CC Resolution No. 24-115 Election ResultsRESOLUTION NO. 24-215 A RESOLUTION OF THE CUPERTINO CITY COUNCIL STATING THE ELECTION RESULTS FOR THE GENERAL MUNICIPAL ELECTION HELD ON NOVEMBER 5, 2024 AND DECLARING THE CANDIDATES WHO RECEIVED THE MOST VOTES AND WERE ELECTED FOR THE POSITION OF CITY COUNCILMEMBER WHEREAS, the City of Cupertino conducted a General Municipal Election on Tuesday, November 5, 2024 as required by law, to elect two members to the City Council; and WHEREAS, notice of election was given in time, form and manner as provided by law; that voting precincts were properly established; that election officers were appointed and that in all respects the election was held and conducted and the votes were cast, received and canvassed and the returns made and declared in time, form and manner as required by the provisions of the Elections Code of the State of California for the holding of elections in general law cities; and WHEREAS, the Registrar of Voters of the County of Santa Clara, State of California, has conducted the official canvass of the returns of said election in accordance with the appropriate provisions of the Elections Code of the State of California; and WHEREAS, the Registrar of Voters has certified that the attached Certificate of Election Results (Exhibit A) is a full, true and correct statement of the votes cast at said election for two City Council seats, which findings are incorporated herein by this reference; NOW, THEREFORE, THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF CUPERTINO HEREBY DOES RESOLVE, DECLARE, DETERMINE AND ORDER AS FOLLOWS: 1.That the total number of votes cast in the City was 25,810. 2.That the total number of votes given and cast at the municipal election, including votes cast upon absentee ballots, was as follows for the candidates for City Council for full terms: Resolution No. 24-115 Page 2 Candidate # of Votes Kitty Moore 10,348 Ray Wang 7,643 Rod Sinks 7,579 Hung Wei 7,116 Gilbert Wong 3,333 Barry Chang 2,911 Claudio Bono 2,226 3.That the number of votes given at each precinct and the number of votes given in the City to each of the persons above named for the office for which the persons were candidates are listed in Exhibit A attached. 4.The City Council of the City of Cupertino does declare and determine that Kitty Moore and Ray Wang were each elected as members of the City Council for the full term of four years. 5.The City Clerk shall enter on the records of the City Council of the City of Cupertino a statement of the result of the election, showing: (1) the whole number of votes cast in the City; (2) the names of the persons voted for; (3) for what office each person was voted for; (4) the number of votes given at each precinct to each person (See Exhibit A); and (5) the total number of votes given to each person. 6.The City Clerk shall immediately make and deliver to each of the persons so elected a Certificate of Election signed by the City Clerk and authenticated; that the City Clerk shall also administer to each person elected the Oath of Office prescribed in the Constitution of the State of California and shall have them subscribe and file it in the office of the City Clerk. Each and all of the persons so elected shall then be inducted into the respective office to which they have been elected. 