CC Resolution No. 24-113 to amend the Appointed Employees’ Compensation Program effective December 3, 2024RESOLUTION NO. 24-113
WHEREAS the City Council desires to amend the Appointed
Employees’ Compensation Program.
NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED that the Appointed Compensation
Program be amended which is incorporated in this resolution by this reference
and attached as Attachment E.
PASSED AND ADOPTED at a regular meeting of the City Council of the City of
Cupertino this 3rd day of December 2024, by the following vote:
Members of the City Council
AYES: Mohan, Fruen, Moore
NOES: Chao
Sheila Mohan, Mayor
City of Cupertino
Kirsten Squarcia, City Clerk
City of Cupertino
Policy No. 1
It is City of Cupertino policy that those certain persons holding positions hereinafter defined
and designated as appointed management employees by the City Council in the City Manager's Office
and the City Attorney’s Office shall be eligible for participation in the Appointed Employees'
Compensation Program as hereby adopted by action of the City Council and as same may be amended
or as otherwise modified from time to time.
Eligibility for inclusion in this Compensation program is limited to persons appointed
by the City Council and holding positions as management employees in the City Manager’s
Office and the City Attorney’s Office, as defined under section 2.52.290 of the Cupertino
Municipal Code. Eligible persons are designated by the Appointing Authority and may be
modified as circumstances warrant.
Although subject to change in accordance with the Personnel Code, the positions in the
following classifications have been designated as appointed employees.
Classification Title
City Manager
City Attorney
In the event of any inconsistency between the Compensation Program and any Employment
Contracts, the provisions of the Employment Contract and any amendments thereto control.
Adopted by Action of the City Council
July 1, 2010
Revised December 18, 2012; July 2019, August 18, 2020, June 15, 2021, November 16, 2021, July 19, 2022
City of Cupertino
Policy No. 2
It is City of Cupertino policy that eligible persons under this Compensation Program shall
be compensated for services rendered to and on behalf of the City on the basis of equitable pay
for duties and responsibilities assigned, meritorious service and comparability with similar work
in other public and private employment in the same labor market; all of which is contingent upon
the City's ability to pay consistent with its fiscal policies. The City Manager and City Attorney
salaries will be set by contract.
Adopted by Action of the City Council July 1, 2010
Revised October 2, 2012
Revised December 18, 2012, October 2016, September 6, 2017, November 6, 2017, January 7, 2019,
July 16, 2019, August 18, 2020, November 16, 2021, July 19, 2022, December 3, 2024
City of Cupertino
Policy No. 3
It is City of Cupertino policy that eligible persons under this Compensation Program shall
be reimbursed or receive advances in accordance with the schedules, terms and conditions
as set forth herein for attendance at conferences, meetings and training sessions as defined
below for each. It is the intent of this policy to encourage the continuing education and
awareness of said persons in the technical improvements and innovations in their fields of
endeavor as they apply to the City or to implement a City approved strategy for attracting
and retaining businesses in the City. One means of implementing this encouragement is
through a formal reimbursement and advance schedule for authorized attendance at such
conferences, meetings and training sessions.
A. Conferences
A conference is an annual meeting of a work related organization the membership of which may
be held in the name of the City or the individual.
B. Local Area
The local area is defined to be within Santa Clara and San Mateo Counties and within a 40-mile
distance from Cupertino when traveling to Alameda County.
C. Meetings
A "meeting" shall mean a convention, conference, seminar, workshop, meal, or like assembly
having to do with municipal government operations. An employee serving on a panel for
interviews of job applicants shall not come under this definition.
D. Training Session
A training session is any type of seminar or workshop the attendance at which is for the
purpose of obtaining information of a work related nature to benefit the City's operations or
to enhance the attendee's capabilities in the discharge of assigned duties and responsibilities.
A. Intent
This schedule is written with the intent that the employee will make every effort to find the
lowest possible cost to the City for traveling on City business. For example, if paying for
parking at the airport is less expensive that paying for a taxi or airport shuttle, then the
employee should drive their car and park at the airport; or if renting a car is lower than taking
taxis at the out-of-town location, then a car should be rented; or air reservations should be
booked in advance to obtain discounted fares. The following procedures apply whether the
expense is being paid through a reimbursement or a direct advance.
