest concentrations in San Francisco Bay Area and Southern California. Our company runs in four business units: Physical System Integration, Workflows and Tools, Managed Services and Software and Cloud defined systems. PHASE I: NEEDS ANALYSI S APPROACH Based on Exhibit A scope of work provided by City of Cupertino, the following services are being requested by the City: the following services are being requested by The City: The City is in need of consultation services and future design and installation of equip- ment to be defined within the consultation phase (Phase 1). To address these issues, ASG will provide the following: •Project management for coordination between ASG and The City. •ASG Discovery: (4 days on site) ASG will provide The City with subject matter experts in sufficient numbers to gather infor- mation. ASG will conduct a thorough assessment of the existing broadcast and facility integrated systems, facility equipment, including video cameras, lighting, and the raising and lower- ing of blinds. Through examination and discussion with operators and stake holders we will identify cur- rent capabilities, limitations, and areas needing improvement. ASG will review current delivered system drawings and verify their accuracy and viability for reuse in a new system based on the NDI protocol. ASG will document all existing equipment, software, and workflows. EXHIBIT A 169 CC 01-22-2025 169 of 303 4 | Page 1226 Powell Street Emeryville, CA 94608 510.654.8300 Fax 510.654.8370 www.asgllc.com ASG will engage with key stakeholders, including city staff, council members, and tech- nical personnel. ASG will gather requirements, expectations, and suggestions for the new system. ASG will conduct workshops and interviews to understand the needs and goals of various user groups. Schedule: •Each phase schedule to be determined and agreed upon by both parties. •Day one: meet with representatives from The City and tour the site. •Day two: Workshops with all stakeholders. •Day three and four: Separate into groups and perform a detailed examination of the facility. ASG will then spend 3 weeks compiling our findings from the evaluation and consulta- tions. ASG will conduct regular 30-minute meetings twice a week with stakeholders during the 3 week period for information exchange between groups. During the 3-week period ASG will create a detailed needs analysis report outlining the re- quirements for the new broadcast and integration system. The report will include: •Recommendations for system features, capabilities, and improvements. •Recommendations for equipment to be reused from the existing system when pos- sible. (This determination will be based on age, upgradeability, compatibility and usefulness). •Deliver Needs Analysis report to The City and conduct a final review of the report with The City to ensure that all objectives are met. PHASE II: DESIGN AND DEVELOPMENT APPROACH At ASG we understand the compelling cloud and NDI advantages, we partner with validated cloud and network technology providers, and we provide support as your partner in all as- pects of your cloud and video over IP journey. Our team has been at the forefront of NDI and 2110 remote platform implementation. Our engineers excel in: 170 CC 01-22-2025 170 of 303 5 | Page 1226 Powell Street Emeryville, CA 94608 510.654.8300 Fax 510.654.8370 www.asgllc.com v NDI and Cloud Design v Platform Deployment v Infrastructure as a Service v Application Engineering v Workflow Optimization Our solutions architects and engineers will design the optimal workflow for your needs. Whether full cloud, hybrid cloud, or on-premises our teams provide conceptual design, de- tailed design, system validation, deployment, and comprehensive documentation. With our professional services, always-on consulting, training, and our support contracts, our goal is to ensure your cloud journey is successful by providing ongoing engagement and unprecedented expertise. I.The first part of the process is to return to the The City of Cupertino Team a conceptual design based on the Needs Analysis and discussions between ASG and The City of Cu- pertino in a kick-off and design charette. This design will be refined, and budget discus- sions will be held such that both parties are aware of how the new system will be inte- grated into the existing system. ASG will assign a Project Manager to facilitate the discus- sions and maintain a schedule. II.ASG will produce a detailed budget that will be approved by the The City of Cupertino as the basis for moving forward with the overall project. At this stage, most of the equipment needs will be included in the budget. III.After budget approval, the Approval Design drawing set will be created. During this phase it may be discovered that small necessary components are required to “glue” the old and new systems together and may need to be added. Once discoveries are made, ASG will forward the information to The City of Cupertino for approval and discussions will take place as to the options that are available. The approval of this set of documents will coin- cide with the approval of the final budget for the project. SYSTEM DESIGN DELIVERABLES •Develop a comprehensive design for the new broadcast and facility integration system. (Detailed Design Drawings, and BOM) •Proposed Crestron design changes and begin code revisions upon approval. •Ensure the design supports NDI technology and integrates all required subsystems (lighting, HVAC, cameras, Dais electronics, etc.). •Create detailed schematics and diagrams for the proposed system architecture. Define technical specifications for all hardware and software components. •Specify requirements for video quality (HD and 4K), audio quality, storage, network infrastructure, and control interfaces. •Ensure compatibility with existing infrastructure where necessary. 171 CC 01-22-2025 171 of 303 6 | Page 1226 Powell Street Emeryville, CA 94608 510.654.8300 Fax 510.654.8370 www.asgllc.com •Develop a project plan outlining the steps for implementation, testing, and transition. Including timelines, milestones, and resource requirements. Address risk management, quality assurance, and contingency plans. •Prepare the necessary documentation for vendor bids. •Evaluate and select vendors for the supply of hardware, software, and implementation services. •Produce a Customer Furnished Equipment (CFE) in collaboration with stakeholders. •Ensure vendors meet the technical and operational requirements outlined in the design. v Deliver 100% Design Documentation and final agreed to budget. PHASE III: IMPLE MENTATION TESTING AND TRANSITION I.Once approved, the Detailed Design Drawings will be created from the Approval Design set and equipment contained in the Approval set will be ordered. Final timelines will be set between ASG and The City of Cupertino and the project will be in full swing. II.Installation dates will follow the timelines and installers will red-line any required changes in the Detailed Design Drawings. Deviation in timelines and changes in the Approved De- sign drawings will be coordinated through the ASG Senior Project Manager and ASG Sen- ior Engineering to ensure that what was designed will not be compromised by the re- quested changes. Any The City of Cupertino based changes will follow the agreed upon change order procedure. III.After commissioning of the system, ASG will receive the red-lined Detailed Design draw- ing set and produce the final As-Built drawings. Drawings will be provided in electronic format (PDF). INSTALLATION DETAILS: Procurement and Installation •ASG’s procurement team will oversee the procurement of all hardware and software components based on the agreed to bill of materials. •Project management will coordinate the installation of the new system, ensuring minimal disruption to ongoing operations. •Our installation team will do the physical installation of the new system and ASG engineers will supervise the integration of subsystems within the Community Hall. System Configuration and Testing •ASG engineers along with select teams from manufacturers will configure the new system according to the design specifications. •All systems will be thoroughly tested to ensure all components function correctly and meet performance standards. •We will perform end-to-end tests, including live broadcasting and facility integration tests. 172 CC 01-22-2025 172 of 303 7 | Page 1226 Powell Street Emeryville, CA 94608 510.654.8300 Fax 510.654.8370 www.asgllc.com Training and Documentation •ASG teams will provide comprehensive training for city staff on the operation and features of the new system. •User manuals, technical documentation, and training materials will be provided. •Conduct hands-on training sessions and workshops. Transition and Go-Live Support •Facilitate a smooth transition from the old system to the new system. •Provide go-live support to address any issues that arise during the initial phase of operation. v Monitor system performance and make necessary adjustments to ensure optimal functionality. Post-Implementation Support •Implement ongoing monitoring and support services. •Establish a support plan for maintenance, updates, and troubleshooting. •Ensure the system remains scalable and adaptable to future needs. PROJECT ACTIVITIES The objectives of this engagement are the following: Project Management Activities Provide a single point of contact for all project management, delivery, and support activi- ties. Participate in regularly scheduled stakeholder and implementation status meetings. Coordinate and manage all implementation activities of the project delivery team includ- ing: •Planning and Preparation Phase. •Component Staging and Deployment. •Interfacing with Customer’s stakeholders and project personnel to communi- cate implementation status. •Develop and maintain implementation timeline and resource schedules. Engineering Activities •Collaborate with Customer during the planning and preparation phase. 173 CC 01-22-2025 173 of 303 8 | Page 1226 Powell Street Emeryville, CA 94608 510.654.8300 Fax 510.654.8370 www.asgllc.com •Develop Approved Drawing set documentation. •Collaborate with Customer on an installation plan. •Participate in regularly scheduled stakeholder and implementation status meetings. •Participate in deployment, installation, and basic test of system. DEPLOYMENT TASKS The ASG team will assign tasks to facilitate an efficient installation. These tasks will be broken down by type: •Coordination/Implementation •Staging •Deployment COORDINATION/IMPLEMENTATION Project coordination services provide oversight of the organization, direction and control of all project-related efforts required to complete the implementation as defined herein. The ASG Project Manager will manage the ASG components of the project. Status meet- ings/conference calls will typically be driven by the ASG Project Manager. ASG Responsibilities During the project, the Project Manager will be responsible for: •Scheduling ASG resources. •Coordinating required Customer resources and associated tasks (if applica- ble). •Procurement, staging and delivery of any ASG purchased equipment or ma- terials. •Planning installation activities using the agreed upon timeline as a guide. •Acting as a single point of contact for customer inquires including changes, issue escalation, and acceptance activities. •On-site project management of installation team’s activities as necessary. •Coordinate with other subcontractors. 174 CC 01-22-2025 174 of 303 9 | Page 1226 Powell Street Emeryville, CA 94608 510.654.8300 Fax 510.654.8370 www.asgllc.com Customer Responsibilities •Designate a single point of contact and a backup contact for all ASG inquir- ies. STAGING The below table outlines the responsibilities of ASG and Customer during staging: ASG Responsibilities •Verify equipment against list of materials (LOM) provided by The City. •Confirm customer furnished equipment (CFE) equipment against Build-to drawing set. •Unpack and assemble devices. •Prepare cabling for pulls. Customer Responsibilities •Receive, verify inventory and record serial numbers for the product at the on-site staging location and submit these records to ASG prior to their arrival on site. It is expected that all of the equipment has been verified to ensure that ASG installers will begin installation immediately upon arrival. •Provide a locked secure location for equipment as it arrives on site. •Provide ASG with LOM as ordered. •Maintaining security of the equipment and materials on site is always the sole responsibility of the customer. •Provide input to ASG for the development of configuration documentation. DEPLOYMENT The below table outlines the responsibilities of ASG and the Customer to ensure success- ful system deployment: ASG Responsibilities •Confirm the site is ready and “dust free” by the customer and that the building is ready for the installation. •Install and connect the products to the customer-provided facilities at the agreed upon demarcation points in accordance with the Approved Drawing Set. 175 CC 01-22-2025 175 of 303 10 | Page 1226 Powell Street Emeryville, CA 94608 510.654.8300 Fax 510.654.8370 www.asgllc.com •Troubleshoot hardware failures relating to the installation of the product. •Provide necessary engineering and operational training on installed system. •Provide technical support for the on-site engineers during installation and basic testing. •Provide initial workflow development, and documentation (user tech guide). Customer Responsibilities •Identify a coordinator responsible for the services at Customer site. •Prepare the Customer site in accordance with the site readiness recommen- dations. ASG shall not proceed with the product installation until such modi- fications and changes are made. •Installation Site Conditions: Where applicable, all preparation in the rooms in which equipment shall be installed shall be complete before equipment installation begins walls shall be painted, papered or otherwise coated; ceil- ings and floor coverings shall be properly and appropriately installed; per- manent electrical power and lighting shall be properly and appropriately in- stalled and fully operational. •When required, order and install any data or external video circuits prior to the scheduled installation date to avoid unnecessary delays in completion of this project. •Verify all distance and interference limitations of interface cables to be used and confirm that all necessary cabling, power, and grounding is delivered and installed prior to the installation date. •Verify the operation and warranty of all Customer Provided Equipment (CFE) not provided by ASG. •Provide seismic bracing, if required. •Provide any security clearances, escorts, special safety equipment, and ac- cess training as required to access the site for ASG personnel. •Provide a technician to be available and start within 15 minutes during the installation and basic testing, when requested by ASG personnel, to make or approve changes required to make the system operational. •Provide replacement equipment for failures of hardware during installation. 176 CC 01-22-2025 176 of 303 11 | Page 1226 Powell Street Emeryville, CA 94608 510.654.8300 Fax 510.654.8370 www.asgllc.com DELIVERABLES/PROJECT COMPLETION/PROJECT ESCALATION The below table shows deliverables that will be provided by ASG and Customer. DELIVERABLES ASG Deliverables •Engineering Review •Build-to drawing sets based on CFE supplied system drawings •Wire run lists •ASG will install the equipment according to the approved drawing set. •ASG will install cabling for Crestron controlled devices. The wiring will have the connector pins crimped, but the shell and connector will remain unat- tached, so that the Crestron programmer can install and commission those devices requiring control by Crestron. •ASG will install equipment that is in the approved Build To drawing set and will not relocate any DIY equipment. •ASG will commission equipment that is in the Approved Build To drawings. •Provide coordination with Crestron programmer so as not to interfere with timeline. •Installation materials and connectors as needed to complete. •Begin installation according to the agreed timeline. •Provide basic equipment test, limited to successful operation and complete configuration to deliver a complete working system. Exceptions are noted above. •Programming of Audio system. •ASG will provide grommet holes in console workstations for pass through of cables determined by the Customer. •CFE Product manuals from equipment uncrated at site. •The Installation Deliverable (ID) will contain “as built” information, such as updated diagrams, IP address information, and final configurations and will be submitted after installation is complete. EXHIBIT B 177 CC 01-22-2025 177 of 303 12 | Page 1226 Powell Street Emeryville, CA 94608 510.654.8300 Fax 510.654.8370 www.asgllc.com Customer Deliverables •Signed SOW. •Signed off “Build To” drawing set by The City provided to ASG. ASG will not travel to the job site until the “Build To” drawing set has been approved and received by ASG. •ASG will arrive on site once the site has been prepared and the room is ready. •Ensure all customer furnished equipment is on site prior to commencement of installation. •Ensure conduit and pathways are in place prior to installation. •Provide all furniture in place prior to ASG arrival on site. •Provide and install power to all locations prior to ASG arrival on site. •All bulkhead panel cover plates with connectors installed by manufacturer to be on site prior to ASG’s arrival. PROJECT COMPLETION Project completion will be defined as the time at which ASG engineering has commis- sioned the system and certified as operational. If the City refuses acceptance of the services performed, Customer must provide ASG with full details that illustrate how the services performed do match the work agreed upon in Exhibit A. ASG will then create an action plan to address any deficiencies. Issue Escalation There are two types of support issues that require escalation: Implementation Issues – issues directly related to the implementation of the system should be directed to the ASG Project Team. Operation and Maintenance (O&M) Issues – for all issues outside Exhibit A and issues that occur after the installation is complete, Customer is responsible for resolving these issues with manufacturer of the equipment. CHANGE MANAGEMENT PROCESS Approved amendments to this agreement must be in writing and executed by the City and Contractor. Contractor’s request for a change order must specify the proposed changes in the Work, Contract Price, and Contract Time. Each request must include all supporting documentation, including but not limited to plans/drawings, detailed cost estimates, and impacts on the schedule and completion date. 178 CC 01-22-2025 178 of 303 13 | Page 1226 Powell Street Emeryville, CA 94608 510.654.8300 Fax 510.654.8370 www.asgllc.com Changes that do not impact the contracted cost or term may be approved by the Project Manager (PM) as part of project management and do not require an amendment to this agreement. The PM will evaluate whether such changes are in the best interest of the pro- ject and approve them accordingly. However, any change that exceeds the contracted cost or term must be documented and formalized in an amendment to this agreement. ASSUMPTIONS The following assumptions, together with those detailed elsewhere, were made to create this Statement of Work. Should any of these assumptions prove to be incorrect or incom- plete then ASG may modify the price, scope of work, or milestones. Any such modifica- tions shall be managed by the Change Management Procedure. ASSUMPTIONS General Assumptions •Customer will provide access to customer facilities, including, where appli- cable, computer equipment, facilities, workspaces, and equipment. •Customer will provide complete and unencumbered access to the control room and all other rooms required to complete this scope of work. •Changes in the design set after approval will be handled through the Change Management process. •ASG will provide a material list required to connect the equipment. •Unless otherwise agreed to by the parties, a response will take place within five days of ASG request for documentation or information needed for the project. Delays caused by non-responsiveness will result in additional charges to be negotiated. •All customer hardware that will be used for this engagement is listed on the Approved Drawing Set. •Additional equipment and materials will not be installed in the CFE racks or work areas mentioned in this SoW if not listed in the LOM or included on the Build-to drawings. Written approval for extra additions must submitted in writ- ing using the change order process. •Ensure that all site preparation (for example, but not limited to, power, space, HVAC, abatement, cables, and racks) will be in place and the site ready for equipment installation three (3) business days prior to the beginning of the scheduled onsite installation. •Ensure that there are the necessary power and cable requirements at each installation location three (3) business days prior to the beginning of the scheduled onsite installation. 179 CC 01-22-2025 179 of 303 14 | Page 1226 Powell Street Emeryville, CA 94608 510.654.8300 Fax 510.654.8370 www.asgllc.com •UPS, surge protection, or wall outlets are available and labeled for equip- ment three (3) business days prior to the beginning of the scheduled onsite installation. •All patch panels and cables are properly wired and labeled three (3) business days prior to the beginning of the scheduled onsite installation. •The customer shall be responsible for the registration of all system hardware and/or software. •Customer system architecture design shall not change between the date of customer’s execution of this SoW and the completion of all services contem- plated hereunder. •The customer is responsible for any shipping and handling charges, if any, to transport equipment and materials to the installation site(s). •Delays caused by the lack of completed site preparation or Customer’s fail- ure to meet any responsibilities specified in this SoW shall be billed at ASG time and materials rates including travel and other expenses. Any additional costs incurred by the Customer because of delays shall be the sole respon- sibility of the Customer. •Resources from various ASG offices may be utilized, as needed, to provide a full scope of technical expertise. •Any product or service delivery dates communicated to the customer outside of this SoW or the project plan is not to be considered valid or binding. •Requests for support or services outside of this SoW require written approval by the customer and acceptance by the ASG Project Manager and may re- sult in additional charges to the customer. •If the project extends beyond the timeline specified in the project plan due to delays caused by parties other than ASG and its subcontractors, additional charges may apply. •All backup and antivirus solutions are to be provided by the customer. ASG has not provided these solutions as part of this SoW and does not hold any responsibility for these elements of the end-state solution. •All SoW activities will be conducted during normal business hours, Monday through Friday, 8 am to 5 pm, excluding holidays. •Any services outside the scope of this project will be provided on a time and materials basis. •Customer change orders will be billed at current labor and material rates and will be due. • 180 CC 01-22-2025 180 of 303 15 | Page 1226 Powell Street Emeryville, CA 94608 510.654.8300 Fax 510.654.8370 www.asgllc.com PRICING, PAYMENT TERMS, AND PAYMENT SCHEDULE Phase I: For delivery of the Needs Analysis report to The City and conduct a final review of the report with The City to ensure that all objectives are met. ASG will commit to a Phase I Fixed price budget of $19,500 Phase II: At ASG, our goal is to build lasting relationships with our clients. As a trusted ad- visor and subject matter expert, we are committed to providing our clients with best-in- class Design, Installation and Support services with an eye toward respecting the financial commitments made on each project. With that in mind, ASG proposes a Time & Material (T&M) engagement complete with a "Not to Exceed" (NTE) fixed dollar amount for the De- sign portion of the opportunity, transitioning to a Cost-Plus engagement for the Build por- tion. It has been our experience that these agreements, when based on transparency and open lines of communication, can dramatically improve the teamwork and outcome of any engagement. In recognition of this engagement philosophy, ASG proposes the following: ASG will bill actual hours utilized for the duration of the Design Engagement. ASG anticipates between four to six resources being tasked to this opportunity during this timeframe. (resource allocation subject to change). •ASG will commit to a Not to Exceed (NTE) budget of $94,000 ASG will bill per payment schedule and report during the Design Engagement. ASG will only bill the city team for the actual hours utilized during that period. Phase III: Once the Design Engagement has been completed ASG will transition seam- lessly to the Build phase of the project. During this phase, ASG proposes a transparent agreement with Cost-Plus. For materials and equipment, ASG offers Cost-Plus 12%. ASG will provide supporting documentation as required with each billing cycle, monthly billing. ` Using the benefit of ASG's experience and knowledge paired with the information pro- vided by the City of Cupertino team, ASG Build portion of the project including equipment, labor, materials, taxes and shipping not to exceed be: $986,500.00 Payment Terms: Services will be billed as identified in this Payment Schedule section. Fees for additional services related to but not defined in this Proposal will be performed on a time and materials basis at a rate set forth in a written amendment, as mutually exe- cuted by The City of Cupertino and ASG. Payment terms are due per compensation. Partial or completed phase billings: ASG reserves the right to negotiate a partial or phased billing for the work that has been completed if any delays in closing out the project are due to circumstances outside of ASG control, i.e. preparation of the space, software upgrades, or any section of this Proposal of work that the City of Cupertino wishes to de- lay. 181 CC 01-22-2025 181 of 303 16 | Page 1226 Powell Street Emeryville, CA 94608 510.654.8300 Fax 510.654.8370 www.asgllc.com Payment Schedule: Phase Milestone Deliverable % NTE ($) Due Date Phase I: Needs Analysis Initial Pay- ment Delivery and acceptance of Needs Analysis report 100% $19,500 Week 4 Phase II: De- tailed Design First Pay- ment (50% Deliverable) Preliminary Design Doc- umentation including sys- tem architecture and key components 50% $37,600 Month 3 Second Payment (100% Deliv- erable) Final Design Documenta- tion, Issued for Integra- tion (IFI) 40% $47,000 Month 4 Final Pay- ment Approval of final IFI package and delivery of supporting documenta- tion 10% $9,400 Month 5 Phase III: Imple- mentation, Com- missioning, and Handover Initial Pay- ment Approval of design and issuance of Purchase Or- der for equipment 50% $493,250.00 Month 6 Progress Payments Monthly billing during re- ceipt of gear, installation, and testing. 20% $197,300.00 Months 7–10 Substantial Completion Payment Completion of system in- stallation, configuration, and testing verified by punch list review 20% $197,300.00 Month 11 Final Pay- ment Delivery of as-built docu- mentation, training, and final go-live support 10% $98,650.00 Month 12 Phase Total Amount Phase I: Needs Analysis $19,500.00 Phase II: Detailed Design (NTE) $94,000.00 Phase III: Implementation, Commissioning, and Handover (NTE) $986,500.00 TOTAL: $1,100,000.00 EXHIBIT C 182 CC 01-22-2025 182 of 303 17 | Page 1226 Powell Street Emeryville, CA 94608 510.654.8300 Fax 510.654.8370 www.asgllc.com DISCLAIMER ASG will not be liable for any failure to perform the services, to the extent that the failure is caused by The City of Cupertino’s lack of cooperation or readiness. ASG will not be held responsible for data loss. Backups should be performed prior to work starting. All data is the responsibility of The City of Cupertino. ASG will not be held responsible additional work not listed in this Proposal. An addendum must be written and approved by both ASG and The City of Cupertino before additional work can be started. ASG will not be held responsible for delays or failures to perform hereunder due to causes beyond its reasonable control (including, without limitation, acts of God, fire, flood, war, explosion, sabotage, terrorism, embargo, civil commotion, acts or omissions of any gov- ernment entity, supplier delays, communications or power failure, equipment or software malfunction, or labor disputes). ASG may perform some work off site. ASG STANDARD TERMS AND CONDITIONS DESIGN – applies if called for in the Scope of Work of the Agreement Acceptance of Design: Customer agrees that their written approval of Design Drawings signifies formal technical acceptance of said designs, pursuant to which ASG shall carry out its obligations under this agreement. Customer agrees that delays in approvals may result in an overall delay in the completion of the Scope of Work. Customer agrees to make its technical representative(s) available to ASG from time to time during the execu- tion of this Scope of Work, at any manufacturer facility, build or installation site for consul- tation and review of design or OEM merchandise suitability for applications specified. Customer shall have seven business days to review submission for acceptance or request modification. The submissions will be scheduled into the Gantt chart. Delays in review of submissions will directly affect the timeline / Gantt chart. ASG will notify customer the ef- fect of delay. After seven business days if a written request for modification or acceptance is not received the submission will be deemed accepted. INSTALLATION - applies if called for in the Scope of Work of the Agreement Installation Site Conditions: Customer acknowledges and agrees that site conditions at customer site must be acceptable to ASG as stated below for site installation. All prepara- tion in the rooms in which equipment shall be installed shall be complete before equip- ment installation begins: walls shall be painted, papered or otherwise coated; ceilings and floor coverings shall be properly and appropriately installed; permanent electrical power and lighting shall be properly and appropriately installed and fully operational. Without lim- iting the generality of the foregoing, minimum site environmental conditions shall be as fol- lows: (1) HVAC (heating, ventilation and air conditioning) capable of maintaining a temper- ature of between 68 and 75 degrees Fahrenheit and a relative humidity of 60% to 75%; (2) relatively dust free; and (3) impervious to external weather. 