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CC Resolution No. 24-116 ratifying Accounts Payable for the Period ending November 1, 2024
RESOLUTION NO. 24-116 A RESOLUTION OF THE CUPERTINO CITY COUNCIL RATIFYING CERTAIN CLAIMS AND DEMANDS PAYABLE IN THE AMOUNTS AND FROM THE FUNDS AS HEREINAFTER DESCRIBED FOR GENERAL AND MISCELLANEOUS EXPENDITURES FOR THE PERIOD ENDING NOVEMBER 1, 2024 WHEREAS, the Director of Administrative Services or their designated representative has certified to accuracy of the following claims and demands and to the availability of funds for payment hereof; and WHEREAS, the said claims and demands have been audited as required by law. NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED that the City Council does hereby ratify the following claims and demands in the amounts and from the funds as hereinafter set forth in the attached Payment Register. PASSED AND ADOPTED at a regular meeting of the City Council of the City of Cupertino this 17th day of December, 2024 by the following vote: Vote Members of the City Council AYES: Chao, Moore, Fruen, Mohan NOES: None ABSENT: None ABSTAIN: Wang SIGNED: ________ Liang Chao, Mayor City of Cupertino _12/23/24_______________________ Date ATTEST: ________ Kirsten Squarcia, City Clerk _12/23/24______________________ Date Resolution No. 24-116 Page 2 CERTIFICATION The Finance Manager hereby certifies to the accuracy of said records and to the availability of funds for payment. CERTIFIED: Jonathan Orozco, Finance Manager Payment Register City of Cupertino From Payment Date: 10/26/2024 - To Payment Date: 11/1/2024 Number Date Status Void Reason Reconciled/ Voided Date Source Payee Name Transaction Amount Reconciled Amount Difference Main Account - Main Checking Account Check 735548 11/01/2024 Open Accounts Payable ALHAMBRA $8.91 Invoice Date Description Amount 4984902 102624 10/26/2024 Employee Drinking Water for Sports Center $8.91 Paying Fund Cash Account Amount 100 - General Fund 100 100-100 (Cash & Investments Assets Operating Cash) $8.91 735549 11/01/2024 Open Accounts Payable AT&T $13,207.89 Invoice Date Description Amount 000022143027-0 08/12/2024 9391066758 - 4087771305 | | 10185 N STELLING RD - Secure FAX $20.68 000022143027-1 08/12/2024 9391066758 - 4087771306 | | 10185 N STELLING RD - Sheriff $20.58 000022143027-2 08/12/2024 9391066758 - 4087771307 | | 10185 N STELLING RD - Sheriff $20.58 000022143027-3 08/12/2024 9391066758 - 4087771311 | | 22221 MC CLELLAN RD - Environmental $25.65 000022143027-4 08/12/2024 9391066758 - 4087771318 | | 10555 MARY AV - Traffic Operating Ce $36.58 000022143027-5 08/12/2024 9391066758 - 4087771331 | | 21975 SAN FERNANDO AV - BBF- Kiosk A $21.08 000022143027-6 08/12/2024 9391066758 - 4087771340 | | 10555 MARY AV - Alarm- Service Cente $20.74 000022143027-7 08/12/2024 9391066758 - 4087771344 | | 21251 STEVENS CREEK BL - SEN - FAX $20.58 000022143027-8 08/12/2024 9391066758 - 4087771345 - CH- PG&E Meter $20.73 000022143027-9 08/12/2024 9391066758 - 4087771346 | | 21111 STEVENS CREEK BL - SPORTS Cent $20.73 000022143027-10 08/12/2024 9391066758 - 4087771348 | | 10555 MARY AV - Alarm- Service Cente $22.48 000022143027-11 08/12/2024 9391066758 - 4087771355 | | 10555 MARY AV - Mechanic Shop FAX $20.58 000022143027-12 08/12/2024 9391066758 - 4087773102 | | 10185 N STELLING RD - Museum/Spare $20.58 000022143027-13 08/12/2024 9391066758 - 4087773103 | | 10185 N STELLING RD - Museum/Spare $20.58 000022143027-14 08/12/2024 9391066758 - 4087773109 - FAX $20.59 000022143027-15 08/12/2024 9391066758 - 4087773112 | | 21111 STEVENS CREEK BL - SPORTS- Fir $22.35 000022143027-16 08/12/2024 9391066758 - 4087773113 | | 21111 STEVENS CREEK BL - SPORTS- Fir $20.87 000022143027-17 08/12/2024 9391066758 - 4087773137 | | 10185 N STELLING RD - FAX QCC $20.58 000022143027-18 08/12/2024 9391066758 - 4087773143 | | 21975 SAN FERNANDO AV - BBF - Retrea $21.22 000022143027-19 08/12/2024 9391066758 - 4087773145 | | 21975 SAN FERNANDO AV - BBF-Alarm Go $20.73 000022143027-20 08/12/2024 9391066758 - 4087773156 | | 21251 STEVENS CREEK BL - SEN- FAX Wo $20.58 Monday, November 4, 2024Pages: 1 of 16user: Vi Tran Payment Register City of Cupertino From Payment Date: 10/26/2024 - To Payment Date: 11/1/2024 Number Date Status Void Reason Reconciled/ Voided Date Source Payee Name Transaction Amount Reconciled Amount Difference 000022143027-21 08/12/2024 9391066758 - 4087773164 | | 21111 STEVENS CREEK BL - Sports Fax $20.73 000022143027-22 08/12/2024 9391066758 - 4087773168 | | 21111 STEVENS CREEK BL - Sports Cent $20.73 000022143027-23 08/12/2024 9391066758 - 4087773254 | | 21975 SAN FERNANDO AV - BBF - Golf S $25.65 000022143027-24 08/12/2024 9391066758 - 4087773258 | | 21975 SAN FERNANDO AV - BBF- Alarm C $20.58 000022143027-25 08/12/2024 9391066758 - 4087773287 - Comm Hall - Alarm $21.06 000022143027-26 08/12/2024 9391066758 - 4087773288 - Comm Hall - Fire Alarm $21.10 000022143027-27 08/12/2024 9391066758 - 4087773293 - Comm Hall - Fire Alarm $20.58 000022143027-28 08/12/2024 9391066758 - 4087773302 | | 21251 STEVENS CREEK BL - SEN- Credit $20.58 000022143027-29 08/12/2024 9391066758 - 4087773305 | | 21251 STEVENS CREEK BL - SEN- Credit $20.58 000022143027-30 08/12/2024 9391066758 - 4087773317 - CH- Finance CC VISA $20.73 000022143027-31 08/12/2024 9391066758 - 4087773333 - CH- FAX downstairs $20.73 000022143027-32 08/12/2024 9391066758 - 4087773365 | | 21251 STEVENS CREEK BL - RNA FAX $20.58 000022143027-33 08/12/2024 9391066758 - 4087773369 | | 21251 STEVENS CREEK BL - SEN- Alarm $21.67 000022143027-34 08/12/2024 9391066758 - 4087773370 | | 21251 STEVENS CREEK BL - SEN- Alarm $20.81 000022143027-35 08/12/2024 9391066758 - 4087773372 | | 21251 STEVENS CREEK BL - Trane Modem $20.58 000022143027-36 08/12/2024 9391066758 - 4087773387 | | 10555 MARY AV - FAX or Alarm $20.58 000022143027-37 08/12/2024 9391066758 - 4087773388 | | 10555 MARY AV - FAX or Alarm $20.58 000022143027-38 08/12/2024 9391066758 - 4087773399 | | 10555 MARY AV - FAX $20.69 000022143027-39 08/12/2024 9391066758 - 4087773416 | | 21251 STEVENS CREEK BL - SEN- Cr Car $20.58 000022143027-40 08/12/2024 9391066758 - 4087773419 | | 21251 STEVENS CREEK BL - SEN- Cr Car $20.58 000022274675-0 09/12/2024 9391023228-City Clerk $30.42 000022274675-1 09/12/2024 9391023228-4082558166 - Service Center Admin $30.42 000022274675-2 09/12/2024 9391023228-City Hall $2,114.42 000022274675-3 09/12/2024 9391023228-Service Center $127.28 000022274675-4 09/12/2024 9391023228-Wilson Park $30.42 000022274675-5 09/12/2024 9391023228-Street Maintenance $30.60 000022274675-6 09/12/2024 9391023228-Monte Vista - 0720858144 $524.72 000022274675-7 09/12/2024 9391023228-BBF Golf - 0720858146 $427.76 000022274675-8 09/12/2024 9391023228-BBF Park - 0720858145 $427.76 000022274675-9 09/12/2024 9391023228-0720858348 -$427.76 000022274675-10 09/12/2024 9391023228-0720858349 - 10229 North Portal Avenue $427.76 000022274675-11 09/12/2024 9391023228-Teleconnect: BTN0720858350 $427.76 000022274675-12 09/12/2024 9391023228-720858352 $524.72 000022274675-13 09/12/2024 9391023228-Teleconnect: BTN0722762181 $524.72 000022274675-14 09/12/2024 9391023228-4084461114 - 10455 Miller Ave $30.42 000022274675-15 09/12/2024 9391023228-4084461126 - 19784 Wintergreen dr. $30.42 000022274675-16 09/12/2024 9391023228-4084461164 - 10299 N PORTAL AV $30.42 Monday, November 4, 2024Pages: 2 of 16user: Vi Tran Payment Register City of Cupertino From Payment Date: 10/26/2024 - To Payment Date: 11/1/2024 Number Date Status Void Reason Reconciled/ Voided Date Source Payee Name Transaction Amount Reconciled Amount Difference 000021828053-0 06/12/2024 9391023228-City Clerk $29.12 000021828053-1 06/12/2024 9391023228-4082558166 - Service Center Admin $29.12 000021828053-2 06/12/2024 9391023228-City Hall $2,109.23 000021828053-3 06/12/2024 9391023228-Service Center $135.18 000021828053-4 06/12/2024 9391023228-Wilson Park $29.12 000021828053-5 06/12/2024 9391023228-Street Maintenance $29.25 000021828053-6 06/12/2024 9391023228-Monte Vista - 0720858144 $524.72 000021828053-7 06/12/2024 9391023228-BBF Golf - 0720858146 $427.76 000021828053-8 06/12/2024 9391023228-BBF Park - 0720858145 $427.76 000021828053-9 06/12/2024 9391023228-0720858348 -$427.76 000021828053-10 06/12/2024 9391023228-0720858349 - 10229 North Portal Avenue $427.76 000021828053-11 06/12/2024 9391023228-Teleconnect: BTN0720858350 $427.76 000021828053-12 06/12/2024 9391023228-720858352 $524.72 000021828053-13 06/12/2024 9391023228-Teleconnect: BTN0722762181 $524.72 000021828053-14 06/12/2024 9391023228-4084461114 - 10455 Miller Ave $29.12 000021828053-15 06/12/2024 9391023228-4084461126 - 19784 Wintergreen dr. $29.12 000021828053-16 06/12/2024 9391023228-4084461164 - 10299 N PORTAL AV $29.12 Paying Fund Cash Account Amount 100 - General Fund 100 100-100 (Cash & Investments Assets Operating Cash) $6,578.91 570 - Sports Center 570 100-100 (Cash & Investments Assets Operating Cash) $105.41 610 - Innovation & Technology 610 100-100 (Cash & Investments Assets Operating Cash) $6,502.99 630 - Vehicle/Equip Replacement 630 100-100 (Cash & Investments Assets Operating Cash) $20.58 735550 11/01/2024 Open Accounts Payable Biggs Cardosa Associates $7,700.00 Invoice Date Description Amount 91573 09/05/2024 Bridge Preventative Maintenance 08012024-08312024 $1,925.00 91768 10/05/2024 Bridge Preventative Maintenance through 09012024- 09302024 $5,775.00 Paying Fund Cash Account Amount 270 - Transportation Fund 270 100-100 (Cash & Investments Assets Operating Cash) $7,700.00 735551 11/01/2024 Open Accounts Payable Blackhawk Museum $410.00 Invoice Date Description Amount 0006555-Revised 10/16/2024 Senior Trip: 11/7/24 - Discover Danville & Blackhawk Museum $410.00 Paying Fund Cash Account Amount 100 - General Fund 100 100-100 (Cash & Investments Assets Operating Cash) $410.00 735552 11/01/2024 Open Accounts Payable BroadwaySF $4,865.00 Invoice Date Description Amount 2683412 10/08/2024 Senior Trip: 12/18/24 - HAMILTON $4,865.00 Paying Fund Cash Account Amount 100 - General Fund 100 100-100 (Cash & Investments Assets