7.The City Clerk shall certify passage and adoption of this resolution and enter it into the book of original resolutions. PASSED AND ADOPTED at a special meeting of the City Council of the City of Cupertino this 12th day of December 2024, by the following vote: Resolution No. 24-115 Page 3 Vote Members of the City Council AYES: Chao, Moore, Fruen, Mohan, Wei NOES: None ABSENT: None ABSTAIN: None SIGNED: Liang Chao Mayor, City of Cupertino Date ATTEST: Kirsten Squarcia, City Clerk Date 12/23/24 12/23/24 Santa Clara Santa Clara November 5 2024 General Election EXHIBIT A November 5, 2024 General Election SOV by District November 5, 2024 1 City of Cupertino Council Member Re g i s t e r e d Vo t e r s Vo t e r s Ca s t Tu r n o u t (% ) Ki t t y Mo o r e Ba r r y Ch a n g Cl a u d i o Bo n o Hu n g We i Ra y Wa n g Gi l b e r t Wo n g Ro d Si n k s 17th Congressional District In-Person 33634 2678 7.96 % 1212 295 195 537 999 307 553 17th Congressional District Mail Voting 33634 23132 68.78 % 9136 2616 2031 6579 6644 3026 7026 17th Congressional District Total 33634 25810 76.74 % 10348 2911 2226 7116 7643 3333 7579 13th Senatorial District In-Person 33634 2678 7.96 % 1212 295 195 537 999 307 553 13th Senatorial District Mail Voting 33634 23132 68.78 % 9136 2616 2031 6579 6644 3026 7026 13th Senatorial District Total 33634 25810 76.74 % 10348 2911 2226 7116 7643 3333 7579 26th Assembly District In-Person 33634 2678 7.96 % 1212 295 195 537 999 307 553 26th Assembly District Mail Voting 33634 23132 68.78 % 9136 2616 2031 6579 6644 3026 7026 26th Assembly District Total 33634 25810 76.74 % 10348 2911 2226 7116 7643 3333 7579 State Board of Equalization #2 In-Person 33634 2678 7.96 % 1212 295 195 537 999 307 553 State Board of Equalization #2 Mail Voting 33634 23132 68.78 % 9136 2616 2031 6579 6644 3026 7026 State Board of Equalization #2 Total 33634 25810 76.74 % 10348 2911 2226 7116 7643 3333 7579 County of Santa Clara In-Person 33634 2678 7.96 % 1212 295 195 537 999 307 553 County of Santa Clara Mail Voting 33634 23132 68.78 % 9136 2616 2031 6579 6644 3026 7026 County of Santa Clara Total 33634 25810 76.74 % 10348 2911 2226 7116 7643 3333 7579 5th Supervisorial District In-Person 33634 2678 7.96 % 1212 295 195 537 999 307 553 5th Supervisorial District Mail Voting 33634 23132 68.78 % 9136 2616 2031 6579 6644 3026 7026 5th Supervisorial District Total 33634 25810 76.74 % 10348 2911 2226 7116 7643 3333 7579 City of Cupertino In-Person 33634 2678 7.96 % 1212 295 195 537 999 307 553 City of Cupertino Mail Voting 33634 23132 68.78 % 9136 2616 2031 6579 6644 3026 7026 City of Cupertino Total 33634 25810 76.74 % 10348 2911 2226 7116 7643 3333 7579 Total - In-Person 33634 2678 7.96 % 1212 295 195 537 999 307 553 Total - Mail Voting 33634 23132 68.78 % 9136 2616 2031 6579 6644 3026 7026 Contest Total 33634 25810 76.74 % 10348 2911 2226 7116 7643 3333 7579 Printed: Tuesday, December 3, 2024 2:42 PM Data Refreshed: Tuesday, December 3, 2024 2:41 PM Page 186 of 227 Santa Clara Santa Clara November 5 2024 General Election November 5, 2024 General Election SOV by Precinct November 5, 2024 1 City of Cupertino Council Member Re g i s t e r e d Vo t e r s Vo t e r s Ca s t Tu r n o u t (% ) Ki t t y Mo o r e Ba r r y Ch a n g Cl a u d i o Bo n o Hu n g We i Ra y Wa n g Gi l b e r t Wo n g Ro d Si n k s 0003601 In-Person 1560 59 3.78 % 19 5 4 13 18 6 17 0003601 Mail Voting 1560 1248 80.00 % 330 146 161 424 184 155 575 0003601 Total 1560 1307 83.78 % 349 151 165 437 202 161 592 0003602 In-Person 2475 186 7.52 % 89 15 13 38 73 18 32 0003602 Mail Voting 2475 1694 68.44 % 810 186 137 401 585 216 429 0003602 Total 2475 1880 75.96 % 899 201 150 439 658 234 461 0003603 In-Person 1574 85 5.40 % 44 7 12 13 39 11 18 0003603 Mail Voting 1574 1148 72.94 % 420 151 108 347 285 174 358 0003603 Total 1574 1233 78.34 % 464 158 120 360 324 185 376 0003604 In-Person 1450 136 9.38 % 49 15 10 37 41 18 25 0003604 Mail Voting 1450 940 64.83 % 336 120 97 279 233 113 285 0003604 Total 1450 1076 74.21 % 385 135 107 316 274 131 310 0003605 In-Person 1759 175 9.95 % 64 26 11 38 64 22 43 0003605 Mail Voting 1759 1176 66.86 % 556 154 84 288 413 143 287 0003605 Total 1759 1351 76.81 % 620 180 95 326 477 165 330 0003606 In-Person 3227 235 7.28 % 123 23 8 43 101 24 48 0003606 Mail Voting 3227 2229 69.07 % 960 207 158 668 782 250 728 0003606 Total 3227 2464 76.36 % 1082 230 166 711 882 274 776 0003609 In-Person 1712 148 8.64 % 64 17 8 50 54 12 40 0003609 Mail Voting 1712 1173 68.52 % 407 127 95 408 305 159 383 0003609 Total 1712 1321 77.16 % 471 144 103 458 359 171 423 0003612 In-Person 1876 156 8.32 % 67 14 17 29 61 17 34 0003612 Mail Voting 1876 1304 69.51 % 494 168 147 361 324 159 353 0003612 Total 1876 1460 77.83 % 561 182 164 390 385 176 387 0003614 In-Person 2967 308 10.38 % 163 32 19 56 140 33 40 0003614 Mail Voting 2967 1909 64.34 % 842 213 136 454 644 276 440 0003614 Total 2967 2217 74.72 % 1005 245 155 510 784 309 480 0003616 In-Person 2529 222 8.78 % 102 16 16 47 69 31 51 0003616 Mail Voting 2529 1720 68.01 % 691 172 170 522 457 233 518 0003616 Total 2529 1942 76.79 % 793 188 186 569 526 264 569 0003620 In-Person 2038 155 7.61 % 75 21 12 32 60 21 29 0003620 Mail Voting 2038 1412 69.28 % 636 148 85 362 456 171 394 0003620 Total 2038 1567 76.89 % 710 169 97 394 515 192 423 0003621 In-Person 1552 159 10.24 % 61 25 15 27 49 16 35 0003621 Mail Voting 1552 977 62.95 % 339 123 112 249 179 137 288 0003621 Total 1552 1136 73.20 % 400 148 127 276 228 153 323 0003624 In-Person 493 28 5.68 % 12 3 5 7 4 5 7 0003624 Mail Voting 493 356 72.21 % 126 31 37 104 96 43 134 0003624 Total 493 384 77.89 % 138 34 42 111 100 48 141 0003627 In-Person 969 66 6.81 % 30 11 10 12 26 4 12 0003627 Mail Voting 969 696 71.83 % 276 83 73 165 192 102 221 0003627 Total 969 762 78.64 % 306 94 83 177 219 106 233 0003629 In-Person 2426 143 5.89 % 72 11 13 14 69 15 30 0003629 Mail Voting 2426 1763 72.67 % 628 209 169 542 493 212 602 0003629 Total 2426 1906 78.57 % 699 220 182 555 562 227 632 0003635 In-Person 98 11 11.22 % 4 1 1 1 1 0003635 Mail Voting 98 59 60.20 % 16 13 9 15 9 11 19 0003635 Total 98 70 71.43 % 20 14 9 16 9 12 20 0003639 In-Person 2831 236 8.34 % 112 25 6 40 85 36 44 0003639 Mail Voting 2831 1901 67.15 % 781 212 121 576 611 282 572 Printed: Tuesday, December 3, 2024 11:22 AM Data Refreshed: Tuesday, December 3, 2024 11:22 AM Page 449 of 1073 Santa Clara Santa Clara November 5 2024 General Election November 5, 2024 General Election SOV by Precinct November 5, 2024 1 City of Cupertino Council Member Re g i s t e r e d Vo t e r s Vo t e r s Ca s t Tu r n o u t (% ) Ki t t y Mo o r e Ba r r y Ch a n g Cl a u d i o Bo n o Hu n g We i Ra y Wa n g Gi l b e r t Wo n g Ro d Si n k s 0003639 Total 2831 2137 75.49 % 892 237 127 615 695 318 615 0003643 In-Person 1226 95 7.75 % 37 14 8 21 31 10 27 0003643 Mail Voting 1226 866 70.64 % 345 85 70 250 282 118 249 0003643 Total 1226 961 78.38 % 382 99 78 271 313 128 276 0003660 In-Person 596 45 7.55 % 14 8 6 5 7 5 9 0003660 Mail Voting 596 381 63.93 % 97 34 40 109 74 56 122 0003660 Total 596 426 71.48 % 111 42 46 114 81 61 131 0003663 In-Person 150 15 10.00 % 3 2 7 4 1 9 0003663 Mail Voting 150 103 68.67 % 22 19 18 33 20 11 45 0003663 Total 150 118 78.67 % 25 21 18 40 24 12 54 0003670 In-Person 67 9 13.43 % 4 4 2 3 1 2 0003670 Mail Voting 67 42 