183 CC 01-22-2025 183 of 303 18 | Page 1226 Powell Street Emeryville, CA 94608 510.654.8300 Fax 510.654.8370 www.asgllc.com Warranty: ASG warrants that installation will be implemented according to Customer-ap- proved Design Drawings. Other Equipment: Customer agrees that ASG is not responsible for the condition of or proper operation of any ‘other’ equipment, which Customer or other vendors are supplying to the system, which is not supplied through ASG. When such ‘other’ equipment is to be integrated into system at the ASG facility or installation site, the responsibility for ship- ment, insurance, and the on-time arrival of such equipment at the ASG facility, or to the installation site, is that of the Customer. Delays in arrival of ‘other’ equipment for integra- tion may result in overall delay in completion of the Scope of Work and increases in the cost to the Customer of the execution of this Agreement. Substantial Completion: The stage of this integration project that it is sufficiently complete, in accordance with the design, for configuration to begin for the owner to utilize it for train- ing, without undue interference from the installers. EQUIPMENT - applies if called for in the Scope of Work of the Agreement Customer acknowledges and agrees that it will review the Equipment List and shall satisfy itself that the OEM merchandise listed is suitable for the purpose that the Customer in- tends at the time this Agreement is made and is suitable for the application(s) specified in customer-approved Design Drawings. Issuance of any implement of purchase, including but not limited to, Purchase Order, Letter of Intent or down payment for any OEM mer- chandise shall be considered proof of Customer satisfaction and suitability. If (a) Cus- tomer’s requirements change from those which were understood at the time this Agree- ment was made or Design Drawings are approved or (b) Original Equipment Manufac- turer’s changes in any Equipment result in unsuitability or fitness for the intended purpose at a time subsequent to the execution of this Agreement or Customer purchase, or (c) Customer selects other than ASG-recommended OEM merchandise without consultation with or against the recommendation of ASG, ASG shall not be responsible for any conse- quences resulting from any such change. In the event that Customer purchases equip- ment directly from another source other than ASG to be integrated under this agreement, as provided by the Equipment List or other written proposal, ASG will levy Customer a 5% surcharge against the published list price of said equipment for the purposes of managing, integration and handling. ASG is not liable for equipment delivery delays due to OEM or delays in issuance of pur- chase orders by Customer. ASG further declares that it will strive to meet or better all esti- mated equipment delivery dates, however such dates are only estimates. Any delay in ac- ceptance of this Agreement or in payment for OEM merchandise may result in delays in Scope of Work completion. Equipment Specification: Customer understands and agrees that specifications and de- sign of products is subject to change by manufacturer prior to delivery in order to improve performance or reliability, or because of material unavailability. Customer shall have no right of prior approval of such modifications unless such changes affect the form, fit or function of the merchandise. Shipment Terms: Customer shall be responsible for shipping and handling charges for equipment and materials from manufacturer/distributer to ASG and from ASG to Customer as well as for equipment drop shipped directly to Customer. Charges will be prepaid and billed to Customer as per compensation. 184 CC 01-22-2025 184 of 303 19 | Page 1226 Powell Street Emeryville, CA 94608 510.654.8300 Fax 510.654.8370 www.asgllc.com Equipment Returns: ASG will accept merchandise returns under the following conditions: a. Customer received incorrect hardware due to an error on the part of ASG. b. Equipment arrived at customer site in inoperable condition either due to manufacturing defects or damage in shipment. c. Customer elects to return equipment for any reason other than spec- ified in (a) and (b) of this section. In the event that Customer elects to return merchandise under part “c” of this section ASG will charge the customer a restocking fee to be determined by the manufacturer and ASG, including shipping. In any event, returns require a Return Materials Authorization memo from ASG to Cus- tomer containing charges (if any) and shipping information. ADDITIONAL Proprietary Rights: Title to and ownership of all processes, methods, designs, specifica- tions, memoranda, drawings, reports, trade secrets, know-how, technical materials, soft- ware (whether in machine-readable or printed form), inventions, discoveries, patentable and copyrightable work product and other intellectual property rights used, produced or developed by Advanced Systems Group, LLC (“ASG”) in the performance of its obliga- tions under this Agreement, and including without limitation derivative works, compilations, or collective works thereof and all related technical know-how and all rights therein (the “ASG Proprietary Property”) are and shall remain the property of ASG or its suppliers. The foregoing notwithstanding, all Design Drawings and other documents produced in the exe- cution of this Agreement shall be the property of Customer and are not part of the ASG Proprietary Property. Except for the rights expressly granted to Customer hereunder, ASG retains and reserves for itself all other rights in and to the ASG Proprietary Property. Customer shall not take any action to jeopardize, limit or interfere in any manner with AS- G's ownership of or rights with respect to the ASG Proprietary Property. Further, Cus- tomer shall not remove or alter any trademark, copyright or other proprietary notices, leg- ends, symbols, or labels appearing on the materials and documentation delivered to Cus- tomer and Customer shall reproduce such notices on all copies of such materials and doc- umentation to the extent that such notices appear on the ASG Proprietary Property. Warranty: ASG warrants that it will perform its services under this Agreement in a profes- sional manner and that the Design Drawings and other documentation delivered to Cus- tomer will be of a quality consistent with such materials produced by other competent pro- fessional organizations engaged in the business in which ASG is engaged. The express warranties set forth in this agreement constitute the only warranties made by ASG. ASG makes no other representation or warranty of any kind, whether express or implied (either in fact or by operation of law). ASG expressly disclaims all implied warranties or condi- tions including those of title, merchantability, non-infringement and fitness for a particular purpose. The above limitations shall apply to the extent allowed by applicable law. 185 CC 01-22-2025 185 of 303 20 | Page 1226 Powell Street Emeryville, CA 94608 510.654.8300 Fax 510.654.8370 www.asgllc.com Warranty Term: ASG warrantees its services and work product for one full year from the date of customer written acceptance of ASG installed systems, or from the date of receipt of final payment from customer, whichever is first. ASG installed hardware is warranted by the manufacturer and ASG provides no other warranty for said equipment either ex- pressed or implied. Extended Services: ASG offers extended services to its customers at extra cost. Extended services provide service support beyond the limits of the ASG warranty. Extended Ser- vices are not included as part of this agreement unless fully executed Extended Services agreement is attached to this document. Extended services include: • RMA assistance for system equipment failures that occur during the term of manufacturer’s warranty. • System maintenance consulting via telephone for installed components that are beyond the scope of the ASG and manufacturers warrantees. • On site troubleshooting, travel and living at customer’s expense, for system failures that occur beyond the scope of the standard ASG warranty. Payment Default: If the Customer shall default in the payment of any indebtedness to ASG when and as the same shall become due and payable and if such default shall con- tinue for a period of thirty (30) days after written notice of such default shall have been given to the Customer by e-mail, registered or certified mail, then, all of the liabilities and obligations of the Customer to ASG whether then due or not, shall, at the option of ASG and without further notice to the Customer, become due and payable. Miscellaneous: (a) This Agreement may be amended only by writing, signed by both par- ties. (b) Neither this Agreement or any right or obligation shall be assigned, either in whole or in part, by either ASG or Customer by operation of law or otherwise without the prior written consent of the other. Any purported assignment or transfer contrary to the forego- ing shall be null and void and of no force or effect. (c) This Agreement shall be governed by and construed under the laws of the State of California, U.S.A., without reference to its conflicts of law provisions. (d) Any dispute regarding this Agreement shall be subject to the exclusive jurisdiction of the applicable court in the State of California, and the parties agree to submit to the personal and exclusive jurisdiction and venue thereof (e) This Agreement will not be governed by the United Nations Convention of Contracts for the In- ternational Sale of Goods. (f) This Agreement creates no agency, partnership, joint ven- ture, or employment relationship and neither Customer nor ASG nor their respective agents have any authority to bind the other party in any respect whatsoever. (g) The sec- tion headings herein are used for convenience only and shall have no substantive mean- ing. (h) If the application of any provision hereof to any particular facts shall be held to be illegal, invalid or unenforceable by any competent court, then (i) the legality, validity and enforceability of such provision as applied to any other facts and the legality, validity and enforceability of other provisions hereof shall not be affected and (j) such provision shall be reformed without further action by the parties hereto only to the extent necessary to make such provision valid and enforceable when applied to the particular facts. (k) Each party shall be excused from any delay or failure in performance hereunder, except the payment of monies by Customer to ASG, caused by reason of any occurrence or 186 CC 01-22-2025 186 of 303 21 | Page 1226 Powell Street Emeryville, CA 94608 510.654.8300 Fax 510.654.8370 www.asgllc.com contingency beyond its reasonable control, including acts of God (e.g., earthquakes, floods, mudslides and inclement weather) or the public enemy, expropriation or confisca- tion, changes in law, acts of war, rebellion or sabotage or damage resulting there from, fires, explosions, accidents, riots, strikes and other labor unrest or concerted acts of work- ers, or delays or other unforeseen actions by Original Equipment Manufacturers. The obli- gations and rights of the party so excused shall be extended on a day-to-day basis for the period of time equal to that of the underlying cause of the delay. (l) This Agreement consti- tutes the entire agreement between the parties concerning the subject matter hereof and supersedes all proposals or prior agreements whether oral or written, and all communica- tions between the parties relating to the subject matter of this Agreement and all past courses of dealing or industry custom. The terms and conditions of this Agreement shall prevail over any conflicting purchase order or other written instrument submitted by Cus- tomer. (m) This Agreement is written in the English language only, which language shall be controlling in all respects. (n) This Agreement may be executed in any number of coun- terparts or by facsimile, each of which when so executed shall be deemed an original and all of which taken together shall constitute one and the same agreement. (o) If any dispute arises under this Agreement, the prevailing party shall be reimbursed by the other party for any and all legal fees and costs associated therewith. Notices: Notices required or permitted to be given under this Agreement shall be sent by nationally recognized overnight courier service or by facsimile to the address or facsimile number of the relevant party below and shall be effective when received. ASG notice address: Advanced Systems Group, LLC 1226 Powell St. Emeryville, CA 94608 Fax: (510) 654-8370 Attn: Dave Van Hoy 187 CC 01-22-2025 187 of 303 22 | Page 1226 Powell Street Emeryville, CA 94608 510.654.8300 Fax 510.654.8370 www.asgllc.com APPENDIX A CITY OF CUPERTINO LIGHTING UPGRADE PROPOSAL ASG has prepared a plan to address the need of the City of Cupertino to upgrade their 20-year-old stage and presentation lighting system currently in place in the council chamber multipurpose room. The City has delivered a list of fixtures, dimmers and plots used for lighting the area. We have prepared a tentative list of ways to address the needs. All systems come with installation and lighting design. ASG has prepared a tentative list of ways to address the needs. System: • Dimmer System: Retain the existing dimmer package. • Control System Upgrade: Upgrade to an ETC Paradigm Control System for max- imum control flexibility and future-proofing. • Wireless DMX Touch Panel: Add a wireless DMX touch panel for convenient, flex- ible control. • Touch Panel Wall Controls: Replace all wall panels with new, user-friendly button stations for improved accessibility and functionality. • ETC Source Four Ellipsoidals: Upgrade all ETC 50 Degree Source Four Ellipsoi- dal fixtures (750W lamps) to ETC Series 2 Lustr fixtures, which provide DMX color temperature adjustment and color-accurate lighting, ensuring vibrant, lifelike color for presentations and broadcasts. • Videssence Fixtures: Retain the existing 14 Videssence fixtures due to their low heat output and reliable color accuracy. • L&E 6-Inch Fresnels: Replace these fixtures with ETC 7" Lustr X8 LED Fresnel Fixtures with Barn Doors (Black) for DMX control, color accuracy, and ease of maintenance, enhancing the quality of in-person and recorded content. • Arri Fresnels: Replace all Arri Fresnel fixtures with ETC 7" Lustr X8 LED Fresnel Fixtures with Barn Doors (Black), ensuring DMX control, color accuracy, and im- proved reliability. 188 CC 01-22-2025 188 of 303 23 | Page 1226 Powell Street Emeryville, CA 94608 510.654.8300 Fax 510.654.8370 www.asgllc.com Optional Items for consideration during phases 1 and 2: • ETC Ion Xe Console: Install an ETC Ion Xe console to replace the existing lighting console, adding advanced control and flexibility for complex lighting designs. • SolaFrame Studio Fixtures: Introduce four SolaFrame Studio fixtures to expand flexibility and ambiance options. These fixtures offer precision framing and highly accurate color rendering, enhancing specialized event requirements. 189 CC 01-22-2025 189 of 303 24 | Page 1226 Powell Street Emeryville, CA 94608 510.654.8300 Fax 510.654.8370 www.asgllc.com Our Qualifications City of Cupertino –Quinlan Community Center ASG was designated to upgrade to Quinlan Community Center during 2022. The room was to be a multipurpose room to function as a meeting room and a theater. ASG worked hand in hand with stakeholders from various disciplines to deliver a world -class event space. ASG Installed a complete and functioning audio, video, and control system including cabling, receptacle plates, loudspeakers, and electronic devices. We installed all components including the necessary equipment, interconnections, transducers, labor, and services required to meet the City’s specifications. We delivered bound "as -built" system documentation including equipment instruction and operation manual and transferred all warranties and equipment guarantees and provide a written description of system operation to The City at the closing of the project. ASG also provided engineering and operational training as requested by the stakeholders. Our Qualifications Life Chiropractic –Twin Projector Meeting Space ASG provided consulting, design, procurement and installation for a twin motorized screen projection system upgrade to an existing meeting space. The customer requested that costs should be kept to a minimum utilizing prosumer equipment whenever possible. Our design and project teams worked hand in hand with the customer and their operations staff to deliver a design that would be robust and easy to use for years to come. ASG utilized our vast network of products to ensure that Live Chiropractic would understand decisions being made on their behalf during the design and development phase. During the implementation phase of this project it was discovered that the new motorized screens were damaged in shipment and new screens were shipped to the site and were installed in time to meet the customer’s first meeting in the space. This project was delivered on time and on budget. APPENDIX B 190 CC 01-22-2025 190 of 303 25 | Page 1226 Powell Street Emeryville, CA 94608 510.654.8300 Fax 510.654.8370 www.asgllc.com ADVANCED SYSTEMS GROUP, LLC CONFIDENTIAL PAGE 19ADVANCED SYSTEMS GROUP, LLC CONFIDENTIALTO CITY OF CUPERTINO PAGE 19 Clientele Reaping the Benefits MANAGED SERVICES Our Qualifications Spotify LA The LA Headquarters of Spotify sprawls multiple buildings in the Arts District of Los Angeles. Consisting of a large flagship celebrity studio used for premiere audio and video podcasts, smaller intimate pods that include single -operator video capabilities, and a large collection of other automated studios for audio only, the showcase location is well equipped for future growth of the network. In addition, a world -class recording studio complete with traditional echo chamber, a large 600+ person event hall with VIP lounge, a 66 - person Dolby ATMOS certified cinema screening room with laser projection, and infinity wall insert stage with control room round out the already impressive facility. ASG took the lead management role of each of these spaces, which included the design review process, technical construction and implementation of key event spaces, equipment procurement (including much of the vintage collection of gear for the large recording studio), complete workflow testing, and currently assist in the technical staffing management of events. Our Qualifications Comcast G4 In November of 2021, Comcast/NBCUniversal re-launched the G4 Network after a ten-year hiatus in a very big way. Taking over the Victory Studios in Glendale California which was the home of shows Inside Edition and Extra, the complete studio overhaul included three large studios with 4K infrastructure, building-wide fiber connectivity, multiple editing suites, suites for graphics, audio finishing, coloring, and general editing. The large multi-operator video control room supported up to three simultaneous productions. ASG was brought in at the very early stages of the project and helped create the roadmap of technology needed for the aggressive plans of the network. After receiving the final design from the award-winning architects, we designed, built, and implement all the technology needed to operate this expansive production facility. 191 CC 01-22-2025 191 of 303 Exh. D-Insurance Requirements for Design Professionals & Consultants Contracts 1 Version: August 2024 Consultant shall procure prior to commencement of Services and maintain for the duration of the contract, at its own cost and expense, the following insurance policies and coverage with companies doing business in California and acceptable to City. INSURANCE POLICIES AND MINIMUMS REQUIRED 1. Commercial General Liability (CGL) for bodily injury, property damage, personal injury liability for premises operations, products and completed operations, contractual liability, and personal and advertising injury with limits no less than $2,000,000 per occurrence (ISO Form CG 00 01). If a general aggregate limit applies, either the general aggregate limit shall apply separately to this project/location (ISO Form CG 25 03 or 25 04) or it shall be twice the required occurrence limit. a. It shall be a requirement that any available insurance proceeds broader than or in excess of the specified minimum insurance coverage requirements and/or limits shall be made available to the Additional Insured and shall be (i) the minimum coverage/limits specified in this agreement; or (ii) the broader coverage and maximum limits of coverage of any insurance policy, whichever is greater. b. Additional Insured coverage under Consultant's policy shall be "primary and non-contributory," will not seek contribution from City’s insurance/self-insurance, and shall be at least as broad as ISO Form CG 20 10 (04/13). c. The limits of insurance required may be satisfied by a combination of primary and umbrella or excess insurance, provided each policy complies with the requirements set forth in this Contract. Any umbrella or excess insurance shall contain or be endorsed to contain a provision that such coverage shall also apply on a primary basis for the benefit of City before the City’s own insurance or self- insurance shall be called upon to protect City as a named insured. 2. Automobile Liability: ISO CA 00 01 covering any auto (including owned, hired, and non-owned autos) with limits no less than $1,000,000 per accident for bodily injury and property damage. 3. Workers’ Compensation: As required by the State of California, with Statutory Limits and Employer’s Liability Insurance of no less than $1,000,000 per occurrence for bodily injury or disease. Not required. Consultant has provided written verification of no employees. 4. Professional Liability for professional acts, errors and omissions, as appropriate to Consultant’s profession, with limits no less than $2,000,000 per occurrence or claim, $2,000,000 aggregate. If written on a claims made form: a. The Retroactive Date must be shown and must be before the Effective Date of the Contract. b. Insurance must be maintained for at least five (5) years after completion of the Services. c. If coverage is canceled or non-renewed, and not replaced with another claims-made policy form with a Retroactive Date prior to the Contract Effective Date, the Consultant must purchase “extended reporting” coverage for a minimum of five (5) years after completion of the Services. OTHER INSURANCE PROVISIONS The aforementioned insurance shall be endorsed and have all the following conditions and provisions: EXHIBIT D Insurance Requirements Design Professionals & Consultants Contracts 192 CC 01-22-2025 192 of 303 Exh. D-Insurance Requirements for Design Professionals & Consultants Contracts 2 Version: August 2024 Additional Insured Status The City of Cupertino, its City Council, officers, officials, employees, agents, servants and volunteers (“Additional Insureds”) are to be covered as additional insureds on Consultant’s CGL and automobile liability policies. General Liability coverage can be provided in the form of an endorsement to Consultant’s insurance (at least as broad as ISO Form CG 20 10 (11/ 85) or both CG 20 10 and CG 20 37 forms, if later editions are used). Primary Coverage Coverage afforded to City/Additional Insureds shall be primary insurance. Any insurance or self-insurance maintained by City, its officers, officials, employees, or volunteers shall be excess of Consultant’s insurance and shall not contribute to it. Notice of Cancellation Each insurance policy shall state that coverage shall not be canceled or allowed to expire, except with written notice to City 30 days in advance or 10 days in advance if due to non-payment of premiums. Waiver of Subrogation Consultant waives any right to subrogation against City/Additional Insureds for recovery of damages to the extent said losses are covered by the insurance policies required herein. Specifically, the Workers’ Compensation policy shall be endorsed with a waiver of subrogation in favor of City for all work performed by Consultant, its employees, agents and subconsultants. This provision applies regardless of whether or not the City has received a waiver of subrogation endorsement from the insurer. Deductibles and Self-Insured Retentions Any deductible or self-insured retention must be declared to and approved by the City. At City’s option, either: the insurer must reduce or eliminate the deductible or self-insured retentions as respects the City/Additional Insureds; or Consultant must show proof of ability to pay losses and costs related investigations, claim administration and defense expenses. The policy shall provide, or be endorsed to provide, that the self-insured retention may be satisfied by either the insured or the City. Acceptability of Insurers Insurance shall be placed with insurers admitted in the State of California and with an AM Best rating of A- VII or higher. Verification of Coverage Consultant must furnish acceptable insurance certificates and mandatory endorsements (or copies of the policies effecting the coverage required by this Contract), and a copy of the Declarations and Endorsement Page of the CGL policy listing all policy endorsements prior to commencement of the Contract. City retains the right to demand verification of compliance at any time during the Contract term. Subconsultants Consultant shall require and verify that all subconsultants maintain insurance that meet the requirements of this Contract, including naming the City as an additional insured on subconsultant’s insurance policies. Higher Insurance Limits If Consultant maintains broader coverage and/or higher limits than the minimums shown above, City shall be entitled to coverage for the higher insurance limits maintained by Consultant. Adequacy of Coverage City reserves the right to modify these insurance requirements/coverage based on the nature of the risk, prior experience, insurer or other special circumstances, with not less than ninety (90) days prior written notice. 193 CC 01-22-2025 193 of 303 SHOULD ANY OF THE ABOVE DESCRIBED POLICIES BE CANCELLED BEFORE THE EXPIRATION DATE THEREOF, NOTICE WILL BE DELIVERED IN ACCORDANCE WITH THE POLICY PROVISIONS. INSURER(S) AFFORDING COVERAGE INSURER F : INSURER E : INSURER D : INSURER C : INSURER B : INSURER A : NAIC # NAME:CONTACT (A/C, No):FAX E-MAILADDRESS: PRODUCER (A/C, No, Ext):PHONE INSURED REVISION NUMBER:CERTIFICATE NUMBER:COVERAGES IMPORTANT: If the certificate holder is an ADDITIONAL INSURED, the policy(ies) must have ADDITIONAL INSURED provisions or be endorsed. If SUBROGATION IS WAIVED, subject to the terms and conditions of the policy, certain policies may require an endorsement. A statement on this certificate does not confer rights to the certificate holder in lieu of such endorsement(s). THIS CERTIFICATE IS ISSUED AS A MATTER OF INFORMATION ONLY AND CONFERS NO RIGHTS UPON THE CERTIFICATE HOLDER. THIS CERTIFICATE DOES NOT AFFIRMATIVELY OR NEGATIVELY AMEND, EXTEND OR ALTER THE COVERAGE AFFORDED BY THE POLICIES BELOW. THIS CERTIFICATE OF INSURANCE DOES NOT CONSTITUTE A CONTRACT BETWEEN THE ISSUING INSURER(S), AUTHORIZED REPRESENTATIVE OR PRODUCER, AND THE CERTIFICATE HOLDER. OTHER: (Per accident) (Ea accident) $ $ N / A SUBR WVD ADDL INSD THIS IS TO CERTIFY THAT THE POLICIES OF INSURANCE LISTED BELOW HAVE BEEN ISSUED TO THE INSURED NAMED ABOVE FOR THE POLICY PERIOD INDICATED. NOTWITHSTANDING ANY REQUIREMENT, TERM OR CONDITION OF ANY CONTRACT OR OTHER DOCUMENT WITH RESPECT TO WHICH THIS CERTIFICATE MAY BE ISSUED OR MAY PERTAIN, THE INSURANCE AFFORDED BY THE POLICIES DESCRIBED HEREIN IS SUBJECT TO ALL THE TERMS, EXCLUSIONS AND CONDITIONS OF SUCH POLICIES. LIMITS SHOWN MAY HAVE BEEN REDUCED BY PAID CLAIMS. $ $ $ $PROPERTY DAMAGE BODILY INJURY (Per accident) BODILY INJURY (Per person) COMBINED SINGLE LIMIT AUTOS ONLY AUTOSAUTOS ONLY NON-OWNED SCHEDULEDOWNED ANY AUTO AUTOMOBILE LIABILITY Y / N WORKERS COMPENSATION AND EMPLOYERS' LIABILITY OFFICER/MEMBER EXCLUDED? (Mandatory in NH) DESCRIPTION OF OPERATIONS below If yes, describe under ANY PROPRIETOR/PARTNER/EXECUTIVE $ $ $ E.L. DISEASE - POLICY LIMIT E.L. DISEASE - EA EMPLOYEE E.L. EACH ACCIDENT EROTH-STATUTEPER LIMITS(MM/DD/YYYY)POLICY EXP(MM/DD/YYYY)POLICY EFFPOLICY NUMBERTYPE OF INSURANCELTRINSR DESCRIPTION OF OPERATIONS / LOCATIONS / VEHICLES (ACORD 101, Additional Remarks Schedule, may be attached if more space is required) EXCESS LIAB UMBRELLA LIAB $EACH OCCURRENCE $AGGREGATE $ OCCUR CLAIMS-MADE DED RETENTION $ $PRODUCTS - COMP/OP AGG $GENERAL AGGREGATE $PERSONAL & ADV INJURY $MED EXP (Any one person) $EACH OCCURRENCE DAMAGE TO RENTED $PREMISES (Ea occurrence) COMMERCIAL GENERAL LIABILITY CLAIMS-MADE OCCUR GEN'L AGGREGATE LIMIT APPLIES PER: POLICY PRO-JECT LOC CERTIFICATE OF LIABILITY INSURANCE DATE (MM/DD/YYYY) CANCELLATION AUTHORIZED REPRESENTATIVE ACORD 25 (2016/03) © 1988-2015 ACORD CORPORATION. All rights reserved. CERTIFICATE HOLDER The ACORD name and logo are registered marks of ACORD HIRED AUTOS ONLY ACORD 0025 2016-03 Acroform 01/03/2025 Newfront Insurance Services, LLC 450 Sansome Street Suite 300 San Francisco CA 94111 Certificate Department (415) 754-3635 techcertrequest@newfront.com Advanced Systems Group, LLC dba Advanced One Low Voltage 1226 Powell St Emeryville CA 94608 Atlantic Specialty Insurance Company 27154 Travelers Property Casualty Company of America 25674 Philadelphia Indemnity Insurance Company 18058 A X X 711 01 8106 0002 01/01/2025 01/01/2026 1,000,000 1,000,000 15,000 1,000,000 2,000,000 2,000,000 A X 711 01 8106 0002 01/01/2025 01/01/2026 1,000,000 A 711 01 8106 0002 01/01/2025 01/01/2026 8,000,000 8,000,000 B X UB-2W164878-25-I3-G 01/01/2025 01/01/2026 1,000,000 1,000,000 1,000,000 C Errors and Omissions PHPK2640504-006 01/01/2025 01/01/2026 Limit $300,000 Each Claim $2,000,000 The City of Cupertino, Its City Council, Officers, Officials, Employees, Agents, Servants and Volunteers are included as an additional insureds as required by a written contract with respect to General Liability and Auto Liability. Coverage is Primary and Non-Contributory. Waiver of subrogation applies in favor of the additional insureds with respect to General Liability, Auto Liability and Workers Compensation. Per project general aggregate applies. Notice of Cancellation form #IL 00 17 11 98 applies with respect to the General Liability policy. The City of Cupertino 10300 Torre Ave Cupertino CA 95014 194 CC 01-22-2025 194 of 303 IL 00 17 11 98 Copyright, Insurance Services Office, Inc., 1998 Page 1 of 1 COMMON POLICY CONDITIONS All Coverage Parts included in this policy are subject to the following conditions. A. Cancellation 1. The first Named Insured shown in the Declarations may cancel this policy by mailing or delivering to us advance wri t- ten notice of cancellation. 2. We may cancel this policy by mailing or delivering to the first Named Insured written notice of cancellation at least: a. 10 days before the effective date of cancellation if we cancel for nonpa y- ment of premium; or b. 30 days before the effective date of cancellation if we cancel for any other reason. 3. We will mail or deliver our notice to the first Named Insured's last mailing address known to us. 4. Notice of cancellation will state the effe c- tive date of cancellation. The policy peri- od will end on that date. 5. If this policy is cancelled, we will send the first Named Insured any premium refund due. If we cancel, the refund will be pro ra- ta. If the first Named Insured cancels, the refund may be less than pro rata. The can- cellation will be effective even if we have not made or offered a refund. 6. If notice is mailed, proof of mailing will be sufficient proof of notice. B. Changes This policy contains all the agreements b e- tween you and us concerning the insurance afforded. The first Named Insured shown in the Declarations is authorized to make changes in the terms of this policy with our consent. This policy's terms can be amended or waived only by endorsement issued by us and made a part of this policy. C. Examination of Your Books and Records We may examine and audit your books and records as they relate to this policy at any time during the policy period and up to three years afterward. D. Inspections and Surveys 1. We have the right to: a. Make inspections and surveys at any time; b. Give you reports on conditions we find; and c. Recommend changes. 2. We are not obligated to make inspe c- tions, surveys, reports or recomme nda- tions and any such actions we do unde r- take relate only to insurability and the premiums to be charged. We do not make safety inspections. We do not u n- dertake to perform the duty of any pe r- son or organization to provide for the health or safety of workers or the public. And we do not warrant that conditions: a. Are safe or healthful; or b. Comply with laws, regulations, codes or standards. 