Operating Cash) $4,865.00 Monday, November 4, 2024Pages: 3 of 16user: Vi Tran Payment Register City of Cupertino From Payment Date: 10/26/2024 - To Payment Date: 11/1/2024 Number Date Status Void Reason Reconciled/ Voided Date Source Payee Name Transaction Amount Reconciled Amount Difference 735553 11/01/2024 Open Accounts Payable BYG Events $4,900.00 Invoice Date Description Amount BYG110124 11/01/2024 2024 CREST & Comm Dinner - Drapes, Lighting, Risers, Carpet, Bac $4,900.00 Paying Fund Cash Account Amount 100 - General Fund 100 100-100 (Cash & Investments Assets Operating Cash) $4,900.00 735554 11/01/2024 Open Accounts Payable California Water Services $25,448.75 Invoice Date Description Amount 1188-102224 10/22/2024 5606531188 9/21/24-10/21/24 $95.93 3333-102324 10/23/2024 5926633333 9/19/24-10/17/24 $25,352.82 Paying Fund Cash Account Amount 100 - General Fund 100 100-100 (Cash & Investments Assets Operating Cash) $25,448.75 735555 11/01/2024 Open Accounts Payable Chrisp Company $13,375.00 Invoice Date Description Amount 31717 10/29/2024 Remove Speed Pavement Legends $13,375.00 Paying Fund Cash Account Amount 100 - General Fund 100 100-100 (Cash & Investments Assets Operating Cash) $13,375.00 735556 11/01/2024 Open Accounts Payable CINTAS CORP $1,360.17 Invoice Date Description Amount 4209818852 10/29/2024 Service Center - Uniform Safety Apparel $1,360.17 Paying Fund Cash Account Amount 100 - General Fund 100 100-100 (Cash & Investments Assets Operating Cash) $1,360.17 735557 11/01/2024 Open Accounts Payable City of Saratoga $81.87 Invoice Date Description Amount 2024.1017 10/17/2024 Reimbursement Dinner for Mayor and VMFruen 10.17.24 $81.87 Paying Fund Cash Account Amount 100 - General Fund 100 100-100 (Cash & Investments Assets Operating Cash) $81.87 735558 11/01/2024 Open Accounts Payable County of Santa Clara $550.00 Invoice Date Description Amount DIR-2023-010 10/24/2024 Notice of Exemption filing for Permit # DIR-2023-010 $50.00 DIR-2024-008 10/24/2024 Notice of Exemption filing for Permit # DIR-2024-008 $50.00 DIR-2024-009 10/24/2024 Notice of Exemption filing for Permit # DIR-2024-009 $50.00 MMP-2024-003 10/24/2024 Notice of Exemption filing for Permit # MMP-2024-003 $50.00 R-2024-012 10/24/2024 Notice of Exemption filing for Permit # R-2024-012 $50.00 RM-2024-003 10/24/2024 Notice of Exemption filing for Permit # RM-2024-003 $50.00 RM-2024-009 10/24/2024 Notice of Exemption filing for Permit # RM-2024-009 $50.00 TR-2024-012 10/24/2024 Notice of Exemption filing for Permit # TR-2024-012 $50.00 TR-2024-018 10/24/2024 Notice of Exemption filing for Permit # TR-2024-018 $50.00 RM-2024-012 10/24/2024 Notice of Exemption filing for Permit # RM-2024-012 $50.00 R-2024-001 10/24/2024 Notice of Exemption filing for Permit # R-2024-001, RM-2024-022 $50.00 Paying Fund Cash Account Amount Monday, November 4, 2024Pages: 4 of 16user: Vi Tran Payment Register City of Cupertino From Payment Date: 10/26/2024 - To Payment Date: 11/1/2024 Number Date Status Void Reason Reconciled/ Voided Date Source Payee Name Transaction Amount Reconciled Amount Difference 100 - General Fund 100 100-100 (Cash & Investments Assets Operating Cash) $550.00 735559 11/01/2024 Open Accounts Payable County of Santa Clara -Office of the Sheriff $4,596.00 Invoice Date Description Amount 1800091351 10/21/2024 Supplemental Law Enforcement Diwali Festival 10/12/2024 $4,596.00 Paying Fund Cash Account Amount 100 - General Fund 100 100-100 (Cash & Investments Assets Operating Cash) $4,596.00 735560 11/01/2024 Open Accounts Payable Data Ticket, Inc.$25.00 Invoice Date Description Amount 170631 10/09/2024 Online access to citation processing-September 2024 $25.00 Paying Fund Cash Account Amount 230 - Env Mgmt Cln Crk Strm Drain 230 100-100 (Cash & Investments Assets Operating Cash) $25.00 735561 11/01/2024 Open Accounts Payable Dex Systems Engineering $2,635.00 Invoice Date Description Amount 1641 10/20/2024 Intall USB Extender; Install Blackberry Farm Zoom Room $2,635.00 Paying Fund Cash Account Amount 100 - General Fund 100 100-100 (Cash & Investments Assets Operating Cash) $2,635.00 735562 11/01/2024 Open Accounts Payable Grace Cathedral Corporation $1,080.00 Invoice Date Description Amount 100478712 08/29/2024 Senior Trip: 11/14/24 - Grace Cathedral and Ghiradelli Square $1,080.00 Paying Fund Cash Account Amount 100 - General Fund 100 100-100 (Cash & Investments Assets Operating Cash) $1,080.00 735563 11/01/2024 Open Accounts Payable Homestead 76 $724.75 Invoice Date Description Amount 202407 07/01/2024 Fleet- Carwash Services July 2024 $254.91 202409 09/01/2024 Fleet- Carwash Services September 2024 $189.94 202408 08/01/2024 Fleet- Carwash Services August 2024 $279.90 Paying Fund Cash Account Amount 630 - Vehicle/Equip Replacement 630 100-100 (Cash & Investments Assets Operating Cash) $724.75 735564 11/01/2024 Open Accounts Payable HUICHEN LIN $1,014.00 Invoice Date Description Amount 102924 HL 10/29/2024 October fitness classes $1,014.00 Paying Fund Cash Account Amount 570 - Sports Center 570 100-100 (Cash & Investments Assets Operating Cash) $702.00 580 - Recreation Program 580 100-100 (Cash & Investments Assets Operating Cash) $312.00 Monday, November 4, 2024Pages: 5 of 16user: Vi Tran Payment Register City of Cupertino From Payment Date: 10/26/2024 - To Payment Date: 11/1/2024 Number Date Status Void Reason Reconciled/ Voided Date Source Payee Name Transaction Amount Reconciled Amount Difference 735565 11/01/2024 Open Accounts Payable Mountain View Garden Center $137.39 Invoice Date Description Amount 116530 10/21/2024 Grounds- Topsoil $137.39 Paying Fund Cash Account Amount 100 - General Fund 100 100-100 (Cash & Investments Assets Operating Cash) $137.39 735566 11/01/2024 Open Accounts Payable PG&E $28,383.93 Invoice Date Description Amount 1715-101824 10/18/2024 4993063171-5 9/14/24-10/14/24 $28,383.93 Paying Fund Cash Account Amount 100 - General Fund 100 100-100 (Cash & Investments Assets Operating Cash) $28,383.93 735567 11/01/2024 Open Accounts Payable PG&E $114.91 Invoice Date Description Amount 4212-102424 10/24/2024 3535370421-2 9/19/24-10/17/24 $114.91 Paying Fund Cash Account Amount 100 - General Fund 100 100-100 (Cash & Investments Assets Operating Cash) $114.91 735568 11/01/2024 Open Accounts Payable PG&E $298.43 Invoice Date Description Amount 0349-102324 10/23/2024 3042033034-9 9/18/24-10/16/24 $298.43 Paying Fund Cash Account Amount 100 - General Fund 100 100-100 (Cash & Investments Assets Operating Cash) $298.43 735569 11/01/2024 Open Accounts Payable PG&E $12.66 Invoice Date Description Amount 8413-102524 10/25/2024 4685859841-3 9/20/24-10/20/24 $12.66 Paying Fund Cash Account Amount 100 - General Fund 100 100-100 (Cash & Investments Assets Operating Cash) $12.66 735570 11/01/2024 Open Accounts Payable PG&E $25.07 Invoice Date Description Amount 5875-101824 10/18/2024 2012160587-5 9/19/24-10/17/24 $25.07 Paying Fund Cash Account Amount 100 - General Fund 100 100-100 (Cash & Investments Assets Operating Cash) $25.07 735571 11/01/2024 Open Accounts Payable PG&E $119.93 Invoice Date Description Amount 9785-102524 10/25/2024 2016881978-5 9/19/24-10/17/24 $119.93 Paying Fund Cash Account Amount 100 - General Fund 100 100-100 (Cash & Investments Assets Operating Cash) $119.93 735572 11/01/2024 Open Accounts Payable PG&E $172.65 Invoice Date Description Amount 7100-101424 10/14/2024 7166121710-0 9/6/24-10/6/24 $172.65 Paying Fund Cash Account Amount 100 - General Fund 100 100-100 (Cash & Investments Assets Operating Cash) $172.65 Monday, November 4, 2024Pages: 6 of 16user: Vi Tran Payment Register City of Cupertino From Payment Date: 10/26/2024 - To Payment Date: 11/1/2024 Number Date Status Void Reason Reconciled/ Voided Date Source Payee Name Transaction Amount Reconciled Amount Difference 735573 11/01/2024 Open Accounts Payable ReadyRefresh $185.87 Invoice Date Description Amount 14J0027344639 10/09/2024 City Hall Employee Drinking Water $185.87 Paying Fund Cash Account Amount 100 - General Fund 100 100-100 (Cash & Investments Assets Operating Cash) $185.87 735574 11/01/2024 Open Accounts Payable San Jose Water Company $34,884.14 Invoice Date Description Amount 08312024 10/02/2024 Water System Upgrades $34,884.14 Paying Fund Cash Account Amount 100 - General Fund 100 100-100 (Cash & Investments Assets Operating Cash) $34,884.14 735575 11/01/2024 Open Accounts Payable San Jose Water Company $619.53 Invoice Date Description Amount 7329-10222024 10/22/2024 0645365732-9 Streets Division 09.20.24 to 10.22.24 $619.53 Paying Fund Cash Account Amount 230 - Env Mgmt Cln Crk Strm Drain 230 100-100 (Cash & Investments Assets Operating Cash) $619.53 735576 11/01/2024 Open Accounts Payable Santa Clara Valley Water District $36,859.00 Invoice Date Description Amount GN103073 09/12/2024 Landscape Conversion Rebate Program Jan-Jun 2024 $36,859.00 Paying Fund Cash Account Amount 100 - General Fund 100 100-100 (Cash & Investments Assets Operating Cash) $30,224.38 230 - Env Mgmt Cln Crk Strm Drain 230 100-100 (Cash & Investments Assets Operating Cash) $6,634.62 735577 11/01/2024 Open Accounts Payable South Bay Foundry $1,047.60 Invoice Date Description Amount 0240979 10/28/2024 Street- 24'' X 24'' X 2-1/4'' O.D STEEL GRATE, GALV.$1,047.60 Paying Fund Cash Account Amount 230 - Env Mgmt Cln Crk Strm Drain 230 100-100 (Cash & Investments Assets Operating Cash) $1,047.60 735578 11/01/2024 Open Accounts Payable T-MOBILE $104.46 Invoice Date Description Amount 4158-102124 10/21/2024 966594158-102124 $104.46 Paying Fund Cash Account Amount 610 - Innovation & Technology 610 100-100 (Cash & Investments Assets Operating Cash) $104.46 735579 11/01/2024 Open Accounts Payable The Cupertino Historical Society, Inc.