December 20, 2024 - Goal Setting Workshop Preparation – Council Top 10 Projects CITY COUNCIL INFORMATIONAL MEMORANDUM Date: December 20, 202 4 To: Cupertino City Council From: Tina Kapoor, Interim Assistant City Manager Re: Goal Setting Workshop Preparation – Council Top 10 Projects The Council maintains a City Work Program (CWP) as a two-year effort, revisiting on an annual basis to adjust and redirect efforts. The informational memorandum published on November 14 (Attachment A) outlined the approach for the upcoming prioritization workshop. The next step in the process is to gather Council feedback on their top projects. At the December 17 City Council meeting, Council provided the following direction: 1. Councilmembers to review the existing list of City Work Program (CWP) items to date and staff's draft list. 2. Councilmembers will propose a new and existing Top 10 Projects and submit by January 10 and Council and staff will also consider CWP projects for removal . 3. Council will conduct a study session at the Special City Council meeting on January 22, 2025 on the list of CWP projects; 4. The FY 25 -27 CWP will be considered for adoption at a meeting in February. As the next step in the CWP prioritization process, each Councilmember is invited to provide staff a list of up to 10 projects to be considered for the next two-year CWP. A potential CWP list is included in this memo (Attachment B) for Council consideration , which is a combination of the following: • Items from the TBD list that Council has previously approved as potential CWP items. • Previous CWP items that staff is proposing to be considered for FY 25 -27 CWP • Ongoing projects from the current CWP1 that are expected to continue and complete into the next fiscal year. The proposed list currently has 1 9 projects. Staff has developed a submission form (Attachment C) for each Councilmember to submit their top projects. In selecting their projects, councilmembers can either choose from the items listed in Attachment B or add new items. Councilmembers may also recommend removing any of the items from Attachment B. Projects should align with the five 1 https://www.cupertino.gov/Your -City/City -Council/City -Work -Program 2 adopted Council Goals2 as they help to focus the CWP items and ensure that the work completed remains aligned with expressed priorities. Councilmembers are requested to email the c ompleted forms (Attachment C) to Interim Assistant City Manager, Tina Kapoor at tinak@cupertino.gov by noon on January 10, 2025 . Staff will consolidate submissions into one list which will be provided to Council along with the Community Survey results as part of the materials for the January 22 City Council meeting . Staff will also provide rough estimates on staff time and budget resources needed for each item on the list for Council consideration. The final step in the process will be the CWP prioritization workshop would take place in February (date TBD) where the Council will collectively vote to narrow down the list and select final projects to be included in the FY 25 -27 CWP. Sustainability Impact There are no sustainability impacts associated with this update. Fiscal Impact Although there will be fiscal impacts with the final selection of the CWP, there are no impacts associated with this update. California Environmental Quality Act Not applicable. Reviewed by: Tina Kapoor, Interim Assistant City Manager Approved by: Pamela Wu, City Manager Attachments: A – November 14 informational memorandum B- List of Potential Items for FY 25 -27 CWP C – Top 10 Projects Council Submission Form 2 https://www.cupertino.gov/Your -City/City -Council/City -Council-Goals CITY OF CUPERTINO CITY MANAGER'S OFFICE CITY HALL 10300 TORRE AVENUE• CUPERTINO, CA 95014-3255 TELEPHONE: (408) 777-3223 • FAX: (408) 777-3366 CUPERTINO.ORG CITY COUNCIL INFORMATIONAL MEMORANDUM Date: November 14, 2024 To: Cupertino City Council From: Tina Kapoor, Interim Assistant City Manager Re: Council Goal Setting and FY 2025-27 City Work Program Prioritization Workshop Purpose This memo provides an overview of the approach for the upcoming Council Goal Setting and FY25-27 City Work Program (CWP) Prioritization Workshop. The Council maintains the CWP as a two-year effort, revisiting annually to adjust and redirect efforts. The bi-annual Council Goal-Setting Workshop is driven by the collective values and priorities of