B. Registration
Registration fees for authorized attendance at a meeting or training session will be paid by the
C. Transportation
The City will pay transportation costs on the basis of the lowest cost intent stated in paragraph
A. Eligible transportation costs include airfare (with coach fare being the maximum), van or
taxi service to and from the attendee's home and airport, destination or airport parking
charges, taxi and shuttle services at the out-of-town location, trains, tolls, or rental cars. Use
of a personal automobile for City business shall be reimbursed or advanced at the rate per
mile in effect for such use, except in no case shall it exceed air coach fare if the vehicle is
being used for getting to the destination. Government or group rates offered by a provider of
transportation must be used when available.
Reimbursement or advances for use of a personal automobile on City business within a local area
will not be made so as to supplement that already being paid to those persons receiving a monthly
mileage allowance.
D. Lodging
Hotel or lodging expenses of the employee resulting from the authorized event or activity
defined in this policy will be reimbursed or advanced if the lodging and event occurs outside
of the local area. Not covered will be lodging expenses related to person(s) who are
accompanying the City member, but who themselves are not on City business. In this
instance, for example, the difference between single and multiple occupancy rates for a room
will not be reimbursed.
Where the lodging is in connection with a conference or other organized educational activity,
City-paid lodging costs shall not exceed the maximum group rate published by the conference
or activity sponsor, providing that lodging at the group rate is available at the time of booking.
If the group rate at the conference hotel is not available, then the non-conference lodging
policy described in the next paragraph should be followed to find another comparable hotel.
Where lodging is necessary for an activity that is not related to a conference or other
organized educational activity, reimbursement or advances shall be limited to the actual cost
of the room at a group or government rate. In the event that a group or government rate is
not available, lodging rates that do not exceed the median price for lodging for that area and
time period listed on travel websites like, or an
equivalent service shall be eligible for reimbursement or advancement.
E. Meals
1. With No Conference
Payments toward or reimbursement of meals related to authorized activities or events
shall be at the Internal Revenue Service per diem rate for meals and incidental expenses
for a given location, as stated by IRS publications 463 and 1542 and by the U.S. General
Services Administration. The per diem shall be split among meals as reasonably desired
and reduced accordingly for less than full travel days. If per diem is claimed, no receipts
are necessary. Alternatively, the actual cost of a meal can be claimed, within a standard
of reasonableness, but receipts must be kept and submitted for the expense incurred.
2. As Part of a Conference
When City personnel are attending a conference or other organized educational activity,
they shall be reimbursed or advanced for meals not provided by the activity, on a per
diem or actual cost basis. The per diem and actual cost rate shall follow the rules
described in the meals with no conference paragraph.
F. Other Expenses
Payments toward or reimbursement of expenses at such functions shall be limited to the actual
costs consistent with the application of reasonable standards.
Other reasonable expenses related to business purposes shall be paid consistent with this policy.
No payments shall be made unless, where available, receipts are kept and submitted for all
expenses incurred. When receipts are not available, qualifying expenditures shall be reimbursed
upon signing of an affidavit of expenditure.
No payment shall be made for any expenses incurred which are of a personal nature or not
within a standard of reasonableness for the situation as may be defined by the Finance
G. Non-Reimbursable Expenses
The City will not reimburse or advance payment toward expenses including, but not
limited to:
1. The personal portion of any trip;
2. Political or charitable contributions or events;
3. Family expenses, including those of a partner when accompanying the employee on City-
related business, as well as child or pet-related expenses;
4. Entertainment expenses, including theatre, shows, movies, sporting events, golf, spa
treatments, etc.
5. Gifts of any kind for any purpose;
6. Service club meals;
7. Alcoholic beverages;
8. Non-mileage personal automobile expenses including repairs, insurance, gasoline, traffic
citations; and
9. Personal losses incurred while on City business.
A. Budgetary Limitations
Reimbursement or advances for expenses relative to conferences, meeting or training sessions
shall not exceed the budgetary limitations.
A. Appropriation Policy
It shall be the policy of the City to appropriate funds subject to availability of resources.
B. Training Sessions
Payments toward or reimbursement of expenses incurred in attendance at training sessions,
will be appropriated annually through the budget process.