$200.00 Invoice Date Description Amount CHS103024 10/30/2024 Sister City Delegation Gifts for 2024 Visit to Bhubaneswar India $200.00 Paying Fund Cash Account Amount 100 - General Fund 100 100-100 (Cash & Investments Assets Operating Cash) $200.00 735580 11/01/2024 Open Accounts Payable Bart Cortez $25.00 Invoice Date Description Amount Bart10182024 10/18/2024 Live Scan and Fingerprinting Reimbursement $25.00 Monday, November 4, 2024Pages: 7 of 16user: Vi Tran Payment Register City of Cupertino From Payment Date: 10/26/2024 - To Payment Date: 11/1/2024 Number Date Status Void Reason Reconciled/ Voided Date Source Payee Name Transaction Amount Reconciled Amount Difference Paying Fund Cash Account Amount 100 - General Fund 100 100-100 (Cash & Investments Assets Operating Cash) $25.00 735581 11/01/2024 Open Accounts Payable WELLS CONSTRUCTION, INC.$5,000.00 Invoice Date Description Amount 349517 10/29/2024 REFUND 20520 STEVENS CREEK BLVD STE# A BLD-2023-2496 TCO BOND $5,000.00 Paying Fund Cash Account Amount 100 - General Fund 100 100-100 (Cash & Investments Assets Operating Cash) $5,000.00 735582 11/01/2024 Open Accounts Payable Parinita Satpute $175.00 Invoice Date Description Amount 102924 PS 10/29/2024 October fitness classes $175.00 Paying Fund Cash Account Amount 570 - Sports Center 570 100-100 (Cash & Investments Assets Operating Cash) $175.00 Type Check Totals:35 Transactions $190,347.91 EFT 40976 10/28/2024 Open Accounts Payable EMPLOYMENT DEVEL DEPT $46,114.42 Invoice Date Description Amount 10182024 10/18/2024 CA State Tax pp 10/5/24-10/18/24 $46,114.42 Paying Fund Cash Account Amount 100 - General Fund 100 100-100 (Cash & Investments Assets Operating Cash) $46,114.42 40977 10/28/2024 Open Accounts Payable IRS $145,953.44 Invoice Date Description Amount 10182024 10/18/2024 Federal Tax pp 10/5/24-10/18/24 $145,953.44 Paying Fund Cash Account Amount 100 - General Fund 100 100-100 (Cash & Investments Assets Operating Cash) $145,953.44 40978 10/30/2024 Open Accounts Payable P E R S $167,443.94 Invoice Date Description Amount 10182024 10/18/2024 PERS pp 10/5/24-10/18/24 $167,443.94 Paying Fund Cash Account Amount 100 - General Fund 100 100-100 (Cash & Investments Assets Operating Cash) $167,443.94 40979 10/30/2024 Open Accounts Payable P E R S $411.96 Invoice Date Description Amount 10012024 10/18/2024 PER Council pp 10/5/24-10/18/24 $411.96 Paying Fund Cash Account Amount 100 - General Fund 100 100-100 (Cash & Investments Assets Operating Cash) $411.96 40980 11/01/2024 Open Accounts Payable ABOLI JAYDEEP RANADE $156.00 Invoice Date Description Amount 102924 AJR 10/29/2024 October fitness classes $156.00 Paying Fund Cash Account Amount 570 - Sports Center 570 100-100 (Cash & Investments Assets Operating Cash) $156.00 Monday, November 4, 2024Pages: 8 of 16user: Vi Tran Payment Register City of Cupertino From Payment Date: 10/26/2024 - To Payment Date: 11/1/2024 Number Date Status Void Reason Reconciled/ Voided Date Source Payee Name Transaction Amount Reconciled Amount Difference 40981 11/01/2024 Open Accounts Payable Amit Goel $273.00 Invoice Date Description Amount 102924 AG 10/29/2024 October fitness classes $273.00 Paying Fund Cash Account Amount 570 - Sports Center 570 100-100 (Cash & Investments Assets Operating Cash) $273.00 40982 11/01/2024 Open Accounts Payable Aquatic Central $3,000.00 Invoice Date Description Amount 100025 10/15/2024 Facilities - Library Aquarium Maint. Oct 2024 $3,000.00 Paying Fund Cash Account Amount 100 - General Fund 100 100-100 (Cash & Investments Assets Operating Cash) $3,000.00 40983 11/01/2024 Open Accounts Payable B&H PHOTO-VIDEO $757.19 Invoice Date Description Amount 228213705 10/15/2024 Poly Trio C60 IP PHN F/Teams Full Radio/POE $757.19 Paying Fund Cash Account Amount 100 - General Fund 100 100-100 (Cash & Investments Assets Operating Cash) $757.19 40984 11/01/2024 Open Accounts Payable Bikeep Inc.$49.00 Invoice Date Description Amount 18186 10/31/2024 Monthly Bikeep Fee $49.00 Paying Fund Cash Account Amount 100 - General Fund 100 100-100 (Cash & Investments Assets Operating Cash) $49.00 40985 11/01/2024 Open Accounts Payable Brannon Corporation $53,578.83 Invoice Date Description Amount 5, 2019-18 09/10/2024 Regnart Road Improvements 08312024 - Retention $53,578.83 Paying Fund Cash Account Amount 420 - Capital Improvement Fund 420 100-100 (Cash & Investments Assets Operating Cash) $53,578.83 40986 11/01/2024 Open Accounts Payable CDW Government $2,505.92 Invoice Date Description Amount AB3AR1W 10/25/2024 x5 APPLE IPAD PRO 11 5TH WIFI 256GB Video Division $2,505.92 Paying Fund Cash Account Amount 610 - Innovation & Technology 610 100-100 (Cash & Investments Assets Operating Cash) $2,505.92 40987 11/01/2024 Open Accounts Payable CHAD MOSLEY $73.03 Invoice Date Description Amount ChadM10232024 10/23/2024 Monthly Public Works Operations Meeting $18.03 ChadM10202024 10/20/2024 Cell Phone Reimbursement through 09212024- 10202024 $55.00 Paying Fund Cash Account Amount 100 - General Fund 100 100-100 (Cash & Investments Assets Operating Cash) $73.03 40988 11/01/2024 Open Accounts Payable COLLEEN FERRIS $55.00 Invoice Date Description Amount ColleenF101624 10/16/2024 cell phone service Sept 17-October 16 $55.00 Monday, November 4, 2024Pages: 9 of 16user: Vi Tran Payment Register City of Cupertino From Payment Date: 10/26/2024 - To Payment Date: 11/1/2024 Number Date Status Void Reason Reconciled/ Voided Date Source Payee Name Transaction Amount Reconciled Amount Difference Paying Fund Cash Account Amount 570 - Sports Center 570 100-100 (Cash & Investments Assets Operating Cash) $55.00 40989 11/01/2024 Open Accounts Payable Craig Whittom Consulting $3,327.36 Invoice Date Description Amount 00077 10/02/2024 September 2024 – Vallco Project Management $3,327.36 Paying Fund Cash Account Amount 100 - General Fund 100 100-100 (Cash & Investments Assets Operating Cash) $3,327.36 40990 11/01/2024 Open Accounts Payable DAN BARONE $55.00 Invoice Date Description Amount DanB101824 10/18/2024 Cell Phone Reimbursement - Dan B 091924 to 101824 $55.00 Paying Fund Cash Account Amount 270 - Transportation Fund 270 100-100 (Cash & Investments Assets Operating Cash) $55.00 40991 11/01/2024 Open Accounts Payable Dominique Couto Cerdeiral $440.00 Invoice Date Description Amount 102924 DCC 10/29/2024 October fitness classes $440.00 Paying Fund Cash Account Amount 570 - Sports Center 570 100-100 (Cash & Investments Assets Operating Cash) $440.00 40992 11/01/2024 Open Accounts Payable Elham Kaviani $280.00 Invoice Date Description Amount 102924 EK 10/29/2024 October fitness classes $280.00 Paying Fund Cash Account Amount 570 - Sports Center 570 100-100 (Cash & Investments Assets Operating Cash) $280.00 40993 11/01/2024 Open Accounts Payable EPAC Technologies, Inc.$446.80 Invoice Date Description Amount E364674 10/12/2024 COC #10 Envelope w/ Logo Envelope $446.80 Paying Fund Cash Account Amount 100 - General Fund 100 100-100 (Cash & Investments Assets Operating Cash) $446.80 40994 11/01/2024 Open Accounts Payable Ewing Irrigation Products Inc.$7,832.29 Invoice Date Description Amount 23806798 10/17/2024 Grounds- PVC Pipes $306.71 23780745 10/15/2024 Grounds- Marking Chalk $345.15 23806767 10/17/2024 Grounds- ASTDAR RP ASSEMBLY $7,180.43 Paying Fund Cash Account Amount 100 - General Fund 100 100-100 (Cash & Investments Assets Operating Cash) $7,832.29 40995 11/01/2024 Open Accounts Payable Fehr & Peers $1,118.25 Invoice Date Description Amount 179968 10/17/2024 VMT Inventory & VMT Mitigation Measure through 083124-092724 $1,118.25 Paying Fund Cash Account Amount 100 - General Fund 100 100-100 (Cash & Investments Assets Operating Cash) $1,118.25 Monday, November 4, 2024Pages: 10 of 16user: Vi Tran Payment Register City of Cupertino From Payment Date: 10/26/2024 - To Payment Date: 11/1/2024 Number Date Status Void Reason Reconciled/ Voided Date Source Payee Name Transaction Amount Reconciled Amount Difference 40996 11/01/2024 Open Accounts Payable GARDENLAND POWER EQUIPMENT $523.09 Invoice Date Description Amount 1131257 10/17/2024 Fleet- ECH/ECV Module Kit $389.32 1131247 10/17/2024 Fleet- Air Filter, Carburetor, Carburetor Assembly $133.77 Paying Fund Cash Account Amount 630 - Vehicle/Equip Replacement 630 100-100 (Cash & Investments Assets Operating Cash) $523.09 40997 11/01/2024 Open Accounts Payable Goldfarb & Lipman LLP $197.50 Invoice Date Description Amount 477917 10/23/2024 Legal Services, September 2024 $197.50 Paying Fund Cash Account Amount 100 - General Fund 100 100-100 (Cash & Investments Assets Operating Cash) $197.50 40998 11/01/2024 Open Accounts Payable Grace Duval $880.00 Invoice Date Description Amount 102924 GD 10/29/2024 October personal training $880.00 Paying Fund Cash Account Amount 570 - Sports Center 570 100-100 (Cash & Investments Assets Operating Cash) $880.00 40999 11/01/2024 Open Accounts Payable GRAINGER INC $131.53 Invoice Date Description Amount 9280057291 10/14/2024 Facilities- OCC SNSR,PIR,120/277/230V AC,452 SQ FT $131.53 Paying Fund Cash Account Amount 100 - General Fund 100 100-100 (Cash & Investments Assets Operating Cash) $131.53 41000 11/01/2024 Open Accounts Payable Gym Precision, Inc.$3,002.07 Invoice Date Description Amount 20091 10/16/2024 Service Order#23595. Replaced two elliptical consoles and one lo $2,599.27 20069 10/03/2024 Service Order# 23889. Install treadmill belt sensor and spin bik $402.80 Paying Fund Cash Account Amount 570 - Sports Center 570 100-100 (Cash & Investments Assets Operating Cash) $3,002.07 41001 11/01/2024 Open Accounts Payable HdL Coren & Cone $5,225.80 Invoice Date Description Amount SIN044187 10/28/2024 Contract Services Property Tax: OCT-DEC24 $5,225.80 Paying Fund Cash Account Amount 100 - General Fund 100 100-100 (Cash & Investments Assets Operating Cash) $5,225.80 41002 11/01/2024 Open Accounts Payable Insight Consulting Services LLC $303,971.95 Invoice Date Description Amount 2024Q2 10/29/2024 Insight Tax Sharing 2024Q2 $303,971.95 Paying Fund Cash Account Amount 100 - General Fund 100 100-100 (Cash & Investments Assets Operating Cash) $303,971.95 Monday, November 4, 2024Pages: 11 of 16user: Vi Tran Payment Register City of Cupertino From Payment Date: 10/26/2024 - To Payment Date: 11/1/2024 Number Date Status Void Reason Reconciled/ Voided Date Source Payee Name Transaction Amount Reconciled Amount Difference 41003 11/01/2024 Open Accounts Payable Interstate Traffic Control Products, Inc. $207.81 Invoice Date