the current City Council and leads to the development and eventual adoption of a new CWP which: •Guides the major efforts of the City. •Informs the formulation of the annual budget for the upcoming fiscal year. •Ensures that efforts are aligned with the goals set by the City Council, and thus, the community. •Promotes transparency and accountability by focusing resources on strategies that best serve the community's needs and aspirations.Background In March 2023, the City Council participated in a workshop to reaffirm established City Council Goals presented below and to set new priorities for the next two fiscal years. At that session, the Council successfully selected and ranked top priority items to form the current CWP. In April 2024, as a mid-point check-in, the Council revisited and made minor modifications that can be viewed at cupertino.org/cityworkprogram. The current CWP includes 20 items. Detailed updates on the current CWP were included in an informational memorandum published on October 24. Items that require significant staff effort can sometimes take more than one year to complete are marked as "ongoing" and may be included in the next CWP. The next Council Goal Setting and Prioritization Workshop will occur in early 2025. This will provide a crucial opportunity for the Council to collaborate, establish or reaffirm goals, and outline ATTACHMENT A 1 the strategic direction for the next two years. Council will also have a chance to review, and as necessary, adjust the City Council Goals as shown below. City Council Goals In February 2020, the City Council adopted five Goals to provide a framework for City priorities and to guide the development of the CWP. The current Council Goals are included as Attachment A and are also illustrated below. PUBLIC ENGAGEMENT & TRANSPARENCY � TRANSPORTATION HOUSING QUALITY OF LIFE SUSTAINABILITY & FISCAL STRATEGY These five City Council Goals help to focus the CWP items and ensure that efforts remain aligned with expressed priorities. While these are intended as multi-year goals, Council will review them at the upcoming workshop and may adopt the same goals or revise them as needed. Staff is also conducting a community survey to gather feedback and will share the results of the survey with the Council prior to the 2025 workshop so that the Council has insights as to what is important to the residents. 2 ATTACHMENT A 2 Workshop Approach To ensure a thorough and thoughtful prioritization and adoption process, staff has designed a comprehensive approach, an overview of which is illustrated below. This approach aims to engage staff and Council earlier than in previous years. Prior to the workshop, staff will gather Council feedback on priority items, outline the structure for the workshop and provide a draft list of CWP items for consideration. December 2024 January 2025 February 2025 -------- March-June 2025 ' City Work Program Updates •FY 23-24 close-out via info memo (July 26) •FY 24-25 CWP Dashboard updated (August 30) •FY 24-25 Ql update via info memo (October 24)Council and Community Engagement •Draft list of items provided to Council for FY 25-27 CWP •Each Councilmember will submit their Top 5 projects (either identifying items from the draft list or proposing new ones) •Staff will launch the Community Satisfaction SurveyCouncil Goal Setting and CWP Workshop Prep •Staff will review Council Top 5 projects and prepare a draft two­ year CWP for FY 25-27 •Staff will publish staff report and materials ahead of the workshop •Staff will conduct Council prep sessions ahead of the workshopTo The Workshop! •Council will review Goals (Attachment A) •Reflect on the past two-year process •Celebrate accomplishments/completed projects •Council will prioritize the new list of itemsCity Work Program and Budget Adoption •Staff will provide estimated budget and timelines for each prioritized project and bring forward for Council adoption •Final budget for each item will be added to the annual budget for final adoption in June 3 ATTACHMENT A 3 Sustainability Impact No sustainability impact. Fiscal Impact While there is no fiscal impact with this memorandum, staff will bring forward estimated resources and associated funding for items that are selected as the next two-year CWP. These costs will be added to the upcoming budget during the budget adoption process. This priority-based approach aligns funding to programs and services with Council priorities, allows the budget to meet the needs of the community, and focuses on outcomes. California Environmental Quality Act Not applicable. Prepared by: Tina Kapoor, Interim Assistant City Manager Reviewed by: Christopher Jensen, City Attorney Approved by: Pamela Wu, City Manager Attachments: A -City Council Goals 4 ATTACHMENT A 4 Attachment A Established Council Goals •Public Engagement and TransparencyoCreating and maintaining key conversations and interactions with the CupertinoCommunity.