18-095 SO #11 dated 12524 Bianchi Wy Residential Subdivision - PO 2025-323Contract/Purchasing Action
Personnel Information
Name Jennifer Chu Department Public Works
Division Development Services Date 12.03.2024
Service Order
Upload Quote
Quote, Description of Project,
Scope of Service, Schedule of
Performance and
Bianchi Wy Subdivision Final Map Review.pdf
Service Order Amount $3,800.00
Master Agreement
2018-011 Start Date 05/17/2018 End Date 06/30/2026
Firm Name Giuliani & Kull, Inc.Address 4880 Stevens Creek Blvd
suite 100, San Jose, CA
95129, USA
Phone (408) 615-4000
Mark Helton Consultant/Contractor
Project Name SO 11 Bianchi Wy
Residential Subdivision
Project Location 10040-10046 Bianchi Wy
Cupertino Project
Manager Name
Jennifer Chu Cupertino Project
Manager Email
Master Agreement
Maximum Compensation
$175,000.00 Total Previously
Encumbered to Date
Encumbrance this Service
$3,800.00 Master Agreement
Unencumbered Balance
SO GL #100-82-804 700-702
12/05/2024 PST
Consultant/Contractor Signature Date
12/05/2024 PST
Manager/Supervisor Signature Date
Appropriation Certification: I hereby certify that an unexpended appropriation is available in the above
fund for the above contract as estimated and that fund are available as of this date of signature.
12/05/2024 PST
Management Analyst Signature Date
Date: 12/05/2024 PST
Email: mhelton@gk-sj.com
Date: 12/05/2024 PST
Email: jenniferc@cupertino.gov
Date: 12/05/2024 PST
Email: SundariP@cupertino.org
From:Jennifer Chu, P.E.
To:Mark Helton
Cc:Chad Mosley
Subject:RE: 10040-10046 Bianchi Wy, Cupertino - Final Map Review
Date:Tuesday, December 3, 2024 10:42:00 AM
Thanks Mark. No need to review the Condominium Plans. We’ll prepare the service order for
$3,800 and send it your way for e-signature. We can extend the turnaround date if needed, no
problem. Thanks!
Jennifer Chu, P.E.
Senior Civil Engineer
Public Works
(408) 777-3237
From: Mark Helton <mhelton@gk-sj.com>
Sent: Monday, December 2, 2024 11:12 AM
To: Jennifer Chu, P.E. <JenniferC@cupertino.gov>
Cc: Chad Mosley <ChadM@cupertino.org>
Subject: RE: 10040-10046 Bianchi Wy, Cupertino - Final Map Review
CAUTION: This email originated from outside of the organization. Do not click links or open attachments unless you
recognize the sender and know the content is safe.
Hello Jennifer,
Sure, I can do this for you.
The timeline seems a little tight, but I can probably get that to work.
As far as the approximate (conservative) costs to review the materials:
Review of Legal description and plat – $1,400
Review of Final Map – $2,400
Question: Do you need me to do a cursory review the Condominium Plans as well?
(Some cities have me do it, but most do not.)
If so, add another $1,000 onto the price for the Final Map.
Mark A. Helton, PE, PLS
Giuliani & Kull-San Jose, Inc.
4880 Stevens Creek Blvd., Suite 100
San Jose, CA 95129
Office (408) 615-4000 ext. 1
Cell (408) 891-9868
Please note that my email address is no longer: mhelton@gkengineers.com
It is now: mhelton@gk-sj.com
Please update your address book accordingly.
From: Jennifer Chu, P.E. <JenniferC@cupertino.gov>
Sent: Friday, November 22, 2024 5:30 PM
To: Mark Helton <mhelton@gk-sj.com>
Subject: 10040-10046 Bianchi Wy, Cupertino - Final Map Review
Hi Mark,
Your other email was timely as I was also going to reach out to you! We recently received a
final map submittal for a subdivision project at the subject property. The existing parcel is
being subdivided for condominium purposes to accommodate 7 residential units and
pertinent onsite easements. There will also be an 8’ right-of-way dedication which, if you
recall, the City requires it be recorded by separate instrument. Please use the link below to
access the submittal documents, including the separate plat & legal for the dedication.
Can you please let me know if you have availability to perform the technical review? If so, how
much from the master agreement should we allocate towards this review so we can prepare
the service order? We were targeting December 12 as a tentative turnaround date, although
we can request additional time if needed.
1st Sub
FYI – I’m out of the office next week and can follow up when I get back on Monday, Dec. 2.
Thank you!
Jennifer Chu, P.E.
Senior Civil Engineer
Public Works
(408) 777-3237
SO 11 Bianchi Wy Residential Subdivision -
Service Request
Transaction ID:a1eedbf6-81c7-4222-8d12-939d1ac3297f
"SO 11 Bianchi Wy Residential Subdivision - Service Request"
Sundari Pilaka created the document.
12/05/2024 9:34:54 AM PST - IP address
Document was emailed to Mark Helton
12/05/2024 9:34:55 AM PST
Mark Helton signed the document.
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Document was emailed to jenniferc@cupertino.gov
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jenniferc@cupertino.gov signed the document.
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Document was emailed to Sundari Pilaka
12/05/2024 11:58:13 AM PST
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