Description Amount 266534 10/29/2024 Street- VCW146-5B Washers, Pyramid Rain Caps $207.81 Paying Fund Cash Account Amount 270 - Transportation Fund 270 100-100 (Cash & Investments Assets Operating Cash) $207.81 41004 11/01/2024 Open Accounts Payable Jahara Pagadipaala $80.00 Invoice Date Description Amount 102924 JP 10/29/2024 October fitness classes $80.00 Paying Fund Cash Account Amount 570 - Sports Center 570 100-100 (Cash & Investments Assets Operating Cash) $80.00 41005 11/01/2024 Open Accounts Payable JAMES COLVIN $2,964.00 Invoice Date Description Amount 102924 JC 10/29/2024 October personal training $2,964.00 Paying Fund Cash Account Amount 570 - Sports Center 570 100-100 (Cash & Investments Assets Operating Cash) $2,964.00 41006 11/01/2024 Open Accounts Payable JENNIFER HILL $492.00 Invoice Date Description Amount 102924 JH 10/29/2024 October fitness classes $492.00 Paying Fund Cash Account Amount 570 - Sports Center 570 100-100 (Cash & Investments Assets Operating Cash) $410.00 580 - Recreation Program 580 100-100 (Cash & Investments Assets Operating Cash) $82.00 41007 11/01/2024 Open Accounts Payable KIMBALL-MIDWEST $226.00 Invoice Date Description Amount 102723841 10/22/2024 Street- Serrated Flange Bolt, Knife Rep Blades $178.51 102700058 10/15/2024 Facilities- Single Use Ultra Bond $47.49 Paying Fund Cash Account Amount 100 - General Fund 100 100-100 (Cash & Investments Assets Operating Cash) $47.49 270 - Transportation Fund 270 100-100 (Cash & Investments Assets Operating Cash) $178.51 41008 11/01/2024 Open Accounts Payable Klarity Consulting, LLC $5,280.00 Invoice Date Description Amount 2024-011 10/10/2024 Executive Coaching & Mentoring – September 2024 Services $5,280.00 Paying Fund Cash Account Amount 100 - General Fund 100 100-100 (Cash & Investments Assets Operating Cash) $5,280.00 41009 11/01/2024 Open Accounts Payable Levin Consulting $3,519.66 Invoice Date Description Amount Levin101024 10/10/2024 2024 Cupertino City Manager Performance Evaluation $3,519.66 Paying Fund Cash Account Amount Monday, November 4, 2024Pages: 12 of 16user: Vi Tran Payment Register City of Cupertino From Payment Date: 10/26/2024 - To Payment Date: 11/1/2024 Number Date Status Void Reason Reconciled/ Voided Date Source Payee Name Transaction Amount Reconciled Amount Difference 100 - General Fund 100 100-100 (Cash & Investments Assets Operating Cash) $3,519.66 41010 11/01/2024 Open Accounts Payable Li-Fen Lin $80.00 Invoice Date Description Amount 102924 LFL 10/29/2024 October fitness classes $80.00 Paying Fund Cash Account Amount 570 - Sports Center 570 100-100 (Cash & Investments Assets Operating Cash) $80.00 41011 11/01/2024 Open Accounts Payable MONICA G. RANES-GOLDBERG $336.00 Invoice Date Description Amount 102924 MGRG 10/29/2024 October fitness classes $336.00 Paying Fund Cash Account Amount 570 - Sports Center 570 100-100 (Cash & Investments Assets Operating Cash) $336.00 41012 11/01/2024 Open Accounts Payable Moss Adams LLP $7,562.50 Invoice Date Description Amount 102658344 10/17/2024 Professional Services SEP 24 $7,562.50 Paying Fund Cash Account Amount 100 - General Fund 100 100-100 (Cash & Investments Assets Operating Cash) $7,562.50 41013 11/01/2024 Open Accounts Payable OLM Recycling Services LLC $537.00 Invoice Date Description Amount 4866 10/11/2024 Street- Ewaste Pickup $537.00 Paying Fund Cash Account Amount 100 - General Fund 100 100-100 (Cash & Investments Assets Operating Cash) $537.00 41014 11/01/2024 Open Accounts Payable Otis Elevator Company $1,966.80 Invoice Date Description Amount 100401722263 10/14/2024 Facilities- Sports Center Maintenance 11.01.24 to 10.31.25 $1,966.80 Paying Fund Cash Account Amount 570 - Sports Center 570 100-100 (Cash & Investments Assets Operating Cash) $1,966.80 41015 11/01/2024 Open Accounts Payable PACE Supply Corp $103.36 Invoice Date Description Amount 129948158 10/25/2024 Grounds- 6 Bolt Set $103.36 Paying Fund Cash Account Amount 100 - General Fund 100 100-100 (Cash & Investments Assets Operating Cash) $103.36 41016 11/01/2024 Open Accounts Payable Professional Turf Management, Inc.$18,693.56 Invoice Date Description Amount 1293 10/28/2024 Grounds- October 2024 Golf Course Maint.$18,693.56 Paying Fund Cash Account Amount 560 - Blackberry Farm 560 100-100 (Cash & Investments Assets Operating Cash) $18,693.56 Monday, November 4, 2024Pages: 13 of 16user: Vi Tran Payment Register City of Cupertino From Payment Date: 10/26/2024 - To Payment Date: 11/1/2024 Number Date Status Void Reason Reconciled/ Voided Date Source Payee Name Transaction Amount Reconciled Amount Difference 41017 11/01/2024 Open Accounts Payable Raychel Renee Balcioni Cruz $6,300.00 Invoice Date Description Amount 102924 RRBC 10/29/2024 October fitness classes and personal training $6,300.00 Paying Fund Cash Account Amount 570 - Sports Center 570 100-100 (Cash & Investments Assets Operating Cash) $6,300.00 41018 11/01/2024 Open Accounts Payable Revel Environmental Manufacturing, Inc. $2,952.60 Invoice Date Description Amount 63531 10/03/2024 