•TransportationoProviding access to an efficient, safe multi-modal transportation system for ourcommunity, and advocating for effective, equitable mass transit in the greater region.o Improving Traffic Flow and Alleviating Congestion•HousingoContributing meaningfully and in a balanced manner to the housing inventory insupport of our community needs, including affordable housing (from extremely low­income to moderate-income level housing) and addressing homelessness.•Sustainability & Fiscal StrategyoContinuing Cupertino's commitment to building a sustainable and resilient communityfor future generations.•Quality of LifeoFurthering the health and well-being of all Cupertino community members.o Air Quality and NoiseoPublic SafetyoRecreationoAccess to Goods and ServicesFor more information, visit City Council Goals: https://www.cupertino.org/our-city/city­council/ city-council-goals 5 ATTACHMENT A 5 Source # Title Project Status Lead Department Council Goal 1 Update City's  Impact Fees BMR, TIF, Park in‐lieu, etc. and associated governing policies and guidelines. Nexus  Study on TIF. Added 6/18 CC meeting City Attorney's Office Sustainability and  Fiscal Strategy 2 City Treasurer  Review Review of City Treasurer Resolution including appointment, function, and  process for ratifying accounts payable, as well as City Treasurer position in  org chart Added 6/18 CC meeting Admin Services Sustainability and  Fiscal Strategy 3 Financial,  Investment, and  Cashflow Policy  Review Review the City’s financial policy and best practices. An item to discuss the  investment policy and quarterly treasurers report where we also invite the  entire audit committee to attend. Establish a cashflow management policy. Added 9/17 CC meeting Admin Services Sustainability and  Fiscal Strategy 4 General Plan  Community  Meetings Consider a community meeting requirement for any project requiring a general  plan amendment, so when it comes to the Planning Commission or City Council,  there is community input on the amendment. Added 9/17 CC meeting Community  Development Public Engagement  and Transparency 5 General Plan  Notifications Consider increasing radius notifications from 300 feet to 500 feet and adding  notifications to affected neighborhoods for general plan amendments and rezoning  ordinances Added 9/17 CC meeting Community  Development Public Engagement  and Transparency 6 Lehigh Quarry Monitor the County's Lehigh Quarry reclamation and development project This item was previously on the FY 22‐ 23 CWP, however the current scope is  slightly different Community  Development Quality of Life 7 Heart of the City  (HOC) Specific  Plan update 1. Build on Housing Element goals to facilitate housing production in transit‐ oriented locations 2. Tailor permissible uses to revitalize local public‐facing  commercial uses (retail/restaurant/entertainment/professional office, etc.) This item was ranked at medium  priority for FY 2023‐2025, but was  placed on hold and not funded due to  the City's budget reduction strategy. Community  Development Housing 8 Retention of  commercial and  industrial uses Establish policy and associated zoning amendments.New Community  Development Quality of Life 9 Privacy Screening  and Balconies  Code Evaluate Muni Code (Ch.19.28: R‐1 Zones) on Privacy Screening and Balconies and  update privacy planting list as appropriate to be climate appropriate/native This item was ranked at medium  priority for FY 2023‐2025, but was  placed on hold and not funded due to  the City's budget reduction strategy. Community  Development Quality of Life 10 Public  Engagement  Strategy  Research and develop a standardized city‐wide process for public engagement. This item was previously on the FY 22‐ 23 CWP, however it was not  prioritized at the time City Manager's Office Public Engagement  and Transparency TBD Staff Proposed/  Previous CWP  