62.69 % 11 8 3 9 8 2 17 0003670 Total 67 51 76.12 % 15 12 5 12 9 2 19 0003673 In-Person 0 0 0003673 Mail Voting 0 0 0003673 Total 0 0 0003692 In-Person 59 6 10.17 % 4 4 3 1 0003692 Mail Voting 59 35 59.32 % 13 7 1 13 12 3 7 0003692 Total 59 41 69.49 % 17 7 1 17 15 4 7 Total - In-Person 33634 2678 7.96 % 1212 295 195 537 999 307 553 Total - Mail Voting 33634 23132 68.78 % 9136 2616 2031 6579 6644 3026 7026 Contest Total 33634 25810 76.74 % 10348 2911 2226 7116 7643 3333 7579 Printed: Tuesday, December 3, 2024 11:22 AM Data Refreshed: Tuesday, December 3, 2024 11:22 AM Page 450 of 1073 CERTIFICATE OF ELECTION RESULTS STATE OF CALIFORNIA ) ) ss. COUNTY OF SANTA CLARA ) I, Matt Moreles, Acting Registrar of Voters of the County of Santa Clara, State of California, hereby declare: 1. A General Election was held in the County of Santa Clara, for the Councilmember, on November 5, 2024 for the purpose of electing one (1) full­ term Member, City of Cupertino to the Governing Board. 2. The official canvass of the returns of this election was conducted by the Office of the Registrar of Voters in accordance with the appropriate provisions of the Elections Code of the State of California. 3. The Statement of Votes Cast, now on file in niy office and attached hereto, shows the number of votes for each candidate for the Councilmember of the City of Cupertino and in each of the precincts and that the total shown for each candidate are true and correct. WITNESS my hand and Official Seal this 5th day of December 2024. 1strar of Voters CERTIFICATE OF ELECTION STATE OF CALIFORNIA ) ) ss. COUNTY OF SANTA CLARA ) This certifies that, at the General Election held in and for the County of Santa Clara on November 5, 2024 Kitty Moore was elected for the office of Councilmember, City of Cupertino as appears by the official returns of the election and the Statement of Votes Cast now on file in my office. IN WITNESS WHEREOF, I, Matt Moreles, Acting Registrar of Voters of the County of Santa Clara, hereby issue this official Certificate of Election this 5th day of December 2024. CERTIFICATE OF ELECTION RESULTS STATE OF CALIFORNIA ) ) ss. COUNTY OF SANTA CLARA ) I, Matt Moreles, Acting Registrar of Voters of the County of Santa Clara, State of California, hereby declare: 1. A General Election was held in the County of Santa Clara, for the Councilmember, on November 5, 2024 for the purpose of electing one (1) full­ term Member, City of Cupertino to the Governing Board. 2. The official canvass of the returns of this election was conducted by the Office of the Registrar of Voters in accordance with the appropriate provisions of the Elections Code of the State of California. 3. The Statement of Votes Cast, now on file in my office and attached hereto, shows the number of votes for each candidate for the Councilmember of the City of Cupertino and in each of the precincts and that the total shown for each candidate are true and correct. WITNESS my hand and Official Seal this 5th day of December 2024. CERTIFICATE OF ELECTION STATE OF CALIFORNIA ) ) ss. COUNTY OF SANTA CLARA ) This certifies that, at the General Election held in and for the County of Santa Clara on November 5, 2024 Ray Wang was eleeted for the office of Councilmember, City of Cupertino as appears by the official returns of the election and the Statement of Votes Cast now on file in my office. IN WITNESS WHEREOF, I, Matt Moreles, Acting Registrar of Voters of the County of Santa Clara, hereby issue this official Certificate of Election this 5th day of December 2024. Mat