24-047 SO #2 dated 12-23-24 Sonitrol for Library Node Replacement PO 2025-359CITY OF CUPERTINO Contract/Purchasing Action Personnel Information Name Nathan Vasquez Department Public Works Division Facilities Date 12.18.2024 Service Order Upload Quote Quote, Description of Projectt. Scope of Service, Schedule of Performance and Compensation Library Node Replacement.pdf Service Order Amount $2,720.00 Master Agreement Number 2024-061 Start Date 05/13/2024 End Date 06/30/2027 Firm Name Sonitrol Address 1587 Schallenberger Rd, San Jose, CA 95131, USA Phone (408) 998-2002 Consultant/Contractor Name Kari Herzig Consultant/Contractor Email kari@sonitrolsv.com Project Name SO 2 Library Node Replacement Project Location Cupertino Library Cupertino Project Manager Name Nathan Vasquez Cupertino Project Manager Email nathanv@cupertino.org Master Agreement Maximum Compensation $200,000.00 Total Previously Encumbered to Date $18,862.75 Encumbrance this Service Order $2,720.00 Master Agreement Unencumbered Balance $178,417.25 SO GL # 100-87-828 700-702 Signature 12/20/2024 PST Consu/tan9' C6fi# ctorSignature Date 12/23/2024 PST Manage?yS&"orSign ature Date Appropriation Certification: I hereby certify that an unexpended appropriation is available in the above fund for the above contract as estimated and that fund are available as of this date of signature. S 12/23/2024 PST Manageftff fXHdlyst Signature Date SONMROL 1587 Schallenberger Road No: 21674 San Jose, CA 95131 DATE: 12/18/2024 VERIFIED ELECTRONIC SECURITY (408) 998-2002 (650) 969-7800 Lic. No. LA 2648 EMAIL ADDENDUM PACIFIC WEST SECURITY, INC. Client Name: City of Cupertino - Library Install At: 10800 Torre Avenue Bill to Above X: Bill to Other: Description: Phone: Cupertino, CA Acct#: 1 Upgrade and have current SUSP License ----------------------- ----------------------------------------------- 1 Replace Node due to electrical spike ---------- ------------ ------------------------------------------------ Charging for Node only - Labor at N/C --------------------------------------------------------------------- Special Instructions: The undersigned agrees to pay $ $2,720.00 + 0.00 Sales Tax$ _ $2,720.00 When Installed, and $ $0.00 Additional per month. New Monthly: $ To be determined X Kan Herzig REG.# 5679214-6502 CLIENT X Dealer Representative's Signature: Authorized Signature APPROVED: PRINT NAME X Nathan (Sonitrol Independent Franchised Dealer) DATE: Installers: Date Started: Date Completed: Equipment Used: Time/Material Work: Equipment Used: Reg Man Hours: T/M Travel Time: Total Travel Time: Combined Time: This addendum will become an integral part of the original agreement. All terms and conditions of the original agreement are hereby assigned to this addendum. The date of the original agreement will be the governing date for the additions shown above, as far as expiration date, renewal date, etc. Your Single Source for Complete Security Verified Audio Detection I Access Control I Video Surveillance I Fire Detection SO 2 Library Node Replacement - Service Request Created: 12/20/2024 Status: Signed Transaction ID: bfecaf94-8cec-4a54-8a3c-3d74afd6a735 "SO 2 Library Node Replacement - Service Request" history 0 Sundari Pilaka created the document. 12/20/2024 10:23:59 AM PST - IP address Document was emailed to Kari Herzig 12/20/2024 10:24:00 AM PST Kari Herzig signed the document. 12/20/2024 11:08:07 AM PST - IP address Document was emailed to nathanv@cupertino.gov 12/20/2024 11:08:08 AM PST fr9 nathanv@cupertino.gov signed the document. 12/23/2024 6:31:24 AM PST - IP address Document was emailed to Sundari Pilaka 12/23/2024 6:31:25 AM PST (r9 Sundari Pilaka signed the document. 12/23/2024 9:13:45 AM PST - IP address IS Document was successfully signed and filed 12/23/2024 9:13:46 AM PST