CC 12-17-2024 Item No. 5 Attachment B - Email from Mayor Chao - Council Committee AssignmentsFrom:Liang Chao To:Jo Nguyen; Kitty Moore Cc:Lauren Sapudar; Pamela Wu; Kirsten Squarcia Subject:Re: Request for Council Committee Assignments Date:Monday, December 16, 2024 12:33:56 AM Attachments:image.png 2023 External and Internal Committee Assingments - Liang.xls That's the draft committee assignment. Changes made to 2024 assignments in positions: Appointed two primaries and one alternate for the Audit Committee (rather than only two primaries) Appointed two primaries and one alternate for the School Partnership Committee (rather than only one primary and one alternate) Appointed two primaries for the Sister City Committees (rather than only one primary and one alternate) Here is the table by Councilmember. Regards, Liang Liang Chao​ Council Member City Council LiangChao@cupertino.org 408-777-3192 Attachment B