Insp, cleaning, replacement of storm drain devices $2,952.60 Paying Fund Cash Account Amount 230 - Env Mgmt Cln Crk Strm Drain 230 100-100 (Cash & Investments Assets Operating Cash) $2,952.60 41019 11/01/2024 Open Accounts Payable s5s, LLC $691.11 Invoice Date Description Amount INV-03912-A 09/16/2024 ASL Translation Services - 9/16/24 $691.11 Paying Fund Cash Account Amount 100 - General Fund 100 100-100 (Cash & Investments Assets Operating Cash) $691.11 41020 11/01/2024 Open Accounts Payable Service Station Systems, Inc. $2,629.00 Invoice Date Description Amount 2241291 08/31/2024 Street- Compliance Testing for City Hall Fuel Tank $2,629.00 Paying Fund Cash Account Amount 100 - General Fund 100 100-100 (Cash & Investments Assets Operating Cash) $2,629.00 41021 11/01/2024 Open Accounts Payable SONIA DOGRA $273.00 Invoice Date Description Amount 102924 SD 10/29/2024 October fitness classes $273.00 Paying Fund Cash Account Amount 570 - Sports Center 570 100-100 (Cash & Investments Assets Operating Cash) $273.00 41022 11/01/2024 Open Accounts Payable Sweetwater Sound, LLC $2,725.47 Invoice Date Description Amount 42694413 10/11/2024 EV Evolve 30M P/A System $2,725.47 Paying Fund Cash Account Amount 100 - General Fund 100 100-100 (Cash & Investments Assets Operating Cash) $2,725.47 41023 11/01/2024 Open Accounts Payable The Pun Group, LLP $20,000.00 Invoice Date Description Amount 114945 10/31/2024 Audit of the City for the year ended June 30, 2024 Bill #4 $20,000.00 Paying Fund Cash Account Amount 100 - General Fund 100 100-100 (Cash & Investments Assets Operating Cash) $20,000.00 41024 11/01/2024 Open Accounts Payable United Site Services $380.90 Invoice Date Description Amount 114-13947250 10/09/2024 portable toilet at compost site October 2024 $380.90 Paying Fund Cash Account Amount Monday, November 4, 2024Pages: 14 of 16user: Vi Tran Payment Register City of Cupertino From Payment Date: 10/26/2024 - To Payment Date: 11/1/2024 Number Date Status Void Reason Reconciled/ Voided Date Source Payee Name Transaction Amount Reconciled Amount Difference 520 - Resource Recovery 520 100-100 (Cash & Investments Assets Operating Cash) $380.90 41025 11/01/2024 Open Accounts Payable URSULA SYROVA $160.12 Invoice Date Description Amount UrsulaS08212024 08/21/2024 Travel reimbursement for CRRA Conference 8.18.24- 8.21.24 $160.12 Paying Fund Cash Account Amount 520 - Resource Recovery 520 100-100 (Cash & Investments Assets Operating Cash) $160.12 41026 11/01/2024 Open Accounts Payable WOWzy Creation Corp. dba First Place $414.10 Invoice Date Description Amount 96763 10/16/2024 Crystal Gavel – 2024 Mayor Gift for Sheila Mohan $303.38 96768 10/15/2024 Name badges- 3 staff & 3 sustainability commissioner $110.72 Paying Fund Cash Account Amount 100 - General Fund 100 100-100 (Cash & Investments Assets Operating Cash) $358.74 520 - Resource Recovery 520 100-100 (Cash & Investments Assets Operating Cash) $55.36 41028 10/31/2024 Open Accounts Payable USPS - EFT ONLY $4,343.00 Invoice Date Description Amount 9657383 10/30/2024 USPS - Cupertino Parks & Rec Winter 24 $4,343.00 Paying Fund Cash Account Amount 100 - General Fund 100 100-100 (Cash & Investments Assets Operating Cash) $4,343.00 41029 10/31/2024 Open Accounts Payable California Department of Tax & Fee Administration $631.00 Invoice Date Description Amount QTR3-2024 10/29/2024 SR GH 026-818149 Sales/Use Tax JULY24-SEP24 $631.00 Paying Fund Cash Account Amount 100 - General Fund 100 100-100 (Cash & Investments Assets Operating Cash) $169.60 560 - Blackberry Farm 560 100-100 (Cash & Investments Assets Operating Cash) $461.40 Type EFT Totals:53 Transactions $831,352.36 Main Account - Main Checking Account Totals Checks Status Count Transaction Amount Reconciled Amount Open 35 $190,347.91 $0.00 Reconciled 0 $0.00 $0.00 Voided 0 $0.00 $0.00 Stopped 0 $0.00 $0.00 Total 35 $190,347.91 $0.00 EFTs Status Count Transaction Amount Reconciled Amount Open 53 $831,352.36 $0.00 Reconciled 0 $0.00 $0.00 Voided 0 $0.00 $0.00 Total 53 $831,352.36 $0.00 Monday, November 4, 2024Pages: 15 of 16user: Vi Tran Payment Register City of Cupertino From Payment Date: 10/26/2024 - To Payment Date: 11/1/2024 Number Date Status Void Reason Reconciled/ Voided Date Source Payee Name Transaction Amount Reconciled Amount Difference All Status Count Transaction Amount Reconciled Amount Open 88 $1,021,700.27 $0.00 Reconciled 0 $0.00 $0.00 Voided 0 $0.00 $0.00 Stopped 0 $0.00 $0.00 Total 88 $1,021,700.27 $0.00 Grand Totals: Checks Status Count Transaction Amount Reconciled Amount Open 35 $190,347.91 $0.00 Reconciled 0 $0.00 $0.00 Voided 0 $0.00 $0.00 Stopped 0 $0.00 $0.00 Total 35 $190,347.91 $0.00 EFTs Status Count Transaction Amount Reconciled Amount Open 53 $831,352.36 $0.00 Reconciled 0 $0.00 $0.00 Voided 0 $0.00 $0.00 Total 53 $831,352.36 $0.00 All Status Count Transaction Amount Reconciled Amount Open 88 $1,021,700.27 $0.00 Reconciled 0 $0.00 $0.00 Voided 0 $0.00 $0.00 Stopped 0 $0.00 $0.00 Total 88 $1,021,700.27 $0.00 Monday, November 4, 2024Pages: 16 of 16user: Vi Tran