From time to time, it may be necessary for a City employee to request a direct cash advance
to cover anticipated expenses while traveling or doing business on the City's behalf. Such
request for an advance should be submitted to their supervisor no less than seven days prior to
the need for the advance with the following information: 1) Purpose of the expenditure; 2) The
anticipated amount of the expenditure (for example, hotel rates, meal costs, and transportation
expenses); and 3) The dates of the expenditure. An accounting of expenses and return of any
unused advance must be reported to the City within 30 calendar days of the employee's return
on the expense report described in Section VII.
All expense reimbursement requests or final accounting of advances received from the City
Manager must be approved by the City Attorney , on forms determined by the Administrative
Services Department, within 30 calendar days of an expense incurred, and accompanied by
a business purpose for all expenditures and a receipt for each non- per diem item. All
expense reimbursement requests or final accounting of advances received from the City
Attorney must be approved by the City Manager, on forms determined by the Administrative
Services Department, within 30 calendar days of an expense incurred, and accompanied by
a business purpose for all expenditures and a receipt for each non- per diem item.
Adopted by Action of the City Council
July 1, 2010
Revised December 18, 2012, August 18, 2020 , November 2023
City of Cupertino
Policy No. 4
It is City of Cupertino policy that under this Compensation Program the City Manager
shall be compensated fairly for the use of personal automotive vehicles on City business. In
many instances the use of personal vehicles is a condition of employment due to the absence
of sufficient City owned vehicles for general transportation purposes. It is not intended,
however, that such a condition of employment should work an undue hardship. For this reason,
the following policies shall apply for mileage reimbursements.
Those persons who occasionally are required to use their personal automobiles for City
business shall be reimbursed for such use at an appropriate rate established by the City Council.
Submission of reimbursement requests must be approved by the City Council.
The City Manager shall be paid a monthly automobile allowance of $500.
The City Attorney shall be paid a monthly automobile allowance of $350.
Employees receiving automobile allowance shall be eligible for reimbursement for travel that
exceeds two hundred miles round trip.
Adopted by Action of the City Council
July 1, 2010
Revised December 18, 2012
Revised October 20, 2015
Revised November 6, 2017
Revised August, 18, 2020
Revised June 15, 2021, November 16, 2021
City of Cupertino
Policy No. 5
It is City of Cupertino policy under this Compensation Program that the City Manager and
City Attorney shall be entitled to City sponsored association memberships as well as receiving
subscriptions to professional and technical publications. Such sponsorship, however, shall be
conditioned upon the several factors as set forth below.
Each association for which membership is claimed must be directly related to the field of
endeavor of the person to be benefited.
Subscriptions to or purchase of professional and technical publications may be provided at City
expense providing the subject matter and material generally contained therein are related to municipal
governmental operations.
Adopted by Action of the City Council
July 1, 2010
Revised December 18, 2012, June 15,
City of Cupertino
Policy No. 6
Management employees are ineligible for overtime payments for time worked in excess
of what otherwise would be considered as a normal work day or work week for other employees.
However, no deduction from leave balances are made when such an employee is absent for less
than a regular work day as long as the employee has his/her supervisor's approval. Nothing in
this policy precludes the alternative work schedule, which may include an absence of a full eight
hour day, when forty hours have been worked in the same seven day work period.
Adopted by Action of the City Council
July 1, 2010
Revised December 18, 2012
City of Cupertino
Policy No. 7
It is the policy of the City of Cupertino to provide group hospital and medical insurance
under which eligible persons under this Compensation Program and their dependents may be
covered. The purpose of this program is to promote and preserve the health of employees and
their families through comprehensive health plans available only through employer
Although the premium cost for the insurance provided remains the ultimate responsibility
of the employee in these positions, the City shall contribute the amounts listed below towards the
premium or pay the full cost of the premium if less than the stated amounts. If the premium
amounts for any employee covered by this policy are less than the amounts listed below per
month, the difference between the premium amount and the stated amounts will be included in
the employee's gross pay.
January 1, 2024 City Max Health
City Max *Dental
City Total Max
Employee 1,021.41 126.78 1,148.19
Employee +1 2,042.82 126.78 2,169.60
Employee +2 2,655.67 126.78 2,782.45
• For any change in the monthly medical plan premium charged by CalPERS in the
plan year 2025 compared to the plan year 2024, the City’s maximum contributions
shall be capped at no more than 6% for Unrepresented and Appointed Employees.