3. Paragraphs 1. and 2. of this condition ap- ply not only to us, but also to any rating, advisory, rate service or similar organiza- tion which makes insurance inspections, surveys, reports or recommendations. 4. Paragraph 2. of this condition does not apply to any inspections, surveys, r e- ports or recommendations we may make relative to certification, under state or municipal statutes, ordinances or regul a- tions, of boilers, pressure vessels or el e- vators. E. Premiums The first Named Insured shown in the Decl a- rations: 1. Is responsible for the payment of all pr e- miums; and 2. Will be the payee for any return premiums we pay. F. Transfer Of Your Rights And Duties Under This Policy Your rights and duties under this policy may not be transferred without our written consent except in the case of death of an individual named insured. If you die, your rights and duties will be transferred to your legal representative but only while acting within the scope of duties as your legal representative. Until your legal representative is appointed, anyone having proper temporary custody of your property will have your rights and duties but only with respect to that property. E-INSURED 195 CC 01-22-2025 195 of 303 VCU 411 06 18 Contains copyrighted material of Insurance Services Office, Inc., with its permission. Copyright 2018, Page 1 of 1 POLICY NUMBER: UMBRELLA THIS ENDORSEMENT CHANGES THE POLICY. PLE ASE READ IT CAREFULLY. PRIMARY AND NONCONTRIBUTORY – OTHER INSURANCE CONDITION This endorsement modifies insurance provided under the following: COMMERCIAL UMBRELLA LIABILITY COVERAGE FORM The following is added to Paragraph 5. Other Insurance under SECTION IV – COMMERCIAL UMBRELLA LIABILITY CONDITIONS: Primary And Noncontributory Regardless of the provisions of Paragraph a. above, this insurance is primary to, and will not seek contribution from, any “underlying insurance” available to an additional insured if: (1)Such additional insured is a Named Insured under that other insurance; and (2)You have agreed in writing in a contract, agreement or permit that this insurance would be primary and would not seek contribution from any other insurance available to such additional insured. Intact Insurance Group USA LLC 711 01 8106 0002 E-INSURED 196 CC 01-22-2025 196 of 303 CG 25 03 05 09 © Insurance Services Office, Inc., 2008 Page 1 of 2 POLICY NUMBER: THIS ENDORSEMENT CHANGES THE POLICY. PLEASE READ IT CAREFULLY. DESIGNATED CONSTRUCTION PROJECT(S) GENERAL AGGREGATE LIMIT This endorsement modifies insurance provided under the following: COMMERCIAL GENERAL LIABILITY COVERAGE PART SCHEDULE Designated Construction Project(s): Information required to complete this Schedule, if not shown above, wi ll be shown in the Declarations. 711 01 8106 0002 All Projects E-INSURED 197 CC 01-22-2025 197 of 303 Page 2 of 2 © Insurance Services Office, Inc., 2008 CG 25 03 05 09 A.For all sums which the insured becomes legally obligated to pay as damages caused by "occurrences" under Section I – Coverage A, and for all medical expenses caused by acc i- dents under Section I – Coverage C, which can be attributed only to ongoing operations at a single designated construction project shown in the Schedule above: 1.A separate Designated Construction Project General Aggregate Limit applies to each designated construction project, and that limit is equal to the amount of the General Aggregate Limit shown in the Declarations. 2.The Designated Construction Project Gen- eral Aggregate Limit is the most we will pay for the sum of all damages under Coverage A, except damages because of "bodily injury" or "property damage" included in the "prod- ucts-completed operations hazard", and for medical expenses under Coverage C re- gardless of the number of: a.Insureds; b.Claims made or "suits" brought; or c.Persons or organizations making claims or bringing "suits". 3.Any payments made under Coverage A for damages or under Coverage C for medical expenses shall reduce the Designated Con- struction Project General Aggregate Limit for that designated construction project. Such payments shall not reduce the General Ag- gregate Limit shown in the Declarations nor shall they reduce any other Designated Con- struction Project General Aggregate Limit for any other designated construction project shown in the Schedule above. 4.The limits shown in the Declarations for Each Occurrence, Damage to Premises Rented to You and Medical Expense contin- ue to apply. However, instead of being sub- ject to the General Aggregate Limit shown in the Declarations, such limits will be subject to the applicable Designated Construction Project General Aggregate Limit. B.For all sums which the insured becomes legally obligated to pay as damages caused by "occurrences" under Section I – Coverage A, and for all medical expenses caused by accidents un- der Section I – Coverage C, which cannot be at- tributed only to ongoing operations at a single designated construction project shown in the Schedule above: 1.Any payments made under Coverage A for damages or under Coverage C for medical expenses shall reduce the amount available under the General Aggregate Limit or the Products-completed Operations Aggregate Limit, whichever is applicable; and 2.Such payments shall not reduce any Desig- nated Construction Project General Aggre- gate Limit. C.When coverage for liability arising out of the "products-completed operations hazard" is pro- vided, any payments for damages because of "bodily injury" or "property damage" included in the "products-completed operations hazard" will reduce the Products-completed Operations Ag- gregate Limit, and not reduce the General Ag- gregate Limit nor the Designated Construction Project General Aggregate Limit. D.If the applicable designated construction project has been abandoned, delayed, or abandoned and then restarted, or if the authorized contract- ing parties deviate from plans, blueprints, de- signs, specifications or timetables, the project will still be deemed to be the same construction pro- ject. E.The provisions of Section III – Limits Of Insur- ance not otherwise modified by this endorsement shall continue to apply as stipulated. 198 CC 01-22-2025 198 of 303 VCG 207 06 18 Includes copyrighted material of Insurance Services Office, Inc., with its permission. Page 1 of 9 Copyright 2017, Policy Number: COMMERCIAL GENERAL LIABILITY THIS ENDORSEMENT CHANGES THE POLICY. PLE ASE READ IT CAREFULLY. BROAD FORM GENERAL LIABILITY ENDORSEMENT – TECHNOLOGY COMPANIES This endorsement modifies insurance provided under the following: COMMERCIAL GENERAL LIABILITY COVERAGE PART This endorsement extends certain coverages. The following listing and the headers in this endorsement are only for convenience. Provisions in this endorsement might be modified by other endorsements. Read the entire policy carefully to determine rights, duties and what is and is not covered. A.Section I – Coverages 1.Expected or Intended Injury (Property Damage) 2.Non-Owned Aircraft and Watercraft Under 55 Feet 3.Broadened Property Damage – Rented Premises, Borrowed Equipment and Use of Elevators 4.Personal and Advertising Injury Exclusions a.Insureds in Media and Internet Type Businesses b.Electronic Chatrooms or Bulletin Boards 5.Medical Payments – Increased Limits and Time Period 6.Product Recall Expense Coverage 7.Supplementary Payments – Cost of Bail Bonds and Loss of Earnings B.Section II – Who is an Insured 1.Broadened Named Insured 2.Additional Insured – Broad Form Vendor 3.Additional Insured – Written Contract, Agreement, Permit or Authorization 4.Incidental Malpractice by Employed Physicians, Nurses, EMTs and Paramedics 5.User of Covered Watercraft 6.Newly Acquired or Formed Organizations C.Section III – Limits of Insurance – Aggregate Limit Per Location D.Section IV – Commercial General Liability Conditions 1.Duties in Event of Occurrence, Offense, Claim or Suit 2.Waiver of Subrogation When Required by Written Contract or Agreement E.Section V – Definitions 1.Bodily Injury – Includes Mental Anguish 2.Coverage Territory – Worldwide 3.Mobile Equipment – Self-Propelled Snow Removal, Road Maintenance and Street Cleaning Equipment Less than 1,000 Pounds Gross Vehicle Weight A.Section I – Coverages 1.Expected or Intended Injury (Property Damage) The following is added to Exclusion 2.a. Expected Or Intended Injury of Section I – Coverages – Coverage A – Bodily Injury and Property Damage Liability : This exclusion does not apply to “property damage” resulting from the use of reasonable force to protect persons or property. 2.Non-Owned Aircraft and Watercraft Under 55 Feet a.The following is added to Exclusion 2.g. Aircraft, Auto or Watercraft of Section I – Coverages – Coverage A – Bodily Injury and Property Damage Liability: This exclusion does not apply to an aircraft that is: (a)Hired, chartered or loaned with a paid crew; and (b)Not owned by any insured. b.The following replaces Exclusion 2.g.(2)(a) of Section I – Coverages – Coverage A – Bodily Injury and Property Damage Liability: (a)Less than 55 feet long; and Intact Insurance Group USA LLC 711 01 8106 0002 E-INSURED 199 CC 01-22-2025 199 of 303 VCG 207 06 18 Includes copyrighted material of Insurance Services Office, Inc., with its permission. Page 2 of 9 Copyright 2017, c.The following is added to Paragraph b.(1) in Paragraph 4. Other Insurance of Section IV – Commercial General Liability Conditions : This insurance is excess over any of the other valid and collectible insurance available to the insured that provides coverage for aircraft or watercraft not owned by any insured, whether such insurance is primary, excess, contingent or on any other basis. 3.Broadened Property Damage – Rented Premises, Borrowed Equipment and Use of Elevators a.The following is added to Exclusion 2.j. Damage To Property of Section I – Coverages – Coverage A – Bodily Injury and Property Damage Liability : Paragraph (1) of this exclusion does not apply to “property damage” to real property you rent or temporarily occupy with permission of the owner. Paragraph (4) of this exclusion does not apply to “property damage” to equipment you borrow while at a job site if the equipment is not being used by anyone to perform work or operations at the time of loss. Paragraphs (3), (4) and (6) of this exclusion do not apply to “property damage” arising out of the use of elevators at premises you own, rent, lease or occupy. b.The following replaces Paragraph 6. of Section III – Limits Of Insurance: 6.Subject to Paragraph 5. above, the Damage to Premises Rented to You Limit shown in the Declarations is the most we will pay under Coverage A for damages because of “property damage” to any one premises while rented to you or occupied by you with permission of the owner. If a Damage to Premises Rented to You Limit is not shown in the Declarations, that Limit will be $500,000. c.The following is added to Paragraph b.(1) of Paragraph 4. Other Insurance of Section IV – Commercial General Liability Conditions: This insurance is excess over any of the other valid and collectible insurance available to the insured that provides coverage for real property you rent or temporarily occupy with the permission of the owner, borrowed equipment or use of elevators, whether such insurance is primary, excess, contingent or on any other basis. 4.Personal and Advertising Injury Exclusions a.Insureds in Media and Internet Type Businesses The following replaces Exclusion 2.j. Insureds In Media And Internet Type Businesses of Section I – Coverages – Coverage B – Personal and Advertising Injury Liability: “Personal and advertising injury” committed by an insured whose business is: (1)Advertising, broadcasting, publishing or telecasting; or (2)Designing or determining content of web sites for others. However, this exclusion does not apply to Paragraphs 14.a., b. and c. of "personal and advertising injury" under the Definitions section. For the purposes of this exclusion, the placing of frames, borders or links, or advertising for you, is not by itself considered the business of advertising, broadcasting, publishing or telecasting. b.Electronic Chatrooms or Bulletin Boards The following replaces Exclusion 2.k. Electronic Chatrooms Or Bulletin Boards of Section I – Coverages – Coverage B – Personal and Advertising Injury Liability: "Personal and advertising injury" arising out of an electronic chatroom or bulletin board the insured hosts, owns or maintains for others. 5.Medical Payments – Increased Limits and Time Period The following provisions are modified only if Coverage C is not otherwise excluded by the provisions of this Coverage Part or any endorsement. a.The following replaces Paragraph a.(3)(b) in Paragraph 1. Insuring Agreement of Section I – Coverage C – Medical Payments: (b)The expenses are incurred and reported to us within three years of the date of the accident; and Intact Insurance Group USA LLC 200 CC 01-22-2025 200 of 303 VCG 207 06 18 Includes copyrighted material of Insurance Services Office, Inc., with its permission. Page 3 of 9 Copyright 2017, b. The following is added to Paragraph 7. of Section III – Limits Of Insurance: The Medical Expenses Limit for Coverage C is the greater of $15,000 per person or the amount shown in the Declarations. 6. Product Recall Expense Coverage a. The following is added to Section I – Coverages: Product Recall Expense Schedule Product Recall Aggregate Limit $ 50,000 Each Product Recall Limit $ 25,000 Each Product Recall Deductible $1,000 The limits and deductible in this Schedule apply to Product Recall Expense Coverage unless other amounts are shown in the Declarations. PRODUCT RECALL EXPENSE COVERAGE We will pay “product recall expense” incurred by you or on your behalf for a “covered recall” to which this insurance applies. This insurance applies to “product recall expense” for a “covered recall” that takes place in the “coverage territory” and during the policy period. The amount we will pay for “product recall expense” is limited as described in Section III – Limits Of Insurance. We will only pay the amount of “product recall expense” in excess of the Each Product Recall Deductible shown in the Schedule above. You must pay the Each Product Recall Deductible for each “covered recall” that is initiated. b. The following is added to Section III – Limits Of Insurance: The Product Recall Aggregate Limit shown in the Schedule above is the most we will pay for the sum of all “product recall expense” incurred for all “covered recalls” initiated during the policy period. Subject to the Product Recall Aggregate Limit, the Each Product Recall Limit shown in the Schedule above is the most we will pay for all “product recall expenses” arising out of any one “covered recall” for the same defect or deficiency. c. The following is added Section IV – Commercial General Liability Conditions: Duties In The Event Of “Covered Recall” 1. You must report a “covered recall” to us as soon as practicable and no later than 30 days after you discover or are made aware of such recall. 2. No insured will, except at that insured’s own cost, voluntarily m ake a payment, assume any obligation, or incur any expense, other than for first aid, without our consent. 3. You must see to it that the following are done as soon as practicable after an actual or anticipated “covered recall” that may result in “product recall expense”: (a) Give us notice of any discovery or notification that “your product” must be withdrawn or recalled, including a description of “your product” and the reason for the withdrawal or recall; (b) Cease any further release, shipment, consignment or any other method of distribution of such product, as well as any similar products, until it has been determined that all such products are free from defects that could result in “product recall expense”; (c) As often as may be reasonably required, permit us to: (1) Inspect “your product” and take damaged and undamaged samples of “your products” for inspection, testing and analysis; and (2) Examine and make copies from your books and records; (d) Within 60 days of our request and providing you the necessary forms, send us a signed, sworn proof of loss containing the information we request to settle the claim; and Intact Insurance Group USA LLC 201 CC 01-22-2025 201 of 303 VCG 207 06 18 Includes copyrighted material of Insurance Services Office, Inc., with its permission. Page 4 of 9 Copyright 2017, (e) Permit us to examine any insured under oath, while not in the presence of any other insured, at such times as may reasonably be required, about any matter relating to this insurance or your claim, including an insured's books and records. An insured’s answers to the examination must be signed. d. The following are added to Section V – Definitions: “Covered recall” means a recall of “your product” made necessary because the insured or a government entity has determined that a known or suspected defect, deficiency, inadequacy or dangerous condition in “your product” has resulted in, or will result in, “bodily injury” or “property damage”. “Product recall expense”: a. Means the following necessary and reasonable extra expenses incurred by you or on your behalf exclusively for the purpose of recalling “your product”: (1) Expenses for communications, including broadcast announcements or printed “advertisements” and associated stationery, envelopes and postage; (2) Expenses for shipping the recalled products from any purchaser, distributor or user to the place or places designated by you; (3) Expenses for overtime paid to your regular non-salaried “employees”; (4) Expenses for hiring “temporary workers”; (5) Expenses incurred by “employees”, including transportation and accommodations; (6) Expenses to rent additional warehouse or storage space; or (7) Expenses for proper disposal of “your product” if the disposal is necessary to avoid “bodily injury” or “property damage” and is other than regularly used to discard, trash or dispose of “your product”. b. Does not include the following: (1) Damages, fines or penalties; (2) Defense expenses; (3) The cost of regaining your market share, goodwill, revenue or profit; or (4) Any expenses resulting from: (a) Failure of any product to accomplish its intended purpose; (b) Breach of warranties of fitness, quality, durability or performance; (c) Loss of customer approval, or any cost incurred to regain customer approval; (d) Redistribution or replacement of “your product” that was recalled with like products or substitutes; (e) The insured’s caprice or whim; (f) A condition any insured knew, or had reason to know, of at the inception of this insurance that was likely to cause loss; or (g) Recall of “your products” that have no known or suspected defect solely because a known or suspected defect in another of “your products” has been found. 7. Supplementary Payments – Cost of Bail Bonds and Loss of Earnings The following replaces Paragraphs 1.b. and 1.d. of Supplementary Payments – Coverages A and B in Section I – Coverages: b. Up to $2,500 for cost of bail bonds required because of accidents or traffic law violations arising out of the use of any vehicle to which the Bodily Injury Liability Coverage applies. We do not have to furnish these bonds. d. All reasonable expenses incurred by the insured at our request to assist us in the investigation or defense of the claim or "suit", including actual loss of earnings up to $250 a day because of time off from work. Intact Insurance Group USA LLC 202 CC 01-22-2025 202 of 303 VCG 207 06 18 Includes copyrighted material of Insurance Services Office, Inc., with its permission. Page 5 of 9 Copyright 2017, B. Section II – Who is an Insured 1. Broadened Named Insured Section II – Who Is An Insured is amended to include as a Named Insured any legally incorporated entity in which you maintain ownership of more than 50 percent of the voting stock on the effective date of this endorsement, but only if there is no other similar insurance available to that organization. This insurance does not apply to any organization that is an insured under another policy or would be an insured under such policy but for its termination or the exhaustion of its limits of insurance. 2. Additional Insured – Broad Form Vendor a. Section II – Who Is An Insured is amended to include as an additional insured any person or organization (referred to below as “vendor”) with whom you have agreed in a written contract or agreement to provide insurance, but only with respect to “bodily injury” or “property damage” arising out of “your products” that are distributed or sold in the regular course of the vendor’s business. But none of these vendors are an additional insured: (1) If the “products-completed operations hazard” is excluded under the Coverage Part or by endorsement; (2) If the vendor is a person or organization from whom you have acquired the products, or any ingredient, part or container entering into, accompanying or containing those products; (3) For “bodily injury” or “property damage” for which the vendor is obligated to pay damages by reason of the assumption of liability in a contract or agreement unless that the vendor would have otherwise been liable for such “bodily injury” or “property damage” in the absence of that contract or agreement; or (4) For “bodily injury” or “property damage” caused by or arising out of: (a) Any express warranty not authorized by you; (b) Any physical or chemical change in the product made intentionally by the vendor; (c) Repackaging, except when unpacked solely for the purpose of inspection, demonstration, testing or the substitution of parts under instructions from the manufacturer, and then repackaged in the original container; (d) Any failure to make such inspections, adjustments, tests or servicing as the vendor has agreed to make or normally undertakes to make in the usual course of business, in connection with the distribution or sale of the products; (e) Operations to demonstrate, install, service or repair, except those operations performed at the vendor’s premises in connection with the sale of the product; (f) Products which, after distribution or sale by you, have been labeled or relabeled or used as a container, part or ingredient of any other thing or substance by or for the vendor; or (g) The sole negligence of the vendor for its own acts or omissions or those of its employees or anyone else acting on its behalf, unless such act or omission is: (i) In the course of repackaging “your products” in the original container after unpacking solely for the purpose of inspection, demonstration, testing or the substitution of parts under instructions from the manufacturer; (ii) A demonstration, installation, servicing or repair operation of “your products” performed at the vendor’s premises in connection with the sale of the product; or (iii) An inspection, adjustment, test or servicing of “your products” the vendor has agreed to make or normally undertakes to make in the usual course of business, in connection with the distribution or sale of the products. b. The insurance afforded to such vendor under Paragraph a. above: (1) Applies only to the extent permitted by law; and (2) Will not be broader than that which you are required by the contract or agreement to provide to such vendor. Intact Insurance Group USA LLC 203 CC 01-22-2025 203 of 303 VCG 207 06 18 Includes copyrighted material of Insurance Services Office, Inc., with its permission. Page 6 of 9 Copyright 2017, c.The following is added to Section III – Limits Of Insurance: The most we will pay on behalf of a vendor that qualifies as an additional insured is the amount of insurance: a.Required by the contract or agreement; or b.Available under the applicable Limits of Insurance shown in the Declarations; whichever is less. This provision does not increase the applicable Limits of Insurance shown in the Declarations. 3.Additional Insured – Written Contract, Agreement, Permit or Authorization a.Section II – Who Is An Insured is amended to include as an additional insured any person or organization with whom you have agreed in a written contract, agreement, permit or authorization to provide insurance but only with respect to liability for injury or damage caused, in whole or in part, by your acts or omissions or the acts or omissions of those acting on your behalf for: (1)“Bodily injury”, “property damage” or “personal and advertising injury” in the performance of your ongoing operations, and only until your operations are completed, for such person or organization at the location designated in the contract, agreement, permit or authorization; (2)“Bodily injury”, “property damage” or “personal and advertising injury” in the maintenance, operation or use of equipment leased to you by such person or organization; or (3)“Bodily injury”, “property damage” or “personal and advertising injury” in connection with premises you own, rent, lease or occupy. b.The insurance afforded to an additional insured under Paragraph a. above does not apply: (1)Unless: (a)The contract or agreement is executed, or the permit or authorization is issued, before the “bodily injury”, “property damage” or “personal and advertising injury” occurs; and (b)The contract, agreement, permit or authorization is in effect or becomes effective during the policy period. (2)To any: (a)Person or organization included as an insured under any other provision of this policy, including this or any other endorsement; (b)Lessor of equipment after the equipment lease terminates or expires; (c)Owner or other interests from whom land has been leased; (d)Manager or lessor of premises if: (i)The “occurrence” takes place after you cease to be a tenant in that premises; or (ii)The “bodily injury”, “property damage” or “personal and advertising injury” arises out of structural alterations, new construction or demolition operations performed by or on behalf of the manager or lessor. ((ee))Person or organization if the “bodily injury”, “property damage” or “personal and advertising injury” arising out of the rendering of, or the failure to render, any professional architectural, engineering or surveying services, including: (i)The preparing, approving, or failing to prepare or approve, maps, shop drawings, opinions, reports, surveys, field orders, change orders or drawings and specifications; or (ii)Supervisory, inspection, architectural or engineering activities. This exclusion applies even if the claims against any insured allege negligence or other wrongdoing in the supervision, hiring, employment, training or monitoring of others by that insured, if the “occurrence” which caused the “bodily injury” or “property damage”, or the offense which caused the “personal and advertising injury”, involved the rendering of or the failure to render any professional architectural, engineering or surveying services; or Intact Insurance Group USA LLC 204 CC 01-22-2025 204 of 303 VCG 207 06 18 Includes copyrighted material of Insurance Services Office, Inc., with its permission. Page 7 of 9 Copyright 2017, (f) "Bodily injury" or "property damage" occurring after: (i) All work, including materials, parts or equipment furnished in connection with such work, on the project (other than service, maintenance or repairs) to be performed by or on behalf of the additional insured(s) at the location of the covered operations has been completed; or (ii) That portion of "your work" out of which the injury or damage arises has been put to its intended use by any person or organization other than another contractor or subcontractor engaged in performing operations for a principal as a part of the same project. c. The insurance afforded to an additional insured under Paragraph a. above: (1) Applies only to the extent permitted by law; and (2) Will not be broader than that which you are required by the contract, agreement, permit or authorization to provide to such additional insured. d. With respect to the insurance afforded to an additional insured under Paragraph a. above: (1) The following is added to Paragraph 4. Other Insurance of Section IV – Commercial General Liability Conditions: Regardless of the provisions of Paragraphs a. and b. above, this insurance is primary to, and will not seek contribution from, any other insurance available to an additional insured if: (1) Such additional insured is a Named Insured under that other insurance; and (2) You have agreed in the contract, agreement, permit or authorization that this insurance would be primary and would not seek contribution from any other insurance available to such additional insured. (2) The following is added to Section III – Limits Of Insurance: The most we will pay on behalf of the additional insured is the amount of insurance: a. Required by the contract, agreement, permit or authorization; or b. Available under the applicable Limits of Insurance shown in the Declarations; whichever is less. This provision does not increase the applicable Limits of Insurance shown in the Declarations. 4. Incidental Malpractice by Employed Physicians, Nurses, EMTs and Paramedics a. The following is added to Paragraph 2.a.(1)(d) of Section II – Who Is An Insured: But an “employee” or “volunteer worker” employed or volunteering as a physician, dentist, nurse, emergency medical technician or paramedic is an insured if you are not engaged in the business or occupation of providing professional health care services. b. The following is added to Paragraph b.(1) in Paragraph 4. Other Insurance of Section IV – Commercial General Liability Conditions : This insurance is excess over any of the other valid and collectible insurance available to the insured for coverage for insured “employee” or volunteer worker who is a physician, dentist, nurse, emergency medical technician or paramedic, whether such insurance is primary, excess, contingent or on any other basis. 5. User of Covered Watercraft a. Section II – Who Is An Insured is amended to include as an additional insured any person or organization who uses, or is responsible for the use of, a watercraft covered by this policy if the use is with your express or implied consent. But no such person or organization is an insured with respect to: a. “Bodily injury” to that person’s or organization’s “employee”; or b. “Property damage” to property: (1) Owned, occupied or used by; or (2) In the care, custody or control of, rented to or over which physical control is being exercised for any purpose by; that person or organization. Intact Insurance Group USA LLC 205 CC 01-22-2025 205 of 303 VCG 207 06 18 Includes copyrighted material of Insurance Services Office, Inc., with its permission. Page 8 of 9 Copyright 2017, b. The following is added to Paragraph b.(1) in Paragraph 4. Other Insurance of Section IV – Commercial General Liability Conditions : This insurance is excess over any of the other valid and collectible insurance available to the insured for use of, or responsibility for use of, a watercraft covered by this policy, whether such insurance is primary, excess, contingent or on any other basis. 6. Newly Acquired or Formed Organizations The following replaces Paragraph 3.a. of Section II – Who Is An Insured: a. Coverage under this provision is afforded only until the end of the policy period; C. Section III – Limits of Insurance – Aggregate Limit Per Location The following is added to Paragraph 2. of Section III – Limits Of Insurance: The General Aggregate Limit applies separately to each “location” of yours. As used in this provision, “location” means premises you own, rent or lease involving the same or connecting lots, or whose connection is interrupted only by a street, roadway, waterway or right-of-way of a railroad. D. Section IV – Commercial General Liability Conditions 1. Duties in the Event of Occurrence, Offense, Claim or Suit The following is added to Paragraph 2. Duties In The Event Of Occurrence, Offense, Claim Or Suit of Section IV – Commercial General Liability Conditions: The requirements that you must notify us of an “occurrence”, offense, claim or “suit”, or send us documents concerning a claim or “suit”, apply only if the “occurrence”, offense, claim or “suit” is known to: (1) You, if you are an individual; (2) A partner, if you are a partnership; (3) An “executive officer” or insurance or risk manager, if you are a corporation; or (4) A manager, if you are a limited liability company. The requirement that you must notify us as soon as practicable of an “occurrence” or an offense that may result in a claim does not apply if you report the “occurrence” or offense to your workers’ compensation insurer and that “occurrence” or offense later develops into a liability claim for which coverage is provided by this policy. But as soon as you become aware that an “occurrence” or offense is a liability claim rather than a workers’ compensation claim, you must comply with all parts of Paragraph 2. Duties In The Event Of Occurrence, Offense, Claim Or Suit of Section IV – Commercial General Liability Conditions. 