Item s List of potential items for FY 25‐27 City Work Program  ATTACHMENT B 1 Source # Title Project Status Lead Department Council Goal List of potential items for FY 25‐27 City Work Program  11 Tree List CDD Review and revise development tree list (per Ch. 14.18: Protected Trees) with an  emphasis on appropriate trees and native species. RFP currently out, expected to end by  12/31/25 Community  Development Sustainability and  Fiscal Strategy 12 Tree List PW Review, revise, and communicate street tree list with an emphasis on appropriate  trees and native species. Develop an Urban Forest program scope and cost for future  consideration. RFP currently out, expected to end by  12/31/25 Public Works Sustainability and  Fiscal Strategy 13 Residential and  Mixed Use  Residential  Design Standard Create objective design standards for residential and mixed‐use residential  projects, including ensuring adequate buffers from neighboring low‐density residential  development. Contract with Placeworks ongoing.  Expected to end by 12/31/25 Community  Development Quality of Life 14 Sign Ordinance Update Sign Ordinance RFP out, expected to be completed at  end of 2025 Community  Development Quality of Life 15 Active  Transportation  Plan This item is a consolidation of existing and new transportation efforts aiming to  further goals outlined in the City's Vision Zero Initiative, including: 1) Review and update the bike plan 2) Review and update the pedestrian plan 3) Review current Complete Streets Policy and propose adjustments to create a  better interface between all modes of transportation Agreement executed with Alta  Planning. Expected to be completed  by 6/20/26. Public Works Transportation 16 Art in Public and  Private Areas Revisit Municipal Code standards for art in public and private development,  including the standards in the Municipal Code and developing an Art‐in‐lieu fee  policy. Arts and Culture Commission currently  reviewing. Expected to complet by  6/30/25 Community  Development Quality of Life 17 Preserve existing  and develop new  BMR/ELI Explore opportunities to preserve existing expiring BMR housing. Develop ELI  (Extremely Low Income) and BMR housing units for Developmentally Disabled  individuals (IDD) on City‐owned property as well as the County‐owned sites. Anticipate potential BMR projects on  city and county owned sites. Community  Development Housing 18 5G Ordinance Update 5G Ordinance Staff has been internally preparing an  ordinace that complies with Federal  regulations. Public Works Quality of Life 19 Bicycle Facilities Increase the inventory of bicycle facilities and amenities, such as bike racks,  citywide. Staff working with Rotary to outreach  with businesses. Purchasing and  installing bike racks expected by  6/30/25 Public Works Transportation Ongoing  current CWP  Items ATTACHMENT B 2 Public Engagement & Transparency Transportation Housing Sustainability & Fiscal Strategy Quality of Life Public Engagement & Transparency Transportation Housing Sustainability & Fiscal Strategy Quality of Life Public Engagement & Transparency Transportation Housing Sustainability & Fiscal Strategy Quality of Life Public Engagement & Transparency Transportation Housing Sustainability & Fiscal Strategy Quality of Life Public Engagement & Transparency Transportation Housing Sustainability & Fiscal Strategy Quality of Life Public Engagement & Transparency Transportation Housing Sustainability & Fiscal Strategy Quality of Life Public Engagement & Transparency Transportation Housing Sustainability & Fiscal Strategy Quality of Life Public Engagement & Transparency Transportation Housing Sustainability & Fiscal Strategy Quality of Life Public Engagement & Transparency Transportation Housing Sustainability & Fiscal Strategy Quality of Life Public Engagement & Transparency Transportation Housing Sustainability & Fiscal Strategy Quality of Life 10. 8. 9. 6. 7. 5. GoalProject Title Description Councilmember Top 10 City Work Program Project List Please use this from to add items from Attachment B or propose new items and select the appropriate Council Goal. Please indicate on pg. 2 the items that you wish to remove from Attachment B. Please return the form by email to TinaK@Cupertino.gov by noon on January 10, 2025. 1. 2. 3. 4. ATTACHMENT C 1 Please provide a bulleted list of any items in Attachment A that you recommend for removal. ATTACHMENT C 2