Any required contribution amounts exceeding the premium contribution of the
City are the responsibility of the employee.
Appointed employees in the City Manager and City Attorney positions will have immediate vesting
of retiree medical benefits, subject to said employee retiring from City service and CalPERS.
Adopted by Action of the City Council
July 1, 2010
Revised December 18, 2012, July 2013, October 2016, July 2019; December 2019, June 15, 2021, November
16, 2021 , November 7, 2023
City of Cupertino
Policy No. 8
It is the policy of the City of Cupertino to recognize days of historical and national
significance as holidays of the City without loss of pay or benefits. Recognizing the desirable
times throughout the year, it is the policy of the City of Cupertino to provide days off in lieu of
holidays for management and confidential employees at such times as are convenient for each
employee and supervisor, when such policy is compatible with the workload and schedule of the
The City provides the following fixed paid holidays for eligible employees covered by this
1. New Year's Day
2. Martin Luther King Day
3. Presidents' Day
4. Lunar New Year
5. Cesar Chavez Day
6. Memorial Day
7. Juneteenth
8. Independence Day
9. Labor Day
10. Veteran's Day
11. Thanksgiving Day
12. Day Following Thanksgiving
13. Christmas Eve
14. Christmas Day
15. New Year's Eve
When a holiday falls on a Sunday, the following Monday shall be observed as the non-work
day. When a holiday falls on a Saturday, the previous Friday shall be observed as the non-work
In addition to the paid holidays, employees occupying these positions shall be provided 20 floating
hours per calendar year as non-work time with full pay and benefits. Employees may accumulate
floating holiday hours up to two times their annual accrual. For Calendar Year 2023, Appointed
employees will receive one (1) floating holiday in lieu of Lunar New Year holiday.
Adopted by Action of the City Council
July 1, 2010
Revised December 18, 2012, July 2013, November 2023
City of Cupertino
Policy No. 9
It is the policy of the City of Cupertino to make available group insurance for eligible persons under
this Compensation Program that will mitigate the personal and family financial hardships resulting
from continuing disability that prevents an employee from performing gainfully in his or her
occupation. It is further the policy of the City of Cupertino to provide life insurance benefits in an
amount of two and one half times the employee's annual salary to a maximum of $250,000.00
The City Manager and City Attorney will participate in California State Disability Insurance (SDI).
SDI weekly benefits are determined by the State of California and information is available on the State
of California Employment Development Department website. Employee may use leave banks to
supplement lost salary during the 7-day elimination period. City Manager and City Attorney shall pay
the employee contribution rate of CA SDI, which will be deducted from their biweekly paychecks.
The City shall provide Long Term Disability (LTD) insurance for employees. LTD income protection
coverage shall be up to $7,000 of covered monthly salary. City Manager and City Attorney may use
sick leave and/or vacation leave to supplement lost salary during the 90 day elimination period.
Adopted by Action of the City Council
July 1, 2010
Revised December 18, 2012, October
2016, July 2019, August 18, 2020,
June 15, 2021
City of Cupertino
Policy No. 10
It is the policy of the City of Cupertino to provide equitable current compensation and
reasonable retirement security for eligible persons under this Compensation Program for
services performed for the City. The City participates in the California Public Employees'
Retirement System (PERS) and deferred compensation plans have been established. Both the
employee and employer may make contributions from current earnings to these plans. The
purpose of this policy is to promote means by which compensation may be provided in such
manner and form to best meet the requirements of the City and the needs of individual
employees, thereby increasing the ability, to attract and retain competent employees.
The City shall maintain and administer means by which employees in these positions may
defer portions of their current earnings for future utilization. Usage of such plans shall be subject
to such agreements, rules and procedures as are necessary to properly administer each plan.
Employee contributions to such plans may be made in such amounts as felt proper and necessary
to the employee. Employer contributions shall be as determined by the City Council.
Adopted by Action of the City Council
July 1, 2010
Revised December 18, 2012; July 2019
City of Cupertino
Policy No. 11
A. Employees hired on or before December 29, 2012 Only:
For employees hired on or before December 29, 2012, the City has contracted with CalPERS for a
2.7% @55 formula.