2. Waiver of Subrogation When Required by Written Contract or Agreement The following is added to Paragraph 8. Transfer of Rights of Recovery Against Others to Us of Section IV – Commercial General Liability Conditions: We will waive any right of recovery we may have against any person or organization because of payments we make for injury or damage arising out of your ongoing operations or “your work” included within the “products-completed operations hazard” if the operations or work is done under a written contract or agreement with that person or organization, but only if the contract or agreement is executed before the “bodily injury” or “property damage” occurs and requires you to waive your rights of recovery. E. Section V – Definitions 1. Bodily Injury – Includes Mental Anguish The following is added to Paragraph 3. of Section V – Definitions: “Bodily injury” includes mental anguish resulting from bodily injury, sickness, or disease sustained by a person at any time. 2. Coverage Territory – Worldwide The following replaces Paragraph 4. of Section V – Definitions: 4. “Coverage territory” means anywhere other than a country or jurisdiction that is subject to trade or other economic sanction or embargo by the United States of America. But the insured’s Intact Insurance Group USA LLC 206 CC 01-22-2025 206 of 303 VCG 207 06 18 Includes copyrighted material of Insurance Services Office, Inc., with its permission. Page 9 of 9 Copyright 2017, responsibility to pay damages must be determined in a settlement we agree to or in a “suit” on the merits brought within the United States of America (including its territories and possessions), Puerto Rico or Canada. 3.Mobile Equipment – Self-Propelled Snow Removal, Road Maintenance and Street Cleaning Equipment Less than 1,000 Pounds Gross Vehicle Weight The following is added after Paragraph 12.f.(1) of Section V – Definitions: But a self-propelled vehicle of less than 1,000 pounds gross vehicle weight that is maintained primarily for purposes other than transportation of persons or cargo with permanently attached equipment for snow removal, road maintenance (other than construction or resurfacing) or street cleaning will be considered “mobile equipment” and not an “auto”. Intact Insurance Group USA LLC 207 CC 01-22-2025 207 of 303 Policy Number: COMMERCIAL AUTO THIS ENDORSEMENT CHANGES THE POLICY. PLEASE READ IT CAREFULLY. OB CA 200 06 18 Includes copyrighted material of Insurance Services Office, Inc., with its permission. Copyright 2018, Page 1 of 1 ADDITIONAL INSURED – AUTOMATIC STATUS WHEN REQUIRED BY WRITTEN CONTRACT, AGREEMENT, PERMIT OR AUTHORIZATION This endorsement modifies insurance provided under the following: BUSINESS AUTO COVERAGE FORM Paragraph A.1. Who is an Insured of Section II – Covered Autos Liability Coverage is amended to include as an additional “insured” any person or organization with whom you have agreed in a written contract, agreement, permit or authorization to provide insurance such as is afforded under this Coverage Form but only with respect to liability for “bodily injury” or “property damage” caused in whole or in part by your maintenance, operation or use of a covered “auto”. But this insurance does not apply: 1.Unless the written contract or agreement has been executed or the permit or authorization has been issued prior to the “accident” that caused the “bodily injury” or “property damage”; 2.To any person or organization included as an “insured” under any other provisions of this policy, including any other endorsement; 3.To the independent acts or omissions of such person or organization; or 4.To any lessor of “autos” when their contract or agreement with you for such leased “auto” ends or the lessor or its agent takes possession of the “auto”. Intact Insurance Group USA LLC 711 01 8106 0002 E-INSURED 208 CC 01-22-2025 208 of 303 ~ TRAVELERSJ , ONE TOWER SQUARE HARTFORD CT 06183 WORKERS COMPENSATION AND EMPLOYERS LIABILITY POLICY ENDORSEMENT WC 99 03 76 ( A)-001 POLICY NUMBER: UB-2Wl64878-24-I3-G WAIVER OF OUR RIGHT TO RECOVER FROM OTHERS ENDORSEMENT - CALIFORNIA (BLANKET WAIVER) We have the right to recover our payments from anyone liable for an injury covered by this policy. We will not enforce our right against the person or organization named in the Schedule. The additional premium for this endorsement shall be 2. 00 % of the California workers' compensation pre- mium. Person or Organization ANY PERSON OR ORGANIZATION FOR WHICH THE INSURED HAS AGREED BY WRITTEN CONTRACT EXECUTED PRIOR TO LOSS TO FURNISH THIS WAIVER. Schedule Job Description This endorsement changes the policy to which it is attached and is effective on the date issued unless otherwise stated. (The information below is required only when this endorsement is issued subsequent to preparation of the policy.) Endorsement Effective Insured Insurance Company DATE OF ISSUE: 01-12-24 Policy No. Endorsement No. Premium Countersigned by ____________ _ ST ASSIGN: Page 1 of 1 209 CC 01-22-2025 209 of 303 RESOLUTION NO. 25-XXX A RESOLUTION OF THE CUPERTINO CITY COUNCIL AMNDING THE OPERATING BUDGET FOR FISCAL YEAR 2024-25 BY APPROPRIATING, TRANSFERRING, AND UNAPPROPRIATING MONIES FOR SPECIFIED FUNDS WHEREAS, the orderly administration of municipal government depends on a sound fiscal policy of maintaining a proper ratio of expenditures within anticipated revenues and available monies; and WHEREAS, accomplishing City Council directives, projects and programs, and performing staff duties and responsibilities likewise depends on the monies available for that purpose; and WHEREAS, the City Manager has determined that the balances from the funds specified in this resolution are adequate to cover the proposed amended appropriations, and therefore recommends the fund reallocations described herein. NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED that the City Council does hereby approve the recommended fund reallocations and ratifies the attached amended appropriations as set forth in Exhibit A. PASSED AND ADOPTED at a regular meeting of the City Council of the City of Cupertino this 22nd day of January 2025, by the following vote: Members of the City Council AYES: NOES: ABSENT: ABSTAIN: Attachment B 210 CC 01-22-2025 210 of 303 Resolution No. 25-XXX Page 2 SIGNED: ________ Liang Chao, Mayor City of Cupertino ________________________ Date ATTEST: ________ Kirsten Squarcia, City Clerk ________________________ Date 211 CC 01-22-2025 211 of 303 Appropriation Amendment by Fund Appropriation Amendment Revenue Amendment Fund Balance (Use of) General Fund (100)1,210,000 ‐(1,210,000) Total Appropriation Amendment All Funds $1,210,000 $‐($1,210,000) Exhibit A 212 CC 01-22-2025 212 of 303 CITY OF CUPERTINO Agenda Item 24-13431 Agenda Date: 1/22/2025 Agenda #: 10. Subject: Public hearing on the abatement of public nuisance from weeds or other fire hazards pursuant to provisions of Cupertino Municipal Code Chapter 9.08 and Resolution No. 24-111 Conduct hearing for impacted property owners to contest the matter of proposed abatement and adopt Resolution No. 25-006 ordering abatement of public nuisance from weeds or other fire hazards pursuant to provisions of Cupertino Municipal Code Chapter 9.08 and Resolution No. 24-111 CITY OF CUPERTINO Printed on 1/16/2025Page 1 of 1 powered by Legistar™213 CC 01-22-2025 213 of 303 1 CITY COUNCIL STAFF REPORT Meeting: January 22, 2025 Subject Public hearing on the abatement of public nuisance from weeds or other fire hazards pursuant to provisions of Cupertino Municipal Code Chapter 9.08 and Resolution No. 24‐111. Recommended Action Conduct a public hearing for impacted property owners to contest the matter of proposed abatement and adopt the Draft Resolution ordering abatement of public nuisance from weeds or other fire hazards pursuant to provisions of Cupertino Municipal Code Chapter 9.08 and Resolution No. 24‐111. Reasons for Recommendation The purpose of the Cupertino Weed Abatement Program is to prevent fire hazards and other nuisances posed by vegetative growth (weeds) and the accumulation of combustible materials. This program is managed by the Santa Clara County Department of Agriculture. Cupertino Municipal Code Chapter 9.08 requires property owners to remove or destroy weeds on their property for fire and public health protection. The weed abatement process is in place to notify the property owners of this responsibility, authorize the County to remove the hazards if the property owner does not, and allow the County to recover the costs of abatement. On December 3, 2024, the Council adopted Resolution No. 24‐111, declaring the growth of weeds or the accumulation of garden refuse, cuttings and other combustible trash upon private properties to be a potential fire hazard and a public nuisance. These properties are identified on the Weed Abatement Program Commencement Report prepared by the County (Attachment B, Exhibit A in Resolution). If the Council wishes to adopt the Draft Resolution (Attachment A) ordering abatement of public nuisance, property owners on the Report will have until April 30, 2025 to abate any potential fire hazards on their property. On November 21, 2023, the Council approved service level reductions defunding the Weed Abatement subsidy of $8,600 annually. All parcels in the Weed Abatement Program will be subject to a county inspection fee of $105.00. In previous years, the County administrative fee would be waived for any property that was abated before the April 30 deadline. The waived fees 214 CC 01-22-2025 214 of 303 2 would be billed to the City by the County to cover their cost of servicing the property. The City will no longer cover these costs. On December 20, 2024, the County mailed a notice to property owners listed on the Weed Abatement Program Commencement Report (Attachment C) indicating that their property must be cleared of hazards according to Minimum Fire Safety Standards (Attachment E), and that the City Council would conduct a public hearing on January 22, 2025 in order to consider all property owners having any objections to the proposed removal. City notices outlining the same information were mailed on January 10, 2024 (Attachment G). How Parcels are Added to the Program Parcels are added to the program through service requests from members of the public, a jurisdictional representative request, or when an inspector finds a non‐compliant parcel en route from one active parcel to another. The identified parcels undergo an “add year” process prior to being added to the program. The add year is a buffer year, set aside for communications with the County and for property owners to gain an understanding of the program’s concerns, or to contest. All impacted parcels are expected to maintain the Minimum Fire Safety Standards (Attachment E) for three years following the add year. The Program will not apply any fees to the parcel tax roll on the add year, only on the monitoring years. An initial inspection fee will be applied as “pass” or “fail” during the monitoring years. All parcels in the Weed Abatement Program are subject to this fee. If a parcel fails, the monitoring years start over, to ensure that “three consecutive years of voluntary compliance” is achieved. County field officers perform inspections a few times a year. The inspection window for Cupertino runs annually from April 30 through October 31 and properties should be maintained throughout the year. Process for Weed Abatement Program Outlined The process consists of nine steps that begin in November and go through August of each year, as shown on the following list. At this time the process is at Step No. 4. The steps in the process are outlined below: 1. County prepares a report of all properties that have been non‐compliant in removing weeds in the last three years, provides that report to the City and the City then sets a January hearing date (November‐December) (Attachment B, Exhibit A in Resolution). 2. County sends notice to the property owners on the report notifying them of the hearing date and explaining that they must remove or destroy weeds by the abatement deadline of April 30, 2025 or it will be done for them, with cost of the abatement plus administrative costs assessed to their property (December). 3. City sends a courtesy letter to property owners listed on the report, notifying them of the hearing and the abatement deadline (January). 215 CC 01-22-2025 215 of 303 3 4. City Council holds a public hearing to consider objections by property owners and adopts a resolution declaring weeds a public nuisance and ordering abatement (January). 5. County sends a courtesy letter to property owners listed on the report, notifying them again of the abatement deadline, and noting that they will work with the property owner to be sure the weeds are removed (January‐February). 6. City sends a courtesy letter to property owners listed on the report, reminding them of the abatement deadline (March). 7. After April 30, the County inspects the properties to verify that weeds were removed and proceeds with abatement if the property fails the inspection. The County makes a report of all costs associated with the abatement and provides that report to the City (June‐July). 8. City sends notice to property owners listed on the assessment report, notifying them of the hearing date (July‐August). 9. City Council holds another public hearing, considers any disputes, and adopts a resolution placing a lien assessment on the properties to allow the County to recover the cost of weed and/or brush abatement (July‐August). Fiscal Impact There is no fiscal impact at this step in the process. Sustainability Impact There is no sustainability impact. California Environmental Quality Act Not applicable. City Work Program (CWP) Item: No CWP Item Description: N/A Council Goal: N/A _____________________________________ Prepared by: Kirsten Squarcia, City Clerk Approved for Submission by: Pamela Wu, City Manager Attachments: A – Draft Resolution and Exhibit A 216 CC 01-22-2025 216 of 303 4 B – 2025 Cupertino Commencement Report (Exhibit A) C – County Letter to Property Owners to Abate Weeds D – County Hearing Notice to Destroy Weeds and Program Fees E – Minimum Fire Safety Standards Program Brochure F – Return Reply Form (RRF) Sample G – City Letter to Property Owners H – Approved Resolution No. 24‐111 217 CC 01-22-2025 217 of 303 RESOLUTION NO. 25- A RESOLUTION OF THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF CUPERTINO ORDERING ABATEMENT OF PUBLIC NUISANCE PURSUANT TO PROVISIONS OF CUPERTINO MUNICIPAL CODE CHAPTER 9.08 AND RESOLUTION NO. 24-111 WHEREAS, the City Council has declared that the growth of weeds, the accumulation of garden refuse, cuttings and other combustible trash upon the private properties as described in Resolution No. 24-111 adopted December 3, 2024, to be a potential public nuisance (see Weed Abatement Program Commencement Report as Exhibit A); and WHEREAS, after due notice, a public hearing/meeting thereon was held at the special meeting of the City Council on January 22, 2025 to allow the impacted property owners to contest the matter; and WHEREAS, from the evidence presented, both oral and written, at the public hearing/meeting of January 22, 2025, it is in the best interests of the City to acquire jurisdiction over the existing nuisances which have not been abated, and for the City to abate said nuisance in accordance with the law. NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED: 1. That the Agricultural Commissioner of Santa Clara County is hereby ordered to abate such nuisance or cause the same to be abated by having the weeds destroyed or removed by cutting, discing, chemical spraying or any other method determined by them; that all debris, whether in piles or scattered, be hauled away; 2. That the Agricultural Commissioner and their deputies, assistants, employees, contracting agents or other representatives shall have express authorization to enter upon private properties for the purpose of causing the public nuisance to be abated, in accordance with all applicable legal requirements; and 3. That any affected property owners shall have the right to destroy or remove such weeds or debris themselves or have the same destroyed or removed at their own expense provided that such destruction or removal shall have been completed prior to the arrival of the Agricultural Commissioner or their 218 CC 01-22-2025 218 of 303 Resolution No. 25- Page 2 authorized representative to destroy or remove them by the Parcel Abatement Deadline of April 30, 2025. BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED: 1. That the Agricultural Commissioner shall keep account of abating said nuisance and embody such account in a report and assessment list to the City Council, which shall be filed with the City Clerk. 2. Said reports of costs, hearing and collection procedures involved shall be provided as stated in Chapter 9.08. PASSED AND ADOPTED at a special meeting of the City Council of the City of Cupertino on the 22nd day of January 2025, by the following vote: Vote Members of the City Council AYES: NOES: ABSENT: ABSTAIN: SIGNED: _________________________________ Liang Chao, Mayor City of Cupertino _________________________ Date ATTEST: _________________________________ Kirsten Squarcia, City Clerk _________________________ Date 219 CC 01-22-2025 219 of 303 Situs APN CITY/STATE 2025 WEED ABATEMENT PROGRAM COMMENCEMENT REPORT CITY OF CUPERTINO Exhibit A CHIANG ALEX H AND ANNE 10213 MINER PL CUPERTINO CA 95014-220110213MINERPL316-26-0651 JAGANATHAN, RAMESH AND 21001 HAZELBROOK DR CUPERTINO CA 95014-162821001HAZELBROOKDR326-28-0952 CHEN, WENHAU HORUS TRUSTEE & 20711 FARGO DR CUPERTINO CA 95014-190310301BEARDONDR326-30-0423 PADMANABAN, GOVINDARAJ A 20847 GARDEN GATE DR CUPERTINO CA 95014-180720847GARDEN GATE DR 326-30-0484 ZHAI, JLANJUN AND WEI , LI 11566 FALLCREEK SPRING CT CUPERTINO CA 95014-511810467GLENCOEDR326-30-1065 WOODWARD, DOUGLAS C TRUSTEE 10450 GLENCOE DR CUPERTINO CA 95014-181610450GLENCOEDR326-30-1396 MULLEN, EVA JO TRUSTEE PO BOX 835 CUPERTINO CA 95015-083522645SAN JUAN RD 342-17-0677 HUNTS, SUSAN E ET AL 10611 SANTA LUCIA RD CUPERTINO CA 95014-393710611SANTA LUCIA RD 342-17-0958 ITEM, WERNER TRUSTEE & ET AL 22670 SAN JUAN RD CUPERTINO CA 95014-3933EL CERRITO RD 342-21-0049 CHAMBERLAIN, JACK T TRUSTEE 655 SKYWAY UNIT 230 SAN CARLOS CA 94070(LAND ONLY)342-45-00110 SAMPATH, NANDAKUMAR AND 23025 VOSS AVE CUPERTINO CA 95014-266123025VOSSAVE342-50-01511 CHAMBERLAIN, JACK T TRUSTEE 655 SKYWAY 230 SAN CARLOS CA 94070VOSSAVE342-50-01912 ALAN ENTERPRISE LLC 1177 CALIFORNIA ST UNIT SAN FRANCISCO CA 9410822540STEVENSBL342-66-00113 ALAN ENTERPRISE LLC 1177 CALIFORNIA ST UNIT SAN FRANCISCO CA 9410822536STEVENSBL342-66-00214 ALAN ENTERPRISE LLC 1177 CALIFORNIA ST UNIT SAN FRANCISCO CA 9410822532STEVENSBL342-66-00315 ALAN ENTERPRISE LLC 1177 CALIFORNIA ST UNIT SAN FRANCISCO CA 9410822528STEVENSBL342-66-00416 ALAN ENTERPRISE LLC 1177 CALIFORNIA ST UNIT SAN FRANCISCO CA 9410822524STEVENSBL342-66-00517 LI, XUESONG AND TU , YITSEN 21542 REGNART RD CUPERTINO CA 95014-481921542REGNARTRD356-23-04018 THOMAS, TONY G AND MATHEW , 22028 LINDY LN CUPERTINO CA 95014-481122028LINDYLN356-27-00719 HANGGI, EVELYN B TRUSTEE 61145 WARD RD BEND OR 9770222090LINDYLN356-27-02020 DE, KALPAJIT AND MAJUMDER , 22032 LINDY LN CUPERTINO CA 95014-481122032LINDYLN356-27-02521 HSU HUI-CHI AND LAI HSIU-CHEN ET 22400 JANICE AVE CUPERTINO CA 9501422400JANICEAV357-01-05122 MCKERNAN, DANIEL S AND 10164 S FOOTHILL BLVD CUPERTINO CA 95014-260210164FOOTHILLSBLV357-01-09123 HSU, TRACY TRUSTEE 22330 SANTA PAULA AVE CUPERTINO CA 95014-270710209CARMENRD357-02-00124 Page 1Santa Clara County Weed Abatement Program24 records of 104 220 CC 01-22-2025 220 of 303 Situs APN CITY/STATE 2025 WEED ABATEMENT PROGRAM COMMENCEMENT REPORT CITY OF CUPERTINO Exhibit A YEN JOSEPH JENKUN AND LI 10290 MIRA VISTA RD CUPERTINO CA 95014-270510290MIRA VISTA RD 357-02-02425 WATANABE, RYOJI AND LI , LILY C 22284 PALM AVE CUPERTINO CA 95014-270922284PALMAVE357-04-03226 XIE, WEI ET AL 18255 CLEMSON AVE SARATOGA CA 9507010234SCENICBLV357-08-05227 XIE, WEI ET AL 18255 CLEMSON AVE SARATOGA CA 9507010234SCENICBLV357-08-05328 XIE, WEI ET AL 18255 CLEMSON AVE SARATOGA CA 9507010234SCENICBLV357-08-05429 BARTELS PROPERTIES ET AL 865 COTTON ST MENLO PARK CA 94025-561020950STEVENSBL359-07-00630 WU, YUN JUNG AND CHIN-YUN 20985 GARDEN GATE DR CUPERTINO CA 95014-180910476STELLINGSRD359-13-13631 WU, YUN JUNG AND CHIN-YUN 20985 GARDEN GATE DR CUPERTINO CA 95014-180910468STELLINGSRD359-13-13732 TIWARI, ANOOP KUMAR TRUSTEE & 7540 MCCLELLAN RD CUPERTINO CA 95014-29437540MCCLELLANRD359-19-04333 ALPHAMCCLELLAN LLC 97 BOSTON AVE SAN JOSE CA 95128-191120860MCCLELLANRD359-20-03034 UNION PACIFIC CORP 10031 FOOTHILLS BLVD ROSEVILLE CA 95747CRANBERRYDR362-02-04835 UNION PACIFIC CORP 10031 FOOTHILLS BLVD ROSEVILLE CA 95747CRANBERRYDR362-04-05836 UNION PACIFIC CORP 10031 FOOTHILLS BLVD ROSEVILLE CA 95747RAINBOWDR362-09-02637 KRIMSON COAST HOLDINGS LLC 1509 LAURELWOOD SAN JOSE CA 95138-00007898FIESTALN362-15-01238 UNION PACIFIC CORP 10031 FOOTHILLS BLVD ROSEVILLE CA 95747362-16-03739 UNION PACIFIC CORP 10031 FOOTHILLS BLVD ROSEVILLE CA 95747362-19-03340 ALMASI, AZITA TRUSTEE & ET AL 965 LAUREL GLEN DR PALO ALTO CA 94304-1323362-31-03041 UNION PACIFIC CORP 10031 FOOTHILLS BLVD ROSEVILLE CA 95747STELLINGSRD366-09-02842 UNION PACIFIC CORP 10031 FOOTHILLS BLVD ROSEVILLE CA 95747STAUFFERLN366-09-05343 VASAVAKUL, THAVEESINN AND 1258 S STELLING RD CUPERTINO CA 95014-52571258STELLINGSRD366-11-10944 CHELLADURAI, JAYAKUMAR AND 21670 RAINBOW CT CUPERTINO CA 95014-482921670RAINBOWCT366-38-00545 KOLLIPARA, RAVINDRANATH AND 22365 REGNART RD CUPERTINO CA 95014-482422365REGNARTRD366-40-00446 BIGLER, ROBERT A AND PUNITA P 11230 BUBB RD CUPERTINO CA 95014-497922033REGNARTRD366-46-00547 BIGLER, ROBERT A AND PUNITA P 11230 BUBB RD CUPERTINO CA 95014-497922045REGNARTRD366-46-00648 Page 2Santa Clara County Weed Abatement Program48 records of 104 221 CC 01-22-2025 221 of 303 Situs APN CITY/STATE 2025 WEED ABATEMENT PROGRAM COMMENCEMENT REPORT CITY OF CUPERTINO Exhibit A LAMBIE, RICHARD H TRUSTEE 367 S BAYWOOD AVE SAN JOSE CA 9512819990HALLSCT369-04-01749 HU, PING AND WEI 6611 JOHN DR CUPERTINO CA 95014-45626611JOHNDR369-24-02450 KUOK, CHUN FREDERICK 898 BRENT DR CUPERTINO CA 95014-4553898BRENTDR369-24-02551 LEE, TSUNG-EN TRUSTEE & ET AL 701 SENECA ST PALO ALTO CA 94301885BETLINAVE369-27-02852 CHANG, MINGO M AND YOUNG , 10539 S BLANEY AVE CUPERTINO CA 95014-454210539BLANEYSAVE369-33-00153 APRICOT VILLAGE LLC 991 W HEDDING ST SAN JOSE CA 95126-12571071010710 S DE 369-37-02854 LI, YIMIN AND HUANG , YUANYUAN 19361 PHIL LN CUPERTINO CA 95014-342919361PHILLN375-05-02955 WU, HUNGJEN HENRY 10067 S TANTAU AVE CUPERTINO CA 95014-354110067TANTAUSAVE375-07-00756 HSU, TRACY TRUSTEE 22330 SANTA PAULA AVE CUPERTINO CA 95014-270719160COZETTELN375-07-02257 MAHAJAN, HAMENT AND MANJU 10080 S TANTAU AVE CUPERTINO CA 95014-354210080TANTAUSAVE375-07-04258 YANG, YI-NING 10177 JUDY AVE CUPERTINO CA 95014-352210177JUDYAVE375-07-05659 LO, SHIHCHE AND WANG , PEICHEN 19148 LOREE AVE CUPERTINO CA 95014-353919148LOREEAVE375-08-00260 GUY, JOY M TRUSTEE 1174 CANYONWOOD CT APT WALNUT CREEK CA 94595-362910399TANTAUSAVE375-08-02661 10024 BRET LLC 1028 POLK AVE SUNNYVALE CA 94086-744010024BRETAVE375-11-04762 MC GRATH PATRICK W 1184 VALELAKE CT SUNNYVALE CA 94089-203210200STERNAV375-12-00263 WU, BENJAMIN HONG AND 20988 FAIRWOODS CT CUPERTINO CA 95014-420018904ARATAWA375-13-00364 LOK, JAMES S AND JANE F TRUSTEE 3926 KINGRIDGE DR SAN MATEO CA 9440310365MORETTIDR375-14-01165 BHARDWAJ, AMIT AND MANGAL , 10360 MORETTI DR CUPERTINO CA 95014-363910360MORETTIDR375-15-00566 PENTA-LOURDUSAMY, LEEMA J 375 MINUTE ARMS RD UNION NJ 07083-912510464MORETTIDR375-16-04267 XIE, DEPING AND SUN , HUAMIN 18731 BARNHART AVE CUPERTINO CA 95014-380318731BARNHARTAVE375-17-04868 JOHNSON, ALLEN R 1220 TASMAN DR SPC 513 SUNNYVALE CA 9408918755BARNHARTAVE375-17-05169 MC GRATH PATRICK W 1184 VALELAKE CT SUNNYVALE CA 94089-203210361JOHNSONAV375-18-03970 HSU ALLEN K AND CINDY S TRUSTEE 10229 SCENIC BLVD CUPERTINO CA 95014-272410542STERLINGBL375-23-03271 ZHANG, AILI 10460 STERLING BLVD CUPERTINO CA 95014-383210460STERLINGBLV375-23-04172 Page 3Santa Clara County Weed Abatement Program72 records of 104 222 CC 01-22-2025 222 of 303 Situs APN CITY/STATE 2025 WEED ABATEMENT PROGRAM COMMENCEMENT REPORT CITY OF CUPERTINO Exhibit A HAO, STEVE MIN AND SUN , QING 6962 BOLLINGER RD SAN JOSE CA 95129-284710308STERLINGBLV375-24-01773 WANG, HENG-YUAN AND LEE , 18621 RUNO CT CUPERTINO CA 95014-386518621RUNOCT375-25-02374 VASILIEV, OLGA 18730 BARNHART AVE CUPERTINO CA 95014-380418730BARNHARTAVE375-27-00175 CAMPBELL, MICHAEL D P O BOX 5345 SAN JOSE CA 95150-534518781TUGGLEAVE375-27-02576 HALL, MARTHA S 18760 BARNHART AVE CUPERTINO CA 95014-380418760BARNHARTAV375-27-04177 ZHAI, JIANJUN 11566 FALLCREEK SPRING CT CUPERTINO C CA 95014-511810589GASCOIGNEDR375-28-01178 ANANTH, SHARATH AND BHAT , 10624 JOHNSON AVE CUPERTINO CA 95014-381710624JOHNSONAVE375-28-02679 YU, DONALD AND JEWELEEH 10692 GASCOIGNE DR CUPERTINO CA 95014-384610692GASCOIGNEDR375-29-02080 WU, JENNIFER AND LIU , JAMES 10136 ENGLISH OAK WAY CUPERTINO CA 95014-560910750MINETTEDR375-31-03881 CHEN, HUNG JUNG AND LI , MEI YI 10740 MINETTE DR CUPERTINO CA 95014-361510740MINETTEDR375-31-03982 MYOUNG, SOUNG HO AND LEE , EUN 10728 CARVER DR CUPERTINO CA 95014-360910728CARVERDR375-32-01083 MC GRATH PATRICK W 1184 VALELAKE CT SUNNYVALE CA 94089-203210630CARVERDR375-32-02084 YETTAW, JACKIE A AND JERRI L 10616 CARVER DR CUPERTINO CA 95014-360710616CARVERDR375-32-02185 DELA CRUZ, SHERWIN PETER L 18870 TUGGLE AVE CUPERTINO CA 95014-362618870TUGGLEAVE375-32-02486 HONG, GEORGE AND TSE , CINDY 18880 PENDERGAST AVE CUPERTINO CA 95014-362118880PENDERGASTAVE375-33-04487 ORTIZ, ROSA F ET AL 10657 MORENGO DR CUPERTINO CA 95014-351310657MORENGODR375-34-01388 CHANG, SSU-CHIA TRUSTEE & ET AL 10670 MORENGO DR CUPERTINO CA 95014-351410670MORENGODR375-34-05889 THOMPSON, LARRY L AND SHIRLEY 40133 CANYON HEIGHTS DR FREMONT CA 94539-300818830HUNTERWA375-35-00190 KIM, MINKYU AND HEEJUNG 19050 MEIGGS LN CUPERTINO CA 95014-351119050MEIGGSLN375-35-05391 ZHOU, JINING AND GAO , LIKE 19040 MEIGGS LN CUPERTINO CA 95014-351119040MEIGGSLN375-35-05492 JUDOPRASETIJO, AGOES H AND 13953 SHADOW OAKS WAY SARATOGA CA 95070-554110650JOHANSENDR375-36-00893 MC GRATH PATRICK W 1184 VALELAKE CT SUNNYVALE CA 94089-203210627CULBERTSONDR375-36-02794 XU, HU AND WU , LINA 1301 LASSEN AVE MILPITAS CA 95035-640619141MEIGGSLN375-37-00195 QIN, ZUDIAN AND SUN , HAIXIA 10720 S TANTAU AVE CUPERTINO CA 95014-000010720TANTAUSAVE375-37-00296 Page 4Santa Clara County Weed Abatement Program96 records of 104 223 CC 01-22-2025 223 of 303 Situs APN CITY/STATE 2025 WEED ABATEMENT PROGRAM COMMENCEMENT REPORT CITY OF CUPERTINO Exhibit A LIU, XIONG AND GUO , YAQIONG 10524 S TANTAU AVE CUPERTINO CA 95014-000010524TANTAUSAVE375-37-02097 BURTZLAFF, JAMES L PO BOX 464 CUPERTINO CA 95015-046410593JOHANSENDR375-37-05398 YUEN, ALAN K AND CHEUNG , 22277 CRESCENT RD CUPERTINO CA 95014-000010605JOHANSENDR375-37-05599 SHINOHARA, YOSHIKAZU AND 10611 JOHANSEN DR CUPERTINO CA 95014-350810611JOHANSENDR375-37-056100 HUANG, ZERY-KUEN AND YU-MEI 891 S TANTAU AVE CUPERTINO CA 95014-4648891TANTAUSAVE375-38-044101 LIANG, SIDNEY 947 S TANTAU AVE CUPERTINO CA 95014-4601947TANTAUSAVE375-38-051102 JAN, SEAWAY AND HUNG , CHIA YING604 MILLER AVE CUPERTINO CA 95014-4640604MILLERAVE375-42-016103 KEDILAYA, SHASHI AND 605 PHIL CT CUPERTINO CA 95014-4654605PHILCT375-42-017104 Page 5Santa Clara County Weed Abatement Program104 records of 104 224 CC 01-22-2025 224 of 303 Situs APN CITY/STATE 2025 WEED ABATEMENT PROGRAM COMMENCEMENT REPORT CITY OF CUPERTINO Exhibit A CHIANG ALEX H AND ANNE 10213 MINER PL CUPERTINO CA 95014-220110213MINERPL316-26-0651 JAGANATHAN, RAMESH AND 21001 HAZELBROOK DR CUPERTINO CA 95014-162821001HAZELBROOKDR326-28-0952 CHEN, WENHAU HORUS TRUSTEE & 20711 FARGO DR CUPERTINO CA 95014-190310301BEARDONDR326-30-0423 PADMANABAN, GOVINDARAJ A 20847 GARDEN GATE DR CUPERTINO CA 95014-180720847GARDEN GATE DR 326-30-0484 ZHAI, JLANJUN AND WEI , LI 11566 FALLCREEK SPRING CT CUPERTINO CA 95014-511810467GLENCOEDR326-30-1065 WOODWARD, DOUGLAS C TRUSTEE 10450 GLENCOE DR CUPERTINO CA 95014-181610450GLENCOEDR326-30-1396 MULLEN, EVA JO TRUSTEE PO BOX 835 CUPERTINO CA 95015-083522645SAN JUAN RD 342-17-0677 HUNTS, SUSAN E ET AL 10611 SANTA LUCIA RD CUPERTINO CA 95014-393710611SANTA LUCIA RD 342-17-0958 ITEM, WERNER TRUSTEE & ET AL 22670 SAN JUAN RD CUPERTINO CA 95014-3933EL CERRITO RD 342-21-0049 CHAMBERLAIN, JACK T TRUSTEE 655 SKYWAY UNIT 230 SAN CARLOS CA 94070(LAND ONLY)342-45-00110 SAMPATH, NANDAKUMAR AND 23025 VOSS AVE CUPERTINO CA 95014-266123025VOSSAVE342-50-01511 CHAMBERLAIN, JACK T TRUSTEE 655 SKYWAY 230 SAN CARLOS CA 94070VOSSAVE342-50-01912 ALAN ENTERPRISE LLC 1177 CALIFORNIA ST UNIT SAN FRANCISCO CA 9410822540STEVENSBL342-66-00113 ALAN ENTERPRISE LLC 1177 CALIFORNIA ST UNIT SAN FRANCISCO CA 9410822536STEVENSBL342-66-00214 ALAN ENTERPRISE LLC 1177 CALIFORNIA ST UNIT SAN FRANCISCO CA 9410822532STEVENSBL342-66-00315 ALAN ENTERPRISE LLC 1177 CALIFORNIA ST UNIT SAN FRANCISCO CA 9410822528STEVENSBL342-66-00416 ALAN ENTERPRISE LLC 1177 CALIFORNIA ST UNIT SAN FRANCISCO CA 9410822524STEVENSBL342-66-00517 LI, XUESONG AND TU , YITSEN 21542 REGNART RD CUPERTINO CA 95014-481921542REGNARTRD356-23-04018 THOMAS, TONY G AND MATHEW , 22028 LINDY LN CUPERTINO CA 95014-481122028LINDYLN356-27-00719 HANGGI, EVELYN B TRUSTEE 61145 WARD RD BEND OR 9770222090LINDYLN356-27-02020 DE, KALPAJIT AND MAJUMDER , 22032 LINDY LN CUPERTINO CA 95014-481122032LINDYLN356-27-02521 HSU HUI-CHI AND LAI HSIU-CHEN ET 22400 JANICE AVE CUPERTINO CA 9501422400JANICEAV357-01-05122 MCKERNAN, DANIEL S AND 10164 S FOOTHILL BLVD CUPERTINO CA 95014-260210164FOOTHILLSBLV357-01-09123 HSU, TRACY TRUSTEE 22330 SANTA PAULA AVE CUPERTINO CA 95014-270710209CARMENRD357-02-00124 Page 1Santa Clara County Weed Abatement Program24 records of 104 225 CC 01-22-2025 225 of 303 Situs APN CITY/STATE 2025 WEED ABATEMENT PROGRAM COMMENCEMENT REPORT CITY OF CUPERTINO Exhibit A YEN JOSEPH JENKUN AND LI 10290 MIRA VISTA RD CUPERTINO CA 95014-270510290MIRA VISTA RD 357-02-02425 WATANABE, RYOJI AND LI , LILY C 22284 PALM AVE CUPERTINO CA 95014-270922284PALMAVE357-04-03226 XIE, WEI ET AL 18255 CLEMSON AVE SARATOGA CA 9507010234SCENICBLV357-08-05227 XIE, WEI ET AL 18255 CLEMSON AVE SARATOGA CA 9507010234SCENICBLV357-08-05328 XIE, WEI ET AL 18255 CLEMSON AVE SARATOGA CA 9507010234SCENICBLV357-08-05429 BARTELS PROPERTIES ET AL 865 COTTON ST MENLO PARK CA 94025-561020950STEVENSBL359-07-00630 WU, YUN JUNG AND CHIN-YUN 20985 GARDEN GATE DR CUPERTINO CA 95014-180910476STELLINGSRD359-13-13631 WU, YUN JUNG AND CHIN-YUN 20985 GARDEN GATE DR CUPERTINO CA 95014-180910468STELLINGSRD359-13-13732 TIWARI, ANOOP KUMAR TRUSTEE & 7540 MCCLELLAN RD CUPERTINO CA 95014-29437540MCCLELLANRD359-19-04333 ALPHAMCCLELLAN LLC 97 BOSTON AVE SAN JOSE CA 95128-191120860MCCLELLANRD359-20-03034 UNION PACIFIC CORP 10031 FOOTHILLS BLVD ROSEVILLE CA 95747CRANBERRYDR362-02-04835 UNION PACIFIC CORP 10031 FOOTHILLS BLVD ROSEVILLE CA 95747CRANBERRYDR362-04-05836 UNION PACIFIC CORP 10031 FOOTHILLS BLVD ROSEVILLE CA 95747RAINBOWDR362-09-02637 KRIMSON COAST HOLDINGS LLC 1509 LAURELWOOD SAN JOSE CA 95138-00007898FIESTALN362-15-01238 UNION PACIFIC CORP 10031 FOOTHILLS BLVD ROSEVILLE CA 95747362-16-03739 UNION PACIFIC CORP 10031 FOOTHILLS BLVD ROSEVILLE CA 95747362-19-03340 ALMASI, AZITA TRUSTEE & ET AL 965 LAUREL GLEN DR PALO ALTO CA 94304-1323362-31-03041 UNION PACIFIC CORP 10031 FOOTHILLS BLVD ROSEVILLE CA 95747STELLINGSRD366-09-02842 UNION PACIFIC CORP 10031 FOOTHILLS BLVD ROSEVILLE CA 95747STAUFFERLN366-09-05343 VASAVAKUL, THAVEESINN AND 1258 S STELLING RD CUPERTINO CA 95014-52571258STELLINGSRD366-11-10944 CHELLADURAI, JAYAKUMAR AND 21670 RAINBOW CT CUPERTINO CA 95014-482921670RAINBOWCT366-38-00545 KOLLIPARA, RAVINDRANATH AND 22365 REGNART RD CUPERTINO CA 95014-482422365REGNARTRD366-40-00446 BIGLER, ROBERT A AND PUNITA P 11230 BUBB RD CUPERTINO CA 95014-497922033REGNARTRD366-46-00547 BIGLER, ROBERT A AND PUNITA P 11230 BUBB RD CUPERTINO CA 95014-497922045REGNARTRD366-46-00648 Page 2Santa Clara County Weed Abatement Program48 records of 104 226 CC 01-22-2025 226 of 303 Situs APN CITY/STATE 2025 WEED ABATEMENT PROGRAM COMMENCEMENT REPORT CITY OF CUPERTINO Exhibit A LAMBIE, RICHARD H TRUSTEE 367 S BAYWOOD AVE SAN JOSE CA 9512819990HALLSCT369-04-01749 HU, PING AND WEI 6611 JOHN DR CUPERTINO CA 95014-45626611JOHNDR369-24-02450 KUOK, CHUN FREDERICK 898 BRENT DR CUPERTINO CA 95014-4553898BRENTDR369-24-02551 LEE, TSUNG-EN TRUSTEE & ET AL 701 SENECA ST PALO ALTO CA 94301885BETLINAVE369-27-02852 CHANG, MINGO M AND YOUNG , 10539 S BLANEY AVE CUPERTINO CA 95014-454210539BLANEYSAVE369-33-00153 APRICOT VILLAGE LLC 991 W HEDDING ST SAN JOSE CA 95126-12571071010710 S DE 369-37-02854 LI, YIMIN AND HUANG , YUANYUAN 19361 PHIL LN CUPERTINO CA 95014-342919361PHILLN375-05-02955 WU, HUNGJEN HENRY 10067 S TANTAU AVE CUPERTINO CA 95014-354110067TANTAUSAVE375-07-00756 HSU, TRACY TRUSTEE 22330 SANTA PAULA AVE CUPERTINO CA 95014-270719160COZETTELN375-07-02257 MAHAJAN, HAMENT AND MANJU 10080 S TANTAU AVE CUPERTINO CA 95014-354210080TANTAUSAVE375-07-04258 YANG, YI-NING 10177 JUDY AVE CUPERTINO CA 95014-352210177JUDYAVE375-07-05659 LO, SHIHCHE AND WANG , PEICHEN 19148 LOREE AVE CUPERTINO CA 95014-353919148LOREEAVE375-08-00260 GUY, JOY M TRUSTEE 1174 CANYONWOOD CT APT WALNUT CREEK CA 94595-362910399TANTAUSAVE375-08-02661 10024 BRET LLC 1028 POLK AVE SUNNYVALE CA 94086-744010024BRETAVE375-11-04762 MC GRATH PATRICK W 1184 VALELAKE CT SUNNYVALE CA 94089-203210200STERNAV375-12-00263 WU, BENJAMIN HONG AND 20988 FAIRWOODS CT CUPERTINO CA 95014-420018904ARATAWA375-13-00364 LOK, JAMES S AND JANE F TRUSTEE 3926 KINGRIDGE DR SAN MATEO CA 9440310365MORETTIDR375-14-01165 BHARDWAJ, AMIT AND MANGAL , 10360 MORETTI DR CUPERTINO CA 95014-363910360MORETTIDR375-15-00566 PENTA-LOURDUSAMY, LEEMA J 375 MINUTE ARMS RD UNION NJ 07083-912510464MORETTIDR375-16-04267 XIE, DEPING AND SUN , HUAMIN 18731 BARNHART AVE CUPERTINO CA 95014-380318731BARNHARTAVE375-17-04868 JOHNSON, ALLEN R 1220 TASMAN DR SPC 513 SUNNYVALE CA 9408918755BARNHARTAVE375-17-05169 MC GRATH PATRICK W 1184 VALELAKE CT SUNNYVALE CA 94089-203210361JOHNSONAV375-18-03970 HSU ALLEN K AND CINDY S TRUSTEE 10229 SCENIC BLVD CUPERTINO CA 95014-272410542STERLINGBL375-23-03271 ZHANG, AILI 10460 STERLING BLVD CUPERTINO CA 95014-383210460STERLINGBLV375-23-04172 Page 3Santa Clara County Weed Abatement Program72 records of 104 227 CC 01-22-2025 227 of 303 Situs APN CITY/STATE 2025 WEED ABATEMENT PROGRAM COMMENCEMENT REPORT CITY OF CUPERTINO Exhibit A HAO, STEVE MIN AND SUN , QING 6962 BOLLINGER RD SAN JOSE CA 95129-284710308STERLINGBLV375-24-01773 WANG, HENG-YUAN AND LEE , 18621 RUNO CT CUPERTINO CA 95014-386518621RUNOCT375-25-02374 VASILIEV, OLGA 18730 BARNHART AVE CUPERTINO CA 95014-380418730BARNHARTAVE375-27-00175 CAMPBELL, MICHAEL D P O BOX 5345 SAN JOSE CA 95150-534518781TUGGLEAVE375-27-02576 HALL, MARTHA S 18760 BARNHART AVE CUPERTINO CA 95014-380418760BARNHARTAV375-27-04177 ZHAI, JIANJUN 11566 FALLCREEK SPRING CT CUPERTINO C CA 95014-511810589GASCOIGNEDR375-28-01178 ANANTH, SHARATH AND BHAT , 10624 JOHNSON AVE CUPERTINO CA 95014-381710624JOHNSONAVE375-28-02679 YU, DONALD AND JEWELEEH 10692 GASCOIGNE DR CUPERTINO CA 95014-384610692GASCOIGNEDR375-29-02080 WU, JENNIFER AND LIU , JAMES 10136 ENGLISH OAK WAY CUPERTINO CA 95014-560910750MINETTEDR375-31-03881 CHEN, HUNG JUNG AND LI , MEI YI 10740 MINETTE DR CUPERTINO CA 95014-361510740MINETTEDR375-31-03982 MYOUNG, SOUNG HO AND LEE , EUN 10728 CARVER DR CUPERTINO CA 95014-360910728CARVERDR375-32-01083 MC GRATH PATRICK W 1184 VALELAKE CT SUNNYVALE CA 94089-203210630CARVERDR375-32-02084 YETTAW, JACKIE A AND JERRI L 10616 CARVER DR CUPERTINO CA 95014-360710616CARVERDR375-32-02185 DELA CRUZ, SHERWIN PETER L 18870 TUGGLE AVE CUPERTINO CA 95014-362618870TUGGLEAVE375-32-02486 HONG, GEORGE AND TSE , CINDY 18880 PENDERGAST AVE CUPERTINO CA 95014-362118880PENDERGASTAVE375-33-04487 ORTIZ, ROSA F ET AL 10657 MORENGO DR CUPERTINO CA 95014-351310657MORENGODR375-34-01388 CHANG, SSU-CHIA TRUSTEE & ET AL 10670 MORENGO DR CUPERTINO CA 95014-351410670MORENGODR375-34-05889 THOMPSON, LARRY L AND SHIRLEY 40133 CANYON HEIGHTS DR FREMONT CA 94539-300818830HUNTERWA375-35-00190 KIM, MINKYU AND HEEJUNG 19050 MEIGGS LN CUPERTINO CA 95014-351119050MEIGGSLN375-35-05391 ZHOU, JINING AND GAO , LIKE 19040 MEIGGS LN CUPERTINO CA 95014-351119040MEIGGSLN375-35-05492 JUDOPRASETIJO, AGOES H AND 13953 SHADOW OAKS WAY SARATOGA CA 95070-554110650JOHANSENDR375-36-00893 MC GRATH PATRICK W 1184 VALELAKE CT SUNNYVALE CA 94089-203210627CULBERTSONDR375-36-02794 XU, HU AND WU , LINA 1301 LASSEN AVE MILPITAS CA 95035-640619141MEIGGSLN375-37-00195 QIN, ZUDIAN AND SUN , HAIXIA 10720 S TANTAU AVE CUPERTINO CA 95014-000010720TANTAUSAVE375-37-00296 Page 4Santa Clara County Weed Abatement Program96 records of 104 228 CC 01-22-2025 228 of 303 Situs APN CITY/STATE 2025 WEED ABATEMENT PROGRAM COMMENCEMENT REPORT CITY OF CUPERTINO Exhibit A LIU, XIONG AND GUO , YAQIONG 10524 S TANTAU AVE CUPERTINO CA 95014-000010524TANTAUSAVE375-37-02097 BURTZLAFF, JAMES L PO BOX 464 CUPERTINO CA 95015-046410593JOHANSENDR375-37-05398 YUEN, ALAN K AND CHEUNG , 22277 CRESCENT RD CUPERTINO CA 95014-000010605JOHANSENDR375-37-05599 SHINOHARA, YOSHIKAZU AND 10611 JOHANSEN DR CUPERTINO CA 95014-350810611JOHANSENDR375-37-056100 HUANG, ZERY-KUEN AND YU-MEI 891 S TANTAU AVE CUPERTINO CA 95014-4648891TANTAUSAVE375-38-044101 LIANG, SIDNEY 947 S TANTAU AVE CUPERTINO CA 95014-4601947TANTAUSAVE375-38-051102 JAN, SEAWAY AND HUNG , CHIA YING604 MILLER AVE CUPERTINO CA 95014-4640604MILLERAVE375-42-016103 KEDILAYA, SHASHI AND 605 PHIL CT CUPERTINO CA 95014-4654605PHILCT375-42-017104 Page 5Santa Clara County Weed Abatement Program104 records of 104 229 CC 01-22-2025 229 of 303 230 CC 01-22-2025 230 of 303 231 CC 01-22-2025 231 of 303 (over) TRA 13 Notice to Destroy Weeds NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN that on December 3, 2024 pursuant to the provisions of Section 9.08 of the Cupertino Municipal Code, the City Council passed a resolution declaring that all weeds growing upon any private property or in any public street or alley, as defined in Section 9.08.010 of the Cupertino Municipal Code constitute a public nuisance, which nuisance must be abated by the destruction or removal thereof. NOTICE IS FURTHER GIVEN that property owners shall without delay, remove all such weeds from their property and the abutting half of the street in front and alleys, if any, behind such property and between the lot lines thereof as extended, or such weeds will be destroyed or removed and such nuisance abated by the County Consumer and Environmental Protection Agency, in which case the cost of such destruction or removal will, including but not limited to administration costs, be assessed upon the lots and lands from which, or from the front or rear of which, such weeds shall have been destroyed or removed and such cost will constitute a lien upon such lots or lands until paid and will be collected upon the next tax roll upon which general municipal taxes are collected. All property owners having any objections to the proposed destruction or removal of such weeds are hereby notified to attend a meeting of said City to be held in the Council Chambers of City Hall, located at 10300 Torre Ave., Cupertino, California, on Wednesday, January 22, 2025 at 6:45 p.m., or as soon thereafter as the matter can be heard, when their objections will be heard and given due consideration. The language and format for this notice is required by California Health and Safety Code Sections 14891 Et. Seq. 232 CC 01-22-2025 232 of 303 (over) CITY OF CUPERTINO WEED ABATEMENT PROGRAM SCHEDULE January 22, 2025 Public hearing to consider objections to Abatement List. April 30, 2025 PARCEL ABATEMENT DEADLINE Parcel must be free from hazardous vegetation by this date or Inspector will order abatement. July/August 2025 Assessment Hearing date to be scheduled by City Council. 2025 COUNTY WEED ABATEMENT FEES Properties in the Weed Abatement Program, you will be responsible for an annual inspection fee of $105.00 per parcel. Please be advised that the property owner of any parcel found to be non-compliant on or after the April 30th deadline will be charged a processing fee of $597.00 and the property will be scheduled for abatement by the County contractor. If you complete the abatement work before the County contractor performs the abatement, you will not incur further charges. Should the abatement work be performed by a County contractor, you will be assessed the contractor’s charges plus a County administrative fee of $961.00 per parcel. For those parcels requiring a warrant a fee of $1,323.00 per parcel will be assessed. 2025 COUNTY CONTRACTOR’S WEED ABATEMENT PRICE LIST A) Disc Work** PARCEL SIZE: 1st Disc + 2nd Disc = Total Discs 0-12,500 sq.ft. $TBD $ TBD $ TBD 12,501sq.ft.- 43,560sq.ft. $ TBD $ TBD $ TBD Larger than 1 Acre $ TBD $ TBD $ TBD (PER ACRE) ** It is required that parcels be disced twice a year. The cost for the first discing is higher due to additional work normally required during the first discing. B) HANDWORK $ TBD PER 100 Square Feet (SF) C) FLAIL 6 Foot Mower $ TBD PER 1,000 SF MOWING 12 Foot Mower $ TBD PER 1,000 SF D) LOADER WORK $ TBD PER HOUR E) DUMP TRUCK $ TBD PER HOUR F) BRUSH WORK $ TBD PER 100 SF G) DEBRIS REMOVAL $ TBD PER HOUR H) DUMP FEE 100% Added to orders with debris removal at 100% of the dump site charge. *Please note this program does not offer herbicide application as a method of abatement. 233 CC 01-22-2025 233 of 303 234 CC 01-22-2025 234 of 303 Fire safety is essential to protect lives, preserve property, ensure the well-being of our communities, and minimize the environmental impact. Implementing fire safety measures by removing fire hazards from your parcel is a proactive way to reduce the risk of injury, death, and extensive damage caused by fires. Effective prevention and preparedness measures not only save lives but also safeguard our environment and reduce economic losses. Maintaining proper clearance requirements is a shared responsibility. The Santa Clara County Consumer and Environmental Protection Agency - Weed Abatement Program (WAP) and your city are working together to protect your community from fire. We work with all County cities except Saratoga, Mountain View and Sunnyvale. Fees will be assessed for any property in the program and cover the cost of the compliance inspection for the property. Properties that fail the compliance inspection will be charged a failed inspection fee, even if the resident completes the weed abatement. If the property requires abatement by the County contractor, the property owner will be responsible for the actual cost of abatement plus an administrative fee. Properties that meet and maintain the minimum fire safety standards will only be charged the annual fee. The following is a partial list of fire resistant plants that you may choose to use around your home to reduce the risk of fire. Contact your local nursery for selections appropriate to your area. All grasses, including those purportedly fire resistant, must be maintained below 6” in height. Trees: African Sumac California Pepper Weed Abatement Program Groundcover: Aaron’s Bear Australian Daisy Candytuft Sterile Capeweed Freeway Daisy Rock Rose (except Gum Variety) Q. Why have I received an Abatement Notice? A. A Weed Abatement Inspector identified a potential fire hazard on your property during fire season. Fire Departments and other agencies also submit complaints to the Weed Abatement Program. Q. What is required of me now that I am in the program? A. You are required to keep your property free of fire hazards throughout the year. Q. How long will I be in the program? A. Your property will remain on the program for three consecutive years. If no hazards are found during that time, your property may be removed from the program. Q. What do I do if there are Burrowing Owls on my property? A. These owls are listed as a state Species of Special concern and are protected by the federal Migratory Bird Act. To abate your property, you must use a form of weed abatement that does not endanger the birds (mowing or weed eating). Q. Where can I find more information? A. We can help! Call us at 408-282-3145, send us an email at scc.weedabatement@cep.sccgov.org, or check out our website at weedabatement.santaclaracounty.gov. There you can find more information about the Minimum Fire Safety Standards, as well as answers to many frequently asked questions. Our Goal is Voluntary Compliance Shrubs Bearberry Carmel Creeper Carolina Cherry Catalina Cherry Escallonia Hopseed Bush Lemonade Berry African Sumac Freeway Daisy Escallonia Fire Resistant Landscape FAQs 235 CC 01-22-2025 235 of 303 Parcels one acre or less shall be completely abated. Parcels over one acre up to five acres require 30-foot clearance around structures and perimeter property lines. Additional 30-foot cross fuel breaks may also be required. Parcels larger than five acres require 30-foot clearance around structures and perimeter property lines in addition to 30-foot cross fuel breaks as needed to separate the remaining vegetation into sections no larger than five acres. Weed Abatement A Program of the Consumer and Environmental Protection Agency (CEPA) Scan the QR code to learn more about the Minimum Fire Safety Standards 408-282-3145 scc.weedabatement@cep.sccgov.org weedabatement.santaclaracounty.gov Weed Abatement Program Minimum Fire Safety Standards 236 CC 01-22-2025 236 of 303 2025 Return Reply Form IMPORTANT:Please complete this form and mail back to the Weed Abatement Program within 15 days of receipt of this notice.Thank you. 03TRA: 14823 LGB LLC Parcel Number Site Address 14823 LGB LLC 2600 EL CAMINO REAL STE 410 PALO ALTO CA 94306-1719 Please check the box that applies for each parcel (see explanations below): ABC *424-07-065* 424-07-065 14823 LOS GATOS LOS GATOS Date Day time phoneName (please print)Signature A B C I am no longer the owner of this property, and the new owner information is listed below. Please return Reply Form immediately. I intend to maintain this parcel in a manner consistent with the Minimum Fire Safety Standards from April 15, 2025 through the end of the fire season (typically runs through October). All parcels on the abatement list remain subject to inspection and fee to ascertain compliance. Non-compliance by the deadline will result in an Inspection fee and the abatement of weeds by the County contractor and the resulting charges added to the property tax. I request that the County Contractor perform weed abatement work on this parcel. Charges for this work will be added to my property tax bill.(All County fees Apply) ( ) Please provide any additional information such as new owners, presence of piping, irrigation, crops or other improvement. If your property is fenced/locked, please provide instructions on how to enter the property. If you are no longer the owner of the property identified by this mailing, please notify the County immediately. If you sell your property after December 1st ,2024, it is your responsibility to notify the new owner and to include the obligation to pay any abatement costs in your agreement of sale. Without taking this action, you will be liable for all hazard abatement charges assessed to the property. Thank you Please check if you feel this parcel is environmentaly sensitive SAMPLE 237 CC 01-22-2025 237 of 303 January 9, 2025 Re: Weed Abatement Season Commencement - January 22, 2025 Public Hearing for Nuisance Declaration and Abatement Order Dear Property Owner, You are receiving this letter, because your property is currently listed on the Weed Abatement Program inspection list pursuant to Section 9.08 of the Cupertino Municipal Code. On Wednesday, January 22, 2025, the Cupertino City Council will hold a public hearing to consider declaring properties on the list as having potential fire hazards from weeds or other combustible debris a public nuisance and authorizing the Santa Clara County Department of Agriculture to abate the nuisance or remove hazardous vegetation following the abatement deadline specified below. Property owners may raise objections to the declaration by writing to the City Council in advance of the meeting or speaking during the meeting. The Council meets at 6:45 p.m., in the Community Hall Council Chamber, 10350 Torre Avenue, Cupertino, CA 95014 and via teleconference. Details on how to attend the meeting will appear on the City Council Agenda for that date. About the Weed Abatement Program The Santa Clara County Department of Agriculture and Environmental Management and the City of Cupertino are working together to prevent fire hazards posed by vegetative growth and accumulation of combustible materials. All properties in Cupertino are subject to the requirements of the Weed Abatement Program. Property owners are required to keep their property free of fire hazards—such as weeds— throughout the year. However, the Minimum Fire Safety Standards (MFSS) are required to be met each year by April 30 and then maintained throughout the year. Please see the reverse side of this page for the complete MFSS guidelines. Effective November 21, 2023, all parcels in the Weed Abatement Program will be subject to a county inspection fee of $105.00. If a property is non-compliant after the April 30 abatement deadline, a contractor hired by the County Department of Agriculture will perform the necessary work to bring properties into compliance with the Weed Abatement Program requirements. The property owner will pay a fee equal to the 238 CC 01-22-2025 238 of 303 contractor’s charges and a county administrative fee, in addition to the County inspection fee. All fees will be included in the property tax bill. WEED ABATEMENT PROGRAM STANDARDS The clearance requirements for the Weed Abatement program are referred to as the Minimum Fire Safety Standards (MFSS). Minimum Fire Safety Standards (MFSS) 1. Vegetation must not exceed 6 inches in height any time after the compliance deadline 2. Maintain grasses and weeds below six (6) inches for ten feet horizontally on both sides of all roadways, including driveways and all access routes. 3. Clear flammable vegetation a minimum of thirty feet around any structure, occupied or not. Ornamental vegetation should be kept clear of dead material. Some conditions, such as slopes, may require up to 100 feet of clearance. 4. Parcels up to one acre shall be completely abated. Parcels one to five acres require 30-foot clearance around structures and perimeter property lines. Additional 30- foot cross fuel breaks may also be required. 5. Parcels larger than five acres require 30-foot clearance around structure and perimeter property lines in addition to 30-foot cross breaks as needed to separate the remaining vegetation into sections no larger than five acres. 6. Keep property clear of accumulation of combustible debris, such as trash, wood, and dead vegetation. Stacked firewood and neatly piled yard waste is not considered to be combustible debris. 7. Keep vegetation cleared from under the eaves of houses. 8. Trim tree branches to at least 10 feet from the structure and chimney. 9. Clear leaves, pine needles, and debris from roof and gutters. If the compliance work identified for your property involves brush or weed removal, you may request the services of the approved County of Santa Clara abatement contractor. If you are interested in this service, please call the Hazardous Vegetation Service line at (408) 282-3145 to request more information and/or to schedule an inspection appointment for a cost estimate. If you have any questions about the information on this notice, please contact the Santa Clara County Department of Agriculture, Hazardous Vegetation Management Program at (408) 918-4600. Sincerely, Lauren Sapudar Deputy City Clerk 239 CC 01-22-2025 239 of 303 RESOLUTION NO. 24-111 A RESOLUTION OF THE CUPERTINO CITY COUNCIL DECLARING WEEDS ON CERTAIN DESCRIBED PROPERTY TO BE A POTENTIAL FIRE HAZARD OR OTHER POTENTIAL NUISANCES AND SETTING A HEARING TO DECLARE PUBLIC NUISANCE AND FOR OBJECTIONS TO PROPOSED REMOVAL WHEREAS, weeds as described in Chapter 9.08 of the Cupertino Municipal Code are growing in the City of Cupertino upon certain streets, sidewalks, highways, roads and private property; and WHEREAS, said weeds are undesirable, noxious, and dangerous and/or due to their rapid growth are or may become a fire menace; as such, said weeds constitute a potential public nuisance under state law and Chapter 9.08 of the Cupertino Municipal Code; and WHEREAS, property owners and other persons occupying or having charge or control of any building, lot, or premises within the City are required to remove weeds in accordance with the provisions of Chapter 9.08 of the Cupertino Municipal Code; NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED by the City Council of the City of Cupertino as follows: 1. Weeds growing upon any private property or in any street or alley within the City in violation of Cupertino Municipal Code, Chapter 9.08 constitute a public nuisance; 2. The weeds found on the streets, sidewalks, highways, roads and private property, which properties are identified by common names or by reference to the tract, block, lot, code area, and parcel number on the report prepared by the County Agricultural Commissioner and attached hereto as Exhibit A, are declared as having potential fire hazards or other potential nuisances due to weeds that are noxious, dangerous, or pose health risks; 3. That the 22nd day of January, 2025, at the hour of 6:45 p.m., or as soon thereafter as the matter can be heard, in the Council Chamber in the Community Hall, City of Cupertino and via teleconference, with details on 240 CC 01-22-2025 240 of 303 Resolution No. 24-111 Page 2 how to attend the meeting appearing on the City Council agenda for that date, are hereby set as the time and place to determine whether the condition is a public nuisance and where all property owners having any objections to the proposed removal of such weeds may be heard; 4.That the Agricultural Commissioner is hereby designated and ordered to give notice of the adoption of this resolution, in the manner and form provided in Chapter 9.08 of the Cupertino Municipal Code. PASSED AND ADOPTED at a regular meeting of the City Council of the City of Cupertino this 3rd day of December 2024 by the following vote: Members of the City Council AYES: Mohan, Fruen, Chao, Moore NOES: None ABSENT: Wei ABSTAIN: None SIGNED: Sheila Mohan, Mayor City of Cupertino Date ATTEST: Kirsten Squarcia, City Clerk Date 12/11/2024 12/11/2024 241 CC 01-22-2025 241 of 303 2025 WEED ABATEMENT PROGRAM COMMENCEMENT REPORT CITY OF CUPERTINO Exhibit A Situs APN CITY/STATE 24 records of 104 Santa Clara County Weed Abatement Program Page 1 1 10213 MINER PL 316-26-065 CHIANG ALEX H AND ANNE 10213 MINER PL CUPERTINO CA 95014-2201 2 21001 HAZELBROOK DR 326-28-095 JAGANATHAN, RAMESH AND 21001 HAZELBROOK DR CUPERTINO CA 95014-1628 3 10301 BEARDON DR 326-30-042 CHEN, WENHAU HORUS TRUSTEE & 20711 FARGO DR CUPERTINO CA 95014-1903 4 20847 GARDEN GATE DR 326-30-048 PADMANABAN, GOVINDARAJ A 20847 GARDEN GATE DR CUPERTINO CA 95014-1807 5 10467 GLENCOE DR 326-30-106 ZHAI, JLANJUN AND WEI , LI 11566 FALLCREEK SPRING CT CUPERTINO CA 95014-5118 6 10450 GLENCOE DR 326-30-139 WOODWARD, DOUGLAS C TRUSTEE 10450 GLENCOE DR CUPERTINO CA 95014-1816 7 22645 SAN JUAN RD 342-17-067 MULLEN, EVA JO TRUSTEE PO BOX 835 CUPERTINO CA 95015-0835 8 10611 SANTA LUCIA RD 342-17-095 HUNTS, SUSAN E ET AL 10611 SANTA LUCIA RD CUPERTINO CA 95014-3937 9 EL CERRITO RD 342-21-004 ITEM, WERNER TRUSTEE & ET AL 22670 SAN JUAN RD CUPERTINO CA 95014-3933 10 (LAND ONLY) 342-45-001 CHAMBERLAIN, JACK T TRUSTEE 655 SKYWAY UNIT 230 SAN CARLOS CA 94070 11 23025 VOSS AVE 342-50-015 SAMPATH, NANDAKUMAR AND 23025 VOSS AVE CUPERTINO CA 95014-2661 12 VOSS AVE 342-50-019 CHAMBERLAIN, JACK T TRUSTEE 655 SKYWAY 230 SAN CARLOS CA 94070 13 22540 STEVENS BL 342-66-001 ALAN ENTERPRISE LLC 1177 CALIFORNIA ST UNIT SAN FRANCISCO CA 94108 14 22536 STEVENS BL 342-66-002 ALAN ENTERPRISE LLC 1177 CALIFORNIA ST UNIT SAN FRANCISCO CA 94108 15 22532 STEVENS BL 342-66-003 ALAN ENTERPRISE LLC 1177 CALIFORNIA ST UNIT SAN FRANCISCO CA 94108 16 22528 STEVENS BL 342-66-004 ALAN ENTERPRISE LLC 1177 CALIFORNIA ST UNIT SAN FRANCISCO CA 94108 17 22524 STEVENS BL 342-66-005 ALAN ENTERPRISE LLC 1177 CALIFORNIA ST UNIT SAN FRANCISCO CA 94108 18 21542 REGNART RD 356-23-040 LI, XUESONG AND TU , YITSEN 21542 REGNART RD CUPERTINO CA 95014-4819 19 22028 LINDY LN 356-27-007 THOMAS, TONY G AND MATHEW , 22028 LINDY LN CUPERTINO CA 95014-4811 20 22090 LINDY LN 356-27-020 HANGGI, EVELYN B TRUSTEE 61145 WARD RD BEND OR 97702 21 22032 LINDY LN 356-27-025 DE, KALPAJIT AND MAJUMDER , 22032 LINDY LN CUPERTINO CA 95014-4811 22 22400 JANICE AV 357-01-051 HSU HUI-CHI AND LAI HSIU-CHEN ET 22400 JANICE AVE CUPERTINO CA 95014 23 10164 S FOOTHILL BLV 357-01-091 MCKERNAN, DANIEL S AND 10164 S FOOTHILL BLVD CUPERTINO CA 95014-2602 24 10209 CARMEN RD 357-02-001 HSU, TRACY TRUSTEE 22330 SANTA PAULA AVE CUPERTINO CA 95014-2707 242 CC 01-22-2025 242 of 303 2025 WEED ABATEMENT PROGRAM COMMENCEMENT REPORT CITY OF CUPERTINO Exhibit A Situs APN CITY/STATE 24 records of 104 Santa Clara County Weed Abatement Program Page 2 25 10290 MIRA VISTA RD 357-02-024 YEN JOSEPH JENKUN AND LI 10290 MIRA VISTA RD CUPERTINO CA 95014-2705 26 22284 PALM AVE 357-04-032 WATANABE, RYOJI AND LI , LILY C 22284 PALM AVE CUPERTINO CA 95014-2709 27 10234 SCENIC BLV 357-08-052 XIE, WEI ET AL 18255 CLEMSON AVE SARATOGA CA 95070 28 10234 SCENIC BLV 357-08-053 XIE, WEI ET AL 18255 CLEMSON AVE SARATOGA CA 95070 29 10234 SCENIC BLV 357-08-054 XIE, WEI ET AL 18255 CLEMSON AVE SARATOGA CA 95070 30 20950 STEVENS BL 359-07-006 BARTELS PROPERTIES ET AL 865 COTTON ST MENLO PARK CA 94025-5610 31 10476 S STELLING RD 359-13-136 WU, YUN JUNG AND CHIN-YUN 20985 GARDEN GATE DR CUPERTINO CA 95014-1809 32 10468 S STELLING RD 359-13-137 WU, YUN JUNG AND CHIN-YUN 20985 GARDEN GATE DR CUPERTINO CA 95014-1809 33 7540 MCCLELLAN RD 359-19-043 TIWARI, ANOOP KUMAR TRUSTEE & 7540 MCCLELLAN RD CUPERTINO CA 95014-2943 34 20860 MCCLELLAN RD 359-20-030 ALPHAMCCLELLAN LLC 97 BOSTON AVE SAN JOSE CA 95128-1911 35 CRANBERRY DR 362-02-048 UNION PACIFIC CORP 10031 FOOTHILLS BLVD ROSEVILLE CA 95747 36 CRANBERRY DR 362-04-058 UNION PACIFIC CORP 10031 FOOTHILLS BLVD ROSEVILLE CA 95747 37 RAINBOW DR 362-09-026 UNION PACIFIC CORP 10031 FOOTHILLS BLVD ROSEVILLE CA 95747 38 7898 FIESTA LN 362-15-012 KRIMSON COAST HOLDINGS LLC 1509 LAURELWOOD SAN JOSE CA 95138-0000 39 362-16-037 UNION PACIFIC CORP 10031 FOOTHILLS BLVD ROSEVILLE CA 95747 40 362-19-033 UNION PACIFIC CORP 10031 FOOTHILLS BLVD ROSEVILLE CA 95747 41 362-31-030 ALMASI, AZITA TRUSTEE & ET AL 965 LAUREL GLEN DR PALO ALTO CA 94304-1323 42 S STELLING RD 366-09-028 UNION PACIFIC CORP 10031 FOOTHILLS BLVD ROSEVILLE CA 95747 43 STAUFFER LN 366-09-053 UNION PACIFIC CORP 10031 FOOTHILLS BLVD ROSEVILLE CA 95747 44 1258 S STELLING RD 366-11-109 VASAVAKUL, THAVEESINN AND 1258 S STELLING RD CUPERTINO CA 95014-5257 45 21670 RAINBOW CT 366-38-005 CHELLADURAI, JAYAKUMAR AND 21670 RAINBOW CT CUPERTINO CA 95014-4829 46 22365 REGNART RD 366-40-004 KOLLIPARA, RAVINDRANATH AND 22365 REGNART RD CUPERTINO CA 95014-4824 47 22033 REGNART RD 366-46-005 BIGLER, ROBERT A AND PUNITA P 11230 BUBB RD CUPERTINO CA 95014-4979 48 22045 REGNART RD 366-46-006 BIGLER, ROBERT A AND PUNITA P 11230 BUBB RD CUPERTINO CA 95014-4979 243 CC 01-22-2025 243 of 303 2025 WEED ABATEMENT PROGRAM COMMENCEMENT REPORT CITY OF CUPERTINO Exhibit A Situs APN CITY/STATE 72 records of 104 Santa Clara County Weed Abatement Program Page 3 49 19990 S HALL CT 369-04-017 LAMBIE, RICHARD H TRUSTEE 367 S BAYWOOD AVE SAN JOSE CA 95128 50 6611 JOHN DR 369-24-024 HU, PING AND WEI 6611 JOHN DR CUPERTINO CA 95014-4562 51 898 BRENT DR 369-24-025 KUOK, CHUN FREDERICK 898 BRENT DR CUPERTINO CA 95014-4553 52 885 BETLIN AVE 369-27-028 LEE, TSUNG-EN TRUSTEE & ET AL 701 SENECA ST PALO ALTO CA 94301 53 10539 S BLANEY AVE 369-33-001 CHANG, MINGO M AND YOUNG , 10539 S BLANEY AVE CUPERTINO CA 95014-4542 54 10710 10710 S DE 369-37-028 APRICOT VILLAGE LLC 991 W HEDDING ST SAN JOSE CA 95126-1257 55 19361 PHIL LN 375-05-029 LI, YIMIN AND HUANG , YUANYUAN 19361 PHIL LN CUPERTINO CA 95014-3429 56 10067 S TANTAU AVE 375-07-007 WU, HUNGJEN HENRY 10067 S TANTAU AVE CUPERTINO CA 95014-3541 57 19160 COZETTE LN 375-07-022 HSU, TRACY TRUSTEE 22330 SANTA PAULA AVE CUPERTINO CA 95014-2707 58 10080 S TANTAU AVE 375-07-042 MAHAJAN, HAMENT AND MANJU 10080 S TANTAU AVE CUPERTINO CA 95014-3542 59 10177 JUDY AVE 375-07-056 YANG, YI-NING 10177 JUDY AVE CUPERTINO CA 95014-3522 60 19148 LOREE AVE 375-08-002 LO, SHIHCHE AND WANG , PEICHEN 19148 LOREE AVE CUPERTINO CA 95014-3539 61 10399 S TANTAU AVE 375-08-026 GUY, JOY M TRUSTEE 1174 CANYONWOOD CT APT WALNUT CREEK CA 94595-3629 62 10024 BRET AVE 375-11-047 10024 BRET LLC 1028 POLK AVE SUNNYVALE CA 94086-7440 63 10200 STERN AV 375-12-002 MC GRATH PATRICK W 1184 VALELAKE CT SUNNYVALE CA 94089-2032 64 18904 ARATA WA 375-13-003 WU, BENJAMIN HONG AND 20988 FAIRWOODS CT CUPERTINO CA 95014-4200 65 10365 MORETTI DR 375-14-011 LOK, JAMES S AND JANE F TRUSTEE 3926 KINGRIDGE DR SAN MATEO CA 94403 66 10360 MORETTI DR 375-15-005 BHARDWAJ, AMIT AND MANGAL , 10360 MORETTI DR CUPERTINO CA 95014-3639 67 10464 MORETTI DR 375-16-042 PENTA-LOURDUSAMY, LEEMA J 375 MINUTE ARMS RD UNION NJ 07083-9125 68 18731 BARNHART AVE 375-17-048 XIE, DEPING AND SUN , HUAMIN 18731 BARNHART AVE CUPERTINO CA 95014-3803 69 18755 BARNHART AVE 375-17-051 JOHNSON, ALLEN R 1220 TASMAN DR SPC 513 SUNNYVALE CA 94089 70 10361 JOHNSON AV 375-18-039 MC GRATH PATRICK W 1184 VALELAKE CT SUNNYVALE CA 94089-2032 71 10542 STERLING BL 375-23-032 HSU ALLEN K AND CINDY S TRUSTEE 10229 SCENIC BLVD CUPERTINO CA 95014-2724 72 10460 STERLING BLV 375-23-041 ZHANG, AILI 10460 STERLING BLVD CUPERTINO CA 95014-3832 244 CC 01-22-2025 244 of 303 2025 WEED ABATEMENT PROGRAM COMMENCEMENT REPORT CITY OF CUPERTINO Exhibit A Situs APN CITY/STATE 72 records of 104 Santa Clara County Weed Abatement Program Page 4 73 10308 STERLING BLV 375-24-017 HAO, STEVE MIN AND SUN , QING 6962 BOLLINGER RD SAN JOSE CA 95129-2847 74 18621 RUNO CT 375-25-023 WANG, HENG-YUAN AND LEE , 18621 RUNO CT CUPERTINO CA 95014-3865 75 18730 BARNHART AVE 375-27-001 VASILIEV, OLGA 18730 BARNHART AVE CUPERTINO CA 95014-3804 76 18781 TUGGLE AVE 375-27-025 CAMPBELL, MICHAEL D P O BOX 5345 SAN JOSE CA 95150-5345 77 18760 BARNHART AV 375-27-041 HALL, MARTHA S 18760 BARNHART AVE CUPERTINO CA 95014-3804 78 10589 GASCOIGNE DR 375-28-011 ZHAI, JIANJUN 11566 FALLCREEK SPRING CT CUPERTINO C CA 95014-5118 79 10624 JOHNSON AVE 375-28-026 ANANTH, SHARATH AND BHAT , 10624 JOHNSON AVE CUPERTINO CA 95014-3817 80 10692 GASCOIGNE DR 375-29-020 YU, DONALD AND JEWELEEH 10692 GASCOIGNE DR CUPERTINO CA 95014-3846 81 10750 MINETTE DR 375-31-038 WU, JENNIFER AND LIU , JAMES 10136 ENGLISH OAK WAY CUPERTINO CA 95014-5609 82 10740 MINETTE DR 375-31-039 CHEN, HUNG JUNG AND LI , MEI YI 10740 MINETTE DR CUPERTINO CA 95014-3615 83 10728 CARVER DR 375-32-010 MYOUNG, SOUNG HO AND LEE , EUN 10728 CARVER DR CUPERTINO CA 95014-3609 84 10630 CARVER DR 375-32-020 MC GRATH PATRICK W 1184 VALELAKE CT SUNNYVALE CA 94089-2032 85 10616 CARVER DR 375-32-021 YETTAW, JACKIE A AND JERRI L 10616 CARVER DR CUPERTINO CA 95014-3607 86 18870 TUGGLE AVE 375-32-024 DELA CRUZ, SHERWIN PETER L 18870 TUGGLE AVE CUPERTINO CA 95014-3626 87 18880 PENDERGAST AVE 375-33-044 HONG, GEORGE AND TSE , CINDY 18880 PENDERGAST AVE CUPERTINO CA 95014-3621 88 10657 MORENGO DR 375-34-013 ORTIZ, ROSA F ET AL 10657 MORENGO DR CUPERTINO CA 95014-3513 89 10670 MORENGO DR 375-34-058 CHANG, SSU-CHIA TRUSTEE & ET AL 10670 MORENGO DR CUPERTINO CA 95014-3514 90 18830 HUNTER WA 375-35-001 THOMPSON, LARRY L AND SHIRLEY 40133 CANYON HEIGHTS DR FREMONT CA 94539-3008 91 19050 MEIGGS LN 375-35-053 KIM, MINKYU AND HEEJUNG 19050 MEIGGS LN CUPERTINO CA 95014-3511 92 19040 MEIGGS LN 375-35-054 ZHOU, JINING AND GAO , LIKE 19040 MEIGGS LN CUPERTINO CA 95014-3511 93 10650 JOHANSEN DR 375-36-008 JUDOPRASETIJO, AGOES H AND 13953 SHADOW OAKS WAY SARATOGA CA 95070-5541 94 10627 CULBERTSON DR 375-36-027 MC GRATH PATRICK W 1184 VALELAKE CT SUNNYVALE CA 94089-2032 95 19141 MEIGGS LN 375-37-001 XU, HU AND WU , LINA 1301 LASSEN AVE MILPITAS CA 95035-6406 96 10720 S TANTAU AVE 375-37-002 QIN, ZUDIAN AND SUN , HAIXIA 10720 S TANTAU AVE CUPERTINO CA 95014-0000 245 CC 01-22-2025 245 of 303 2025 WEED ABATEMENT PROGRAM COMMENCEMENT REPORT CITY OF CUPERTINO Exhibit A Situs APN CITY/STATE 104 records of 104 Santa Clara County Weed Abatement Program Page 5 97 10524 S TANTAU AVE 375-37-020 LIU, XIONG AND GUO , YAQIONG 10524 S TANTAU AVE CUPERTINO CA 95014-0000 98 10593 JOHANSEN DR 375-37-053 BURTZLAFF, JAMES L PO BOX 464 CUPERTINO CA 95015-0464 99 10605 JOHANSEN DR 375-37-055 YUEN, ALAN K AND CHEUNG , 22277 CRESCENT RD CUPERTINO CA 95014-0000 100 10611 JOHANSEN DR 375-37-056 SHINOHARA, YOSHIKAZU AND 10611 JOHANSEN DR CUPERTINO CA 95014-3508 101 891 S TANTAU AVE 375-38-044 HUANG, ZERY-KUEN AND YU-MEI 891 S TANTAU AVE CUPERTINO CA 95014-4648 102 947 S TANTAU AVE 375-38-051 LIANG, SIDNEY 947 S TANTAU AVE CUPERTINO CA 95014-4601 103 604 MILLER AVE 375-42-016 JAN, SEAWAY AND HUNG , CHIA YING604 MILLER AVE CUPERTINO CA 95014-4640 104 605 PHIL CT 375-42-017 KEDILAYA, SHASHI AND 605 PHIL CT CUPERTINO CA 95014-4654 246 CC 01-22-2025 246 of 303 CITY OF CUPERTINO Agenda Item 24-13439 Agenda Date: 1/22/2025 Agenda #: 11. Subject:Future agenda items requested by City Councilmembers (“TBD List”). 