Effective in the first full pay period in July 2017, each employee shall pay the full 8.0% of applicable
salary of the employee’s contribution towards CalPERS.
B. For Employees hired by the City of Cupertino on December 30, 2012 or December 31,
2012 or a current CalPERS employee who qualifies as a classic member under CalPERS
Regulations Only:
For Employees hired by the City of Cupertino on December 30, 2012 or December 31, 2012 or a
current CalPERS employee who qualifies as a classic member under CalPERS Regulations only
the City has contracted with CalPERS for a 2.0% @ 60 retirement formula, three year average
Effective October 1, 2016, the City shall not pay the employee’s contribution rate to the California
Public Employees Retirement System (CalPERS) and each employee shall pay the full 7% of
applicable salary of the employee’s contribution towards CalPERS.
C. For new employees hired by the City of Cupertino on or after January 1, 2013 and do not
qualify as Classic members Only:
For new employees hired by the City of Cupertino on or after January 1, 2013 and do not qualify
as classic members as defined by CalPERS, CalPERS has by statute implemented a 2% @ 62
formula, three year average and employees in this category shall pay 50% of the normal cost rate
as determined by CalPERS.
Adopted by Action of the City Council
July 1, 2010
Revised October 2, 2012; December 18, 2012, July 2013, October 2016, July 2019
City of Cupertino
Policy No. 12
It is the policy of the City of Cupertino to provide dental insurance under which eligible
persons under this Compensation Program and their dependents may be covered. The purpose of
this program is to promote and preserve the health of employees.
The premium cost for the insurance provided by the City shall not exceed $114.30* per month
per employee. Enrollment in the plan or plans made available pursuant to this policy shall be in
accordance with Personnel Rules of the City and the provisions of the contract for such insurance
between the City and carrier or carriers.*Dental Coverage: Effective the first month after Council
adoption of agreement, dental coverage is capped at $2,500.00 per dependent per annual plan year for
the term of this contract.
Adopted by Action of City Council
July 1, 2010
Revised October 2, 2012; December 18, 2012,
October 2016, July 2019, July 19, 2022
City of Cupertino
Policy No. 13
Eligible persons under this Compensation Program shall accrue eighty (80) hours of
administrative leave with pay per year.
Employees may accumulate administrative leave hours up to two times their annual
Employees shall be eligible to convert administrative leave hours to pay one time each
calendar year.
Adopted by Action of the City Council
July 1, 2010
Revised December 18, 2012, October
2016; July 2019, November 16, 2021
City of Cupertino
Policy No. 14
It is the policy of the City of Cupertino to provide an Employee Assistance Program for
the benefit of eligible persons under this Compensation Program and their eligible dependents.
The purpose of this program is to provide professional assistance and counseling concerning
financial, legal, pre-retirement, and other matters of a personal nature.
Adopted by Action of the City Council
July 1, 2010
Revised December 18, 2012; July 2019
City of Cupertino
Policy No. 15
Housing assistance may be offered to eligible persons under this Compensation Program
pursuant to Resolution No. 15-092 as amended.
Adopted by Action of the City Council
July 1, 2010
Revised December 18, 2012
Revised October 20, 2015; July 2019
City of Cupertino
Policy No. 16
It is the policy of the City of Cupertino to provide vision insurance under which employees
and their dependents may be covered. The purpose of this program is to promote and preserve the
health of employees.
The premium cost for the insurance provided by the City shall not exceed $14.94 per
month per employee. Enrollment in the plan or plans made available pursuant to this policy shall
be in accordance with the provisions of the contract between the City and carrier or carriers
providing vision insurance coverage,
Adopted by Action of the City Council July 1, 2010
Revised October 2, 2012; December 18, 2012
City of Cupertino
Policy No. 17
It is the intent of the City to recognize the value of continuing education and professional
development of its employees; and to adopt an Education Reimbursement Program which will
encourage employees to avail themselves of City job related educational opportunities that will
advance their knowledge and interests in the direction of their career path. Courses should
either: a) maintain or improve job skills in the employee’s current position; b) be expressly
required by the City or by law; or c) prepare the employee to become a competitive applicant
for a different position with the City.