1. Review the TBD list and adopt the staff recommendations for items 5-11 2. Provide direction for items 1-4 and 12-15. CITY OF CUPERTINO Printed on 1/16/2025Page 1 of 1 powered by Legistar™247 CC 01-22-2025 247 of 303 1 CITY COUNCIL STAFF REPORT Meeting: January 22, 2025 Subject Future agenda items requested by City Councilmembers (“TBD List”). Recommended Action 1. Review the TBD list and adopt the staff recommendations for items 5-11 2. Provide direction for items 1-4 and 12-16. Reasons for Recommendation As required per the Council’s adopted Procedures Manual, the City Manager provides a quarterly report to Council regarding the status of future agenda items. These are items that at least two Councilmembers have requested to be added to a future City Council agenda. Background On September 17, 2024, staff presented a list of 14 TBD items for Council consideration. Council voted on the next steps for each of the 14 items (described in Attachment A) and added one item to the future list. Since September 17, Council has added nine additional items to the TBD List for consideration. This list is included as Attachment B with staff recommendations for items 5-11. Staff is seeking Council direction for items 1-4 and 12- 16. A majority vote of the City Council can either agendize an item for discussion at a future date or remove an item from the list, as outlined in the Council Procedures Manual. Sustainability Impact No sustainability impact. Fiscal Impact No fiscal impact. California Environmental Quality Act Not applicable. 248 CC 01-22-2025 248 of 303 2 City Work Program Item/Description No/N/A Council Goal N/A _____________________________________ Prepared by: Astrid Robles, Senior Management Analyst Reviewed by: Tina Kapoor, Interim Assistant City Manager Christopher D. Jensen, City Attorney Approved for Submission by: Pamela Wu, City Manager Attachments: A – TBD List from September 2024 with Adopted Motion B – TBD List as of January 2025 249 CC 01-22-2025 249 of 303 Attachment A – To Be Determined (TBD) List from September 2024 with Adopted Motion # Requested Item Requestor/ Seconder Date Requested Recommendation Motion 1 Review the City’s financial policy and best practices Requestor: Moore Seconder: Chao Retained from June per Council direction At 3/19/24 and 5/14/24 Council meetings Recommend removing this item. Staff provided an informational memorandum on August 29, which referenced a supplemental memo (Attachment B) from Chandler Asset Management where consultant recommended no changes to the City’s investment policy are recommended at this time. A review of the City’s Financial policies and best practices will be presented to the Council in Fall as part of Moss Adams Audit Validation Process. Council consolidated this item with #13 and will be considered for the City Work Program 2 Study session on banning artificial turf given the environmental concerns Requestor: Moore Seconder: Chao Retained from June per Council direction At 3/19/24 Council meeting Recommend removing this item. Staff provided an informational memorandum to Council on artificial turf on August 29. Recent developments from the City of Sunnyvale and Santa Clara County found that more studies are needed before a decision can be made on this topic. Staff will continue to monitor and provide updates as necessary. Council approved to remove this item from the TBD List 1 250 CC 01-22-2025 250 of 303 Attachment A – To Be Determined (TBD) List from September 2024 with Adopted Motion # Requested Item Requestor/ Seconder Date Requested Recommendation Motion 3 A future agenda item to consider a community meeting requirement for any project requiring a general plan amendment, so when it comes to the Planning Commission or City Council, there is community input on the amendment. Requestor: Chao Seconder: Wei At 7/2/24 Council meeting Recommend removing this item. Staff recommends Council proposes this item as a future City Work Program item. Council approved to remove this item from the TBD list and will be considered for the City Work Program 4 Report to Council a cost comparison of leasing vs. buying office property in Cupertino for a lease length of time of 2 years (in the event that plans for remodel and retrofit are drawn up and executed, staff leases an unremodeled building for 2 years and returns) or 7 years (in the event that a purchased office building requires $5M in remodel costs which takes one year to complete, and City Hall relocates to it for 6 years, sells the building in a flat office market and returns). Both of these scenarios would assume City Hall is remodeled at $27M. Requestor: Moore Seconder: Chao 6/28/24 added by email A study session for this item is tentatively scheduled to come to Council in October 2024. Afterwards, this item will be removed from the TBD list. This item has not yet been agendized and is still on the TBD list. 2 251 CC 01-22-2025 251 of 303 Attachment A – To Be Determined (TBD) List from September 2024 with Adopted Motion # Requested Item Requestor/ Seconder Date Requested Recommendation Motion 5 Draft a policy regarding disclosure to the public of remodeling costs of buildings the Council is considering purchase of in open session. This policy would ensure that the public will not be surprised to find a negotiated arrangement to provide a Council-designated property negotiator more than the delegation of authority to negotiate the cost of the property (meaning Council shall not negotiate remodeling costs or process of determining remodeling amounts in closed session). Requestor: Moore Seconder: Chao 6/28/24 added by email A study session for this item is tentatively scheduled to come to Council in October 2024. Afterwards, this item will be removed from the TBD list. This item has not yet been agendized and is still on the TBD list. 6 Action Item/Study Session with information/proposal on the need for an interim city hall for 6-7 years, rather than one year during the renovation/construction of the current city hall and any update on the private-public partnership that led to such proposal. Requestor: Chao Seconder: Moore 7/1/24 added by email A study session for this item is tentatively scheduled to come to Council in October 2024. Afterwards, this item will be removed from the TBD list. This item has not yet been agendized and is still on the TBD list. 3 252 CC 01-22-2025 252 of 303 Attachment A – To Be Determined (TBD) List from September 2024 with Adopted Motion # Requested Item Requestor/ Seconder Date Requested Recommendation Motion 7 Discuss and give direction on the "wisdom of purchase" versus leasing of any property as an interim city hall, based on prior council motions for city hall renovation/rebuild, to include the duration of the use of the interim city hall, an estimate of leasing/purchasing prices and estimated remodeling/earthquake retrofit costs in general terms as permitted in an open session, before any offer is made on any property. The agenda item on June 18 Council meeting to authorize the city managers as a negotiator, only listed the property address, but not the "wisdom of the purchase". Requestor: Chao Seconder: Moore 7/9/24 added by email A study session for this item is tentatively scheduled to come to Council in October 2024. Afterwards, this item will be removed from the TBD list. This item has not yet been agendized and is still on the TBD list. 8 Consider updating the City policy on homeless encampments in light of the U.S. Supreme Court ruling: Grants Pass v. Johnson. Requestor: Wei Seconder: Moore At 7/16/24 Council meeting A study session for this item is tentatively scheduled to come to Council in October 2024. Afterwards, this item will be removed from the TBD list. This item was discussed in October 2024 4 253 CC 01-22-2025 253 of 303 Attachment A – To Be Determined (TBD) List from September 2024 with Adopted Motion # Requested Item Requestor/ Seconder Date Requested Recommendation Motion 9 Consider a policy to provide access to documents made available for closed sessions ahead of time with proper security measures. Accordingly, Councilmembers can read the materials before and after a closed session. Requestor: Chao Seconder: Moore At 7/16/24 Council meeting Recommend removing this item. No further action recommended. The City Attorney and/or City Manager have discretion to distribute confidential information in a manner deemed to be appropriate, given the sensitivity of the information and the nature of the agenda item. Council voted to keep this item on the TBD List. 10 Consider the City Clerk being appointed by and reporting to the City Council. Requestor: Moore Seconder: Chao At 7/16/24 Council meeting Recommend removing this item. Research shows that 85% of City Clerk’s in municipalities in San Mateo and Santa Clara Counties are appointed by the City Manager. Council approved to remove this item from the TBD list 11 Consider the Farmers Market on Sundays as a community amenity for Cupertino on either Torre Avenue or other locations in the City. Requestor: Chao Seconder: Moore At 7/16/24 Council meeting Recommend removing this item. Staff provided an informational memo on June 27 outlining the cost and other impacts this would have on the City. Council approved to remove this item from the TBD list 12 An agenda item at a Council Meeting with a presentation and ability to ask questions to the Historical Society about how they are utilizing the $40k funding and about what programs they are providing. Requestor: Chao Seconder: Moore At 9/4/24 Council meeting Recommend removing this item. Council has delegated this authority to the Parks and Recreation Commission. The Council approved contract states that the Cupertino Historical Society must: Council approved to remove this item from the TBD list 5 254 CC 01-22-2025 254 of 303 Attachment A – To Be Determined (TBD) List from September 2024 with Adopted Motion # Requested Item Requestor/ Seconder Date Requested Recommendation Motion 1. Submit annual grant funding report as stated in Section 7 - Grant Report. 2. Present an annual report of fundraising activities, current work plan achievements, and future work plan items and projects to the Parks and Recreation Commission. 13 An item to discuss the investment policy and quarterly treasurers report where we also invite the entire audit committee to attend. Requestor: Chao Seconder: Moore At 9/4/24 Council meeting Recommend removing this item. The investment policies are already regularly agendized for both Audit Committee and City Council in the fall for OPEB/Pension and in the spring for all other City investments. In addition, an Audit Committee member is required to be present for any Audit related items on the City Council agenda. This provides City Council the opportunity to ask questions of the audit committee representative as this meeting. Council consolidated this item with #1 and will be considered for the City Work Program 14 Consider increasing radius notifications from 300 feet to 500 feet and adding notifications to affected neighborhoods for general plan amendments and rezoning ordinances Requestor: Chao Seconder: Moore At 9/4/24 Council meeting Recommend removing this item. Recommend adding this as a future City Work Program item. This item has been considered and was removed by Council at the November 7, 2023, meeting with a 3-2 vote. At that meeting the staff recommendation was to remove this item due to budget constraints and staff limitations. Council approved to remove this item from the TBD list and will be considered for the City Work Program 6 255 CC 01-22-2025 255 of 303 Attachment A – To Be Determined (TBD) List from September 2024 with Adopted Motion # Requested Item Requestor/ Seconder Date Requested Recommendation Motion 15 Consider allowing limited use of sound amplification devices in parks, such as it does not reach 50 feet away (Maybe not allowed in nature preserve to not disturb wildlife) Requestor: Chao Seconder: Moore Added at 9/17 Council Meeting N/A Council approved adding this item to the next TBD List 7 256 CC 01-22-2025 256 of 303 Attachment B – January 2025 To Be Determined (TBD) List # Requested Item Requestor/ Seconder Date Requested Recommendation 1 Report to Council a cost comparison of leasing vs. buying office property in Cupertino for a lease length of time of 2 years (in the event that plans for remodel and retrofit are drawn up and executed, staff leases an unremodeled building for 2 years and returns) or 7 years (in the event that a purchased office building requires $5M in remodel costs which takes one year to complete, and City Hall relocates to it for 6 years, sells the building in a flat office market and returns). Both of these scenarios would assume City Hall is remodeled at $27M. Requestor: Moore Seconder: Chao 6/28/24 added by email This item was postponed in October. Council can either: 1. Agendize this discussion 2. Remove from TBD list 2 Draft a policy regarding disclosure to the public of remodeling costs of buildings the Council is considering purchase of in open session. This policy would ensure that the public will not be surprised to find a negotiated arrangement to provide a Council-designated property negotiator more than the delegation of authority to negotiate the cost of the property (meaning Council shall not negotiate remodeling costs or process of determining remodeling amounts in closed session). Requestor: Moore Seconder: Chao 6/28/24 added by email This item was postponed in October. Council can either: 1. Agendize this discussion 2. Remove from TBD list 3 Action Item/Study Session with information/proposal on the need for an interim city hall for 6-7 years, rather than one year during the renovation/construction of the current city hall and any update on the private-public partnership that led to such proposal. Requestor: Chao Seconder: Moore 7/1/24 added by email This item was postponed in October. Council can either: 1. Agendize this discussion 2. Remove from TBD list 4 Discuss and give direction on the "wisdom of purchase" versus leasing of any property as an interim city hall, based on prior council motions for city hall renovation/rebuild, to include the duration of the use of the interim city hall, an estimate of leasing/purchasing prices and estimated remodeling/earthquake retrofit costs in general terms as permitted in an open session before any offer is made on any property. The agenda item on June 18 Council meeting to authorize the city managers as a negotiator, only listed the property address, but not the "wisdom of the purchase". Requestor: Chao Seconder: Moore 7/9/24 added by email This item was postponed in October. Council can either: 1. Agendize this discussion 2. Remove from TBD list 257 CC 01-22-2025 257 of 303 Attachment B – January 2025 To Be Determined (TBD) List # Requested Item Requestor/ Seconder Date Requested Recommendation 5 Consider a policy to provide access to documents made available for closed sessions ahead of time with proper security measures. Accordingly, Councilmembers can read the materials before and after a closed session. Requestor: Chao Seconder: Moore At 7/16/24 Council meeting Staff recommends removing this item. Materials are confidential and should be based on the sensitivity of the information and the nature of the agenda item. 6 Consider regulations on sound amplification devices in parks Requestor: Moore Seconder: Chao At 9/17/24 Council meeting Staff recommends removing this item. Sound amplification is currently allowed in parks with a valid City permit as specified in CMC 13.04.120 Use of Park Property Section I. 7 Review the City Work Program Process Requestor: Chao Seconder: Moore At 12/3/24 Council meeting Staff recommends removing this item. This discussion was held at 12/17/24 City Council meeting. 8 Review the Cupertino City Council Procedures Manual Requestor: Chao Seconder: Moore At 12/3/24 Council meeting Council can either: 1. Agendize this discussion 2. Remove from TBD list 9 Review the current list of future agenda items requested by Councilmembers (“TBD List”) Requestor: Chao Seconder: Moore At 12/3/24 Council meeting Staff recommends removing this item. This item is agendized for the 1/22/25 City Council meeting. 10 Consider changing regular City Council meetings to Wednesdays Unanimous At 12/17/24 Council meeting Staff recommends removing this item and keeping the current Council schedule adopted on 12/17/24. This 258 CC 01-22-2025 258 of 303 Attachment B – January 2025 To Be Determined (TBD) List # Requested Item Requestor/ Seconder Date Requested Recommendation will reduce complications and scheduling conflicts with a variety of other organizations and City Commissions. 11 Review the architectural standards for 5G towers Requestor: Wang Seconder: Chao At 12/17/24 Council Meeting Staff recommends removing this item. The 5G ordinance is being considered as part of the FY 25-27 City Work Program discussion. 12 Reactivate the Legislative Review Committee Requestor: Chao At 12/17/24 Council meeting Council can either: 1. Agendize this discussion 2. Remove from TBD list 3. Consider this as part of the FY 25-27 City Work Program discussion. 13 Reactivate the Economic Development Committee Requestor: Chao At 12/17/24 Council Meeting Council can either: 1. Agendize this discussion 2. Remove from TBD list 3. Consider this as part of the FY 25-27 City Work Program discussion. 14 Restore the previous responsibilities of the Audit Committee Requestor: Chao At 12/17/24 Council Meeting Council can either: 1. Agendize this discussion 2. Remove from TBD list 3. Consider this as part of the FY 25-27 City Work Program discussion. 259 CC 01-22-2025 259 of 303 Attachment B – January 2025 To Be Determined (TBD) List # Requested Item Requestor/ Seconder Date Requested Recommendation 15 For transportation projects and added lane reductions to fall under the jurisdiction of the Planning Commission Requestor: Wang Seconder: Chao At 12/17/24 Council Meeting Council can either: 1. Agendize this discussion 2. Remove from TBD list 3. Consider this as part of the FY 25-27 City Work Program discussion. 16 Guidelines and Procedures regarding Proclamations and Certificates Chao 1/15/25 added by email Council can either: 1. Agendize this discussion 2. Remove from TBD list 260 CC 01-22-2025 260 of 303 CITY OF CUPERTINO Agenda Item 25-13624 Agenda Date: 1/22/2025 Agenda #: 12. Subject:FY 2025-27 City Work Program Study Session 1. Review Councilmembers’ Initial Top 10 projects for the FY 25-27 City Work Program 2. Select date for upcoming Goal Setting Workshop. 3. Receive an overview of the prioritization process for the Goal Setting Workshop that will be presented at this study session. CITY OF CUPERTINO Printed on 1/16/2025Page 1 of 1 powered by Legistar™261 CC 01-22-2025 261 of 303 CITY COUNCIL STAFF REPORT Meeting: January 22, 2025 Subject FY 2025-27 City Work Program Study Session Recommended Actions 1. Review each Councilmember’s 10 projects for the FY 25-27 City Work Program. Total of 48 projects listed in Attachment C. 2. Receive a verbal overview of the prioritization process to finalize the City Work Program for the Goal Setting Workshop. 3. Confirm meeting date for upcoming Priority and Goal Setting Workshop. Reasons for Recommendation This study session was requested by Council on December 17 for Council to review each Councilmember’s initial top projects, receive input from the community, and agree on the process as well as identify the date for the upcoming prioritization Workshop. Background The Council maintains a City Work Program (CWP) as a two-year effort, which it revisits on an annual basis to adjust and redirect efforts. The informational memorandum published on November 14, 2024 (Attachment A) outlined the approach for the upcoming Council Goal Setting and Prioritization Workshop (Workshop). At the December 17, 2024, City Council meeting, Council voted to schedule a study session on January 22. Each Councilmember was asked to identify their Top 10 priorities in preparation for the Workshop. Looking Back at FY 2023-2025 CWP Process In March 2023, the City Council participated in a workshop to reaffirm City Council Goals and to set new priorities for the next two fiscal years. At that meeting, Council selected and ranked top priority items to form the current City Work Program (CWP). This was a collaborative effort among Councilmembers and staff, which resulted in a clearly defined CWP that was feasible during a time of fiscal uncertainty. This was a two-year process. There are several lessons from the FY 2023-2025 CWP Process to keep in mind as Council considers adoption of the next CWP. First, Council and staff agreed on the process and focused on top priorities while acknowledging the organization’s limited capacity. Second, 262 CC 01-22-2025 262 of 303 2 although Council retained the ability to add future agenda items outside the CWP process, the quarterly review of “TBD list” items allowed Council to decide whether those items should be accomplished with existing resources or whether they involved a level of effort that warranted inclusion in a future CWP. This discipline afforded clarity and allowed staff to stay on track and focus on set priorities. In addition, the staff report template now incorporates a section to clearly indicate whether the agenda item corresponds to the current CWP and Council adopted goals to promote more awareness on Council’s top priorities. Potential Items for FY 2025-2027 CWP On December 20, 2024, an informational memorandum was distributed with instructions and a list of potential items for the FY 25-27 CWP (Attachment B) to Council. The list included the following: TBD – these are items that council has previously approved as potential CWP items Staff Proposed – these are new items proposed by staff that Council may consider for the upcoming CWP. Ongoing Current CWP Items – these are projects from the current CWP1 that are expected to continue into the next fiscal year. On January 10, Councilmembers submitted their initial top projects to staff. Councilmembers were able to select items from the TBD or Staff Proposed lists above or projects that are currently on the 23-25 City Work Program. Following receipt of each councilmember’s projects, staff prepared the preliminary budget and staffing estimates as shown in Attachment C. These estimates are also provided for other potential items for the FY 25-27 CWP (Attachment D), which were included with the December 20, 2024, informational memorandum. The preliminary estimates will allow Council to consider the resources needed for each item when evaluating priority projects and will be further refined ahead of the CWP adoption. Normal daily operations encompass approximately 90 percent of city staff time, with variations from department to department depending on many influencing factors. The need to deliver on daily services leaves a finite capacity for additional projects. Staff recommends taking into account these capacity limits when considering the addition of CWP items. These estimates were created using the following parameters: 1 https://www.cupertino.gov/Your-City/City-Council/City-Work-Program Staffing Estimates Budget Estimates - Small 1-300 hrs $ - Small Under $60k - Medium 301-1000 hrs $$ - Medium $61k-$500k - Large 1001+ hrs $$$ - Large $500k+ 263 CC 01-22-2025 263 of 303 3 For reference, below are past examples of projects that were considered small, medium and large: Small – Automated License Plate Readers, Budget Audit, Cybersecurity Public Education. Medium – Vision Zero, Senior Services and Youth Engagement. Large – Housing Element Update, Preserve Existing and Develop New BMR/ELI Units. Community Survey In 2024, the City commissioned Godbe Research Associates, an independent research firm, to conduct a survey for Cupertino residents to share feedback on the quality of life in Cupertino. The survey results will be published as an informational memorandum and included as a supplemental report prior to this study session. Council will also have an opportunity to review, and as necessary, adjust the City Council Goals at the workshop. Next Steps The next step in the process is the Council Goal Setting and Prioritization Workshop (tentatively scheduled for March 1), which will provide a crucial opportunity for the Council to collaborate, establish or reaffirm goals, and outline the strategic direction for the next two years. Based on the Following deliberations on this item, each Councilmember may refine their top 10 projects. In that case, Councilmembers should send their revised list of top 10 projects to staff no later than two weeks ahead of the Workshop. Staff will consolidate these lists into one list and further refine the preliminary estimates and present it to Council at the Workshop for consideration and eventual adoption. Council will receive an overview of the prioritization process during the presentation portion of this study session. More details and any needed materials will be provided to Council ahead of the Workshop. Sustainability Impact There is no sustainability impact associated with this update. Fiscal Impact Fiscal impact of each of the proposed city work program items has yet to be finalized. However, preliminary estimates have been included in Attachment C. There are no fiscal impacts associated with this study session report and update. California Environmental Quality Act Not applicable. City Work Program Item/Description 264 CC 01-22-2025 264 of 303 4 No/NA Council Goal None Prepared by: Astrid Robles, Senior Management Analyst Reviewed by: Tina Kapoor, Interim Assistant City Manager Approved for submission by: Pamela Wu, City Manager Attachments: A – November 14, 2024 Informational Memorandum B – December 20, 2024 Informational Memorandum C – Council Top 10 Projects with Preliminary Budget and Staffing Estimates D – List of Potential Items for FY 25-27 CWP with Preliminary Budget and Staffing Estimates 265 CC 01-22-2025 265 of 303 CITY OF CUPERTINO CITY MANAGER'S OFFICE CITY HALL 10300 TORRE AVENUE• CUPERTINO, CA 95014-3255 TELEPHONE: (408) 777-3223 • FAX: (408) 777-3366 CUPERTINO.ORG CITY COUNCIL INFORMATIONAL MEMORANDUM Date: November 14, 2024 To: Cupertino City Council From: Tina Kapoor, Interim Assistant City Manager Re: Council Goal Setting and FY 2025-27 City Work Program Prioritization Workshop Purpose This memo provides an overview of the approach for the upcoming Council Goal Setting and FY25-27 City Work Program (CWP) Prioritization Workshop. The Council maintains the CWP as a two-year effort, revisiting annually to adjust and redirect efforts. The bi-annual Council Goal-Setting Workshop is driven by the collective values and priorities of the current City Council and leads to the development and eventual adoption of a new CWP which: •Guides the major efforts of the City. •Informs the formulation of the annual budget for the upcoming fiscal year. •Ensures that efforts are aligned with the goals set by the City Council, and thus, the community. •Promotes transparency and accountability by focusing resources on strategies that best serve the community's needs and aspirations.Background In March 2023, the City Council participated in a workshop to reaffirm established City Council Goals presented below and to set new priorities for the next two fiscal years. At that session, the Council successfully selected and ranked top priority items to form the current CWP. In April 2024, as a mid-point check-in, the Council revisited and made minor modifications that can be viewed at cupertino.org/cityworkprogram. The current CWP includes 20 items. Detailed updates on the current CWP were included in an informational memorandum published on October 24. Items that require significant staff effort can sometimes take more than one year to complete are marked as "ongoing" and may be included in the next CWP. The next Council Goal Setting and Prioritization Workshop will occur in early 2025. This will provide a crucial opportunity for the Council to collaborate, establish or reaffirm goals, and outline ATTACHMENT A 1 266 CC 01-22-2025 266 of 303 the strategic direction for the next two years. Council will also have a chance to review, and as necessary, adjust the City Council Goals as shown below. City Council Goals In February 2020, the City Council adopted five Goals to provide a framework for City priorities and to guide the development of the CWP. The current Council Goals are included as Attachment A and are also illustrated below. PUBLIC ENGAGEMENT & TRANSPARENCY � TRANSPORTATION HOUSING QUALITY OF LIFE SUSTAINABILITY & FISCAL STRATEGY These five City Council Goals help to focus the CWP items and ensure that efforts remain aligned with expressed priorities. While these are intended as multi-year goals, Council will review them at the upcoming workshop and may adopt the same goals or revise them as needed. Staff is also conducting a community survey to gather feedback and will share the results of the survey with the Council prior to the 2025 workshop so that the Council has insights as to what is important to the residents. ATTACHMENT A 2 267 CC 01-22-2025 267 of 303 Workshop Approach To ensure a thorough and thoughtful prioritization and adoption process, staff has designed a comprehensive approach, an overview of which is illustrated below. This approach aims to engage staff and Council earlier than in previous years. Prior to the workshop, staff will gather Council feedback on priority items, outline the structure for the workshop and provide a draft list of CWP items for consideration. December 2024 January 2025 February 2025 -------- March-June 2025 ' City Work Program Updates •FY 23-24 close-out via info memo (July 26) •FY 24-25 CWP Dashboard updated (August 30) •FY 24-25 Ql update via info memo (October 24)Council and Community Engagement •Draft list of items provided to Council for FY 25-27 CWP •Each Councilmember will submit their Top 5 projects (either identifying items from the draft list or proposing new ones) •Staff will launch the Community Satisfaction SurveyCouncil Goal Setting and CWP Workshop Prep •Staff will review Council Top 5 projects and prepare a draft two year CWP for FY 25-27 •Staff will publish staff report and materials ahead of the workshop •Staff will conduct Council prep sessions ahead of the workshopTo The Workshop! •Council will review Goals (Attachment A) •Reflect on the past two-year process •Celebrate accomplishments/completed projects •Council will prioritize the new list of itemsCity Work Program and Budget Adoption •Staff will provide estimated budget and timelines for each prioritized project and bring forward for Council adoption •Final budget for each item will be added to the annual budget for final adoption in June ATTACHMENT A 3 268 CC 01-22-2025 268 of 303 Sustainability Impact No sustainability impact. Fiscal Impact While there is no fiscal impact with this memorandum, staff will bring forward estimated resources and associated funding for items that are selected as the next two-year CWP. These costs will be added to the upcoming budget during the budget adoption process. This priority-based approach aligns funding to programs and services with Council priorities, allows the budget to meet the needs of the community, and focuses on outcomes. California Environmental Quality Act Not applicable. Prepared by: Tina Kapoor, Interim Assistant City Manager Reviewed by: Christopher Jensen, City Attorney Approved by: Pamela Wu, City Manager Attachments: A -City Council Goals ATTACHMENT A 4 269 CC 01-22-2025 269 of 303 Attachment A Established Council Goals •Public Engagement and TransparencyoCreating and maintaining key conversations and interactions with the CupertinoCommunity.•TransportationoProviding access to an efficient, safe multi-modal transportation system for ourcommunity, and advocating for effective, equitable mass transit in the greater region.o Improving Traffic Flow and Alleviating Congestion•HousingoContributing meaningfully and in a balanced manner to the housing inventory insupport of our community needs, including affordable housing (from extremely lowincome to moderate-income level housing) and addressing homelessness.•Sustainability & Fiscal StrategyoContinuing Cupertino's commitment to building a sustainable and resilient communityfor future generations.•Quality of LifeoFurthering the health and well-being of all Cupertino community members.o Air Quality and NoiseoPublic SafetyoRecreationoAccess to Goods and ServicesFor more information, visit City Council Goals: https://www.cupertino.org/our-city/citycouncil/ city-council-goals ATTACHMENT A 5 270 CC 01-22-2025 270 of 303 CITY COUNCIL INFORMATIONAL MEMORANDUM Date: December 20, 202 4 To: Cupertino City Council From: Tina Kapoor, Interim Assistant City Manager Re: Goal Setting Workshop Preparation – Council Top 10 Projects The Council maintains a City Work Program (CWP) as a two-year effort, revisiting on an annual basis to adjust and redirect efforts. The informational memorandum published on November 14 (Attachment A) outlined the approach for the upcoming prioritization workshop. The next step in the process is to gather Council feedback on their top projects. At the December 17 City Council meeting, Council provided the following direction: 1.Councilmembers to review the existing list of City Work Program (CWP) items to date and staff's draft list. 2.Councilmembers will propose a new and existing Top 10 Projects and submit by January 10 and Council and staff will also consider CWP projects for removal . 3.Council will conduct a study session at the Special City Council meeting on January 22, 2025 on the list of CWP projects; 4.The FY 25 -27 CWP will be considered for adoption at a meeting in February. As the next step in the CWP prioritization process, each Councilmember is invited to provide staff a list of up to 10 projects to be considered for the next two-year CWP. A potential CWP list is included in this memo (Attachment B) for Council consideration , which is a combination of the following: •Items from the TBD list that Council has previously approved as potential CWP items. •Previous CWP items that staff is proposing to be considered for FY 25 -27 CWP •Ongoing projects from the current CWP1 that are expected to continue and complete into the next fiscal year. The proposed list currently has 1 9 projects. Staff has developed a submission form (Attachment C) for each Councilmember to submit their top projects. In selecting their projects, councilmembers can either choose from the items listed in Attachment B or add new items. Councilmembers may also recommend removing any of the items from Attachment B. Projects should align with the five 1 https://www.cupertino.gov/Your -City/City -Council/City -Work -Program ATTACHMENT B 1 271 CC 01-22-2025 271 of 303 adopted Council Goals2 as they help to focus the CWP items and ensure that the work completed remains aligned with expressed priorities. Councilmembers are requested to email the c ompleted forms (Attachment C) to Interim Assistant City Manager, Tina Kapoor at tinak@cupertino.gov by noon on January 10, 2025 . Staff will consolidate submissions into one list which will be provided to Council along with the Community Survey results as part of the materials for the January 22 City Council meeting . Staff will also provide rough estimates on staff time and budget resources needed for each item on the list for Council consideration. The final step in the process will be the CWP prioritization workshop would take place in February (date TBD) where the Council will collectively vote to narrow down the list and select final projects to be included in the FY 25 -27 CWP. Sustainability Impact There are no sustainability impacts associated with this update. Fiscal Impact Although there will be fiscal impacts with the final selection of the CWP, there are no impacts associated with this update. California Environmental Quality Act Not applicable. Reviewed by: Tina Kapoor, Interim Assistant City Manager Approved by: Pamela Wu, City Manager Attachments: A – November 14 informational memorandum B-List of Potential Items for FY 25 -27 CWP C – Top 10 Projects Council Submission Form 2 https://www.cupertino.gov/Your -City/City -Council/City -Council-Goals ATTACHMENT B 2 272 CC 01-22-2025 272 of 303 CITY OF CUPERTINO CITY MANAGER'S OFFICE CITY HALL 10300 TORRE AVENUE• CUPERTINO, CA 95014-3255 TELEPHONE: (408) 777-3223 • FAX: (408) 777-3366 CUPERTINO.ORG CITY COUNCIL INFORMATIONAL MEMORANDUM Date: November 14, 2024 To: Cupertino City Council From: Tina Kapoor, Interim Assistant City Manager Re: Council Goal Setting and FY 2025-27 City Work Program Prioritization Workshop Purpose This memo provides an overview of the approach for the upcoming Council Goal Setting and FY25-27 City Work Program (CWP) Prioritization Workshop. The Council maintains the CWP as a two-year effort, revisiting annually to adjust and redirect efforts. The bi-annual Council Goal-Setting Workshop is driven by the collective values and priorities of the current City Council and leads to the development and eventual adoption of a new CWP which: •Guides the major efforts of the City. •Informs the formulation of the annual budget for the upcoming fiscal year. •Ensures that efforts are aligned with the goals set by the City Council, and thus, the community. •Promotes transparency and accountability by focusing resources on strategies that best serve the community's needs and aspirations.Background In March 2023, the City Council participated in a workshop to reaffirm established City Council Goals presented below and to set new priorities for the next two fiscal years. At that session, the Council successfully selected and ranked top priority items to form the current CWP. In April 2024, as a mid-point check-in, the Council revisited and made minor modifications that can be viewed at cupertino.org/cityworkprogram. The current CWP includes 20 items. Detailed updates on the current CWP were included in an informational memorandum published on October 24. Items that require significant staff effort can sometimes take more than one year to complete are marked as "ongoing" and may be included in the next CWP. The next Council Goal Setting and Prioritization Workshop will occur in early 2025. This will provide a crucial opportunity for the Council to collaborate, establish or reaffirm goals, and outline ATTACHMENT B 3 273 CC 01-22-2025 273 of 303 the strategic direction for the next two years. Council will also have a chance to review, and as necessary, adjust the City Council Goals as shown below. City Council Goals In February 2020, the City Council adopted five Goals to provide a framework for City priorities and to guide the development of the CWP. The current Council Goals are included as Attachment A and are also illustrated below. PUBLIC ENGAGEMENT & TRANSPARENCY � TRANSPORTATION HOUSING QUALITY OF LIFE SUSTAINABILITY & FISCAL STRATEGY These five City Council Goals help to focus the CWP items and ensure that efforts remain aligned with expressed priorities. While these are intended as multi-year goals, Council will review them at the upcoming workshop and may adopt the same goals or revise them as needed. Staff is also conducting a community survey to gather feedback and will share the results of the survey with the Council prior to the 2025 workshop so that the Council has insights as to what is important to the residents. ATTACHMENT B 4 274 CC 01-22-2025 274 of 303 Workshop Approach To ensure a thorough and thoughtful prioritization and adoption process, staff has designed a comprehensive approach, an overview of which is illustrated below. This approach aims to engage staff and Council earlier than in previous years. Prior to the workshop, staff will gather Council feedback on priority items, outline the structure for the workshop and provide a draft list of CWP items for consideration. December 2024 January 2025 February 2025 -------- March-June 2025 ' City Work Program Updates •FY 23-24 close-out via info memo (July 26) •FY 24-25 CWP Dashboard updated (August 30) •FY 24-25 Ql update via info memo (October 24)Council and Community Engagement •Draft list of items provided to Council for FY 25-27 CWP •Each Councilmember will submit their Top 5 projects (either identifying items from the draft list or proposing new ones) •Staff will launch the Community Satisfaction SurveyCouncil Goal Setting and CWP Workshop Prep •Staff will review Council Top 5 projects and prepare a draft two year CWP for FY 25-27 •Staff will publish staff report and materials ahead of the workshop •Staff will conduct Council prep sessions ahead of the workshopTo The Workshop! •Council will review Goals (Attachment A) •Reflect on the past two-year process •Celebrate accomplishments/completed projects •Council will prioritize the new list of itemsCity Work Program and Budget Adoption •Staff will provide estimated budget and timelines for each prioritized project and bring forward for Council adoption •Final budget for each item will be added to the annual budget for final adoption in June ATTACHMENT B 5 275 CC 01-22-2025 275 of 303 Sustainability Impact No sustainability impact. Fiscal Impact While there is no fiscal impact with this memorandum, staff will bring forward estimated resources and associated funding for items that are selected as the next two-year CWP. These costs will be added to the upcoming budget during the budget adoption process. This priority-based approach aligns funding to programs and services with Council priorities, allows the budget to meet the needs of the community, and focuses on outcomes. California Environmental Quality Act Not applicable. Prepared by: Tina Kapoor, Interim Assistant City Manager Reviewed by: Christopher Jensen, City Attorney Approved by: Pamela Wu, City Manager Attachments: A -City Council Goals ATTACHMENT B 6 276 CC 01-22-2025 276 of 303 Attachment A Established Council Goals •Public Engagement and TransparencyoCreating and maintaining key conversations and interactions with the CupertinoCommunity.•TransportationoProviding access to an efficient, safe multi-modal transportation system for ourcommunity, and advocating for effective, equitable mass transit in the greater region.o Improving Traffic Flow and Alleviating Congestion•HousingoContributing meaningfully and in a balanced manner to the housing inventory insupport of our community needs, including affordable housing (from extremely lowincome to moderate-income level housing) and addressing homelessness.•Sustainability & Fiscal StrategyoContinuing Cupertino's commitment to building a sustainable and resilient communityfor future generations.•Quality of LifeoFurthering the health and well-being of all Cupertino community members.o Air Quality and NoiseoPublic SafetyoRecreationoAccess to Goods and ServicesFor more information, visit City Council Goals: https://www.cupertino.org/our-city/citycouncil/ city-council-goals ATTACHMENT B 7 277 CC 01-22-2025 277 of 303 Source # Title Project Status Lead Department Council Goal 1 Update City's Impact Fees BMR, TIF, Park in‐lieu, etc. and associated governing policies and guidelines. Nexus Study on TIF. Added 6/18 CC meeting City Attorney's Office Sustainability and Fiscal Strategy 2 City Treasurer Review Review of City Treasurer Resolution including appointment, function, and process for ratifying accounts payable, as well as City Treasurer position in org chart Added 6/18 CC meeting Admin Services Sustainability and Fiscal Strategy 3 Financial, Investment, and Cashflow Policy Review Review the City’s financial policy and best practices. An item to discuss the investment policy and quarterly treasurers report where we also invite the entire audit committee to attend. Establish a cashflow management policy. Added 9/17 CC meeting Admin Services Sustainability and Fiscal Strategy 4 General Plan Community Meetings Consider a community meeting requirement for any project requiring a general plan amendment, so when it comes to the Planning Commission or City Council, there is community input on the amendment. Added 9/17 CC meeting Community Development Public Engagement and Transparency 5 General Plan Notifications Consider increasing radius notifications from 300 feet to 500 feet and adding notifications to affected neighborhoods for general plan amendments and rezoning ordinances Added 9/17 CC meeting Community Development Public Engagement and Transparency 6 Lehigh Quarry Monitor the County's Lehigh Quarry reclamation and development project This item was previously on the FY 22‐ 23 CWP, however the current scope is slightly different Community Development Quality of Life 7 Heart of the City (HOC) Specific Plan update 1. Build on Housing Element goals to facilitate housing production in transit‐ oriented locations 2. Tailor permissible uses to revitalize local public‐facing commercial uses (retail/restaurant/entertainment/professional office, etc.) This item was ranked at medium priority for FY 2023‐2025, but was placed on hold and not funded due to the City's budget reduction strategy. Community Development Housing 8 Retention of commercial and industrial uses Establish policy and associated zoning amendments.New Community Development Quality of Life 9 Privacy Screening and Balconies Code Evaluate Muni Code (Ch.19.28: R‐1 Zones) on Privacy Screening and Balconies and update privacy planting list as appropriate to be climate appropriate/native This item was ranked at medium priority for FY 2023‐2025, but was placed on hold and not funded due to the City's budget reduction strategy. Community Development Quality of Life 10 Public Engagement Strategy Research and develop a standardized city‐wide process for public engagement. This item was previously on the FY 22‐ 23 CWP, however it was not prioritized at the time City Manager's Office Public Engagement and Transparency TBD Staff Proposed/ Previous CWP Item s List of potential items for FY 25‐27 City Work Program ATTACHMENT B 827 8 CC 01-22-2025 278 of 303 Source # Title Project Status Lead Department Council Goal List of potential items for FY 25‐27 City Work Program 11 Tree List CDD Review and revise development tree list (per Ch. 14.18: Protected Trees) with an emphasis on appropriate trees and native species. RFP currently out, expected to end by 12/31/25 Community Development Sustainability and Fiscal Strategy 12 Tree List PW Review, revise, and communicate street tree list with an emphasis on appropriate trees and native species. Develop an Urban Forest program scope and cost for future consideration. RFP currently out, expected to end by 12/31/25 Public Works Sustainability and Fiscal Strategy 13 Residential and Mixed Use Residential Design Standard Create objective design standards for residential and mixed‐use residential projects, including ensuring adequate buffers from neighboring low‐density residential development. Contract with Placeworks ongoing. Expected to end by 12/31/25 Community Development Quality of Life 14 Sign Ordinance Update Sign Ordinance RFP out, expected to be completed at end of 2025 Community Development Quality of Life 15 Active Transportation Plan This item is a consolidation of existing and new transportation efforts aiming to further goals outlined in the City's Vision Zero Initiative, including: 1) Review and update the bike plan 2) Review and update the pedestrian plan 3) Review current Complete Streets Policy and propose adjustments to create a better interface between all modes of transportation Agreement executed with Alta Planning. Expected to be completed by 6/20/26. Public Works Transportation 16 Art in Public and Private Areas Revisit Municipal Code standards for art in public and private development, including the standards in the Municipal Code and developing an Art‐in‐lieu fee policy. Arts and Culture Commission currently reviewing. Expected to complet by 6/30/25 Community Development Quality of Life 17 Preserve existing and develop new BMR/ELI Explore opportunities to preserve existing expiring BMR housing. Develop ELI (Extremely Low Income) and BMR housing units for Developmentally Disabled individuals (IDD) on City‐owned property as well as the County‐owned sites. Anticipate potential BMR projects on city and county owned sites. Community Development Housing 18 5G Ordinance Update 5G Ordinance Staff has been internally preparing an ordinace that complies with Federal regulations. Public Works Quality of Life 19 Bicycle Facilities Increase the inventory of bicycle facilities and amenities, such as bike racks, citywide. Staff working with Rotary to outreach with businesses. Purchasing and installing bike racks expected by 6/30/25 Public Works Transportation Ongoing current CWP Items ATTACHMENT B 927 9 CC 01-22-2025 279 of 303 Public Engagement & Transparency Transportation Housing Sustainability & Fiscal Strategy Quality of Life Public Engagement & Transparency Transportation Housing Sustainability & Fiscal Strategy Quality of Life Public Engagement & Transparency Transportation Housing Sustainability & Fiscal Strategy Quality of Life Public Engagement & Transparency Transportation Housing Sustainability & Fiscal Strategy Quality of Life Public Engagement & Transparency Transportation Housing Sustainability & Fiscal Strategy Quality of Life Public Engagement & Transparency Transportation Housing Sustainability & Fiscal Strategy Quality of Life Public Engagement & Transparency Transportation Housing Sustainability & Fiscal Strategy Quality of Life Public Engagement & Transparency Transportation Housing Sustainability & Fiscal Strategy Quality of Life Public Engagement & Transparency Transportation Housing Sustainability & Fiscal Strategy Quality of Life Public Engagement & Transparency Transportation Housing Sustainability & Fiscal Strategy Quality of Life 10. 8. 9. 6. 7. 5. GoalProject Title Description Councilmember Top 10 City Work Program Project List Please use this from to add items from Attachment B or propose new items and select the appropriate Council Goal. Please indicate on pg. 2 the items that you wish to remove from Attachment B. Please return the form by email to TinaK@Cupertino.gov by noon on January 10, 2025. 1. 2. 3. 4. ATTACHMENT B 10 280 CC 01-22-2025 280 of 303 Please provide a bulleted list of any items in Attachment A that you recommend for removal. ATTACHMENT B 11 281 CC 01-22-2025 281 of 303 #Title Description Lead Department Council Goal Est budget Est staff hours 1 Enhance Senior Services Due to the high cost of senior centers, many seniors have to "age in place", but do still need services typically provided in senior centers, in addition to common home maintenance.‐ ‐ Utilizing the survey results conducted in 2022 and 2023 to meet the needs of Cupertino seniors ‐ Consider consultant services similar to Palo Alto or Saratoga Senior Center to enhance services, while reducing cost to the city. NOTE: Cupertino Age‐Friendly could make a presentation on the result of 2023 survey, in collaboration with the city staff. NOTE: Successful Aging Solutions & Community Consulting (SASCC), who runs the Saratoga Senior Center could provide a free gap analysis and feasibility analysis Parks and Recreation Quality of Life $$$ 2 Tax Measures on the 2026 Ballot ‐ Real Estate Transfer Tax (similar to Mountain View, San Jose and other cities) for large transactions ‐ to capture profits made as a result of upzoning ‐ Head tax (similar to Mountain View and other cities) for large employers or renegotiate tax sharing agreements ‐ Sales tax (to be collected only if the county takes away the remaining 0.25%) City Attorney's Office/ Administrative Services Sustainability and Fiscal Strategy $$ 3 Reduce the Scope of Memorial Park Plan to under $40M The Memorial Park Plan like other plans tend to include too many features in one park, which the city cannot afford to accommodate. We should reduce the scope to reduce the scope to under $40M to only essential elements Public Works Sustainability and Fiscal Strategy $$ 4 Adopt LOS and improve TDM Accountability Adopt LOS (Level of Service), in addition to VMT (Vehicle Miles Traveled), in any traffic assessment, since LOS is still a better measure of traffic impact. Adopt requirements to ensure accountability of TDM (Traffic Demand Management) system since TDM often does not mitigate traffic impact as intended. CDD/ Public Works Transportation $$ 5 Defensible Impact Fee Nexus Study for Traffic Impact Fee, Retail Impact Fee, BMR Impact Fee With almost every infill project approval and revision, we are losing almost all retail with almost zero parking. New units tend to provide more town homes, rather than much needed smaller starter units or senior flats. With potential challenges to waive impact fees and design standards, a defensible Nexus study is necessary to protect the city in order to collect impact fees since California Constitution does not allow unfunded mandates levied on cities. City Attorney's Office/CDD/Public Works/ CMO Sustainability and Fiscal Strategy $$ 6 Urban Forest Plan to improve foliage coverage Develop/Implement an urban forest plan to improve the foliage coverage of public spaces. ‐ There are trees that use less water, but provide larger foliage coverage, for public spaces ‐ Protect mature trees in parks and sidewalks, rather than cutting down a whole row of trees. ‐ Protect mature trees in private commercial areas NOTE: To expand the current work program item on the Tree List. Public Works Sustainability and Fiscal Strategy $$ Mayor Chao Top 10 List Proposed Items ATTACHMENT C 128 2 CC 01-22-2025 282 of 303 #Title Description Lead Department Council Goal Est budget Est staff hours Mayor Chao Top 10 List 7 Strategies to Enhance Sales Tax Revenue Develop strategies to improve sales tax revenue, including, but not limited to: ‐ With each infill redevelopment, provide transparency on the retail space and loss in retail categories and sales tax revenue ‐ Find out what businesses generate B2B taxes in Cupertino and in other cities ‐ Attract businesses that generate sales taxes to Cupertino ‐ Explore potential incentives to attract them to Cupertino, such as tax breaks or fee waivers City Manager's Office Sustainability and Fiscal Strategy $$ 8 Enhance Notification Methods for Development Projects and General Plan Amendments * Consider a community meeting requirement for any major project application, especially those requiring a general plan amendment, as some other cities have adopted. * Consider increasing notification radius from 300 feet to 500 feet (or even 1000 feet for major projects) for any project application, especially those requiring a general plan amendment. *Consider additional notification requirements for any project application seeking waivers of existing standards, such as parking reduction, building height, setback, retail space reduction, and impact fees. NOTE: For city‐wide general plan amendment, notification through the newspaper has been insufficient. Community Development Public Engagement and Transparency $ 9 Enhance Art In‐Lieu Fee policy for better engagement Each development project has to dedicate art in‐lieu fee, but the selection process does not engage the public to benefit the city as a whole. Explore policies adopted in other cities for better public engagement. NOTE: To expand the current work program item "Art in Public and Private Areas": Revisit Municipal Code standards for art in public and private development, including the standards in the Municipal Code and developing an Art‐in‐lieu fee policy. Community Development Quality of Life $ 10 Commission Enhancement ‐ Reinstate Economic Development Committee ‐ Reinstate Legislative Review Committee ‐ Reinstate Environment Review Subcommittee under Planning Commission ‐ Restore and improve the responsibility of Audit Committee to include more oversight authorities ‐ Extend Planning Commission to cover transportation related issues, including lane reduction. CAO/ City Manager's Office/ Public Engagement and Transparency $ 1 Recycled Water Feasibility Study Develop Recycled Water Feasibility Study. Include Blackberry Farm focus and extension of recycled water from SCVWD. Public Works Sustainability and Fiscal Strategy $$ Items to Remove ATTACHMENT C 228 3 CC 01-22-2025 283 of 303 #Title Description Lead Department Council Goal Est budget Est staff hours 1 Work Program Discussion Review Work Program History, key takeaways, best practices, mission and vision, goal categories, staff suggestions for process improvement and workload management. City Manager's Office Sustainability and Fiscal Strategy $ 2 Support for the Unhoused 2.0 Continue this work program item. Determine best practices for limited budget smaller cities to support the unhoused. Review RV practices in surrounding cities. Review transitional housing outcomes in surrounding cities. Community Development Quality of Life $ 3 Public Safety 2.0 Current Work program has license plate readers and strengthening of the block leader program. This would expand to include 1) fire safety public education (staff has this underway paired with SCCFD and County Weed abatement) 2) night time public safety of pedestrians and bicyclists: “We’re Bright at Night” type of campaign which can involve Bike/Ped Commission/SR2S/Fall Bike Fest and more, possibly grants are available and 3) add another round of earthquake preparedness public service announcements. 4) updates on the CA home insurance crisis may also be provided to see how Sacramento is working on it and consider support for efforts. 