The Education Reimbursement Program is a benefit to all eligible, full time benefited
employees and provides education reimbursement of up to two thousand dollars ($2,000) per
calendar year for the cost of registration, required textbooks and/or materials and parking.
Employees who wish to seek reimbursement from the City for educational program costs shall
provide a written request for reimbursement in advance of enrollment to the Human Resources
Division. The form provided shall include the type of training, sponsoring organization or
institution, meeting times and costs. Human Resources and the employee’s department head
will make the determination if the chosen education program is eligible for reimbursement.
No employee shall receive any reimbursement until they have provided satisfactory proof of
successful completion of the coursework with a grade of “C” or above, or “Pass” in the case of
a Pass/Fail course. Such proof of completion shall be provided within 30 days of the conclusion
of the course.
Education reimbursement is a taxable benefit under IRS Code. Education reimbursement will
be applied to the calendar year in which the course is passed and satisfactory proof of
completion is submitted.
Mandatory or annual coursework, attendance at conferences and training required to maintain
job specific certifications or proficiencies are not included in the Education Reimbursement
Adopted by Action of the City Council July 16, 2019
City of Cupertino
Policy No. 18
Eligible appointed employees shall have the privilege of enrollment in City sponsored
recreation programs at the City residents’ fee structure and in preference to non-residents
wishing to enroll. Each calendar year, employees and family members on the employee’s
dental plan are eligible to be reimbursed up to $500 per employee in Rec Bucks. Employees
shall be reimbursed for approved recreation services in accordance with the City’s Recreation
Buck Policies. Programs allowing for preregistration will be reimbursed after completion of
the program, including those allowing for or requiring preregistration in the calendar year prior
to reimbursement. Reimbursements shall be applied to the year in which they are received.
Benefited employees will also receive a free employee-only annual Cupertino Sports Center
membership. Part-time benefited employees will have the annual amount of Recreation Bucks
prorated based on number of hours worked. Recreation Bucks are a taxable benefit under IRS
Code, and must be used by the employee within the calendar year and are non-transferrable.
City employees are eligible to participate in the City’s wellness program as provided for in the
City’s Administrative Rules and Regulations.
Adopted by Action of the City Council July 16, 2019
City of Cupertino
The salaries, wages, or rates of pay for City Attorney and City Manager employees whose
positions are exempt under the provisions of the Cupertino Municipal Code, are set forth
below. Only the City Council can modify these rates.
Monthly Salary Effective June 3, 2019
Classification Step 1 Step 2 Step 3 Step 4 Step 5
City Manager $0 $0 $0 $0 $19,916.67
Monthly Salary Effective June 3, 2020
Classification Step 1 Step 2 Step 3 Step 4 Step 5
City Manager $0 $0 $0 $0 $22,916.66
Monthly Salary Effective June 15, 2021
Classification Step 1 Step 2 Step 3 Step 4 Step 5
City Manager $0 $0 $0 $0 $22,916.66
City Attorney $0 $0 $0 $0 $21,250.00
Monthly Salary Effective January 3, 2022
Classification Step 1 Step 2 Step 3 Step 4 Step 5
City Manager $0 $0 $0 $0 $24,000.00
City Attorney $0 $0 $0 $0 $21,250.00
Monthly Salary Effective July 20, 2022
Classification Step 1 Step 2 Step 3 Step 4 Step 5
City Manager $0 $0 $0 $0 $24,833.33
City Attorney $0 $0 $0 $0 $23,333.33
Monthly Salary Effective August 29, 2022
Classification Step 1 Step 2 Step 3 Step 4 Step 5
City Manager $0 $0 $0 $0 $26,075.00
City Attorney $0 $0 $0 $0 $23,333.33
Monthly Salary Effective the First Full Pay Period of July, 2023
Classification Step 1 Step 2 Step 3 Step 4 Step 5
City Manager $0 $0 $0 $0 $26,987.63
City Attorney $0 $0 $0 $0 $23,333.33
Monthly Salary Effective December 3, 2024
Classification Step 1 Step 2 Step 3 Step 4 Step 5
City Manager $0 $0 $0 $0 $26,987.63
City Attorney $0 $0 $0 $0 $25,875.00