5) Add at least one Public Safety forum from Sheriffs and FD on a topic of choice (the cybersecurity forum was very informative, for example). City Manager's Office Quality of Life $$$ 4 Green Up Cupertino 1) Review and consider an update to the Green Business Certification program and consider a relaunch of it. And/or: 2) Coordinate Caltrans/VTA I‐280 clean ups like the De Anza exit events with public volunteer opportunities (aim for two per year). Public Works/CMO Sustainability and Fiscal Strategy $$ 5 Tree List 2.0 Continue the tree list update and add to begin planting any missing parkway trees along SCB and De Anza Blvd. and adding trees to turfed (grass) areas of parks with the goal of planting 100 or more trees on city property annually and creating one tree grove (mini forest like the redwood grove by the Library) in an underutilized area in a park. Hold at least one tree planting event the public can participate in. Provide some education regarding the importance of trees for our environment (carbon sequestration). Public Works Sustainability and Fiscal Strategy $$ 6 City Water Conservation/ Turf Conversion Analyze city’s water use and determine where reductions and improvements may be made holistically. Address CUSD water usage from Field Use Agreement in the analysis. Provide more publicly available information regarding artificial turf/plastics in the environment. Convert city owned turf areas to climate appropriate/native plantings with goal of converting 1 acre of non‐functional turf to California pollinator supporting plantings/trees. Public Works Sustainability and Fiscal Strategy $$$ Vice Mayor Moore Top 10 List Proposed Items ATTACHMENT C 328 4 CC 01-22-2025 284 of 303 #Title Description Lead Department Council Goal Est budget Est staff hours Vice Mayor Moore Top 10 List 7 City Properties 2.0 Stocklmeir, Torre, City Hall and other properties need maintenance and plans for the future. Public Works Quality of Life $$ 8 Bus Stop Inventory Determine what stops need upgrades (shade/seating/safety lighting). Coordinate with VTA for improvements. Public Works Transportation $ 9 SV Hopper 2.0 Determine fiscal sustainability of the program post‐grant funding. Provide at least 2 updates on ridership/costs annually. Public Works Transportation $ 10 Environmental hazards Add Geotracker and DTSC sites to the GIS mapping layers in the city to improve public awareness. Information & Technology Public Engagement and Transparency $ None Items to Remove ATTACHMENT C 428 5 CC 01-22-2025 285 of 303 #Title Description Lead Department Council Goal Est budget Est staff hours 1 Business Revitalization Explore options to support small businesses, fill empty storefronts, and encourage entry of new forms of retail to promote revitalization City Manager's Office Sustainability and Fiscal Strategy $$ 2 Expedite and/or streamline building permit and inspection permit processes This is needed to remove gridlock in construction, repairs and remodeling. When processes get cumbersome, they get circumvented. Delays impact property tax and permitting fees revenues Community Development Sustainability and Fiscal Strategy $$ 3 City Hall Seismic Safety Issues Determine options to deal with City Hall seismic safety: pros and cons of retrofit, remodel, lease temporary facility, purchase a new building Public Works/CMO Sustainability and Fiscal Strategy $ 4 Urban Forest Program Expand tree list review in current CWP to include specifics to develop an urban forest plan to increase trees, landscaping and greenery in all parts of Public Works Quality of Life $$ 5 Leadership Academy Re‐establish leadership program in collaboration with neighboring cities and non‐profits ‐ to educate the public on public policy issues, and encourage new participation in city's civic life. City Manager's Office Public Engagement and Transparency $ 6 Update City's Impact fees Update governing policies and guidelines for all impact fees City Attorney's Office Sustainability and Fiscal Strategy $$ 7 General Plan Community Meetings Consider community meetings for any development or project that requires a GP amendment. Community Development Public Engagement and Transparency $ 8 Blackberry Farms Pool and Picnic Area ‐ CEQA Review Consider eliminating the 100‐day restricted operation of Blackberry Farms picnic area facilities, including Swimmy Pools. Current restrictions have a negative impact on the City budget by limiting fee‐use activities year round. Parks and Rec/Public Works Quality of Life $$ 9 Lehigh Quarry Continue to monitor quarry activities and present bi‐annual updates to Council. Collaboration with County and neighboring cities is encouraged. Community Development/CMO Public Engagement and Transparency $ 10 Ad Hoc Senior Commission Establish an ad‐hoc senior commission to create channels of communication between the senior population, senior center, senior living facilities ‐ and address concerns re: housing, transportation, medical facilities. Parks and Recreation/CAO Quality of Life $ Proposed Items Councilmember Mohan Top 10 List ATTACHMENT C 528 6 CC 01-22-2025 286 of 303 #Title Description Lead Department Council Goal Est budget Est staff hours Councilmember Mohan Top 10 List 1 City Treasurer Review Review of City Treasurer Resolution including appointment, function, and process for ratifying accounts payable, as well as City Treasurer position in org chart Administrative Services Sustainability and Fiscal Strategy $ 2 Financial, Investment, and Cashflow Policy Review Review the City’s financial policy and best practices. An item to discuss the investment policy and quarterly treasurers report where we also invite the entire audit committee to attend. Establish a cashflow management policy. Admin Services Sustainability and Fiscal Strategy $ 3 General Plan Notifications Consider increasing radius notifications from 300 feet to 500 feet and adding notifications to affected neighborhoods for general plan amendments and rezoning ordinances Community Development Public Engagement and Transparency $ 4 Heart of the City (HOC) Specific Plan update 1.Build on Housing Element goals to facilitate housing production in transit‐ oriented locations 2. Tailor permissible uses to revitalize local public‐facing commercial uses (retail/restaurant/entertainment/professional office, etc.) Community Development Housing $$$ 5 Public Engagement Strategy Research and develop a standardized city‐wide process for public engagement. City Manager's Office Public Engagement and Transparency $$ 6 Art in Public and Private Areas Revisit Municipal Code standards for art in public and private development, including the standards in the Municipal Code and developing an Art‐in‐lieu fee policy. Community Development Quality of Life $ Items to Remove ATTACHMENT C 628 7 CC 01-22-2025 287 of 303 #Title Description Lead Department Council Goal Est budget Est staff hours 1 Urban Forest 10‐Year Plan Develop a plan and implementation strategy to increase the tree canopy in Cupertino to achieve at least 30% coverage in every city neighborhood by 2035 using climate‐ resilient species. Public Works/ Community Development Sustainability and Fiscal Strategy $$ 2 Small Business Revitalization Plan Develop a plan and implementation strategy to support (1) new small business establishment; (2) preservation of existing small businesses in order to improve placemaking in the city and the city's revenue stream. City Manager's Office Quality of Life $$ 3 Active Transportation Plan Continue the existing CWP item.Public Works Transportation $$ 4 Public Engagement Strategy and Policies in Support of Planning Initiatives Consolidate existing CWP (Attachment B Item 10) and proposed CWP public engagement‐related items (Attachment B Items 4 and 5) to establish more focused policies governing public outreach and engagement with respect to General Plan amendments and rezonings with special consideration to lessons learned from the 6th RHNA Cycle Housing Element revision. CDD/CMO Public Engagement and Transparency $$ 5 Commercial Diversification Plan Develop a plan and implementation strategy to diversify the range and types of medium‐sized businesses operating in the city. City Manager's Office Quality of Life $$ 6 Permit Streamlining and Simplification for Small Home Upgrades Develop a suite of improvements to (1) improve access to, and (2) speed the processing of permits for small home upgrades so as to enhance compliance and improve overall efficiency. Community Development Quality of Life $ 7 Heart of the City Specific Plan Update Continue the existing CWP item.Community Development Quality of Life $$$ 8 Bicycle Facilities Continue the existing CWP item.Public Works Transportation $ 1 Tree list CDD and Tree List PW Should be consolidated into proposed item No. 1 above (Urban Forest 10‐yr plan) Public Works/ Community Development Sustainability and Fiscal Strategy $$ 2 Public Engagement Strategy and General Plan Notifications Should be consolidated into proposed item No. 4 above consolidating public engagement efforts and focusing on specific planning‐related matters with particular reference to lessons learned from the 6th RHNA Cycle Housing Element revision. City Manager's Office/Community Development Public Engagement and Transparency $$ Items to Remove Councilmember Fruen Top 10 List Proposed Items ATTACHMENT C 728 8 CC 01-22-2025 288 of 303 #Title Description Lead Department Council Goal Est budget Est staff hours 1 Emergency Operations Readiness Review fire, earthquake tornado, active shooter, Tsunami, hazardous transport accident policies; and ensure EOC is active and functioning with a permanent position not consultant running the program. City Manager's Office Sustainability and Fiscal Strategy $$ 2 Economic Development Restore economic development committee, explore grant writer position, attract startups and companies in the tech ecosystem. City Manager's Office Sustainability and Fiscal Strategy $$ 3 Small Business Revitalization Ordinance Streamline permitting process, explore more themed events like restaurant week and bobatino, attract more festivals, create a small business council, provide regulatory support. City Manager's Office/ Parks and Rec Sustainability and Fiscal Strategy $ 4 SFH permitting review process. Improve turnaround times. Set SLA's for staff and outsourced reviewers, customer service KPI's, templates to reduce back and forth, internal staff expertise to reduce consulting expenses. Simplify permitting for small home Community Development Quality of Life $ 5 Major thoroughfare congestion study and road improvements. Study De Anza, Stevens Creek, Stelling, Wolfe, Homestead, and Bollinger, Road improvement options include adaptive traffic signals, no turns on red near schools during school hours, street paving, and traffic enforcement of bikers, cars, and pedestrians. Public Works Quality of Life $$ 6 Memorial Park Renovation Reduce plan or place in phases, consider revenue models such as concessions and services in the mix for the park. Parks and Recreation/Public Works Quality of Life $ 7 City Hall Retrofit and EOC Readiness Plan Implement the previously approved 2022 Council plan with EOC migration. Public Works Sustainability and Fiscal Strategy $ 8 Public Safety ‐ Block Leader and Neighborhood Watch Strengthen Block Leader/Neighborhood Watch programs to ensure the leaders are active and expand the coverage of active neighborhoods. City Manager's Office Quality of Life $ 9 License Plate Readers Deploy city‐owned license plate readers and implement policies to allow neighborhood‐owned ones. City Manager's Office Quality of Life $$ 10 5G Ordinance Update 5G Ordinance Public Works Quality of Life $ None Councilmember Wang Top 10 List Proposed Items Items to Remove ATTACHMENT C 828 9 CC 01-22-2025 289 of 303 Source # Title Project Status Lead Department Council Goal Est budget Est staff hours 1 Update City's Impact Fees BMR, TIF, Park in‐lieu, etc. and associated governing policies and guidelines. Nexus Study on TIF. Added 6/18 CC meeting City Attorney's Office Sustainability and Fiscal Strategy $$ 2 City Treasurer Review Review of City Treasurer Resolution including appointment, function, and process for ratifying accounts payable, as well as City Treasurer position in org chart Added 6/18 CC meeting Admin Services Sustainability and Fiscal Strategy $ 3 Financial, Investment, and Cashflow Policy Review Review the City’s financial policy and best practices. An item to discuss the investment policy and quarterly treasurers report where we also invite the entire audit committee to attend. Establish a cashflow management policy. Added 9/17 CC meeting Admin Services Sustainability and Fiscal Strategy $ 4 General Plan Community Meetings Consider a community meeting requirement for any project requiring a general plan amendment, so when it comes to the Planning Commission or City Council, there is community input on the amendment. Added 9/17 CC meeting Community Development Public Engagement and Transparency $ 5 General Plan Notifications Consider increasing radius notifications from 300 feet to 500 feet and adding notifications to affected neighborhoods for general plan amendments and rezoning ordinances Added 9/17 CC meeting Community Development Public Engagement and Transparency $ 6 Lehigh Quarry Monitor the County's Lehigh Quarry reclamation and development project This item was previously on the FY 22‐ 23 CWP, however the current scope is slightly different Community Development Quality of Life $ 7 Heart of the City (HOC) Specific Plan update 1. Build on Housing Element goals to facilitate housing production in transit‐oriented locations 2. Tailor permissible uses to revitalize local public‐facing commercial uses (retail/restaurant/entertainment/professional office, etc.) This item was ranked at medium priority for FY 2023‐2025, but was placed on hold and not funded due to the City's budget reduction strategy. Community Development Housing $$$ 8 Retention of commercial and industrial uses Establish policy and associated zoning amendments.New Community Development Quality of Life $$ 9 Privacy Screening and Balconies Code Evaluate Muni Code (Ch.19.28: R‐1 Zones) on Privacy Screening and Balconies and update privacy planting list as appropriate to be climate appropriate/native This item was ranked at medium priority for FY 2023‐2025, but was placed on hold and not funded due to the City's budget reduction strategy. Community Development Quality of Life $ 10 Public Engagement Strategy Research and develop a standardized city‐wide process for public engagement. This item was previously on the FY 22‐ 23 CWP, however it was not prioritized at the time City Manager's Office Public Engagement and Transparency $$ D ‐ List of potential items for FY 25‐27 CWP with Preliminary Budget and Staffing Estimates TBD Staff Proposed/ Previous CWP Item s ATTACHMENT D 129 0 CC 01-22-2025 290 of 303 Source # Title Project Status Lead Department Council Goal Est budget Est staff hours D ‐ List of potential items for FY 25‐27 CWP with Preliminary Budget and Staffing Estimates 11 Tree List CDD Review and revise development tree list (per Ch. 14.18: Protected Trees) with an emphasis on appropriate trees and native species. RFP currently out, expected to end by 12/31/25 Community Development Sustainability and Fiscal Strategy $$ 12 Tree List PW Review, revise, and communicate street tree list with an emphasis on appropriate trees and native species. Develop an Urban Forest program scope and cost for future consideration. RFP currently out, expected to end by 12/31/25 Public Works Sustainability and Fiscal Strategy $$ 13 Residential and Mixed Use Residential Design Standard Create objective design standards for residential and mixed‐use residential projects, including ensuring adequate buffers from neighboring low‐density residential development. Contract with Placeworks ongoing. Expected to end by 12/31/25 Community Development Quality of Life $$ 14 Sign Ordinance Update Sign Ordinance RFP out, expected to be completed at end of 2025 Community Development Quality of Life $$ 15 Active Transportation Plan This item is a consolidation of existing and new transportation efforts aiming to further goals outlined in the City's Vision Zero Initiative, including: 1) Review and update the bike plan 2) Review and update the pedestrian plan 3) Review current Complete Streets Policy and propose adjustments to create a better interface between all modes of transportation Agreement executed with Alta Planning. Expected to be completed by 6/20/26. Public Works Transportation $$ 16 Art in Public and Private Areas Revisit Municipal Code standards for art in public and private development, including the standards in the Municipal Code and developing an Art‐in‐lieu fee policy. Arts and Culture Commission currently reviewing. Expected to complete by 6/30/25 Community Development Quality of Life $ 17 Preserve existing and develop new BMR/ELI Explore opportunities to preserve existing expiring BMR housing. Develop ELI (Extremely Low Income) and BMR housing units for Developmentally Disabled individuals (IDD) on City‐owned property as well as the County‐owned sites. Anticipate potential BMR projects on city and county owned sites. Community Development Housing $$ 18 5G Ordinance Update 5G Ordinance Staff has been internally preparing an ordinace that complies with Federal regulations. Public Works Quality of Life $ 19 Bicycle Facilities Increase the inventory of bicycle facilities and amenities, such as bike racks, citywide. Staff working with Rotary to outreach with businesses. Purchasing and installing bike racks expected by 6/30/25 Public Works Transportation $ Ongoing current CWP Items ATTACHMENT D 229 1 CC 01-22-2025 291 of 303 CITY OF CUPERTINO Agenda Item 24-13563 Agenda Date: 1/22/2025 Agenda #: 13. Subject: Councilmember Reports CITY OF CUPERTINO Printed on 1/16/2025Page 1 of 1 powered by Legistar™292 CC 01-22-2025 292 of 303 CITY COUNCILMEMBER REPORT Meeting: Wednesday, January 22, 2025 Reporting Councilmember: Mayor Liang Chao Report Dates: 11/13/24 to 1/14/25 Section 1: Announcement - Message from the Mayor: ❖ Monthly Mayor’s Coffee Community Meetings: These meetings will be generally held on the second Monday at 5pm each month, but it might be moved to other Mondays if needed. The location will rotate so that we cover different businesses each month. ➢ The first Monthly Mayor’s Coffee will be held on Monday January 20 at 5pm at Holder’s Country Inn. ➢ The next Mayor’s Coffee will be on Monday February 10th at 5pm. The location is TBD. ❖ The State of the City Address: It will be held in the evening of Wednesday February 26. Hold that date. ❖ Proclamations at Council meetings: This year, I plan to follow a tradition upheld by some former Cupertino mayors and other mayors in recognizing organizations or individuals with proclamations during Council meetings. My goal is to honor those who have made consistent and/or significant contributions to Cupertino, with an emphasis on those who are less well-known. If you have any suggestions, please feel free to email me at LChao@Cupertino.gov. Proclamations for contributions will generally be presented at the second Council meeting of each month, while the first meeting will continue to recognize special observances (e.g., awareness months or weeks) as before. You are also welcome to submit suggestions for these recognitions. ❖ Cupertino Mayor at the Chamber LAC Meeting: On Friday February 7th, I will speak at the Legislative Action Commi ee (LAC) of the Cupertino Chamber. Their website states “Meetings are typically (but not always) held at 12:30pm until 2pm, the first Friday of each month. The meeting is open to the public. R.S.V.P. preferred.” I am happy to a end meetings at other organizations too. You are welcome to submit your invitations to LChao@Cupertino.gov. ❖ FY 2025-27 Work Program Prioritization: The staff has proposed a new process for Work Program Prioritization in an info memo and the Council has decided to each submit their top-10 list of existing or new items. The Council will discuss the combined top-10 list at the 1/22 Council meeting. A follow-up meeting will be scheduled soon to finalize the work program. 1 293 CC 01-22-2025 293 of 303 Section 2: Activities by Date (Date, Title, and Description): NOTE: ● This list does not include internal meetings with staff only, such as prep sessions or meetings with the City Manager. ● This list includes activities to “represent the community I am elected to serve”, “to respond to community needs and complaints,” and “to communicate policies and programs to residents,” among other responsibilities of a City Councilmember. ● Due to my work schedule, I have cut down on the event a endance for ceremonial purposes, especially those I have a ended almost every year in the past. Instead, I focus more of my time on constituent services. 2024-11-16 California Cricket Academy (CCA) annual award ceremony at the Library Field ● The legendary West Indies pace bowler, Michael Holding, a ended to present the awards to the players. He started out to be a computer programmer, but found he loves playing cricket more and became a professional player. 2024-11-15 Cupertino CREST Award and Commissioners Appreciation Dinner at Residence Inn by Marrio ● The CREST Award winners receive awards. ● Outgoing commissioners received certificates of appreciation. Welcome newly joined commissioners. All current commissioners took photos together. 2024-11-20 Interview on the impact of Prop. 47 with Brian Kragh, a third-year law student at the University of San Francisco School of Law. - He wrote: “I am writing my Upper Level Research and Writing Requirement on Proposition 47 (2014) and would like to gather perspectives regarding its impact on your community as part of my paper.” 2024-11-20 A ended the Community Meeting for the Wolfe Road Housing Project (at 10333 N Wolfe Road) by the County, hosted by Eden Housing at Collins Elementary School ● At the 11/20 Community Meeting, the project team prepared informative poster boards to collect community inputs on the project. ● The biggest concern of the community is to ensure that the existing wall separating North Blaney neighborhood from the property would not be taken down, even for emergency exit purposes. ● The project team is actively engaging with CalTran to look into a secondary exit near the I-280 exit on Wolfe so that the secondary exit would not go through the wall. ● Project Description: “The project will likely be built in three phases, with the initial phase including educator housing. In compliance with the City rezoning of the site, there will be 250-300 total units across the 5-acre + property. It will be 100% rental apartments, offering a 2 294 CC 01-22-2025 294 of 303 variety of unit types for various income ranges, depending on community feedback. “ ● Upcoming Co-Creation Event: Wednesday 2/12/25 6-7pm at Collins Elementary School ○ Description: “We will be hosting a Community Workshop to share what we’ve learned from the community and how that has influenced our initial project design concept.” 2024-12-02 Delegation Visit from Shanghai Yangpu District, through Vice President of Global Initiatives, Bay Area Council - The delegation has 5 members from Shanghai Yangpu Riverside Investment Development and Shanghai Sanyixin Enterprise Development Co., which are funded by the Shanghai city government. 2024-12-06 A ended the Tree Lighting Event at Quinlan Center - I arrived late since my car was out of ba ery. But I was able to walk around the event to see the long line of children waiting to see Santa. 2024-12-06 A ended the holiday party of Cupertino Library Foundation at Cupertino Inn 2024-12-07 A ended Scout Gang Show, by three almost-all-girls scout troops at the Community Hall - The Gang Show is an extension of the fun skits which usually occur at a campfire. - The scouts wrote their own scripts and performed them. It was both informative and entertaining 2024-12-08 Santa Clara County Cities Association Holiday Party at Los Altos State Street Market - The State Street Market is a nice food court with a bar. Great food. - They recognized outgoing council members with certificates and welcomed newly councilmembers. And they welcomed the newly elected executive board for Cities Association. 2024-12-11 A ended Post-Election VIP Seminar by AuYeung Wealth Management Group at Morgan Stanley at Juniper Hotel - They provided market and economic outlook analysis and predictions post the presidential election 2024-12-13 A ended Holiday Party of the Cupertino Historic Society - Met the new Executive Director Manuel Valerio. Their challenge next year is to recruit new members 2024-12-14 A ended the Wreath Across America event at the Gate of Heaven Cemetery - Despite rainy and windy weather, the veterans and their supporters remained undeterred. The speeches were truly inspiring. 2024-12-20 Hosted the first Virtual Office Hour at noon - About 16 people a ended. I gave a summary of the 12/17 council meeting and mentioned upcoming agenda items, such as the revision of council procedures manual and work program 3 295 CC 01-22-2025 295 of 303 prioritization. Residents are welcome to submit comments to the Council. - Then, followed by Q&A on any topic residents raised. 2024-12-21 A ended Able2Shine Award Ceremony for Presidential Volunteer award winners - Able2Shine Youth Club was started two years ago. The members volunteer for various causes to earn volunteer hours. 2024-01-01 A ended the New Year Civic Engagement Tea Party, hosted by Hanlin Educational Foundation, Youth Culture Connection Association, Visionary Arts, Civic Leadership Academy and American Chinese Youth Performing Art Foundation - This is the 6th year of this New Year event. Five elected councilmembers a ended. - The a endees are youth members from these organizations. The councilmembers answered questions from the host and the audience. Section 3: Commi ee Assignment - No meeting this period. Section 4: Information of Interest to My Constituents: 1. Builders’ Remedy (BR) Projects ★ The Planning Staff has completed the “determination of completeness” reviews for the 20739 Scofield Drive and Vista Heights projects. In both instances staff has determined that the application materials are incomplete, meaning the projects are no longer vested pursuant to Government Code Section 65941.1. The le ers that have been transmi ed to the applicants are available on the City’s website here: ● Scofield: h ps://www.cupertino.gov/scofield ● Vista Heights: h ps://www.cupertino.gov/vistaheights ★ There is one more BR project that is still active: Dividend Homes at the northwest corner of Stevens Creek Blvd and De Anza. The project will replace the existing office building with town homes. ★ Status of all BR projects ★ The July 25, 2024 info memo, titled “Scofield Drive SB330 Preliminary Application pursuant to Builder’s Remedy”, has information about what are BR projects and their review process. 2. License Plate Reader Camera - City-operated or personal ones ★ The Council has adopted the Automated License Plate Reader (ALPR) Camera program (Resolution 24-094) in order to alert the police when a license plate with previous record is detected. Some cameras are placed at major roads entering Cupertnio. 4 296 CC 01-22-2025 296 of 303 ★ The residents or businesses can connect your home or business surveillance camera with the Santa Clara County Sheriff's Office. The registration form is at the bo om of this page. Section 5: Information Access Useful to My Constituents: 1. “Wri en Communication” for a City Council meeting: ○ When will an email sent to the City Council be included in the “Wri en Communication” file of a Council meeting? ○ From the City Clerk: ■ Emailed comments that are related to an agenda item and received following the agenda publication prior to or during the meeting will be posted to the City’s website. ■ Emailed comments related to non-agenda items and received following the agenda publication prior to or during the meeting will be posted upon request only if it is forwarded by a councilmember, to comply with the Muni Code. 3. Recordings of Commission Meetings: Starting in June, commission meetings will be recorded for viewing later, although no teleconferencing to allow remote participation. - Find the recordings here under each commission. 4. Information Memo posted on the City website: City Council Informational Memos are now available on the City website. The information can be accessed from the City website at cupertino.org/memos and the City Council page. You can also find the page by entering search terms “info memos” at the top of the website. ★ Anyone may use the eNotification signup to receive informational memo updates by email. ★ The info memos are now hosted in the digital archive as all other city records. ★ Click “+” to zoom in. ★ On a laptop: ○ To open the document as PDF, click on the Print icon and then click on “Download & Print”. The downloaded PDF will appear in a new tab for viewing. ○ This does not work on Safari browser on an iPhone. ★ To copy and paste text, you must open it as PDF and then copy & paste from there. New memos posted, since last report: 11 - November 14, 2024 - Notification method for GPA and zoning ordinances on parcels, preliminary applications, and project proposals 5 297 CC 01-22-2025 297 of 303 11 - November 27, 2024 - City of Cupertino Electrical Utility Costs and Usage Information 11 - November 27, 2024 - Rodrigues Avenue Bicycle and Pedestrian Safety Enhancements 12 - December 12, 2024 - Climate Action Plan Progress Report 12 - December 12, 2024 - Monthly Treasurer’s Investment Report for November 2024 12 - December 12, 2024 - Monthly Treasurer’s Investment Report for October 2024 12 - December 12, 2024 - Monthly Treasurer's Report for November 2024 12 - December 12, 2024 - Monthly Treasurer's Report for October 2024 12 - December 12, 2024 - Treasurer's Investment Report for the Quarter Ending September 30, 2024 12 - December 20, 2024 - Goal Se ing Workshop Preparation – Council Top 10 Projects 4. How to Search an agenda item: A community member showed me a way to search for items on the past city meetings: ● Go to this page: h ps://cupertino.legistar.com/Calendar.aspx ○ Make sure that “Calendar” is selected from the top row of tabs and the “List View” is selected from the bo om row of tabs. ○ Enter the search term, such as “investment report”. Choose the year or select “All Years” 6 298 CC 01-22-2025 298 of 303 (Last Activity Report in the November 19, 2024 Council Meeting Agenda.) 7 299 CC 01-22-2025 299 of 303 1 CITY COUNCILMEMBER REPORT Meeting: January 22, 2025 Reporting Councilmember: Councilmember J.R. Fruen Report Dates: 12/10/24 to 1/13/25 Item Date, Title, and Description: Event 1. December 10, 2024 – Meeting with the City Manager – I attended my regular weekly meeting with the city manager to discuss upcoming council agendas and constituent concerns. Event 2. December 20, 2024 – Prayer Breakfast with Rep. Liccardo – I attended a prayer breakfast hosted by Yan Zhao, Councilmember of Saratoga, featuring Rep. Liccardo on his legislative priorities as he enters Congressional office. The event was well‐attended and included numerous local area electeds. Vice Mayor Moore and Councilmember Mohan were both in attendance. Event 3. December 20, 2024 – Silicon Valley Clean Energy (SVCE) Board Meeting – I attended this closed session meeting on real estate acquisition for SVCE. Event 4. January 7, 2025 – Briefing with Monica Padilla, CEO of SVCE – I received a briefing from the CEO of SVCE on the upcoming agenda for the SVCE Board meeting scheduled for January 8. Event 5. January 7, 2025 – Sunnyvale City Council Swearing‐In and Reorganization – I attended the swearing in of the newly elected/reelected Sunnyvale City Council, including Eileen Le, Charlsie Chang, Alyssa Cisneros, and (Mayor) Larry Klein. The meeting was well attended by elected leaders across the South Bay. Event 6. January 8, 2025 – Silicon Valley Clean Energy (SVCE) Board of Directors Meeting – I attended this meeting in my capacity as the City of Cupertino’s appointee to the Board. The Board selected new leadership for the coming year by appointing George Tyson, 300 CC 01-22-2025 300 of 303 City Council Councilmember Report 2 Councilmember of Los Altos Hills, as Board President, and Larry Klein, Mayor of Sunnyvale, as Board Vice President. The Board also selected a new Executive Committee and received various updates from the JPA’s administration before going into closed session discussion on potential litigation. The agenda and related materials are searchable at the JPA’s website: https://svcleanenergy.org/board‐meetings/ Event 7. January 10, 2025 – Meeting with the City Manager – I attended my regular weekly meeting with the city manager to discuss upcoming council agendas and constituent concerns. Event 8. January 10, 2025 – Swearing‐In Ceremony for Supervisor Betty Duong – I attended the community swearing‐in ceremony for newly‐elected County Supervisor Betty Duong at Mexican Heritage Plaza. Supervisor Duong is the first Vietnamese‐American county supervisor in the history of Santa Clara County. The event was extremely well attended. The Speaker of the California Assembly, Robert Rivas, administered the Oath of Office. Event 9. January 12, 2025 – Meeting with Assemblymember Patrick Ahrens – I met with Asm. Ahrens to discuss Cupertino’s needs and budget asks in Sacramento. 301 CC 01-22-2025 301 of 303 1 CITY COUNCILMEMBER REPORT Meeting: January 22, 2025 Reporting Councilmember: Mayor Sheila Mohan Report Dates: 12/10/24 to 1/13/25 Item Date, Title, and Description: 12/11/24: In my capacity as Director of the Silicon Valley Clean Energy Board, I attended the end of year board meeting and holiday mixer. The theme of the Power of Community was showcased by a panel of residents who had benefitted from SVCE programs. Rebates for electrical appliances and EV charging, community grants, and multifamily retrofits were the topics for discussion. 12/14/24: I was honored to attend the annual volunteer recognition ceremony of the Silicon Valley Korean School. The volunteers were mainly high school students from various area schools who had given their time to teach and assist children at the Korean school. I presented certificates to the volunteer students. 12/14/24: I attended a Scouts of America flag raising ceremony and spent an hour answering questions from the young scouts about my role as a public official, their responsibilities as future leaders and ways for them to contribute to the life of a community. 12/15/24: I attended the Walk Bike Cupertino holiday party and spent time talking to walking and cycling enthusiasts. 12/20/24; I participated in the South Bay Breakfast Prayer Gathering organized by the River of Life Foundation. This was a get together of mainly elected officials and business and community leaders from the area. Newly elected Congressman Sam Liccardo was the keynote speaker. 302 CC 01-22-2025 302 of 303 City Council Councilmember Report 2 12/22/24: I attended the holiday concert of the Cupertino Symphonic Band at the Quinlan Center. An overflow crowd sang along to beautiful renditions of popular songs. It was gratifying to know that the Community grant awarded by the City allowed the ensemble band to buy (instead of borrow) their own instruments. The City’s contribution was gratefully acknowledged by the performers. 12/27/24: I discussed the city’s budget process and performance measurement with Steve Toler of Baker Tilly LLP who is assisting the City with streamlining its budget processes, developing a budget document that is transparent and understandable and evaluating the City’s performance in accomplishing its highest priorities. 303 CC 01-22-2025 303 of 303